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My small book on

Grade 7 Biology Crosswords

June Jaydip
Basic biology

Cell Robert hooke coined the term __________

Microscope Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek constructed the first __________________.
Membrane Each cell is bound by a thin covering called cell___________, it controls the movement of material in and out of the cell.
Cellulose cell wall is made up of _____________.
Cytoplasm The space between the cell membrane and the nucleus is filled by a jelly like substance called________________.
Nucleus the largest cell organelle,spherical or oval in shape controls the vital activities of the cell.
Nuclear nucleus is surrounded by _______________membrane.
Nucleoplasm the nuclear membrane encloses a colourless dense fluid called___________.
Chromatin the nucleoplasm contains a network of thread like structures called__________network.
Chromosomes at the time of cell division the chromatin network forms small thread like structures called_________________.
Gene the chromosomes carry ___________which are responsible for hereditary characters.
Nucleus ___________ is also known as control centre.
Endoplasmic a network of tube like structures found throughout the cytoplasm is known as ___________reticulum.
Ribosomes small round structures present either in free state in the cytoplasm or attached to the surface of the endoplasmic reticulum, helps to make proteins
in the cell.’
Mitochondria rod shaped organelles, also known as powerhouse of the cell.
Golgi stack of parallel flattened cisternae and some vesicles is known as ____________bodies.
Dictyosomes in plant cells the golgi bodies are smaller, unconnected and more in number and are known as ___________.
Plastids organelle present only in plants,photosynthesis takes place here.
Chloroplasts also known as kitchen of the cell.
Chloroplast green plastids containing a pigment called chlorophyll.
Grana stacks of flat sac like structures bound by membranes present in a chloroplast.
Stroma present in a chloroplast contains many enzymes and starch grains.
Leucoplast colourless plastids, which store food prepared in the plant.
Chromoplast coloured plastids found in fruits and flowers.
Lysosomes ___________ is also known as suicidal bags.
Lysosomes small vesicles helps in intracellular digestion.
Centrosome found only in animal cell guides cell division.
Vacuole bound by a single membrane called tonoplast and encloses fluid called cell sap.
Tonoplast the membrane of a vacuole is known as ___________________.
Organisation in living things
Cell The lowest level of organisation.
Tissue cells that have similar structure and perform similar functions is called __________.
Organ different types of tissue in the living organism are organised to form _________which perform a specific function.
Species a group of living organisms which can breed among themselves.
Population all members or individuals of a particular species living in a green area constitutes its _______________.
Community all the organisms living together in an area make up a ________________.
Producer all the green plants that prepare their own food are known as _____________.
Consumer animals that depend on plant for food are _______________.
Herbivores the animals that depend on plant for food are known as ______________.
Carnivores animal that eat flesh are known as ___________________.
Omnivores animals that eat both plant and flesh are known as ______________.
Decomposer bacteria and fungi are known as _____________________.
Ecosystem biotic components and abiotic components interact with each other this forms an __________________.
Biosphere the zone on the earth in which all living beings exist and has many ecosystem.
Epithelial this covers the external surface of the body an well as lines the internal organ.
Muscular an animal tissue present in every part of the body, involved in the movement of various parts of the body.
Cardiac a special type of muscle present in the heart.
Nervous this tissue is made of ling nerve cells called neurons.
Neuron Nerve cell is also known as ________________
Cyton cell body is also known as __________________.
Dendrites numerous thread like branches extend from all side of the cell body.
Connective this tissue supports different parts of the body.
Blood a fluid connective tissue is known as _____________.
Erythrocytes RBCs are also known as _______________.
Leucocytes WBCs are also known as _______________.
Thrombocytes Blood platelets are also known as ________________
Lymph blood without the RBCs.
Cambium a tree gains thickness because of meristematic tissue present between its xylem and phloem this is called _________________
Permanent the tissues that do not divide further is known as ______________.
Parenchyma this tissue is made up of thin walled cells, stores food materials.
Collenchyma these cells are thickened at the corners and gives strength to the plant.
Sclerenchyma these cells have thick cell wall, these cells are dead, gives mechanical strength to the plant.
Xylem this tissue is composed of vessels, tracheids, fibres and xylem parenchyma.
Xylem this tissue conducts water.
Phloem this tissue is composed of sieve cells, phloem fibres and phloem parenchyma.

Life processes movement in animals and plants

Locomotion the movement of the entire body of the animal from one place to another.
Pseudopodia An amoeba uses __________ for locomotion.
Paramecium An organism that uses cilia for locomotion.
Euglena An organism that uses flagellum for locomotion.
Tentacles hydra uses ___________ for locomotion.
Three insects have __________pairs of jointed legs for movement.
Tendons tough and inelastic tissues that attach muscles to the bones.
Ligaments strong, elastic band of connective tissue that holds two or more bones together at joints.
Cartilage found wherever two or more bones comes together and helps in shock absorption.
Immovable fixed joints are also known as _____________joints.
Partially the joints that allow only little movement are known as _________movable joint.
Movable A joint that allows full movement of bones is called ____________joint.
Hinge a joint that allows movement of bones in only one direction is called __________joint.
Socket Ball and______________ joint end of one bone is rounded and fits into the hollow part of the other bone.
Pivot this joint allows rotating movement from side to side as in the head is known as __________joint.
Gliding this joint allows sliding movement that is two bones slide over each other is known as _______joint.
Flexor a muscle that contracts and causes the part of the body to move towards the body is called ______.
Extensor a muscle that contracts and makes the body part straight or moves it away from the body is called ___________.
Phototropism the movement of a plant part in response to the light.
Positively some parts of the plant move toward the light are known as _____________phototropic
Negatively some parts of the plant move away from the light are known as _________phototropic
Geotropism the movement of plant parts in response to the force of gravity
Positively roots of a plant are _________geotropic
Negatively the shoot of a plant are ____________geotropic.
Hydrotropism the movement of a plant part in response to the moisture.
Thigmotropism a growth in response to touch
Nastic plant movement that occur in response to environmental stimuli.

Life processes: nutrition in animals and plants

Nutrients substances that a body needs to live and grow.
Nutrition the process by which the body obtains food and utilises the nutrients is known as __________.
Autotrophs organisms that prepare their own food are known as ____________.
Heterotrophs the animals that directly or indirectly obtain their food from plant are known as ___________.
Producers the autrotrophs are also known as
Consumers the heterotrophs are also known as _____________.
Herbivores animals that feed on plants are known as _______________.
Carnivores animals that feed on flesh are known as ____________.
Omnivores the animals that eat both plant and flesh are known as _________________.
Scavengers the animals that feed on dead animals are called__________________.
Decomposer the micro organism that consume mainly dead remains of plants and animals are known as ___________________.
Carbohydrates the nutrients that provide the main source of energy to the body.
Iodine presence of starch in a food item can be tested using ___________solution.
Fats ___________nutrient is found in oils, butter, meat, ghee.
Glycerol fats are made up of fatty acids and _____________________.
Proteins the nutrient that provide the body with materials for cell growth and repair
Proteins ___________ is made up of amino acids.
Casein a protein found in milk
Albumin a protein found in egg white.
Water vitamin B and C are ____________soluble vitamins
Fat vitamin D, E, K and A are _____________soluble.
Minerals an element that helps the body to function normally ant to use other nutrient.
Blindness lack of vitamin A in the food causes night ________________.
Beriberi lack of vitamin B causes a disease called______________.
Scurvy lack of vitamin C causes a disease called__________________.
Rickets lack of vitamin D causes a disease in children.
Haemorrhage lack of vitamin K causes __________________.
Cellulose plant cell wall is made up of __________________.
Roughage ______________prevents constipation.
Balanced a diet that contains all the nutrients in the right quantity is known as ______________ diet.
Calories the energy present in the food is measured in _______________.
Obesity A condition in which the person is very fat.
Epidermis the outer layer of a leaf is made up of a single layer of cells called____________.
Palisade below the upper epidermis is a layer of long narrow cells called ___________tissue.
Spongy Below the palisade tissue are loosely packed cells called __________________.
Stomata lower epidermis of a leaf as small opening called __________.
Guard each stomata has tow bean shaped cells called ________cells.
Variegated the leaves that are partially green and partially coloured are known as __________leaves.
Vascular all plant have a transport system called_________system
Xylem the vascular tissue is composed of _________ and phloem.
Saprophytes organisms that depend on dead and decaying matter.
Parasites the organism that feed on food made by other organisms.
Parasite haustoria is a ________________.
Cuscuta dodder is also known as __________________.
Insectivorous pitcher plant is an _________plant.
Symbiosis the relationship of mutually helping each other is known as ______________.
Macronutrients the nutrients required in large quantities by the organism are called _____________.
Micronutrients the nutrients required in small quantities by the organism are called______________.

Life processes ingestion, digestion, absorption and assimilation

Ingestion the process of taking in of food.
Digestion the process in which the complex food taken in is changed into simple, absorbale form by the action of certain enzymes.
Absorption the process in which the digested food is absorbed by the body.
Assimilation the absorbed food material is utilized by the body to provide energy.
Egestion the process by which undigested insoluble food is eliminated from the body.
Mechanical food is chewed and broken into smaller pieces with the help of teeth, in the mouth this is called _________digestion.
Chemical food is digested by the action of enzymes is called __________digestion.
Incisors the front teeth that cut the food is called___________
Canine this teeth helps in tearing the food.
Premolars molar and _________help in grinding the food.
Peristalsis wave like motion of the muscles pushes the food along the alimentary canal is known as _________.
Pepsin the gastric juice of the stomach contains two enzymes __________ and rennin.
Rennin _________enzyme changes the milk proteins into insoluble curd.
Chyme the food in the stomach in the form of thick paste is called __________.
Duodenum the upper part of the small intestine is known as __________________.
Bile _____________is secreted by the liver.
Emulsification bile helps in the ___________ of fat.
Trypsin _________ and lipase are two main enzymes present in the pancreatic juice.
Ileum from the duodenum the food moves to the ________________.
Villi the small intestine has finger like projections called ____________.
Alimentary the digestive system from the oesophagus to the anus is called ________________ canal.
Faeces the undigested food forms ______________.
Glucose maltase changes maltose to __________________.
Fructose sucrase changes sucrose into glucose and _______________.
Galactose lactase changes lactose into glucose and _________________.

Life processes: respiration and excretion in animals and plants

Respiration the digested food is absorbed by our body and is oxidised to produce energy, water and carbon di oxide this process is known as
Breathing the process of taking in air is called____________.
Breathing external respiration is also known as ___________________.
Cellular the internal respiration is also known as _______________ respiration.
Adenosinetriphosphate the full form of ATP is__________________.
Aerobic the respiration that takes place in the presence of oxygen is called __________respiration.
Anaerobic the respiration that takes place in the absence of oxygen is called __________respiration.
Diffusion unicellular organisms like amoeba and paramecium exchange gases from the body surface by ____________.
Trachea insects like grasshoppers use air tubes for breathing.
Spiracles trachea receives air through_____________.
Gills fishes breathe through _____________.
Cutaneous exchange of gases through the skin is called ______________ respiration.
Earthworms exchange gases through moist skin.
Mucus the inside of the nose is covered by a sticky fluid called___________.
Pharynx the region behind the nose and mouth, leading to the throat.
Larynx the lower portion of the pharynx leads to the _____________.
Bronchi the two branching tubes of trachea are called_____________.
Bronchioles the bronchi divides into smaller branches called_____________.
Oxygen RBCs carry ______________ to all the cells of the body.
Diaphragm below the lungs is a muscular sheet called________________.
Lenticels opening in the bark of a tree through which exchange of gases takes place.
Transpiration the process of losing water in the form of water vapour from a living plant is known as _________________.
Excretion the process of removal of waste formed as a result of chemical reactions in the body is known as ________________.
Excretory the organs that help to get rid of waste are called ______________organ.
Nephridia the excretory organ of a earthworm is called__________________.
Malpighian the excretory organ of a cockroach is known as _________________.
Nephrons the structural and functional unit of kidney.
Uriniferous nephrons are also known as _______________tubule.
Bowmans each nephron consists of a cup shaped structure at one end called ___________capsule.
Life under a microscope.
Microorganism the organisms that can be seen only through a microscope are called _____________.
Cocci spherical shaped bacteria.
Bacilli rod shaped bacteria.
Spirilla spiral shaped bacteria.
Botulism canned food items some times have anaerobic bacteria which releases certain toxic substances causing a dangerous disease called_________
Pasteurised milk is ______________to prevent it from turning sour.
Chlamydomonas singled celled algae.
Spirogyra filamentous algae.
Volvox colonial algae.
Laminaria ___________ and focus are brown algae.
Kelp laminaria is commonly known as _____________.
Algin kelp has a gummy substance called ______________which is used in the preparation of ice cream and toothpaste.
Agar ___________is obtained from red algae.
Plasmodium _____________causes malaria#
Giardia _____________causes diarrhoea
Trypanosoma ____________causes sleeping sickness
Entamoeba ______________causes amoebic dysentery
Penicillium the antibiotic penicillin is obtained from __________________.
Fungal Ringworm and athlete’s foot are common ____________diseases.
About The Author

[June Jaydip]
Born to Tamil parents, June has taken
her first lessen in various parts of
northern India, including Leh,
Jalandhar, Assam and UP. She has
completed her graduation in Science
Education (B.Sc.Ed) from Regional
Institute of Education, Mysore. There
after she has had her post-graduation
in Environmental Science from
Sikkim Manipal University of health
and Medicine. June started her career
as Elementary coordinator at British
International School. She has served
the Government of Maldives, as HOD
science and at present she is working
with the Amber Valley Residential
School, Chikmagalur. Teaching
younger minds is her first love and
various creative patches she has learnt
from RIE are fabricated in to her
classroom. She likes teaching and
learning new techniques to make the
learning and teaching both enjoyable.

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