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AUGUST 3, 2008
10:15 AM


Calvin Presbyterian Church
260 Maus Drive
N. Huntingdon, PA 15642

We are delighted that you have chosen to join us in worship this Lord’s day. It is our sincere
hope and prayer that you know the saving presence, power, love and authority of our King
and Savior Jesus Christ during our time together in worship. Recognizing that you are about
to meet God in a special way, we encourage you to prepare for worship in silent prayer as you
enter the sanctuary.

As a church, we value family worship, and therefore children of all ages are welcome to join us
for the entire worship service at their parent’s discretion. An optional children’s worship time
is available for children between age 5 through 3rd grade. Children will be dismissed for this
service before the pastoral prayer and welcomed back into the regular service before the
Lord’s Supper. Childcare is also available in the church’s infant and toddler nurseries during
the service. Please do not hesitate to ask a greeter for assistance.


Calvin Presbyterian Church exists for the glory of God, the proclamation of His Gospel, and
the growth and edification of God’s people. We are an Evangelical and Reformed church. By
Evangelical, we mean that we emphasize the gospel (good news of salvation) through faith in
Jesus Christ, affirm orthodox Christian doctrines and hold to the inerrancy of Scripture. By
Reformed, we mean that we are connected to the teachings of the historic church and the doc-
trinal beliefs recovered by the Reformation. These doctrinal beliefs are expressed in the West-
minster Confession of Faith.

We are a member church of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), a denomination formed
to be “Faithful to the Scriptures, True to the Reformed Faith, and Obedient to the Great Com-
mission.” The PCA emphasizes the need for both theological reformation and personal revival.
True theological reformation keeps us grounded in the historic truths of Biblical Christianity.
True personal revival keeps us living in joyful fellowship with and submission to our Lord. We
are committed to God-centered worship, in which we celebrate and affirm God’s gracious cove-
nant to redeem his people; and we are committed to engaging our culture with the glorious
truth that Jesus is Lord.

CD’s, Audio & videotapes of each service are available in the hallway
Sermons are now available online by visiting

Prelude & Reflections

We can talk about religion in terms of ecclesiastical liturgy or the peaceful private practice of
our devotions, but the real issue is where do you stand when the moment of truth comes,
when your life or reputation is at stake? The altar of heaven is filled with the disembodied
spirits of the saints, or the martyred dead, who have refused to compromise their loyalty to
Christ, and who have paid with their lives. They wait for the day of their vindication, when
Christ will appear before them, to crown them with a crown of righteousness.

R. C. Sproul, A Walk With God – an Exposition of Luke


* The Divine Call to Worship Psalm 29:1-2

* Prayer of Invocation

* Trinity Hymn Praise to the Lord, the Almighty #53

The Reading of the Law Deuteronomy 6:4-17

Silent Confession of Sin

Corporate Confession of Sin

Almighty and most merciful Father, we have erred and strayed from Your ways like lost
sheep. We have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts. We have
offended against Your holy laws. We have left undone those things which we ought to
have done, and we have done those things which we ought not to have done, and there
is no health in us. O Lord, have mercy upon us, miserable offenders. Spare those, O
God, who confess their sins. Restore those who are penitent, according to Your promises
declared to us in Christ Jesus our Lord. And grant, O most merciful Father, for His sake,
that we may hereafter live a godly, righteous, and sober life, to the glory of Your holy
name. Amen.

Our Elder Assistant today is Gary Keller

* The Reading of the Gospel Micah 7:18-19

* Song of Renewal
Gerrit Gustafson ©1990 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music

Only by grace can we enter, only by grace can we stand

Not by our human endeavor, but by the blood of the Lamb
Into Your presence You call us, You call us to come
Into Your presence You draw us, and now by Your grace we come
Now by Your grace we come

Lord if You mark our transgressions,

Who would stand, thanks to Your grace
We are cleansed by the blood of the Lamb

Lord if You mark our transgressions,

Who would stand, thanks to Your grace
We are cleansed by the blood of the Lamb (Repeat 1st part)

* Confession of Faith
Westminster Shorter Catechism, Q. 94-95

Q. 94. What is baptism?

A. Baptism is a sacrament, wherein the washing with water in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, does signify and seal our ingrafting into Christ,
and partaking of the benefits of the covenant of grace, and our engagement to be the

Q. 95. To whom is baptism to be administered?

A. Baptism is not to be administered to any that are out of the visible church, till they
profess their faith in Christ, and obedience to him; but the infants of such as are
members of the visible church are to be baptized.

* Congregation Stands
* Songs of Praise


Dennis Jernigan Mt. 13:44,45; John 1:29 ©1990 Shepherd’s Heart Music

You are my strength when I am weak, You are the Treasure that I seek,
You are my All in All.
Seeking You as a precious jewel, Lord, to give up I’d be a fool.
You are my All in All.

Jesus, Lamb of God, Worthy is Your name.

Jesus, Lamb of God, Worthy is Your name.

Taking my sin, my cross, my shame, rising again I bless Your name.

You are my All in All.
When I fall down, You pick me up; when I am dry, You fill my cup,
You are my All in All! (Chorus).


Samuel Stennett ©1997 Christopher Miner Music

On Jordan's stormy banks I stand and cast a wishful eye

To Canaan's fair and happy land, where my possessions lie

All o'er those wide extended plains shines one eternal day
There God the Son forever reigns and scatters night away (Chorus)
I am bound (I am bound), I am bound (I am bound)
I am bound for the promised land
I am bound (I am bound), I am bound (I am bound)
I am bound for promised land

No chilling winds nor poisonous breath can reach that healthful shore
Sickness sorrow pain and death are felt and feared no more (Chorus)

When shall I see that happy place and be forever blessed

When shall I see my Father's face and in His bosom rest (Chorus)

CCLI 54618

Our Elder Assistant today is Gary Keller

Offering Prayer, Offering

* Doxology (Trinity Hymnal #731)

* Psalm 133 (Tune—O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing) Trinity Psalter

Children may be dismissed after the Psalm


Pastoral Prayer

Sermon Unashamed of Jesus (Luke 9:23-27)

* Psalm of Praise: Psalm 145, vs. 1-4 (Children return from Children’s Worship Service)
Tune: “Jesus Shall Reign”
I will Thee praise, my God, O King. And I will ever bless Thy name;
I will extol Thee every day, and evermore Thy praise proclaim.

The LORD is great; He praise exceeds; His greatness fully search can none;
Race shall to race extol Thy deeds and tell Thy mighty acts each one.

Invitation to the Lord’s Table

Guidelines for the reception of communion: We invite all Christians who profess faith in Jesus Christ, and
who are members in good standing of congregations that proclaim the gospel, to participate and to receive
Holy Communion. As the elements are distributed, we encourage you to spend time in silent communion,
thanksgiving, and prayer.

Prayer of Consecration

Words of Institution and Distribution of the Elements


* Trinity Hymn Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah #110

* Benediction

Announcements (Please pass the Friendship Register at this time)

* Congregation Stands

Today 6:30 PM A Ray of Light in Utter Darkness (Amos 5:1-17) - Chris Malamisuro

Tuesday 7:00 PM Sr. Youth Fellowship (grades 9-12)

Wednesday 7:00 PM Bible Study in Hebrews led by Elder Joel Ankney

Friday 10:30 AM Youth Bible Study & Lunch

Sunday 9:00 AM Sunday School for all ages

Combined Adult Sunday School Class (Sanctuary)
10:15 AM The Overwhelming Glory of Jesus (Luke 9:28-36)
6:30 PM Let Justice Roll Down (Amos 5:18-27) - Chris Malamisuro

D. Ricketts, M. Blair, R. Karl (D. Ewer)/infant; C. Warner & D. Gould/preschool
Evening Service: Debbie Morris (Tracy Ankney)
Children’s Worship Service: Jeremy & Vanessa Whipkey

Next Week’s Volunteers

S. McClaflin, M. Skarzynski, J. Francis (C. Miedel)/infant; D. White, R. Fournier/preschool
Evening Service: Kristin Rozeboom (Debbie Morris)
Children’s Worship Service: Kristin Pensenstadler and Melissa Karl

Sunday School offering supports the Christian Education Fund.

Assistive Listening Units are Available - If you have difficulty hearing all of the service the deacons have
installed an assistive listening system. Please ask one of the greeters or any deacon and they will give
you a very discrete hearing device that fits in your ear with an adjustable volume control.
Please pass the Friendship Register during the announcement time and mark accordingly
 Inquirer's Class - Pastor Aaron will offer a weekend class on August 29-30 (Friday 7-9, Saturday
9:30 AM—12:30 PM). This class is for those who desire to learn more about our church and its be-
liefs and is required for those interested in joining the church but not necessary for those transferring
from another PCA church. Please mark Friendship Register #1 if you would like to attend.

 Trip to the Zoo—The Youth Group is taking a trip to the zoo on Tuesday, August 12. All junior
and senior high youth are invited as well as anyone else who may like to chaperone/drive or attend
with us. We will meet at the church at 9:30 am and return at 5 pm. Please indicate if you would drive
or would like to join us for the day. There will be no SYF that night.

GIFT is coming up soon! Please mark your calendars for August 13-15. We are still in need of
some helpers in the kitchen preparing meals, a Kindergarten-1st Grade teacher, and a craft coor-
dinator. If you can help in any of these areas, please contact Kristin Rozeboom
( or 920-889-8957). The title of the adult class is “God's Undertaker: Has
Science Buried God?” led by Pastor Aaron.

Pilgrims Progress Performance, August 9 & 23, 1:30—4 PM (rain date Aug. 16) - Registration forms
are available on the back table for those who would like to experience this timeless classic that in-
cludes a 2 1/2 mile rigorous hike at the Taylor Farm. This event if for those 9 years and older (under
12 must be accompanied by a parent). Contact the Taylors at 724-446-7732 for more information.

Next Deacons’ Meeting is scheduled for August 11 at 7 PM.

“Life Matters: a conversation about cancer”-- This deeply moving inspirational DVD has ar-
rived in our library. The gentleman interviewed by Alistair Begg fought a long and difficult
battle with cancer. He offers biblical help to others as they deal with similar circumstances.

Reformation Study Bibles (ESV)—A case of these excellent Bibles was purchased at a discounted
price. They are available for a donation of $16.00 (regularly $27). Contact Liz Morris for more info.

Foundations Biblical Support Group—Harvest USA Greater Pittsburgh Region is offering a short-
term biblical support group—called Foundations—to help men who deal with the effects of sexual sin
and brokenness. To learn more, visit Brochures are available on the back table.

• Worldview Study, Friday, August 8: “What is Man?” 10:30—2:00, includes lunch and games.


It is interesting that Amos paints a fresh portrait of moral corruption at this point, for it
is a way of saying that corruption like this can coexist with a highly developed sense of
religion. Amos has already talked about corruption in Israel. Chapters 1 and 2 led up
to it, showing that it was the same as and equal to the corruption found in the pagan
countries round about. The end of chapter 3 suggests it by reference to the
extraordinary wealth of the people. Now the corruption is shown to exist alongside
Israel’s fervent religious practice. We find a list of details in chapter 5. There is:
injustice in the courts, hatred of truth, disregard of the poor, oppression, and
corresponding vices…. Israel’s injustices existed quite peacefully with its popular
religion. This seems surprising, but it is not really so. Similar corruption has existed
alongside religion in all ages.
James Boice, “How God Views Religion” in Minor Prophets

* The Divine Call to Worship Psalm 33:1-3

* Opening Prayer

* Trinity Hymn All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name #296

Prayer of the Saints: Adoration & Thanksgiving

Selected Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs

Prayer of the Saints: Confession & Supplication

Sermon A Ray of Light in Utter Darkness (Amos 5:1-17) - Chris Malamisuro

* Closing Trinity Hymn Gloria Patri #735

* Benediction

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