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Sigit Arif Bowo

Institut Agama Islam Negeri Surakarta, Indonesia
Jalan Pandawa, Pucangan, Kartasura, Sukoharjo, Indonesia
Corresponding Author:

Article History:
Submitted: 12 Desember 2019; Revised: 12 January 2020; Accepted: 16 January 2020
DOI: 10.26858/retorika.v13i1.11490

RETORIKA: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Pengajarannya under

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
ISSN: 2614-2716 (cetak), ISSN: 2301-4768 (daring)

Abstract: This study aims to reveal the form of ecological intelligence in the novel Si Anak Pintar
(SAP) by Tere Liye. This research is in the form of descriptive qualitative. Data collection tech-
niques using the technique of reading and taking notes. Theory triangulation is used to validate da-
ta. Content analysis is used as an interactive analysis technique. The results of the analysis show
that the forms of ecological intelligence contained in the SAP novel are (1) identifying ecosystem
components; (2) understanding the function of ecosystem components; (3) understanding the natu-
ral and environmental management system; (4) understanding environmental values; (5) showing
concern for environmental damage; (6) adapting the environment; (7) solving problems from envi-
ronmental effects; (8) managing natural resources; and (9) using the environment positively.

Keywords: Ecological intelligence, novel, Si Anak Pintar

Forest fires that have affected many areas in spread distribution occurring in the Kalimantan
Indonesia have attracted serious attention from and Sumatra islands (http://www.bnpb.
various parties, including neighbouring coun- The effect of forest fires is a thick smoke
tries. This haze affects not only local inhabit- haze that decreases driving visibility and re-
ants but also Malaysia and Singapore. Accord- duces the air quality that results in a URI. Sev-
ing to data from the National Disaster Man- eral regions reported a decrease in air quality
agement Agency (BNPB), more than 800 thou- by showing unhealthy levels. It resulted in the
sand hectares of land were burned during 2019. citizens should have to evacuate and treated
This figure is higher than the area of land with oxygen. Another effect is the reduction of
burned in previous years. Nearly all of Indone- forest area as the world's lungs. Destruction of
sia's regions experience forest fires on both the forest also causes some animals to lose
peatlands and mineral land with the most wide- their ecosystems so that they look for new lo-

Bowo, Ecological Intelligence on Novel ... 147

cations in residential areas. Nevertheless, there entertainment, but literature is also a useful
are not small economic losses. educational media. The message contained is
BNPB data showed that 99 % of forest always relevant to time circumstances. Al-
fires are caused by humans, while the remain- Ma'ruf and Nugraheni (2017:46) explained that
der is caused by natural factors. For forest various literary values enrich mental treasure
fires, the human factor is conducted individual- which is not found elsewhere such as social,
ly or in groups. Ordinarily to clear land. It is humanitarian, cultural, ambition, sympathy,
done because of their desires or paid by certain tolerance can build motivation and character.
parties. About 80% of the land is used for The Novel of Si Anak Pintar–after this
plantations after forest fires. (http:/www. abbreviated to SAP–by Tere Liye is one of the novels of the Indonesian family series. The
The greed of a few individuals is due to a novel is full of values which can be used as a
lack of ecological awareness. According to representation of social phenomena. The novel
Harsono (2008), ecology is defined as a study includes elements that can be used as guidance
of the patterns of relationships between plants, for knowledge and environmental awareness.
animals and humans in their environment. Eco- Literary works which raise environmental
logical awareness must be developed to reduce issues are known as ecocriticism or literary
the impact of environmental damage to achieve ecology. Ecocriticism is the science which dis-
sustainable living. Yuniarto (2013: 12) added cusses literature's relationship to the physical
that environmental awareness is a deep mental environment, as stated by Glotfelty (1996:
awareness that comes from knowledge and xviii). Garrard (2012:5) stated, in accordance
experience about the nature of the environment with this opinion, that ecocritics is a research
as a system that must be managed with full that explores relations between human beings
responsibility. and other components, including the history of
According to Kuo (2013:61), ecological human culture, which includes literary rela-
awareness is related to local wisdom. The tionships with the environment. Ecocritics is
form can be seen in traditional customs, such unique among contemporary literary and cul-
as the request to hunt, heaven's thanks for the tural theories because of their close relation-
food, and so on. Turner et al. (2000) strength- ship with ecology.
ened this belief by claiming that ecological Endraswara (2016:4-5) explains that liter-
knowledge is related to sustainable living prac- ary ecology needs to reveal: (1) the application
tices and strategies, philosophies or world- of ecological concepts into literature when the
views, and the communication and exchange of approach is made by making the earth (nature)
knowledge and information. the center of its study; (2) capturing literature
Based on the explanation above, it can be as a text that reflects ecological conditions,
concluded that ecological awareness is an such as dirty, clean, inundated, and so on; (3)
awareness that is manifested in the form of studying certain environmental receptions on
attitudes, knowledge, and actions of responsi- literary works; (4) capturing the role of the en-
bility for the existence of the environment. vironment in creative literature.
Ecological awareness is also associated with Garrard (2012:6) explained that specifical-
local wisdom as a source of life perspectives in ly, ecocritics studies could not contribute much
order to preserve a sustainable environment. to debates on ecological issues. This research
In particular, such literary works pose en- will, however, help to define, analyze and offer
vironmental or ecological concerns. That is solutions from a different perspective to eco-
reasonable because literature is a form of social logical problems. One form of perspective of-
representation. Fannanie (2001) revealed that fered by ecocritics in responding to environ-
literary works seem associated with particular mental problems is through ecological intelli-
momentum in human history because more gence. Suwandi et al. (2016) explained that
social events than art are taken from them. The ecological intelligence is the ability of humans
social reality is, however, packaged as works to interact, adapt, regulate, maintain, preserve,
added by fictional narratives. and utilize the environment for human life as
Literary works have different advantages best as possible with full responsibility. Be-
as a representation of life portraits. Not only as sides, Suwandi et al. (2017) said that there
148 RETORIKA: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya,
Volume 13, No. 1, February 2020, pp. 146–155

were nine aspects of ecological intelligence Based on the opinions of these experts, it
based on the results of his synthesis of theories can be defined that ecological intelligence is
proposed by various experts. the ability of humans to interact and manage
First, identify ecosystem components. the environment as well as sustainable life as
Generally, the ecosystem is divided into two possible. Furthermore, the form of ecological
components: abiotic and biotic. The abiotic intelligence that will be used as an analytical
component consists of inanimate objects, while tool is a form of ecological intelligence deliv-
the biotic component consists of living things. ered by Suwandi et al.
Second, understand the function and usefulness Some researchers explore the ecological
of ecosystem components. Each component of forms in literary works such as Prasetya and
the ecosystem, both abiotic and biotic, has Nurhadi (2019) through the results of their re-
functions and usefulness. Exploration activities search entitled Spiritual Ecology in Novels of
will add insight into the functions and uses of Glonggong written by Junaedi Setiyono and
previously unknown ecosystem components. Jatisaba written by Ramayda Akmal. The
Third, understand the natural and environmen- study described the Javanese ecology in the
tal management system. Good management Glonggong and Jatisaba novels. There are two
will have a good environmental impact as well ways of representing the environment's mutual
and vice versa. The effect that can be seen is relationship with humans: (1) humans live in
environmental destruction that harms people harmony with nature and (2) man regulate na-
and other living things. ture. Of the two forms of relationship in the
Fourth, understand environmental values. two novels, there are a Java-nese spirituality
Ecological intelligence cannot be separated that influences environmental management,
from values. Nature always teaches the value including saduluran (kinship), bisa ajur ajer
of how to relate, manage and utilize its results. (able to adapt and select), and nrima ing
The values of local wisdom, religious values pandhum (accepting all gifts or sincerity).
and moral values are very closely related to the Another study conducted by Lusyantie et
community. Fifth, empathy for environmental al. (2019) entitled Environment and Habitus in
damage. Not only related to knowledge and Kalimantan Folklore and Papuan Folk Stories
skills alone, ecological intelligence also in- Ecocritical Study. The research focused on eth-
volves aspects of attitude. Empathy values ical studies of (1) respect for nature, (2) atti-
against damage to the environment and pollu- tude of responsibility towards nature, (3) atti-
tion must be shown. Sixth, adapt the behaviour tude of solidarity with nature, (4) attitude of
to the environment. Each region has unique compassion and care for nature and (5) attitude
characteristics. Even in the effort to process of non-intrusion towards nature shown in liter-
and utilize nature needs adaptation. It is in- ary works. Through this research, several find-
tended that the processing activities can work ings were obtained regarding the pollution of
efficiently and effectively. In addition, there the aquatic environment, habitat destruction,
are no adverse and harmful effects on the envi- and management of nature or the environment.
ronment. Based on the explanation of relevant theo-
Seventh, find solutions to environmental ries and research that have been submitted, this
impacts. Environmental damage is unaccepta- research will discuss about the form of ecolog-
ble. In order to mitigate the damage, an initia- ical intelligence in the novel Si Anak Pintar by
tive which is followed by concrete steps is Liye (2019).
needed. Eighth, manage natural resources. As
time passes, the use of natural resources can METHOD
not be avoided. Management activities must,
however, pay attention to all aspects, including This type of research is descriptive qua-
the ecosystem within them. Nine, use the envi- litative. The data source of this research is Tere
ronment positively. It needs proper studies and Liye's novel Si Anak Pintar, published in 2019
policies to make use of the environment. Full with 349 pages. The data in this study are in
efficiency is desired without disturbing the bal- the form of words, phrases and sentences con-
ance of the current ecosystem. tained in the novel Si Anak Pintar by Tere Liye
Bowo, Ecological Intelligence on Novel ... 149

related to ecological intelligence. Data collec- Based on the above quotation, it can be
tion techniques using reading and writing tech- seen that in the forest ecosystem, there are bio-
niques. Theory triangulation is used to validate tic components in the form of birds, lenguh
data. While interactive analysis is used to ana- simpai, and insects. Components such as birds
lyze the problems studied. The analysis steps is and insects can be found in other ecosystems.
done by (a) data collection, carried out by col- For example, in the ecosystem of rice fields
lecting library materials and repeatedly reading and fields. The interesting thing is the exist-
in the novel Si Anak Pintar, (b) data reduction, ence of lenguh simpai. Lenguh simpai is the
carried out by recording, classifying data and designation of local residents for a type of yel-
discarding data that is not following the re- low-haired monkey. If we observe, maybe the
search problem, (c) the presentation of data is existence of these animals is only in the forest
done by presenting data based on the results of in certain areas. It may be that the same type
research and formulation of the problem, and will be found in other regions with different
(d) drawing conclusions. names and different species. Extensive insight
is needed in the identification of ecosystem
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION components for further uses such as mapping
the types and locations of animals as a form of
Findings preservation of flora and fauna.
Table 1. Results of Ecological Intelligence
Based on the results of the analysis, there are Types Found in Novel of SAP
nine forms of ecological intelligence in the
novel Si Anak Pintar by Tere Liye, which are Ecological Intelligence
Number Amount
described as follows. (1) identifying ecosystem types
components; (2) understanding the function of 1. Identifying ecosystem 14
ecosystem components; (3) understanding the components
2. Understanding the func- 6
natural and environmental management sys-
tion of ecosystem compo-
tem; (4) understanding environmental values; nents
(5) showing concern for environmental dam- 3. Understanding the natural 14
age; (6) adapting the environment; (7) solving and environmental man-
problems from environmental effects; (8) man- agement system
aging natural resources; and (9) using the envi- 4. Understanding environ- 13
ronment positively. The data presentation from mental values
the results of the analysis is shown in the Table 5. Showing concern for en- 1
1. vironmental damage
6. Adapting the environment 3
Identifying Ecosystem Components 7. Solving problems from 2
environmental effects
The ecosystem component is an important 8. Managing natural re- 4
part of an environment. Its presence is not only sources
a part of the ecosystem. Moreover, these com- 9. Using the environment 3
ponents are involved in the cycle system. Each
ecosystem has similarities and different com- Understanding the Function of Ecosystem
ponents. Some of these components have a Components
relationship (symbiosis) and some are not. Ex-
amples of ecosystem components included in By nature, God has provided for all plea-
quotation of the novel SAP are as follows. sures. With all the advantages and benefits,
Today we are allowed again to help clear
including plants, diverse abiotic and biotic
the land. It's fun listening to the noise of components are produced. Various plants are
birds, lenguh simpai (a kind of yellow- created with various functions. From the roots
haired monkey), and the rattling of in- to the leaves, the benefits can be taken. Some
sects along the way. (SAP, pages 288)) are made into wood, food wrappers, even food.
However, there are plants that remove water
150 RETORIKA: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya,
Volume 13, No. 1, February 2020, pp. 146–155

from the roots that can be drunk. It takes great carried out by father, as indicated in the fol-
knowledge and extensive experience to know lowing quotation.
this because not everything can be drunk. That
is just as Bakwo Dar did in the quotation be- How crossing the trees that are felled evenly
low. across the entire plot of land, not only piling
up on one side but less on the other, is the key
Bakwo Dar also showed his extensive to the success of the burning phase. Wrongly
knowledge of natural affection. When finding arranged, the land will be pockmarked, some
a tree root that hung down from a giant tree, parts are too fertile, some are otherwise. That
Bakwo Dar called out to us. Bakwo Dar is why father told me not to cut down tree
pointed to the roots. "Are you thirsty?" We trunks immediately, and there is a formu-la.
nodded. Bakwo Dar pulled one of the roots (SAP, pages 290).
closer. Splash! Cut it once cut. and ... Oh!
Clearwater flows swiftly from the root frag- Based on the above quote, it turns out that
ments. Bakwo Dar expressively drank it, and the production of land for planting has a man-
we, of course, scrambled to be given a turn. agement system that is not easy. Land can be
(SAP, pages 281) fertile to be planted when it has sufficient nu-
trients. Those nutrients are obtained through
Based on the quote above, it seems the
perfect combustion results. Combustion can
vast expertise and experience of Bakwo Dar.
work well if the leaves and trees have entirely
He can identify and understand the function of
dried up and evenly covered the soil. The ex-
certain trees whose roots can release water to
citing thing about the quote is “sudah ada ru-
drink. Indeed, the information is not gained by
musnya”. Simply passing through the clearing
entering the forest once or twice. There are, of
of land to combustion requires a formula. The
course, many more advantages from other parts
formula, of course, does not come from specu-
of the plant which have not been identified for
lation, but from many experiments or experi-
their use. Many mysteries about the benefits of
ence. Understanding the management steps
plants that have not been solved. For example,
will have an impact on working efficiency as
discovered the benefits of plant roots that can
well as time, energy and cost-efficiency. In
treat cancer. That opens up the horizon space
addition, the conservation of nature and the
as well as challenges in the field of research to
environment is maintained.
explore the benefits of other plants.
Understanding Environmental Values
Understanding the Natural and Environ-
mental Management System The process of planting seeds into rice
requires a long process. In contrast to modern
Nature and environment management de- agriculture, which sometimes ignores values,
mands knowledge and insight. It is intended to traditional agriculture still retains values. These
allow the process performed to proceed well. values are demonstrated in both religious and
Additionally, the negative impacts can be min- social ways. It can be seen from the following
imized or will produce a positive impact. The quote.
same thing happened during clearing and burn-
ing down the forest. Clear knowledge of the Ooi, planting a grain grows into seven
management system is needed to maximize its Seven stems bloom seven stems
effectiveness and reduce risks to the maximum Seven stems bear seven fruits
possible degree. Management can be interpret- Multiply the goodness of nature's rulers
ed as planning, implementation and evaluation
Wak Yati began the procession of stock-ing
of the post-activity activities. Planning starts seeds. Her raspy voice eloquently chanted, to
from cleaning the bush, cutting trees, and mak- the ends of the land.. (SAP, pages 310)
ing the separation. Implementation begins with
dry bushes and trees burning up until they are The quotation above is a form of religious
entirely burned while the post-activity evalua- value that is still being used when planting.
tion is performed by ensuring the results of The song is offered to The ruler of nature as a
perfect combustion. The form of understanding hope for the good of agricultural products.
of the environmental management system is Land, fields, forests are part of nature created
Bowo, Ecological Intelligence on Novel ... 151

by God. Farming activities cannot be separated We understand, once the forest perishes, our
from religious aspects. Farming is more than lives also perish. Do the forest destroyers
just for biological needs; it is a form of synergy from the city have that understanding? This is
with nature. the difference between them and us. (SAP,
pages 296—297).
Agricultural activities cannot be separated
from religious values. Such a pattern can be Based on the quote, the attitude of empa-
found in Java agriculture as well. Several pro- thy or concern for environmental damage is
cessions have been carried out as part of agri- embedded in the citizens. This attitude is a
culture. For example, the existence of alms source of knowledge and action. Knowledge
made with the hope that the harvest could be gained is the awareness that life will also per-
abundant. More-over, post-harvest residents ish if forests perish. Forest fire perpetrators
also make the same thing as an expression of should pay attention to this value because the
gratitude for the crops given and the hope that temporary benefits that aren't comparable to
there will be abundant yields from subsequent the impact of the losses that have occurred.
planting activities. The destruction of the forest has produced a
Furthermore, traditional farming is still large domino effect.
full of social values. This value is realized in All parties, especially those directly in-
the form of gathering together when there is a volved (the perpetrators), should own concern
celebration or thanksgiving from one of the for natural damage and environmental pollu-
community members. That is commonly done tion. Government efforts to overcome the na-
in partnership with one another. Land clearing ture destruction will be in vain if the perpetra-
and seeding activities are carried out by involv- tors do not have the awareness and empathy.
ing the surrounding community. It can be seen Empathy must be maintained by all parties,
from the following quotation. both individuals and corporate groups, in addi-
After nearly three months of preparation, tion to clear and firm regulations.
starting from saving shrubs, cutting down
tree trunks, making dividing lines, then burn- Adapting the Environment
ing, the fields are ready for use. Today is the
day to sow seeds. Mamak only invited all the The environment is constantly changing
villagers, as well as thanksgiving. (SAP, pag- due to various factors. The changes are occur-
es 305) ring faster than predicted. The method that is
usually used sometimes has to be adapted to
Social values and mutual cooperation still new circumstances. Quick adaptation is neces-
exist in the rural environment. Preparations to sary to keep track of the changes that occur,
clear the land for months and spread the seeds even in agricultural activities. Changes occur-
are done together. There is a collective agree- ring in land, plants, and the environment re-
ment to this value. The owner of the land quire a quick response. It can be seen from the
should feel happy with mutual assistance pro- quotation below.
grams; the activities carried out can work and
can minimize expenses to pay for labour costs. When the rice straw is getting higher, you in-
In the meantime, other residents also feel hap- vite us to put cans filled with coral in every
py to be able to support others and with the corner of the field ... like a spider's web, all
expectation that other residents will also assist the cans are connected to the loom with a raf-
fia rope. (SAP, pages 313)
if they have a need.

Showing Concern for Environmental Dam- Based on the above quotation, Bapak has
the ability to adapt the environment well.
When the rice stem is higher, it means that the
Empathy is an important form of personal- stem begins to contain rice seeds. That will
ity to have. Concern for environmental damage undoubtedly have consequences in the form of
must be built into a person. The environ- nuisance animals such as birds and pigs mov-
mentcare attitude is formed through empathy. ing in. Adaptation is accomplished by placing
It is as in the quote below.
152 RETORIKA: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya,
Volume 13, No. 1, February 2020, pp. 146–155

stonefilled cans bound with raffia. Another a form of environmental love and efforts to
way is to make a fence like the quote below. prevent unwanted impacts.
Father also made fences around the fields, Managing Natural Resources
using hundreds of small pieces of wood. This
tight fence is essential to prevent wild ani- Natural resources become a source of
mals from entering and damaging rice stalks. support for human life. Its existence is the driv-
(SAP, pages 312). ing force of human life. Good management
will maintain its sustainability and usefulness.
Those behavior is a response to anticipate
One effort to make the management last a long
the negative effects of crop failure due to being
time is to preserve it. Natural resource conser-
eaten by animals. If we observe that Bapak’s or
vation is done through the implementation of a
the farmers’ response seems simple. With this
system of natural cycles, that is, reopening old
simple technology, however, it has proven to
fields. As explained in the quotation below.
be effective and efficient in solving pest-
causing problems. It challenges developers of It is a mistake if there is a rate of villagers
agricultural technology to create inventions in who have contributed to the most significant
agriculture and others that lead to natural portion of forest destruction. In fact, from
changes or developments in agriculture. decades ago until now, the area of land
planted by villagers was just that. Not every
Solving Problems from Environmental Ef- year they burn the forest. More like a natural
fects cycle, it is just reopening old fields that have
not been taken care of for years. (SAP, pages
Forest fires are disasters that occur as a re- 279)
sult of natural and human factors. Human fac- Based on the above quotation, it can be
tors can be divided into accidental or intention- seen that the villagers individually and collec-
al. The desire to clear land easily and cheaply tively protect nature. The management system
makes individuals or corporations uncon- is applied by implementing a natural cycle
cerned. However, those did not happen to method by clearing the once used land. When
Bapak and other residents. Bapak is very thor- its use is limited, it will apply opening up new
ough and carefully calculates the situation be- land. If the land is less productive, then the old
fore burning, especially for peatlands that are cleared land is recycled, and so on. Implement-
flammable. It is in accordance with the follow- ing such a system will still maintain the natural
ing quote. balance. The amount of land cultivated and not
"You do not want the whole forest to go up in touched will remain the same.
flames, do you?" Dad relaxed, asking when
Burlian asked why we had to do it. So, with- Using the Environment Positively
out asking again, we began to draw a divid-
ing line. With an area of one hectare, that The environment must be used and man-
means that nearly four hundred meters of the aged positively. One form is to make planning
dividing line take two weeks. (SAP, pages and priority scale. Cutting trees that are part of
295.) the future land is among the stages of activity
in clearing land. Not all trees should be cut off
Sometimes forest fires occur due to hu- from the activity. Productive and useful plants
man accidental factors. Land that is not burned and trees must be considered. Bapak and resi-
gets burned because of the influence of natural dents' activity in clearing land observe this as-
factors like wind. We, therefore, need a solu- pect. It is shown in the following quote.
tion to these problems. Based on the quote, the
solution to avoid forest fires when burning land Except for the five trees that were delib-
is to make a separator. The separator is made erately left behind, all the trees in that piece
to ensure that the fire does not spread to other of the forest had been cut down. Five remain-
lands. It requires a lot of effort and time in ing three of them durian tree and two mango-
mathematical terms. Such efforts, however, are steen trees. (SAP, pages 295)
Bowo, Ecological Intelligence on Novel ... 153

Durian and mangos teen trees are seasonal ecocritical elements and have not examined
fruit trees whose benefits and delicious fruits ecological intelligence. Ecological intelligence
are very well known. Forest cutting or land is a form of a solution that can be used to over-
clearing activities should pay attention to use- come environmental problems. As stated by
fulness aspects. Plants and trees that have ben- Garrard (2012:6) that an ecocritics study pro-
efits must be preserved. Land clearing does not vides solutions to environmental problems
mean cutting or burning down plants without from a different perspective.
seeing positive aspects. Additionally, other It is important to master the ability to
aspects, such as the presence or absence of identify ecosystem components and their func-
threatened plant or animal species, should be tions. Biodiversity and natural resources are an
taken into account when determining the loca- irreplaceable part of the ecosystem. Its exist-
tion of the land. Do not expect advantages but ence is bound together by a symbiosis. For ex-
sacrifice a lot. ample, the existence of fauna in the forest as
their habitat. If the forest is reduced or deplet-
Discussion ed, the survival of the fauna is likely to be
threatened. Understanding the components and
Based on the results of the analysis, there functions of an ecosystem will make people
are nine forms of ecological intelligence in the know how important the existence of these
novel Si Anak Pintar by Tere Liye. Ecocritical components.
studies aim to persuade people to rethink the Keeping ecosystem components continu-
relationship that humans should have with the ous requires an understanding of natural man-
environment because global conditions are in- agement systems. The desire to explore the
creasingly competitive with modern lifestyles existence of Natural Resources will end with
that affect the environment. Winarno (2017) irresponsible exploitation if not followed up by
said that globalisation, which overexploited a good management system. That is why it
natural resources, triggered economic competi- takes an understanding of environmental val-
tion. These activities resulted in a global envi- ues. Local wisdom values which have protect-
ronmental crisis. ed nature need to be preserved. If that is done,
Ecocritical analysis of literary works re- a responsible attitude will develop in natural
veals problems and solutions to environmental resource utilization.
issues. Jahan & Islam (2016) revealed an eco- It is also necessary to develop attitudes
critical study of the novel An Enemy of the towards environmental damage in addition to
People. Critical studies of cultural texts not understanding the components of the ecosys-
only contribute to the emergence of ecological tems and the values. This attitude can be real-
awareness but also to the policy of developing ized by showing concern for environmental
natural construction. A similar form was also damage. Pollution and environmental damage
conveyed by Uniawati (2014), who discussed is an inevitable phenomenon. Through empa-
the symbiotic relationship between humans and thy, somebody will have the knowledge and
the sea and the romanticism of men in women behaviour needed to make progress. These ac-
and nature. There are three categories of hu- tions can take the form of environmental adap-
man relations with nature; (1) nature must be tation, solving problems from environmental
feared; (2) nature must be conquered, (3) main- impacts, managing natural resources, and using
tain the harmony of nature. the environment positively.
Another example was given by Juanda The results of this study can be used as a
(2018), who conveyed the phenomenon of en- reference in the literature of learning at both
vironmental exploitation in the short story primary and secondary and university levels. It
of newspaper. The study results showed that is in line with Bowers (2011) opinion that a
there are six environmental phenomena that rethink of ecological intelligence's contribution
consist of pollution (water pollution), wilder- to education is needed. There are at least three
ness (forest destruction), natural disasters connections that need attention. First, formu-
(landslides), animal settlements, and earth. late the attributes of ecological intelligence so
However, the results of existing research that each individual understands their charac-
are still under discussion on the analysis of teristics. Second, a broad teacher understand-
154 RETORIKA: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya,
Volume 13, No. 1, February 2020, pp. 146–155

ing for internalizing early understanding of knowledge, skills, and participation. Efforts to
environmental limitations. Third, about how to increase ecological intelligence through school
revitalize culture, how ecological awareness and learning programs need to be supported by
enters learning activities. all parties. Through learning, this form of eco-
If we look closely, the nine types of eco- logical intelligence can be developed in teach-
logical intelligence have been internalized in ing materials such as reading and evaluation.
the form of aspects of learning which include
knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Knowledge
as-pects are reflected in the forms of ecological CONCLUSION
intelligence number one to four. The value of
attitude is reflected in ecological intelligence Ecological intelligence is something that
number five. While ecological intelligence everyone must have. Based on the results of
number six to nine forms the value of skills. the analysis, there are nine forms of ecological
Internalization of ecological intelligence intelligence in the novel Si Anak Pintar by
through literary works is possible in learning Tere Liye, including: (1) identifying ecosystem
activities. Literary work as a social reflection components; (2) understanding the function of
plays a role in the development of culture and ecosystem components; (3) understanding the
national character. Curriculum Research and natural and environmental management sys-
Development Agency (2010:7) reinforces that tem; (4) understanding environmental values;
education based on culture and character func- (5) showing concern for environmental dam-
tions as the development of the potential of age; (6) adapting the environment; (7) solving
students to become well-behaved and dignified problems from environmental effects; (8) man-
individuals. Furthermore, these activities are aging natural resources; and (9) using the envi-
also a means of cultural screening. ronment positively. Those forms should be
Ecological intelligence in the SAP novel owned by everyone in response to fires and
is very appropriate to be used as an alternative natural damage which are increasingly una-
solution to internalize student characters. voidable. Ecological intelligence is used as a
Mainaki et al. (2018) reported that the degree guideline for maintaining, managing, and using
of ecological intelligence differs among high nature as well as possible and with full respon-
school students in Cimahi. Based on the eco- sibility. Besides, ecological intelligence can be
logical intelligence component, the attitude internalized through literary learning as teach-
aspect has the highest score, followed by ing material.


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