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International Conference on Media Studies 2017 (ICMS’17)



Umi Khumairoh1, Sari Narulita2, Firdaus Wajdi3

Department of Islamic Studies, State University of Jakarta (
Department of Islamic Studies, State University of Jakarta (
Department of Islamic Studies, State University of Jakarta (

Abstract: This paper aims to explore and analyze the step and process improvement
intrapersonal communication through religious tourism at Makam Keramat Luar Batang Mosque in
Jakarta. Intrapersonal communication is communication that takes place in a person, includes
talking to themselves and the activities to observe and provide meaning (intellectual and emotional)
to the surrounding environment. While religious tourism Makam Keramat Luar Batang Mosque is
one of the famous religious tourism in Jakarta, which many are visited by individuals or groups. The
approach in this paper used descriptive qualitative approach by respondents were visitors at Makam
Keramat Luar Batang Mosque in Jakarta. This research resulted in some important points about the
process of improvement of intrapersonal communication through religious tourism.

KEYWORDS: Intrapersonal Communications, Makam Keramat Luar Batang Mosque, Religious


In this time, understanding communications concerning intrapersonal was minimal. And
that is what made the difference in perception with others in sensing the environment. The
difference occurs because the process of communication with yourself capable of providing
different points of view, the meaning and also how to respond to events disekitarya. But rarely do
people who understand that one of the causes of these differences because of the lack of someone
to understand themselves (intrapersonal communication) that lead to conflicts with others by not
being able to understand themselves and others and events surrounding the well.
Thus, intrapersonal communication is communication that underlie a person in
understanding yourself and others when people communicate with each other. Intrapersonal
communication is also a trigger for other forms of communication. When interpersonal
communication with others, then the most important thing is to communicate with yourself. When
a person is able to communicate well about themselves, it can be said he is able to understand
others. Therefore, one must be able to improve the ability to understand oneself.
Today there are many ways in which the individuals in enhancing the ability to
understand themselves among others by following the training ESQ (The Emotional and Spiritual
Quotient), leadership training and motivational seminars. But sometimes, not all people have the
opportunity to attend trainings and seminars, one reason is the high cost. In addition, training and
seminars are also deemed less effective to develop intrapersonal communication due to the impact
of changes in a person felt only temporary.
But, the fact religious tourism is indicated as another solution in increasing intrapersonal
communication in addition to training and seminars. Religious tourism can be done by everyone
without constraints of time and high costs to get it. Religious tourism is not just travel, but travel
the spiritual motif as a means to draw closer to God Almighty and develop intrapersonal
communications yourself by Allah SWT.
From the description above, the fact how process individual should be to improve
intrapersonal communication? What is the role of religious tourism in improving the intrapersonal
communication? and the last, What are indicators of intrapersonal communication which should
be individual? Questions like these, need to get a clear answer so that we can know the role of
religious tourism in improving one's ability intrapersonal.
In this case, researchers will put forward the research results in the form of an increase in
intrapersonal communication via one of the religious tourism in Indonesia, especially Jakarta,
namely Makam Keramat Luar Batang Mosque.


This research is qualitative research is a field research by collecting information or data about
the circumstances significantly from the people and observed behavior is then collected and expressed
in the form of words and images, words arranged in sentences, such sentences result between
researcher and informant interviews.

1. The research approach

This research uses an ethnographic approach. Ethnographic study (ethnographic studies)
describe and interpret the cultural, social group or system. Ethnography is an empirical and theoretical
approaches aimed at gaining in-depth description and analysis of the culture based on field research
intensive. Ethnographer charge of making a deep painting depicting 'plurality conceptual structures
are complex', including assumptions that are not said and is regarded as the fairness of life. An
ethnographer focuses its attention to the details of local life and connect with social processes more
2. Data Collection Techniques
In accordance with a form of qualitative research approach, the data collection techniques used
is to record an ethnographic observations and interviews. To collect data in research activities needed
ways or techniques specific data collection, so that the research process can run smoothly. Data
sources and types of data consisting of words and actions, writing, photos.


Intrapersonal communication is the communication that occurs with oneself. This is an internal
dialogue and can even occur when shared with other people though. Uniquely, intrapersonal
communication includes where we can imagine, daydream, perceive and solve problems in our
Stanley B. Cunningham in his "Intrapersonal Communication, A Review and Critique" call
intrapersonal communication process that occurs in a person would take place as follows:
1. Talk to yourself
Communication occurs in themselves or going on a conversation with yourself.
2. There Dialog
Dialogue is a process of exchange of messages and processing of meaning in human beings
between the I and Me. I represent a part of the human self itself, the Me represents a social product
3. The course of the negotiating process based on man and his environment or adaptation occurs with
the environment. Here there is a process using stimuli (stimulus) from within ourselves.
4. Perception
Individuals receive, store and describe briefly symbol.
5. The process of mutual affect between "raw data," perception and understanding given. The raw
data from the perception is processed to understand.
6. Process Data
Is a function of good representations of point 4 and 5.
7. Feed Back
The occurrence of feedback and is highly dependent on the point 3 and 6 2

Richard West and Lynn. H. Turner, Pengantar Teori Komunikasi, (Jakarta: Salemba Humanika, 2009),
hlm. 34
Stanley B. Cunningham . Intrapersonal Communication: A Review And Critique {Appears In Aitken &
Shedletsky (Eds.). Intrapersonal Communication Processes, Pp. 3-18)
G.Inseman and L.Barker in his "Speech Interpersonal Communication" describes the process of
events in a person communicator, driven by internal and external stimulus. Internal stimulants show
physiological or psychological situations, such as hunger or anxiety. While the external stimulus
coming from the surrounding environment communicator.
Information processing intrapersonal include sensation, perception, memory and thinking.
Sensation is the process of capturing the stimulation that comes in human beings (internal stimulation)
and from outside the human self (external stimulation). 3
Attention is the mental process when the stimulation or stimulation circuit became prominent in
consciousness upon other stimulation weakens.
In the next stage of perception processed into memory, which is the process of storing
information and save it again. In short, the memory passed through three processes, recording, storage
and recall. Recording is called encoding is recording informai through sensory receptor and the
internal neural circuits. Storage (storage), the second is to determine how long the information is to be
with us, in what form and where. Dialling (retrievel) in everyday language to remember again, is to
use the information stored.
In the final stages of memory would be followed by a phase of thinking, namely stage process
and manipulate information to meet the needs or respond. The thinking we do in order to take a
decision (decision making), problem solving (problem solving), and generates new problems

Listen Conscience

Intrapersonal communication that occurs in a person closely associated with the role of
conscience. when someone is communicating with him, indirectly is undergoing "the operation"
Here are some steps intrapersonal communication with conscience retrospective:

• The first step is to thank God for the gift of life that have been obtained in the past.

• The second step is reviewing our actions and reactions of our conscience.
In intrapersonal communication with conscience retrospectively, one can browse through each of the
events experienced on that day from waking up to going to a night's rest. Here are some questions that
are often terbesit minds of everyone when you're communicating with himself over everything that
has been experienced or done:
1. What we did that day; what is the motivation that drives us to do: for the task, its own initiative,
demand of others; what the results of our actions at that time, what did our conscience when we do
and what the conscience is now above our deeds.
2. what we did that day; What prompted us to say it; what the results of our speech it; what the word
conscience when we say it / what our conscience says at this point?
3. anyone who we meet today; what we do with and katakana on each person; Why do so; what the
word conscience in our time to do so; What says our conscience today?

• The third step is to discuss and draw conclusions.

In this step, we communicate intrapersonal self-conscience about the action we did, the words we
speak, and the encounter with the people we meet on that day; the extent to which conscience
reprimand, censure, blame and punish and as far manapula praise and reward. With this
communication we are trying to revisit the "operations" of our conscience on that day; and draw
conclusions where surgery conscience is good and what is not good.

• The fourth step is to behave and was taking steps. After drawing conclusions whether the operation
of conscience is good or not good, then the next is to determine the attitude to be done in improving
the sensitivity and the sharpness of one's conscience. for example, there is a grandmother want to
cross the road then our conscience say that there will be others who will help so that we do not help

Jalaluddin Rakhmat. Psikologi Komunikasi (Bandung : Remaja Karya, 1986) hlm. 49
the old lady to cross the street. It turned out that no one was helping grandmother. At that time, we are
starting to do intrapersonal communication via the conscience. then disimpulkanlah that the operation
of conscience at the time was wrong. Then we began to take steps to help the old lady. Intrapersonal
communication process takes place very quickly. So by communicating intrapersonal it will develop a
sensitivity to one's conscience..4

The above description shows that the process is complicated in man when he did intrapersonal
communication process. The process runs fast, so that people can immediately decide what he would
do. The following examples will show us the use of intrapersonal communication in everyday life.
Activities including intrapersonal communication, namely the process of meaning (interpreting
something), thinking and understanding, problem solving, evaluation, decision-making, memory,
introspection, reflection, awareness, dreams, fantasies, and feelings. Meanwhile in the book Meaning
and Mind, Leonard Shedletsky, explaining that the intrapersonal communication include: perceptions,
memories, thoughts, feelings, interpret, conclusions, evaluation



Religious tourism is defined as tourism activities to a place that has special significance for
religious people, usually a place of worship that has its advantages. This excess, for example in terms
of history, their myths and legends about the place, or the uniqueness and excellence of its
Travel means a visit or a trip to see, hear, enjoy and learn something. Whether it be an element
in terms of geography, which presents the natural beauty of Allah's creation by making travelers more
grateful. The historical element, by presenting the remains of history by making tourists feel the
passage of time, and be grateful for his life. And the cultural element, by presenting the art of a region
that tourists feel that Allah has given creativity, aesthetic taste, and imagination in humans.
Religion term literally means the belief in the power of human akodrati above. According to
Sidi Gazalba, religion is the belief in and man's relationship with the Holy One, lived as the essence of
the supernatural, a relationship which expresses itself in the form and system of cult and attitudes by
particular doctrine.
Thus, religious tourism is a type of religious tourism undertaken by a person or group so as a
means to draw closer to God Almighty and obtain blessings in life.
In religious tourism, there are several products that can be served is the tomb of respected
citizens as the guardian of Allah, scholars, Islamic militants, and preachers or disseminators of Islam.
There is also the important relics of the past, for example the historic mosque, a place to hold an
important meeting about Islam, as well as weapons used in upholding the tenets of Islam. In general,
religious tourism has an important role for the community is to improve the ethics and religious
experience, expand the spirit of friendship, network development, foster mutual understanding of the
difference, and will inspire to always hold approach and mutual respect.
In addition to religious tourism can reduce social conflicts. The mutual distrust of each other,
both individuals and groups due to lack of know each other, both in terms of customs, culture, history,
habits and social inequality. Visit each other through religious tourism can reduce or eliminate mutual
suspicion and jealousy, because of communication and getting to know each other. Visit each other
and know each other is the key to strengthen the unity and cohesion.
Based on the description above, it is known that one of the roles of religious tourism that is
increasing intrapersonal communication skills. By visiting religious tourism, then one can improve the
ability of self-awareness to respect each other, eliminating suspicious of others and appreciate the
differences in perceptions so as to reduce social conflict.
Beside that, a pilgrimage to the tomb of the religious tourism can enhance one's spiritual values
and sensitivity to the surrounding environment. When the armored, someone will remember death,

Agus M. Hardjana. Komunikasi Intrapersonal dan Interpersonal (Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2003).hlm 57-
communicating with yourself against behavior that has done some good and some not yet where
people are going through the process of self-understanding.
In a research conducted by researchers at one of the religious tourism in Indonesia, namely
Tomb Keramat Luar Batang Mosque in Jakarta, there are some data that indicate that generally
visitors who come have a goal that is to calm the heart and mind, increases the ability to understand
yourself, ask for directions Allah SWT in solving existing problems and enjoy the religious
atmosphere surrounding the tomb.
When visitors make a pilgrimage to the tomb of Alhabib Husein bin Abubakar Alaydrus at a
mosque outside of the stem, they are increasingly considering the death, given the bad behavior that
has been done, considering sin, feel the passion to worship God, prejudice either to others and
increase self-awareness become a better person because seeing the many pilgrims who visited the
tomb of habib famous for his moral goodness.
Visitors feel a significant change after frequent visits to religious tourism such as increased
patience, more grateful, more calm feelings, not easily offended, do not easily blame others,
appreciate others, brooder remember the deeds that have been done so that a person's increased
awareness him to make changes to better behavior, and so forth.
For example, there is a pilgrim who said he now felt more patient with each issue, more patient
with her and not easily offended against every word of his relatives as well as a quieter living her life.
This shows that religious tourism has an important role in enhancing the ability of a person's
reflection or self-awareness and the ability to communicate with yourself.

Intrapersonal communication is the communication that occurs within ourselves.
Communication is done to be able to understand yourself so that if people can understand him very
well then indirectly will be able to understand others. The ability to communicate with yourself is
very important to be improved because it can reduce misunderstandings with others, reduce social
conflicts, promote mutual respect for each other and others.
Increased intrapersonal communication must be made by each individual because intrapersonal
communication has an important role in human life. In improving the ability to understand oneself,
one will experience some of the process that is talking to himself, pleading illumination and guidance,
reviewing the act and react with a conscience, dialogue and draw conclusions and take steps to make a
change towards the better. Such improvements can be done through various ways one of which is
through religious tourism.
Religious tourism is defined as tourism activities to a place that has special significance for
religious people, usually a place of worship that has its advantages. This excess, for example in terms
of history, their myths and legends about the place, or the uniqueness and excellence of its
By visiting religious tourism, the ability to communicate with yourself will increase as more
often remember death, to remember the deeds that have been done, improving peace of mind, more
grateful for all the blessings given by God Almighty, more patient and more understanding of others
after communicating with yourself.
In addition to religious tourism can reduce social conflicts. The mutual distrust of each other,
both individuals and groups due to lack of know each other, both in terms of customs, culture, history,
habits and social inequality. Visit each other through religious tourism can reduce or eliminate mutual
suspicion and jealousy, because of communication and getting to know each other. Visit each other
and know each other is the key to strengthen the unity and cohesion.
Based on the description above, it is known that one of the roles of religious tourism that is
increasing intrapersonal communication skills. By visiting religious tourism, then one can improve the
ability of self-awareness to respect each other, eliminating suspicious of others and appreciate the
differences in perceptions so as to reduce social conflict.
The author would like to thank the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of
the Republic of Indonesia (Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic
of Indonesia) the financial support applied research that has been given so that this research can take
place smoothly. the authors also thank the chief coordinator and faculty of social sciences department
of state universities of Jakarta which has been providing support as well as all parties involved in the
implementation of this study.


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