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As far as people still having trouble with foreclosures this is the very first thing you
have to do or don't even bother trying to fight it...!!

Anna has never once said this, even though I've told you guys 100 times that the very
first thing you need to do is to go to the "county recorder’s office"(not online, but
right into one of their offices near you), because they have a bank of computers for
anyone to use which are specifically linked right into their system and will give you a
complete readout of your property and people involved (you will be blown away by
how many)... and what the banks attorneys have filed against you because of the 30
or so pages of a home loan now that people are forced to sign, which is buried two
very important waivers you signed 1) waiver of "power of attorney" and 2) waiver of
"power of sale"

So, no sooner did you sign the paperwork for the loan, they actually listed you as the
legal owner (Creditor/ Grantee) and them as the borrower (Debtor/Grantor)..Then
immediately, they return the next day (or often now, on the very same day), they
reverse your position, renaming you as the Grantor (Debtor/borrower) and them as
the Grantee (Creditor/lender) ...!!

But there was no law before to let them tell you what they were filing...!! And no
requirement either...! !At least in my county, the DA is now forcing everyone that files
anything on your property to send you a copy to you to inspect...!! But most of you
will not understand what their paperwork means unless you have already been
through a foreclosure...!! You won't recognize who the parties are and their
significance to your foreclosures which is absolutely needed to understand what is
going on.... but I do and if you get your record of your property recordings, I'll help
you try and make sense of it, because there is a ton of fraud being filed without your

The second thing you have to do is get an "ABSTRACT OF TITLE" [AKA transmittal
sheet] from your title company, or you might be able to go into any "real estate office
and ask them to bring it up...but when you get it, it should be stamped in
RED ...."PAID FOR IN FULL", like mine did...!!

Do this first before you file any of Anna's paperwork, because that is true factual
evidence and irrefutable that fraud was pulled on you somehow...!!

Once you get these two things then get back to me so I can guide you through
isn't easy what they are pulling if you don't understand all the parties claiming an
interest in your property...!!

[the title company is required to hold those records forever]

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