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Effect of Turbulence Level of Incident A i r

Stream on Local Heat Transfer and

Skin Friction on a Cylinder
University of California at Berkeley

ABSTRACT ix = absolute viscosity of air, lb.-sec./ft. 2

At the conclusion of a previous investigation of local heat- 0 — angle at center of cylinder measured from the for-
transfer and local pressure coefficients around a cylinder, the ward stagnation point, deg.
Po = mass density of air in free stream, lb.-sec. 2 /ft. 4
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need for simultaneous local skin-friction coefficient measurements

was indicated. In addition, the results of the skin-friction meas- ro = shear stress at wall of cylinder, lb./ft. 2
urements of Fage and Falkner 2 suggested that the influence of the TO/POW = (Cf/2)un = intensity of skin friction at t h e cylinder
turbulence level in the free air stream on the local heat transfer wall based on free-stream velocity
should be investigated. Data were therefore taken and are pre- ro/poU2 = (Cf/2)u = intensity of skin friction a t t h e cylinder
sented herein for t h e local heat-transfer coefficient, pressure co- wall based on local velocity at the edge of the
efficient, and skin-friction coefficient on a cylinder below and in boundary layer
the critical range of Reynolds Number. The effect of artificially v — JJI/PO = k i n e m a t i c viscosity, ft. 2 /sec.
increased turbulence in t h e free air stream on these local quanti- CP = -—— = local p r e s s u r e coefficient
ties was also determined. Data for these quantities, taken under (l/2)poW
identical flow conditions and on models of the same geometry, Co = cylinder drag coefficient
have not been available previously. The results are partly ex- (NNU)Q = heD/ka — Nusselt Number based on hg
plicable in terms of available theory and experience and in part (NR6) = DUopo = Reynolds Number based on cylinder
present new effects requiring further consideration. diameter
(Npr) = /j,Cp/ka = Prandtl Number for air
NOMENCLATURE ST = he/(poUCp) = Local Stanton Number

A area of heat-transfer surface, ft. 2 INTRODUCTION

D outside diameter of cylinder with nichrome ribbon

around it, ft.
unit heat-transfer coefficient at cylinder surface at
angle0, B.t.u./hr.-ft. 2 °F.
W ORK ON T H E INVESTIGATION to be described began
with measurements of local skin-friction
efficient distributions on a circular cylinder n o r m a l to

current flowing through nichrome ribbon, amps, an air stream. These d a t a were desired to s u p p l e m e n t
thermal conductivity of air, B.t.u./hr.-ft. 2 (°F./ft.)
previous heat-transfer a n d pressure coefficient measure-
P static pressure at any point on t h e cylinder surface,
lb./ft. 2 m e n t s on a cylinder 1 in order t o d e t e r m i n e if some
Po free-stream static pressure, lb./ft. 2 readily recognizable relationship existed between the
A/? pressure reading of surface tube above local static heat-transfer a n d skin-friction coefficients in t h e t u r -
pressure, lb./ft. 2 b u l e n t b o u n d a r y - l a y e r region. T h e results of these
rate of heat transfer by convection from cylinder
m e a s u r e m e n t s , which were m a d e with a surface t u b e
surface at any point defined by t h e angle 6,
a n d in t h e same air s t r e a m as used for t a k i n g t h e pre-
electrical resistance of nichrome ribbon at 70°F., vious heat-transfer d a t a , showed t h a t , t h r o u g h o u t t h e
ohms/ft. of length entire range of Reynolds N u m b e r (70, 800 t o 219,000),
t temperature of nichrome ribbon at any point laminar separation occurred before t h e 90° point, a n d
around the cylinder, °F. in no case was t h e r e a t u r b u l e n t b o u n d a r y layer present
to free air-stream temperature, °F. on t h e b a c k half of t h e cylinder as t h e heat-transfer and
free air-stream velocity, ft./sec.
pressure distributions h a d indicated.
u velocity at edge of boundary layer, ft./sec.
T h i s testing was conducted in a 3-ft. o p e n - t h r o a t - t y p e
average value of turbulent velocity fluctuation be-
hind grid, ft./sec. t u n n e l (see Fig. 1) with t h e t e s t section exactly in t h e
distance around cylinder circumference measured center of a cylinder, which extended 2 in. on each end
from stagnation point, ft. beyond t h e edge of t h e wind s t r e a m . F u r t h e r measure-
y distance from nichrome ribbon measured perpen- m e n t s were m a d e after installing some plates on t h e
dicular to cylinder surface, ft. cylinder parallel to t h e air flow a b o u t 12 in. on either
0 slope of velocity distribution at the edge of the side of t h e center a n d placing a V 2 -in. mesh wire screen
boundary layer at the stagnation point,
across the wind-tunnel nozzle exit. A noticeable
change in t h e pressure coefficient distribution occurred,
Received February 19, 1951. and, a t t h e higher Reynolds N u m b e r s , a small t u r b u l e n t
^Assistant Professor, Division of Mechanical Engineering. boundary layer appeared. T h i s indicated that, al-

726 JOURNAL OF THE A E R O N A U T I C A L S C I E N C E S - N O V E M B E R , 195 1

transfer and pressure distribution along with skin-

friction measurements under improved airflow con-
ditions and variable air-stream turbulence.
This does n o t necessarily invalidate the previous d a t a
b u t indicates t h a t caution is necessary in its interpreta-
tion. An examination of t h e work of Schmidt and
Wenner, 4 which is the other most recent investigation
of this nature, indicated t h a t their air stream also
possessed serious limitations. This will be discussed
in more detail later.


T h e extended test program involved the use of two

models: a heat-transfer cylinder fitted with electrically
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heated surface ribbons, as shown in Fig. 1, and a cylinder

fitted with a surface tube, as shown in Fig. 2, for the skin-
friction and pressure measurements. T h e y were
mounted, as shown in Fig. 1, in the University of Cali-
fornia 3-ft. wind tunnel. T h e environment for the
tests was, therefore, exactly the same for the heat-
transfer and skin-friction test cylinders, A more de-
tailed description of their construction as well as the
test technique employed is given in the Appendix.
T h e p r i m a r y p a r a m e t e r involved in the test program
was the variation of the turbulence level of the incident
FIG. 1. Heat-transfer cylinder as mounted in the wind tunnel air stream. D a t a were taken first with a 16-mesh d a m p -
for testing. Photograph taken from inside the tunnel diffusor ing screen placed upstream of t h e wind-tunnel nozzle in
section looking upstream. Note cord net over the tunnel nozzle
exit. order to minimize t h e turbulent fluctuations occurring
in t h e normal tunnel stream. T h e estimated turbulence
level, u'/Uo, was negligible, being of the order of less
t h a n 1 per cent. 5 In contrast to this, d a t a were then
taken with greatly increased tunnel turbulence, accom-
plished b y placing a 1.25- by 1.25-in. rope net ( 3 /i 6 -in.
diameter shot cord) over the nozzle exit. The cylinder
leading edge was placed about 24 in. behind this net, t h e
test arrangement being shown in Fig. 1. T h e esti-
mated turbulence level in this case was of t h e order of
4 per cent. 6 D a t a were also taken a t the maximum
velocity obtainable in t h e normal tunnel stream insofar
as this nominally extended t h e Reynolds N u m b e r range
of the investigation.
Heat-transfer d a t a and the pressure and skin-friction
d a t a were taken separately b u t a t as nearly the same
FIG. 2. Enlarged view (about 2.5 times) of surface tube and
static pressure taps in the lucite cylinder. Reynolds N u m b e r as could be realized b y the air-stream
speed control. All Reynolds N u m b e r s are based on free-
stream velocities calculated from t h e rise in pressure at
though t h e cylinder extended completely through the the cylinder stagnation point referred to t h e static
air stream, inflow of some sort had occurred with no pressure indicated b y a pitot tube in the air stream 10
side plates. A further check on the characteristics of in. upstream from t h e cylinder leading edge with the
the air flow around the cylinder with no side plates was stagnation point pressure coefficient assumed to be unity.
obtained b y determination of a form drag coefficient
from t h e pressure distribution curves. Since in this P R E S E N T A T I O N AND D I S C U S S I O N O F R E S U L T S
region of Reynolds N u m b e r form drag constitutes in
general 98 per cent or more of the total drag (p. 428, Local Heat-Transfer, Pressure, and Skin-Friction
reference 3), these values should have compared favor- Distributions
ably with accepted d a t a . T h e y failed to do this, and it Representative curves of the experimental results
was therefore considered desirable to repeat t h e heat- throughout t h e test range of Reynolds N u m b e r for local

values of heat-transfer, pressure coefficient, and skin-

friction coefficient distributions are plotted in Figs. 3, 4, l—|—i—i—i—i—r~
and 5. Referring to Fig. 3, it is noted t h a t all of the STREAM BEHIND DAMPING
heat-transfer curves, with the exception of the one for SCREEN
Reynolds N u m b e r equal to 99,300, are what might be 700 STREAM BEHIND CORD
described as characteristic of the critical range—i.e.,
they have two maximums and two minimums (the
critical range refers to the Reynolds N u m b e r region in 600
which the rapid drop in the cylinder drag coefficient
occurs). T h e d a t a for Reynolds N u m b e r equal to 99,-
300 are definitely associated with the pre-critical range
with laminar separation as is indicated b y the magni- 500f
t u d e of the overall drag coefficient (see Fig. 6) and also
b y the local skin friction as shown on Fig. 5. T h e coin- CNNU)0
cidence of the location on the cylinder surface of the
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minimum heat-transfer coefficient and the zero value of

t h e skin-friction coefficient, which presumably indi-
cated laminar separation, should be noted. Flow con-
ditions for Reynolds N u m b e r equal to 167,500 appear to
be of a transitional nature. T h e skin-friction d a t a do
not show the presence of a turbulent b o u n d a r y layer,
b u t neither does the skin-friction coefficient decrease to
zero as rapidly as for the case with Reynolds N u m b e r
equal to 99,300. T h e curves of Fig. 5 for the other three
values of Reynolds N u m b e r show definite skin-friction
magnitudes in the region 6 > 90°, and such b o u n d a r y Re =213,000 NORMAL TUNNEL
layers as exist in this region can be presumed to be tur- STREAM
bulent in nature.
40 80 120 160
T h e pressure coefficient curves of Fig. 4 reveal e - D E G . FROM STAGNATION POINT
definite inflection points in the 90° region for Reynolds FIG. 3. Local heat transfer around a cylinder for different
Numbers of 90,300, 172,000, and 212,000, as have been Reynolds Numbers.
previously noted b y Fage and Falkner and assumed b y
t h e m to indicate the point of transition from laminar to
turbulent flow in the boundary layer. F o r m drag co-
efficients obtained from t h e local pressure as recom-
mended b y Goldstein (Fig. 161, p. 431, reference 3),
confirm the flow over the test cylinders as being in the
critical range. As a m a t t e r of interest, the pressure dis-
tribution curves given b y Schmidt and Wenner 4 were
integrated also, and the form drag coefficients are also
shown in Fig. 6. As can be noted, they do not check
with the accepted curves. T h e reason for this is t h a t
their test arrangement did not provide the effect of a
cylinder in an infinite stream. A curve typical of their
d a t a at higher values of Reynolds N u m b e r is included
in Fig. 4. This is the t y p e of curve obtained pre-
viously b y the author 1 and, when considered in the
light of the experience of this investigation, indicates 40 60 80 100 120 140
t h a t even at the maximum Reynolds N u m b e r 426,000 6 - D E G . FROM STAGNATION POINT

obtained by Schmidt and Wenner, laminar separation FIG. 4. Pressure coefficient distributions for different Reynolds
without any turbulent boundary layer probably oc-
net shows t h a t the general effect of the net is to produce
Relative Effect of Free-Stream Turbulence results characteristic of velocities higher t h a n those
indicated by the free-stream velocity. This is in agree-
Comparison of t h e d a t a taken in t h e stream behind m e n t with results obtained b y previous investigators,
t h e damping screen to t h a t taken a t comparable values particularly in regard to the marked reduction in form
of free-stream velocities in the stream behind the cord drag produced b y the increase in free-stream t u r b u -


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I i ,\
!/ j/
X \
*/ \


^ • HILPERT- REF. 7 !
200 L .
i ;

! i

0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 4.0 60 8.0

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
FIG. 7. Comparison of the average heat-transfer coefficient with
FIG. 5. Skin-friction distributions around a cylinder for different Hilpert's experimentally determined curve.
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Reynolds Numbers.

'Vo V B E H I N D S C R E E N L — o ~ Re = 1 6 6 , 0 0 0
i \\
NORMAL STREAM —A— Re = 21 2 , 0 0 0
1 J\

, STREAM r--x--Re= 90,900

BEHIND N E T [ _ - - « - - R e = 1 7 2 , 0 0 0
\ \
^ 1 :
i !
> i\
.....J... . j i ... i. _
\ N i I ! 1
O< ;^ \ "

v^n^ r -X

0 20 40 60
80 !00 120 140


FIG. 6. Cylinder drag coefficient vs. Reynolds Number. FIG. 8. Local skin-friction coefficient distribution based on
velocity a t edge of boundary layer.

lence. T h e average heat-transfer coefficient reveals a For t h e case of a heated cylinder normal to an air
similar b u t n o t as significant a trend. Fig. 7 shows t h a t stream, where t h e velocity distribution at the edge of
the increased turbulence caused the average heat- the boundary layer near t h e forward stagnation point is
transfer coefficient to increase between 10 and 20 per a linear function of t h e distance from t h a t point, so t h a t
cent over t h e low turbulence level values. U = fax, t h e value of t h e Nusselt N u m b e r a t the stag-
T h e average heat-transfer coefficient does not indi- nation point has been determined analytically b y
cate, however, t h e effect of t h e increased turbulence on Squire 3 (p. 631) to b e : (Nm()ST = .^(A^Kft^V^)172.
the change in t h e relative amounts of heat transfer from jSi is t h e slope of t h e velocity distribution at the edge of
the front and back halves of t h e cylinder. I n the low the boundary layer, D t h e cylinder diameter, v the
turbulence level air stream, t h e ratio of front- to back- kinematic viscosity, and az{NPT) a known function of
half heat transfer is approximately 0.85. I n t h e stream the P r a n d t l Number, which is tabulated in reference 3.
behind t h e net, this increases to around 1.1. T h e T h e velocity distributions a t t h e edge of t h e boundary
change is due b o t h to an increase of t h e heat transfer on layer as determined from t h e experimental pressure
the front half and to a decrease on t h e back half of t h e d a t a were linear with x. T h e slopes of these distribu-
cylinder. tions were determined graphically and used to deter-
mine t h e theoretical value of t h e Nusselt N u m b e r at the
stagnation point in accordance with the above equa-
Heat-Transfer Coefficient at the Stagnation Point
tion. These values as well as the experimentally ob-
Fig. 3 reveals t h a t , for comparable values of free- served values of (NNu)ST are listed in Table 1 and the per
stream velocities, t h e local heat-transfer coefficients a t cent deviation noted.
the stagnation point as obtained in t h e stream behind T h e deviations from t h e theoretical predictions are
the cord net are approximately 25 per cent higher t h a n larger for t h e case of t h e stream behind the rope
those obtained in t h e stream behind t h e screen. netting, b u t a conclusive explanation for the effect is

Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Values of NNu at l\l
~ CT FDR Re = i 7 i ?snr)

the Stagnation Point [ _ - - • — ( C f ^ FOR Re = l 7 2 , 0 0 0

[NOTE: a*(NPr) = 0.499] 4*V NORMAL

r — A —(Cf/gVFOR Re = 2 1 2 , 0 0 0
1 ——T> CT FflR R e - 91 X r>nn

(Nyu)ST, Per v\
ft, Theo- N(NU)ST, Cent
Stream (ft./ retical Experi- Devia-
Condition NRe sec.)/ft. (Squire) mental tion —
Damping \£:~ k^
_ r^ -
screen 99,300 565 314 317 9.95 S- —<
upstream 167,500 987 407 438 7.6 -v-
Stream be- 95,100 530 307 384 25.1 \k
hind net 171,500 1,030 414 552 33.3
1 k
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 !40
stream 213,000 1,260 460 525 14.0 F I G . 9. Comparison of local Stanton Number with local skin-
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friction coefficient.

lacking a t the present time. In this regard, the

anomalous behavior of the shear stress a t the wall as |
indicated b y the surface tube is notable. At the stagna- 8
tion point and u p to approximately 8°, in the case of 6
the stream behind the net, the reading of the surface
tube was negative with reference to the local static pres- 4
sure. This has been indicated in Fig. 5 by the omission 6
of skin-friction magnitudes between 6 equal to 0 and
about 8°. Fage and Falkner 2 did not observe this
phenomenon or neglected to mention it. A possible ex- S L(}F> E M . 4 3 /
planation of this occurrence consists in the hypothesis h-
t h a t the original rise in dynamic pressure in a turbulent
UL / o

air stream due to the turbulent velocity fluctuations was i

m 1-0 o/
registered on the static pressure t a p s b u t not on the ; !
surface tube. As mentioned previously, the order of Q. i o
magnitude of the turbulent velocity fluctuations was <

probably about 4 per cent of the free-stream mean
velocity, which corresponds to a maximum velocity of 4
ft. per sec. in these tests. Negative pressures were re-
°/ 1.43
Ap = 5.50 X I 0 ~ ( T V ~ "
corded, however, corresponding to velocities of 10 to 15 f° VysO
ft. per s e c , indicating t h a t some additional or separate Q2 .7 0
0 R '4u \ , 4. 6 2 5 X I 0 " 2 (Ap )0
effect was present. {^ y / y = 0

The Laminar Boundary-Layer Region

T h e increase in local heat transfer, with about the 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0
same pressure distribution and free-stream velocity,
x 10 FT/ SEC/FT
produced b y the more turbulent free stream in the tests y=0
made with the net, which has been noted for the stagna- FIG. 10. Surface tube calibration curve.
tion point region, extended also over the entire reach
of the laminar boundary-layer flow. Because a com- result. Referring to Fig. 8, which shows the distribu-
parable effect is not revealed in the skin-friction results tion of the skin friction coefficients based on the local
(Fig. 8), it m a y be possible t h a t the turbulent flow velocity at the edge of the boundary layer, it can be seen
in the region adjacent to the hydrodynamic boundary t h a t the d a t a for the tests behind the cord net are, in
layer was sufficiently nonisotropic to augment the general, below or approximately equal to those for the
molecular conduction of h e a t in this external region, stream behind the damping screen. This is felt to be in-
which occurs with fluids of P r a n d t l N u m b e r less t h a n consistent and could be properly explained only with
unity. Such an effect would, in part, account for further information about the boundary-layer charac-
the high heat-transfer coefficients observed. Also, it teristics in the turbulent stream.
m a y be possible t h a t t h e observed phenomenon was due
to the action of the turbulent stream near the edge of The Turbulent Boundary-Layer Region
the laminar b o u n d a r y layer. However, if this were A comparison of the local h e a t transfer and skin
true, a slight increase in the skin friction should also friction in Figs. 3 and 8 also reveals effects inexplicable

in terms of available rationalizations. Fig. 3 shows, for Taylor, G. I., Measurements with a Half-Pitot Tube, Proceed-
t h e region from a b o u t 100° to 130°, substantially ings of the Royal Society, Series A, Vol. 166, pp. 476-481, 1938.
Howarth, L., Steady Flow in the Boundary Layer Near the
similar heat-transfer coefficients for the tests a t values of
Surface of a Cylinder in a Stream, R&M No. 1632, July, 1934.
Reynolds Numbers equal to 172,000 behind the net and
213,000 in the normal tunnel stream. T h e skin-friction
magnitudes, however, are different. This comparison APPENDIX

is shown in Fig. 9. T h u s , for the turbulent flow region,

Measurement of Local Heat-Transfer Coefficients
a consistent relation between the local S t a n t o n N u m b e r
and the skin-friction coefficient, such as obtains for flat- T h e heat-transfer cylinder was constructed from 4-in.
plate flow, does not appear to exist in simple form for a outside diameter and Vs-in. wall thickness Bakelite
cylinder.* tubing. I t was 21 in. overall in length and was mounted
for testing between side plates 20 in. a p a r t as shown in
The Wake Region Fig. 1. T h e model was divided into three sections, of
I n general, all the heat-transfer coefficientst in the which the center 61/2 in. constituted the test section.
wake region have a minimum value a t the point of Five separate, 1 by 0.002 in. in cross section, nichrome
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separation, whether it be laminar or turbulent, and in- heating ribbons were fitted around this section, the
crease rapidly to a maximum a t t h e rear stagnation center one being the test strip and the two on either side
point. F r o m the shapes of t h e curves, it seems possible acting as guard heating strips. Measurement of current
that, due to reverse flow, a b o u n d a r y layer is formed at input to t h e ribbons and temperature variation along
the rear stagnation point and builds up in the direction the ribbons b y means of extremely fine thermocouples
of the point of separation. This possibility was exam- located immediately under the center ribbon enabled
ined b y means of surface t u b e measurements taken with the calculation of the local heat-transfer coefficients,
the cylinder reversed in the air stream, so t h a t the sur- he, due to the relationship
face tube faced t h e rear stagnation point. Because of
t h e small response of t h e t u b e in this region, conclusive he = (q/A)/(t - to) ~ (j?R)/(t ~ k)
evidence was not obtainable. Some indications tended T h e actual equation used, accounting for conduction
to confirm a backward flow in this region, while others and radiation losses, is derived and discussed in detail in
indicated fluctuations of the velocity from the forward reference 1. T h e final accuracy of h0 is considered to be
to the backward direction. well within 10 per cent except possibly at the maximum
and minimum points.
Giedt, W. H., Investigation of Variation of Point Unit Heat- Skin-Friction Measurements with the Surface Tube
Transfer Coefficient Around a Cylinder Normal to an Air Stream,
T h e surface t u b e located in the wall of t h e 4-in. lucite
Transactions of A.S.M.E., Vol. 71, May, 1949.
2 cylinder is shown in Fig. 2. T h e cylinder was mounted
Fage, A., and Falkner, F. M., Further Experiments on the Flow
Around a Cylinder, R&M No. 1369, Great Britain Aeronautical in the 3-ft. wind tunnel in the same manner as the heat-
Research Committee, 1931. transfer cylinder shown in Fig. 1. T h e surface tube
Modern Developments in Fluid Mechanics, by the Fluid Motion itself projected about 0.0035 in. above the cylinder sur-
Panel of the Aeronautical Research Committee; Edited by S. face and had an opening of approximately 0.08 b y 0.003
Goldstein, Oxford University Press, London, 1938. in. A static pressure t a p was located l x / 2 in. on either
Schmidt, E., and Wenner, K., Heat Transfer Over the Circum- side of the surface tube. Experimental measurements
ference of a Heated Cylinder in Transverse Flow, N.A.C.A. T.M. consisted of determining the difference in pressure be-
No. 1050, October, 1943.
tween it and the average of the static pressure t a p s as
Dryden, H. L., and Schubauer, G. B., The Use of Damping
the cylinder was rotated about its axis. Several types
Screens for the Reduction of Wind Tunnel Turbulence, Journal of
the Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 221-228, 1947. of micro-manometers were tried for this purpose. How-
Dryden, H. L., A Review of the Statistical Theory of Tur- ever, it was eventually found t h a t due to the air-stream
bulence, Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, Vol. I, pp. 7-42, April, fluctuations, an ordinary inclined manometer with a
1943. scale having a least count of 0.01 in. of water provides
Hilpert, R., Experimental Study of Heat Dissipation of Heated sufficient accuracy and was easier to use. Readings
Wire and Pipe in an Air Current, Forschung auf dem Gebiete des were estimated to 0.002 in. of water, b u t an accuracy of
Ingenieurwesens, Vol. 4, pp. 215-224, 1933.
greater t h a n 0.01 in. cannot be justifiably claimed.

* I t is recognized that differences in the pressure distributions

A considerable a m o u n t of time and effort was devoted
which do exist may influence this relation. to the calibration of the tube. Space does not permit
f It is to be noted that the local heat-transfer coefficient is de- describing this in detail, but, in general, results indi-
fined in terms of the free-stream temperature, presumed, because cated t h a t the accuracy claimed in previous work was
of the negligible compressibility, to exist at the outer edge of the open to question. In addition, the "effective distance''
boundary layer. This is not true in the wake region, and, in con-
sequence, local heat-transfer coefficients as shown for this region
type of calibration 2 - 8 was considered misleading from a
are to some extent Active. (Continued on page 766)
766 J O U R N A L OF THE A E R O N A U T I C A L S C I E N C E S —NOVEMBER, 1951

One-Dimensional Beamwise Method and As Calculated by Two- Maydew, R. C , Determination of Temperature Distribution if
Dimensional Chordwise and Beamwise Method, Report VII, Con- a Solid Diamond-Shaped Wing in Supersonic Flight, Chordwise
tract W33-038-ac-17240 (17767), Engineering Experiment Sta-- Heat Flow Only (Sibert Method), Report I l l - b , Contract W33-038
tion, University of Colorado. ac-17240 (17767), Engineering Experiment Station, University o:
Durham, F. P., Determination of Temperature Distribution int Colorado.
a Solid Diamond-Shaped Wing in Supersonic Flight, When Both> t Stephenson, F. A., and Arnberg, B. T., Experimental Deter
Chordwise and Beamwise Heat Flow Are Unsymmetrical, Report[. mination of Temperature As a Function of Time in a Solid Rec
IX, Contract W33-038-ac-17240 (17767), Engineering Experi- tangular Block, Beamwise Heat Flow Only, Report E-III, Contrad
ment Station, University of Colorado. W33-038-ac-17240 (17767), Engineering Experiment Station
11 University of Colorado.
Maydew, R. C , and Durham, F. P., The Effect of Significant 15
Stephenson, F. A., and Arnberg, B. T., Experimental De-
Parameters on Thermal Stresses in a Solid Diamond-Shaped Super-
termination of Thermal Stresses in Rectangular Plates and Diamond-
sonic Wing, Report II, Contract W33-038-ac-17240 (17767), En-
Shaped Wings As a Function of Chordwise Temperature Distribu-
gineering Experiment Station, University of Colorado.
tion, Report E-VI, Contract W33-038-ac-17240 (17767), Engi-
Maydew, R. C , Determination of Temperature Distribution ini neering Experiment Station, University of Colorado.
a Solid Diamond-Shaped Wing in Supersonic Flight, Chordwise? Stephenson, F. A., and Arnberg, B. T., Experimental Deter-
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Heat Flow Only (Skretting Method), Report I l l - a , Contract W33- mination of Temperature Distribution in a Solid Diamond-Shapea
038-ac-17240 (17767), Engineering Experiment Station, Uni-- Wing, Report E-VII, Contract W33-038-ac-17240 (17767), Engi-
versity of Colorado. neering Experiment Station, University of Colorado.

Effect of Turbulence Level of Incident Air Stream on Local

Heat Transfer and Skin Friction on a Cylinder
{Continued from page 730)

physical point of view, so the curve of Fig. 10 was used made in the laminar boundary-layer region and using
instead. This type of a plot brings out the fact that the the Blasius-Hiemenz boundary-layer solution. Agree-
pressure reading of a surface tube is due to combined ment between the skin friction in the laminar boundary-
viscous and inertia forces, the relative contributions of layer region calculated from this curve and that deter-
each depending on the fluid flowing and on the physical mined from the Blasius-Hiemenz method was within 12
dimensions of the tube. per cent for most of the data taken, and it is felt that this
The points on Fig. 10 used to establish the calibration is about the best accuracy that should be claimed for the
curve were determined from pressure measurements skin-friction curves in general.

Shear Center for Thin-Walled Open Sections Beyond

the Elastic Limit
{Continued from page 754)

Timoshenko, S. P., Strength of Materials, Part II, 2nd Ed., p .
The methods outlined above can be used to find 52; D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1941; also Sechler, E.
the position of the shear center for thin-walled sec- E., and Dunn, L. G., Airplane Structural Analysis and Design, p .
tions. It should be emphasized that the shear center 109; John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1942.
is no longer a section property but depends for its loca- Nadai, A., Plasticity, a Mechanics of the Plastic State of
Matter, p. 160; McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York
tion on the load and the stress-strain curve. Further- and London, 1931.
more, while it has been shown that in the elastic case6 a 3
Timoshenko, S. P., loc. cit., Part I, p. 170.
load acting on such a section can be replaced by a shear 4
Timoshenko, S. P., Theory of Bending, Torsion and Buckling of
load at the shear center and a torque with reasonable Thin-Walled Members of Open Cross Section, Journal of the
accuracy, it still remains to be studied whether this is Franklin Institute, Vol. 239, p . 206, 1945.
Timoshenko, S. P., loc. cit., p . 209.
true beyond the elastic limit. Consequently, it is still an 6
Hadji-Argyris, J., and Dunne, P. C , The General Theory of
open question whether the results given in this paper Cylindrical Tubes Under Torsion and Bending Loads, Jour. Roy.
can be used for such a purpose. Aero. S o c , Vol. 51, pp. 199-269, 1946.

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