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Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 56:6 (2015), pp 598–617 doi:10.1111/jcpp.


Practitioner Review: Pathways to care for ADHD

– a systematic review of barriers and facilitators
Nicola Wright,1 Maria Moldavsky,2 Justine Schneider,3 Ipsita Chakrabarti,2 Janine
Coates,4 David Daley,5 Puja Kochhar,5 Jon Mills,5 Walid Sorour,6 and Kapil Sayal5
School of Health Sciences, University of Nottingham, Nottingham; 2Specialist Services Directorate,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Nottingham; 3School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of
Nottingham, Nottingham; 4Division of Psychology, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham; 5Division of Psychiatry
and Applied Psychology, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham; 6Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Lincolnshire, UK

Background: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder starting in

childhood that may persist into adulthood. It can be managed through carefully monitored medication and
nonpharmacological interventions. Access to care for children at risk of ADHD varies both within and between
countries. A systematic literature review was conducted to investigate the research evidence related to factors which
influence children accessing services for ADHD. Method: Studies investigating access to care for children at risk of
ADHD were identified through electronic searches of the international peer-reviewed and grey literature. Databases
were searched from inception till 30th April 2012. This identified 23,156 articles which were subjected to three levels
of screening (title, abstract and full text) by a minimum of two independent reviewers. Due to the heterogeneity in the
study designs, a narrative approach was used to present the findings. Results: Twenty-seven papers met the
inclusion criteria; these were grouped into four main themes, with some papers being included in more than one.
These were wider determinants (10 papers); identification of need (9 papers); entry and continuity of care (13 papers)
and interventions to improve access (4 papers). Barriers and facilitators to access were found to operate at the
individual, organisational and societal level. Limited evidence of effective interventions to improve access was
identified. Conclusion: This review explored the multilayered obstacles in the pathway to care for children at risk of
ADHD and the lack of evidence-based interventions designed to address these issues, thereby indicating areas for
service development and further evaluative research. Keywords: Attention-deficit disorder with hyperactivity, child,
continuity of patient care, health service needs and demands, developmental disability.

and parental productivity (e.g. being able to under-

take paid employment; Doshi et al., 2012; Shaw
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a
et al., 2012). It can also increase the risk of conduct
common neurodevelopmental disorder beginning in
and personality disorders, substance misuse and
childhood and often persisting into adulthood (Amer-
impaired social adjustment in adulthood (Biederman
ican Psychiatric Association, 2013). The American
et al., 2006). Although the lifetime consequences
Psychiatric Association in the Diagnostic and Sta-
and costs of ADHD are only beginning to be identi-
tistical Manual of Mental Disorders [DSM V] (2013)
fied (D’Amico et al., 2014; NICE, 2008); the reported
states that ADHD occurs in most cultures, affecting
impacts of ADHD on children’s development, fami-
approximately 5% of children and 2.5% of adults. In
lies and society present a strong impetus for early
the United Kingdom, within the school age popula-
identification, access to services and evidence-based
tion, there is an estimated overall prevalence rate of
3–9% (NICE, 2008). Childhood ADHD can be man-
The UK National Institute for Health and Care
aged with carefully monitored medication and non-
Excellence (NICE) and the American Academy of
pharmacological interventions (Brown et al., 2005;
Pediatrics both advocate a comprehensive approach
Sonuga-Barke et al., 2013). However, there is evi-
to treating ADHD, including multidisciplinary
dence that many children with ADHD remain undi-
assessment, support for parents and medication for
agnosed and do not access these interventions
children in moderate or severe cases (American
(Bussing, Zima, Perwien, Belin, & Widawski, 1998).
Academy of Pediatrics, 2011; National Institute for
Left unmanaged, ADHD can result in impairments in
Health & Care Excellence, 2008). In an ideal situa-
multiple domains, including academic performance
tion, every child who has ADHD would be identified
and referred to a specialist and be offered appropri-
Conflict of interest statement: No conflicts declared. ate evidence-based diagnosis and interventions,
Correction Note: This article was first published online on the including behavioural interventions. In practice,
23rd of February 2015, under a subscription publication epidemiological studies show that ADHD is
licence. The article has since been made OnlineOpen, and underdiagnosed, pathways through services are not
the copyright line and licence statement was therefore updated clear and therefore access to care is not universal.
in March 2015.

© 2015 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for Child and
Adolescent Mental Health.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
doi:10.1111/jcpp.12398 Pathways to care for ADHD 599

Bussing, Zima, Perwien, et al. (1998), Bussing, spheres of influence operating at multiple levels is
Zima, Gary, and Wilson-Garvan (2003), Sayal, Good- required. We chose to adopt a broadly social-ecological
man, and Ford (2006) and Sayal, Ford, and Good- perspective (Susser & Susser, 1996) which seeks to
man (2010) identify that there are huge variations illuminate the social, cultural and individual relations
both between and within countries and as a conse- which affect human behaviour to guide our interpre-
quence needs remain unmet. Despite this, it should tation of the findings in relation to access to care.
be noted that there are also concerns regarding mis- This perspective also links to the implementation
diagnosis in some geographical regions. Children science agenda, which in broad terms seeks to
may receive a clinical diagnosis even if they do not promote the uptake of research evidence into clinical
meet diagnostic criteria for ADHD. For example, a practice (Eccles et al., 2009). Like the social-ecolog-
study conducted in North Carolina found that 10% of ical perspective we have used, Woolfe (2008) states
children had been given an ADHD diagnosis (Row- that the use of evidence in clinical practice is
land et al., 2002). influenced by a number of different factors operating
‘Access to care’ has been identified as a diffuse, at different levels, for example individual and organ-
diverse and complex phenomenon, incorporating ele- isational. Through the literature review process and
ments of sociology, psychology, management, eco- the identification of barriers and facilitators to
nomics and epidemiology among others (Dixon- accessing care, we have also aimed to demonstrate
Woods et al., 2006). It has not been consistently where there is evidence which individual clinicians
defined and there are substantial adjunct literatures, and wider healthcare organisations could implement
for example quality of healthcare, priority setting and and also those areas where it is lacking and further
patient satisfaction (Dixon-Woods et al., 2006). The work is required.
definition of access to care adopted for this review
draws on Gulliford et al. (2001). This model of ‘access
to care’ has been used in other literature reviews such Methods
as Alborz, McNally, and Glendinning’s (2005) review The following databases were searched from inception to the
of ‘access to care’ for people with learning disabilities. end of April 2012: MEDLINE (PubMed); EMBASE (www.em-; PsycINFO; ISI Web of Science; The Cochrane
Gulliford et al. (2001) conceptualisation identifies Library (CDSR, CENTRAL, DARE, EE, HTA); OpenSIGLE,
that the term ‘access to healthcare’ can be used in System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe (http://
two ways: having access and gaining access. Having; International Political Science Abstracts
access refers to the physical existence and availabil- (; NHS EED, National Health Ser-
ity of a service, whereas gaining access relates to vices Economic Evaluation Database, CRD (http:// and TRIP database (http://
being able to successfully use a service appropriate Search terms were developed using
to need (Gulliford et al., 2001). Gaining access to keywords for ‘health service barriers’ and ‘ADD/ADHD’ as the
care for ADHD may be influenced by a number of relevant terms. The list of search terms is provided in the
factors including individual preconceptions about online supplementary Appendix S1. The initial search was not
ADHD, availability and affordability of services (and restricted by language or publication status. In addition, to
find information on studies in progress and unpublished or
in some countries, insurance status), long waiting grey literature, the following databases were also searched:
lists for services, symptom severity, comorbidity and World Bank Documents & Reports (
the knowledge and attitudes of professionals (health; OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation
and education), parents and young people them- and Development) Publications & Documents (;
selves (Gulliford et al., 2001). Some of these factors APA PsycNET (; UK Clinical Research
Network Database (;
such as individual perceptions and the attitudes of National Research Register Projects Database (https://portal.-
professionals may be influenced by the political; Health Development Agency (http://www.hda-
debate surrounding the conceptualisation of ADHD; National Primary Care Research and Devel-
as a valid entity. Despite the considerable work opment Centre (; Children’s Society
(consensus activities with experts and a systematic ( and relevant
American organisations such as the Centre for Disease Control
review) to ascertain the validity of the diagnosis of and Prevention. The reference lists of included studies were
ADHD prior to the development of National Institute also scanned to check for further relevant publications.
for Health and Care Excellence (2008) guidelines, The searching process generated a total of 23,156 citations
there remains scepticism and misinformation within for screening. Screening involved three stages: including or
professional groups (e.g. teachers) which may impact excluding studies based on the title only, including or exclud-
ing based on the abstract and finally including or excluding
on children gaining access to services (Moldavsky, based on reading the full text. Each stage was completed by a
Groenewald, Owen, & Sayal, 2013). minimum of two independent reviewers. If necessary, a third
In this paper, we systematically review qualitative person adjudicated in the event of a disagreement. This
and quantitative evidence on the barriers and facili- process and the number of papers included and excluded at
tators that influence the identification of children at each stage are summarised in an adapted version of the
PRISMA flow chart (Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, & Altman, 2009)
risk of ADHD and their access to services. Given the shown in Figure 1.
multidimensional nature of the phenomenon of inter- As research evidence on diffuse topics such as ‘access to
est (access to care and ADHD), an approach to care’ is likely to reflect a plurality of methods and approaches,
reviewing which can accommodate the different Alborz and McNally (2004) and Dixon-Woods et al. (2006)

© 2015 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for
Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
600 Nicola Wright et al. J Child Psychol Psychiatr 2015; 56(6): 598–617

be found in Table 2. The reasons for exclusion at the full text

stage can be found in the online supplementary Appendix S2.
It has already been noted that ‘access to care’ is a diffuse
concept and is open to multiple interpretations. Drawing on
the social-ecological view of research implementation and the
model developed by Gulliford et al. (2001) to illustrate the
interaction between different factors affecting access to care,
the included papers were grouped into four main themes. As
some factors span more than one theme (e.g. adult percep-
tions), there is sometimes a degree of overlap between themes.
We have aimed to minimise repetition to aid the flow of the
review for clinical practitioners. The four themes were: Wider
Determinants (10 papers), Identification of Need (8 papers),
Entry and Continuity of Care (13 papers) and Interventions to
Improve Access (4 papers). Some studies were assigned to
more than one theme as they explored multiple facets of
‘access to care’. The Wider Determinants, Identification of Need
and Entry and Continuity themes are described within the
Gulliford et al. (2001) model. Papers within the Wider Deter-
minants theme referred to the effects of sociodemographic
characteristics such as gender, ethnicity and socioeconomic
status on access to care. Although not readily amenable to
Figure 1 Adapted PRISMA diagram (Moher et al., 2009) showing
change by healthcare services, these factors may influence
flow of papers through the review
how behaviours are interpreted by parents, teachers or
healthcare professionals and therefore impact on a child’s
argue that it is inappropriate to adopt inclusion criteria based access to services for ADHD. Recognition of a need for a service
only on study design or a hierarchy of evidence. No judgments is often the first step in accessing healthcare and for children
were made about the relative merits of quantitative versus at risk of ADHD the initiative is likely to come from key adults
qualitative research and papers were prioritised on the basis of such as parents and teachers. The papers categorised within
relevance to the phenomenon of interest rather than particular the Identification of Need theme explored the roles of individ-
study types or papers that met particular methodological ual-level factors (including adult perceptions and social
criteria. Therefore, an evaluation of the methodological quality resources) in influencing the help-seeking process. Studies
of the identified studies was not conducted per se. However, within the Entry and Continuity theme focused on clinical
the methodology was evaluated in relation to the ability of each predictors of service utilisation and the role of professionals as
study to answer the review questions. Like Alborz and McNally gatekeepers to appropriate specialist services. In addition to
(2004), the inclusion/exclusion process involved balancing the using the Gulliford et al. (2001) categories, it was recognised
‘signal’ of the publication (i.e. its potential to illuminate access that successful access to services for young people with ADHD
to care for children with ADHD) against its ‘noise’ or relevant may rely on novel approaches to care provision. The review also
methodology to address the review questions. This means that therefore included papers which evaluated interventions aimed
the methodological rigour of studies was not formally assessed at improving access to care (Interventions to Improve Access).
as would be usual within a traditional meta-analysis or The wide heterogeneity in study design meant that a meta-
systematic review (e.g. by using the Jadad Scale or a risk of analysis of the results was not possible and therefore the
bias tool). Such scales are applicable to the appraisal of the findings from the review are presented as a narrative under
relative quality of RCTs, however this review identified only one each theme heading. Although this approach has been taken,
RCT relevant to the topic of barriers and facilitators, hence a where they have been reported and add to the interpretation
means of appraisal that permits the synthesis of findings from and synthesis of the papers, odds ratios and confidence
different methodological approaches was adopted. intervals are also presented.
Taking this into account, Table 1 summarises methodolog-
ical inclusion and exclusion criteria applied to the identified
studies which address the review questions. It should be noted
that papers which focused only on evaluations of clinician Findings
knowledge of ADHD, or interventions aimed at its improve- Wider determinants
ment, were not included in this review. Although it may be
assumed that knowledge of ADHD influences access to care for Wider determinants are those barriers and facilita-
children, unless this link was explicitly made in the study tors to accessing care which relate to societal or
findings, the paper was excluded. Papers were also excluded if
the sample contained only children with a preexisting clinical
macrolevel influences. Ten papers were identified
diagnosis of ADHD as this implied that they had already within this theme with nine coming from the United
accessed services. Studies where a research diagnosis of States (Bussing, Koro-Ljungberg, Gary, Mason, &
ADHD (e.g. through screening for eligibility) was applied to a Garvan, 2005; Bussing, Zima, & Belin, 1998; Bus-
child were included in the review. Papers which had a sample sing, Zima, Perwien, et al., 1998; Bussing, Zima,
of children with mixed diagnoses were included in the review if
a minimum threshold of 50% of the sample had ADHD. This
Gary, & Wilson-Garvan, 2003; Bussing, Zima, Gary,
figure was decided upon to ensure that there was sufficient Mason, et al. 2003; Cuffe, Moore, & McKeown, 2009;
data presented within the paper which was relevant to this Gardner, Kelleher, Pajer, & Campo, 2004; Gidwani,
review’s research question. Opitz, & Perrin, 2006; Hillemeier, Foster, Heinrichs,
Following the three levels of screening, 27 papers were & Heier, 2007). These papers highlighted the roles of
identified for inclusion in the review. Of the 27 included
papers, 16 originated in the United States, seven were UK-
child gender (Bussing, Zima, Perwien, et al., 1998;
based, two were from Australia and there was one each from Bussing, Zima, Gary, & Wilson-Garvan, 2003; Bus-
Greece and Taiwan. Further details of the included studies can sing et al. 2005; Sayal, Owen, et al., 2010), age

© 2015 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for
Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
doi:10.1111/jcpp.12398 Pathways to care for ADHD 601

Table 1 Literature review inclusion and exclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria

Study design Empirical studies reporting original data including Studies which do not include any data. For
those employing quantitative (e.g. randomised example narrative reviews, book reviews,
controlled trials, quasi-experimental, cross-sectional commentaries, opinion leader reviews
surveys, cohort studies and secondary analysis of Case studies.
databases), qualitative (e.g. observation, interviews Letters, editorials and practice guidelines.
and focus groups) or mixed methods (e.g. those studies No extractable data related to ADHD.
utilising both quantitative and qualitative methods).
Extractable data related to ADHD and its symptoms.
Population of Children or young people (age ≤ 18) at risk of ADHD. Adults (over 18 years) with ADHD.
interest Healthcare professionals, teachers, parents or others Those caring for adults with ADHD, for
caring for children at risk of ADHD. example healthcare professionals and
Children given a research diagnosis of ADHD. informal/family carers.
Where studies reported a mixed sample (i.e. children Studies evaluating ADHD as a comorbidity of
with ADHD and other mental health problems), at least other mental disorders, such as substance
50% of the sample to have ADHD symptoms. abuse or personality disorders.
Studies with a sample of less that 50% with
Children with a clinical diagnosis of ADHD.
Focus of study Studies which address access to care and reflect the Studies which do not address access to care or
aims of the review. reflect the aims of the review.
Service evaluation or satisfaction studies.
Studies which focus on the improvement of
knowledge in relation to ADHD and its
symptoms without making the link to access
to care.
Language Studies reported in the English language. Studies not reported in the English language.
Period of interest Studies reported after 1980. Studies reported before 1980.

(Gardner et al., 2004), ethnicity (Bussing, Zima, ciated with female gender (OR 3.0, p < .001) and
Perwien, et al., 1998; Bussing, Zima, Gary, & Wil- ethnic minority status (OR 2.0, p < .001; Bussing,
son-Garvan, 2003; Bussing et al. 2005; Gidwani Zima, Perwien, et al., 1998).
et al., 2006; Hillemeier et al., 2007), social networks Bussing, Zima, Gary, and Wilson-Garvan (2003),
(Bussing, Zima, Gary, Mason, et al. 2003), low Bussing, Zima, Gary, Mason, et al. (2003) also found
socioeconomic status (Bussing, Zima, Perwien, that there were gender and ethnic disparities in
et al., 1998; Bussing, Zima, Gary, et al. 2003; Cuffe terms of recognition, help-seeking and service use
et al., 2009; Gardner et al., 2004) and urban resi- for children with ADHD. They screened district
dence (Bussing, Zima, & Belin, 1998; Cuffe et al., school records to identify children with ADHD risk
2009) as factors influencing access to care for predictors: 3,158 students were selected in a strat-
children at risk of ADHD. ified random design which oversampled girls by a
Bussing, Zima, Perwien, et al. (1998), Bussing, margin of two to one. Telephone interviews were
Zima, and Belin (1998), Bussing, Zima, Gary, and conducted with 1,615 parents of identified children
Wilson-Garvan (2003), Bussing, Zima, Gary, Mason, and from this group two samples were selected: 389
et al. (2003) and Bussing et al. (2005) in the United children for analysis of help-seeking and 91 for
States (Florida) investigated the relationship analysis of access to care barriers (Bussing, Zima,
between gender and ethnicity and access to care for Gary, & Wilson-Garvan 2003). Gender and ethnicity
children at risk of ADHD. The first set of studies were not found to independently affect the rate of
(Bussing, Zima, Perwien, et al., 1998; Bussing, recognition of children at risk of ADHD; however,
Zima, Belin, et al., 1998) screened a sample of 499 both variables had a consistent effect on the
children (mean age 9 years) receiving special educa- subsequent help-seeking steps of evaluation, obtain-
tion (defined as either the presence of a specific ing a diagnosis and receiving treatment. In each of
learning disability or emotional handicap) in a school these three steps, boys were found to be five times
district. Diagnostic assessments for ADHD were more likely to access services and receive help than
carried out for 207 ‘high-risk’ children who scored girls (OR 5.8, CI 3.4–10.0; OR 5.4, CI 3.0–9.6; OR
above a cut-off point on parent questionnaires or had 5.5, CI 2.8–10.7 respectively). White children
received treatment for ADHD. These were also com- were twice as likely to access services as African-
pleted on a random sample of 200 controls (Bussing, American children (OR 2.9; CI 1.6–5.2, OR 2.8; CI
Zima, Perwien, et al., 1998). ‘Unmet need’ for ADHD 1.5–5.1, OR 2.2; CI 1.1–1.3, respectively for the 3
care was defined as meeting diagnostic criteria steps) Bussing, Zima, Gary, and Wilson-Garvan
without having received ADHD treatment in the last (2003). As well as identifying variations in and
year. This applied to half the group and was asso- predictors of accessing services, Bussing, Zima,

© 2015 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for
Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
Table 2 Studies Included
Research Population of Child age Main Review
Reference methods interest Country Setting Sample size Gender Ethnicity range conclusions theme

Bussing, Cross-sectional Parents and United Schools Parents of 499 26% 47% ethnic 2nd to 4th Mental health Wider
Zima, study teachers States children female minority, grade (7–10 services Determinants
Perwien, incorporating mostly AA years) for children
et al. two stages: with ADHD
(1998) screening should
using be integrated
Nicola Wright et al.

standardised with general

questionnaire healthcare
and for those to address
eligible unmet need
Bussing, Cross-sectional Children in United Schools 143 children 19% 45% 2nd to 4th Primary Wider
Zima, and study special States female ethnic grade (7–10 care clinicians Determinants
Belin incorporating education minority years) need to be Entry
(1998) two stages: programmes more vigilant and
screening in detecting Continuity
using the needs
standardised of children
questionnaire in special
and for those education
eligible programmes
structured who are
interviews female, live
using in rural
validated areas or
measures. belong to
Bussing, Longitudinal Parents and United Schools 389 children 48% 48% C, 52% Kindergarten Pressing need to Wider
Zima, cohort study teachers States at risk of female AA to 5th grade examine the Determinants
Gary, following up ADHD (3–11 years) influence of Entry and
and Wilson participants in reported child gender Continuity
-Garvan multiple waves (fewer and ethnicity Identification
(2003) using children on parental of Need
standardised included help-seeking
questionnaires in analysis) behaviour
following a


© 2015 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for
Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
J Child Psychol Psychiatr 2015; 56(6): 598–617
Table 2 (continued)

Research Population of Child age Main Review

Reference methods interest Country Setting Sample size Gender Ethnicity range conclusions theme

Bussing, Longitudinal Parents and United Community 266 51% 67% White Kindergarten Clinicians Wider
Zima, cohort study children at risk of States children female to 5th grade should Determinants
Gary, following up ADHD (3–11 years) assess
Mason, participants in caregiver
et al. 2003 multiple waves strain and

using social
standardised support
questionnaires and
following a integrate

Child and Adolescent Mental Health.

screening them into
interview. treatment
Bussing Multilevel Parents of United Community 259 52% 33% AA; Kindergarten Greater Wider
et al. design using children at risk of States children female the rest C to 5th grade consideration Determinants
(2005) qualitative ADHD or with (3–11 years) should be
interviews and ADHD given to the
analysis based influence of
on grounded gender and
theory and ethnicity
standardised on the
questionnaires identification
for deductive and treatment
analysis to of ADHD
test an
of the
episode model.
Bussing Longitudinal Parents and United School 168 53% 35% AA Kindergarten Interventions Entry and
et al. cohort study adolescents States district adolescents female to 5th grade for adolescents Continuity
(2011) following up in North (3–11 years) with ADHD Identification
participants in Florida should include of Need
multiple waves psycho-
using education
standardised about
questionnaires medication,
following a and should
screening target stigma
interview. reduction

Pathways to care for ADHD

© 2015 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for
Table 2 (continued)
Research Population of Child age Main Review
Reference methods interest Country Setting Sample size Gender Ethnicity range conclusions theme

Bussing Longitudinal Adolescents, United School 569 (148 59% 73% C Kindergarten There is a need Entry and
et al. cohort study parents, States district adolescents) female to 5th grade to develop Continuity
(2012) following up healthcare in North adolescents (3–11 years) better
participants in professionals Florida strategies to
multiple waves and teachers and clinics increase
using adolescents’
Nicola Wright et al.

standardised willingness to
questionnaires engage in
following a treatment for
screening ADHD
interview. Also
used grounded
theory to
analyse open
ended survey
Chen Cohort study Children and Taiwan Database 10,153 children 23% Not reported Under Younger Entry and
et al. using data adolescents female 17 years children Continuity
(2011) from the 1997– with ADHD
2002 National may benefit
Health from mental
Insurance health
Research services
Database. that address
on access to
Cuffe Cross-sectional Parents of United Community 278 30% Not reported 4–17 More Wider
et al. study using children at risk of States children female years intervention Determinants
(2009) data from the ADHD provision Entry and
National is required Continuity
Health for low-income
Interview families
Survey Child and those
and Person living in
level rural areas
for 2001.


© 2015 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for
Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
J Child Psychol Psychiatr 2015; 56(6): 598–617
Table 2 (continued)

Research Population of Child age Main Review

Reference methods interest Country Setting Sample size Gender Ethnicity range conclusions theme

Gardner Cross-sectional Parents and United Primary 659 children 22% 14% ethnic 4–15 Children Wider
et al. survey primary care States care at risk of ADHD female minority years at risk Determinants
(2004) clinicians of ADHD Entry and
need more Continuity

Gidwani Vignette based Parents United Primary 135 100% of Anglo (in 6–12 years Clinicians Wider
et al. cross-sectional (mothers) States care mothers respondents United should not Determinants
(2006) survey were female States for allow parental

Child and Adolescent Mental Health.

more language
than 2 competence to
generations; be a barrier to
n = 43); discussing
Puerto children’s
Rican behaviour
(n = 43);
Central or
(n = 49)
Groenewald Vignette based Primary school United Community 212 89% of Not Primary Training Identification
et al. postal teachers Kingdom teachers respondents reported School about ADHD of Need
(2009) questionnaire were female (4–11 years) for teachers
may address
gaps in their
about ADHD
and its
Hillemeier Secondary Parents United Community 1070 36% of the 51% AA, Not stated Clinicians Wider
et al. analysis of States children index 49% C need to Determinants
(2007) data collected children be aware
as part of a were female of the
longitudinal influence
study of of ethnicity
children at risk on parents’
off emotional recognition
and/or of ADHD

Pathways to care for ADHD

© 2015 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for
Table 2 (continued)
Research Population of Child age Main Review
Reference methods interest Country Setting Sample size Gender Ethnicity range conclusions theme

Larson Cross-sectional Parents of United Community 5028 Not reported Not 6–17 years Greater Entry and
et al. analyses children at risk of States children reported consideration Continuity
(2011) conducted on ADHD should be
data from the given to
2007 National comorbidities
Survey of in ADHD
Nicola Wright et al.

Maniadaki Questionnaire Parents of Greece Community 590 50% Not 4–6 years Clinicians Identification
et al. study using children aged 4 parents mothers reported need to of Need
(2006) vignettes. to 6 years give greater
to the early
Morley Web-based Family physicians United Primary 187 49% 88% Not stated Clinicians Identification
(2010) factorial and States care clinicians female White need to be of Need
survey using paediatricians aware of the
vignettes potential
of ethnicity
and insurance
status on
Ohan and Analogue study Parents of Australia Community 96 parents, 140 Not reported Parents Elementary Services Identification
Visser using vignettes children at risk of teachers for parents; 88% White; school (6– need to of Need
(2009) ADHD and 85% female teachers 12 years) educate
elementary for teachers 91% White teachers
school teachers. and parents
about the
of treatments
for ADHD
for both
boys and girls


© 2015 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for
Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
J Child Psychol Psychiatr 2015; 56(6): 598–617
Table 2 (continued)

Research Population of Child age Main Review

Reference methods interest Country Setting Sample size Gender Ethnicity range conclusions theme

Sawyer Analysis of Parents of Australia Community 398 Not Not 6–17 years A minority Entry
et al. cross-sectional children and parents reported reported of participants and
(2004) data collected adolescents at at risk of Continuity
for the Child risk of ADHD ADHD
and Adolescent received

Component of help for

the National their
Survey of problems.
Mental Health Practical

Child and Adolescent Mental Health.

and Well- issues,
being. including
the cost
of services
and waiting
lists were
the most
cited by
Sayal Cross-sectional Children United Community 127 24% Not 5–11 years Parents Entry and
et al. community at risk Kingdom children female reported are the Continuity
(2002) study of ADHD main Identification
gatekeepers of Need
for access
to specialist
services for
Sayal Cross-sectional Parents of United Community 93 Not Not 5–11 years The impact Entry and
et al. community children at risk of Kingdom parents reported reported of ADHD Continuity
(2003) survey ADHD symptoms Identification
on parents’ of Need
and family
is substantial
and influences
access to care

Pathways to care for ADHD

© 2015 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for
Table 2 (continued)
Research Population of Child age Main Review
Reference methods interest Country Setting Sample size Gender Ethnicity range conclusions theme

Sayal, Analysis of data Children with United Community 232 19% Not 5–15 years There is Entry and
Goodman, collected by the ADHD and their Kingdom children female reported a need for Continuity
and Ford Office for parents and health
(2006) National teachers service
Statistics in a input to
national single support
Nicola Wright et al.

stage cross- educational

sectional professionals
survey in their
Sayal, Cohort study Teachers and United Schools 96 teachers and 50% Not Primary A brief Interventions
Hornsey, using a before children at risk of Kingdom 2672 children female reported School educational
et al., and after ADHD (4–11 years) intervention
2006 design. for teachers
of undiagnosed
with ADHD
Sayal, Ford, Analysis of data D Children with United Community 176 Not Not 5–16 years There is Entry
and collected in the ADHD and their Kingdom children reported reported a need and
Goodman 2nd national parents and for greater Continuity
(2010) cross-sectional teachers support for
survey (British schools, to
Child and enhance
Adolescent their role
Mental Health in helping
Survey) parents of
at risk of


© 2015 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for
Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
J Child Psychol Psychiatr 2015; 56(6): 598–617
Table 2 (continued)

Research Population of Child age Main Review

Reference methods interest Country Setting Sample size Gender Ethnicity range conclusions theme

Sayal, Population Children at risk of United Schools 487 children Not Not 4–5 years There Wider
Owen, based follow- ADHD Kingdom reported reported may be Determinants
et al., up study of a adverse Interventions
2010 randomised effects
school-based associated

intervention with labelling

at a young
age on

Child and Adolescent Mental Health.

of children’s
Wasserman Prospective Primary care United Primary 401 primary care Not reported Not reported 4-15 years Clinicians Identification
et al. cohort study. physicians States care clinicians for the for the do not of Need
(1999) reporting on population population appear
1947 children of interest of interest to be
having attention predisposed
and to label
hyperactivity children
problems as having
on the
basis of
their ethnicity
and SES
Williams Cohort study School nurses and United Schools 110 children Not Not Not stated Authors Interventions
et al. children at risk of States reported reported conclude
(1993) ADHD that the
improve the
life of the
Wolraich Randomised Primary care United Primary 243 31% 56% AA, Kindergarten Interventions
et al. control trial physicians, States care and children female 40% C to 4th grade aimed at
(2005) teachers, parents schools (5–10 years) improving
and children at
risk of ADHD
communication Interventions
Pathways to care for ADHD

should be

AA, African-American; C, Caucasian.


© 2015 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for
610 Nicola Wright et al. J Child Psychol Psychiatr 2015; 56(6): 598–617

Gary, and Wilson-Garvan (2003) also sought to United States for more than two generations) and
identify parental perceptions of barriers to care. Latino mothers’ perceptions of ADHD behaviours.
The total number of barriers identified was not found Differences were found based on whether mothers
to vary by gender or ethnicity. However, the parents were Spanish or English speakers. For example,
of girls reported more stigma-related barriers in Spanish speakers were less likely to rate vignettes
comparison to boys, and African-American parents describing a child with behaviour compatible with
expressed more negative expectations of treatment ADHD as ‘normal’. They also expressed a greater
than their White peers (Bussing, Zima, Gary, & interest in discussing the child’s behaviour with
Wilson-Garvan 2003). physicians (Gidwani et al., 2006). Exploring variation
Possible explanations for these differences were in parental report of ADHD symptoms, Hillemeier
explored by Bussing, Zima, Gary, Mason, et al. et al. (2007) found that African-American and White
(2003), Bussing et al. (2005). The influence of social parents endorsed different items on the Diagnostic
networks in terms of their structure, size and type of Interview Schedule for Children (DISC). This was
support offered was investigated by Bussing, Zima, despite similar levels of need in the child. Items
Gary, Mason, et al. (2003). Although child gender did related to hyperactivity, impulsivity and concentra-
not impact on network characteristics; ethnicity and tion were endorsed more frequently for African-Amer-
socioeconomic status did lead to significant varia- ican children, while parents of White children were
tion. The networks of White and higher socioeco- more likely to endorse items related to organisational
nomic parents were found to be significantly larger problems at home. Both the Gidwani et al. (2006) and
(p < .0001) and contain a higher proportion of Hillemeier et al. (2007) studies indicate that cultural
healthcare professionals (p < .001) (Bussing, Zima, and language variables may play a role in access to
Gary, Mason, et al. 2003). This suggests that these care for ADHD.
groups are more able to access advice from profes- The Bussing, Zima, Perwien, et al. (1998), Bus-
sionals, both formally and informally, than others. sing, Zima, and Belin (1998), Bussing, Zima, Gary,
Despite a lack of healthcare professionals within and Wilson-Garvan (2003) studies also highlighted
their networks, African-American parents and those the roles of other sociodemographic factors which
from lower socioeconomic groups did not appear to impact on access to care for ADHD. Low socioeco-
lack access to informal support, as they reported nomic status (based on measures reflecting insur-
more frequent contact with relatives and friends, with ance and subsidised lunch status) was identified as
greater perceived affective (p < .001), affirmative an indicator of unmet need, approximately doubling
(p < .001) and instrumental (p < .0001) support. the odds that a child with ADHD would not receive
In a subsequent paper, Bussing et al. (2005) services (Bussing, Zima, Perwien, et al., 1998). This
explored explanations for gender and ethnic differ- was supported by findings from Bussing, Zima,
ences in help-seeking behaviours; using qualitative Gary, and Wilson-Garvan (2003) which suggested
methods and further analysis of the Bussing, Zima, that the likelihood of receiving ADHD treatment was
Gary, and Wilson-Garvan (2003) data set. They higher for ‘nonpoor’ children in comparison to their
found that parental conceptualisations of a child’s ‘impoverished’ peers (OR 2.8, 95% CI) (Bussing,
behaviour were influenced by gender and ethnicity. Zima, Gary, & Wilson-Garvan, 2003). Higher rates
For example, African-American girls were concep- of service use in the general health sector were
tualised as a ‘misbehaving child’ (characterised by associated with being an urban resident (Bussing,
behavioural problems), whereas African-American Zima, & Belin, 1998). These findings were also
boys were described as ‘endangered’ (requiring close supported by Cuffe et al. (2009) drawing on data
supervision to prevent harm). These differing con- from the SDQ (Strengths and Difficulties Question-
ceptualisations were found to influence the help- naire) component of the 2001 National Health Inter-
seeking behaviour of parents. For example, parents view Survey and by Gardner et al. (2004) who used
reported making fewer steps (and therefore attempts) data from the US primary care-based Child Behavior
to seek help for girls in comparison to boys and also Study. Cuffe et al. (2009) also found that younger
for African-American as compared to White children age was associated with access to care for ADHD –
(Bussing et al., 2005). A UK-based intervention children between the ages of 9 and 13 were more
study (discussed in more detail in the Interventions likely to report a visit to a medical care professional
to Improve Access theme) also confirmed gender than 14- to 17-year olds (OR 2.77, CI 1.32–5.81).
differences in relation to access to care. In this 5-
year follow-up study, Sayal, Owen, et al. (2010)
Identification of need
found that male children at risk of ADHD were more
likely to access specialist health services. Adult recognition that a child has difficulties and
Two studies in the United States focused specifi- identification of a need for services are fundamental
cally on the influence of ethnicity on parental percep- steps for children to be able to access appropriate
tions of symptoms of ADHD. In a vignette study, care. Seven studies discussed elements related to
Gidwani et al. (2006) investigated the differences the identification of need and, of these, three were
between Anglo (defined in this study as being in the from the United States (Bussing, Zima, Gary, &

© 2015 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for
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doi:10.1111/jcpp.12398 Pathways to care for ADHD 611

Wilson-Garvan 2003; Morley, 2010; Wasserman system influenced parents’ and teachers’ decision-
et al., 1999), two from the United Kingdom (Groene- making, and mediated the relationship between
wald, Emond, & Sayal, 2009; Sayal, Taylor, Bee- gender and service seeking (Ohan & Visser, 2009).
cham, & Byrne, 2002) and one each from Australia The strongest predictors of General Practitioner (GP)
(Ohan & Visser, 2009) and Greece (Maniadaki, recognition of problems in a study in the United
Sonuga-Barke, Kakouros, & Karaba, 2006). What Kingdom were found to be parental recognition and
adults believe about the nature of ADHD, the request for referral (OR 20.83, 95% CI 3.05–142.08),
potential benefits of accessing services and how they in conjunction with behavioural problem comorbid-
conceptualise behavioural and emotional difficulties ity (OR 1.48 95% CI 1.04–2.12; Sayal et al., 2002). In
can all be influential, whether they are teachers turn, GP recognition of a mental health disorder
(Groenewald et al., 2009; Ohan & Visser, 2009), invariably led to a likely referral to specialist mental
parents (Bussing, Zima, Gary, & Wilson-Garvan health services, suggesting that GP nonrecognition
2003); Maniadaki et al., 2006; Ohan & Visser, constitutes a barrier in the pathway to care.
2009) or clinicians (Morley, 2010; Sayal et al., Morley (2010) and Wasserman et al. (1999) also
2002; Wasserman et al., 1999). investigated primary care clinicians’ recognition,
Using vignette descriptions of a girl with ADHD, diagnosis and treatment patterns in relation to
Groenewald et al. (2009) explored teacher recogni- ADHD. Neither study found evidence that ADHD is
tion and, in particular, the effect of the ADHD used by GPs as a label for children with social and
subtypes. How teachers conceptualised difficulties family problems. Although there were some gender
rather than the actual differences in symptomatol- differences in recognition and diagnosis of symptoms
ogy was found to influence teacher recognition and (e.g. boys were more likely than girls to be regarded
referral to specialist services (Groenewald et al., as having attention and hyperactivity problems), the
2009). Results from a multivariable analysis dem- predominant finding in both studies (using different
onstrated that conceptualisation of problems methodologies) was that a positive ADHD status was
increased the propensity for referral, whether seen most influential in determining recognition (Morley,
as ‘emotional difficulties’ (by 6%, 95% CI 0–11%; 2010; Wasserman et al., 1999).
p = .042) or ADHD (by 14%, 95% CI 8–21%;
p = .0001). By contrast, conceptualisation as ‘atten-
Entry and continuity of care
tional difficulties’ reduced the teacher’s likelihood of
making a referral by 13% (95% CI A number of papers explored issues pertaining to
5–21%; p = .002; Groenewald et al., 2009). take-up of consultations with clinical services, or
In a study of parents of preschool children, some of service utilisation, although we did not include
whom presented with ADHD behaviours, Maniadaki papers about treatment adherence over the longer
et al. (2006) found that parents whose child displayed term. Findings from studies conducted in Australia
ADHD characteristics conceptualised the behaviour (Sawyer et al., 2004), the United Kingdom (Sayal,
of the child in a vignette as less severe than parents Taylor, & Beecham, 2003; Sayal, Taylor, Beecham, &
with a child with less ADHD symptoms (p = .05). Byrne, 2002; Sayal, Goodman, Ford, 2006, 2010),
Accordingly, parents with a child with ADHD symp- the United States (Bussing, Zima, Mason, Porter, &
toms perceived the behaviour of the child as having Garvan, 2011; Bussing, Zima, Perwien, et al. 1998;
less impact on his/her life than the other group of Bussing, Zima, & Belin 1998; Bussing et al., 2012;
parents (p = .001). Maniadaki et al. (2006) inferred Cuffe et al., 2009; Gardner et al., 2004; Larson,
that, even though parents of preschool children Russ, Kahn, & Halfon, 2011) and Taiwan (Chen
acknowledge the need to seek specialist help in the et al., 2011) point to a number of factors which
case of a child with ADHD-related difficulties, in influence service utilisation. These include: comor-
practice they usually fail to recognise the presence bid disorders, adult perceptions (including parental
and clinical meaning of ADHD behaviours in their own recognition of problems and parent-reported bur-
children. den), willingness to engage (by parents, teachers,
Reduced likelihood of referral for girls was also healthcare professionals and adolescents) and or-
investigated by Ohan and Visser (2009) using a ganisational issues. Further details are presented
sample of parents and teachers. In contrast to both below.
Groenewald et al. (2009) and Maniadaki et al. Parental perceptions of hyperactivity as a serious
(2006), referral was not found to be linked to problem requiring help and child emotional and
perceptions and conceptualisations of child behav- behavioural comorbidities have been shown to predict
iour (in this case, disruption) but was instead linked use of specialist mental health services in UK studies
to beliefs about the potential of a child to benefit from conducted by Sayal, Taylor, Beecham, and Byrne
interventions such as learning assistance. Using the (2002), Sayal, Taylor, and Beecham (2003), Sayal,
example of learning assistance, Ohan and Visser Goodman, and Ford (2006), Sayal, Ford, and Good-
(2009) found that both parents (p < .01) and teach- man (2010) and in Australia by Sawyer et al. (2004).
ers (p < .01) reported that it would be more beneficial Research conducted in the United States by Cuffe
to boys than girls. They suggested that this belief et al. (2009), Gardner et al. (2004) and Bussing,

© 2015 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for
Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
612 Nicola Wright et al. J Child Psychol Psychiatr 2015; 56(6): 598–617

Zima, and Belin (1998) supported these findings. In Although sociodemographic factors played a signif-
the Cuffe et al. (2009) study, children with high levels icant role in the initiation of treatment (being male,
of comorbid emotional problems were more likely to be lower socioeconomic status and an older age all
seen by medical professionals than children without increased an individual’s chances of being treated),
(OR 1.98, CI 1.07–3.66). Similarly, in the Gardner they were not found to influence discontinuation.
et al. (2004) study, the presence of comorbid inter- Factors such as where an individual receives treat-
nalising symptoms was associated with visiting a ment (district hospital/clinic vs. paediatric or psy-
mental health specialist. Larson et al. (2011) identi- chiatric specialists) or a change in hospital or clinic
fied that health and education service use increased increased the likelihood of discontinuation (Chen
with each additional comorbid condition in children et al., 2011). For example, children who received
with symptoms compatible with ADHD. Using the their initial prescription from a district hospital were
example of mental health visits, Larson et al. (2011) 1.32 times more likely to discontinue it (95% CI:
identify that the odds of service use increased by 1.33 1.17–1.49) than those who received their prescrip-
for a single comorbidity, 2.73 for two and 4.55 if three tion from a specialist paediatrician or psychiatrist.
were present.
Research by Bussing, Zima, and Belin (1998)
Interventions to improve access to care
found that, in relation to children at high risk of
ADHD, receipt of specialist mental health services in Only four papers, two UK-based (Sayal, Hornsey,
the previous year was associated with comorbid Warren, MacDiarmid, & Taylor, 2006; Sayal, Owen,
behaviour problems, functional impairment and et al., 2010) and two from the United States (Wil-
family burden, and it is reasonable to assume that liams, Horn, Daley, & Nader, 1993; Wolraich, Bick-
the service use followed the recognition of a problem man, Lambert, Simmons, & Doffing, 2005) reported
rather than vice-versa. In a later study, Bussing interventions which aimed to increase access to care
et al. (2011) found that parental perceptions of for children at risk of ADHD. Three of these studies
inattention symptoms (OR 1.2 CI 1.05–1.31) and explored school-based interventions (Sayal, Horn-
medication receptivity (OR 3.8 CI 1.62–8.71) were sey, et al., 2006; Sayal, Owen, et al., 2010; Williams
significant predictors of mental health service usage et al., 1993) whereas Wolraich et al. (2005) tested an
in the past year. However, this study also found that intervention which aimed to improve communication
the perceptions of older children and adolescents between professional and family carers.
have an equally powerful effect on accessing ser- Sayal, Hornsey, et al. (2006) delivered an ADHD
vices. For example, having a ‘medication receptive’ educational session to 96 teachers in six primary
parent increased the odds of using mental health schools to investigate changes in recognition of
services by 3.8, but perceived stigma on the part of children with probable ADHD. The intervention
the adolescent reduced these odds by a factor of five improved agreement between teacher recognition of
(Bussing et al., 2011). possible or probable ADHD and the diagnostic
Bussing et al. (2012) expanded on the role of algorithm (based on parent and teacher responses
adolescent opinion in a mixed methods enquiry. The to the SDQ). The sensitivity of teacher recognition
perspectives of four sets of stakeholders: teachers was 32% at baseline and 50% after the session;
(n = 122), parents (n = 161), healthcare professionals specificity was 97% at baseline and 96% following
(n = 138) and adolescents (n = 148) were explored in the session (Sayal, Hornsey, et al., 2006). The
relation to the reasons individuals gave for wanting to authors suggested that a brief educational interven-
engage with services for ADHD. Parents and health- tion for teachers could help improve the identifica-
care professionals were more willing to engage than tion of children with ADHD in the community (Sayal,
adolescents (beta estimates of 0.55 and 0.44 respec- Hornsey, et al., 2006).
tively). Other factors that increased willingness to The impact of school-based screening and educa-
engage with services included feeling knowledgeable tional interventions on longer term outcomes includ-
about the treatment options (medication and psycho- ing specialist service use was investigated by Sayal,
social) available and a consideration that the treat- Owen, et al. (2010). Schools received one of the four
ment (medication or psychosocial) was both interventions: education (books about ADHD for
acceptable and helpful (Bussing et al., 2012). Will- teachers), identification (the names of children with
ingness was found to be reduced by the anticipation of high hyperactivity/inattention scores between the
negative side effects but not significantly related to ages of 4 and 5 years), both education and identifica-
stigma, embarrassment, ethnicity, gender or socio- tion, or no intervention. None of the interventions were
economic status (Bussing et al., 2012). associated with improved outcomes, and there was no
In contrast to the methodology of the above studies association between intervention type and specialist
which focused on individual factors and initial service use at 5-year follow-up. However, children
access, Chen et al. (2011) suggested that service who received the identification-only intervention were
provider characteristics were the main factor influ- more than twice as likely as those in the control group
encing the failure to continue to access services to have high hyperactivity/inattention scores on the
(indicated by the discontinuation of treatment). SDQ at follow-up (adjusted OR 2.11 95% CI 1.12–

© 2015 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for
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doi:10.1111/jcpp.12398 Pathways to care for ADHD 613

4.00), indicating a possible association between To attempt to mitigate this, we have presented the
awareness or labelling of hyperactivity/inattention review process as transparently as possible so that
problems and worse outcomes. our decision-making is clear, and practitioners and
Williams et al. (1993) also evaluated a school- policy-makers are able to make their own judgments
based intervention. However, unlike Sayal, Hornsey, about the transferability of the findings to their
et al. (2006), Sayal, Owen, et al. (2010) who looked clinical areas. As outlined in the Methods section, we
at teacher recognition, Williams et al. (1993) did not conduct an estimation of methodological
explored the school setting as a means of coordinat- rigour as would be expected in more traditional
ing the many different services involved in the care systematic reviews and this may be considered to be
for children with ADHD. However, a lack of engage- a limitation of the review process. Instead, we have
ment from parents (35% of parents failed to engage) focused on the ability of the identified studies to
and insufficient information collected at follow-up answer the review questions, a precedent set by Alborz
(48 out of a total of 96 children had insufficient et al. (2005). We have noted methodological limita-
information) made robust evaluation of the interven- tions of the studies where relevant, however given the
tion problematic. paucity of included studies this did not inform the
Wolraich et al. (2005) investigated the implementa- weight we attached to their findings or the consider-
tion of an intervention which aimed to improve com- ation given to the studies within our results. There-
munication among primary care physicians, teachers fore, an inclusive approach to the searching and
and parents who supported children at risk of ADHD. retrieval of studies was undertaken and independent
The intervention comprised group workshops, but low reviewers were used to ensure sufficient rigour within
up take led to the redesign of the intervention and the process.
single one-to-one tutorials were offered. While the Although the majority of the included studies have
individual approach was better attended than the come from the United States, the review has taken an
workshops, it was not possible to demonstrate international perspective with studies from Austra-
improved communication between primary care phy- lia, Greece, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. The
sicians, teachers and parents (Wolraich et al., 2005). differential rates of recognition and diagnosis of
The inference drawn was that a sustained and con- ADHD between countries as well as variations in
tinuous approach was needed to improve communi- healthcare systems may have influenced the barriers
cation between all those involved in caring for children and facilitators identified in the review. These soci-
at risk of ADHD. The authors suggest that school- etal and system factors can make comparisons
based mental health services could be a more effective across different countries challenging. It may also
approach, and highlight the potential role of school mean that some of the research findings are specific
nurses as facilitators of the communication between to the communities in which the original studies
teachers and primary care physicians. were conducted and caution may need to be applied
when implementing them in different contexts.
Despite the international focus of the literature
Discussion review, a limitation is that it only reports on studies
Strengths and limitations of the review process published in English. It is acknowledged that this
approach may have missed key texts.
In this systematic review, the majority of the 27
included papers focused on the characterisation of
existing barriers and facilitators within the pathway to Discussion of the review findings
care and unmet need within the population, with only This literature review has utilised a social-ecological
four studies investigating interventions aimed at view of implementation and the Gulliford et al. (2001)
improving access to care for children at risk of ADHD. framework to identify a complicated network of actors
This review has been informed by both a social- involved in accessing care for ADHD. These individ-
ecological view of research implementation and the uals include parents, teachers, healthcare profes-
Gulliford et al. (2001) conceptualisation of ‘access to sionals (specialist and nonspecialist) as well as the
care’. The use of any specific theoretical framework or children and young people themselves. At this indi-
conceptualisation can be a potential limitation. In this vidual level, parental decision-making in relation to
case, using a different theoretical lens may lead to the accessing services is influenced by the views of the
themes being interpreted in different ways or different child’s teacher and their ability to recognise behav-
themes being identified at the outset. For example, the iours suggestive of ADHD. Beliefs and perceptions
wider determinants category has emphasised the role regarding the efficacy of treatment and what consti-
of sociodemographics and economic status on access tutes acceptable behaviour were also put forward as
to care as per the Gulliford et al. (2001) model. Using a factors influencing the recognition of ADHD and
different theoretical lens, may have meant that the subsequent help-seeking behaviours. The child’s
social, regulatory, policy or political landscape that gender and ethnicity appear to exert an influence on
influences the availability and access to services took accessing services, as demonstrated by Bussing,
a more prominent focus. Zima, Gary, Mason, et al. (2003), whereby girls and

© 2015 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for
Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
614 Nicola Wright et al. J Child Psychol Psychiatr 2015; 56(6): 598–617

African-American children were less likely to be tioners need to be aware of the importance of adoles-
recognised as having ADHD. Cultural differences cents’ perceptions of public stigma of ADHD as a
were noted in parental thresholds for deeming behav- barrier to their engagement in the assessment process
iour to be problematic (Gidwani et al., 2006), and and also as a factor that decreases their treatment
comorbidity was identified as a strong predictor of adherence. This finding also identifies the important
access to care. role of public awareness initiatives and health-pro-
As well as individual-level factors, organisational motion strategies to increase the wider understanding
settings as both a place for identification and inter- of ADHD within society as starting points for improv-
vention were considered within the review. Schools, ing access to care. Given the possibility of differing
in particular, were investigated in three of the four perceptions and explanations for a child’s behaviour,
included intervention studies (Sayal, Hornsey, et al., building a common understanding of the child’s
2006; Sayal, Owen, et al., 2010; Williams et al., difficulties in shared decision-making and the path-
1993). Improvements in identification were noted, way through services is crucial.
but the impact of identification may have proved In summary, this literature review has identified
detrimental to some children (Sayal, Owen, et al., barriers and facilitators to accessing care at multiple
2010). The detrimental impact of being identified, levels of influence and how they appear to affect the
and potentially labelled, as having ADHD, raises the complex process of diagnosis and treatment for
issue of stigma and the possibility of a self-fulfilling children with ADHD symptoms. Clinicians working
prophecy in relation to adult expectations of a child’s with children and adolescents will benefit from an
behaviour. This suggests that recognition and iden- increased awareness of these barriers, to inform any
tification may only lead to positive outcomes for the attempts to improve equity in access to care. The
child if they then progress to the receipt and accep- studies included in this review suggest that clini-
tance of evidence-based interventions. It also raises cians should evaluate their patients in context,
the question of whether children whose ADHD does taking into account their age, gender, ethnicity,
not present complex difficulties benefit from being socioeconomic status, social networks that influence
identified. In summary, the impact of ADHD on them and their views on possible stigma associated
functioning in educational settings potentially makes with a diagnosis of ADHD.
school-based interventions desirable, with the caveat The review has also highlighted large gaps in the
that the threshold for identification should be suffi- evidence base, particularly in relation to interventions
ciently sensitive and specific and the treatment to improve access. Only a few trials, based in widely
effective enough so that any negative consequences differing systems of healthcare, have been conducted
for the child are offset by the advantages gained from and none of these has been replicated, so the little
care. Single interventions aimed at enhancing the evidence which does exist is not generalisable.
communication among key adults who care for This dearth of research into how best to overcome
children at risk of ADHD do not appear to be effective the numerous barriers to treatment of ADHD is
in the long term; interventions probably need to be problematic for policy-makers seeking to improve
continuous and sustainable (Wolraich et al., 2005). outcomes for children across the board (Department
Although this review has focused on ADHD, indi- of Health, 2013) as well as for practitioners aiming to
vidual and organisational barriers and facilitators to implement evidence-based practice and clinical
care have been identified for a range of paediatric guidelines in the field of mental disorders of children
conditions. These include asthma (Lakhanpaul et al., and adolescents. However, some of the studies do
2014), learning disabilities (Bhaumik et al., 2011) provide useful ideas about ways forward, for exam-
and diabetes (Powell, Chen, Kumar, Streisand, & ple, the need for a better integration of health and
Holmes, 2013). As found in this review, demographic education services (Wolraich et al., 2005).
factors, parental beliefs in the efficacy of treatments Timely and effective treatment of ADHD could afford
and how care is organised are important barriers to long-term savings (Lucas et al., 2013) with better
care (Lakhanpaul et al., 2014; Liptak et al., 2008; knowledge of how to overcome the barriers to access
Powell et al., 2013). However, unlike many other discussed here. More work is therefore needed to
childhood conditions, there is a wider political dimen- evaluate interventions to enhance access to care for
sion to the existence/nonexistence of ADHD. As children at risk of ADHD. The use of randomised
identified above, the possibility of creating self-fulfill- controlled trial methodologies, replication studies
ing prophecies in relation to young children and their and long-term follow-up are important means to
behaviour is concerning for many. Misconceptions determine the cost-effectiveness of such initiatives.
regarding ADHD can have a detrimental impact on
children and their families. The risk of stigma was
raised as an issue for adolescents in the Bussing et al. Supporting information
(2012) study and stigmas negatively impacted on their Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
willingness to access and engage with care. This online version of this article:
suggests that there is a need for psycho-educational Appendix S1. Literature review search terms.
interventions for adolescents. Mental health practi- Appendix S2. Excluded studies table.

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doi:10.1111/jcpp.12398 Pathways to care for ADHD 615

Research (NIHR). The views expressed in this publication

Acknowledgements are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the
This study was funded by the National Institute for NHS, The NIHR or the Department of Health.
Health Research Collaboration for Leadership in Applied The authors have declared that they have no com-
Health Research and Care Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire peting or potential conflicts of interest.
and Lincolnshire (NIHR CLAHRC-NDL). The authors
acknowledge the following organisation and individuals
who have provided support in the completion of the
project: Enhance Reviews who completed the initial Correspondence
literature searches and screening, Sara Bayes and Sarah Nicola Wright, School of Health Sciences, Institute of
Pass who were also involved in the early stages of the Mental Health, University of Nottingham, Triumph
project. This article presents independent research Road, Nottingham NG7 2TU, UK; Email: nicola.
commissioned by the National Institute for Health

Key points
• For children at risk of ADHD, there are barriers and facilitators to the receipt of assessment and eventual
treatment; these operate at a societal, organisational and individual level.
• There are inequalities in the access to care for ADHD: boys, younger children, White children, urban residents
and children from higher SES are more likely to access services. This bias may be partially mediated by the
influence of the child’s gender on parent conceptualisation of the problem and variations in help-seeking
behaviour which are associated with ethnicity.
• There is a need to enhance the knowledge about ADHD in teachers, primary care clinicians and parents with
special focus on awareness that ADHD might have a predominantly inattentive presentation and that
treatment for ADHD is as effective in girls as in boys.
• Adolescents with ADHD may be aware of stigma and public perceptions in relation to ADHD. As this impacts
on their engagement with services, age-appropriate psycho-educational initiatives delivered in nonstigma-
tising settings need to be developed.
• Interventions to improve the access of children at risk of ADHD to appropriate care have targeted the
knowledge of professionals or aimed to enhance the communication between key adults; the effectiveness of
those interventions was limited and their long-term benefit has not been evaluated.
• There is a need for clinical guidelines to be appropriately implemented.

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