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DJIA 22118.42 À 0.12% NASDAQ 6383.77 À 0.51% NIKKEI 20055.89 À 0.52% STOXX 600 382.01 g 0.14% BRENT 52.37 g 0.10% GOLD 1258.20 g 0.01% EURO 1.1785 À 0.09%

What’s Pyongyang Rejects Nuclear Talks

News North Korea says it
won’t negotiate on
North Korean Foreign Min-
ister Ri Yong Ho on Monday
delivered the strongly worded
mously by the Security Coun-
cil over the weekend had the
crucial support of China,
force,” the statement said.
Other countries were not be-
ing threatened unless they
billion, from North Korea’s an-
nual foreign revenue.
Earlier Monday, Mr. Tiller-
weapons and would statement to reporters on the North Korea’s chief economic joined the U.S. in a military at- son said that if North Korea
Business & Finance sidelines of an Asian regional partner. tack, it said. wants talks with Washington,
strike U.S. if attacked security conference hours af- Mr. Ri’s statement rejected The sanctions are meant to it must first stop launching
ter U.S. Secretary of State assertions by some Security close loopholes that have al- missiles.
A n investor consensus
that the dollar will keep
weakening is rippling around
Rex Tillerson vowed to imple-
ment the stiffest sanctions
Council members that North
Korea’s military programs
lowed the rogue regime to cul-
tivate trade, financing and la-
“That would be the first
and strongest signal,” he said.
yet imposed on the Pyong- constituted a global threat bor ties, thereby generating “We have not had extended
the world, fueling rallies in
MANILA—Defying pressure yang regime. and said they were instead a revenue to support its nuclear periods of time where they
everything from U.S.
from new United Nations sanc- Washington is seeking to legitimate option for self-de- programs. The sanctions ban were not taking some type of
stocks to commodities. A1
tions, North Korea threatened build support in its campaign fense “in the face of a clear trade in coal with North Korea provocative action by launch-
 Libor’s demise is likely to use nuclear weapons to pressure North Korea to and real nuclear threat posed and bar countries from em- Please see KOREA page A4
to be felt by U.S. consum- against the U.S. if militarily give up its nuclear program by the U.S.” ploying North Korean laborers
ers with adjustable-rate provoked and said it would after the country launched If the U.S. attacks North Ko- and entering into joint ven-  Gerald F. Seib: Afghan policy
mortgages, which are of- “under no circumstances” ne- ballistic missiles last month rea, the country “is ready to tures with Pyongyang. pits Trump against himself.. A2
ten pegged to the index. A1 gotiate on its nuclear and mis- capable of reaching the U.S. teach the U.S. a severe lesson U.S. officials say the sanc-  Opinion: The latest North
sile weapons programs. The sanctions adopted unani- with its nuclear strategic tions could cut a third, or $1 Korean sanctions show..... A10
 United Technologies
made a bid for Rockwell, but

the companies are wrangling
over the price of a deal that Kenya Braces for Election After Charged Campaign
would top $20 billion. B1

Bet Dollar
 Renault is set to open a
new factory in Iran, the lat-
est in a wave of deals by

Will Keep
Western firms following
the lifting of sanctions. B1
 Netflix made its first ac-

quisition, buying Millarworld
amid plans to develop con-
tent based on the comic-book
publisher’s characters. B3
 Fresenius’s dialysis unit A growing investor consen-
agreed to buy NxStage for sus that the weak U.S. dollar
about $2 billion, part of a will keep weakening is rip-
broader push by the Ger- pling around the world, fuel-
man firm into the U.S. B3 ing rallies in everything from
U.S. stocks to commodities.
 SoftBank’s CEO expressed
interest in investing in Uber
or Lyft to gain access to the By Ira Iosebashvili,
U.S. ride-hailing market. B4 Chelsey Dulaney
and Riva Gold
 China’s central bank is in-
creasing its monitoring of fi- The dollar has been suffer-
nancial-technology firms. B5 ing through one of its worst
 China’s foreign-exchange stretches in years, weighed

reserves rose for a sixth down by scant inflation and

straight month in July. B5 doubts on whether the Federal
Reserve will raise rates soon.
 South Korean prosecu-
The U.S. currency rallied on
tors are seeking a 12-year
Friday after a strong U.S. jobs
sentence for Samsung’s head
report, but it remains down
after a corruption trial. B4
roughly 7% against a basket of
 Vanguard said it would currencies since the start of
stop charging its investors the year and has declined for
for analyst research. B7 five straight months.
President Donald Trump’s
World-Wide election victory last November
GETTING READY: Election workers prepared ballot boxes in the capital Nairobi ahead of Tuesday’s general election for the presidency and more had sparked a brief dollar
than 1,800 positions. Fears of violence heightened after an official in charge of balloting technology was found dead days before the vote. rally, as investors counted on
 North Korea responded policies such as tax cuts and
to new U.N. sanctions with a infrastructure spending to
threat to use nuclear weap- boost the economy, and the
dollar with it. But with grid-
ons against the U.S. if militar-
ily threatened and rejected
holding talks on its nuclear
and missile programs. A1
NEW INTERNET USERS SPRING UP lock in Washington putting
those policies in doubt, many
believe the dollar stands to
fall further.
 Tillerson told Russia’s Investors last week held
foreign minister that the Technology companies retool products for the developing world, creating winners and losers roughly $7.9 billion in bets on a
U.S. would respond to Mos- weaker dollar, the biggest bear-
cow’s expulsion of American BY ERIC BELLMAN new wave. “The new users are very different ish position since early 2013,
diplomats by Sept. 1. A4 Sudden Interest from the first billion.” Commodity Futures Trading
 Canada played down the The newest wave of people The internet’s global expansion is enter- A look at Megh Singh’s smartphone sug- Commission data show.
prospect of resolving a online leans more toward voice ing a new phase, and it looks decidedly un- gests how the next billion might determine That leaves some analysts
trade spat with the U.S. and video. like the last one. a new set of winners and losers in tech. concerned that a change in the
over lumber before the start Instead of typing searches and emails, a Mr. Singh, 36 years old, balances suitcases economic or political outlook
Total hours spent on apps in wave of newcomers—“the next billion,” the on his head in New Delhi, earning less than could send investors scram-
of talks to revamp Nafta. A4 April-June 2017, change from a
tech industry calls them—is avoiding text, $8 a day as a porter in one of India’s biggest bling to cover bets against the
 Egypt’s President Sisi is year earlier India U.S. using voice activation and communicating railway stations. He isn’t comfortable read- currency, potentially sparking
cutting food and fuel sub- 162% with images. They are a swath of the world’s ing or using a keyboard. That doesn’t stop a dollar rally and a snapback
sidies in a gamble to aid YouTube
48% less-educated, online for the first time him from checking train schedules, messag- in other assets.
the stalled economy. A5 53 thanks to low-end smartphones, cheap data ing family and downloading movies. Because the dollar is the
 Chicago filed suit over the 29 plans and intuitive apps that let them navi- “We don’t know anything about emails or global currency, any signifi-
administration’s use of grant 51 gate despite poor literacy. even how to send one,” said Mr. Singh, who cant change in its value ripples
money to force cities to co- 18 Incumbent tech companies are finding first went online in the past year. “But we throughout financial markets.
operate with a crackdown on 18 they must rethink their products for these are enjoying the internet to the fullest.” “The broad-based nature of
illegal immigration. A6 31 newcomers and face local competitors that Mr. Singh squatted under the station the dollar touches everything,”
–15 have been quicker to ferret them out. “We stairwell, whispering into his phone using said Alan Robinson, global
 Trump began the first Gmail
13 are seeing a new kind of internet user,” said speech recognition on the station’s free Wi- portfolio adviser at RBC
weekday of his working va- Source: App Annie Caesar Sengupta, who heads a group at Al- Fi. It is a simple affair, a Sony Corp. model Wealth Management, which
cation with Twitter attacks THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. phabet Inc.’s Google trying to adapt to the Please see WEB page A8 Please see DOLLAR page A2
on a Democratic critic and
news-media outlets. A6
 The Democrats suffered
a setback when West Vir- Password Rules Expert Has INSIDE Libor’s End Creates
ginia’s governor switched to
the GOP last week. A6 A New Tip: N3v$r M1nd!
 Maduro’s supporters
marched in favor of a new,
i i i Mortgage Mystery
all-powerful legislative Bill Burr’s 2003 report advised using BY CHRISTINA REXRODE
body in Venezuela. A4 Bond Bellwethers

 Concerns about Brexit obscure characters; he regrets the error The Libor index is going Yield on two popular
are causing companies to away. For U.S. consumers, its fixed-income benchmarks
postpone their investment BY ROBERT MCMILLAN and large companies looking demise is most likely to be felt
plans in Britain. A3
The man who wrote the
for a set of password-setting
rules to follow.
BREXIT WEIGHS in adjustable-rate mortgages.
So-called ARMs—where the
12-month Libor
 A powerful storm hit the book on password manage- The problem is the advice ON BUSINESS interest rate rises and falls
1-year Treasury
Balkans and other areas in
Europe following a week of
ment has a confession to
make: He blew it.
ended up largely incorrect, Mr.
Burr says. Change your pass-
INVESTMENT with broader indexes—are of-
ten closely tied to Libor, or the
record temperatures. A4 Back in 2003, as a midlevel word every 90 days? Most London interbank offered rate. 1.2
manager at the Na- people make minor WORLD NEWS, A3 While ARMs are out of favor
CONTENTS Markets...................... B8 tional Institute of changes that are these days, they are still a siz-
Business News...... B3 Markets Digest..... B6
Capital Journal...... A2 Opinion.............. A10-11
Standards and Tech- easy to guess, he la- able portion of the mortgage 0.8
Crossword.............. A12 Technology............... B4 nology, Bill Burr was ments. Changing market, and once Libor disap-
Finance & Mkts... B5,7 U.S. News............. A6-7 the author of “NIST Pa55word!1 to pears it is unclear what those
Heard on Street.... B8 Weather................... A12 Special Publication Pa55word!2 doesn’t mortgages would be pegged to. 0.4
Life & Arts......... A9,12 World News........ A2-5
800-63. Appendix keep the hackers at U.K. authorities recently
€3.20; CHF5.50; £2.00; A.” The 8-page bay. said Libor would be phased
U.S. Military (Eur.) $2.20 0
primer advised peo- Also off the mark: out over the next five years
ple to protect their accounts by demanding a letter, number, due to allegations bankers ma- 2014 2015 2016 2017
inventing awkward new words uppercase letter and special nipulated it, which could Source: FactSet
rife with obscure characters,
capital letters and numbers—
character such as an exclama-
tion point or question mark—a
NETFLIX MAKES prove troublesome for borrow-
ers, lenders and investors in

and to change them regularly. finger-twisting requirement. ITS FIRST mortgage securities. this kind of mortgage, said

s Copyright 2017 Dow Jones &

The document became a
sort of Hammurabi Code of
“Much of what I did I now
regret,” said Mr. Burr, 72 years
ACQUISITION “In a fairly short amount of
time, no one is going to know
Lou Barnes, a capital markets
analyst with Premier Mortgage
Company. All Rights Reserved
passwords, the go-to guide for old, who is now retired. how to compute what the next Group in Boulder, Colo. “And
federal agencies, universities Please see RULES page A8 BUSINESS & FINANCE, B3 payment is going to be” for Please see LIBOR page A2
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
A2 | Tuesday, August 8, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Afghan Policy Pits Trump Against Himself stan could find that it is re-
ceiving less aid and more
cross-border airstrikes by
American forces until it
changes behavior.

few things are cer-
tain. One is that Af-
CAPITAL JOURNAL ghanistan remains the
By Gerald F. Seib home for a toxic brew of Tal-
iban, al Qaeda and Islamic
State fighters, ready to turn
To understand the Trump the country into the same
administration’s struggle to kind of cauldron of Islamic
agree on a strategy to re- extremism it was when it be-
verse the deteriorating situa- came the launchpad for the
tion in Afghanistan, it’s use- Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks
ful first to look back in time. on America.
In early 2013, Donald The second certainty is
Trump tweeted: “We should that Mr. Trump has on hand
leave Afghanistan immedi- a cast of advisers with ex-
ately. No more wasted lives.” traordinarily deep experience
Early the fol- in and knowledge of Afghani-
lowing year, stan. Mr. Mattis led an expe-


when Presi- ditionary brigade there and
dent Barack later oversaw all American
Obama was forces in the Middle East.
trying to Mr. McMaster—currently the
withdraw vir- target of a nasty campaign
tually all American combat by critics trying to under-
troops, he tweeted: “I agree mine his authority—was a
with Pres. Obama on Afghan- top commander of U.S. forces
istan. We should have a in Afghanistan. The White
speedy withdrawal. Why House chief of staff, retired
should we keep wasting our Marine Gen. John Kelly, has
money -- rebuild the U.S.!” a personal connection to the
Thus, when Mr. Trump risks involved: His son, a Ma-
argues, as officials say he President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, right, is among those reviewing U.S. policy in Afghanistan. rine officer, was killed when
has in meetings, that the he stepped on a land mine in
U.S. is “losing” in Afghani- Thus, the struggle to fig- has effectively decided to cials—Secretary of State Rex to advising and training the Afghanistan in 2010.
stan, that isn’t a new ure out what to do now is increase America’s troop Tillerson, national security Afghan armed forces? Will The third certainty is that,
thought. When he appears less about Mr. Trump argu- presence in Afghanistan. adviser H.R. McMaster, Cen- they be free to go after as analyst Michael O’Hanlon
conflicted about sending in ing with his advisers or mili- That happened when De- tral Intelligence Agency Di- fighters from the Taliban of the Brookings Institution
more troops to reverse Tali- tary leaders, and more about fense Secretary Jim Mattis rector Mike Pompeo—all and the Haqqani network of put it, “there probably aren’t
ban gains there, that re- Mr. Trump arguing with him- was given the authority agree with this approach, of- guerrillas fighting the Af- great Afghan options.”
flects his longstanding self. He is a man who hates early to decide on troop lev- ficials say. Attorney General ghan government, not just Which leads to what even
doubts about a prolonged losing, yet fears he’s stuck els, allowing him to go Jeff Sessions, the cabinet of- remnants of the al Qaeda or- Mr. Trump is likely to decide
American presence there. with a losing proposition in above the 8,400 U.S. troops ficer most intimately involved ganization? is the fourth certainty: The
Afghanistan. there now. with the Trump campaign, Crucially, the new strategy U.S. is compelled to be in Af-

nd when administra- Mr. Trump is, to be sure, That authority, along has expressed misgivings will include a broader deci- ghanistan for the long haul. A
tion officials argue the third American president with the decision earlier about a broader commitment, sion on how to handle Paki- review of Afghan policy this
that Mr. Obama made over a 16-year period to try this year to drop the big- as has senior White House stan, which continues to pro- summer by a star-studded
a serious mistake by publicly to figure out a formula to gest nonnuclear bomb in adviser Steve Bannon. vide sanctuary to Taliban Brookings panel of former
declaring he would withdraw turn around Afghanistan. the American arsenal on a What’s lacking—and and Haqqani fighters just military and diplomatic lead-
American troops by the end And he is the third president group of Islamic State what’s prevented Mr. Mattis across the border. ers in the region con-
of 2014, helping open the to be frustrated. fighters who had set up from pulling the trigger on The policy review may cluded: “The U.S.-Afghan
door for a Taliban resur- It’s important to remem- shop in Afghanistan, sug- the increase in troop levels— well produce a plan to use partnership should be recog-
gence, they are probably ber what the administration gests the U.S. is prepared to is a broader strategy for us- more sticks and fewer car- nized as generational in dura-
right. But that was a deci- actually is debating as it make a broader military ing those troops. How deeply rots to persuade Pakistan to tion, given the nature of the
sion that private citizen Don- tries to finish a delayed commitment. involved will they be in com- stop aiding enemies of the threat and the likely longevity
ald Trump openly cheered. strategy review. It already Senior administration offi- bat operations, as opposed Afghan government. Paki- of its future manifestations.”

DOLLAR declines. The S&P GSCI com-

modity index recently closed
out its best month of the year,
up more than 4% in July.
The dollar’s decline, how-
ever, can cause challenges for
European companies by making
their exports less competitive
overseas according to FactSet,
has fallen around 1.6% in the
past month as the euro has
strengthened against the dol-
Ripple Effects
The dollar's slide this year has boosted U.S. exporters, emerging
markets and commodities while hurting some foreign companies.
Continued from the prior page That is also good news for and their U.S. sales worth less lar and is down for the year.
94 WSJ Dollar Index
oversees $294 billion. “We be- commodity-exporting emerg- when translated back into eu- With the euro strengthen-
lieve the dollar is moving into ing markets, where stocks are ros. That is damping expecta- ing, Europe’s earnings-revisions 92 Friday: 86.32
▼7.1% this year
a bear cycle, and this is push- up around 24% this year. tions after new signs of eco- ratio recently moved from a 90
ing us to make sure our port- The opportunity in emerging nomic growth in the region had seven-year high in mid-May to 88
folios are properly positioned.” markets “is as big as anything turned many investors bullish. an 11-month low, according to 86
A weaker dollar is typically we have seen since the analysts at Morgan Stanley.
good for shares of U.S. export- mid-90s,” said Lance Hum- In Tokyo, the Nikkei Stock 84
ers, making their products phrey, who oversees $6.4 billion Average is up only around 4.4%, Jan. Feb. March April May June July
cheaper for overseas buyers. as a global multiasset portfolio
The dollar’s decline underperforming many major Index performance this year
S&P 500 companies got about manager at USAA, a fund man- is damping the markets. The dollar’s weakness
43% of their sales abroad at ager. He has increased positions against the yen is a big factor 25%
the end of 2016, according to in exchange-traded funds that
expectations for behind the lag, investors say. MSCI Emerging
20 Markets Index
S&P Dow Jones Indices. target value in emerging mar- European stocks. Some money managers
Companies including Pep- kets, which contain holdings in aren’t ready to count the dollar
siCo Inc. and railroad CSX Corp. Brazil and Russia. out, and the currency’s rally on 15
recently cited the weak dollar Signs that central banks plan Friday raised their hopes. The
10 S&P 500
as helping to lift earnings, pro- to wind down the easy-money “When you look at the stron- WSJ Dollar Index gained 0.5%
viding another level of support policies that have helped boost ger euro, it’s clearly a risk for after the Labor Department
for a long stock-market rally risky investments hurt assets in eurozone equities, especially said nonfarm payrolls rose by Japan Nikkei 225
that many think looks developing countries last large caps,” said Ankit Gheedia, 209,000, beating estimates,
stretched. Morgan Stanley esti- month, when flows into emerg- strategist at BNP Paribas. and the unemployment rate Stoxx Europe 600
mates that profits for compa- ing-market funds slowed or At $1.1774, the euro is up fell to a 16-year low of 4.3%. Auto and Parts
nies in the S&P 500 rise by 1% even turned negative. But those 12% against the dollar so far But even if the rebound con- S&P GSCI
for every 2% drop in the dollar. fund flows have picked up, ana- this year, although the currency tinues, many investors say it –10 Commodity
A falling dollar helps com- lysts say, in part because of the remains far weaker overall than would more likely represent a Index
modities, too, which are priced weakening dollar. A weaker U.S. during most of the past decade. pause than a turnaround with- –15
in the U.S. currency and be- currency makes it easier for The Stoxx Europe 600 auto out U.S. rates moving higher or
come more affordable to for- these countries to pay back sector, which generates more further indications that eco- Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug.
eign investors when the dollar their dollar-denominated debt. than half of its of revenues nomic growth is picking up. Sources: WSJ Market Data Group (BUXX); FactSet THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

LIBOR to investors, they will likely

follow whatever guidelines
are set by Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac, the govern-
Meanwhile, some ARMs
are tied to the yield of the
one-year Treasury rate. While
Imagine if banks figured
out a way to add just 0.10
percentage point to the cost
of a mortgage, he said. “It
Continued from the prior page ment-backed housing finance banks might be willing to would cost a consumer hun-
that’s why it’s important.” agencies that buy, bundle and make new ARMs tied to Trea- dreds of dollars in the first
Such mortgages were pop- sell mortgages. sury rates, they will probably year...and it would be very
ular before the financial cri- A Fannie Mae spokes- be reluctant to switch current unfair.”
sis, when lenders used their woman said the agency is ARMs to that because of po-

low teaser rates to get bor- “monitoring the Libor situa- tential lost income. The one- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
rowers into bigger homes. tion closely and will notify year Treasury is trading Europe Edition ISSN 0921-99
They have been a tougher sell the market when we come to around 1.2%, compared with The News Building, 1 London Bridge Street,
London, SE1 9GF
in an era of superlow interest a decision.” A Freddie Mac the one-year Libor at 1.7%.
rates, but still account for spokeswoman said it will try Global investors could also Thorold Barker, Editor, Europe
Grainne McCarthy, Senior News Editor, Europe
roughly $1.33 trillion of mort- “to minimize the impact on balk at that substitute, pre- Cicely K. Dyson, News Editor, Europe
gages outstanding, according borrowers.” ferring something less depen- Darren Everson, International Editions Editor
to Black Knight Financial Ser- It isn’t clear if there will dent on the whims of the U.S. Joseph C. Sternberg, Editorial Page Editor
vices Inc., a mortgage data be a single replacement, central bank, said Keith
Anna Foot, Advertising Sales
and technology firm. though some industry offi- Gumbinger, vice president of Jacky Lo, Circulation Sales
That is nearly 14% of the cials said they would prefer the mortgage information Andrew Robinson, Communications
overall market, and lenders for Fannie, Freddie or regula- website Jonathan Wright,
had been expecting that share tors to mandate a replace- Rep. Brad Sherman, a Dem- Global Managing Director & Publisher
to grow as the Federal Re- ment. ocrat from California on the Advertising through Dow Jones Advertising
serve continues to raise inter- Investors would prefer House Financial Services Sales: Hong Kong: 852-2831 2504; Singapore:
est rates. Banks also favor that, too, said Mr. Barnes. Committee who has advo- 65-6415 4300; Tokyo: 81-3 6269-2701;
Frankfurt: 49 69 29725390; London: 44 207
ARMs for jumbo mortgages, While adjustable-rate mortgages are generally out of favor these They don’t want to deal with cated for replacing Libor be- 842 9600; Paris: 33 1 40 17 17 01;
high-dollar amount loans days, they still make up 14% of the overall mortgage market. mortgage pools where the un- cause of the manipulation New York: 1-212-659-2176
they view as a source of reve- derlying loans react differ- scandals, said he would be Printers: France: POP La Courneuve; Germany:
Dogan Media Group/Hürriyet A.S. Branch; Italy:
nue growth. kets for United Wholesale underlying index is no longer ently to Libor’s disappear- watching to see how consum- Qualiprinters s.r.l.; United Kingdom: Newsprinters
(Broxbourne) Limited, Great Cambridge Road,
In a typical ARM, borrow- Mortgage, one of the 20 larg- available, the lender or inves- ance, he said. ers are affected. Waltham Cross, EN8 8DY
ers pay a fixed rate for five, est mortgage lenders in the tor will pick a new “compara- The Alternative Reference Registered as a newspaper at the Post Office.
seven or 10 years. After that, U.S. “Does it make sense to ble” index. Rates Committee, a group of Trademarks appearing herein are used under

license from Dow Jones & Co.
their rate resets each year, offer a [seven-year] ARM What qualifies as compara- banks convened by the Fed to ©2017 Dow Jones & Company. All rights reserved.
Editeur responsable: Thorold Barker M-17936-
calculated as Libor plus a tied to Libor when Libor is ble isn’t clear, but banks are look at Libor alternatives af-
2003. Registered address: Avenue de Cortenbergh
margin, often 2 to 3 percent- not going to be around in already studying alternatives. ter the scandals broke, has 60/4F, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
age points. seven years?” For banks that plan to proposed switching to a NEED ASSISTANCE WITH
“One issue is, should we Lenders have a vague blue- keep the mortgages on their benchmark based on short- Readers can alert The Wall Street YOUR SUBSCRIPTION?
be changing our product line print for what to do when Li- books, they could presumably term loans known as repur- Journal to any errors in news By web:
articles by emailing By email:
now?” said Kirstin Ham- bor disappears. Most ARM set the ARMs to any index chase agreements, or “repo” By phone: +44(0)20 3426 1313
mond, who runs capital mar- contracts specify that if the they wish. To sell the ARMs trades, backed by Treasury
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, August 8, 2017 | A3

Fear of Commitment
Despite robust profits, U.K. companies are stockpiling cash abroad instead of investing at home.
Net rate of return on Annual growth in Annual growth
capital for private private nonfinancial in business
nonfinancial corporations* corporations' deposits investment
14% Sterling deposits with U.K. banks 10%
Foreign currency
13 deposits with U.K. banks 5
Overseas deposits

12 30% 0
11 –5
10 –10
9 –10 –15

8 –20 –20
2012 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 2012 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 2006 ’08 ’10 ’12 ’14 ’16
Political turmoil has gripped the U.K. since Prime Minister Theresa May’s June electoral setback. Source: Office for National Statistics *Excludes oil and gas producers THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Firms Eye Brexit, Delay U.K. Investment

Companies are ing companies on edge. view, said that the level in in- ness recently shelved plans to from 2015. panding by 0.6% on the quarter,
Chancellor of the Exchequer vestment in 2020 is forecast at build an innovation center in Big industry players, includ- only partly offsetting the
delaying investment Philip Hammond says uncer- 20% below the level projected the U.K., Ms. Fairbairn said, ing Ford Motor Co., are looking steeper fourth-quarter decline
despite healthy profits tainty is giving companies just before the referendum. without naming the company. for clarity on Britain’s post- of 0.9%, data published by the
pause. “It is absolutely clear In a recent survey of nearly Another survey by Deloitte Brexit trading arrangements Office for National Statistics
and low employment businesses—where they have 360 businesses, conducted by LLP, covering the second quar- before they press on with their showed. Preliminary second-
discretion over investment, the Confederation of British In- ter of this year, also showed investment plans. quarter data will be published
BY WIKTOR SZARY where they can hold off—are dustry, 40% of them said their that business leaders’ moods “We have significant invest- in late August.
AND ERIC SYLVERS doing so,” he told the British investment decisions had been have soured. A third of chief fi- ment decisions to make during In the whole of 2016—the
Broadcasting Corp. in July. affected by Brexit. Of those, nancial officers surveyed said the Brexit negotiating period,” year of the Brexit referendum
LONDON—As the clock ticks “They are waiting for more practically all said the impact they expected their capital ex- said Andrew McCall, Ford of Eu- and significant political up-
toward Britain’s exit from the clarity about what the future had been negative. penditure to decline over the rope’s vice president for gov- heaval—business investment
European Union, evidence is relationship with Europe will ernmental affairs. “We are fol- shrank compared with the pre-
mounting that companies are look like,” he said. lowing the negotiations closely.” vious year for the first time
postponing investment plans in
the U.K.
Backers say it is too soon to
gauge the impact of Britain’s
Uncertainty about the future relationship Paolo Pozzi, CEO of Agrati
Group, an Italian maker of fas-
since 2009.
That is unusual given U.K.
After investment fell last impending departure on busi- with Europe is giving companies pause. teners for the car industry that companies’ healthy profits and
year for the first time since ness investment. supplies manufacturers in the an unemployment rate of 4.5%,
2009, according to government “The plural of anecdote is U.K. including Volkswagen and at its lowest in more than 40
figures, a series of national sur- not data,” said Andrew Lilico, a Peugeot, said U.K. orders years. Low unemployment nor-
veys is finding that Brexit is Brexit backer and the executive “The prospect of multiple next three years. Brexit risks dropped 10% in the second mally encourages businesses to
weighing on business leaders’ director of London-based con- cliff edges—in tariffs, red tape were CFOs’ top fear. quarter after years of double invest heavily in labor-saving
decision-making. sultancy Europe Economics. He and regulation— is already The British car industry, digit growth. capital projects.
Britain has been gripped by acknowledged a drop in invest- casting a long shadow over which exported 80% of the 1.7 “There are different things “I don’t think anyone can ex-
political turmoil, as an electoral ment is likely to come but said business decisions,” Carolyn million vehicles produced last going on, including a correction pect that the event on the scale
setback for Prime Minister The- new trade deals will eventually Fairbairn, the CBI’s director year, has pulled back consider- after a period of strong growth, of leaving the European Union
resa May in June added further pay off. general said in early July. ably, with investment in the but Brexit certainly isn’t help- can be without some transi-
uncertainty about Britain’s path The Bank of England on “The result is a drip, drip of first half of the year reaching ing,” said Mr. Pozzi. tional costs,” said Europe Eco-
out of the bloc as negotia- Thursday cut its previous fore- investment decisions deferred only £322 million ($419 mil- Business reluctance to invest nomics’s Andrew Lilico. “I think
tions began over the terms of cast for 2017 business invest- or lost.” lion), according to industry ahead of Britain’s expected exit that the losses from leaving
Britain’s departure. Ministers ment growth by 0.75 percentage Companies aren’t clamoring lobby Society of Motor Manu- from the bloc in March 2019 is will come first, and the oppor-
have suggested the U.K. will points, to 1%, with next year’s to announce shelved invest- facturers and Traders. beginning to feed into official tunities, such as new trade
seek a transition agreement to forecast reduced by half a per- ments or to suggest business If that pace continues for economic figures. deals with the U.S., Japan or
give businesses time to adapt, centage point, to 2.75%. isn’t going well. the rest of the year, investment Business investment grew changes to the U.K. regulatory
but have sent mixed signals on The bank’s Gov. Mark Carney, But a large European engi- will be down 60% compared only moderately in the first environment, are a little down
the shape of such a deal—keep- who echoed Mr. Hammond’s neering and electronics busi- with 2016, itself down a third three months of the year, ex- the line.”

German Industry Stumbled in June

BY TODD BUELL of 0.1% in the index. The “This morning’s decline omist Carsten Brzeski in a re-
monthly decline was broad- isn’t the end of the world, on search note. “Given the sound
The German economy re- based, with manufacturing the contrary. After a total of fundamentals, a month of
mains on a path of strong output down 1.4% and con- five consecutive monthly in- weaker industrial data should
growth despite a surprising struction output also down creases, it was sooner or later only be like a rain shower on
decline in factory output in 1.0%. On the flip side, energy time for a technical breather,” hot and humid summer day: a
June, economists said follow- output grew by 1.4% compared said UniCredit economist An- welcome refresher.”
ing Monday’s release of data with May. dreas Rees in a note. He ex- The ministry said Friday
on industrial production for The ministry reported, how- pects the German economy to that total orders for the manu-
Europe’s biggest economy. ever, that output increased by have grown by 0.7% in the sec- facturing sector increased by

In adjusted terms, output 1.8% in the three months to ond quarter of the year. Data 1% in June compared with May,
declined by 1.1% in June from end-June from the previous on economic output are due adjusted for seasonal swings
the previous month, the coun- quarter. Indicators for new or- out next week. and calendar effects. Econo-
try’s Economics Ministry re- ders and business confidence Other economists agreed. mists polled by The Wall
ported, marking the index’s pointed to a continued upward “As unexpected as today’s drop Street Journal had forecast a
first monthly decline since De- trend in industry, it said. Late in industrial production has 0.5% rise. Analysts are also
cember. Economists polled last last month, Germany’s closely been, the German economy is watching closely trade data,
week by The Wall Street Jour- watched Ifo index of business still on track to post another which Germany’s statistics of- Workers assemble an e-Golf electric car on a production line at a
nal had expected a slight gain sentiment hit a record high. strong quarter,” said ING econ- fice is due to release Tuesday. Volkswagen factory in Dresden, Germany, in March.

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U.S. Cautions Russia on Expulsions Lumber

Secretary of state says telligence findings on the elec-
tion and dismissed investiga-
Moscow’s ejection of
diplomats seriously
tions by Congress and a Justice
Department special prosecutor
into the matter. Russia has de-
harmed bilateral ties
nied meddling in the election.
Mr. Tillerson said Mr. Lavrov
indicated “some willingness” to
MANILA—U.S. Secretary of
State Rex Tillerson told Russia’s
foreign minister that the U.S.
resolve tensions over Ukraine.
The countries have been in con-
flict since 2014, when Moscow
annexed the Black Sea penin-
For Nafta
would respond to that coun- sula of Crimea and Russian- BY PAUL VIEIRA
try’s recent expulsion of Ameri- backed separatists started a
can diplomats by Sept. 1 and war in the eastern part of the OTTAWA—Canada played


that the nations must confront country. down the prospect of a reso-
the distrust created by Mos- After the territory grab, the lution with the U.S. over a
cow’s meddling in the U.S. U.S. and the European Union trade spat on lumber imports
presidential election. imposed sanctions on Moscow, before the start of talks to re-
Mr. Tillerson, speaking with which Russia has tried unsuc- vamp the North American
journalists Monday at an cessfully to have lifted. Mr. Free Trade Agreement, dent-
Asian regional security confer- Trump, who has spoken favor- ing enthusiasm raised by
ence in the Philippines, said ably of the Russian leader, has Prime Minister Justin
that he told his Russian coun- called for the two countries to Trudeau last month for such
terpart in a meeting a day ear- make peace. an outcome.
lier that he wanted Russia to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, pictured in July, said the U.S. will respond by Sept. 1 to Moscow’s move. Mr. Tillerson said the admin- The inability to cut such a
“understand just how serious istration viewed the relation- deal before the start of the re-
this incident had been and acrimony over sanctions bers of Congress prevented President Vladimir Putin re- ship with Russia with pragma- negotiations, set to formally
how seriously it had damaged against Russia adopted by the that from happening,” the min- sponded by saying the U.S. tism. start on Aug. 16, threatens to
the relationship between…the U.S. Congress and reluctantly istry said. would have to cut 755 diplo- “We want to work with them add another layer of complex-
American people and the Rus- signed into law by President The ministers discussed a mats and staff in the country on areas that are of serious na- ity to efforts by the U.S., Can-
sian people.” Donald Trump. range of global issues, including by September. tional security interest to us ada and Mexico to find com-
He told Russia, “We simply The Russian Foreign Minis- cybersecurity, North Korea, Mr. Tillerson said Monday while at the same time having mon ground on a new
have to find some way to deal try said the meeting began with Syria and Ukraine, the ministry that he asked Mr. Lavrov sev- this extraordinary issue of mis- continental trade pact, Cana-
with that,” Mr. Tillerson said. Mr. Lavrov explaining the rea- said. eral clarifying questions about trust that divides us,” Mr. Til- dian lawmakers and trade
Mr. Tillerson and Foreign soning behind Russia’s decision The sanctions were intended that move, and promised a U.S. lerson said. “That’s just what watchers have warned.
Minister Sergei Lavrov got to- to expel U.S. diplomats. The de- to punish Russia after the U.S. response by Sept. 1. we in the diplomatic part of Talks are aimed at settling
gether Sunday for an hour in a cision came “after a long wait intelligence community con- Mr. Trump, who has said our relationship are required to the latest chapter in a de-
much-anticipated meeting on for the U.S. not to go down the cluded that Moscow had sought that relations between the do.” cadeslong trade dispute be-
the sidelines of the conference path of confrontation. But, un- to interfere in the election, powers are at “an all-time low,” —James Marson in Moscow tween Washington and Ottawa
following a spell of increasing fortunately, Russophobic mem- which Mr. Trump won. Russian has publicly questioned the in- contributed to this article. over Canadian softwood lum-
ber, which is mostly used to
build houses.
Canadian Foreign Minister
Chrystia Freeland told report-
ers in a teleconference from
the Philippines on Monday
that “she was unable to pre-
dict when we might reach an
She said talks continue,
adding she and U.S. Commerce
Secretary Wilbur Ross have
been “actively, energetically
and substantively engaged” for
the past two months.
She didn’t elaborate on
what is dividing the two coun-
tries. “I do think an agreement
which benefits both Canada
and U.S.…is absolutely possi-
ble and achievable, and I can
see the outlines of that agree-
ment already.”
Last month, Mr. Trudeau
said both the U.S. and Canada
expressed a desire to settle
the softwood dispute before
the start of Nafta negotiations.
“We are going to work very
hard towards that,” Mr.

Trudeau said at a meeting of

U.S. governors in Rhode Is-
In April and then again in
June, the Trump administra-
tion slapped duties on Cana-
dian softwood lumber, reach-
ing as high as 30% on some
Pedestrians stroll past portraits of the late leaders Kim Il-sung, left, and Kim Jong Il, right, on a wall in the North Korean capital of Pyongyang last month. products.
The U.S. accuses Canada of

KOREA rean counterpart that Seoul’s

offer last month of talks
lacked “sincerity,” Yonhap
News reported, citing a South
for such a missile.
Australia and Japan said in
a joint statement with the U.S.
that they were pushing the in-
getting that North Korea has
only one card to play and no
amount of talking or sanctions
will change their mind,” said
ing gradually aware of the
danger” of President Donald
Trump’s ”America First” policy
of prioritizing U.S. interests in
unfairly selling its lumber in
the U.S. at prices below pro-
duction costs, and providing
subsidies to its producers.
Continued from Page One Korean government source. ternational community to en- James Chin, director of the international affairs, Mr. Ri The Canadian government
ing ballistic missiles.” The offer came from the ad- force sanctions and impose Asia Institute at the Univer- added. There was no immedi- has repeatedly said there is
Asked how long a missile ministration of new South Ko- additional diplomatic and eco- sity of Tasmania and an ex- ate U.S. response to Mr. Ri’s no merit in the U.S. accusa-
moratorium would have to last rean President Moon Jae-in, nomic measures. China says it pert on North Korean sanc- statement. tions.
to be taken as a signal, Mr. the country’s first left-leaning prefers continued diplomatic tions evasion. Mr. Tillerson meanwhile In 2016, the U.S. imported
Tillerson said, “We’ll know it president in nearly a decade. engagement with North Ko- North Korea’s recent mis- briefed allies Japan and over $5 billion worth of Cana-
when we see it.” On Sunday night, Mr. Moon rea, despite supporting the sile tests surprised the inter- South Korea on U.S. efforts to dian softwood lumber.
Mr. Tillerson said the next requested a call with Mr. sanctions. national community with their urge countries in Africa, Asia Mr. Ross has said the de-
step for the U.S. is to see that Trump, in which the two Le Luong Minh, the Viet- capability. One of the missiles and the Middle East to stop cadeslong disagreements over
sanctions are fully enforced leaders discussed North Ko- namese secretary-general of would be able to fly more using North Korean contract softwood lumber illustrate the
around the world. The U.S. will rea’s July 28 launch of an in- the Association of Southeast than 6,400 miles, according to labor, a U.S. official said. The shortcomings of Nafta.
monitor that carefully, he said, tercontinental ballistic mis- Asian Nations, the conference one analysis, putting Los An- secretary called the practice Trade lawyers and Cana-
and have “conversations” with sile, the White House said, as host, said in an interview that geles, Denver and Chicago “a human-rights concern be- dian politicians said it was
any country not fully embrac- well as the Security Council most of its members “are not within range. cause of the unfair treatment, crucial that a settlement be
ing both the spirit of the sanc- resolution. for unilateral [actions] and In his statement, Mr. Ri said trafficking conditions and reached before the start of
tions and their “operational Asia remains divided on largely not for sanctions. We the North Korean regime was misuse of wages,” according Nafta talks.
execution.” how best to address North Ko- are for mutual existence.’’ seeking nuclear capability as a to the official. “We need to get it off the
On Monday, President Don- rea’s effort to produce a long- The difference of opinion deterrent and wouldn’t use the The latest U.N. action table, so Ms. Freeland and
ald Trump received an intelli- range nuclear missile. Some has left an opening for Kim weapons against any country makes clear that there is “no federal officials can focus on
gence briefing and spoke for experts say they believe North Jong Un’s regime, experts say, except the U.S. unless another daylight among the interna- the larger challenge of the
an hour with Mr. Tillerson and Korea could develop a missile because it is able to maintain nation aided in an attack tional community as to the ex- broader trade agreement,”
Chief of Staff John Kelly to capable of handling atmo- enough diplomatic and eco- against North Korea. pectation that North Korea said John Horgan, premier of
discuss North Korea, the spheric re-entry as early as nomic ties to continue devel- Washington had sought the will take steps” to denuclear- British Columbia, the West
White House said. next year. It is uncertain oping weapons while stopping U.N. sanctions against Pyong- ize the Korean Peninsula, Mr. Coast Canadian province that
At a dinner for conference whether North Korea has de- short of agreeing to negotiate. yang to make the conflict an Tillerson said. produces the bulk of soft-
attendees Sunday, North Ko- veloped the technology to North Korea also has lim- international issue, Mr. Ri —Min Sun Lee in Seoul wood lumber exported to the
rea‘s Mr. Ri told his South Ko- miniaturize a nuclear device ited options. “We are all for- said. The world was “becom- contributed to this article. U.S.

VENEZUELA Valencia were quickly controlled nary Guardians said it had degrees Celcius (104 Fahrenheit) bathing in a river to cool off dur- RUSSIA
by tear gas. hacked around 40 state web- last week. ing the heat wave.
Maduro’s Supporters Mr. Maduro has called the sites. A representative, who said Slovenia’s STA news agency re- Authorities issued a flood Pussy Riot Members
March in Caracas new, all-powerful legislative as- he was Venezuelan but declined ported the storms “caused havoc” warning for parts of western Ro- Held After Protest
sembly Venezuela’s only hope of to give specifics about the group across the country overnight Sun- mania on Monday after heavy rain
Supporters of President Nico- peace but opponents say it will or his location, said they weren’t day to Monday. Thousands of following a weeklong heat wave. Two members of the Rus-
lás Maduro marched in Caracas cement dictatorship in the coun- affiliated with Operation David households were left without elec- Officials say at least two people sian feminist punk band Pussy
in favor of a new legislative su- try. About 2,000 people jammed but supported it. —Reuters tricity, as hail and wind-driven rain died last week. Riot were detained after rally-
perbody as hackers took down the streets in front of Venezu- flooded dozens of houses, col- In Croatia’s Istria peninsula, ing for the release of a Ukrai-
dozens of state websites to ela’s congressional complex, BALKANS lapsed trees and damaged cars storm winds late Sunday uprooted nian filmmaker outside his Si-
show their support for an armed where the constituent assembly and crops. trees and damaged roofs. Tempo- berian prison.
assault on a military base the will hold its sessions. They Storms Cause Wide On Sunday, two men were rary traffic restrictions were im- During the protest in Yakutsk
day before. chanted in support of the assem- Disruption, Deaths killed in separate incidents in posed in some areas along the where Oleg Sentsov is serving
The attackers of the army bly and called for an end to over northern Italy when strong winds Adriatic coast Sunday and Mon- his sentence, the band unfurled
base near the city of Valencia four months of opposition pro- A powerful storm with strong toppled trees that crushed them. day. a banner on a nearby bridge
said their “Operation David,” in tests and unrest in which more winds, hail and rain hit the Bal- In another incident, a hiker slipped Dozens of wildfires have that read “Free Sentsov!”
reference to the biblical story of than 120 people have died. kans and other areas in Europe to her death from a muddy path. erupted in Croatia and elsewhere Longtime Pussy Riot member
David and Goliath, was aimed at The new assembly has power following a week of record-high A lightning strike killed a man in a in Europe during an extremely hot Maria Alyokhina tweeted that
starting an insurgency against to rewrite the constitution, rejig temperatures in the region. forest in a fourth incident. and dry summer. Meteorologists she and Olga Borisova were de-
Mr. Maduro. But no more as- state institutions and could allow Temperatures dropped signifi- Meanwhile, officials in Romania say the heat wave will return later tained early Monday and were
saults appear to have followed the president to rule by decree. cantly in some areas, bringing re- retrieved the bodies of two teen- in the week. awaiting a court hearing.
and antigovernment protests in A group calling itself the Bi- lief after reaching more than 40 age boys who drowned while —Associated Press —Associated Press
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, August 8, 2017 | A5


Egypt Makes
A Risky Bet
On Economy
Cuts to food and fuel ments in electricity and trans-
portation and is pushing plans
subsidies seen as to make it easier to open new
opening path to jobs, businesses and factories, as


well as obtain land for entre-
investment preneurial uses. A former min-
ister of defense, Mr. Sisi has
BY YAROSLAV TROFIMOV also increased the already large
role the military plays in the
CAIRO—Egypt’s President Egyptian economy.
Abdel Fattah Al Sisi is cutting Countries throughout the
food and fuel subsidies, a pro- Middle East, even such wealthy
gram long plagued by waste monarchies as Kuwait, also are
and corruption, in a high-stakes pursuing economic overhauls
gamble to aid the stalled econ- as they try to create enough
omy that none of his predeces- jobs to keep up with their bur-
sors dared execute. geoning populations.
The economic shock therapy, Across the Red Sea from
coupled with a steep currency Egypt, Saudi Arabia’s new
devaluation, has rocked the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Egyptians buy sugar from a truck in Cairo during a shortage last fall. The government has cut longstanding food and fuel subsidies.
Arab world’s most populous Salman is trying an ambitious,
country. Fuel prices went up if less painful, overhaul to wean
50% in June, cooking-gas prices the kingdom from its oil depen- Egypt's Knotted-Up Economy
have doubled and the annual dence. Under pressure, he President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi is betting the expected payoff from cutting subsidies
inflation rate has surpassed rolled back austerity measures on food and fuel will arrive before the economic pain risks another social explosion.
30%. in April amid a succession
As savings erode and con- struggle and mounting public GDP growth Population growth Inflation Currency exchange rate
sumer buying-power shrinks, dismay. U.S. dollar an Egyptian pound
Mr. Sisi is betting that the ex- Mr. Sisi, who faces an elec- 8% 8% 20% $0.20
pected payoff—new jobs, for- tion next year, has eliminated
eign investment and growth— most political opposition and
will arrive before the economic organized dissent since ousting 6 6 15 0.15
pain risks another social explo- and jailing Egypt’s first freely
sion in Egypt, whose 2011 revo- elected president, Mohammed
lution inspired other uprisings Morsi of the Muslim Brother- 4 4 10 0.10
in what became known as the hood, in 2013.
Arab Spring. Egypt’s news media has
“The poor people are suffer- been squelched and access to 2 2 5 0.05
ing too much, and the middle- independent websites blocked
class people are turning into in past months. New legislation
poor people,” said Osama has hobbled the work of non- 0 0 0 0
Heikal, a pro-government law- government organizations, hid-
2007 ’09 ’11 ’13 ’15 ’17* 2007 ’09 ’11 ’13 ’15 2007 ’09 ’11 ’13 ’15 ’17* 2007 ’09 ’11 ’13 ’15 ’17
maker who worries about the ing the true scale of popular
austerity’s social impact. discontent. The government *Estimate Sources: International Monetary Fund (GDP, inflation); World Bank (population); FactSet (currency) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Tarek Kabil, the minister of said the restrictions were
trade and industry, compared needed to combat terrorism prices in the U.S. and tourism—a significant part roughly half its value against the average Egyptian. At a line
the economic overhaul to an and extremism, a view disputed Over decades, the system of the economy—collapsed the U.S. dollar. Then his gov- outside the government bakery
antibiotic. “You have to take by human-rights groups and has been corrupted by the ille- when potential visitors stayed ernment signed the $12 billion in Cairo’s Maadi district, Sayed
the entire course,” he said in an what remains of the opposition. gal resale of subsidized food, away. With Egypt’s foreign re- loan deal with the IMF in No- Mohammed Sayed, a retired
interview. “You cannot take one “The current stability is sta- fuel and gas by officials to buy- serves dwindling, fuel and elec- vember that included a pledge civil servant, launched into a ti-
tablet and stop.” bility on the tip of a volcano ers in Egypt and abroad, gov- tricity shortages further crip- to trim food and fuel subsidies. rade as others nodded.
The subsidy cuts are among that is on the verge of an explo- ernment officials said. pled growth. “They have been courageous, The recent 100-Egyptian-
the conditions set by the Inter- sion. When it will explode, no In 1977, Egypt’s then-Presi- After winning the election in but they’ve been courageous pound increase in his monthly
national Monetary Fund in a one can predict,” said Abdelmo- dent Anwar Sadat tried to 2012, Mr. Morsi tentatively under duress,” said Mohsin pension, about $5.63, was use-
$12 billion loan agreement in- neim Aboul Fotouh, a moderate tackle the subsidy problems as agreed to subsidy cuts and new Khan, a fellow at the Atlantic less considering the country’s
tended to help Egypt stabilize Islamist politician who received he began opening the economy taxes during negotiations with Council and the IMF’s former inflation, Mr. Sayed said: “We
its economy after years of tur- 17% of the votes in the first and abandoning the socialist the IMF over a $4.8 billion director of Middle East and don’t know how much longer
moil. round of Egypt’s 2012 presiden- and Arab nationalist legacy of loan. A public outcry forced Central Asia. “Their options we will be able to stick it
Subsidies on energy and tial election. his predecessor, Gamal Abdel him to backtrack, badly denting were very limited.” through. Everything has shot
food account for more than $11 “If it happens, it won’t be a Nasser. As part of a loan agree- his popularity, which was al- up in price. Everything. And
billion a year, or 18% of Egypt’s revolution carried out by the ment with the IMF, Mr. Sadat ready shrinking because of the what are we getting in ex-
current budget, even after the middle classes, like in 2011,” Mr. ordered a reduction of subsi- government’s Islamist bent and Hard choices change for these skyrocketing
latest cuts. The subsidies are Aboul Fotouh said. “Under cur- dies on bread, sugar and cook- intolerance. Mr. Morsi’s re- The government’s goal is to prices? Nothing.”
just one obstacle to economic rent circumstances, what I’m ing oil. gional backers, primarily Qatar end the subsidies in three to In Cairo’s poorer Shubra
growth, which has slowed in afraid will happen is chaos. And The announcement yielded and Turkey, stepped forward to five years, according to Mr. neighborhood, Fatma Hassan, a
the years since the revolution. if chaos unfolds in Egypt, it will mass protests that paralyzed provide Egypt with billions of Kabil, the trade and industry 35-year-old mother of two, was
Labor laws make firing workers be a threat not just to the the country. Dozens people dollars in funding. minister. “The right thing to do just as angry. Her family’s in-
nearly impossible, the judicial Egyptians, but also to the whole were killed, and Mr. Sadat Mr. Sisi ousted Mr. Morsi in is to lift them totally,” he said. come of around 4,500 Egyptian
system is unreliable, and the region—and to the West.” quickly reversed his decision. 2013 and turned to his own re- “But you cannot do it today be- pounds a month, which pro-
government bureaucracy stifles His successor, President gional backers—the United cause you cannot correct 40 vided a comfortable lifestyle a
initiative. Compounding mat- Hosni Mubarak, learned the les- Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia years of problems in one day.” year ago, barely affords subsis-
ters, the military essentially op- Bargain bread son. Over three decades of rule, and Kuwait. These Gulf monar- Instead of supplying subsi- tence, she said.
erates a parallel and largely un- Every day, millions of Egyp- Mr. Mubarak remained wary of chies, fearful of the Arab Spring dized food and fuel to most “We used to have no restric-
accountable economy. tians line up at government touching subsidies even as he contagion and eager to stem Egyptians, the government is tions on what we eat, where we
The subsidy cuts nudge bakeries to buy five loaves of pursued such economic over- the spread of Muslim Brother- moving to make cash payments go, what to wear,” Ms. Hassan
Egypt toward fixing economic bread for less than two U.S. hauls as privatization and free- hood influence, funneled tens to individuals based on need said. “At the end of the year, we
distortions but carry pain and cents, a fraction of the wheat’s trade deals. of billions of dollars to shore and, more broadly, increasing started omitting things we once
risk, according to former for- cost. The food subsidies extend Egypt’s January 2011 revolu- up Egypt’s economy. By last minimum salaries and pen- could afford. Now, there is
eign minister Nabil Fahmy, now to some 80% of Egypt’s families tion was sparked, in part, by year, amid tensions between sions. nothing left for us to do with-
a professor at the American and were first instituted as outrage over corruption and Cairo and Riyadh, that spigot “You cannot have a subsidy out.”
University in Cairo. “Is there a part of rationing during World cronyism that accompanied Mr. dried up, too. as a blanket cover to the entire Recent increases in the price
cost to it? Yes, there is a cost,” War II. Mubarak’s economic liberaliza- With a worsening deficit and population,” Mr. Kabil said. of subsidized cooking gas, oil
he said. “Now, the issue is: Will Farmers across Egypt nur- tion, and public sentiment shrinking foreign-exchange re- “Some people do not require a and sugar risk putting the fam-
the return be large enough? Do ture their crops with water leaned toward nostalgia for serves, Egypt had little choice subsidy.” Rationalizing the sys- ily over the edge, she said: “We
we have enough time for the pumps operating on diesel that, Nasser-era socialist policies. but to accept the IMF’s bitter tem will allow for more spend- don’t know what to do. Do they
return to kick in?” even after June’s 55% increase, Many high-profile business medicine. ing on health, education and in- want us to rob a bank?”
The government also has still retails for 77 cents a gal- executives landed in jail, privat- Mr. Sisi floated the Egyptian dustry growth, he said. As the government saves
made infrastructure invest- lon, less than a third of retail ization deals were reversed, pound, which immediately lost It has been a tough sell to money from subsidy cuts,
bringing prices for basic com-
modities more in line with mar-
ket rates, Egypt should be able
to accelerate cash subsidies to
the poorest Egyptians, said
Naguib Sawiris, a media tycoon
and one of Egypt’s most promi-
nent business owners. “The
population needs someone to
explain to them where is the
light at the end of this tunnel
to accept any more austerity
The chaos that has ravaged
Egypt and other countries after
the Arab Spring appears to
have made Mr. Sisi’s efforts at
economic change more palat-
able. Having witnessed the eco-
nomic meltdown and the break-
down in law and order after
their own revolution in 2011,
many Egyptians—despite un-
happiness with the austerity
program—are, for now, wary of
taking to the streets again. The
latest round of subsidy cuts in
June produced only minor pro-
“The people are suffering
tremendously from the terrible
economic situation and in-
creased living costs,” said You-
nis Makhioun, head of the
Salafi Islamist Nour party. “But

they also see the experiences of

neighboring countries—Syria,
Libya and Iraq—and dread
Egypt facing the same fate.”
—Dahlia Kholaif
A banner of then-army chief Abdel Fattah Al Sisi hung from the high court in 2014, months after he ousted Egypt’s first freely elected president, Mohammed Morsi. contributed to this article.
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A6 | Tuesday, August 8, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Defection Sets Back Democrats Trump’s
West Virginia governor made a concerted push to win

Aren’t on
Gubernatorial Ebbs and Flows control leading into the 2010
becomes a Republican Only 15 Democrats run their states as governor, the second lowest number since 1900. census.
just as the party tries Virginia is particularly im-

1921–22 Fewest Democratic 1938 Fewest Republican 2017 15 Democrats, portant to Democrats because a
to build out of a hole governors (14) governors (6) 34 Republicans, one Independent loss there, combined with the
state Legislature staying in GOP
BY JANET HOOK hands, would give Republicans
broad power over redistricting BY LOUISE RADNOFSKY
When West Virginia Gov. decisions. Eric Holder, attorney
Jim Justice switched parties to general under former President PISCATAWAY, N.J.—Presi-
the GOP last week, the Demo- Republicans Barack Obama and head of the dent Donald Trump began the
cratic Party lost more than a National Democratic Redistrict- first weekday of his working
state leader. It also lost some ing Committee, spoke at a po- vacation with social-media at-
mojo in an urgent battle to re- litical dinner in Richmond in tacks on a familiar set of tar-
build the tattered party from June and called Virginia “the gets, including a Democratic
the state level up. epicenter of the political uni- critic and various news-media
Republicans now hold gover- verse in 2017.” outlets, and an assertion that
nors’ seats in 34 states—match- One consequence of Mr. Jus- his base of support was stron-
ing a record for the GOP—while tice’s decision to swap parties ger than ever.
Democrats have 15 governor- last week is that West Virginia “The fact is the Fake News
ships. One state is led by an in- Democrats now has an all-GOP state gov- Russian collusion story, record
dependent. ernment. That brings to 26 the Stock Market, border security,
The West Virginia switch number of states where Repub- military strength, jobs....... Su-
was an unexpected blow for licans have a “trifecta” versus preme Court pick, economic
Democrats, who have pinned Source: National Governors Association THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. just six states where Democrats enthusiasm, deregulation & so
high hopes on governors races have control of the legislature much more have driven the
in 2017 and 2018. Many Demo- head of the Republican Gover- and the governor’s mansion. Trump base even closer to-
crats see those races as crucial nors Association. That is part of the reason gether,” Mr. Trump wrote in
to political recovery in the Democrats see Mr. Justice’s Democrats are putting more two of nine morning tweets.
wake of the devastating 2016 party switch as a one-off that emphasis on governors’ races “Interesting to watch Sena-
presidential-election loss and isn’t a harbinger of other defec- in 2017-18. Messrs. McAuliffe tor Richard Blumenthal of
the erosion of power at the tions to come. Mr. Justice is a and Holder are helping lead an Connecticut talking about
state level over the past eight unique case, they say, because effort to get Democratic donors hoax Russian collusion when


years. he is a political novice who was who tend to focus on presiden- he was a phony Vietnam con
Governors will “lay the foun- a registered Republican until tial races to pay more attention artist!” he continued.
dation for how the Democrats two years ago, and had strong to the states. The new redis- Mr. Trump’s attack came
will rebuild,” said Kelly Ward, ties to the family of President tricting committee headed by soon after Mr. Blumenthal, a
executive director of the Na- Donald Trump. Mr. Holder, which started early Democrat, appeared on CNN
tional Democratic Redistricting “It’s a standalone event,” this year, raised nearly $11 mil- discussing the federal investi-
Committee, an arm of the party said Connecticut Gov. Dan Mal- lion in its first six months. gation into Russia’s efforts to
focused on state races. “They loy, chairman of the Democratic Still, Republicans enjoy a influence the 2016 election.
provide the leadership in both Governors Association. “We fundraising advantage. The Re- Mr. Blumenthal said in his
policy and politics. They are the simply move on.” publican Governors Association TV interview that the impanel-
bench.” Democrats have an edge in raised $36 million over the first ing of a grand jury by Special
The 2017-18 political map both of this year’s gubernato- half of 2017, compared with the Counsel Robert Mueller
gives Democrats a promising rial races. In New Jersey, a $21 million raised by its Demo- showed that the attack by the
battleground: Of the 38 gover- Democrat is strongly favored to cratic counterpart. Russians “was purposeful and
nors’ seats on the ballot, 27 are win and succeed Republican Gov. Malloy in Connecticut relentless and it involved pro-
held by Republicans, including Chris Christie, analysts say. said he is encouraged by the in- paganda and hacking into our
14 open seats. There is a closer contest in Vir- Virginia gubernatorial candidates Ralph Northam, left, and Ed crease in donations over this voting machines—or at least
Republicans say the West ginia, where a bitter fight to Gillespie met for their first debate July 22 in Hot Springs, Va. time four years ago. The $21 an attempt to do it—and po-
Virginia governor’s defection is succeed Democratic Gov. Terry million raised this year so far is tential collusion by the Trump
a warning that Democrats McAuliffe is being waged be- in other battlegrounds in ing of district lines that hap- up from $13 million over the campaign and then obstruc-
shouldn’t be overconfident. tween Democrat Ralph 2018—aren’t just about who pens next after the 2020 first six months of 2013. tion of justice. That investiga-
“Democrats talk a big game Northam and Republican Ed sits in the governor’s chair. census. That process often “Our organization is spend- tion must be pursued.”
on 2018 governor’s races, but Gillespie. Both Messrs. Christie These fights are also about who helps determine whether Dem- ing a lot of time and energy to Moscow has denied seeking
their fundraising doesn’t and McAuliffe are barred by wields power in the coming ocrats or Republicans face make sure everyone is paying to influence the election, and
match their rhetoric,” said law from seeking re-election. battles over congressional re- more-competitive or safer re- attention” to state races, said Mr. Trump has disputed alle-
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, The stakes in Virginia—and districting, the decennial draw- election bids, and the GOP Mr. Malloy. gations of collusion.
In his 2010 Senate race, Mr.
Blumenthal was criticized for

Charities Push for Changes to Tax Plan

indicating in public appear-
ances that he had served in
Vietnam, when he was a Ma-
rine Corps reservist who
BY RICHARD RUBIN stayed in the U.S. during the
An Expensive Rep. Kevin Brady (R., Texas), war. Mr. Trump, who was
WASHINGTON—Charities chairman of the tax-writing given deferments and didn’t
stand to lose billions in dona- Proposition House Ways and Means Com- serve in Vietnam, has repeat-
tions if Republicans advance mittee, said his panel is taking a edly attacked Mr. Blumenthal
their tax overhaul, prompting Universal deduction would “very serious look” at a univer- over the matter.
the nonprofits to carefully at- lower revenue and force even sal deduction. “We want to en- “Mr. President: Your bully-
tempt to persuade lawmakers more trade-offs by lawmakers courage Americans, who are in- ing hasn’t worked before and
to reshape their plan. credibly generous already, to it won’t work now. No one is
As a result of a proposal to give more, to give earlier in life, above the law,” Mr. Blumen-
double the standard deduction A universal deduction for and to continue to grow,” he thal replied Monday, also on
and prevent people from de- charitable contributions could be said last month. Twitter. “This issue isn’t about
ducting state and local taxes expensive for the government. Elsewhere in the tax debate, me—it’s about the Special
from federal taxable income, Measured against today’s tax many charities are choosing to Counsel’s independence and
fewer taxpayers—5% instead code, the change would lower stay on the sidelines when it integrity.”
of 30%—would have a finan- revenue by $191 billion over a comes to the estate tax, be- Republican and Democratic

cial incentive to itemize their decade and deliver some of the cause lawmakers are unlikely to senators have taken steps to
deductions, including their biggest benefits to high-income be swayed on that issue. Re- protect the special counsel
charitable gifts, according to households, according to an publicans’ wish to repeal it from interference, a response
several estimates. analysis by the Tax Foundation, would depress charitable be- to Mr. Trump’s criticism of the
Moreover, each deduction a Washington think tank that quests, which are tax-deductible. Russia probe and to his past
would be worth less to indi- favors a simpler tax system Other policy questions in dismissal of James Comey as
viduals if marginal tax rates with lower rates. the nonprofit sector could director of the Federal Bureau
are reduced, as Republicans That would force even more emerge, including tax rules for of Investigation.
want. For example, a married trade-offs by lawmakers. They foundations and limits on politi- The president, who is stay-
couple with costs of $7,000 in already are searching for reve- cal activity by churches, and ing at his New Jersey resort,
mortgage interest and $6,000 nue-raising provisions to pay for those could divide charities. had no public events planned
in local taxes would exceed to- Rep. Kevin Brady, head of the House Ways and Means Committee, lower tax rates. —Richard Rubin for Monday, the White House
day’s $12,700 standard deduc- said his panel is taking a ‘very serious look’ at a universal deduction. said. Mr. Trump departed
tion. That couple would have Washington on Friday and is
an incentive to itemize and $13 billion, or 4.6%, annually. tax reform,” said former GOP “We don’t think that any- encouraging his representa- set to return Aug. 20.
deduct every dollar of charita- That is about four times the congressman Phil English, a body should have their chari- tives—including the local con- Officials didn’t describe the
ble contributions. Salvation Army’s 2015 annual lobbyist at Arent Fox LLP, table giving taxed. Anybody,” gressman, House Speaker Paul president’s activities over the
If the standard deduction revenue. whose clients include Catholic said David Wills, president Ryan—to be wary of changes weekend, though pictures
climbed to $24,000 or more Many nonprofits—including Charities. “If they appear to emeritus of the National that could undermine charita- posted on social media sug-
and state and local taxes universities, museums and be against tax reform, per se, Christian Foundation, who ble giving. gested that he played golf and
stopped being deductible, the foundations—don’t want to be they are running the risk of was part of a group including “It’s really the heart and greeted guests at a wedding
same couple would likely seen opposing a doubled stan- being adverse to many of their prominent right-leaning do- soul of our sector,” Vikki being held at the club.
claim that standard dard deduction, which could own donors.” nors and foundations that met Spruill, president and chief ex- Democrats have criticized
break rather than itemize. lower taxes for millions of Instead, nonprofits are with members of Congress ecutive officer of the Council Mr. Trump for the length of
People don’t donate only middle-class households and pitching an alternative: what and Vice President Mike Pence on Foundations, an industry his August break from Wash-
for the tax deduction. But ac- make the tax code simpler. they call a “universal” tax de- last month. association, said of the in- ington, noting that when he
cording to an Indiana Univer- “What I have most encour- duction for charitable contri- Rodney Prunty, president come-tax deduction. “As gov- was a private citizen Mr.
sity study, these backdoor aged them to do is to offer a butions. That switch would let and chief professional officer ernment resources become Trump frequently criticized
limits on charitable deduc- solution and not position taxpayers deduct donations of the United Way of Racine more scarce, philanthropy will President Barack Obama for
tions could reduce giving by themselves as adversaries of even if they don’t itemize. County, Wis., said he has been not be able to fill the gap.” his breaks and golf games.

‘Sanctuary City’ Chicago Files Lawsuit

BY VALERIE BAUERLEIN cause the Justice Department The Justice Department to local governments that allow
recently required such cooper- criticized Mr. Emanuel’s federal immigration access to
Chicago filed a federal law- ation for cities to be consid- stance. “In 2016, more Chica- detention facilities and provide
suit Monday challenging the ered for a long-running federal goans were murdered than in 48 hours’ notice before the re-
Trump administration’s use of crime prevention grant, the New York City and Los Ange- lease of an illegal immigrant
federal grant money as a way Edward Byrne Memorial Jus- les combined,” said Devin wanted by federal authorities.
to force local authorities to tice Assistance Grant. Mr. O’Malley, a spokesman for the “This is what the American
cooperate with a crackdown Emanuel said the new rules department. “So it’s especially people should be able to ex-
on illegal immigration. would require cities to allow tragic that the mayor is less pect from their cities and

The showdown over so- the Department of Homeland concerned with that stagger- states,” Mr. Sessions said.
called sanctuary cities has Security to have unlimited ac- ing figure than he is spending The Byrne JAG funds pro-
been months in the making, as cess to local police stations time and taxpayer money pro- vided $347 million to state
some local governments resist and law-enforcement facilities. tecting criminal aliens and and local governments last
federal calls to hold people in “Chicago will not be black- putting Chicago’s law enforce- year. The city of Chicago said
jail when asked to do so by the mailed into changing our val- ment at greater risk.” it routinely uses the grant
Immigration and Customs En- ues, and we are and will re- Attorney General Jeff Ses- money to buy vehicles and
forcement Agency. main a welcoming City,” Mr. sions last month said it is ap- SWAT equipment. Last year,
Mayor Rahm Emanuel said Emanuel said in a press re- propriate and long overdue for Chicago received $2.3 million
Sunday the suit was filed be- lease Sunday. the department to make grants in Byrne JAG funds. Mayor Rahm Emanuel at a January news conference in Chicago.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, August 8, 2017 | A7


South Carolina Seeks to Salvage Reactor

Governor looks to get
at least one project
completed after Scana
abandoned the plant

An energy company’s deci-

sion to abandon work on a nu-
clear project in South Carolina

has left the state reeling and

the governor seeking one of
several solutions to save at
least one of the two reactors.
Last week, Scana Corp. said
it would walk away from its
project to build two nuclear
reactors in tiny Jenkinsville—
after nine years and $10.4 bil-
lion spent—stunning local A 2016 photo of unit one of the abandoned V.C. Summer Nuclear Station near Jenkinsville, S.C.
leaders and the 600 nuclear
employees and 5,000 construc- mary partner, as well as with ing for a special session to tee Cooper Chairman Leighton who joined a new energy cau- “not increase rates one
tion workers at its V.C. Sum- Santee Cooper, the state-run temporarily block the utilities Lord, in a statement. cus investigating what hap- penny.” Last week, Southern
mer Nuclear Station. The utility that is the project’s ju- from raising rates and passing A Santee spokeswoman de- pened. Regulators said they said it would take a $2.8 bil-
move left Jenkinsville, popula- nior partner. Gov. Henry Mc- on the costs of dismantling clined to comment. had been told previously that lion pretax charge related to
tion 71, with an unfinished Master called the shuttering of the reactors to customers. The repercussions go beyond the project was troubled but the Mississippi plant, transfer-
worksite the size of 1,000 the plant “a jarring break of The company said its deci- Jenkinsville and surrounding on track. “It was like a gut ring most of the remaining
football fields, while electric faith.” sion was forced by the March Fairfield County, which is punch,” said Elizabeth B. Flem- costs to its shareholders.
customers continue to pay 18% Mr. McMaster, a Republican, bankruptcy of main contractor struggling with high poverty ing of the Public Service Com- Georgia, meanwhile, is
of their bill for a nuclear- is pursuing a number of op- Westinghouse Electric Co. and levels. The abandonment could mission, the state regulator. awaiting a decision from At-
power plant that may never tions to try to ensure that at a recently completed assess- lead to higher electricity bills Other states in the South lanta-based Southern on
generate a single kilowatt. least one of the two reactors ment that indicated the overall in South Carolina. have run into trouble with whether it will keep pushing
“I just hope that people gets up and running, according cost to build the facility rose Scana’s utility in the state new energy plants. forward with its half-finished
who bought new houses, new to a person close to the gover- to $25.7 billion from $14 bil- has some of the highest prices Mississippi regulators got nuclear-power plant near Au-
cars, didn’t create a situation nor. Those options include the lion. Scana said it had been among the 100 largest power fed up earlier this year with gusta. It is facing the same
where they lose everything sale of Santee Cooper’s 45% of ready to go ahead with build- providers in the southeast, ac- Southern Co.’s construction of challenges as in South Caro-
they worked so hard to get,” the facility or even the sale of ing one of the two planned re- cording to data from the En- a “clean coal” plant that had lina, with the Westinghouse
said Jenkinsville Mayor Gre- Santee Cooper itself, this per- actors, but its hand was forced ergy Information Administra- taken $7.5 billion and seven bankruptcy also making the
grey Ginyard. son said. The board members when its partner, Santee Coo- tion. years and still wasn’t fully op- costs of completing the plant
The decision has been polit- of Santee Cooper are ap- per, decided to back out. “The public trust is gone, it erational. So the state’s top significantly higher than previ-
ically destabilizing, opening a pointed by the governor. “The costs of these units is absolutely gone,” said Micah regulator ordered the com- ously believed. Southern hasn’t
rift between elected officials Separately, a bipartisan are simply too much for our Caskey, a Republican member pany to stop building the coal- decided whether to continue
and Scana, the project’s pri- group of state senators is call- customers to bear,” said San- of the South Carolina House gasification technology and work on the Augusta facility.

Minnesota Mosque
Blast Puts Focus
On Bias, Security
BY VALERIE BAUERLEIN seeking to raise $95,000 for
repairs. The mosque primarily
The bombing of a Minne- serves members of the area’s
sota mosque over the week- Somali community. About
end is the latest in rising 41,000 of a total of 129,000
anti-Muslim incidents in the people living in the U.S. claim-
U.S. that have prompted Is- ing Somali ancestry lived in
lamic groups to boost secu- Minnesota as of 2015, accord-
rity measures. ing to the Census Bureau.

Federal Bureau of Investiga- The national office of the

tion figures showed a 67% rise Council on American-Islamic
in anti-Muslim incidents in Relations, a Muslim advocacy
2015, the most recent data organization, has been en-
available from the bureau. couraging Islamic centers to
Overall, the FBI said there increase security, including
were 5,850 reported hate guards and camera surveil-
crimes in 2015, a nearly 7% in- lance. A recent CAIR guide to
crease from the previous year. mosque safety urges leaders
Anti-Jewish incidents rose 9%, to install glass-block win-
the FBI said. dows, which are difficult to
No one was injured in the 5 break, for example, rather
a.m. Saturday explosion at the than wire screens “if protec-
Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center tion against thrown firebombs
in Bloomington, Minn., a city is a consideration.” Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton on Sunday condemned the bombing of the Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington, Minn.
of 85,000 people south of Min- The Bloomington center’s
neapolis, police said. Law-en- executive director, Mohamed cluding the vandalism of a dissatisfied with the way The acting secretary of calling for solidarity and
forcement officials said some- Omar, on Saturday said Mus- Muslim cemetery in Castle things are going in the U.S., up Homeland Security, Elaine peace.
one appeared to have thrown lims should continue to wor- Rock Township, south of from 38% in 2011. Pew re- Duke, said Saturday the de- The Rev. Curtiss DeYoung,
an improvised explosive de- ship and attend education Bloomington. In June, a Min- searchers said unease among partment “fully supports the head of the Minnesota Council
vice from a passing truck into classes, rather than stay home nesota man was sentenced to Muslim Americans has grown rights of all to freely and of Churches, said the attack
the mosque office just before out of fear. “This is our cen- 39 years in prison for injuring since President Donald Trump, safely worship the faith of felt personal because he had
early-morning prayers. ter,” Mr. Omar said. “We hope two Somali men and shooting as a candidate more than a their choosing and we vigor- shared the post-Ramadan Iftar
The FBI and the Bureau of that this will be the last [inci- at others last year while they year ago, called for a “total ously condemn such attacks meal with mosque members.
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and dent], and we won’t see any were en route to prayers in and complete shutdown of on any religious institution.” “An attack on a mosque, is
Explosives are investigating. problems.” Minneapolis. Muslims entering the United Elected officials and faith an attack on a synagogue, is
The building office and The explosion is one of A new Pew Research Center States.” More than half of U.S. leaders from around the state an attack on a church, is an at-
sprinkler system were dam- several such incidents in Min- survey found that 64% of Mus- Muslims—58%—are immi- joined mosque leaders in a tack on all faith communities,”
aged, according to supporters nesota in recent weeks, in- lim Americans say they are grants, according to Pew. Saturday news conference he said. “We stand with you.”

Detroit Vote Is Test of the City’s Progress INTERIOR DEPARTMENT OHIO STATE FAIR

Plan for Sage Grouse Corrosion Cited in

Detroit is gearing up for a Protection Revised Thrill-Ride Accident
nonpartisan mayoral primary
Tuesday that will signal Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke The Dutch manufacturer of a
whether the progress the city has ordered his agencies to begin thrill ride that broke apart on
made under Mayor Mike Dug- implementing a revised manage- the opening day of the Ohio
gan is enough to propel him to ment plan to protect the greater State Fair two weeks ago, killing
a second term in November. sage grouse, a move that could one person and injuring seven
Since filing the country’s undo some protections created others, said Sunday that “exces-
largest municipal bankruptcy under the Obama administration. sive corrosion” weakened a sup-
in 2013, Detroit has seen its Among other things, the rec- port beam that caused “the cat-
downtown revitalized with a ommendations compiled by an astrophic failure.”
luxury apartment boom, Interior task force at Mr. Zinke’s Investigators for the com-
trendy restaurants and an in- request call for potential loosen- pany, KMG, traveled to Colum-
flux of young residents. Basic ing of sage grouse protections bus to review video footage of
services like streetlights, pub- around mineral leasing areas, us- the July 26 incident and conduct
lic transportation and police Mike Duggan’s top rival is State Sen. Coleman Young II, right, the son of Detroit’s first black mayor. ing states’ conservation plans a metallurgical inspection of the
response times have improved. that provided more flexibility to 18-year-old Fireball ride, accord-
But the mayor’s top chal- “It’s two Detroits,” said Mr. highest violent crime rate for The top two vote-getters in potential economic development ing to the statement, which the
lenger, Coleman Young II, has Young’s spokesman, Adolph cities with over 100,000 resi- Tuesday’s primary will pro- and using potentially increased company posted on its Facebook
argued that the revitalization Mongo. “One rich and one dents, according to Federal Bu- ceed to the general election cattle grazing in some sage page. “KMG has reviewed the re-
has come at the expense of poor. One black and one reau of Investigation statistics. Nov. 7. grouse areas as a tool to protect sults of the inspection and
lower-income neighborhoods. white.” Over 80% of Detroit’s Sharon Banks, a spokes- Mr. Young’s family history the birds’ habitat against wild- worked with industry safety ex-
Mr. Young, the son of Detroit’s residents are black. Mr. Dug- woman for Mr. Duggan, said has helped propel the state fire and invasive grasses. perts to develop an inspection
first black mayor, Coleman gan is the city’s first white the mayor’s first priority when senator representing Detroit to Separately, Mr. Zinke on Mon- protocol in the form of a Safety
Young, has staked his cam- mayor in four decades. taking office in 2014 was to the front of Mayor Duggan’s day announced he is repealing Bulletin to allow properly in-
paign on the idea that poorer, Detroit’s population keeps stabilize the city’s infrastruc- seven primary challengers. an Obama administration rule spected and maintained rides to
black communities are being shrinking, and though the city ture. We’re “not saying it’s Still, Mr. Duggan, a former that was supposed to go into safely reopen,” the manufacturer
left behind. has attracted young residents done by any stretch of the businessman, has been leading effect earlier this year that said in the statement.
“What is the purpose of cre- downtown, rising home prices imagination,” she said. “Stabi- in the polls by a wide margin. would change the way oil, gas Ohio Gov. John Kasich called
ating jobs downtown if we have made parts of the city lizing the structure of the city, A recent poll by Target In- and coal is valued on federal the accident the worst tragedy
don’t provide jobs to the resi- unaffordable to older ones. boarding up abandoned homes, syght found 64% of respon- leases, in a way the energy in- in the fair’s history and ordered
dents who need it?” Mr. Young Violent crime dropped 13% blight removal, those things dents said they were likely to dustry had said could make the state highway patrol to con-
asked when announcing his in 2015 from a year earlier, but were paramount starting his vote for Mr. Duggan, while 30% them pay more in royalties. duct an investigation.
candidacy in February. Detroit still has the second- first term as mayor.” planned to support Mr. Young. —Jim Carlton —Quint Forgey
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A8 | Tuesday, August 8, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


WEB available for Android phones—

for a lower price than in the U.S.
Last year, Indian banks
launched a mobile payment
Continued from page A1 system that after a simple
with 4GB of storage, versus sign-up process allows the
the 32GB that is typically con- less-tech-literate to make pay-
sidered minimal in the devel- ments and transfer money
oped world. from their accounts with their
On his screen are some of phones. Paytm, the biggest
the world’s most popular mobile money app in India,
apps—Google’s search, Face- now has more than 200 mil-
book Inc.’s WhatsApp—but lion users in India, vastly more
also many that are unfamiliar than the number of credit-card
in the developed world, in- holders in India.
cluding UC Browser, MX PayPal is one of the most
Player and SHAREit, that have popular services for interna-
been tailored for slow connec- tional transactions in India,
tions and skimpy data storage. but has yet to launch a pay-
Those three apps, not ments system for the domestic
among the top 100 downloads market. PayPal Holdings Inc.
in the U.S., were in India’s top said it plans to start a domes-
10 over the 30 months through tic service and that its deep
June, according to App Annie, experience and better technol-
which tracks apps; many of ogy will help it catch up.
the most popular apps in the Some poor users said they
U.S. aren’t in India’s top 100. are willing to pay for data
Mr. Singh’s phone uses even if it means forgoing con-


Google’s Android operating sumption of things like ciga-
system, which nearly monopo- rettes to afford prepaid cards.
lizes India’s smartphone mar- Sales of shampoo and some
ket in phones from companies snacks foods have slipped for
such as South Korea’s Samsung certain consumers as they put
Electronics Co. and India’s Mi- more rupees aside for their
cromax Informatics Ltd. phones, said consumer-goods
Apple Inc., in contrast, has companies such as Nestlé SA.
a 3% smartphone market share In few places is the impact
in India, estimates market-re- of newfound internet access as
search firm Kantar World- striking as in the New Delhi
panel, in part because its least station. More than half a mil-
expensive iPhone costs more Ilphaz Khan communicates via voice text with a family member on WhatsApp at a railway station in New Delhi. lion people a day chug through
than $300; in India, more than the station, where signs de-
90% of smartphones cost less ing to the latest numbers from Menlo Park headquarters, clare the standard porter
than that. the Telecom Regulatory Au- when developers can experi- Affordable Net rates: “Luggage up to 40 kg 60
Apple declined to comment thority of India. ence a slow connection and In India, millions are getting online for the first time as smartphone rupees” (94 cents). The sta-
on its India strategy. During a This year, more Indians are how Facebook works on it. It and data prices plunge. tion’s more-than-1,000 porters
call with analysts last week, getting online en masse be- has built a lighter version of rush taxis and jump on moving
Apple Chief Executive Tim cause of a price war. Aiming to Facebook for emerging mar- Number of Internet users Monthly wireless data usage trains, shouting: “Coolie, coo-
Cook said he was “very, very bring new customers to the kets. Facebook said it has just 600 million
lie, coolie.” For 30 rupees,
1.2 billion gigabyte a month
bullish and very, very optimis- web, Reliance Jio Infocomm more than 200 million active they fill up on roti and dal at a
tic about India.” Ltd.—a new phone service users in India, the largest 500 1.0 garage-sized structure labeled
backed by an Indian billion- number outside the U.S. 400 0.8 “Coolie Shelter,” where they
aire—offered free unlimited 300 0.6 can nap, play cards and lock
‘Up for grabs’ 4G-speed data for six months up their few belongings.
Nimble adversaries 200 0.4
Scenes like Mr. Singh’s are starting in September. That Most porters still think
playing out on smartphones forced competitors to slash Global tech titans are moni- 100 0.2 smartphones and internet are
across Asia, the Middle East rates as well. Data usage in In- toring local competition in 0 0 only for the rich and literate.
and Africa in places with pock- dia shot up from less than half emerging markets, where nim- 2009 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16* 2014 ’15 ’16 ’17 The internet is “not for us,”
ets of less-educated people a gigabyte per customer a ble adversaries often are the said porter Sajid Khan. “We
who are just getting online. UC month to more than 6GBs, said first to figure out ways to Average smartphone price Data price a gigabyte are not educated, we are like
Browser is a top download in Rajan Mathews, director gen- serve the less affluent, less ed- this,” he said, sticking his
countries such as Indonesia eral of the Cellular Operators ucated web surfer. $250 $5 thumb out and pressing it
and Yemen. SHAREit is popu- Association of India. The emerging leaders are 200 4 down slowly to mime how he
lar in Iran and South Africa. India’s largest cellular com- “building apps and services signs documents.
MX Player is big in Bangla- pany, a Vodafone Group PLC that respond to local needs, 150 3 But a growing minority of
desh, Oman and Cambodia. subsidiary, said it figured out and in doing so, they’re build- 100 2 porters have been using cheap
“Since these are new con- new users didn’t understand ing products for the future of smartphones to get online
sumers, everything is up for data limits, so it has given the internet,” said Google’s Mr. 50 1 since the station started offer-
grabs,” said Jan Chipchase, them an option of buying un- Sengupta. “The next genera- 0 0 ing free Wi-Fi in 2015. One
founder of Studio D Radio- limited data for less than 25 tion of global tech companies brags he now uses the web to
2012 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 2014 ’15 ’16 ’17
durans, a consultancy that an- cents an hour. “The way the are just as likely to come out download videos of religious
* Estimate
alyzes consumer behavior in journey seems to start today is of a local coffee shop in Ban- Sources: Mary Meeker, Kleiner Perkins (user, data usage, data price); songs using an app called Vid-
emerging markets. “That’s the with social messaging, You- galore or Ho Chi Minh City as TRAI, IDC (smartphone price) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Mate. Another explains how
potential for disruption.” Tube and entertainment apps,” they are from Silicon Valley.” through his phone he tracks
The sheer size of the Indian not email or social media, said That includes apps on Mr. than eight million job seekers the western Indian state of Ma- how far a train has reached
market means gaining even a Sandeep Kataria, chief com- Singh’s phone. UC Browser, and 500,000 employers, said harashtra recently to poll pas- using an app called Indian
small share can bring huge mercial officer at Vodafone In- from Alibaba Group Holding Vir Kashyap, one of the com- sengers. “How does he get new Train Locator Live.
traffic and expansion. About dia. “Five years ago it was the Ltd.’s UCWeb, is optimized to pany’s founders. music?” asked project manager Mr. Singh said he gets to
400 million of India’s 1.3 bil- other way around.” use less data for low-speed In contrast, LinkedIn Corp. Scott Velicer through a transla- the station early every morn-
lion people are online, accord- In the year through June, use connections like those India’s has been focusing on the tor. “Ask him if he has trouble ing to send his friends and
of YouTube in India has more poor use. UC Browser, with a higher-end jobs in India, al- getting to know the name of family recorded messages via
than doubled, while Gmail use less-than-1% market share in though it is looking into ways songs he hears on TV.” WhatsApp. “Is everyone OK in
India vs. the U.S. and fell 15%, according to App An- the U.S. and Europe, controls to help blue-collar workers find The team showed passengers the village? Anyone die?” he
the World nie. In the U.S., YouTube growth more than 40% of India’s mo- jobs, said Akshay Kothari, head a “low-fidelity prototype,” basi- asked into his phone. Re-
was 48% over the same period, bile browser market, according of LinkedIn India. It launched cally phone screens printed on corded replies come back
India’s low income keeps more while Gmail use was up 13%. to research firm StatCounter. LinkedIn Lite, an app less data- paper with different apps and throughout the day.
people from getting online. Facebook’s WhatsApp mes- SHAREit, an app from heavy so people can use it on instructions, asking what they He scours the internet for
Average income*, GNI per capita senger service said its top two China’s Lenovo Group Ltd., 2G phones, he said, because would do if they saw one of the shows and clips using You-
markets are India and Brazil. It lets people transfer music and “we need to make sure that screens. The group later stood Tube, Google and MX Player
India $1,590 has become the first stop on movies to friends’ phones off- connectivity and technology is at the Lonavla Station and dis- all day. On YouTube, he starts
U.S. 55,980 the internet for many who line—a popular feature among not a barrier,” for job seekers. cussed what it learned. “People with a voice search. “Woman
have been using it instead of poor users avoiding the cost Google has revamped the here don’t read the text,” so the singing Rajasthani folk songs,”
World 10,550
email or social media. Whats- of going online. MX Player lets way certain searches look in icons need to be easy to under- he said in Hindi and looked at
Mobile broadband (3G/4G) App saw the opportunity early people store online videos to India. Seek a local cricket star, stand, Mr. Velicer said. the screen to see what showed
penetration rate** on, said WhatsApp Vice Presi- watch offline. and the top of the search is Google has also benefited up. He downloads more than
dent Neeraj Arora, and has its Another app popular in In- crowded with photos and vid- from the dominance of its An- 20 clips a day to watch at
India 14% employees come home from dia is Babajob, recently ac- eos instead of long lists of droid operating system. night when he returns to the
U.S. 88 India and other emerging mar- quired by online classified por- links. Google’s YouTube cre- Apple has been upping its flophouse room he shares with
kets with suitcases full of the tal Quikr India Pvt. Ltd., which ated apps in India to make it bet on India, contracting with a five other porters.
World 55
many different types of smart- provides job ads for basic po- easier for users to share vid- manufacturer to assemble hand- “Life has become better.
*As of 2015
phones on the market to en- sitions such as driver, maid eos directly—helping them sets locally, rolling out a bigger Life has become faster,” he
**As a percentage of population 2016 sure its service works on them. and gardener that pay less avoid data costs and circum- retail network and investing to said. “I wish I had it earlier.
Sources: World Bank (GNI); Facebook has sponsored than $200 a month. It uses a vent slow internet speeds. support developers of more We wouldn’t be so backward.”
GSMA (penetration rate)
free Wi-Fi hot spots across In- simple interface that can work One five-person Google team apps aimed at Indians. It has be- —Karan Deep Singh
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. dia. It has “2G Tuesdays” in its by voice. It has reached more took a long train ride through gun offering Apple Music— contributed to this article.

RULES time with the hour a month it

takes to keep track of the hun-
dreds of passwords she has to
juggle for her job as a client-
to publish guidance quickly.
He asked the computer ad-
ministrators at NIST if they
would let him have a look at
His company once followed
the Burr code for passwords,
but no more.
The biggest argument
shift dress she made and wore
to a 2015 White House cyber-
security summit at Stanford
Continued from page A1 resources manager with a the actual passwords on their against Mr. Burr’s prescrip- Adorned with the world’s
In June, Special Publication trade-show-display company network. They refused to tions: they haven’t worked most common passwords—
800-63 got a thorough rewrite, in Minneapolis. “The rules share them, he said, citing pri- well. “It just drives people ba- princess, monkey, iloveyou
jettisoning the worst of these make it harder for you to re- vacy concerns. nanas and they don’t pick and others that are unprint-
password commandments. member what your password “They were appalled I even good passwords no matter able here—the dress has
Paul Grassi, an NIST stan- is,” she said. “Then you have asked,” Mr. Burr said. what you do,” Mr. Burr said. prompted careful study, and
dards-and-technology adviser to reset it and it just makes it With no empirical data on The past decade has seen a embarrassment.
who led the two-year-long do- take longer.” computer-password security data-breach boom. Hackers “I’ve had people look at it
over, said the group thought When informed that pass- to be found, Mr. Burr leaned have stolen and posted online and they’re like, ‘Oh, I’d better
at the outset the document word advice is changing, how- heavily on a white paper writ- hundreds of millions of pass- go change my passwords,’ ”
would require only a light edit. ever, she wasn’t outraged. In- ten in the mid-1980s—long be- words from companies such as said Ms. Cranor, a professor at
“We ended up starting from stead, she said it just made fore consumers bought DVDs MySpace, LinkedIn and Carnegie Mellon University.

scratch,” Mr. Grassi said. her feel better. “I’m right,” she and cat food online. Gawker Media. The NIST rules were sup-
The new guidelines, which said of the previous rules. “It The published guidelines Those postings have given posed to give us randomness.
are already filtering through to just doesn’t make sense.” were the best he could do. researchers the data they need Instead they spawned a gener-
the wider world, drop the pass- Academics who have stud- “In the end, it was probably to take a hard look how peo- ation of widely used and goofy
word-expiration advice and the ied passwords say using a se- Lorrie Faith Cranor’s dress too complicated for a lot of ple’s passwords fare against looking passwords such as
requirement for special charac- ries of four words can be includes common passwords. folks to understand very well, the tools hackers used to Pa$$w0rd or Monkey1! “It’s
ters, Mr. Grassi said. Those harder for hackers to crack and the truth is, it was bark- break them. Their conclusion? not really random if you and
rules did little for security— than a shorter hodgepodge of using Mr. Burr’s old rules— ing up the wrong tree,” Mr. While we may think our pass- 10,000 other people are doing
they “actually had a negative strange characters—since hav- could be cracked in three days, Burr said. words are clever, they aren’t. it,” said Mr. Herley, the Micro-
impact on usability,” he said. ing a large number of letters according to Mr. Munroe’s cal- Nevertheless, NIST’s pass- We tend to gravitate toward soft researcher.
Long, easy-to-remember makes things harder than a culations, which have been word advice became widely in- the same old combinations Mr. Grassi, who rewrote
phrases now get the nod over smaller number of letters, verified by computer-security fluential, not just within the over and over. NIST’s new password guide-
crazy characters, and users characters and numbers. specialists. federal government but on Back in 2003, Mr. Burr lines, thinks his former col-
should be forced to change In a widely circulated piece, Mr. Burr, who once pro- corporate networks, websites didn’t have the data to under- league Mr. Burr is being a lit-
passwords only if there is a cartoonist Randall Munroe cal- grammed Army mainframe and mobile devices. stand this phenomenon. To- tle bit hard on himself over his
sign they may have been sto- culated it would take 550 computers during the Vietnam Collectively, humans spend day, it is obvious to people like 2003 advice.
len, says NIST, the federal years to crack the password War, had wanted to base his the equivalent of more than Lorrie Faith Cranor. After “He wrote a security docu-
agency that helps set indus- “correct horse battery staple,” advice on real-world password 1,300 years each day typing years of studying terrible con- ment that held up for 10 to 15
trial standards in the U.S. all written as one word. The data. But back in 2003, there passwords, according to Cor- coctions, she put 500 of the years,” Mr. Grassi said. “I only
Amy LaMere had long sus- password Tr0ub4dor&3—a just wasn’t much to find, and mac Herley, a principal re- most commonly used pass- hope to be able to have a doc-
pected she was wasting her typical example of password he said he was under pressure searcher at Microsoft Corp. words on a blue and purple ument hold up that long.”
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, August 8, 2017 | A9


TaskRabbit CEO on Expansion

The head of the chore-service company talks about the company’s growth and increasing diversity in tech
TASKRABBIT chief executive
Stacy Brown-Philpot still remem-
bers running home one day to es-
cape a group of grade-school bul-
lies, only to have her grandmother
lock her out of the house. “She
said, ‘You’re going to have to get
through this yourself,’ ” Ms.
Brown-Philpot says. “And I had to
stand up for myself and fight.”
Ms. Brown-Philpot, now 41, lost
that fight with a punch in the face,
but she learned a valuable lesson.
“You have to learn to get through
it yourself, because there are going
to be times in your life when
there’s going to be no one else
around but you,” she says.
Ms. Brown-Philpot credits the
lessons of her childhood, growing
up in a tough neighborhood in De-
troit, with helping her to succeed.
In the past six months, she has ex-
panded TaskRabbit, an on-demand
chore service, to 21 new locations,
bringing its presence to a total of
39 U.S. cities (plus London). This
spring, she confirmed reports that
the company is exploring a poten-
tial sale after receiving unsolicited
interest from a buyer.
Through the TaskRabbit app,
users can choose a task they want
done, such as assembling furni-
ture, moving, delivering packages
or cleaning. Users then get a list of
local “taskers,” people who are
willing to do the job and have Stacy Brown-Philpot
been vetted by the company, along plans to launch a
with their hourly rate. The com- series of new
pany takes a 30% cut of each com- partnerships in the
pleted task. next few months
In the next few months, Ms.
Brown-Philpot says, the company
will launch a series of new part-
nerships, adding to its recent col-
laborations with IKEA and Ama-
zon. Since it was founded in 2008,
the company has raised about $38
million. Documents related to a
2015 financing round put the com-
pany’s value at around $50 million.
A company spokesman says that
the firm is “very close to overall

Outside of TaskRabbit, Ms.
Brown-Philpot joined the board of
the department-store retailer
Nordstrom in May and has been
on the board of Hewlett-Packard
since 2015.
She grew up the child of a sin-
gle mother who was an insurance-
claims adjuster. After graduating
from the Wharton School of the
University of Pennsylvania, she
earned her M.B.A. from the Stan-
ford Graduate School of Business
and then eventually found a job in
sales at Google. She ran Google’s global consumer recruiters to present her with a di- our collective efforts to make sure people will someday be able to
In 2009, she moved from the operations before becoming an en- verse list of candidates, especially people of all backgrounds are talk to their devices to set up
San Francisco Bay Area to Hydera- trepreneur in residence there. She for senior roles. Her goal is to aware of opportunities in tech.” tasks. And appliances such as re-
bad, India, to become senior direc- joined TaskRabbit as its chief op- raise the percentage of African- When she’s not at TaskRabbit, frigerators could automatically sig-
tor of Google’s online and sales erations officer in 2013 and be- American employees at her com- Ms. Brown-Philpot spends time nal to a tasker that, say, a filter
operations in the country. It was a came CEO in 2016. pany from its current 12% to 13% with her family and enjoys exercis- needs changing.
difficult decision. She and her hus- Today, in an industry notori- by the end of the year. ing. Last month, she ran a half- Employees must act as a tasker
band had been thinking about ously lacking in women and minor- “The big problem is that a lot of marathon in San Francisco. She every few months. That includes
starting a family when she got the ities, Ms. Brown-Philpot is one of Americans, whether they are un- was so anxious that she could Ms. Brown-Philpot, though she’s
offer. At first, she turned it down, the few black women running a derrepresented minorities or from barely sleep the night before. “I’ve kept her company title hidden.
but then her husband, who also sizable technology company. She is rural areas, do not know about ca- not always had as much confi- One user hired her to help clean
works in technology, convinced her working to increase diversity at reer opportunities in the tech in- dence as I have now,” she says, but his apartment before he moved
to take the job. her own firm. TaskRabbit works dustry because they may not have “there are days…even now, where out, and asked her, “Why do you
A year later, she returned to the with Code2040, a nonprofit aimed had role models who are part of I’m not sure [of myself].” task?” She said, “Because I love
Bay Area and soon had her first at providing minorities with train- this field or learned about STEM Ms. Brown-Philpot is looking to making people happy. And because
child. (She and her husband now ing, experience and internships at in school,” she says. “One goal for artificial intelligence to expand her I just want you to get your secu-
have two daughters, ages 6 and 2.) tech companies. She also expects Silicon Valley must be to redouble company’s range. She thinks that rity deposit back.”



Diane Ackerman is a that Prof. Paul the first time. The gospel piano
poet, essayist and natu- West was teaching introduction was enthralling yet
ralist. She is the author an interesting calming.
of “A Natural History of class in British fic- As Art Garfunkel sang and the
the Senses,” “The Hu- tion. In his class, I song began to build, I squeezed
man Age” and “The was intrigued by Paul’s hand. The most meaningful
Zookeeper’s Wife” the nature of his lyric came early in the song: “I’m
(W.W. Norton). She mind. on your side, when times get
spoke with Marc Myers. Falling in love rough / And friends just can’t be
with a college pro- found / Like a bridge over trou-
When I went off to Bos- fessor happens bled water / I will lay me down.”
ton University in the more often than Paul was a heavy drinker with
late 1960s, I was a bio- you think. But I a troubled past. We did a lot to
psychology major. was no longer heal each other. Paul and I were
Within months, I de- Paul’s student together for 40 years, until his
cided to transfer to when I bumped death in 2015.
Penn State. But when I received into him on campus the following Today, I still feel Paul in
their acceptance letter, there was year. We went back to his house “Bridge.” The song also reminds

a mistake: I was listed as an Eng- for drinks, and we stayed up all me of the years following his
lish major. night talking. stroke in 2004 when I nursed
Growing up, I had always loved Paul was 18 years my senior, him and helped him relearn lan-
to write and had felt that I was a but that didn’t matter. We were guage.
poet at heart. When I saw the meant to be. We dated and soon Those were medically difficult
letter’s error, it was all the con- married. years but also happy ones in
firmation I needed to switch to One day in early 1970, Paul many unexpected ways. During
English at Penn State and be- and I were in my green VW Bee- that time, Paul and I often lis-
come a writer. tle when we heard Simon & Gar- tened to “Bridge.” The song was
Thumbing through Penn funkel’s “BRIDGE OVER TROU- always restorative and emblem-
Art Garfunkel, left, and Paul Simon, in 1966 State’s course catalog, I noticed BLED WATER” on the radio for atic of our deep love.
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A10 | Tuesday, August 8, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

REVIEW & OUTLOOK The Guns of Venezuela
In a video posted on Since 2005 Cuba has controlled
The Morgan Whale That Got Away the internet Sunday
morning, former Vene-
Venezuela’s citizen-identification and
passport offices, keeping files on ev-

oliticians and journalists have made ca- turn for his cooperation. Justice used Mr. Iksil’s zuelan National Guard ery “enemy” of the state—aka political
reers of lamenting that too few bankers testimony to build a case against his colleagues captain Juan Caguari- opponents. The Venezuelan military
pano, along with some and National Guard answer to Cuban
have been convicted of crimes. They Javier Martin-Artajo and Julien Grout, who
overlook that, at least in Amer- were charged with conspiracy AMERICAS 20 others, announced generals. The Venezuelan armed
an uprising against the forces are part of a giant drug-traf-
ica, to prove a crime you have Bankers haven’t gone to to falsify books and records, By Mary
government of Nicolás ficking operation working with the
to have enough evidence and jail because they haven’t and wire fraud. Anastasia
Maduro to restore con- FARC, which is the hemisphere’s larg-
that a mistake isn’t necessarily The traders’ “lies misled O’Grady
stitutional order. The est cartel and also has longstanding
criminal. A case in point is the committed crimes. investors, regulators, and the rebels reportedly ap- ties to Cuba.
government’s recent decision public, and they constituted propriated some 120 rifles, ammuni- These are the tactical realities of the
to drop all charges against two federal crimes,” Mr. Bharara tion and grenades from the armory at Cuba-Venezuela-Colombia nexus. The
of J.P. Morgan Chase’s former traders in the Lon- said. “The difficulty inherent in precisely valu- Fort Paramacay in Valencia, the capital broader strategic threat to U.S. inter-
don Whale trading bust. ing certain kinds of financial positions does not of Carabobo state. There were uncon- ests, including Cuba’s cozy relationship
In 2012 J.P. Morgan’s London-based Chief give people a license to lie or mislead to cover firmed claims of similar raids at sev- with Middle East terrorists, cannot be
eral other military installations, in- ignored.
Investment Office ran up $6.2 billion in losses up losses. . . . And that goes double for hand-
cluding in Táchira. Elisabeth Burgos is the Venezuelan
from bad derivatives bets. No customer funds somely-paid executives.” The Cuba-controlled military regime ex-wife of the French Marxist Régis
were lost, and the bank posted a $5 billion All of this made for nice political publicity, put tanks in the streets and unleashed Debray. She was born in Valencia,
profit in the second quarter of 2012. But the but it’s not easy to prove that a company’s em- a hunt for the fleeing soldiers. It claims joined the Castro cause as a young
fiasco tarnished CEO Jamie Dimon’s reputation ployees “willfully and knowingly”—the stan- it put down the rebellion and it in- woman, and worked for its ideals on
and prompted outrage in Washington. dard for demonstrating criminal intent—mis- structed all television to broadcast only the South American continent.
Senate Democrats issued a report accusing led investors. Especially when your chief news of calm. But Venezuelans were
the bank of misleading regulators and inves- witness has his own agenda. Earlier this year stirred by the rebels’ message. There
tors. An internal bank analysis said manage- Mr. Iksil sent a letter to media outlets exalting were reports of civilians gathering in Castro is calling the shots
ment “failed to obtain robust, detailed report- himself as a whistleblower. He also announced the streets to sing the national anthem in Caracas. Sanctions
ing” and “appropriately monitor the traders’ a 400-page tell-all that essentially lays blame in support of the uprising.
activity.” Bank supervisors didn’t perform due on everyone but himself, and he changed his
Note to U.S. Secretary of State Rex have to be aimed at him.
Tillerson: Venezuelans want to throw
diligence, and Dodd-Frank’s safeguards on story to blame Mr. Dimon and higher-ups with- off the yoke of Cuban repression. They
risky behavior failed. out evidence to back it up. need your help. Ms. Burgos eventually broke free of
J.P. Morgan ultimately admitted to keeping In dismissing the charges against Messrs. Unfortunately Mr. Tillerson so far the intellectual bonds of communism
some of its bad bets under wraps and paid Martin-Artajo and Grout, acting U.S. Attorney seems to be taking the bad advice of his and has lived in Paris for many years. In
$920 million to settle civil charges with bank- Joon Kim, who took over after Donald Trump State Department “experts.” a recent telephone interview—posted
ing regulators. Yet Justice continued to pursue fired Mr. Bharara in the spring, said that “based The same bureaucrats, it should be on the Venezuelan website Prodavinci—
a criminal investigation with the Financial on a review of recent statements and writings noted, ran Barack Obama’s Latin Amer- she warned of the risks of the “Cuban
Fraud Enforcement Task Force, a coalition of made by Iksil, however, the government no lon- ica policy. Those years gave us a rap- project” for the region.
20 federal agencies, 94 U.S. Attorneys and ger believes that it can rely on the testimony prochement with Havana that culmi- “Wherever the Cubans have been, ev-
nated with the 44th president doing erything ends in tragedy,” she told Ven-
states that the Obama Administration formed of Iksil in prosecuting this case.”
“the wave” with Raúl Castro at a base- ezuelan journalist Hugo Prieto. “Surely
to prosecute bankers. While Justice wrung bil- Prosecutors are often reluctant to walk back ball game in 2016. we have no idea what forces we face,”
lions of dollars out of banks to settle claims re- charges when presented with exculpatory or Team Obama also pushed for Colom- Mr. Prieto observed—reflecting as a
lated to residential mortgage securities—J.P. contradictory evidence, and Mr. Bharara was bia’s surrender to the drug-trafficking Venezuelan on the words of Ms. Bur-
Morgan paid $13 billion in 2013—progressives rebuked by federal judges for his Captain Ahab terrorist group FARC in a so-called peace gos—because, as she said, there is “a
demanded scalps. pursuit of Wall Street whales. So credit to Mr. deal last year. And it supported “dia- lot of naiveté, a lot of ignorance, about
U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara struck a non- Kim for pursing justice rather than headlines. logue” last year to restore free, fair and the apparatus that has fallen on [Vene-
prosecution agreement with the former J.P. Justice’s failed prosecution underscores that transparent elections in Venezuela. The zuelans]: Castroism.”
Morgan trader Bruno Iksil—the so-called Lon- most financial errors aren’t crimes, not that result, in every case, was disaster. Cuban control of citizens is as im-
don Whale who executed the bad bets—in re- progressives will admit it. Any U.S.-led international strategy to portant as control of the military. In
liberate Venezuela must begin with the Cuba this is the job of the Interior Min-
explicit recognition that Cuba is calling istry. For that level of control in Vene-
The Latest North Korean Sanctions Show the shots in Caracas, and that Havana’s
control of the oil nation is part of its
zuela, Ms. Burgos said, Mr. Maduro
must rely on an “elite of exceptional ex-

wider regional strategy. perts” Castro grooms at home.
he Trump Administration and the United institutions, including trading companies. China Slapping Mr. Maduro’s wrist with Cuba, Ms. Burgos said, isn’t “simply
Nations Security Council are heralding could be embarrassed if its companies continue sanctions, as the Trump administration a dictatorship.” For the regime it is a
Saturday’s Resolution 2371, which im- to cheat, assuming that it cares. did last week, won’t change Castro’s “historical political project” aiming for
poses new sanctions on North The problem is that the behavior. He cares only about his cut- “the establishment of a Cuban-type re-
Korea. But as Pyongyang Why did China agree resolution falls short in sig- rate Venezuelan oil and his take of gime throughout Latin America.”
sprints to the ICBM finish line, nificant areas. It merely caps profits from drug trafficking. To affect She noted that along with Venezuela
the insistence that this resolu-
to tougher measures the employment of North Ko- things in Venezuela, the U.S. has to the Cubans have taken Bolivia, Ecuador,
tion will succeed when others against its client state? rean workers in other coun- press Cuba. Nicaragua, and are now going after Co-
Burning Cuban flags, when they can lombia.
failed is—let’s be kind here— tries, meaning that Pyong- be had, is now practically a national “The FARC, turned into a political
hard to believe. yang can continue to earn pastime in Venezuela because Venezue- party and with all the money of [the
On the positive side, Saturday’s agreement money from exploiting the slave labor of its lans understand the link between their narcotics business], in an election can
completely bans trade in North Korean coal in- own citizens to earn hard currency that is fun- suffering and Havana. buy all the votes that it wants.”
stead of capping it as U.N. Resolution 2321 did neled to the regime. Most of these workers are The Castro infiltration began more Mr. Tillerson is forewarned. Castro
in November. Chinese companies evaded those in China and Russia. than a decade ago when Fidel sent won’t stop until someone stops him. To
sanctions by transhipping coal through third The resolution also allows foreign companies thousands of Cuban agents, designated get results, any U.S.-led sanctions have
countries. Any coal shipments will be proof of in existing joint ventures with North Korea to as teachers and medical personnel, to to hit the resources that Havana relies
cheating under the new sanctions, meaning carry on doing business. Most important, spread propaganda and establish com- on to maintain the repression.
Beijing will be exposed faster if it fails to hold China’s sales of crude oil and refined-oil prod- munist cells in the barrios. Write to O’
up its end. ucts to North Korea are left untouched. Cutting
Coal is Pyongyang’s biggest export earner, off these could bring down the regime, and Bei- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
accounting for 40% of its exports and 10% of jing’s refusal to use this leverage shows that it
GDP by some estimates. The U.S. projects that still sees value in Kim Jong Un’s survival.
the new sanctions will cut $1 billion from the North Korea reacted with fury on Monday,
Unchecked Climate Change Will Lead to War
$3 billion the regime earns in annual exports. so the new sanctions must have some potential In “Climate Change Isn’t the End along with deforestation, disrupts
If China follows through, it would show that to bite. But the real test, as ever, will be China’s of the World” (op-ed, Aug. 1), David that critical balance.
loyalty to an ally is yielding to fears of a nu- enforcement. Did Chinese leaders agree to Henderson and John Cochrane argue The authors note that pollution
clear crisis on its border. these new steps because they want to avoid that climate-change policy should and declining wildlife habitats are
Also potentially significant is tightened con- even tougher U.S. action, including U.S. sanc- follow careful economic analysis. problems, but they fail to connect
trol over financial transactions with North Ko- tions against Chinese firms? Or is this a genu- Already counted in the hundreds these to climate change.
of thousands of deaths a year are The policies that cause climate
rea. The U.S. designated Pyongyang a “primary ine attempt to squeeze the North at long last
those associated with crop failures change also cause pollution and
money laundering concern” in May last year, to give up its nuclear weapons? and food scarcity, heat waves and loss of habitats. Fracking emits vol-
opening up financial institutions that do busi- More than a decade of evidence suggests forced relocation. The several-year atile organic compounds. Pipelines
ness in U.S. dollars with the regime to second- the answer is the former, and the new sanc- East African drought may be a carrying fuel and fracking chemi-
ary sanctions. North Korean front companies tions mean the U.S. will now have to delay fur- harbinger of what’s to come. Ma- cals leak into waterways and aqui-
tried to use other institutions and currencies ther action to see if they work. If they don’t, laria, Zika and dengue, among fers, and pipeline compressors emit
to continue trading. Saturday’s resolution ex- the U.S. will have to call China’s bluff sooner other diseases, spread as a warmer toxins into the air. Habitats are be-
tends that ban to all convertible currencies and rather than later. climate extends the range mosqui- ing lost everyday to fossil-fuel
toes travel. drilling. Focusing only on the eco-
The authors’ analysis neglects en- nomics of climate change is funda-
The United Auto Workers Lose Again vironmental damage and ecosystem
disruption that enters a spiraling
mentally flawed.

feedback loop. Even if you don’t be- New York
he United Automobile Workers suffered earn up to $24. That’s far more than the $16.70 lieve that humans have a responsi-
another humiliation in the South late average hourly production wage in central bility to be stewards of the earth, Examining data over the past 21
last week as workers at a Nissan plant Mississippi. Nissan also offers retirement ben- certainly the damage to systems centuries we see that sometimes we
in Canton, Mississippi, voted efits comparable to other U.S. that support human life should be have experienced more-than-average
in a landslide to reject union Nissan workers in auto makers and up to 37 days factored into the equation. warming and sometimes more-than-
representation. PAUL SUSMAN
The nearly 2-to-1 defeat
Mississippi reject the aingyear of paid time off, includ-
vacation and holidays. For Lewisburg, Pa.
average cooling. That fact makes me
suspect that eliminating activities
wasn’t for lack of effort from union nearly 2 to 1. the past two years workers that generate CO2 won’t do away
the union, which spent years have received a $4,000 an- War, disease and chaos are ex- with climate change.
actly the stresses that will be There is a lot of uncertainty re-
making the case to the workers nual bonus.
caused by unchecked climate garding the benefits of fighting cli-
in Canton. In 2011 then-president Bob King said The Canton auto workers are also well aware change. Environmental degradation mate change, but there is more cer-
that if the union failed to organize transnational of how escalating union demands and stifling caused by climate change will drive tainty about the costs. Proponents
auto makers like Nissan, “I don’t think there’s a work rules suffocated the Big Three U.S. car food shortages and migrations. Even of the Paris agreement estimate that
long-term future for the UAW, I really don’t.” The makers in Detroit. An indictment unsealed a U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis full compliance would reduce the
union spent heavily and enlisted big-name sup- week before the Canton vote alleges that the stated in his congressional testi- global temperature by 0.17 degrees
porters like Sen. Bernie Sanders, Democratic Na- UAW’s vice president teamed up with the top la- mony that “climate change is im- Celsius by 2100, but that’s hardly
tional Committee chair Tom Perez, and actor bor negotiator at Fiat-Chrysler to pilfer millions pacting stability in areas of the worth the cost. There is no use be-
Danny Glover. It lost 2,244 to 1,307. of dollars from a fund intended to train auto world where our troops are operat- ing Don Quixotes fighting windmills.
More than 80% of the workers at the Canton workers. That’s not a good look when you’re ask- ing today.” TICO MORENO
plant are black, and the UAW and its Democratic ing workers to hand over a chunk of their pay- STEPHANIE DOBA Sanibel Island, Fla.
Brooklyn, N.Y.
allies sought to exploit racial politics as much as checks in union dues.
Climate change is the greatest
economics. In an op-ed for the Guardian, Sen. Trigger warning: Nissan didn’t shrink from To assert that carbon dioxide world-wide threat humanity has
Sanders claimed that union supporters were “con- explaining to workers that unionization could “hurts nobody’s health” is ignorant. ever faced. If we don’t implement
necting workers rights with civil rights,” while Nis- strain the plant’s global competitiveness. The Humans exhale carbon dioxide as a effective solutions soon, we are
san was out to “exploit human misery and insecu- UAW responded by accusing the company of waste product. C02 is linked to myr- likely to encounter devastating so-
rity, and turn them into high profits.” They claimed threats and harassment, filing a ritual complaint iad health ailments, including respi- cial, environmental and economic
white supervisors favored white workers. with the National Labor Relations Board, which ratory conditions. As a greenhouse consequences.
But the race-baiting fell flat in Canton, where supervised the election. The NLRB could order gas, carbon dioxide also traps heat LARRY KRAMER
for 14 years Nissan has provided solid blue-collar a new election, but unions typically do worse the in the atmosphere, which contrib- San Juan Capistrano, Calif.
jobs, many of which require only a high-school second time around. utes to the rising sea level and dis-
rupts weather patterns.
education. One of the UAW’s supporters told the The UAW’s problem isn’t unfair negotiating Letters intended for publication should
TED MILLAR be addressed to: The Editor, 1211 Avenue
New York Times last week that, before Nissan tactics. The reason the union hasn’t been able Milton, N.Y. of the Americas, New York, NY 10036,
came to town, locals were stuck working in to organize workers in the South, and the reason or emailed to Please
McDonald’s for $7 an hour, so “this is the best its ranks have shrunk by more than 75% in 35 Billions of years of evolution have include your city and state. All letters
thing that ever happened to them.” years, is because most workers don’t think a created a perfectly balanced ecosys- are subject to editing, and unpublished
The plant’s initial hires are now earning union has much to offer and will eventually put tem that sustains life as we know it. letters can be neither acknowledged nor
about $26 an hour, while newer recruits can their jobs at risk. Extracting and burning fossil fuel,
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, August 8, 2017 | A11


College Is Trade School for the Elite A Consumer

By Allen Guelzo neighborhoods, churches and families

onald J. Trump has a de-
gree from an Ivy League
to become the next generation of
staffers for multinational corporations
and nonprofits. Either you arrive al-
university—my alma ready equipped with merit (through
mater, in fact—but he isn’t your meritocratic parents and your By Steve Vassallo

one of the Ivies’ admirers. meritocratic college-prep program) or
“We must embrace new and effective you are cherry-picked to receive it, alt Mossberg, the dean of tech
job-training approaches, including and thereafter spurn the base rungs journalism, officially retired
online courses, high school curricula, by which you do ascend. earlier this summer. He began
and private-sector investment that Why the meritocracy’s college- his first column for the Journal, in
prepare people for trade, manufactur- based vocationalism should be consid- 1991, with the now-famous line, “Per-
ing, technology and other really well- ered superior to Mr. Trump’s vocation- sonal computers are just too hard to
paying jobs and careers,” the presi- alism has little to do with dollars and use, and it isn’t your fault.”

dent declared in March. “These kinds cents and a lot to do with the cultural In his final column, Mr. Mossberg
of options can be a positive alterna- imperialism of the meritocracy. bookends the quarter-century of prod-
tive to a four-year degree.” Mike Rowe, creator of “Dirty Jobs” ucts, personalities and progress he’s
If ever an issue seemed assured of and “Somebody’s Gotta Do It,” was chronicled with this assessment of
bipartisan support, you’d think it perplexed to find that even in the where we are now: “Personal technol-
would be an initiative that helps con- depths of the Great Recession small- ogy is usually pretty easy to use, and,
nect workers with work. But up went business owners hung out “Help if it’s not, it’s not your fault.”
the howls of injury anyway. The problem is that so little of be composed of people who have Wanted” signs in all 50 states, but In a generation, consumer tech
“I’m worried that the idea of voca- those ideals really operate in most of been trained in other college and uni- couldn’t find people to hire. Why? Be- went from unreliable and confusing to
tional education has become so popu- American higher education. versity literature programs to be lit- cause of “the stigmas and stereotypes so intuitive that children are creating
lar,” wrote David Leonhardt of the Judged by the catalogs, curricula erature professors. that dissuaded people from exploring immersive three-dimensional worlds
New York Times. “We shouldn’t be and websites of American colleges History majors are, in department a career in the trades.” on devices with barely any instruction.
and universities, American higher ed- after department, seen—and taught— Everywhere, Mr. Rowe met with
ucation already is vocational. The as future history professionals, the blank convictions that “opportu-
Even education in the number of degrees in nursing, social whether in museums or colleges. nity is dead” and “success can only Why hardware and
work, education and the holy quartet Even in schools that still valiantly de- occur if you purchase a four-year col-
humanities has become of STEM—science, technology, engi- fend the virtue of a liberal-arts educa- lege degree.” Tell that, he says, to the software have become
vocationalized, though the neering and mathematics—vastly out- tion, much of it tends ineluctably to- employers who have 5.6 million job so much easier to
weighs those awarded in the humani- ward professional formation, not openings that aren’t in danger of be-
transformation is subtle. ties, which is where we’re supposed breadth or understanding. ing filled by robots. use since the 1990s.
to find the pure arts of thinking. Vocational training is what higher Mr. Trump’s determination to re-
One out of every five bachelor- education has been doing without vive vocational education is a valida-
promoting vocational education at level degrees is in business—which is even realizing it. tion of varieties of work the meritoc- Mr. Mossberg doesn’t put a name to
the expense of general education.” In- to say, accounting, marketing, man- I wonder if the real complaint racy disdains. But meritocracy, as the this remarkable shift, but as someone
stead, “expanding the number of four- agement and real estate—while one in about Mr. Trump’s praise of voca- cultural critic Christopher Lasch who witnessed it firsthand, I will: de-
year college graduates also deserves 10 is in a health-related field. tional education is that his interest in wrote, “is a parody of democracy.” It sign. By design, I don’t mean a spiffy
to be a national priority.” Business and education lead the the “wrong” vocations—“trade, man- promises advancement, but only for a logo or a pretty website. Design now
Maybe. Mr. Leonhardt is pitting parade among master’s-level degrees. ufacturing, technology”—and in the few, and only at the expense of a com- also refers to a methodology and a
vocational education against the ide- The bulk of doctoral degrees are in wrong places. mon culture. mind-set that place the experience of
als of higher education—indepen- medicine, law, biology and engineer- College-based vocationalism is still By validating a real vocational- the end user above all.
dence of thought, breadth of knowl- ing. The highest-growth fields since vocationalism; there’s no intrinsic dif- ism, we might also arrive at a new This form of design isn’t concerned
edge and understanding. It isn’t hard 2008 have been homeland security, ference between peeling a spud and revival of democracy, and even—who chiefly with how good something
to see how important these ideals are law enforcement, firefighting, parks, popping a vein. But it is a vocational- knows?—a true rediscovery of the looks, but, rather, how well it works for
to a democracy, in which political recreation, leisure and fitness studies. ism of merit, defined by testing, cre- humanities. ordinary consumers.
sovereignty lies with the people at Even education in the humanities dentials and cultural signaling. I’m a venture investor and was a Sil-
large. If the people are ignorant or has become vocationalized, although In this version of vocationalism, the Mr. Guelzo is director of the Civil icon Valley entrepreneur. But I started
fixed only on grubbing for a living, the transformation is subtle. Take al- four-year college experience becomes War Era Studies Program at Gettys- my career as a product designer at
they may make awful—and irrevers- most any college or university litera- a path by which the talented and burg College and a senior fellow of IDEO in the 1990s, when, as Mr. Moss-
ible—mistakes. ture department, and its faculty will brainy are induced to abandon their the Claremont Institute. berg puts it, “engineers weren’t de-
signing products for normal people.”
I largely credit designers for bring-

A Labor Ruling Threatens America’s Small Businesses ing the needs and desires of everyday
users to the development of new tech
products. Engineers tend to focus on
By Peter Schaumber with its nine million workers in downsizing and the declining rate of suppliers to provide 15 days’ paid an- sheer technical limits: what can be

801,000 franchise operations, accord- new franchise business formation nual leave to its employees. Based on done. But designers are preoccupied
top goal of President Obama’s ing to a September 2016 report from may result in the loss or failure to the bare allegation that Microsoft with what should be done.
National Labor Relations Board PricewaterhouseCoopers. A company create as many as 600,000 jobs over was a joint employer, the NLRB’s gen- In other words, whether they’re
was to make union-organizing sets operating standards for its fran- two years. eral counsel filed an intrusive discov- building things that solve actual prob-
easier. With this objective in mind, chisees to protect its brand, making The NLRB’s decision will be felt ery request on behalf of the union lems or fulfill real wants.
the board subjected countless em- them joint employers under the across the economy as companies that the board refused to quash. Over the past two decades, ad-
ployers to unprecedented bargaining NLRB’s new ruling. like Browning-Ferris dispense with A challenge to the NLRB’s decision vances in computing power have met
obligations and legal liabilities. Instead of organizing franchise by efficiency-boosting contractors. is pending in the U.S. Court of Ap- typical users’ speed and reliability
In 2015 the NLRB considered franchise, unions will use a fran- peals for the District of Columbia Cir- needs, and the means to launch prod-
whether Browning-Ferris Industries, chiser’s newly minted liability for the cuit. But the surest way to undo the ucts have grown better and more af-
a recycling company, was an em- unfair labor practices of its franchi- The case rewrites decades- Browning-Ferris decision is for Con- fordable. As a result, design is now the
ployer of workers provided by the sees, engage in economic protest ac- gress to pass the Protecting Local differentiator—and the driving force
staffing agency Leadpoint Business tivity against it, and threaten similar old law. It involves a Business Opportunity Act, which re- behind billion-dollar companies.
Services. Leadpoint hired and skirmishes around the country, contractor, but franchises verts to the earlier standard of what Apple is the canonical example. The
trained the workers, determined strong-arming the franchiser into constitutes a joint employer. iPod wasn’t the first MP3 player; the
their wages, and retained direct and agreeing to the unionization of all its may be even harder hit. President Trump’s board could re- iPhone wasn’t the first smartphone.
exclusive control over their supervi- franchises. That’s how the Service verse the decision, but that would Nor did many of the underlying tech-
sion, discipline and termination. But Employees International Union hopes take time and could itself be reversed nologies originate with these devices.
if Browning-Ferris also was consid- to unionize McDonald’s. Small-parts manufacturers, security by another president’s board. In other words, they weren’t technical
ered their employer, the company To avoid the risk of joint employer companies and janitorial agencies A thriving economy needs the en- breakthroughs.
would have to bargain with the local liability, companies will move away will find their services are no longer ergy and job-creating capability of mil- Rather, they were brilliant synthe-
Teamsters union and would become from using independent franchises to needed. lions of franchises and other small ses of engineering and emotion. They
liable for Leadpoint’s employment sell their products or engage in costly The Browning-Ferris decision is a businesses. When the NLRB’s perceived were design breakthroughs—instances
practices. The board ruled 3-2 that oversight of existing franchise opera- carefully calculated effort to enhance constituency—the labor movement— of creative need-finding and human-at-
Browning-Ferris and Leadpoint were tions. Buying a small franchise will union power, not a saintly attempt to controls the agenda, balance is thrown tuned problem solving. And they raised
“joint employers.” become less attractive for entrepre- help workers. Microsoft learned this out the window, and a union’s interests consumer expectations for technology,
According to a standard established neurs, and smaller companies that firsthand. In 2015 a union represent- take priority over the nation’s. ushering in a new era of innovation.
in 1984, a joint employer had to have can’t afford oversight costs will be ing one of its suppliers’ employees Witness how the industry has em-
direct and immediate control over hir- driven out of business. filed a charge accusing the company Mr. Schaumber, a former chair- braced design in the past several years:
ing, firing, supervising and directing A 2016 survey conducted by Fran- of unlawfully refusing to bargain. The man of the NLRB, was appointed by Google has invested heavily to reinvent
employees. The NLRB found Browning- data, a franchise-industry researcher, justification? Microsoft’s social-re- President George W. Bush and served itself as a design-centric business. In-
Ferris was a joint employer by chang- estimates that business failure, sponsibility initiative required large from 2002 to 2010. cumbents such as Samsung, General
ing the standard so that indirect con- Electric and IBM have spent hundreds
trol—mere influence over someone’s of millions to build in-house design
employment—was enough. Such influ-
ence could manifest itself, for example,
in provisions of the parties’ staffing
Kill the Filibuster Before It’s Too Late studios with thousands of designers.
Dropbox might’ve been an uninspiring
file storage offering—a dumb bucket—
agreement that called for drug testing By Andy Biggs consign the 60-vote rule to history—or squash the legislation without having but instead it distinguished itself with

or performance standards. risk throwing away their agenda along to vote against it. seamless integration across devices.
Wrapping itself in the mantle of he greatest obstacle blocking with their congressional majority. The reason Republican senators Slack, through its design, used familiar
workers’ rights, the NLRB claimed U.S. Republicans from fulfilling The filibuster forces the majority don’t want to eliminate the filibuster is technology to create a better team-
that complete bargaining would be our agenda isn’t manufactured into awkward legislative maneuvers. they fear that they will one day return messaging experience.
impossible unless companies like outrage about Russians. It’s the Senate Take the GOP’s plan to repeal and re- to the minority. Additionally, there is The last two examples are emblem-
Browning-Ferris were forced to the ta- filibuster, the 60-vote threshold to sus- place ObamaCare through the Senate’s an ostensible “gentlemen’s agreement” atic of a seminal development in the
ble. Never mind that U.S. Congress— pend debate that prevents most bills reconciliation process. that says neither party will use its ma- entrepreneurial ecosystem. Slack and
undoubtedly aware of third-party from making it to the floor. The way it works is that once a bud- jority to repeal the 60-vote rule. But Airbnb—like Pinterest, Instagram and
business arrangements when it passed For years, my fellow Arizonan Rep. get is passed, a follow-up bill gets one Democrats and Republicans alike have Kickstarter—are recent successes
the National Labor Relations Act of Trent Franks has condemned the 60- chance to be reconciled in the Senate skirted that agreement when they founded by designers, people who are
1935 and substantially amended it in vote rule, arguing that it stops too with only 51 votes. So first the House thought it was necessary. devoted to the practice of building im-
1947—defined an “employer” as a many bills already passed by the had to pass a faux budget, to make rec- In 2013 Democrats dispensed with peccably considerate technology.
company that directly and immedi- House from becoming law. President onciliation available. Then House lead- the filibuster for most nominations. Design is the key to building the
ately controls hiring and firing. Trump has now joined the chorus of ers tried to stuff as much ObamaCare Republicans did the same earlier this next great wave of companies. To com-
A principal target of the NLRB’s filibuster critics as he watches his replacement in one bill as they thought year when they confirmed Neil Gor- pete seriously on design, startups must
decision is the franchise industry, agenda languish. Republicans should Senate rules would allow. The result of such to the Supreme Court. Now Re- make it central to their strategy from
these wild procedural manipulations publicans should finish the job and re- the beginning.
was a legislative train wreck that—at peal the 60-vote rule for legislation. If Like other commentators, I think
least temporarily—has halted progress they don’t, they can be sure Democrats we’re entering the age of “ambient
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY toward the central Republican goal. will seize the opportunity to do so computing,” when personal technology
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson But that’s only the beginning of when they return to power. will become invisible and omnipresent.
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp what the filibuster thwarts. The House The torments of the ObamaCare re- Augmented reality, artificial intelli-
Gerard Baker William Lewis has already passed more than 200 peal process can be ultimately traced gence, robotics, drones, the Internet of
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher bills this year, including legislation to to the filibuster. That the “skinny re- Things, and other nascent tech will
Matthew J. Murray DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: repeal Dodd-Frank and strengthen im- peal” bill, which needed only a simple fade into the background of our lives.
Deputy Editor in Chief Mark Musgrave, Chief People Officer; migration enforcement. All that legis- majority, also failed doesn’t change the Technology will no longer come in the
Edward Roussel, Innovation & Communications;
Anna Sedgley, Chief Operating Officer & CFO;
lation is parked in the Senate because fact that Republicans wasted months form of gadgets. Instead, as Mr. Moss-
Michael W. Miller, Senior Deputy;
Thorold Barker, Europe; Paul Beckett, Katie Vanneck-Smith, President even getting a vote effectively re- on procedural wrangling trying to berg predicts, “it’ll be about actual ex-
Washington; Andrew Dowell, Asia; OPERATING EXECUTIVES: quires 60 ayes. make reconciliation work. periences, with much less emphasis on
Christine Glancey, Operations; Ramin Beheshti, Product & Technology; The only conclusion is that the Yet critics of the filibuster are still the way those experiences get made.”
Jennifer J. Hicks, Digital; Jason P. Conti, General Counsel;
Neal Lipschutz, Standards; Alex Martin, News; Frank Filippo, Print Products & Services; Senate is controlled by the minority voices in the wilderness. The tragedy In this new era, design will be ever
Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Ann Podd, Initiatives; Steve Grycuk, Customer Service; party. Eight Democrats trump the Re- is that President Trump is watching more critical to how we build and use
Matthew Rose, Enterprise; Kristin Heitmann, Transformation; publican majority. his agenda be derailed by his supposed our technology. The 21st century will
Stephen Wisnefski, Professional News Nancy McNeill, Advertising & Corporate Sales;
Jonathan Wright, International Another downside is that the fili- allies in the Senate. be the century of the designer founder,
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page;
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page
DJ Media Group: buster rule shields senators from the Republican lawmakers worry what when core value for businesses is cre-
Almar Latour, Publisher; responsibility of taking hard votes. might happen when they fall back into ated by entrepreneurs who have a
Suzi Watford, Marketing and Circulation; Professional Information Business: They can play both sides of an issue the minority. Unless they repeal the 60- deeper, more intuitive sense for the
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Christopher Lloyd, Head; by claiming to support a bill they vote rule and pass the GOP agenda, they human condition.
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head know will never meet the 60-vote will find out sooner rather than later.
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: threshold. The filibustering senators Mr. Vassallo is general partner at
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 get to bask in the glory of success Mr. Biggs, a Republican, represents Foundation Capital and author of “The
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES
without any risk, since they can Arizona’s Fifth Congressional District. Way to Design” (Foundation Capital).
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A12 | Tuesday, August 8, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



Putting the Art in Department Store

Frank Cohen, a major collector of British art, discusses his latest exhibit of Scottish painting at a London emporium
crown for the penny—in other
words, I got 30 times my money. I
then built a very big collection of
For a new exhibit of works by an English coins, until I needed
underappreciated Scottish painter, money and had to sell it all.
the British collector Frank Cohen I like Georg Baselitz’s latest
is sending art lovers to a depart- work. He had a 10-year gap when
ment store. On Sept. 18, Mr. Cohen his work wasn’t that great—he did
will preside over a show of 50 too many portraits. But the work he
works by John Bellany (1942-2013) does now of his wife is interesting.
at Fortnum & Mason, the venera- Last year, I did the first show at
ble London emporium, founded in Fortnum & Mason—all British art.
the early 18th century. Drawing on I had Bridget Riley, Frank Auer-
Mr. Cohen’s own recently en- bach, Leon Kossoff, Howard Hodg-
hanced cache of Bellanys, as well kin, and Edward Burra—all the art-
as works on loan from the artist’s ists that I love. I couldn’t do that
estate, the show will spread paint- with contemporary artists, because
ings throughout the store, from their art dealers would go men-
street windows to areas near cash tal—they wouldn’t like their artists
registers. It runs until October 28. being displayed in a department
The works may prove a contrast store. But people really loved it.
to the atmosphere at Fortnum’s, When it came down the customers
with its fancy food hall and posh were complaining, “Why has the
picnic hampers. Known for his bold artwork gone off the walls?”
palette and fantastical figures, Bel- John Bellany was a larger-than-
lany has “a grit to his art,” says Si- life character—and a real alco-
mon Hucker, a London-based se- holic. They used to say, if you go
nior specialist in modern and out with John on Monday, you
postwar British art at Sotheby’s. come home on Friday.
Mr. Cohen made his fortune sell- Bellany came from a Scottish

ing Britons everything from wallpa- fishing village, and everything he

per to wrenches. A native of Man- does has to do with the sea. He
chester, Mr. Cohen, now 73, first got was very affected by death. He did
interested in art in the 1970s a series after visiting Auschwitz,
through the work of L.S. Lowry and he was very upset by the 2004
(1887-1976). The artist, a longtime tsunami, when thousands of fish-
resident of greater Manchester, is ermen died.
known for his stark depictions of I’ve got a house full of art—I
everyday life in northern England’s can’t get anything else on the walls.
industrial cities and towns. I’ve got a Lowry. I’ve got a Burra,
During his early years of collect- an Auerbach, two Damien Hirsts, a
ing, Mr. Cohen bypassed the prohib- Tracey Emin. What I want to do is
itively expensive giants of 20th-cen- John Ballany’s 1988 ‘Bonjour Mr. Bowie (1240)’ will go on view at Fortnum & Mason next month. expand. I’ve got quite a lot of land,
tury British art, Francis Bacon and 12 acres, and I’m trying to get per-
Lucian Freud. Instead, he focused called Young British Artists, in- able to display about 50 or 60 art- until midnight. My mother was mission to build my own art space,
on what he calls “lesser-value art- cluding Damien Hirst and Tracey works from their collection, now one of 14 children. They didn’t like a museum. Not for the public
ists” like David Bomberg Emin, and in 1997, he sold off the numbering around 1,500. Mr. Co- know the first thing about art. though, just to hang a lot of the
(1890-1957), a Birmingham-born last of his businesses to devote hen spoke about Bellany, the busi- I have worked since I was a kid bigger pictures that I own, instead
avant-garde painter who later cre- himself full-time to collecting and ness lesson a Victorian penny of 16. I used to buy closeout wall- of keeping them in a warehouse.
ated near-abstract portraits and displaying art. These days, he is taught him and an earlier venture paper for a dime a roll and sell it I go and see the auction view-
landscapes, and Edward Burra buying works by American artists in department-store art shows. at markets—that’s how I got ings, but I never sit in the room
(1905-76), an English painter and David Salle and David Hammons, (Edited from an interview.) started. At the time, I wasn’t col- during the auction. I find it boring,
draftsman known for his lurid, as well as Germans Georg Baselitz lecting anything, but then I went to be honest with you. But I’m on
mid-20th-century urban scenes. and Thomas Schütte. Mr. Cohen: I grew up in Cheetham to a cinema in Manchester and the phone if I want to buy some-
Since then, works by Lowry, Bomb- Mr. Cohen and Cherryl Cohen, Hill in north Manchester, an area they gave me a Victorian penny in thing.
erg and Burra have shot up in value. his wife and co-collector, live in that was very Jewish. My father change. I can’t think of where I can
By the 1990s, Mr. Cohen became the Cheshire countryside, not far worked in a raincoat factory, doing Next door, there was a coin show art after Fortnum & Mason—
“besotted,” he says, with the so- from Manchester, where they are piecework from 7 in the morning shop, and they gave me a half- unless I go to Buckingham Palace.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Down 33 Florida city,
-10 familiarly
13 14 15 16
1 Blue blood
Riga -5
vessel? 34 “I know just how
Moscow 0
17 18 you feel”
C p h g
Copenhagen 5 2 Barack awarded
10 19 20 21 22 her the 36 Loan letters
D b
Dublin 15 Presidential
A d
Berlin w
Warsaw 20 23 24 25 26 27 Medal of Freedom 37 Pitch, of a sort
25 28 29 30 31 3 Skyline feature 40 “Late Night” host
London Meyers
Brussels k
Frankfurt 30
Prague ev
Kiev 35 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 4 Antlered animal
41 Spa class
Paris h
39 40 41 42 5 British miler
V Warm Sebastian 42 Plummet
d p
Budapest 43 44 45
Geneva Cold 6 Hooey 47 Freed of lather
Milan h
Bucharest Stationary 46 47 48 49 50
7 1972 Bill Withers 48 Biography
hit figure
51 52 53 54 55 56
Showers 50 More than a
Rome t b
Istanbul 57 58 59 60 8 Pluck
d id 9 Bronze ingredient
61 62 63 64 65 66 52 Hippocratic oath
T-storms 10 Safe and sound, no-no
67 68 theoretically
Al i
Algiers Ath
T i
Tunis Snow 53 Brownstone
69 70 71 11 Cologne currency feature
b 12 Location 54 Cozumel y
Ice FIVE-STEP PROGRAM | By Jamey Smith 14 Substitute for Mallorca, por
Global Forecasts City Hi
Lo W
Hi Lo W City Hi
Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 28 Gin-flavoring 51 Hilarious 15 Make ___ for it
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; 1 Slangy fruit (flee) 55 Semimonthly
Geneva 21 14 r 23 12 sh Ottawa 24 14 s 25 14 sh 57 “Oh, nasty!”
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; greetings tides
Hanoi 35 27 pc 35 26 pc Paris 20 13 t 20 12 t 29 Steadfast 59 Straight, at the 21 Part of TGIF
Havana 34 23 pc 33 23 pc Philadelphia 28 17 pc 28 18 s
4 Creamy color 56 Sharp intakes
Today Tomorrow Hong Kong 34 29 t 35 29 t Phoenix 43 29 s 44 31 s 32 Period of decline bar 24 Entreaty
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Honolulu 31 24 pc 31 24 pc Pittsburgh 24 13 pc 27 15 s 8 Piggery 57 Hovering flyers
Amsterdam 22 14 t 19 13 t Houston 32 25 t 33 25 t Port-au-Prince 34 24 pc 36 23 pc 35 “¿Cómo ___?” 60 Aboard a liner, 25 Ritzy
Portland, Ore. 35 18 pc 36 18 pc
enclosures (“How are you?” e.g. 58 Mannerly
Anchorage 20 14 c 18 14 r Istanbul 33 25 s 34 25 s
Athens 37 28 pc 36 28 pc Jakarta 32 24 pc 32 24 sh Rio de Janeiro 29 20 pc 32 20 s 13 Mottled in Spain) 26 Draw upon again fellow
Atlanta 26 20 t 28 22 t Johannesburg 20 7 s 20 7 s Riyadh 44 29 s 45 29 s
61 News sources
mount 38 Declared 27 Javier’s house 62 Salon stock
Baghdad 50 32 s 50 31 s Kansas City 26 17 pc 24 18 t Rome 33 22 pc 33 22 pc 63 Book
Baltimore 27 14 pc 28 17 pc Las Vegas 40 28 s 41 28 s Salt Lake City 31 20 pc 32 21 pc 16 Racy wall art 39 Celebrates with containing lots 30 Nasty infestation 64 Prez on pennies
Bangkok 34 27 t 34 26 t Lima 21 15 pc 21 15 pc San Diego 26 21 pc 26 20 pc
Beijing 34 23 t 32 22 t London 18 13 r 16 12 r San Francisco 23 15 pc 22 15 pc 17 Bowler or abandon of legends? 31 Blissful place 65 Conk out
Berlin 26 18 pc 25 16 pc Los Angeles 30 19 pc 30 19 pc San Juan 31 27 sh 32 26 sh batsman, e.g. 43 Brain-freezing 67 Like a Reuben
Bogota 20 9 c 20 8 c Madrid 30 16 s 31 13 s Santiago 18 5 pc 14 5 r 32 Work on a film or 66 Monopolist’s
Boise 35 19 pc 34 20 s Manila 33 27 t 33 27 t Santo Domingo 31 24 t 33 24 pc 18 Opening words brand 68 Software for a manuscript share
Boston 23 17 pc 28 19 s Melbourne 15 8 c 16 10 pc Sao Paulo 27 17 pc 28 15 s or bars 44 Rap sheet your phone,
Brussels 20 13 t 20 12 t Mexico City 26 12 pc 25 14 pc Seattle 32 18 pc 34 17 pc Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Buenos Aires 17 8 c 17 11 pc Miami 33 27 sh 33 28 t Seoul 32 24 s 33 24 pc 19 Antlered animal listing and a clue to four
Cairo 36 26 s 37 26 s Milan 30 20 pc 30 18 pc Shanghai 38 27 pc 32 27 r 45 Baseball Hall of other Across
20 Sierra Club R I G I D T A P E A S E A
Calgary 22 10 pc 25 11 s Minneapolis 28 17 pc 24 18 t Singapore 30 26 t 31 26 t
Famer Griffey Jr. answers AMO N G E N S N A R L E D
Caracas 33 27 pc 33 26 pc Monterrey 36 22 pc 36 22 pc Stockholm 23 14 pc 22 14 r founder John G E O R G E S T R A I T
Charlotte 28 19 t 28 20 t Montreal 23 15 pc 25 17 sh Sydney 19 9 s 20 9 s 46 Hindu text 69 Mount O D E R E D T O N T O
22 Steaming B E N N Y G O O
Chicago 28 17 s 28 18 pc Moscow 22 13 c 23 12 s Taipei 38 29 t 39 29 pc
Dallas 31 23 t 32 25 pc Mumbai 30 27 sh 31 26 sh Tehran 37 26 s 37 26 s 23 Show billed regarding 70 Banana A B A T E G
Denver 25 13 pc 24 14 t Nashville 29 18 pc 30 20 c Tel Aviv 32 25 s 33 26 s as “The rituals discard A T T N E E H O A R D
Detroit 28 16 s 30 18 pc New Delhi 33 27 t 34 27 t Tokyo 30 27 sh 33 25 pc E L V I S P R E S L E Y
Dubai 46 34 s 44 34 s New Orleans 31 25 pc 31 25 t Toronto 25 17 s 28 18 pc
Ultimate Job 49 Some are easily 71 Punctured tire A G A V E P I E M D S
Interview” bruised sound MU S I C R O Y A L T Y
Dublin 16 10 pc 18 8 pc New York City 26 18 pc 28 18 s Vancouver 25 16 s 25 17 s P I T C H E S I N Y E A S T
Edinburgh 17 9 sh 19 8 pc Omaha 27 17 pc 25 17 t Washington, D.C. 28 18 pc 28 20 pc E D I T O H N O P A G A N
Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at

Frankfurt 24 14 r 23 14 pc Orlando 33 24 t 33 24 t Zurich 24 13 r 21 12 sh D E N S S A G S E R E C T

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© 2017 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, August 8, 2017 | B1

Euro vs. Dollar 1.1785 À 0.09% FTSE 100 7531.94 À 0.27% Gold 1258.20 g 0.01% WTI crude 49.39 g 0.38% German Bund yield 0.460% 10-Year Treasury yield 2.258%

United Tech Bids for Rockwell Renault

Aerospace suppliers result in an agreement, the
people said.
cations systems for passenger
jets and military programs. In
Iran Deal
haggle over price of The timing of the discus- April, the Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
a takeover that would sions is unusual as they come company closed its acquisition
just a few months after Rock- of B/E Aerospace, a maker of
surpass $20 billion
well Collins closed on its $6.4 plane seats and interiors. The
billion purchase of B/E Aero- deal added almost $3 billion in
BY DANA MATTIOLI space. United Tech executives annual sales to a company
AND JOANN S. LUBLIN have said recently they are with $5.3 billion in revenue.


looking for potential acquisi- In June, United Technolo-
United Technologies Corp. tions, but suggested they gies Chief Executive Greg French car maker Renault
has made an approach to ac- would focus on smaller deals. Hayes told analysts the com- SA is set to open a new fac-
quire Rockwell Collins Inc., Rockwell Collins had a $19.4 pany, which had about $7 bil- tory in Iran, in the latest sign
but the aerospace suppliers billion market value as of Fri- lion in cash, was looking to of deepening Western business
are still wrangling over the day’s close. The company’s spend roughly $1 billion on ac- ties with Tehran following the
price of a takeover that would share price was up 6.5% at quisitions this year. lifting of sanctions.
exceed $20 billion, said people $126.73 in afternoon trading “As far as bigger M&A, it’s
familiar with the matter. Monday, after earlier reports something we always look at, By Matthew Dalton in
United Technologies re- of the discussions. Shares of A worker assembles a circuit board at a Rockwell facility in Iowa. but I am reluctant to go out Paris and Asa Fitch in
cently made an initial offer of United Technologies were off and pay some of the prices Dubai
less than $140 a share, accord- 2.7% at $118.25. space industry boosts produc- Whitney, and an aerospace di- that we see today,” Mr. Hayes
ing to a person familiar with A deal would increase tion for a new generation of vision that makes parts such Please see TALKS page B2 Renault said Monday that
the matter. The two sides are United Technologies’ role as a jets. The company already as wheels and landing gears. the factory would produce
still in discussions and it is significant supplier to Boeing owns one of the world’s big- Rockwell specializes in  Heard on the Street: Rockwell 150,000 vehicles a year, in a
unclear whether the talks will Co. and Airbus SE as the aero- gest jet-engine makers, Pratt & cockpit displays and communi- deal is too pricey to fly....... B8 joint venture with state-
owned Iranian conglomerate
Industrial Development &
HEARD ON Renovation Organization, or
IDRO, and Parto Negin Naseh,
which imports Renault vehi-
By Spencer Jakab cles to Iran.
The deal, which the head of

Summer the IDRO said was valued at

about €660 million ($777 mil-
lion) in its first phase, accord-

Stock Pick: ing to Iran’s state news

agency, comes on top of Re-
nault’s existing joint venture

Suncor in Iran. Renault declined to

comment on the deal’s value.
The agreement is the latest

Energy in a wave of deals by Western

corporations following the
2015 nuclear accord, with Eu-
Share price: ropean companies so far ap-
$32.92 pearing more active than their
U.S. counterparts.
Buy: Huge European energy and infra-
cash genera- structure giants, including
tor Germany’s Siemens AG and
Canada’s oil sands are France’s Total SA, have
dirty, costly and the oppo- reached major deals in Iran
site of fast-money shale since the lifting of sanctions,

drilling, but the companies defying a push by the Trump

that mine them generate administration to penalize
gushers of cash and are Iran over its ballistic-missile
some of the biggest bar- program.
gains in the stock market The Electronic Arts mobile videogame ‘Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes’ sends notifications to get players to open the app. Against a backdrop of re-
right now. newed sanctions pressure un-

Games’ Valuable Tool: Access to You

Canada’s Suncor Energy der President Donald Trump
is among the world’s higher- and Congress, American in-
cost producers of oil. By all vestors have been skittish in
rights it should have scaled their approach to the Iranian
back its ambitions during BY SARAH E. NEEDLEMAN ers become, the more likely among the most “powerful market.
the last few difficult years. they will open their wallets, and invasive retention mecha- The Trump administration
Instead, it did the opposite, The mobile videogame “Star said Mike Hickey, a technology nisms,” especially since they imposed its latest round of
buying out partners on the Wars: Galaxy of Heroes” fre- analyst at Benchmark Co. can be timed to typically idle sanctions last month, and
cheap and plowing ahead quently sends smartphone noti- Overall, mobile games are moments of the day, such as a Congress passed additional
with projects that could pay fications to players, in some expected to make up 42% of lunch break, said Jonathan sanctions targeting Iran, Rus-
off for decades. cases multiple times daily, per- the $108.9 billion in video- Kay, operating chief of app-an- sia and North Korea. Mr.
This came at a time suading them to open the app to game revenue projected for alytics firm Apptopia Inc. Trump signed that bill on
when the shale producers, outfit Han Solo, Rey and other this year, up 7.8% from 2016 3.2 In addition to notifications, Wednesday.
which sport flashy growth famous characters for battle. and 54% from 2012, about the EA’s Star Wars game recently Under the deal announced
rates but devour cash, at- That tactic, akin to a virtual time when free-to-download 2.3 deployed a new tactic: “flash” Monday, Renault will be the
tracted plenty of invest- tap on the shoulder, is work- games became popular, ac- 2.1 events, or challenges and re- majority shareholder in the
ment. Now Suncor’s shares ing. Players spent an average cording to Newzoo BV. wards available for a limited venture after an initial period
look undervalued at current 162 minutes a day in the mo- Christopher Ponicki’s smart- amount of time. of joint control. It announced
oil price assumptions. If bile videogame in the first six phone buzzes with Star Wars EA’s mobile games had sec- in September plans to form
prices rise then Suncor is months of year, according to notifications several times a ond-quarter net sales of $150 the new venture, but only fully
especially alluring. its publisher Electronic Arts day, he said. Initially, the mes- million, up 6% from a year disclosed the partnership
Suncor produces conven- Inc. Typically, people spend sages were helpful reminders earlier. Growth came primarily structure Monday.
tional crude and it has large about 45 minutes daily playing to log in and collect free virtual from the Star Wars game, as Cars will start entering the
refining and fuel-marketing mobile games, the research goods, the 23-year-old law stu- well as sports games, EA said. country late in the next Ira-
operations, but its main firm EEDAR estimates. dent from Chicago said. Now, It credited robust software up- nian year, which ends in early
business is mining oil sands While most mobile games he routinely plays about 90 Flyer Ltd. That is up from an dates and special in-game 2019, IDRO chief Mansour
in remote parts of Canada. are free to play, developers minutes a day and estimates he average of about $18 a year ago. events for the increase. Moazami said. The Iranian cal-
Unlike shale, oil sands re- have ways of enticing people has spent some $200 since tak- Spenders make their first pur- Playdemic Ltd., a U.K. stu- endar runs differently to the
quire huge upfront invest- to spend, often to help them ing up the game soon after its chase inside a mobile game on dio owned by Warner Bros. Western one.
ments. At current prices it progress quickly through lev- November 2015 launch. average within 14 hours of down- Interactive Entertainment, In addition to the vehicle
would be foolhardy to start els. Smartphone home-screen Fewer than 2% of people who loading it, according to a 2016 also regularly holds contests in plant, Renault said an engine
a new oil sands operation. alerts, bonus rewards for fre- play mobile games spend money report from Swrve Inc., a mobile its games to hook players. In plant with a capacity of
But the rewards rack up quent logins and reminders inside them; those who do on marketing firm. About 56% go July, the studio’s game “Golf 150,000 units a year is also
quickly the more optimistic between players to take their average spend $21 a month, ac- on to make a repeat purchase. Clash” took in $1.1 million in a planned. The facilities will be
one is about crude in the turns are driving up engage- cording to a June analysis from Even though notifications single day, thanks to a limited- in Saveh, 70 miles south of
Please see HEARD page B2 ment. The more engaged play- mobile-analytics company Apps- can be disabled, they remain Please see GAME page B4 Please see IRAN page B2

Brands Join Local Retailers’ Fight Against Amazon INSIDE

BY RUTH SIMON Nearly 90% of U.S. consum- that the Seattle giant controls site come from small busi- viding access to more than
ers selected Amazon as the roughly 20% of U.S. online re- nesses and entrepreneurs. 300 million customers world-
As Inc. tight- online retail site they use tail sales. “Amazon helps small busi- wide,” a spokesman said.

ens its grip on retail sales, a most, according to RBC Capi- Amazon says more than nesses increase sales and While many brands sell di-
growing number of brands are tal Markets, which estimates half of the items sold on its reach new customers by pro- rectly to Amazon or through
pushing back by championing third parties, some worry
local retailers. about tying their fortunes too
Some manufacturers are closely to one customer and
enforcing minimum advertised fear that online price wars will
prices to make it harder for damage their image.
online sellers to undercut local Here are some of the strate-
merchants, while others give gies that brands are using to
local stores first dibs on new
products or funnel customers
help local merchants
strengthen their hand:

from their own websites to lo-

cal outlets.
“The pendulum has swung,” Luxottica IN DEBT
said Rich Tauer, president of Luxottica Group SpA last
Quality Bicycle Products, a year launched a minimum ad- BUSINESS, B3
Bloomington, Minn., bicycle vertised pricing program that
wholesaler that won’t sell to
Amazon. The company’s sales
restricts the price at which its
Ray-Ban and Oakley sun-
representatives push brands glasses can be advertised. Like BACKFIRE ON
that support local retailers by
restricting advertised prices
other MAP programs, Luxot-
tica’s policy doesn’t set the ac-
and enforcing restrictions on tual sales price.
where products are being sold. UPPAbaby’s Sabrina Smith during a stroller-tuneup event at Tadpole, a Boston children’s store. Please see LOCAL page B2 MARKETS, B8
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B2 | Tuesday, August 8, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

Hormel Foods..............B7
Priceline Group ........... B3
New Nissan Leaf Sprouts Online
Alibaba Group........B3,B5
Allstate ....................... B5
Iran Khodro.................B2 Qualcomm...................B8 Twitter user posts
Alphabet......................A1 photos of redesigned ............... B1 Lemonade....................B5 Renault........................B1
Apple...........................B8 Liberty Mutual Rockwell Collins....B1,B8 electric vehicle as it
Insurance .................. B5
Lockheed Martin.........B2
S leaves assembly line
Bank of Tokyo- Samsung Electronics..B4
Logan Property Siemens.......................B1
Mitsubishi.................B5 Holdings...................B8 BY SEAN MCLAIN
B/E Aerospace............B1 Skyscanner..................B3
Luxottica Group..........B1
Boeing ......................... B1 Snap.............................B4
Lyft..............................B4 SoftBank Group..........B4
TOKYO—A month before the
Bombardier..................B2 introduction of Nissan Motor
M Southern Co................A7
C Co.’s new electric-powered Leaf
Marriott InternationalB3 Sprint .......................... B4
China National
Marvel EntertainmentB3 T
model, leaked photos from in-
Petroleum.................B2 side the factory where the car
Mexichem....................B4 Tencent Holdings........B5
Citroën.........................B2 is being built have given a good N Tesla.......................B2,B3
glimpse of what it looks like
International............B3 Netafim.......................B4 Total ............................ B1
Tremor Video..............B4
despite Nissan’s best efforts to
E Netflix.........................B3
keep it under wraps.
Nissan Motor..............B2 21st Century Fox........B3
Electronic Arts............B1 Nissan is betting heavily on
NXP Semiconductors..B8 Tyson Foods...........B4,B7
Elliott Management ... B8 the new Leaf to reassert its

Expedia........................B3 NxStage Medical...B3,B7 U
electric-vehicle leadership,
F O Uber Technologies ...... B4
which has been much touted by
Odey Asset United
Fresenius Medical Technologies........B1,B8
Chairman Carlos Ghosn.
Care..........................B3 Management.............B8 That title is being chal-
Ola...............................B4 V
H lenged, especially by Tesla
Orb...............................B2 Vanguard Group..........B7 Inc.’s sleek new Model 3. About An existing Leaf at a Tokyo showroom in February. The car’s latest model is expected next month.
HNA Investment
Group ....................... B8 P W half a million people have paid
Honeywell Permira Holdings........B4 WeWork ...................... B4 $1,000 to reserve a Model 3, Micra, a gasoline-powered new Nissan Leaf with ProPilot the edgier IDS car and asked,
around twice the number of model that went on sale in Eu- will be on Sept. 6, 2017. We will “Why don’t they put this on the

INDEX TO PEOPLE Leafs sold cumulatively since

its launch in 2010.
A Japanese-language Twitter
rope earlier this year.
That could bode poorly for
the new Leaf’s prospects in
provide more details then,” said
a Nissan spokesman.
Some analysts thought the
Another commented about
the new Leaf model, “You mean
B Lee, Mary Soon...........B8 S user calling himself Blue Miata markets such as the U.S., where new Leaf would resemble Nis- this isn’t a Note?”
Brower, Bill.................B5 Linnartz, Stephanie....B3 posted two slightly blurry pho- demand for the similarly styled san’s IDS concept car, which it Leaked images of coming car
Sanderson, Rob...........B3
Brown-Philpot, Stacy.A9 M tos showing the front and the Chevrolet Bolt have been tepid. has shown at motor shows in models are nothing new, but it
Schreiber, Daniel.........B5 rear of the new Leaf model as it Nissan has been planning a recent years. is less common for them to
C Millar, Mark ................ B3
Son, Masayoshi .......... B4 came off the assembly line. splashy launch of the new Leaf Instead, the photos suggest come from the factory floor.
Chey Tae-won ............. B4 Mitchell, Julian...........B2
“I work at a Nissan-related next month, dribbling out in- the new Leaf takes its style A Norwegian news website
Choi Soon-sil...............B4 Moazami, Mansour.....B1 T workplace. I discovered the formation including a silhou- cues from Nissan’s mass-mar- posted a series of pictures last
H Musk, Elon..................B3 Tauer, Rich..................B1 new Leaf on the inspection line ette of the car. ket vehicles, such as the Micra month that the website said
Hastings, Reed ........... B3 N at the Oppama plant,” the user Nissan has said that the ve- and Note. came from an apparent filming
W wrote. hicle will be equipped with the Nissan hopes to boost vol- of a commercial.
Hayes, Greg.................B1 Newman, Andrew.......B5
Whiston, David...........B3 A person familiar with the ProPilot autonomous-driving ume of the Leaf in response to Car makers try to keep the
J-L O-R matter confirmed that the im- suite and have a range of Tesla’s Model 3. appearance of a new vehicle
Wilson, Tom................B5
Josefowicz, Matthew.B5 Odey, Crispin...............B8 ages showed the new Leaf. roughly 325 kilometers to 485 Responding to the leaked under wraps, in part to avoid
Lee Jae-yong...............B4 Rajan, Amin................B7 Wray, Lily....................B5 The car seen in the photo is kilometers on a single charge. photos, one Japanese-language the sort of negative chatter
reminiscent of the new Nissan “The world premiere for the Twitter user posted a picture of surrounding the new Leaf.

IRAN to the initial terms of the 2015

Since the deal, Western
firms have moved in. Last LOCAL HEARD
Continued from the prior page month, Total said it would
Tehran. sign a deal to complete a $1 Continued from the prior page Continued from the prior page
Renault has 60% of the billion investment in an Ira- “It was a race to the bottom long run. At $37 a barrel for
shares of the venture, with the nian gas field as part of a that was not sustainable long- U.S. benchmark crude, Sun-
remaining 20% with IDRO and partnership with China Na- term,” said Fabrizio Uguzzoni, cor’s funds from operations
20% with Parto Negin Naseh, tional Petroleum Corp. and an president of Luxottica’s North cover maintenance capital ex-
according to the Islamic Re- Iranian company. American wholesale division. penditures and its dividend—
public News Agency. The deal Shortly after sanctions The average discount on its shares currently yield 3%.
will create 3,000 jobs, it were lifted, French auto maker Ray-Ban sunglasses on Ama- At a price of $50 to $55, Sun-
added, and Renault will pro- Peugeot launched a €400 mil- zon has shrunk to about 3% as cor can double its return of

vide distribution, sales and af- lion joint venture with Iran of this month from 37% in cash to shareholders with an
ter-sales services. Khodro, Iran’s biggest car April 2016, according to Luxot- equivalent outlay for stock
Renault already had capac- maker, which aimed to make tica. The sunglass maker has buybacks.
ity to build 200,000 vehicles a 200,000 cars a year. Citroën shut down several thousand At a price of $60, Suncor
year in Iran before the new also signed a more-than €300 accounts that didn’t agree would have generated excess
production deal, but its expan- million deal with Iran’s SAIPA with or refused to follow the funds from operations equal
sion had been slowed by sanc- in October. new policy, Mr. Uguzzoni said. to nearly 15% of its market
tions before the nuclear ac- Renault has seen sharp Online sales to third parties value in the past 12 months.
cord. growth in Iran, doubling its in North America fell 60% af- A Thule bicycle rack. The company provides a dozen U.S. stores Cash flow will almost cer-
In January 2016, Western automobile production in the ter the MAP program took ef- with $500 tablet computers that serve as a digital catalog. tainly rise in the near future
powers and the United Nations country to 68,365 in the first fect, but a company survey if oil prices remain stable. The
lifted penalties intended to half of 2017 compared with a conducted in October found of sales for Brooks, a unit of Thule doesn’t sell its prod- biggest reason is the nearly
block Iran from developing a year earlier. That growth that the opticians and optome- Berkshire Hathaway Inc. ucts directly on its website. completed Fort Hills mining
nuclear weapon, after confirm- helped Renault boost its share trists who account for most The setup “allows stores to Instead, it funnels the orders project which has a capacity
ing the country was sticking of the Iranian market to 9.7%. sales welcomed the new plan. be the center of communica- it gets to about 70 local retail- of 194,000 barrels a day. It
“Our independents tend to dis- tion,” he said. ers, with the help of software should reach full capacity in a
count as little as they can,” In April, Brooks launched a provider Kibo. year and produce oil for an
Mr. Uguzzoni said. website that lets stores order “It’s a total meritocracy,” extraordinary 50 years.
products they don’t have in said Mr. Horton. Retailers, he Fort Hills is an example of
stock—and then drop-ship said, win the online order “not Suncor’s contrarian bent.
UPPAbaby them directly to customers’ by being aggressive on price. Near the depths of the oil-

Free stroller tuneups are homes. The system reduces They win the order by being price slump, Suncor raised its
one way UPPAbaby, a Hing- the likelihood that a retailer able to confirm they have ex- stake in the project to 50.8%.
ham, Mass.-based maker of will take the time to fit a cus- actly what the consumer is Suncor also boosted its stake
baby strollers and car seats, tomer with the perfect shoe, looking for” and being closest from 12% to 53.7% in an older,
draws customers back to local but then lose the sale to an to the customer’s location. larger sands project by buying
retailers carrying its products online competitor. a rival and snagging a 5%
after they buy one of its stroll- Brooks is one of roughly stake from Murphy Oil.
ers, which cost up to $900. 120 brands that have also Orb Murphy said it would rede-
Tadpole, a children’s store teamed up with Locally, a When toy maker Orb un- ploy the capital into shale and
in Boston, has hosted two startup that lets shoppers veiled PlushCraft, a line of no- investors applauded. Yet con-
tuneup clinics this year, with check a brand’s website for an sew fabric craft kits in 2013, ventional wisdom is a strange
over 90 UPPAbaby customers item, find out which stores in the feedback from local retail- thing. For example, if one
receiving an appointment. their neighborhood have it in ers was quick and pointed. adds up the projected free
The events are not only a stock and reserve for in-store Customers wanted cats, not cash flow for 2018 and 2019
Renault’s Thierry Bollore, left, Mansour Moazami of IDRO, and selling point—they also bring pickup or, in some cases, local birds, they said. of Murphy plus six more U.S.
Kourosh Morshed Solouki of the Iranian Automobile Importers in customers who bought their delivery. “We get really valuable in- shale drillers, Pioneer Natu-
Association announce the deal for an auto plant. strollers elsewhere, including formation from them that you ral Resources, EOG Re-
some “who may not even have can’t get from focus groups,” sources, Cabot Oil & Gas,
ADVERTISEMENT known about us,” said Tadpole Thule said Stephanie Carver, market- Range Resources, South-
co-owner David Hauck. Local retailers typically ing manager for Orb, which is western Energy and Devon
The Mart Brooks
don’t have enough shelf space
to carry all the bulky cargo
based in Nova Scotia, Canada.
Orb has a program designed
Energy, it doesn’t quite add
up to half of what analysts
containers, bicycle racks and to encourage local retailers to project that Suncor will gen-
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Running-gear maker Brooks luggage Thule Group makes. try out new products without erate. Even so, the collective
is testing a new app that uses So the Sweden-based com- worrying they might be sad- enterprise value of those
an iPad connected to a tread- pany has started providing dled with excess inventory. At seven companies is two-and-
mill to help local retailers de- stores with tablet computers the end of each quarter, local a-half times as high.
termine which Brooks shoe that act as a digital catalog, stores can donate slow-selling Oil sands may have gone
best suits a runner’s biome- said Schuyler Horton, a vice items to a favorite charity. Orb from a boom industry to a
chanics. president of sales. A dozen then replaces the donated backwater, but they aren’t go-
Brooks will help key retail- U.S. stores are piloting the goods with new items selected ing away. There is plenty of
ers cover the $960 cost, said $500 tablets, paid for by by the retailer at no extra opportunity north of the bor-
Rick Wilhelm, a vice president Thule. charge. der.

TALKS ogies’ most profitable business

with little overlap. But the
firm thinks a deal is unlikely
because United Technologies
Last month, Mr. Hayes
warned that the company
might need to raise prices for
its jet engines and aerospace
by selling decades of servicing
and parts. Boeing recently cre-
ated a new unit to develop and
build aircraft avionics systems,
Continued from the prior page management has said it is in- parts, if airplane makers such focusing on equipment for fu-
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY TRAVEL said at the Paris Air Show. terested in smaller deals. ture products but moving
The Farmington, Conn., Several analysts said they deeper into the territory of
company also manufactures wouldn’t expect significant an- Rockwell Collins and Honey-
Save Up To 60% Otis elevators and Carrier air titrust issues with a merger,
A deal would increase well International Inc.
First & Business conditioners, but more than but airplane makers might United Tech’s role as Meanwhile, Honeywell is re-
INTERNATIONAL half of its $15.28 billion in sec- voice concerns about any con- viewing whether to break off
Major Airlines, Corporate Travel
ond-quarter revenue came solidation among their suppli-
a major supplier to its own aerospace division by
Never Fly Coach Again! from its jet-engine and aero- ers. Both companies are also Boeing and Airbus. autumn, after activist Third
(800) 435-8776 space divisions. United Tech- major Pentagon suppliers. Point LLC made a public push
nologies sold its Sikorsky heli- Credit Suisse analyst Julian for a spinoff. The division,
à As with all investments, Businesses For Sale. copter business to Lockheed Mitchell said the timing is cu- Honeywell’s largest, also sup-
appropriate advice should Martin Corp. in 2015. rious for a deal because United as Boeing and Airbus try to plies parts for Airbus and Boe-
Advertise in The Mart. Analysts at William Blair Technologies waited for Rock- steal some of its lucrative ing jets along with engines for
be obtained prior to
Call +44 (0) 207 572 212 said a takeover of Rockwell well Collins’s acquisition of maintenance business. Jet-en- aircraft made by Bombardier
entering into any
Collins would make “tremen- B/E Aerospace in April to close gine makers typically sell the Inc. and Textron Inc.
binding contract. à dous strategic sense” as it and the subsequent 20% in- engines with little or no profit —Thomas Gryta
would expand United Technol- crease in its stock price. but then make up the money contributed to this article.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, August 8, 2017 | B3


Unit Buys
Netflix Buys Comic-Book Publisher

Dialysis Netflix Inc. made the first

acquisition in its 20-year his-

Company tory, buying comic-book pro-

ducer Millarworld amid plans
to develop original content
BY BEN DUMMETT based on the publisher’s char-
acters and titles such as
Fresenius SE’s minority- “Kick-Ass,” “Old Man Logan”
owned kidney dialysis business and “Kingsman.”
agreed Monday to acquire Nx- The streaming-video com-
Stage Medical Inc. for about pany on Monday didn’t say
$2 billion as part of the Ger- how much it paid for Millar-
man health-care provider’s world, nor whether it was
broader push into the U.S. competing against other bid-
The NxStage deal comes ders.
less than five months after Millarworld was created by
Fresenius SE, which owns 31% Mark Millar almost 15 years
of Fresenius Medical Care AG, ago. While working for Mar-
agreed to acquire U.S. generic- vel Entertainment, now
drug manufacturer Akorn Inc. owned by the Walt Disney Co.,
for $4.3 billion. That deal Mr. Millar developed comic
aimed to bolster and diversify books with stories that are
its Fresenius Kabi unit’s focus now blockbuster movies, in-


on sterile injectable medicines cluding the 2012 installment
to treat critically and chroni- of “The Avengers” and the
cally ill patients. film “Logan” released earlier
Fresenius Medical Care, this year.
which describes itself as the The studio that produced
world largest provider of dialy- “Logan” is owned by 21st
sis products and services for the Century Fox Inc. 21st Century
treatment of kidney diseases, is Fox and Wall Street Journal
acquiring NxStage as hospitals parent News Corp share com-
face pressure to lower costs mon ownership.
without undermining patient Netflix said the acquisition
care. With the acquisition of Nx- is “a natural progression in
Stage, Fresenius Medical gains the company’s effort to work
access to the Boston-based directly with prolific and
company’s portable dialysis ma- skilled creators and to acquire
chines, for use in a patient’s intellectual property and own- ‘Kingsman,’ a title from Millarworld, was adapted into a movie. Netflix is making a push to develop more of its own content.
home as well as in hospitals and ership of stories featuring
dialysis centers, that both compelling characters and plans. Mr. Millar didn’t immedi- purchased from other studios “The action/comicbook hero
health-care professionals and timeless, interwoven fictional “This is only the third time ately respond to a request for and networks. By developing genre is an important cate-
trained users can operate. worlds.” in history a comic-book com- further comment. more of its own content, Net- gory of entertainment.”
Three Millarworld titles— pany purchase on this scale Netflix has beaten its sub- flix can decrease its reliance Chief Executive Reed Has-
“Wanted,” “Kick-Ass” and has ever happened,” Mr. Mil- scriber-growth estimates in on the outcome of contract tings has said the company
“Kingsman”—have already lar wrote in a blog post on his recent months, indicating its negotiations and better con- plans to continue investing in
The $2 billion deal is been adapted into movies that company’s website Monday bets on original programming trol costs. high-quality original content,
part of the German together have grossed nearly morning, citing Warner Bros’s and international expansion Analyst Rob Sanderson of which he notes requires large
$1 billion in ticket sales, ac- 1968 purchase of DC Comics are working. The company MKM Partners said the Millar- investments upfront but
health-care firm’s cording to Netflix. and Disney’s 2009 purchase of added 5.2 million users in its world purchase is primarily yields sustained payouts over
push into the U.S. Mr. Millar, who runs Mil- Marvel. “The moment Lucy latest quarter, ending the pe- an intellectual property and many years.
larworld with his wife, Lucy, and I walked into Netflix’s riod with almost 104 million talent acquisition. “This is Netflix shares, up 45% this
said he is “so in love” with headquarters in California last subscribers. part of a larger strategy of year, rose 0.8% to $181.71 in
what Netflix is doing and is Christmas we knew this is Netflix offers a mix of orig- Netflix to bring more re- early afternoon trading Mon-
Fresenius Medical says it excited with the company’s where we wanted to be.” inal programming and content sources in-house,” he said. day.
treats 315,305 patients globally
through its networks of 3,690

Tesla Intends to Issue $1.5 Billion in Debt

dialysis clinics. The company,
based in Bad Homburg, Ger-
many, is also a provider of dial-
ysis machines. For Fresenius
Medical, development of home BY JUSTINA VASQUEZ after averaging fewer than
therapies is a key research and AND CARA LOMBARDO 2,000 a week for other models
development focus. It is betting last year.
that rising health-care costs Tesla Inc. said Monday that The $35,000 Model 3 is
and limited availability of it would sell $1.5 billion in se- part of Mr. Musk’s bet to
trained personnel will drive de- nior notes, opting to raise transform Tesla from a luxury-
mand for NxStage’s machines. cash through the debt market car maker into a sustainable
“Home dialysis is a critical rather than by offering equity, energy company that sells
component of renal care, and as the electric-vehicle maker electric vehicles to the
this acquisition would help us ramps up production on the masses, offers solar power to
accelerate growth and innova- company’s first automobile for generate energy, and produces
tion” in this area, said Bill mainstream customers, the large batteries to store that
Valle, head of Fresenius Medi- Model 3. power at home and offices.
cal’s North American opera- Chief Executive Elon Musk The sedan is designed to re-
tions. Fresenius Medical is ac- told analysts last week that make the company as a more
quiring NxStage for $30 a Tesla faces “manufacturing mainstream auto maker, ush-
share, about a 30% premium to hell,” and that the company ering in an age of more af-
the company’s closing price in was considering tapping the fordable and popular electric

New York on Friday. debt market in its efforts to cars.

For NxStage, the deals give compete as a mass-market There is a risk that a too-
it access to the resources of a manufacturer. successful Model 3 launch
larger company. In 2016, Fre- With this latest offering, could cannibalize sales of
senius Medical generated reve- Tesla would have more than older Tesla models, such as
nue of $17.9 billion, compared $10 billion of debt outstand- the Model S sedan and the
with $366 million for NxStage. ing. Tesla reported it had Model X sport-utility vehicle.
The NxStage deal under- $9.67 billion of debt, including Those concerns were
scores Fresenius SE’s overall long-term notes and capital stoked when the auto maker
strategy of targeting the U.S. as leases, at the end of the first CEO Elon Musk in Fremont, Calif., last month. Mr. Musk has said Tesla faces ‘manufacturing hell.’ recently reported second-
a source of revenue growth and quarter, according to S&P quarter deliveries for those
cost savings through acquisi- Global Market Intelligence. Tesla being heavily reliant on that it hasn’t determined the manufacture the Model 3 at models that came up short of
tions that complement its oper- The company finished its further capital raises to interest rate, redemption much higher volumes than analysts’ expectations.
ations. NxStage, like Fresenius latest quarter with $3 billion achieve its ambitious growth prices and other terms in the previous vehicles in its lineup. —Tim Higgins
Medical, has its U.S. headquar- in cash, $2 billion of which it plans,” David Whiston, an ana- debt offering, which will be The 14-year-old auto maker is contributed to this article.
ters in Massachusetts. plans to spend in the second lyst for Morningstar Research, due in 2025. aiming to boost production to
—William Wilkes half of the year. said last week. Mr. Musk has said Tesla 10,000 Model 3 vehicles a  Heard on the Street: Tesla
contributed to this article. “People need to get used to The company said Monday faces challenges in learning to week by the end of next year, isn’t using its best asset.... B8

Alibaba, Marriott Forge Deal to Serve Chinese Travelers

BY LIZA LIN joint venture, which involves its hotels. Many of the world’s pedia Inc., Priceline Group tomers but also add costs be- which in November acquired
AND CHRIS KIRKHAM undisclosed investments from largest hotel chains have been Inc. and China’s largest travel cause they take commissions U.K. travel search engine Sky-
both companies, is aimed at trying to claw back business website, Interna- of up to 30% for each booking. scanner Ltd. During the past
Alibaba Group Holding getting more Chinese consum- from third-party travel sites tional Ltd. Alibaba’s latest tie-up year, Ctrip has also invested in
Ltd. said it would team up ers into Marriott’s loyalty pro- run by companies such as Ex- The sites bring in new cus- throws a challenge to Ctrip, three U.S. travel operators and
with U.S. hotel company Mar- grams and hotel properties an Indian tourism website,
riott International Inc. to ex- across the world. seeking to position itself as
pand its online-travel foot- Stephanie Linnartz, Mar- the first choice online for Chi-
print as more Chinese venture riott’s global chief commercial nese traveling abroad.
abroad. officer, said in an interview Marriott’s Ms. Linnartz said
Chinese consumers will be that Alibaba’s understanding bookings made through Fliggy,
able to use Alibaba’s travel- of Chinese consumer tastes Alibaba’s travel website, will
service website and app to will give the hotel company a count as direct bookings to
book rooms in the more than market-share advantage. Marriott properties. She said
6,200 hotel properties world- “They have significant cus- cost savings are a plus, but
wide that Marriott operates tomer data and insights on the she added that the main goal
under such names as Marriott, Chinese consumer,” she said. is to connect better with Chi-
Courtyard, Ritz-Carlton and “We’re getting deep and rich nese consumers through per-
Sheraton, Alibaba said Mon- into the psyche of the Chinese sonalized services at Mar-
day. They also will be able to consumers through this part- riott’s hotels, such as
use the same Alipay smart- nership.” ambassadors who speak Man-
phone payment platform they Marriott, based in darin or curated sightseeing
use at home when they stay in Bethesda, Md., already has a trips organized through the
Marriott properties abroad. major presence in China, with loyalty programs.
Chinese e-commerce leader more than 600 hotels that are “We can bring things at the
Alibaba, based in Hangzhou, is open or in the pipeline. The property level that have not

expanding beyond traditional company’s acquisition of Star- been done before,” she said.
retail categories, such as wood Hotels Resorts World- China’s online travel-sales
clothing, into entertainment wide Inc., which closed last market is expected to be val-
and travel bookings as the year, helped to boost its foot- ued at 584 billion yuan ($87
Chinese appetite for interna- print. billion) this year, up more
tional travel rises in tandem The partnership with Ali- than 20% from 2016, according
with income. baba also will help Marriott to industry researcher Eu-
Marriott executives said the drive more direct bookings to The lobby of a Marriott hotel in Los Angeles. The Chinese appetite for global travel is increasing. romonitor International.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B4 | Tuesday, August 8, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


12-Year Sentence Sought SoftBank’s Chief

South Korean court to
rule on Aug. 25 after a
Is Eager to Invest
lengthy corruption trial
involving Samsung heir In Uber or Lyft
proached San Francisco-based
South Korean prosecutors TOKYO—SoftBank Group Uber recently about a multibil-
sought a 12-year sentence for Corp. Chief Executive Masayoshi lion-dollar stake but that the ne-
Lee Jae-yong, the de facto Son expressed eagerness to in- gotiations were preliminary and
head of the Samsung con- vest in Uber Technologies Inc. any deal would likely be on hold
glomerate, after a monthslong or Lyft Inc. to gain access to the until Uber hires a new CEO.
trial over a national corruption U.S. ride-hailing market after Since the Vision Fund was
scandal that has ensnared similar investments in Asia. started in May, SoftBank has
many of the country’s high- “We are interested in dis- announced new investments in

profile figures, including for- cussing with Uber. We are also companies such as shared of-
mer President Park Geun-hye. interested in discussing with fice-space provider WeWork
The prosecutors’ sentence Lyft,” the SoftBank chief said Cos., Indian mobile-payments
recommendation on Monday Monday at a news conference, firm Paytm, robotics firm Bos-
marks the end of Mr. Lee’s adding that he wasn’t sure ton Dynamics, self-driving
court hearing. what form an investment technology firms Nauto and
The court will give its final would take. “The U.S. is a very Brain Corp., and many others.
ruling on Aug. 25. Mr. Lee can big market, the most impor- The biggest deal in dollar
be detained without a ruling tant market, so we are defi- terms—if it happens—would
by law until Aug. 27. nitely very much interested.” likely be the one involving
Mr. Lee, the grandson of Samsung’s Lee Jae-yong, shown arriving at court Monday, faces five charges centering around bribery. Mr. Son, founder and head Sprint. After buying a control-
Samsung’s founder and the vice of the Japanese technology ling stake in Sprint in 2013, Mr.
chairman of Samsung Electron- make Mr. Lee the first Sam- in February. Prosecutors glomerate, did so before he and telecommunications Son said uniting Sprint and T-
ics Co., has been on trial since sung leader to be imprisoned sought a seven-year sentence was pardoned by the then group, has stepped up his al- Mobile was the only way to
April. Prosecutors accuse Mr. since the company was for one other former Samsung president in 2015. ready frenetic deal-making take on U.S. wireless giants Ve-
Lee of agreeing to pay some founded in 1938. By South Ko- official. Under South Korean law, pace recently as he ap- rizon Communications Inc. and
$37 million to entities linked to rean law, sentences of more Mr. Lee isn’t the first Sam- Mr. Lee isn’t required to relin- proaches his 60th birthday AT&T Inc. in an industry facing
a close friend of Ms. Park in ex- than three years cannot be sung head to be embroiled in quish his board seat at Sam- later this week. mounting capital expenditures.
change for the government’s suspended. If convicted, Mr. legal issues. Mr. Lee’s father, sung Electronics, even if con- He said he was close to a Opposition from Obama admin-
support in consolidating his Lee would have to serve a Samsung chairman Lee Kun- victed. However, experts say deal involving SoftBank-con- istration regulators led him to
grip over the Samsung empire. third of his sentence term be- hee, was convicted twice: In he may face pressure from trolled U.S. wireless operator shelve the deal, but in April he
This included support for a fore he could win parole. 1995 for bribing the then- shareholders to step down if Sprint Corp. that would trig- reiterated that a T-Mobile deal
merger between two Samsung Ms. Park was removed from president, and in 2008 for he is found guilty of embez- ger consolidation in the U.S. was his first choice.
affiliates that increased his per- office in March by the coun- embezzlement and tax eva- zling company funds, one of telecom industry.
sonal stake in Samsung Elec- try’s Constitutional Court fol- sion. The elder Mr. Lee said the five charges made by pros- SoftBank and Sprint are
tronics, the world’s largest lowing her impeachment over at the time that the pay- ecutors. brokering “multiple possibili-
smartphone maker and the accusations that she colluded ments were customary, not Separately, South Korean po- ties,” he said. He declined to
Masayoshi Son
crown jewel of South Korea’s with her confidante, Choi bribes, and pleaded not lice raided a management office comment on whether a combi- has stepped up his
largest conglomerate. Soon-sil, to extort money from guilty in the latter. He was for Samsung’s family-owned nation with T-Mobile US
Mr. Lee, who has been de- Samsung and other South Ko- given suspended sentences residences in Seoul as part of Inc.—which Mr. Son has pur-
already frenetic deal-
tained since February as he rean conglomerates. and later pardoned in both an investigation into allegations sued on and off for years— making pace recently.
undergoes trial, faces five Also on Monday, prosecu- cases, and never served of fund misappropriation and was on the table.
charges centering around brib- tors recommended 10-year prison time. tax evasion related to interior His war chest is generated
ery. Mr. Lee has denied all prison sentences for three In recent years, the heads of renovations that took place be- from solid revenue from Soft-
charges against him. other former Samsung officials South Korea’s large, family-run tween 2008 and 2015. Samsung Bank’s telecom operations in SoftBank is considering mak-
The prosecutors’ recom- involved in the same case as conglomerates haven’t let a declined to comment on the Japan, a lucrative early invest- ing a formal offer to acquire
mended sentence goes above Mr. Lee, including the onetime prison sentence get in the way raid. In June, Samsung issued a ment in Chinese e-commerce Charter Communications Inc.,
the minimum five-year sen- head of the Samsung conglom- of running their businesses. statement denying similar alle- company Alibaba Group Holding the U.S.’s second-largest cable
tence previously estimated by erate’s corporate strategy of- Chey Tae-won, the second-gen- gations raised by local media Ltd., and $93 billion in commit- firm, The Wall Street Journal
legal experts surveyed by The fice, the group’s former con- eration head of SK Group, the over property owned by its ted capital in the SoftBank Vision reported last month. Last week,
Wall Street Journal, and would trol tower that was abolished country’s third-largest con- chairman. Fund, which was formed with Charter said it wasn’t inter-
Saudi government investment. ested in buying Sprint.
Already, SoftBank is a big in- How much control Sprint

Ad-Tech Firm in Deal With Taptica

vestor in the three largest Asian and SoftBank would wield in
ride-hailing companies: Singa- any deal depends on how po-
pore’s GrabTaxi Holdings Pte., tential partners value Sprint’s
India’s Ola and China’s Didi spectrum, which Mr. Son has
BY LARA O’REILLY The $50 million price in- Tremor Video CEO Mark adding that Tremor Video will Chuxing Technology Co. It has touted as essential for fifth-
cludes about $22.5 million of Zagorski, who assumed the have access to about $80 mil- also invested in semiconductors, generation, or 5G, networks.
U.S. ad-tech company working capital, mainly accounts role on July 10 this year, said lion in capital after the sale, robotics and other areas rele- Sprint’s market capitalization
Tremor Video is selling its receivable, as Taptica looks to his company will now become allowing it to continue to in- vant to autonomous driving. is roughly one-third of Char-
“demand-side platform” to Is- maintain Tremor Video’s rela- more focused, rather than try- vest in its technology. By expanding its reach to ter’s and less than T-Mobile’s.
rael-based mobile advertising tionships with advertising ing to offer services to both The acquisition marks the Uber or Lyft, SoftBank could “When the world goes to 5G,
firm Taptica for an enterprise agencies and marketers. buyers and sellers. latest in a wave of consolida- help determine the industry’s Sprint’s spectrum will be ex-
value of $50 million, continu- Taptica Chief Executive Ha- Mr. Zagorski said its sell- tion. Notable deals this year direction in adopting autono- tremely valuable,” Mr. Son said.
ing a raft of consolidation in a gai Tal said the company had side video platform grew have included Sizmek’s acquisi- mous-driving technology, Mr. “The telecom industry has not
sector facing stiff competition looked at other businesses in about 83% in the past 12 tion of Rocket Fuel for $125.5 Son said. The technology “is fully recognized its value so far,
from Google and Facebook. the sector as it seeks to ex- months, with net revenue of million last month; Dutch tele- definitely coming, and when but I think it does now.”
Demand-side platforms help pand geographically and ex- roughly $34 million and a communications company Altice that comes, this ride-sharing At Monday’s news confer-
advertisers and their ad agen- tend its offerings in the me- gross margin of about 91% in acquiring Teads for an enter- business becomes even more ence, he reflected on his accom-
cies buy online video ads us- dia-buying space, but it chose that period. prise value of up to €285 million important,” he said. plishments. “Looking back, I
ing automated processes. Tremor Video due to its scale. “It was a challenge to man- ($336 million) in March; and An Uber spokeswoman in have so much to regret. I get so
Tremor Video is retaining its “We are seeing the budget age two sides of the business Amobee, Singapore telecommu- Japan declined to comment on frustrated at my own shortcom-
“supply-side platform,” which that traditionally went to TV with the kind of scale we had, nications company Singtel’s dig- Mr. Son’s remarks. A represen- ings,” he said. Mr. Son said he
helps online publishers man- shifting into the digital area and so we decided to focus on the ital advertising division, acquir- tative of Lyft couldn’t immedi- would give himself a score of 28
age and sell their video adver- we thought it was the obvious sell-side where we had solid ing Turn for an enterprise value ately be reached. out of 100. “But this is not the
tising inventory. bet for us to grow,” Mr. Tal said. technology,” Mr. Zagorski said, of $310 million in February. The Wall Street Journal has end,” he said.

TYSON FOODS crease 6% in its fiscal 2018, Capital of China to build offices pany at $1.9 billion.
which begins in October. in China beyond Beijing, Shang- Mexichem plans to purchase
Profit Down Despite For the most recent quarter, hai and Hong Kong. an 80% stake in the company
Higher Meat Demand Tyson reported a profit of $447 WeWork, a shared-office- from private-equity firm Permira

million, or $1.21 a share, down space company based in New Holdings Ltd. for $1.5 billion. Ne-
Tyson Foods Inc. predicted a 7.6% from $484 million, or $1.25, York, said Monday that it also tafim founder Kibbutz Hatzerim
continued boom in meat sales, a year earlier. Excluding items acquired Singapore co-working will retain a 20% stake in the
as consumers gobble up more such as the purchase of company Spacemob in a sepa- company.
chicken strips and bacon even at AdvancePierre Foods, earnings rate transaction. Since Permira bought Netafim
higher prices. rose to $1.28 a share. Revenue WeWork didn’t identify inves- in 2011, the company has ex-
U.S. restaurants are laying rose 4.8% to $9.85 billion. tors in the latest fundraising panded into China, India and Af-
more bacon on entrees and —Jacob Bunge round announced Monday. rica. Netafim, which now has
Americans are expected to con- The company declined to more than 4,300 employees and
sume a record 41.4 kilograms of WEWORK specify the value of the Space- sales in over 110 countries
chicken each this year. On top of mob acquisition. world-wide, generated $855 mil- SoftBank is an investor in the three biggest Asian ride-hailing firms.
increased demand from foreign Company Expansion —Dominique Fong lion in revenue last year.
buyers, Tyson, the top U.S. meat Gets $500 Million The deal will give Mexichem
company, says it is sometimes
struggling to keep up.
“We’re essentially busting at
the seams,” Tyson Chief Execu-
WeWork Cos. raised $500
million to expand operations in
South Korea and Southeast Asia,
Mexichem to Acquire
Israeli Irrigation Firm
access to Netafim’s irrigation-
system technology. It will add
two countries to Mexichem’s
presence—Israel and Australia,
GAME company’s co-founder.
They also use the chat sys-
tem to coordinate strategy.
“It’s a very social game,” Mr.
tive Tom Hayes said. Tyson the company said Monday. while giving Netafim access to Continued from page B1 Crystal said. “You don’t want
shares were up 5.6% late Mon- The investment is an addition Mexican piping and chemicals Mexichem sales channels, espe- time tournament. “Our players to let your team down.”
day after the company reported to WeWork’s announcement in company Mexichem SAB said cially in Latin America, Mex- love the mass participation and Players indulge their habits
higher-than-expected profit and late July about a $500 million Monday that it will acquire Is- ichem Chief Executive Antonio competition created by these enough that officials in China
revenue for the second quarter. funding round led by Japan’s raeli irrigation concern Netafim Carrillo Rule told analysts during events,” said Playdemic Chief recently pressured Tencent
Tyson said it expects sales to in- SoftBank Group Corp. and Hony in a cash deal valuing the com- a conference call. Executive Paul Gouge. Holdings Ltd., the world’s big-
Mexichem already has a “Golf Clash” players are also gest game developer by reve-
small irrigation business, which frequently rewarded with free nue, to install a curfew for chil-
combined with Netafim will have prizes, such as club upgrades dren in the country playing its
annual sales of about $1 billion. that bestow more power or ac- popular mobile game “Honor of
“We are in the irrigation busi- curacy—just for returning to Kings.” That game is expected to
ness. We are not as good as Ne- the game. People play it on av- arrive in the U.S. as soon as fall.

tafim by a long shot, but we un- erage 48 minutes a day, ac- Harley Zaraza enjoyed the
derstand the business,” Mr. cording to the company. occasional console game at
Carrillo said. By contrast, people on aver- home but now plays mobile al-
The deal, which is subject to age spend more than 30 min- most daily, sneaking in ses-
regulatory approval, is expected utes a day on Snap, parent sions during lulls at her ice-
to close in the fourth quarter. company Snap Inc. said on an cream parlor job or while at
Mexichem is financing the earnings call in May. the beach. The 18-year-old
transaction with a combination Developer Pocket Gems Inc. blames her phone.
of about $300 million in cash, says people spend about 2 hours “If I get a notification, it
$200 million in short-term debt and 10 minutes daily playing its makes me want to open the
and a bridge loan that will later team-based battle game “War app and take my turn,” said
be substituted with long-term Dragons.” Since teams are more Ms. Zaraza, a college sopho-
bonds. likely to win battles when all more in Toms River, N.J.,
The company has no plans to members show, players often re- whose favorite mobile game is
issue stock to raise capital. mind each other to participate Zynga Inc.’s “Words With
—Cara Lombardo via the game’s messaging sys- Friends.” “It’s how they get
Top U.S. meat company Tyson expects sales to increase 6% in fiscal 2018, which begins in October. and Anthony Harrup tem, said Harlan Crystal, the you to play.”
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, August 8, 2017 | B5


Drones Hasten Insurance Claims

BY NICOLE FRIEDMAN Schreiber, Lemonade’s CEO.
When Melinda Roberts
found shingles in her front yard
The New York company said
about one-fourth of its claims
are settled and paid automati-
after a storm, her insurer didn’t
dispatch a claims adjuster to
investigate. It sent a drone.
cally, with the rest being
passed on to a team of humans
to assess. Lemonade launched
The unmanned aircraft hov- in September and now sells BEIJING—China’s central
ered above Ms. Roberts’s three- policies in four states. bank is increasing its monitor-
bedroom Birmingham, Ala., Allstate Corp. told car-re- ing of the loosely regulated fi-
home and snapped photos of pair shops in March that it is nancial-technology sector—a
her roof. About a week later, a asking customers to send pho- major source of risk, given the
check from Liberty Mutual In- tos of car damage through its enormous sums involved.
surance arrived to cover re- app rather than using drive-in The People’s Bank of China


pairs. “It took a lot less time inspection centers. The switch said in a report that it is con-
than I was expecting,” Ms. Rob- cut the time for a customer to sidering expanding its risk-as-
erts said. get an estimate from several sessment system beyond
Drones, photo-taking apps days to about 13 hours, an All- banks to include major online
and artificial intelligence are state executive told repair financial businesses. Last
accelerating what has long shops in a May letter. month, it reached agreement
been a clunky, time-consuming “We give customers their with 45 nonbank financial
experience: the auto or home- money in hours, not in days,” firms—including payment sys-
insurance claim. Allstate Chief Executive Tom tems affiliated with internet
Traditionally, an insurance A tornado tore up New Orleans homes earlier this year. Automation lets insurance claims be Wilson said in a May confer- giants Alibaba Group Holding
claim associated with minor handled more quickly than with in-person visits, and drones can ease inspection of buildings. ence call. “It’s cheaper, better Ltd. and Tencent Holdings
home damage or fender-bender and faster.” Ltd.—on joining a new pay-
auto accidents started with a the time for a customer to get a slow the claims process. as automation continues. A car- At Liberty Mutual, adjusters ment-clearing platform called
phone call from a customer and price estimate and receive a “It’s great to speed up cer- insurance claim is currently are now using drones daily to Wanglian, according to listed-
ended days or weeks later with payment is speeding up, and tain parts of the process, [but] handled by an average of three photograph home damage, said company documents.
a mailed check. In between, the the change could make it more to think that one photograph, employees, said Bill Brower, Lily Wray, the company’s vice This effectively gives the
insurer often would send an in- likely that policies are renewed. one piece of code or one algo- vice president of claims at president of claims innovation PBOC a clearer view of pay-
spector to investigate the situa- A faster process can also rithm is the Holy Grail, I think RELX Group’s LexisNexis Risk for U.S. consumer markets. It is ments, enhancing regulation,
tion in person. save insurers money. About 11 is a bit of a misnomer,” said Solutions—the same number as one of several insurance com- said Tencent, which owns the
But about four in 10 car in- cents of every premium dollar Andrew Newman, president of when he started working in the panies that have received fed- TenPay payment system. It
surers no longer use employees in personal property-and-casu- reinsurance broker Willis Re. industry in the 1980s. eral approval in recent years to and Alibaba-linked Ant Finan-
to physically inspect damage in alty insurance is spent on in- Delaware, Pennsylvania and Soon, the entire claims pro- use or test unmanned aircraft cial Services Group said in
some cases, according to a Lex- vestigating and settling claims, Virginia changed their regula- cess—from notifying insurance to inspect everything from hail- separate statements that they
isNexis Risk Solutions survey of according to S&P Global Market tions last year to allow apprais- companies when damage oc- damaged roofs to collapsed are cooperating with the cen-
insurance executives. Claims Intelligence. ers to base car-repair estimates curs to estimating repair costs buildings. “We’re taking some- tral bank.
that rely on greater automation Automation can reduce the on photos or videos, but Mas- based on photos—could be thing that takes hours down to Last year, financial compa-
can be handled in two to three size of payouts, too. “The faster sachusetts and Rhode Island done with no human input, he minutes,” she said. nies that aren’t banks handled
days, compared with 10 to 15 you can settle a claim, typically still have some restrictions on said. LexisNexis Risk Solutions Insurers say drones will im- online payments worth 99 tril-
days for a more traditional ap- the less you can settle it for, so photo appraisals. helps insurers streamline their prove their ability to swiftly re- lion yuan ($14.7 trillion), ac-
proach that involves an in-per- there is a direct financial incen- Chicago startup Snapsheet claims processes. “We’re on the spond to claims from hurri- cording to a report by Pay-
son visit, according to the sur- tive,” said Matthew Josefowicz, helps car insurers with photo cusp of this major, major canes, tornadoes and floods by ment & Clearing Association
vey. chief executive of insurance- appraisals, using artificial intel- change” in claims handling, Mr. providing aerial images of of China, an arm of the central
One new home insurer, Lem- technology consulting firm No- ligence to speed up the process. Brower said. “Consumers’ ex- places claims adjusters can’t al- bank.
onade, drew attention in Janu- varica. Claims such as water It takes up to three hours for pectations have changed.” ways access. They also see Innovation has outpaced
ary, when it said it took just damage can get worse if they the company to produce a price At Lemonade, customers al- drones as a way to reduce inju- regulation, and some lending
three seconds for its artificial- aren’t addressed quickly, he estimate after a customer sub- ready file claims by chatting ries from risky roof inspections. platforms have imploded, cost-
intelligence claims bot to settle said. mits photos of a damaged car, with a bot through the Lemon- Ms. Roberts, the Liberty ing investors billions of dol-
and pay a claim for a stolen Speed can have drawbacks. according to CJ Przybyl, Snap- ade app, uploading relevant Mutual customer with roof lars.
jacket. Some auto-repair-shop industry sheet’s president. photos and recording videos of damage in Alabama, was re- “Some internet financial
Insurers typically guard groups have argued that photo- For claims involving more themselves describing the loss. lieved that the insurer’s drone products already have sys-
their claims-handling times as based appraisals can overlook minor damage, the processing The company’s algorithms run saved a claims adjuster a temic and important impact,”
industry secrets. But some said significant damage and actually time is expected to fall sharply 18 antifraud tests, said Daniel climb to the top of her house. the central bank said in the
Friday report, which gauges
the health of the country’s fi-

China’s Forex Reserves Rise for a 6th Month

nancial sector.
Among the conclusions: In-
sufficient risk control at some
online financial-service pro-
BEIJING—China’s foreign- serves by some $24 billion to ministration of Foreign Ex- viders, including peer-to-peer
exchange reserves rose for a $30.6 billion in July, according change said in a statement lending platforms, crowdfund-
sixth straight month in July, to estimates by economists. Monday accompanying the re- ing and private equity, could
underscoring Beijing’s success Factoring in China’s usual serves data. lead to widespread defaults,
in keeping money from mov- trade surplus, economists esti- China’s Finance Ministry with effects rippling through
ing offshore with some help mate that some $18 billion to last week unveiled new mea- the financial sector.
from a weaker U.S. dollar. $27 billion of money left the sures to better scrutinize Bringing these businesses
Reserves rose $23.93 billion country last month. overseas investments made by into its risk-assessment frame-
from the previous month to Since persisting weakness state-owned companies. In ad- work would help the central

$3.081 trillion, the highest in the yuan caused a gush of dition, starting in September, bank monitor fluctuations in
level in nine months, accord- outflows and a plummet in re- banks are required to report new financial products, the re-
ing to figures from the Peo- serves starting two years ago, all overseas cash withdrawals port said.
ple’s Bank of China released the central bank has been bat- and card transactions exceed- The report didn’t say when
Monday. July’s increase was tling to turn the tide. It has ing 1,000 yuan ($149) to the the move would happen. The
bigger than economists’ me- tightened scrutiny of compa- foreign-exchange regulator on central bank didn’t respond to
dian forecast of a $15 billion nies and individuals moving a daily basis. a request for comment on the
gain and was the sixth month money out of the country and Renewed tensions between timing.
in a row of increases, the lon- introduced a new “countercy- Beijing and Washington over For online payments, an in-
gest stretch in three years. A stronger yuan against the dollar helped curb capital outflows. clical” factor to confound mar- trade imbalances mean uncer- ternal PBOC memo said that
Some economists said the ket expectations in determin- tainties remain for the yuan ex- all the companies should
string of increases is changing rest of the year,” said Liu Xue- clined 3% last month, while ing the yuan’s exchange rate. change rate, said Mr. Liu, the transfer operations to the new
expectations in the market zhi, an economist at Bank of the dollar dropped 0.75% With the steady yuan ex- economist. In the near term, Wanglian clearing platform by
about where the PBOC is tak- Communications. against the yuan on China’s change rate, purchases of for- controls on capital outflows the end of June 2018, accord-
ing the yuan. “Looks like now The U.S. dollar index, which onshore market in July. eign exchange by households will likely remain, Citigroup ing to a person familiar with
the reserves will stay steady tracks the dollar against a bas- Foreign-exchange rate and companies have become economists said in a note. the matter.
and show modest gains for the ket of major currencies, de- changes boosted China’s re- more rational, the State Ad- —Liyan Qi —Yang Jie and Liyan Qi

LIBYA The current concession, dat-
Bank Blames Coding for Laundering Case
ing back to 1953 and producing BY ROBB M. STEWART The agency, known as Aus- “In an organization as large machines between late 2014
Biggest Oil Field about 700,000 barrels a day, ex- trac, accused the bank of not as Commonwealth Bank, mis- and August 2015, including
Is Briefly Shut Down pires in March. Its current share- MELBOURNE, Australia— carrying out any assessment takes can be made. We know into 29 accounts in fake
holders are BP PLC, Total SA, Commonwealth Bank of Aus- of risks related to money laun- that because we are a big or- names. Most of the money was
Libya’s largest oil field was and Japan Oil Development Co. tralia Ltd., the country’s larg- dering and terrorism financing ganization, these mistakes can transferred offshore, it said in
shut late Sunday following an Abu Dhabi National Oil Co., or est bank, blamed a coding before the machines were have significant impact,” the the document.
armed protest, although pump- Adnoc, will split the ADMA- error for tens of thousands of rolled out in 2012. bank said. The agency also alleged
ing restarted Monday, a Libyan OPCO concession into two, or instances of failing to report In a statement, Common- Commonwealth Bank accounts
official said, underscoring the more, concessions with new large transactions done wealth Bank said the issue be- were used for “cuckoo smurf-
persistent instability of the
country’s oil production.
terms, it said Monday.
Potential partners for devel-
through its ATMs and alleg-
edly breaching money-laun-
gan in late 2012 after an unre-
lated software update to the
The matter centers ing,” a form of money launder-
ing involving transfers be-
Libya’s average production opment of the concession are a dering and terrorism-financing machines. It said a coding er- on ATMs of tween associates in different
has more than tripled in a year
to one million barrels a day, an
mix of existing concession hold-
ers and new participants. The
The bank made the admis-
ror occurred that meant the
machines didn’t create the
Commonwealth Bank countries in such a way that
money doesn’t cross borders.
increase that could offset the government will continue to hold sion in response to a lawsuit threshold transaction reports of Australia. It said that in May 2015, two
impact of output cuts from the a 60% stake in the concession launched Aug. 3 by the coun- needed. It said the error be- people were arrested and
Organization of the Petroleum areas. try’s financial-intelligence came apparent in 2015, that charged with money-launder-
Exporting Countries. —Summer Said agency alleging the bank failed Austrac was notified within a ing offenses, allegedly using
A Libyan oil official said Shar- to provide 53,506 reports on month of the discovery, that Austrac described Common- deposits made into Common-
ara field, Libya’s largest oil field BANK OF TOKYO-MITSUBISHI transactions over a threshold the missing reports were pro- wealth Bank’s breaches as se- wealth Bank accounts that po-
with production of 270,000 bar- of 10,000 Australian dollars vided and that the coding er- rious and systemic noncompli- lice in New South Wales state
rels a day, had been shut late CFTC Fines Firm (US$7,929) over almost three ror was fixed. ance. said involved about A$1.8 mil-
Sunday after the control room Over ‘Spoofing’ years, starting in November Commonwealth Bank said In the suit filed with the lion.
overseeing the field in the Zawiya 2012. The Australian Transac- the vast majority of the re- federal court in Sydney, Aus- Delayed reporting hindered
oil terminal was targeted by an The Commodity Futures Trad- tion Reports and Analysis Cen- porting failures alleged by the trac described the actions of law enforcement and resulted
armed protest. He said the gun- ing Commission charged Bank tre also claimed Common- agency, about 53,000, relate several alleged money-laun- in lost intelligence and evi-
men were seeking the release of of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ with wealth Bank failed to report specifically to the coding er- dering syndicates. In one se- dence, further money launder-
Libyan pilgrims held in Saudi Ara- “spoofing”—entering multiple buy suspicious transactions on ror. It added that it recognized ries of instances, it said, about ing and proceeds from crimes
bia. Pumping resumed on Monday, or sell orders with an intent to time, or at all, on transactions that other serious allegations A$20.6 million was deposited including drug dealing being
the official said. Another Libyan cancel the trades before they totaling more than A$77 mil- were also made by Austrac. into 30 Commonwealth Bank lost, Austrac alleged.
official said output was “normal.” were completed—in futures con- lion. It said that even after the
—Benoit Faucon bank became aware of sus-
tracts on the Chicago Mercantile
Exchange and the Chicago Board pected money laundering, it Advertisement
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES of Trade. didn’t monitor customers to
It said the spoofing, which it manage the risks.
Nation Will Divide said the firm reported to the The allegations relate to the [ Search by company, category or country at ]
A Key Oil Concession regulator, was done by an em- use of the bank’s “intelligent
ployee using a trading platform deposit machines,” a type of NAV —%RETURN—
The United Arab Emirates’ from a bank office in Tokyo. ATM that allows anonymous
n Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd - Tel No: 65-6835-8866
state energy company said it The CFTC fined the firm deposits of up to A$20,000 in Fax No: 65-6835 8865, Website:, Email:
would split one of its most im- $600,000 over the activity. It cash at a time to be automati- CAM-GTF Limited OT OT MUS 07/31 USD 311877.81 3.2 5.4 3.0
portant offshore oil concessions said it found the trader used the cally credited to accounts.
and is in advanced talks with tactic to move the market in a There is no limit on the num- Data as shown is for information purposes only. No offer is being made by
Morningstar, Ltd. or this publication. Funds shown aren’t registered with the
For information about listing your funds,
more than a dozen potential favorable direction. ber of times a customer can U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and aren’t available for sale to United
States citizens and/or residents except as noted. Prices are in local currencies.
please contact: Freda Fung tel: +852 2831
partners to improve returns. —Steve Goldstein use them daily. All performance figures are calculated using the most recent prices available. 2504; email:
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B6 | Tuesday, August 8, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Nikkei 225 Index STOXX 600 Index S&P 500 Index Data as of 4 p.m. New York time
Last Year ago
20055.89 s 103.56, or 0.52% Year-to-date s 4.93% 382.01 t 0.52, or 0.14% Year-to-date s 5.70% 2480.91 s 4.08, or 0.16% Trailing P/E ratio 23.90 24.68
High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 20230.41 16251.54 High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 396.45 328.80 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 18.95 18.56
trading day of the past three months. All-time high 38915.87 12/29/89 trading day of the past three months. All-time high 414.06 4/15/15 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 1.97 2.10
All-time high: 2480.91, 08/07/17

Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.

20500 400 2480

20000 395 2450

65-day moving average

19500 390 2420

65-day moving average 19000 385 2390

Session high

Session open Close 18500 380 2360

Close Open

65-day moving average

18000 375 2330
Session low
Bars measure the point change from session's open
17500 370 2300
May June July Aug. May June July Aug. May June July Aug.

International Stock Indexes Data as of 4 p.m. New York time Global government bonds
Latest 52-Week Range YTD Latest, month-ago and year-ago yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year
Region/Country Index Close NetChg % chg Low Close High % chg and 10-year government bonds around the world. Data as of 3 p.m. ET
World The Global Dow 2879.45 9.41 0.33 2386.93 • 2879.63 13.9 Country/ Spread Over Treasurys, in basis points Yield
MSCI EAFE 1954.29 6.67 0.34 1612.29 • 1955.61 13.9 Coupon Maturity, in years Yield Latest Previous Month Ago Year ago Previous Month ago Year ago
MSCI EM USD 1075.84 8.58 0.80 838.96 • 1075.84 35.5 2.750 Australia 2 1.776 42.5 43.8 33.4 74.7 1.785 1.737 1.477
2.750 10 2.625 36.8 36.6 29.8 28.8 2.631 2.682 1.879
Americas DJ Americas 596.76 0.87 0.15 503.44 • 597.92 10.4
3.000 Belgium 2 -189.5 -187.6 -187.8 -130.1 -0.529 -0.475 -0.571
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 67945.12 1047.14 1.57 56459.11 • 69487.58 12.8
0.800 10 0.752 -150.6 -150.0 -145.9 -141.9 0.765 0.925 0.172
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 15257.97 … Closed 14319.11 • 15943.09 –0.2
0.000 France 2 -0.485 -183.6 -182.0 -177.1 -126.7 -0.473 -0.368 -0.537
Mexico IPC All-Share 51416.22 87.93 0.17 43998.98 • 51772.37 12.6
1.000 10 0.739 -151.9 -150.7 -144.1 -143.4 0.758 0.943 0.157
Chile Santiago IPSA 3902.60 22.93 0.59 3120.87 • 3904.83 21.1
0.000 Germany 2 -0.678 -202.9 -202.9 -200.4 -134.9 -0.682 -0.601 -0.619
U.S. DJIA 22118.42 25.61 0.12 17883.56 • 22121.15 11.9
0.500 10 0.460 -179.7 -179.5 -180.9 -165.3 0.471 0.575 -0.063
Nasdaq Composite 6383.77 32.21 0.51 5034.41 • 6460.84 18.6
0.050 Italy 2 -0.037 -138.8 -136.2 -129.9 -78.8 -0.015 0.104 -0.058
S&P 500 2480.91 4.08 0.16 2083.79 • 2484.04 10.8
2.200 10 1.985 -27.2 -24.5 -5.6 -45.3 2.021 2.328 1.138
CBOE Volatility 9.89 –0.14 –1.40 8.84 • 23.01 –29.6
0.100 Japan 2 -0.107 -145.8 -146.0 -150.7 -92.4 -0.113 -0.104 -0.194
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 382.01 –0.52 –0.14 328.80 • 396.45 5.7 0.100 10 0.071 -218.7 -220.2 -229.6 -168.7 0.064 0.088 -0.097
Stoxx Europe 50 3116.24 –6.08 –0.19 2720.66 • 3279.71 3.5 4.000 Netherlands 2 -0.648 -199.8 -198.2 -198.3 -132.0 -0.635 -0.580 -0.590
Austria ATX 3278.72 19.06 0.58 2230.16 • 3279.35 25.2 0.750 10 0.575 -168.3 -167.4 -161.7 -155.7 0.592 0.767 0.034
Belgium Bel-20 3960.03 –9.96 –0.25 3384.68 • 4055.96 9.8 4.750 Portugal 2 0.001 -135.0 -131.3 -133.8 -32.8 0.034 0.065 0.403
France CAC 40 5207.89 4.45 0.09 4310.88 • 5442.10 7.1 4.125 10 2.828 57.1 57.7 75.0 127.9 2.843 3.134 2.869
Germany DAX 12257.17 –40.55 –0.33 10174.92 • 12951.54 6.8 2.750 Spain 2 -0.342 -169.3 -167.3 -158.8 -88.8 -0.326 -0.185 -0.158
Greece ATG 827.86 –1.64 –0.20 548.72 • 859.78 28.6 1.500 10 1.448 -81.0 -80.0 -66.9 -56.0 1.466 1.715 1.031
Hungary BUX 36941.60 263.38 0.72 27186.95 • 36959.46 15.4 4.250 Sweden 2 -0.707 -205.8 -201.3 -209.1 -137.6 -0.666 -0.688 -0.646
Israel Tel Aviv 1398.27 –1.15 –0.08 1372.23 • 1490.23 –4.9 1.000 10 0.643 -161.5 -157.9 -170.4 -147.8 0.687 0.680 0.113
Italy FTSE MIB 22031.17 95.38 0.43 15923.11 • 22035.54 14.5 1.750 U.K. 2 0.222 -112.9 -109.2 -107.3 -56.9 0.255 0.330 0.162
Netherlands AEX 531.41 2.32 0.44 436.28 • 537.84 10.0 4.250 10 1.141 -111.7 -108.9 -107.5 -91.9 1.177 1.309 0.671
Poland WIG 62684.88 206.58 0.33 46321.24 • 63026.98 21.1 1.375 U.S. 2 1.351 ... ... ... ... 1.347 1.403 0.730
Russia RTS Index 1032.68 5.95 0.58 936.63 • 1196.99 –10.4 2.375 10 2.258 ... ... ... ... 2.266 2.384 1.590
Spain IBEX 35 10676.50 18.10 0.17 8393.50 • 11184.40 14.2
Sweden SX All Share 569.40 1.05 0.19 489.12 • 598.42 6.5 Commodities Prices of futures contracts with the most open interest 3:30 p.m. New York time
Switzerland Swiss Market 9155.13 –21.86 –0.24 7585.56 • 9198.45 11.4 EXCHANGE LEGEND: CBOT: Chicago Board of Trade; CME: Chicago Mercantile Exchange; ICE-US: ICE Futures U.S.; MDEX: Bursa Malaysia
South Africa Johannesburg All Share 56163.60 218.77 0.39 48935.90 • 56396.24 10.9 Derivatives Berhad; TCE: Tokyo Commodity Exchange; COMEX: Commodity Exchange; LME: London Metal Exchange;
NYMEX: New York Mercantile Exchange; ICE-EU: ICE Futures Europe. *Data as of 8/4/2017
Turkey BIST 100 109781.13 1235.82 1.14 71792.96 •109947.87 40.5 One-Day Change Year Year
U.K. FTSE 100 7531.94 20.23 0.27 6654.48 • 7598.99 5.4 Commodity Exchange Last price Net Percentage high low

Asia-Pacific Corn (cents/bu.) CBOT 386.25 5.25 1.38% 417.25 374.00

Soybeans (cents/bu.) 967.50 10.75 1.12 1,047.00 907.00
Australia S&P/ASX 200 5773.60 53.00 0.93 5156.60 • 5956.50 1.9
Wheat (cents/bu.)
CBOT 463.75 9.00 1.98 574.50 430.75
China Shanghai Composite 3279.46 17.38 0.53 2980.43 • 3292.64 5.7
Live cattle (cents/lb.) CME 111.100 -3.000 -2.63% 122.850 99.125
Hong Kong Hang Seng 27690.36 127.68 0.46 21574.76 • 27690.36 25.9
Cocoa ($/ton) ICE-US 2,029 8 0.40 2,301 1,794
India S&P BSE Sensex 32273.67 –51.74 –0.16 25765.14 • 32575.17 21.2
Coffee (cents/lb.) ICE-US 142.10 1.95 1.39 163.75 115.50
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 20055.89 103.56 0.52 16251.54 • 20230.41 4.9
Sugar (cents/lb.) ICE-US 13.93 -0.21 -1.49 20.50 12.74
Singapore Straits Times 3320.67 –5.85 –0.18 2787.27 • 3354.71 15.3
Cotton (cents/lb.) ICE-US 70.52 -0.10 -0.14 75.72 66.15
South Korea Kospi 2398.75 3.30 0.14 1958.38 • 2451.53 18.4 Robusta coffee ($/ton) ICE-EU 2165.00 24.00 1.12 2,286.00 1,885.00
Taiwan Weighted 10579.38 72.82 0.69 8902.30 • 10579.38 14.3
Copper ($/lb.) COMEX 2.9085 0.0235 0.81 2.9265 2.4850
Source: SIX Financial Information;WSJ Market Data Group Gold ($/troy oz.) COMEX 1263.90 -0.70 -0.06 1,307.00 1,160.80
Silver ($/troy oz.) COMEX 16.235 -0.017 -0.10 18.780 14.340
Currencies London close on Aug. 7 Aluminum ($/mt)* LME 1,911.00 -5.00 -0.26 1,972.00 1,688.50
Tin ($/mt)* LME 20,725.00 120.00 0.58 21,225.00 18,760.00
Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. major U.S. trading partners US$vs,
Mon YTDchg Copper ($/mt)* LME 6,357.00 39.00 0.62 6,400.00 5,491.00
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Lead ($/mt)* LME 2,366.00 1.00 0.04 2,445.00 2,022.00
10% Europe Zinc ($/mt)* LME 2,814.00 0.50 0.02 2,958.50 2,450.50
Bulgaria lev 0.6027 1.6592 –10.7 Nickel ($/mt)* LME 10,400.00 90.00 0.87 11,095.00 8,780.00
s WSJ Dollar index Croatia kuna 0.1592 6.283 –12.4 Rubber (Y.01/ton) TCE 212.00 5.20 2.51 n.a. n.a.
Euro zone euro 1.1785 0.8486 –10.7
s s Euro Czech Rep. koruna-b 0.0451 22.165 –13.7 Palm oil (MYR/mt) MDEX 2573.00 -35.00 -1.34 2705.00 2376.00
–10 Yen Denmark krone 0.1584 6.3122 –10.7 Crude oil ($/bbl.) NYMEX 49.34 -0.24 -0.48 58.36 42.29
Hungary forint 0.003874 258.13 –12.3 NY Harbor ULSD ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.6371 -0.0115 -0.70 1.8065 1.3703
Iceland krona 0.009520 105.04 –7.0 RBOB gasoline ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.6286 -0.0177 -1.08 1.8366 1.3805
–20 Norway krone 0.1258 7.9462 –8.1
0.2773 3.6066 –13.9
Natural gas ($/mmBtu) NYMEX 2.804 0.030 1.08 3.5490 2.7530
2016 2017 Poland zloty
Russia ruble-d 0.01665 60.052 –2.0 Brent crude ($/bbl.) ICE-EU 52.28 -0.14 -0.27 60.13 44.88
US$vs, US$vs,
YTDchg YTDchg Sweden krona 0.1225 8.1652 –10.3 Gas oil ($/ton) ICE-EU 483.00 -5.00 -1.02 532.25 405.50
Mon Mon
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Switzerland franc 1.0275 0.9732 –4.5
Turkey lira 0.2832 3.5313 0.2 Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group
Americas Hong Kong dollar 0.1278 7.8227 0.9
Ukraine hryvnia 0.0388 25.7650 –4.9
Argentina peso-a 0.0564 17.7345 11.8
India rupee
Indonesia rupiah
U.K. pound 1.3021 0.7680 –5.2 Cross rates London close on Aug 7
Brazil real 0.3199 3.1257 –4.0 Middle East/Africa
Japan yen 0.009026 110.79 –5.3
Canada dollar 0.7881 1.2690 –5.6 USD GBP CHF JPY HKD EUR CDN AUD
Kazakhstan tenge 0.003010 332.19 –0.4 Bahrain dinar 2.6513 0.3772 unch
Chile peso 0.001537 650.50 –2.9 Australia 1.2657 1.6478 1.3006 0.0114 0.1618 1.4915 0.9973 ...
Macau pataca 0.1233 8.1073 2.4 Egypt pound-a 0.0563 17.7697 –2.0
Colombia peso 0.0003352 2983.03 –0.6 Canada 1.2690 1.6521 1.3038 0.0115 0.1622 1.4953 ... 1.0026
Malaysia ringgit-c 0.2335 4.2835 –4.5 Israel shekel 0.2763 3.6187 –6.0
Ecuador US dollar-f 1 1 unch
New Zealand dollar 0.7348 1.3609 –5.8 Kuwait dinar 3.3112 0.3020 –1.2 Euro 0.8486 1.1048 0.8717 0.0077 0.1085 ... 0.6687 0.6705
Mexico peso-a 0.0557 17.9664 –13.4
Pakistan rupee 0.0095 105.365 0.9 Oman sul rial 2.5976 0.3850 unch Hong Kong 7.8227 10.1851 8.0372 0.0706 ... 9.2186 6.1647 6.1807
Peru sol 0.3083 3.2433 –3.3
Philippines peso 0.0198 50.449 1.7 Qatar rial 0.2745 3.643 0.1 Japan 110.7940 144.2400 113.8200 ... 14.1630 130.5600 87.3100 87.5300
Uruguay peso-e 0.0353 28.350 –3.4
Singapore dollar 0.7334 1.3636 –5.8 Saudi Arabia riyal 0.2666 3.7503 –0.01 0.9732 1.2672 ... 0.0088 0.1244 1.1472 0.7670 0.7689
Venezuela bolivar 0.099034 10.10 1.0 Switzerland
South Korea won 0.0008863 1128.24 –6.6 South Africa rand 0.0753 13.2756 –3.0
U.K. 0.7680 ... 0.7891 0.0069 0.0982 0.9052 0.6052 0.6068
Asia-Pacific Sri Lanka rupee 0.0065176 153.43 3.4 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD % Chg
0.7901 1.2657 –8.8 Taiwan dollar 0.03308 30.228 U.S. ... 1.3021 1.0275 0.0090 0.1278 1.1785 0.7881 0.7901
Australia dollar –6.9 WSJ Dollar Index 86.40 0.08 0.09 –7.04
China yuan 0.1488 6.7193 –3.2 Thailand baht 0.03003 33.300 –7.0 Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data Group Source: Tullett Prebon

Key Rates Top Stock Listings 4 p.m. New York time

Latest 52 wks ago % YTD% % YTD% % YTD%
Libor Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Asia Titans 50
One month 1.22889% 0.51190% ¥ TakedaPharm 4502 5975.00 0.02 23.58 CHF RocheHldgctf ROG 247.40 -0.24 6.36 Last: 166.15 s 1.15, or 0.69% YTD s 17.9%
Three month 1.31139 0.80650 Asia Titans HK$ TencentHoldings 0700 320.60 2.95 69.00 £ RoyDtchShell A RDSA 2197.50 0.66 -2.01
Six month 1.45222 1.18520 HK$ AIAGroup 1299 60.65 -0.49 38.63 ¥ TokioMarineHldg 8766 4712.00 0.28 -1.75 € SAP SAP 90.66 -0.85 9.48 High 165
One year 1.73233 1.50810 81.68 0.09 6.22 Close
¥ AstellasPharma 4503 1404.00 0.07 -13.52 ¥ ToyotaMtr 7203 6339.00 1.98 -7.84 € Sanofi SAN 160
Euro Libor AU$ AustNZBk ANZ 29.80 1.05 -2.04 AU$ Wesfarmers WES 41.00 0.71 -2.71 € SchneiderElectric SU 69.14 0.49 4.58 Low t 155
One month -0.40143% -0.37000% AU$ BHP BHP 26.16 1.71 4.39 AU$ WestpacBanking WBC 31.94 1.27 -2.02 € Siemens SIE 111.25 -0.27 -4.75
Three month -0.37271 -0.31571 HK$ BankofChina 3988 4.00 1.27 16.28 AU$ Woolworths WOW 26.90 -0.37 11.62 € Telefonica TEF 9.70 -0.08 9.97 50–day 150
Six month -0.29971 -0.19586 HK$ CKHutchison 0001 104.60 -0.48 19.00 € Total FP 43.84 -0.18 -8.21 moving average 145
One year -0.19043 -0.07000 HK$ CNOOC 0883 8.69 -0.11 -10.41 Stoxx 50 CHF UBSGroup UBSG 16.96 -0.59 6.33
Euribor AU$ CSL CSL 127.86 -0.22 27.34 € Unilever UNA 49.63 0.28 26.88
CHF ABB ABBN 22.62 -0.57 5.31
One month -0.37400% -0.36900% ¥ Canon 7751 3853.00 ... 16.93 £ Unilever ULVR 4393.00 0.83 33.42 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4
€ ASMLHolding ASML 131.05 0.92 22.88
Three month -0.32800 -0.29800 ¥ CentralJapanRwy 9022 17875 0.06 -7.05 € Vinci DG 77.35 0.39 19.55 June July Aug.
€ AXA CS 25.51 0.16 6.36
Six month -0.27000 -0.18500 HK$ ChinaConstructnBk 0939 6.65 0.76 11.39 £ VodafoneGroup VOD 226.60 0.71 13.39
€ AirLiquide AI 105.40 -0.52 -0.24
One year -0.15200 -0.04600 HK$ ChinaLifeInsurance 2628 24.95 0.20 23.51 CHF ZurichInsurance ZURN 298.10 0.30 6.31
Yen Libor HK$ ChinaMobile 0941 83.60 0.30 1.70

AB InBev
ABI 101.65
-0.27 18.03
-0.49 1.09 DJIA Stoxx 50
One month -0.03879% -0.06229% HK$ ChinaPetro&Chem 0386 5.90 ... 7.27 £ AstraZeneca AZN 4530.50 -0.08 2.10 Last: 3116.24 t 6.08, or 0.19% YTD s 3.5%
Three month -0.01821 -0.02329 AU$ CmwlthBkAust CBA 81.52 0.99 -1.08 € BASF BAS 81.71 -0.49 -7.47
$ AmericanExpress AXP 85.85 -0.14 15.89
Six month 0.01071 0.00771 ¥ EastJapanRailway 9020 10375 -0.53 2.72 € BNP Paribas BNP 68.55 0.63 13.21
$ Apple AAPL 158.59 1.41 36.93 3275
One year 0.11271 0.08743 ¥ Fanuc 6954 22400 -0.73 13.05 £ BT Group BT.A 316.00 -0.24 -13.87
$ Boeing BA 240.14 1.02 54.25
$ Caterpillar CAT 114.71 0.31 23.69 3200
Offer Bid ¥ Hitachi 6501 737.30 -0.20 16.66 € BancoBilVizAr BBVA 7.87 0.45 23.91
TW$ Hon Hai Precisn 2317 121.50 1.67 44.30 $ Chevron CVX 109.78 -0.30 -6.73 3125
Eurodollars € BancoSantander SAN 5.83 0.29 17.60
¥ HondaMotor 7267 3127.00 0.06 -8.43 $ CiscoSystems CSCO 31.84 0.13 5.36
One month 1.2900% 1.1900% £ Barclays BARC 210.00 -0.17 -6.02 3050
KRW HyundaiMtr 005380 148000 -1.33 1.37 $ Coca-Cola KO 45.64 0.31 10.08
Three month 1.3600 1.2600 € Bayer BAYN 106.80 -0.19 7.74
HK$ Ind&Comml 1398 5.65 0.36 21.51 $ Disney DIS 106.34 -1.25 2.03
Six month 1.5100 1.4100 £ BP BP. 468.45 1.11 -8.07
$ DuPont DD 81.79 -0.27 11.43
One year 1.7800 1.6800 ¥ JapanTobacco 2914 3819.00 0.45 -0.65 £ BritishAmTob BATS 5055.00 -0.04 9.38 2900
¥ KDDI 3015.00 0.57 1.88
$ ExxonMobil XOM 80.16 -0.06 -11.19
Latest 52 wks ago 9433 € Daimler DAI 60.41 -0.20 -14.58 $ GeneralElec GE 25.63 -0.58 -18.89 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4
¥ Mitsubishi 8058 2575.00 0.41 3.41 € DeutscheTelekom DTE 15.95 1.24 -1.53 $ June July Aug.
Prime rates GoldmanSachs GS 232.92 1.36 -2.73
¥ MitsubishiElectric 6503 1740.50 0.64 6.81 £ Diageo DGE 2522.50 0.78 19.55 $
U.S. 4.25% 3.50% HomeDepot HD 153.36 0.40 14.38
¥ MitsubishiUFJFin 8306 713.40 0.59 -0.94 € ENI ENI 13.57 0.15 -12.28 $
Canada 2.95 2.70 Intel INTC 36.43 0.36 0.44
1668.00 0.15 3.80 1526.50
Hong Kong
Mizuho Fin
8411 195.10 0.72 -7.01
GLEN 346.55
-0.49 -2.27 $
2.59 24.95 $
-1.16 -13.56
0.38 8.96
Dow Jones Industrial Average P/E: 20
¥ NTTDoCoMo 9437 2603.50 0.33 -2.23 £ HSBC Hldgs HSBA 766.40 -0.34 16.67 $ J&J JNJ 132.84 -0.26 15.30 Last: 22118.42 s 25.61, or 0.12% YTD s 11.9%
Policy rates
ECB 0.00% 0.00%
AU$ NatAustBnk NAB 30.18 0.84 -1.60 € INGGroep INGA 15.72 0.13 17.58 $ McDonalds MCD 154.94 0.73 27.29
Britain 0.25 0.25
¥ NipponTeleg 9432 5450.00 0.28 10.95 £ ImperialBrands IMB 3267.50 -1.22 -7.76 $ Merck MRK 62.84 -0.41 6.74 22000
Switzerland 0.50 0.50
¥ NissanMotor 7201 1091.00 0.51 -7.19 € IntesaSanpaolo ISP 2.93 0.27 20.69 $ Microsoft MSFT 72.40 -0.39 16.51
¥ Panasonic 6752 1523.00 1.26 28.04 € LVMHMoetHennessy MC 222.50 0.27 22.66 $ Nike NKE 59.80 0.07 17.65
Australia 1.50 1.50
HK$ PingAnInsofChina 2318 59.05 0.34 52.19 £ LloydsBankingGroup LLOY 66.50 -0.46 6.38 $ Pfizer PFE 33.30 -1.01 2.52
U.S. discount 1.75 1.00 21000
Fed-funds target 1.00-1.25 0.25-0.50
$ RelianceIndsGDR RIGD 50.30 -0.40 59.43 € LOreal OR 176.05 -0.28 1.53 $ Procter&Gamble PG 91.43 0.84 8.74
Call money 3.00 2.25
KRW SamsungElectronics 005930 2379000 -0.25 32.02 £ NationalGrid NG. 956.40 0.15 -7.87 $ 3M MMM 207.43 -0.11 16.16 20500
¥ Seven&I Hldgs 3382 4488.00 -0.33 0.79 CHF Nestle NESN 83.15 -0.12 13.83 $ Travelers TRV 128.79 -0.69 5.20
Overnight repurchase rates 20000
U.S. 1.06% 0.52%
¥ SoftBankGroup 9984 9023.00 2.38 16.20 CHF Novartis NOVN 82.05 -0.67 10.73 $ UnitedTech UTX 118.49 -2.47 8.09
Euro zone n.a. n.a.
¥ Sony 6758 4410.00 -0.54 34.66 DKK NovoNordiskB NOVO-B 263.00 -1.20 3.26 $ UnitedHealth UNH 194.78 -0.05 21.71 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4
¥ Sumitomo Mitsui 8316 4265.00 0.26 -4.37 £ Prudential PRU 1872.50 0.35 15.05 $ Visa V 101.47 0.57 30.06 June July Aug.
Sources: WSJ Market Data Group, SIX HK$ SunHngKaiPrp 0016 123.00 -0.40 25.51 £ ReckittBenckiser RB. 7486.00 -0.28 8.71 $ Verizon VZ 48.88 -0.06 -8.43 Note: Price-to-earnings ratios are for trailing 12 months
Financial Information, Tullett TW$ TaiwanSemiMfg 2330 216.00 1.41 19.01 £ RioTinto RIO 3637.00 2.57 15.15 $ Wal-Mart WMT 81.29 1.01 17.61 Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; Birinyi Associates
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, August 8, 2017 | B7


Vanguard Ending Research Charges MetLife

it will absorb these costs. reduce costs for investors, the Financial Times. ally over the fees they charge

Vanguard Group, a pioneer

The switch comes ahead of
new rules, which fall under
Europe’s overarching Mifid II
which will directly hit fund
companies’ revenues.
Mifid II comes into force at
So far only a handful of Eu-
ropean asset managers, includ-
ing Jupiter, M&G and Aber-
and the profits they make.
In June, the U.K. financial
regulator issued a damning
Stock Falls
of low-cost investing, will stop directive, that will bring to an the beginning of next year. Un- deen, have said they would verdict on the sector and pro- BY GEOFFREY ROGOW
charging its investors for ana- end the decadeslong practice der the new framework, fund absorb the cost of research posed a number of far-reach- AND LESLIE SCISM
lyst research ahead of new among fund managers of managers must either pay for themselves. Vanguard’s an- ing changes designed to stamp
rules that are set to shake up lumping together the fees they research themselves, like Van- nouncement is expected com- out conflicts of interest and Shares of Brighthouse Fi-
the European fund-manage- pay investment banks for re- guard—treating it essentially pel others to follow suit. restore trust in the market, ex- nancial Inc. were down more
ment business, potentially dent- search and trading. Invest- as a cost of doing business—or “This will pile on the pres- acerbating existing challenges than 4% Monday on the insur-
ing profits and forcing manag- ment managers will now have set up new administrative sure,” said Amin Rajan, chief linked to the rise in popularity ance company’s first day of
ers to reveal more information to present clear budgets for structures that keep track of executive of Create Research, a of passive investing. trading after splitting off from
about the fees they charge. the cost of research to their the fees paid. consultancy used by invest- The U.K. watchdog’s most MetLife Inc.
The investment company, investors. “The one thing we have to ment managers. “This trend controversial changes include The stand-alone Brighthouse
which manages $4.4 trillion, Under the current system, make sure is that we act in the will gain traction on both forcing investment managers to was created out of three parts
says it will cover the cost of asset managers receive analyst best interests of our inves- sides of the Atlantic. As regu- present investors with an all- of MetLife. The first two were
using external analyst research research free, although the tors,” Vanguard said. lators demand more transpar- encompassing fee—a measure MetLife’s historic core selling
from its own pocket in a move cost of this service is built into Vanguard said the change ency around costs, asset man- the industry fought hard to life insurance to U.S. house-
widely expected by industry trading costs and ultimately will only affect its funds in Eu- agers don’t have much choice.” avoid amid concerns it would holds, as well as one of the big-
insiders to force its rivals to borne by investors. The new rope and will cost the com- The move comes as invest- result in a lowering of total gest sellers of retirement-in-
do the same. Vanguard is the regime is intended to stamp pany around $5 million a year. ment companies are being fees—and to put two indepen- come annuities. Brighthouse
first U.S. asset manager to say out conflicts of interest and Its plan was first reported by scrutinized by regulators glob- dent directors on fund boards. also has a large segment of
“runoff” business of contracts
MetLife sold and Brighthouse is

DAX Slips as German Factory Output Falls

responsible for, but which
aren’t being marketed.
More than a half dozen bro-
kerages started coverage of
BY RIVA GOLD profit would be within the markets this week,” he added. Brighthouse. The analysts gave
AND VICTOR REKLAITIS bottom half of the range it The euro strengthened to price targets for the insurance
had expected. $1.1792 from $1.1774 late Fri- company ranging from around
German shares led Euro- Corporate news drove some day in New York, adding to $65 to $78. Shares of Bright-
pean markets lower, while the of the biggest moves in the pressure on eurozone compa- house were changing hands at
Nasdaq Composite rallied in U.S. market, where the Dow nies that repatriate earnings $61.72 late Monday, down 4.4%.
the U.S. Jones Industrial Average from overseas. The dollar rose A large part of Brighthouse’s
Data released Monday gained 25.61 points, or 0.1%, to strongly against a basket of business has been pinched in


showed a surprising decline in 22118.42, closing at a record currencies on Friday, when recent years by a near decade
German factory and higher for an eighth con- the U.S. jobs report offered a of ultralow interest rates that
MONDAY’S output in June, secutive trading day. The S&P fresh sign of strength in the were ushered in by the global
MARKETS although the 500 rose 0.2% to a record, labor market. financial crisis of 2008. These
eurozone’s with declines in energy shares “For those of us who’ve rates have hurt the profitability
largest econ- chipping away at gains by been a little cautious on the of many types of life insurance
omy remained on a path of consumer-staples companies. economic outlook, this is cer- as low interest rates depress
solid growth. The DAX, Ger- The Nasdaq Composite rose tainly a data point in the op- the income that insurers earn
many’s market benchmark, 0.5%, as gains in health-care posite direction,” said Ed by investing customers’ premi-
ended the day down 40.55 companies helped the index Keon, portfolio manager at ums until claims are paid.
points, or 0.3%, at 12257.17, its outperform its peers. The CEO of Paddy Power is leaving the online-betting firm. QMA. “I think this probably For MetLife, the strategy be-
sixth loss in eight trading ses- Shares of NxStage Medical makes an increase in rates by hind the spinoff is hope for a
sions. jumped 28%—one of the big- acquire aerospace supplier this year—are scheduled to the Fed in September or De- higher share valuation once the
The Stoxx Europe 600 gest gains in the Nasdaq Com- Rockwell Collins, according to report earnings on Thursday. cember more likely, and quite company is freed of slower-
weakened by 0.1% to 382.01. posite—after Fresenius’s mi- people familiar with the mat- Major retailers including likely they’ll go ahead with growing operations. After the
Stock in Paddy Power Betfair nority-owned kidney-dialysis ter. Rockwell Collins gained Macy’s, Nordstrom, Kohl’s plans to slowly reduce their spinoff, roughly 40% of
fell 4.7%, one of the biggest business said it would acquire 6.8%. and J.C. Penney are also due balance sheet.” MetLife’s business will be inter-
declines among shares in the NxStage for around $2 billion. Shares of Tyson Foods to release quarterly reports Japan’s Nikkei Stock Aver- national life insurance. MetLife
index, after the online betting Fresenius fell 1.9% in Europe. added 5.7% after the company this week. age rose 0.5%, its best day in also will continue selling insur-
company said its current Chief Netflix rose 0.6% after the said rising exports helped lift “Earnings are where the two and a half weeks, while ance and pension products to
Executive Breon Corcoran is company said it was buying its top line in the latest quar- rubber meets the road. We’re Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 rose employers, and it is keeping an
stepping down after 16 years comic-book maker Millarworld ter. Hormel Foods rose 1.6% looking at some pretty good 0.9%, with mining stocks gain- asset-management unit and
with the company. Paddy in its first acquisition. and Kroger added 1%. numbers year over year,” said ing in response to an advance some other operations.
Power named Peter Jackson One of the Dow’s biggest Blue Apron Holdings and David Schiegoleit, a managing in Chinese iron-ore futures. MetLife shareholders re-
as his successor. decliners was United Technol- Snap, the parent of Snap- director at U.S. Bank Private In Hong Kong, shares of ceived one share of Brighthouse
PostNL’s shares fell 5.1% ogies, which slipped 2.4% as chat—companies that were Wealth Management. “Em- Tencent Holdings jumped 3% for 11 MetLife shares. MetLife
after the parcel-delivery com- The Wall Street Journal re- widely watched during their ployment numbers on Friday to record highs, helping push will initially hold on to about
pany reportedly said quarterly ported it made an approach to initial public offerings earlier gave a solid tone to the equity the Hang Seng Index up 0.5%. 20% of Brighthouse.


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B8 | Tuesday, August 8, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Singapore Property Hot in China Bearish
Bets Take
Mainland developers,
home buyers target
city-state, where
Bite From
prices fell for years Odey Fund

Over the span of a year, a Crispin Odey, one of Eu-

team of senior executives at rope’s best-known hedge-fund
Chinese developer Logan managers, ran up a nearly 10%
Property Holdings Co. made loss in one of his hedge funds
frequent trips to Singapore as last month, in what is fast
the company sought to make a turning into a bad year for
big splash for its entrance into some big-name managers.
the city-state’s market. The European fund run by
In May, their efforts paid Mr. Odey, founding partner of
off: A joint venture between London-based Odey Asset Man-
Shenzhen-based Logan and agement LLP which manages
Chinese conglomerate Nan- $5.9 billion in assets, had a 9.8%
shan Group won a govern- fall in net asset value in July,
ment-run auction for a resi- according to an investor docu-
dential site, paying one billion ment seen by The Wall Street
Singapore dollars (US$735 Journal. The fund is down 12%
million)—setting a local re- in the year through July.

cord for such a property deal. Mr. Odey’s European fund

Chinese developers looking was once one of the biggest in
to diversify beyond the heated the sector, worth billions of
real-estate markets of the dollars, though some investors
mainland and Hong Kong have withdrew their cash after poor
Singapore in their sights, as Singapore residential-property prices have fallen 12% since 2013, but the declines have slowed over the past year. returns in the past two years.
residential-property prices in According to an April letter to
the Southeast Asian country Also, diversification makes said the real-estate services the short term. investors, the fund held just
appear to be poised for a sense because it helps cover firm Cushman & Wakefield, China Buying According to a report by under $900 million in assets
near-term rebound after years the developer’s foreign-debt citing data from the Urban Re- High-end residences in Singapore Julius Baer, a 4,000-square- at the end of March.
of declines, analysts said. exposure, he said. As much as development Authority. In the bought by Chinese nationals who foot residential property in a A spokesman for Odey de-
Since 2013, when Singa- 20% of Logan’s total borrow- full years 2016 and 2015, such aren't permanent residents, as a prime location in Singapore clined to comment.
pore’s government took addi- ings are made up of overseas Chinese buyers accounted for percentage of foreign purchases costs on average US$8.9 mil- Mr. Odey, who made mil-
tional steps to cool the for- debt, so expanding into mar- 18% and 20% of those type of of such properties lion, compared with US$41.2 lions betting on a recovery in
merly highflying housing kets such as Singapore helps high-end purchases, respec- million in Hong Kong and Barclays Bank immediately af-
market, prices have fallen 12%. hedge leverage-related risks tively. 25% US$16.6 million in Shanghai. ter the financial crisis, has
However, the declines have while building the company’s Against this backdrop, Ravi 20 “The risk of a renewed un- fared less well in recent years
slowed over the past year, brand, Mr. Lee said. Menon, the head of Singa- sustainable surge in property as his bearish views failed to
with prices falling only 0.1% Cross-border residential- pore’s central bank, said in a 15 prices is not trivial,” the cen- pay off in rising markets.
between the first and second land investment has more than recent speech that it wasn’t 10 tral bank’s Mr. Menon said. The latest poor perfor-
quarters of 2017. doubled in the Asia-Pacific re- yet the right time to ease mar- Singapore needs to remain mance stems in part from bets
“This is a strong indication gion over the past decade, said ket-cooling measures, in part 5 vigilant about overseas inves- on falling stock prices, particu-
that the overall market is the real-estate advisory firm because of firm underlying de- 0 tors looking to escape tighter larly in the U.S., where the
heading closer to the bottom,” Knight Frank. In 2016, invest- mand as global real-estate in- 2012 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 regulations at home, he added. Dow Jones Industrial Average
said Tay Huey Ying, head of ment topped US$42 billion, vestors continue to seek yield In China, strict controls on rose above 22000 for the first
Note: 2017 data through June 30
research at the real-estate 80% of which came from de- and safety. Sources: Urban Redevelopment Authority;
capital flowing out of the time last Wednesday. Mr. Odey’s
firm Jones Lang LaSalle Singa- velopers based in mainland Singapore’s steps to cool its Cushman & Wakefield country aren’t likely to stop fund has bet against stocks such
pore. China and Hong Kong. housing market, whose prices THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. property buyers wary of a pos- as Tullow Oil, up 13% in July,
In addition, compared with In Singapore, a quarter of rose 60% from 2009 to 2013, sible domestic real-estate bub- and specialty insurer Lanca-
China, Singapore’s simple and luxury-residence purchases by are a rare example of success- ing by home buyers and levied ble from making “opportunis- shire Holdings, up 6%, accord-
transparent tax and policy foreigners in the core central ful government action to tame an added tax on any purchases tic investment in Singapore,” ing to the investor document.
structures and operating envi- region in the first half of this prices, standing in contrast to by foreigners to weed out said Christine Li, Cushman & The fund was positioned
ronment are major draws, said year were by Chinese individ- those in mainland China and speculators, who tend to be Wakefield’s Singapore research against the pound, which rose
Derek Lee, investor-relations uals who weren’t permanent Hong Kong. The city-state im- highly leveraged and look for chief. “There is probably no against the dollar, and U.K. gov-
head at Logan. residents of the city-state, posed restrictions on borrow- high capital appreciation over better time to bottom fish.” ernment bonds, which also rose.


Rockwell Deal Too Pricey to Fly OVERHEARD A Missed

United Technologies may alysts. Shareholder pressure “Science is the poetry of
Changing Altitudes
aspire to be even bigger in
aerospace than it already is.
Its shareholders should be
Ebitda* margins
to spin off some part of the
company could increase.
Ultimately, the problem is
reality,” Richard Dawkins once
Author Mary Soon Lee
For Tesla
wary of that happening at 26% price. United Technologies has set out to prove his Tesla Inc. is gearing up
Rockwell Collins
the wrong price. 24 has space on its balance point. for its most important prod-
Shares in avionics and air- 22 sheet with net debt of just She has written a haiku uct launch without putting
plane-interiors maker Rock- 1.7 times its earnings before for each element on the peri- its best asset to work.
well Collins surged Monday 20 interest, taxes, depreciation odic table, which are pub- Tesla announced Monday
following reports that indus- 18
United Technologies
and amortization, according lished on the Science maga- that it will issue $1.5 billion
trial conglomerate United 16 to S&P Global Market Intelli- zine website. in debt securities due in
Technologies approached the gence. That is all the more She wrote the first couple 2025 to help bring the Model
company about a takeover. 14 reason for shareholders to of entries impulsively, before 3 sedan to customers.
Such a deal could be worth 12 worry. Rockwell Collins aiming to complete the entire Tesla certainly needs new
in excess of $20 billion. 2007 ’10 shareholders would require a table. capital to fund its sizable
With little product over- hefty takeover premium. The entries should delight ambitions. CEO Elon Musk
*Earnings before interest, taxes,
lap, combining the two depreciation and amortization Without a firm deal in scientists and investors alike. told investors that Tesla was
would seem doable from a Sources: FactSet; Bloomberg News (photo) A circuit board at Rockwell hand, Rockwell Collins al- Take lithium, element No. considering debt, rather than
regulatory perspective. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Collins in Manchester, Iowa ready trades at a debt-ad- 3 on the periodic table: equity, on last week’s sec-
United Technologies views justed market value of 20 “Lighter than water, empower ond-quarter earnings call.
aerospace as its fastest- Airbus, or an airline pur- oligopolistic aircraft makers. times trailing Ebitda. The my phone, my car. Banish de- While the interest rate on
growing area. It also would chasing the finished product, But such a combination Wall Street Journal reported pression.” the bonds has yet to be de-
inherit that company’s air- you might think that the bal- would have high execution a possible deal price below Even grander is her lyric termined, debt typically is
plane-interiors unit, which ance of power in the aero- risk. Adding products also $140 a share, which would on carbon. “Show-stealing cheaper than equity.
Rockwell still is digesting space supply chain is tilting would fan the flames of the bring the ratio to more than diva, throw yourself at any- Still, at this particular
following a $6.4 billion ac- against you. undying debate over whether 22 times. Rockwell Collins it- one, decked out in diamonds.” moment, Tesla is taking a
quisition of B/E Aerospace. And they would be right a company should exist that self paid 13 times for B/E Frustrated commodities in- risk. It burned through $1.1
Imagine then a plane on a certain level. Boeing’s makes such varied products Aerospace. Berkshire Hatha- vestors might take solace in billion in free cash in the
made with United Technolo- recent initiative to branch as elevators, air conditioners way paid around 12 times for the precious-metals entries. second quarter, so the fresh
gies’ Pratt & Whitney en- into avionics is a way to ex- and jet engines. If a deal Precision Castparts in 2015. “Treacherous treasure, avarice capital accounts for only a
gines, United Technologies ert pressure back on its sup- happens, United Technolo- United Technologies tarnishing us, photos claiming few months of operations.
landing gear and brakes, pliers. The response by sup- gies would derive 58% of its shareholders should hope souls,” reads the haiku for sil- The company had more than
Rockwell Collins flight con- pliers can be to join together sales from aerospace in 2019, such pricey deal talk passes ver, whose spot price is down $7 billion in long-term debt
trols, drink carts, seats and and hold more of the cards its highest in over a decade, quietly into the night. 20% from a year ago. outstanding as of June 30.
toilets. If you are Boeing or in their relationship with the according to J.P. Morgan an- —Alex Frangos Granted, Tesla does have
slightly more than $3 billion
in cash on hand, but that

NXP Investors Can Expect More Love From Qualcomm number is something of an
illusion. Accounts payable
and accrued liabilities exceed
Qualcomm looks outma- automotive interests. Those lytics, followed by German upside, meanwhile, could be $3.8 billion. And while Tesla
neuvered: Elliott Manage- worries have since abated as group Infineon and Japanese Sweet Spot substantial: NXP’s current told investors to expect posi-
ment shouldn’t have trouble NXP has hit or beaten earn- peer Renesas. Market share of automotive-chip share price is where the tive operating cash flow in
extracting a higher price for ings forecasts. Qualcomm will struggle to vendors, 2016 stock might be even without the second half of 2017, it
car-chip leader NXP Semi- Meanwhile, the semicon- push the acquisition through NXP 14% a takeover offer and its im- expects to spend an extra $2
conductors, in which the ac- ductor industry has been on regardless. It needs investors Infineon 10.7 plied control premium. billion on capital needs be-
tivist investor disclosed a 6% a tear. The 34% premium to tender 80% of shares in Renesas 9.8 This situation may take fore the year is out.
stake late last week. over NXP’s undisturbed order to complete the deal. Texas Instruments 7.8 time to reach a resolution: Tesla’s high share price is
The $38 billion price tag share price that Qualcomm That is a high bar, and four STMicro 7.4 Qualcomm has gotten less arguably its greatest asset at
Bosch 5.3
that Qualcomm agreed to is offering compares with a of NXP’s top five sharehold- than half the antitrust approv- the moment. At current
On Semi 4.5
pay for NXP last October 20% rise in the S&P 500 ers, controlling at least 14.4% Toshiba 2.9 als it needs, and the European prices, Tesla could raise $1.5
never looked particularly ex- semiconductor index over of the share capital, are Rohm 2.5 Union has escalated the case. billion by increasing total
pensive, equating to just 17 the same time frame. hedge funds like Elliott. They Micron 2.0 The company probably shares outstanding by less
times expected earnings. The Chip companies specializ- don’t need many allies to Source: Strategy Analytics via Infineon won’t budge on price until it than 3% and without further
U.S. chip group took advan- ing in the automotive sector force Qualcomm back to the THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. knows what remedial actions balance-sheet strain.
tage of a slump in the Dutch have fared even better, negotiating table. it will need to take—which Investors haven’t shown
company’s share price, as in- buoyed by an arms race Given Qualcomm’s chal- tion—it needs NXP more may not be until November any sign of losing faith in
vestors worried about its ca- among big car companies to lenge with its licensing busi- than ever. or December. Yet investors Mr. Musk’s vision. If Tesla
pacity to digest the $11.8 bil- compete with Tesla. Thanks ness—a legal dispute with But if it does walk away, with a little patience should slips on what is the start of
lion acquisition of Freescale, to Freescale, NXP is the Apple alone has thrown the downside for NXP’s profit by riding on Elliott’s a financial tightrope act, he
an Austin, Texas-based for- leader in this field, according about $2 billion in royalty share price looks limited, coattails. may rue this as a wasted op-
mer Motorola spinoff with to consultancy Strategy Ana- revenue this year into ques- given peers’ valuations. The —Stephen Wilmot portunity. —Charley Grant

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