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To make empowerment successful, executives need to

start with some probing questions about what this concept means-
and about their own management style.

l%e Road to Empowerment:

Every Leader Should Consider


rganizations are demanding more from ment empowerment effectively. The seven
0 their employees than ever before. High-
er customer expectations, increased global-
questions are shown in Exhibit 1. A discus-
sion of each follows.
ization, more sophisticated technology-
these are a few of the conditions at work. It’s
What Do We Mean When We Say
an environment where traditional command-
We Want to Empower People?
and-control hierarchies are increasingly less
appropriate. Instead, employees must learn Empowerment is a complex concept. It tends
to take initiative, be creative, and accept re- to mean different things to different people.
sponsibility for their actions. They need to be In fact, in our own work, we find two con-
UempoweredN-or so a growing consensus trasting perspectives that often come into
indicates. play when people think about empower-
Despite feelings that empowerment can ment. Consider the following experience.
give an organization competitive advantage, A few years algo, we worked with a For-
and despite the fact that many managers tune 50 manufacturing company that, like
agree that empowerment is desirable, com- many companies today, had become unre-
panies often run into problems with imple- sponsive to the changing needs of the exter-
mentation. This article explores the reasons nal business environment. The top manage-
this promising concept often proves elusive. ment team could see that the company was
To do so, we draw on over a decade of expe- on a downward trajectory. They concluded
rience working with organizations as they that they needed to empower their work-
struggled with empowerment, as well as force and proceeded to make this a top pri-
from intensive research that examined the ority in their business plan. After a frustrat-
antecedents, consequences, and processes of ing year with little apparent progress, they
implementing employee empowerment in asked us to analyze why so little had been
large organizations. Taken as a whole, this achieved.
research points to seven key questions man- We began by individually interviewing
agers must confront if they hope to imple- the corporation’s 12 most senior executives.

1. What do we mean when we say we want to 5. How do people develop a sense of empow-
empower people? erment?
2. What are the characteristics of an empowered 6. What organizational characteristics facilitate
person? employee empowerment?
3. Do we really need empowered people? 7. What can leaders do to facilitate employee
4. Do we really want empowered people? empowerment?

We asked each to define empowerment and ing structures often presented a barrier to
to describe what would be necessary to facil- “doing the right thing” for the company.
itate the concept. The interviews were in- They assumed that newly empowered em-
sightful for their lack of consensus. ployees would naturally make some mis-
Approximately one-half of the execu- takes, but that mistakes should not be pun-
tives believed that empowerment was about ished. Empowered employees would “ask
delegation and accountability, i.e., it was a for forgiveness rather than permission.”
top-down process wherein senior manage- They would be entrepreneurs and risk tak-
ment developed a clear vision and then com- ers, acting with a sense of ownership in the
municated specific plans and assignments to business. They would engage in creative
the rest of the organization. The senior man- conflict, constantly challenging each other.
agers would provide employees with the in- Exposing and resolving differences would
formation and resources needed to accom- create a synergy.
plish their tasks, then let employees make In short, this group of executives saw
the required procedural changes and process empowerment as a process of risk taking and
improvements. The results, in their view, personal growth. Their implicit strategy for
would be greater managerial control as well empowerment was:
as increased clarification and simplification n Start at the bottom by understanding
of employees’ work. the needs of the employees;
In short, this group believed that em- n Model empowered behavior for the
powerment was about delegating decision employees;
making within a set of clear boundaries. n Build teams to encourage cooperative
Their implicit strategy for empowerment behavior;
was: n Encourage intelligent risk taking; and
n Start at the top; n Trust people to perform.
n Clarify the organization’s mission, These two perspectives are very differ-
vision, and values; ent. We call the first, with its top-down
n Clearly specify the tasks, roles, and view, the “mechanistic” approach to em-
rewards for employees; powerment. The second, with its bottom-up
n Delegate responsibility; and view, we label the “organic” approach. The
n Hold people accountable for results. most important contrast between the two
The other group of executives saw em- involves the implicit but potentially volatile
powerment much differently. They believed assumptions people make about trust and
that it was about risk taking, growth, and control.
change. Empowerment meant trusting peo- When we relayed our observations to
ple and tolerating their imperfections. When the senior management team, they respond-
it came to rules, they believed that the exist- ed with a heavy silence. Finally, someone

from the first group voiced a core concern First, he emphasized the need to share in-
about the second group’s perspective: “We fovmafio~ so that people know how they and
can’t afford loose cannons around here.” A the company are performing, and if their ac-
person from the second group retorted, tions are making a difference. Opening the
“When was the last time you saw a cannon books to employees and disclosing sensitive
of any kind around here?” information about the company’s market

One group feared empowerment would create

Yoose cannons. ” A person from the second group
retorted, “When was the last time you saw a
cannon of any kind around here?”

The exchange ignited an intense conflict. share and growth opportunities, as well as
Neither group was willing to understand the information about the competition’s strate-
other’s perspective. Not surprisingly, the gies, are steps in the right direction. Many
management team eventually dropped the successful companies do just that. Frito-Lay,
notion of empowerment from its business for instance, has computerized its entire
plans. product development system so that every-
The contrasting set of assumptions that one in the organization has information
emerged in this study made it clear to us about sales volumes across product lines.
why these senior managers had made little The Honda plant in Marysville, Ohio, has a
headway. Such conflicts are common in con- large scoreboard that gives ongoing infor-
temporary organizations and represent a pri- mation about the plant’s performance.
mary reason that empowerment efforts are Second, Randolph emphasized the need
likely to fail. Obviously, then, people intend- to impose a structure on employees. Creating
ing to implement a program of empower- a clear vision, clarifying organizational goals,
ment must be prepared to confront different and identifying individual roles help to set
implicit assumptions and perspectives. As direction. In Randolph’s concept of empow-
we will see later, the successful implementa- erment, decision-making rules and perfor-
tion of empowerment does not require a mance management processes ensure em-
choice between the mechanistic or organic ployee accountability for the decisions made.
views. It requires something much more Again, successful empowerment programs
complex-the integration of both. do follow this principle. The Ritz-Carlton, for
example, has created a clear vision on the im-
portance of exceeding customer expecta-
What Are the Characteristics of an
tions, but imposed equally clear guidelines.
Empowered Person?
Employees should make every effort possi-
Most practitioners as well as authors of pop- ble to satisfy a disgruntled guest, but the cost
ular business books advocate the mechanis- of doing so is limited to $2,500.
tic approach to empowerment. In a recent is- Finally, Randolph advocated the develop-
sue of Organizational Dynamics, for example, ment of teams as replacement for traditional
W. Alan Randolph articulated three steps hierarchy. Such teams need a strong leader-
necessary to “navigate the journey to em- capable of providing guidance, encourage-
powerment.” ment, and support-to help them overcome
AUTUMN1997 39
I any difficulties they may encounter. Some or-
ganizations have, indeed, become totally
I team-based. For example, the insurance divi-
sion of Aid Association for Lutherans, a large
fraternal benefits organization, replaced its
multilevel hierarchy with regional self-man-
aging teams that are responsible for servicing
clients. Each team does everything from un-
derwriting to claims.
David Bowen and Edward E. Lawler III
offer similar prescriptions in their research
on empowerment. In addition to emphasiz-
ing the need to share information and devel-
op teams that have decision-making power,
Robert E. Quinn holds the M.L. Tracy Colle- they also emphasize the importance of train-
giate Professorship at the University of ing and rewards. First, they suggest that em-
Michigan Business School. His research in- ployees need relevant training and knowledge
terests focus on organizational change, lead- about how to be empowered. They must
ership, culture, paradox, personal growth, learn how to work collaboratively. They must
and transformation., Professor Quinn is the have tools for problem solving. They must
author of numerous publications. Recent understand company performance. Again,
books include Beyond Rational Manage- examples of this element of empowerment
ment: Mastering the Paradoxes and Com- are commonplace. For example, Johnsonville
peting Demands of High Performance; Be- Foods brought in finance professors from a
coming a Master Manager: A Competency local community college to teach their em-
Based Framework; Deep Change: Discover- ployees, many with no more than a high
ing the Leader Within; and Diagnosing and school education, how to read financial state-
Changing Organizational Culture (forthcom- ments.
ing). Second, Bowen and Lawler emphasize
the importance of rewards. Empowered
employees must be compensated for their
increased responsibility and accountability.
Intel, for example, offers stock options to all
employees so that they can benefit from a
strong company performance.
In short, these authors argue that man-
agers can empower employees when they
share information, provide structure, devel-
op a team-based alternative to hierarchy, of-
fer relevant training opportunities, and re-
ward employees for the risks and initiatives
they are expected to take. All these practices
are part of the empowerment process.
They are, however, incomplete by them-
selves. Often, empowerment programs that
emphasize all of the above elements still do
not achieve the desired results. Employees
are still hesitant about taking initiative and
remain risk-averse. We suggest that these
practices are biased toward ane particularly
important and incorrect assumption in the
mechanistic model--that empowerment is
something managers do to their people.
Our research on the characteristics of
empowered people suggests a more complex
view, namely, that empowerment must be
defined in terms of fundamental beliefs and
personal orientations. This finding emerged
from in-depth interviews in which we asked
individuals to describe experiences of em-
powerment and disempowerment, as well as
from our analysis of extensive survey re-
search data. All in all, this investigation iden-
tified four characteristics most empowered
people have in common. Gretchen Spreitzer is a faculty member in
n Empowered people have a sense of the Management and Organization Depart-
self-determination (this means that they are ment at the University of Southern California
free to choose how to do their work; they are Marshall School of Business. She is also a
not micro-managed). faculty affiliate of both the Center for Effective
n Empowered people have a sense of Organizations and the Leadership Institute at
meaning (they feel that their work is impor- USC. Her research focuses on the areas of
tant to them; they care about what they are employee empowerment and managerial de-
doing). velopment, particularly within a context of or-
n Empowered people have a sense of ganizational and strategic change and de-
competence (this means that they are confi- cline. She has published widely in prominent
dent about their ability to do their work well; journals such as the Academy of Manage-
they know they can perform). ment Journal, Academy of Management Re-
n Finally, empowered people have a view, Human Relations, Industrial Labor Re-
sense of impact (this means that people be- lations Review, ,Journal of Applied Behavioral
lieve they can have influence on their work Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, Jour-
unit; others listen to their ideas). nal of Management, Journal of Management
These are not specific management prac- Inquiry, and Research in Organizational
tices, but rather characteristics reflecting per- Change and Development. She has consulted
sonal experiences or beliefs about their role in on these issues for organizations in the auto-
the organization. Empowerment, then, is not motive, aerospace, financial services, and
something that management does to employ- health care industries. Dr. Spreitzer was re-
ees, but rather a mind-set that employees cently named an Ascendant Scholar by the
have about their role in the organization. Western Academy of Management, a recog-
While management can create a context that nition given to individuals who show early ca-
is more empowering, employees must choose reer promise of making major contributions to
to be empowered. They must see themselves the study of management. She is on the edi-
as having freedom and discretion; they must torial board of the Journal of Management In-
feel personally connected to the organization, quiry. She is also a member of the Academy
confident about their abilities, and capable of of Management (where she served on the ex-
having an impact on the system in which they ecutive board of the Organization Develop-
are embedded. ment and Change Division). She completed
Efforts that assume an empowered em- her doctoral work at the University of Michigan
ployee is a passive recipient of a brilliant pro- School of Business.
gram design are doomed. Empowered peo-
ple empower themselves. Organizational

AUTUMN 1997 41
characteristics can increase the likelihood of does the company really want this to
this happening, but most “design” assump- happen?
tions that we encounter fully miss this criti-
cal point.
Do We Really Want Empowered People?
Most top managers and supervisors would
Do We Really Need Empowered People?
agree that the people in their organizations
In the world of global competition, flat are generally intelligent and have good in-
organizations, continuous change, and cus- tentions. And many are aware of the findings
tomer-focused efforts, empowerment has discussed above regarding the benefits that
become almost sacred. Most organizations empowered people bring to the workplace.
automatically subscribe to the rhetoric of They have truthfully concluded that empow-
empowerment. ering people is “the right thing to do.”
But why? What do we gain from having Yet, an all-too-familiar scenario often de-
empowered people? The benefits described velops. Senior management designs an em-
in the popular business press are extensive, powerment program and announces, in one
but not well documented. Several findings way or another to employees, “You are now
from our research on middle managers may empowered-act accordingly.” Employees
help fill this void. respond enthusiastically, saying that they
We found, for example, that empowered have been waiting to be empowered. But
middle managers are significantly different nothing very different happens. In frustra-
from their disempowered colleagues in sev- tion, management concludes, “These people
eral ways. First, empowered employees see really just want someone to tell them what to
themselves as more effective in their work do.”
and, moreover, are evaluated as more effec- Why is this pattern so common?
tive by those with whom they work. Second, When thinking about ourselves, most of
they see themselves as innovative and show us are quite comfortable with notions of em-
less fear of trying something new. (Again, powerment, initiative, risk, personal growth,
their subordinates and superiors share this and trust. We become much less comfort-
view.) Third, empowered employees are able, however, in thinking about these very
transformational in their leadership ability. same characteristics when considering how
They engage in upward influence and report we manage others. We wonder how much
making second-order or quantum changes autonomy they can handle without becom-
when stimulated to make change. ing “loose cannons.”
Because of their strong sense of person- The reality is that many of us implicitly
al meaning, empowered people are also seen discourage empowerment by reinforcing or-
as charismatic by the people who work for ganizational structures and control systems
them. This charisma facilitates their ability to that either intentionally or unintentionally
bring transformational change to their orga- send the message that we really do not trust
nization. In each case, people who rate them- people. These structures and control systems
selves as highly empowered provide sub- create pressures for conformity rather than
stantial benefits to their organizations. encourage employee initiative and risk tak-
Let’s return to the question at hand- ing. Our research has identified three major
What do we really gain? The answer, it barriers, common to most large organiza-
seems, is simply this: If a company wants tions: a bureaucratic culture, multi-level con-
and needs people who are more effective, flict, and personal time constraints.
innovative, and transformational, then Bureaucratic culture. A bureaucratic cul-
empowerment appears to be worth the ef- ture encompasses multiple layers of hierar-
fort. This, however, turns our attention to a chy that impede change. It emphasizes the
slightly different but important question- maintenance of the status quo through a


Increased Self- Learning &

Confidence Growth

Self & Others


t V Punishment

New Eiperiences Innovative _I Disenchantment
& Perspectives Outcomes

Redefinition of New Patterns
Self & Role of Action

strong tradition of top-down directives, the or even three people. Employees often com-
lack of a credible vision for the future, short- plain about having less and less time for fam-
term managerial thinking, and a lack of man- ily life. Working under these stressful condi-
agement support for real change. Moreover, tions, they find it is very difficult to think
this culture is often reinforced by a reward about initiating anything new.
system that emphasizes the status quo. One These three barriers are not the result of
manager’s comment, taken from our inter- bad intentions on the part of management;
views, says it all: “To get an initiative ap- instead, they are natural consequences of the
proved, five people must say yes; but to get it organizing process. The primary goal of most
stopped, only one of the five has to say no.” organizations is routinization and the main-
Multi-level conflict. Conflict between tenance of the status quo, not the encourage-
functions results from a structure that creates ment: of risk, creativity, and change. No mat-
strong divisions between marketing, manu- ter how much top management “says” that
facturing, customer services, and other areas. employee empowerment is desired, the aver-
Conflict among peers results, in part, from a age employee receives a subtle, but very clear
performance management system that pits message-“Conform, don’t rock the boat!”
people against each other for raises and pro- The organization becomes a well-structured,
motions. Finally, conflict between managers slow-moving ocean liner. And ocean liners
and their employees over the means to do not change course quickly.
achieve goals creates a hostile working envi- To empower people, managers must
ronment in which people worry about pro- lower these barriers, all of which are so
tecting themselves rather than doing what is powerful in maintaining control and order in
right for the organization. the system, but which also block employee
Personal time constraints. Given the re- empowerment. Managers must be willing to
cent trend toward downsizing and layoffs, relinquish control, to risk releasing the
one person may now be doing the job of two potential of their people, to trust that

AVTU~1997 43
employees will do the right thing if given the visualize themselves and their environment
chance. Most of us would agree that giving through a different lens. This deep change
up control is very difficult. Yet, any hesita- reflected a second-order personal transfor-
tion on the part of management sends mixed mation, a change in the individual’s schema
messages. Though we want to be empow- or cause map.
ered ourselves, we may not really want our New approaches to old problems typi-
people to be empowered. cally accompanied this fresh interpretation
of the situation. This redefinition of self and
role caused individuals to engage in new
How Do People Actually Develop a
patterns of action. They experimented with
Sense of Empowerment?
out-of-the-box thinking and behavior. They
Recall our earlier point that empowerment is took risks and tried unorthodox methods.
not a set of management practices, but rather Old habits were broken, and the partici-
an individual mind-set-a proactive orienta- pants acted without going through tradi-
tion regarding our role in the organization. tional channels. There was greater trust in
How does this mind-set develop? themselves and reliance on intuition and
To answer this question, consider The “pure guts.” In most cases, these new pat-
Ford Motor Company’s innovative program terns of action were second-order or revolu-
aimed at empowering an entire stratum of tionary changes instead of the more com-
middle managers. The program, known as mon first-order or incremental changes
Leadership Education and Development individuals typically initiated during em-
(LEAD), involved a one-week intensive ex- powerment programs. Truly innovative out-
ecutive education experience followed six comes resulted.
months later by a two-and-a-half-day follow- When these innovative actions were re-
up program. The first part of the program inforced, the process continued. The indi-
was organized around parallel strategic, cul- viduals reflected on and learned from their
tural, and structural changes taking place in new experiences. When the new patterns of
the company. Program leaders shared sensi- action were successful, they built on that suc-
tive information, typically reserved for top cess to stimulate future action. In cases
managers, about the company’s strategic di- where new patterns of action were not suc-
rection. Participants had opportunity for cessful, they learned from their mistakes.
both personal reflection and in-depth cross- They recognized the importance of a contin-
functional discussions. They were asked to uous learning mind-set and the need to re-
assess their own leadership behavior and main flexible and adaptable in response to a
also received personal feedback from their changing and ambiguous environment.
bosses, peers, and superiors. From our work Cognitions became increasingly complex,
with the Ford LEAD program, we became which allowed for greater learning and
aware of an evolving cycle of personal em- growth. This personal growth, in turn, led to
powerment illustrated in Exhibit 2. increased self-confidence.
The Ford LEAD program provided new Typically, at this stage of the empower-
experiences and perspectives which in turn ment process, participants felt highly inte-
led the participants to redefine their roles in grated with and committed to the organiza-
the organization-to think deeply about tion. What is more, those who worked with
how they could refocus themselves in rela- the empowered person were likely to feel
tion to their work. They began to see their energized themselves. These colleagues
roles differently-as partners in the business were also more willing to engage in risk tak-
rather than “cogs in the wheel.” ing, test new ideas, and inspire co-workers to
This first stage of the process involved do the same. In this way, the process became
an in-depth personal evaluation and cogni- synergistic. It drew individuals together to
tive reframing, which allowed individuals to higher levels of effort.
Most of us crave a simple strategy and quick
action. Yet empowerment is anything but simple
and quick. It demands a willingness to embrace
uncertainty, trust people, and exercise faith.

In short, these newly empowered partic- Clearly, the Ford LEAD program was
ipants empowered their associates through unique in its approach. But it does reveal a
their actions. They shared success stories and number of general principles that organiza-
helped one another diagnose situations to tions can use to facilitate the empowerment
develop appropriate coping strategies. In ad- cycle.
dition, they built networks to expand their
power base in the organization. These new
What Organizational Characteristics
experiences and perspectives then stimulat-
Facilitate Employee Empowerment?
ed the individuals to redefine, once again,
themselves and their roles, and the process When an organization decides to implement
of empowerment continued. a new program, managers often say, “Give
When the system did not reinforce the me specifics. Tell me what I need to do and
new patterns of behavior, however, this dis- when.” Most of us crave a simple strategy
rupted the cycle. Because empowerment in- and quick action. Yet empowerment is any-
cludes risk taking, it opens the possibility of thing but simple and quick-it demands a
making mistakes. If those mistakes were pun- willingness to embrace uncertainty, trust
ished, then individuals became disenchanted people, and exercise faith.
with their new way of thinking and regressed Recall, at the outset of this article, we
to past behaviors. If they received no support identified two different perspectives on em-
or reinforcement, then the cycle of empower- powerment-one mechanistic and the other
ment was halted and individuals actually felt organic-and argued that neither perspective
more disempowered than before. They expe- by itself provides a complete picture. Both are
rienced a sense of violation, feeling that they essential to sustain employee empowerment.
had been misled. It was not unusual to hear The challenge thus becomes how to facilitate
employees say things like, “The empower- both perspectives simultaneously. Based on
ment effort was a fraud. No one here wants our research, we suggest four key levers that
real empowerment. They just want people to can assist this integration.
work harder doing the same old thing.” The first lever is a clear vision and chal-
However, when the system reinforced lenge. Highly empowered people feel that
individual empowerment (this happened they understand top management’s vision
over 90 percent of the time), the process was and strategic direction for the organization.
more regenerative and dynamic. It began by Given this understanding, they will more
transforming individuals’ sense of self, stim- likely feel they have the capability to act
ulated them to try new behaviors, helped autonomously in their work rather than wait
them develop a continuous learning mind- for permission and direction from top man-
set, and increased their self-confidence. The agement. Such a vision must also provide
empowered individual then worked to draw challenge to employees, stretching their
others into the process so that they too be- capability to improve themselves and the
came empowered. organization.

AUTUMN1997 45
Ed Lawler does a beautiful job of articu- The fourth lever is support and a senseofse-
lating this lever in his recent book, From the curity. In order to feel that the system really
Ground I$. He emphasizes the importance of wants empowered employees, individuals
developing and communicating an organiza- need a sense of social support from their boss-
tional mission in the form of a statement ex- es, peers, and subordinates. Employee efforts
pressing “strategic intent”-i.e., an animating to take initiative and risk must be reinforced
dream or stretch goal that energizes the rather than punished. If this support is miss-
company. Thus, strategic alignment is one ing or weak, employees will worry about
key organizational lever for empowerment. seeking permission before acting rather than
The second lever is openness and team- asking for forgiveness in case they make mis-
work. For people to feel empowered, they takes. They must believe that the company
must feel they are part of a corporate culture will support them as they learn and grow.
that emphasizes the value of the organiza- An often-told story about UPS, now part
tion’s human assets. The Levi Strauss mission of that company’s culture, is worth repeat-
statement, for example, emphasizes this val- ing. Some years ago, a UPS employee or-
ue by saying, “We want our people to feel re- dered an extra Boeing 737 to ensure timely
spected, treated fairly, listened to, and in- delivery of a trainload of packages left be-
volved. We want a company that our people hind in the Christmas rush. Clearly, this em-
are proud of and committed to, where all em- ployee went beyond his zone of authority.
ployees have an opportunity to contribute, However, rather than punish the employee,
learn, grow, and advance.” This type of em- UPS praised his initiative and the story sur-
phasis promotes openness and teamwork vives as proof that the company stands be-
through participation in organizational deci- hind such empowered efforts.
sion making. Empowered employees must These levers reflect both the mechanistic
feel that the people in their unit can work to- and organic perspectives on empowerment.
gether to solve problems-that employees’ To create an empowering environment,
ideas are valued and taken seriously. managers need to exhibit continuous long-
The third lever is discipline and control. term dedication to the management of all
Highly empowered people report that their four. It is only through the integration of the
organizations provide clear goals, clear lines mechanistic and organic perspective that
of authority, and clear task responsibilities. sustained levels of employee empowerment
While they have autonomy, they are aware can be achieved.
of the boundaries of their decision-making
discretion. They know what they are re-
What Can Leaders Do to Facilitate
sponsible for, and what others have respon-
Employee Empowerment?
sibility for achieving. They have clear but
challenging goals and objectives aligned Let’s return, briefly, to our tale of the top
with their leaders’ vision of the organization. management team that couldn’t agree on
This lever reduces the disabling uncertainty what empowerment meant. Unable to re-
and ambiguity that so often accompany em- solve their conflicting assumptions on the
powerment efforts. roles of trust and control, they eventually
Marriott, for example, has developed asked us what we thought they should do.
“safe zones” so that employees understand We answered by posing a fundamental
which situations allow for discretionary deci- question: How many members of this man-
sion making and which do not. And as men- agement team are empowered? The ques-
tioned earlier, the Ritz-Carlton sets limits on tion proved to create more discomfort than
the amounts that employees can spend to did the original revelation.
please a disgruntled guest. Without this basic This question raises the most fundamen-
level of structure and control, employees ex- tal issue of all. It is nearly impossible for unem-
perience chaos rather than empowerment. powered people to empower others. Many execu-

tives, even at the highest levels, are not, ac- tality, i.e., “If you want me to do something,
cording to our earlier definition, empow- give me a checklist and I will get it done and
ered. When people say, “Change begins at then go on to the next thing in my busy sched-
the top,” they usually mean programs must ule.” Most people who design empowerment
be designed at the top and cascaded down programs collude with this mentality by de-
the organizational hierarchy. They do not signing “empowerment in a box” programs.
mean that the people at the top have to ac- Once people check off an item from their list,
tually change their behavior. they tend to forget about it and return to their

Gibe mostfundamental issue is this: It is nearly

impossitde for unempowered people to empower

We believe, however, that this is exactly normal pattern of behavior. Unless we contin-
what empowerment requires. Our research piously monitor ourselves on our new behav-
provides some important insights on how ior, change will not occur.
the behavior of top management must Set 2: Some Harder Questions. If, as
change in order for empowerment to take suggested above, creating an empowered
root in an organization. We will convey environment requires continuous attention
these insights by posing two sets of ques- over time, then ernpowerment is hard work.
tions every executive, manager, and supervi- Empowerment, however, requires even
sor should ask himself or herself. more. We consider now the most important
Set 1: Some Hard Questions. The four questions of all-a series of questions
questions in this set are as follows: grounded in our definition of empower-
n If a sense of a clear strategic vision is a ment. Again we suggest that every leader in
characteristic of an empowering environ- the company must ask these questions of
ment, am I continuously working to clarify himself or herself:
the sense of strategic direction for the people n To what extent do I have a sense of
in my own stewardship? meaning and task alignment, and what can I
H If openness and teamwork are charac- do to increase it?
teristics of an empowering environment, am n To what extent do I have a sense of
I continuously striving for participation and impact, influence, and power, and what can
involvement in my own stewardship? I do to increase it?
n If discipline and control are character- 4 To what extent do I have a sense of
istics of an empowering environment, am I competence and confidence to execute my
continuously working to clarify expectations work, and what can I do to increase it?
regarding the goals, tasks, and lines of au- n To what extent do I have a sense of
thority in my own stewardship? self-determination and choice, and what can
n If support and security are character- I do to increase it?
istics of an empowering environment, am I These questions imply that before we
continuously working to resolve the conflicts can create an environment through which
among the people in my own stewardship? others can be empowered, we must empow-
The questions all emphasize the word er ourselves. We must lead by example and
“continuously” in an attempt to break through begin by changing ourselves, because lead-
the human tendency to adopt a checklist men- ers who transform themselves trust them-
AiTlMiV1997 47
selves. Empowered people are empowering more deeply developing the organic per-
people. spective. This second perspective embodies
All of us have observed senior executives personal risk, trust, and initiative.
who are insecure and unempowered. The Yet, by itself, the organic perspective too
people around them continually struggle. In is incomplete. The risk, trust, and initiative
the end, these people cannot create environ- so vital to the organic model are unrealistic
ments where others are willing to risk em- unless managers choose to model empower-
powering themselves. ment by asking themselves the hard ques-
tions outlined above. It is only by juxtapos-
ing these two perspectives that we can begin
to fully understand the journey of empow-
Both the mechanistic and the organic per- This journey is difficult because no writ-
spectives on empowerment provide a partial ten guarantees are provided-no insurance
and incomplete picture of the empowerment policies or safety nets will save us if we fail.
journey. Each provides a different lens or in- The possibility of failure is a constant com-
terpretation of the process. Most of the pop- panion. Nevertheless, people will be willing
ular business press is embedded in the more to accept that possibility if they truly experi-
mechanistic perspective, which assumes that ence a sense of empowerment in an environ-
empowerment is a set of managerial prac- ment that values and supports risk, trust, and
tices for cascading power down to lower lev- initiative.
els of the organization. Yet, the mechanistic
perspective is incomplete by itself. To order reprints, call 800-644-2464 (ref. number
We must seek to counter this imbalance, 8486). For photocopy permission, see page 2.
in the literature and in our organizations, by


For a more comprehensive look at the em- Bowen and Edward E. Lawler III, “The Em-
powerment process within the context of powerment of Service Workers: What, Why,
deep change, see Robert E. Quinn’s recently How, and When,” Sloan Management Review
published book entitled Deep Change: Discov- (Spring 1992), emphasizes the key roles of in-
ering the Leader WiUGn (Jossey-Bass, 1996). This formation, rewards, knowledge, and power
work examines both individual and organiza- in the empowerment process. They expand
tional processes that facilitate the organic on these notions in a second article in the
perspective on empowerment. Sloan Management Review (Fall 1995) entitled
A variety of sources discuss the chal- “Empowering Service Workers.” W.A. Ran-
lenges of the empowerment journey consis- dolph, “Navigating the Journey to Empower-
tent with the more mechanistic perspective ment,” Organizational Dynamics (Spring 1995),
on empowerment. An article by David E. describes the critical managerial practices
focused on information, structure, and teams ment for measuring psychological empow-
for facilitating the empowerment process. Fi- erment multidimensionally and examines
nally, R.C. Ford and M.D. Fottler provide the antecedents and consequences of em-
more specific ideas on how to implement em- powerment in the workplace in “Psycholog-
powerment in their article entitled “Empow- ical Empowerment in the Workplace: Defi-
erment: A Matter of Degree,” The Acudemy of nition, Dimensions, and Validation,”
Munagement Executive (August 1995). ’ published in the Academy of Management
A variety of sources also examine some Journal (October 1995). More discussion of
of the challenges of the empowerment jour- the cycle of empowerment and the LEAD
ney consistent with the organic perspective. program can be found in R.E. Quinn, N.B.
J. Conger and R. Kanungo emphasize the Sendelbach, and G.M. Spreitzer, “Education
importance of self-efficacy in the experience and Empowerment: A Transformational
of empowerment in their article entitled Model of Managerial Skills Development,”
“The Empowerment Process: Integrating in J. Bigelow (Ed.), Managevial Skills: Explo-
Theory and Practice” in the Academy of Man- rations in Transfevving Practical Knowledge
agement Review (1988). K. Thomas and B. (Sage Publications, 1991).
Velthouse provide a multidimensional defi- Finally, Gretchen M. Spreitzer provides
nition of empowerment that includes mean- additional discussion of the four sets of levers
ing, competence, choice, and impact in their for psychological empowerment in her recent
article “Cognitive Elements of Empower- article entitled “Social Structural Levers to In-
ment” in the Academy of Management Review dividual Empowerment in the Workplace,”
(1990). G.M. Spreitzer provides an instru- Academy of Munagement Journal (April 1996).

AlJTlJMN1997 49

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