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Form and Function of the orb-web

Article · January 2002


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Samuel Zschokke
University of Basel


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European Arachnology 2000 (S. Toft & N. Scharff eds.), pp. 99-106.
© Aarhus University Press, Aarhus, 2002. ISBN 87 7934 001 6
(Proceedings of the 19th European Colloquium of Arachnology, Århus 17-22 July 2000)

Form and function of the orb-web

Department of Integrative Biology, Section of Conservation Biology (NLU), University of Basel,
St. Johanns-Vorstadt 10, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland (

In the present article, I review the physical and biological constraints that spiders face when they
construct and use orb-webs, and I show how these constraints influence the form of the orb-web.
Using the orb-web of the common garden cross spider Araneus diadematus as an example, I illus-
trate and explain a number of features of the orb-web and show alternatives employed by other
spider species in their webs. In particular, I discuss why the orb-web generally is planar and verti-
cal, why it has a radial structure with concentric loops of sticky silk, producing a regular mesh-
work, and why it has a top-down asymmetry. Furthermore, I discuss possible reasons for the in-
creasing distance between the sticky silk loops from the centre to the periphery of the web and
the function of the secondary frame threads. I conclude that the shape of the orb-web is a logical
consequence of various constraints and optimisations and can therefore not be taken as evidence
of a monophyletic origin of the orb-web.

Key words: Biomechanics, evolution, orb-web, web construction, web design

INTRODUCTION process, or whether orb-webs share them be-

Has the orb-web a monophyletic or a poly- cause of common ancestry. The aim of the pre-
phyletic origin? This old question still remains sent article is to discuss the features of the well-
unanswered (for a review of the history of the known orb-web, using the well known ecribel-
controversy, see Coddington 1986). Many have late orb-web of Araneus diadematus Clerck as a
argued in favour of a monophyletic origin, model. Only those features that cannot be
mainly because most orb-webs share several shown to be adaptive to the function or the
key features: all orb-webs have a sticky spiral construction of the web may serve as isolated
placed on radial threads which converge at a evidence for a common origin.
central location, the hub; typical orb-webs are
highly regular structures which are more or THE BASIC SHAPE OF THE ORB-WEB
less circular and planar; during the construc- Spiders make their living by catching insects.
tion of orb-webs, an auxiliary spiral is built; etc. To catch flying insects, many spiders have
(Thorell 1886; Wiehle 1931; Coddington 1986). evolved the ability to build traps in the air; the
However, all these features may be or may not orb-web is one kind of such aerial traps. Since
be an indication of a common origin. The natural selection favours structures that are
physical constraints of webs have to be ana- efficient, orb-webs should cover the largest
lysed to reveal whether these features may be area possible with a limited amount of mater-
an adaptation to the function of the finished ial, which is best achieved with a planar web
web, or an adaptation to the web construction (Wainwright et al. 1976; Opell 1999a; Zschokke
100 European Arachnology 2000

Fig. 1. Hypothetical webs. (a) planar vertical web with undefined structure; (b) web with regular mesh-
work (two alternative meshworks are shown); (c) radial structure that allows quick alerting of the spider;
(d) radial structure with loops of sticky silk; (e) same as d) but with increasing distance between sticky silk
loops; (f) basic hypothetical 'ideal' web.

& Vollrath 2000). As insects tend to fly more or potential prey. This can be achieved either by
less horizontally in most habitats, vertical webs camouflage or by making the web invisible;
are best suited to intercept their flight paths orb-webs try to be invisible (Rypstra 1982;
(Chacón & Eberhard 1980; Eberhard 1989). Ver- Craig 1986). Since the silk threads themselves
tical webs have the additional advantage that are not transparent, they must be as thin as
insects struggling to get away and dropping possible and there must be as few threads as
down are held back by a lower part of the web, possible. Under these constraints, a large area
whereas they completely drop out of hori- is most efficiently covered using a regular
zontal webs (Eberhard 1990b). Fig. 1a shows meshwork, similar to a fishing net (von Frisch
such a hypothetical, vertical web, suspended 1974; Thompson 1992) (Fig. 1b).
between two bushes or trees for support. When an insect hits the web, the web must
Alternative: In some habitats, for instance fulfil two physical requirements: it must stop
above water surfaces, insects primarily fly up and retain the insect (Eberhard 1990b). In other
and down. Spiders specialised for these habi- words: prey should neither fly through the
tats, e.g. Tetragnatha spp., consequently build web, nor should it bounce back as it would
horizontal webs. Cribellate orb-weavers (e.g. from a trampoline. A solution to this problem
Uloborus spp.) also build horizontal orb-webs. is to have two different, specially adapted
However, their sticky silk and web engineer- kinds of thread (Lin et al. 1995). To stop the
ing differ quite strongly from that of the prey - especially the large ones - and to keep
ecribellates (Peters 1987; Köhler & Vollrath the sticky silk in place, strong and rather stiff
1995; Opell 1997) which makes direct com- threads are used. To retain the prey, flexible
parisons difficult. sticky silk is used which can absorb the energy
Traps must not be recognised as such by the of the struggling prey without breaking
Zschokke: Form and function of the orb-web 101

(Eberhard 1986; Opell 1999b). In orb-webs, the

two kinds of threads are placed in a grid, with
one kind of thread running in one direction
and the other kind of thread placed perpen-
dicularly on them. The mesh size of this grid
differs between spider species and also changes
with spider size, spider condition, environ-
mental condition and with the available prey
spectrum (Wiehle 1927; Uetz et al. 1978;
Sandoval 1994; Vollrath et al. 1997; Zschokke
1997; Schneider & Vollrath 1998).
Alternative: Some spiders have separated the
two functions completely; with a tangle of so-
called knock-down threads to stop the prey at
the top and - spatially separated - a sheet be-
low the knock-down threads onto which the
insects fall and can then be captured by the
Fig. 2. Part of Nephila web below the hub. The
spider. These kinds of webs are built by age- vertical threads are the radii. The straight horizon-
lenid, linyphiid spiders and by Cyrtophora spp. tal threads are part of the sticky spiral and the hori-
(Bristowe 1958; Lubin 1973). At the same time, zonal zigzag threads are part of the auxiliary spiral.
these webs - together with theridiid space
webs - usually last longer (typically several
weeks) than orb-webs (which last a few days at The two functions of stopping and retaining
most). Even though their construction requires the prey need to be matched in all areas of the
more silk than that of orb-webs, they are there- web, otherwise the spider might risk that a
fore probably as economical as orb-webs. large insect can break through the web if there
Once an insect has hit the web, the spider are not enough stopping threads, or that an
wants to be quickly alerted to its presence be- insect may bounce back if there are not enough
fore it escapes. This is best achieved with di- retaining threads (Eberhard 1981). Since the
rect, rather stiff threads running from the dif- radii which stop the prey are further apart at
ferent areas of the web to the spider (Masters the periphery of the web, the loops with sticky
1984; Eberhard 1990b). In other words, a struc- silk also have to be spaced further apart at the
ture with radial threads is best suited (Fig. 1c). periphery of the web. Peters (1939; 1947; 1954)
In orb-webs, these radial threads are also the even proposed the 'segment rule' which sug-
ones that stop the prey and keep the sticky silk gests that the distances between the loops of
in place. To obtain a regular meshwork based the sticky silk are proportional to the distances
on a radial structure, the sticky threads to re- between the radii. This precise relationship has
tain the prey are best placed in concentric cir- since been disputed (ap Rhisiart & Vollrath
cles on the radial threads (Fig. 1d). 1994). However, the basic relationship that the
sticky silk is spaced further apart where the
ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS radii are further apart is true (Witt 1952; ap
The structure shown in Figure 1d shows strong Rhisiart & Vollrath 1994; Heiling & Herberstein
similarities to an orb-web. It has non-sticky, 1998; own observations).
stiff radii joining up at one point at the centre Alternative: To keep the distance between
of the web, the hub, and loops of sticky, flexible neighbouring radii approximately equal,
silk. However, orb-webs are more sophisticated some spiders (e.g. Nephila spp.) have adopted
than this simple structure. the strategy of using subsidiary radii (Fig. 2).
102 European Arachnology 2000

Fig. 3. Similarity between supports of high speed railway overhead contact lines (a) and of secondary
frames in orb-webs (b). a: contact wire/capture area; b: droppers/outer part of radii; c: auxiliary catenary
(Y-dropper)/secondary frame (Y-frame); d: messenger wire (main catenary)/primary frame; e: cantilever
and mast/anchor thread and environmental support (e.g. branch of bush); f: steady arm (lateral stabiliser).
In both cases, there is no direct connection between the rigid structure (e) and the supported parts (a).

Subsidiary radii are those radii that do not hub (Krieger 1992; ap Rhisiart & Vollrath 1994).
start at the hub but somewhere further out Additionally, the spiders adjust the shape of
(Zschokke 1999). In webs with subsidiary ra- the sticky silk loops (Zschokke 1993) and insert
dii, the distance between the sticky silk loops additional sticky silk threads in the lower half
is consequently roughly the same in the of the web (Mayer 1952; Witt et al. 1968). The
whole web; there is no increase from the cen- angles between radii are smaller in the lower
tre to the periphery as it is in other orb-webs part of the web (Peters 1937; Tilquin 1942;
(Peters 1953). Mayer 1952; Krieger 1992), presumably to ad-
When an insect has hit the web, the spider just towards the ideal length of sticky silk be-
must be able to reach it quickly, before it es- tween two radii. This seems to be more rele-
capes. Since spiders can run faster downwards vant than the weight of the spider sitting on the
than upwards, the area that they can cover hub, which one could expect to require more
within a certain time is larger below the hub radii in the upper part of the web (Langer
than above the hub. Consequently, orb-webs 1969). Fig. 1f shows a hypothetical web with all
have a top-down asymmetry, with the larger the features mentioned so far.
part below the hub (Masters & Moffat 1983; ap Sitting in the centre of the web is advanta-
Rhisiart & Vollrath 1994; Herberstein & Heiling geous for catching prey. However, sitting in the
1999). The top-down asymmetry requires sev- centre also has disadvantages. Since the spider
eral modifications. In the first place, the radii can easily be seen there, it may attract preda-
above the hub are shorter than those below the tors or deter prey. Many spiders therefore hide
Zschokke: Form and function of the orb-web 103

in a retreat somewhere at the edge of the web

during the day (Tilquin 1942). Some spiders (e.
g. Zygiella spp.) even have a specialised signal
thread running from the centre of the web to
the retreat. Unfortunately, when an insect has
hit the web, the spider loses valuable time be-
cause it first has to rush to the hub, and only
when it has arrived there it can locate and
reach the prey. To minimise these costs, the
spider builds the web in such a way that the
hub is close to the retreat (Le Guelte 1967).
Alternative: An alternative to hiding is cam-
ouflage. Some spiders (e.g. Cyclosa spp.)
achieve camouflage by adding a stabilimen-
tum that looks like a twig (Rovner 1976; Neet
1990). Other spiders (e.g. Arachnura spp.)
achieve camouflage by making themselves
look like something completely different, for Fig. 4. Web of Micrathena triangularis. Note the
instance like a small dead leaf. larger distance between two neighbouring radii
The tensions in each loop of the sticky silk pro- near the anchor points (arrows). Redrawn, with
duce a centripetal force on the radii, resulting permission, after Eberhard (1986).
in an increase in tension along each radius
from the centre of the web to the periphery
(Wirth & Barth 1992). A few species (e.g. Zilla Alternative: Some spiders (e.g. Micrathena
diodia) adapt the structure of their radii accord- triangularis and some Uloborus species),
ingly by building radii that are single stranded achieve a flexible connection between anchor
near the centre of the web (where the tensions threads and web without a secondary frame.
are lower) and double stranded at the periph- They avoid connecting a radius to the frame
ery of the web (Zschokke 2000). near an anchor thread by enlarging the dis-
On top of all these considerations, the orb- tance between neighbouring radii around the
web should be able to withstand environ- anchor threads (Fig. 4).
mental stresses, e.g. wind or impact of large
insects. The connection between the web and CONSTRAINTS OF THE CONSTRUCTION
the anchor threads (e in Fig. 3b) which are at- Despite their ingenuity, orb-webs do not last
tached to the rather rigid environment must forever, since the sticky silk dries out or glues
therefore be very flexible; in particular, the spi- together, threads are torn or debris falls into
der should avoid connecting a radius directly the web (Wiehle 1927; Opell 1999a). Araneid
to an anchor thread. Humans face similar prob- orb-weavers therefore rebuild their webs usu-
lems when they build railway overhead lines. ally every night or every other night (Wiehle
Rigid masts support the contact line which 1927; Breed et al. 1964; own observations). This
needs to be flexible to avoid temporary contact requires the construction of the web to be eco-
loss resulting in electric arcs. For high-speed nomical and therefore several deviations from
railways, this problem has been solved with so- the ‘ideal’ orb-web outlined above can be
called auxiliary catenaries (Bauer & Kießling found. First, the sticky thread is laid down in a
1986), a solution which is remarkably similar to spiral and not in circles. Since the spider turns
the secondary frames employed by spiders around to insert additional sticky threads in the
(Fig. 3). lower half of the web, the spiral is not a con-
104 European Arachnology 2000

tinuous one. Comparing the angles between Breed, A.L., Levine, V.D., Peakall, D.B. & Witt,
neighbouring radii, some angles are considera- P.N. 1964. The fate of the intact orb web of
bly larger or smaller than their neighbouring the spider Araneus diadematus Cl. Behaviour
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structed last, where the spider was constrained Collins, London.
by the previously laid radii (Mayer 1952). Chacón, P. & Eberhard, W.G. 1980. Factors af-
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CONCLUSION in artificial spider webs, with consideration
All features of the macro-structure of the orb- of how orb webs trap prey. Bulletin of the
webs shown can be explained by mechanical British Arachnological Society 5, 29-38.
and biological constraints. The fact that most Coddington, J.A. 1986. The monophyletic ori-
orb-webs share these features can therefore not gin of the orb web. In: Spiders - webs, behav-
be taken as a proof of a monophyletic origin of ior and evolution. (W.A. Shear ed.), pp. 319-
the orb-web. It also provides no support for the 363. Stanford University Press, Stanford.
hypothesis of dual or multiple origin of the Craig, C.L. 1986. Orb-web visibility: the influ-
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Eberhard, W.G. 1982. Behavioral characters for
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mous referees for helpful comments on the ders. Evolution 36, 1067-1095.
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ing the terminology for various parts of the ometry on prey interception and retention.
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Fritz Vollrath for providing me with Nephila A. Shear ed.), pp. 70-100. Stanford Univer-
spiders. sity Press, Stanford.
Eberhard, W.G. 1989. Effects of orb web orien-
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