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Hafidh Zuhdi – 1202192366 – SI43INT

A group : two or more collaborating and interdependent individuals who have come together to
accomplish those goals.
A formal group : characterized by the structure of the organisation, with assigned job responsibilities
and tasks.
Informal groups, the behaviors team members should engage in are stipulated by and directed toward
organizational goals. Informal groups in the work environment meet the need for social contact.

Group properties:
1. Roles: All group members are actors, each playing their roles.\
- Role Perception An individual’s view of how he or she is supposed to act in a given situation.
- Role Expectation How others believe a person should act in a given situation.
- Role Conflict A situation in which an individual is confronted by divergent role expectations.
2. Norms: Acceptable standards of behavior shared by members that express what they ought and ought
not to do under certain circumstances
3. Status: a socially defined position or rank given to groups or group members by others
4. Size: Small and Large groups have different efficiency, depends on the objective
Social loafing: The tendency for individuals to contribute less effort when working in a group than when
working individually.
5. Cohesiveness: The degree to which members are attracted to each other and motivated to stay in the
6. Diversity: To what degree members of a group are identical to one another, or distinct from each other.

Many decisions in organizations are made by groups, teams, or committees.

Groups vs. Individual:

➢ Group decisions are usually more reliable than average individual decisions within a group but
less reliable than the most accurate individual's judgments.
➢ Individuals are superior on speed category.
➢ If creativity is necessary it appears to be more effective for groups.
➢ Effectiveness implies the degree to which feasible solutions are embraced, which is works better
on group.

Strength of Group Decisions Weakness of Group Decisions

■ Groups generate more complete ■ Time-consuming because groups typically
information and knowledge take more time to reach a solution
■ Diversity of views ■ Can be dominated by one or a few
■ Increased acceptance of a solution. members
■ Group decisions suffer from ambiguous
Groupthink: A phenomenon in which the norm for consensus overrides the realistic appraisal of
alternative courses of action.

Groupshift describes the way group members tend to exaggerate their initial positions when discussing
a given set of alternatives to arrive at a solution; the shift can be toward either conservatism or greater
risk but it generally is toward a more extreme version of the group’s original position.

Group Decisions Making Techniques

1. Brainstorming can overcome the pressures for conformity that dampen creativity by
encouraging any and all alternatives while withholding criticism.
2. Nominal group technique restricts discussion and interpersonal communication during the
decision-making process. Group members are all physically present, as in a traditional meeting,
but they operate independently

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