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Reading non-verbal signals is not difficult if you know what to look for.

Here are a
few tips and traps.

Multiple meanings
A problem with reading people is that body language can have multiple meanings.
People who are relaxed fold their arms, as do people who are cold. Touching your
face may signify thinking and a whole host of other things.
Similarly people who are introverts are more easily over-stimulated -- especially by
other people. Particularly if you are extravert, when you are trying to connect with
them, you may actually be winding them up! Their negative-seeming body
language is just them trying to find a safe space.

One secret of reading body language is to look for things that happen at the same
time. Thus if you ask them a searching question and they close their body, then
this may be an indication that they do not want to tell the truth. It may also, of
course, mean that they do not like your aggressive style, so you should be aware
of your part in the dance and change your style accordingly.

Another secret of reading body language is to look for clusters multiple transitions,
for example where a person crosses their legs and arms together and looks away.
The result of trying to control your body is that you send mixed messages and just
look like a person who is trying to control their errant body. The effect of this is
that you will appear untrustworthy and manipulative.

So what?
When reading non-verbal language, watch for synchronization and clusters. Also
stay open to alternative meanings.


A significant cluster of body movements are all about being ready for something.

Language of readiness
A ready body is poised for action.

Any part of the body may be pointing at where the person is thinking about. This
may be another person or the door. This may be as subtle as a foot or as obvious
as the whole body leaning. Eyes may also repeated flash over in the intended

The body is tensed up and ready for action. If sitting, hands may hold onto
armrests in readiness to get up. Legs are tensed ready to lift the body. Things in
the hand are gripped. Attention is away from everything except the intended
The hands may slightly hook clothing, in particular with thumbs hooked into the
waistband. This is like a not-quite putting of hands in pockets, indicating the
person is relaxed but ready to move quickly.

Where there is movement, it is in preparation for further movement. Legs uncross.
Hands grab bags, straighten clothing, and so on. The whole body leans in the
intended direction.

Reasons for readiness

There can be several reasons for a ready body language.

The person may want to leave. Perhaps they have another appointment. Perhaps
they are uncomfortable with the situation and just want to get out of there.

Ready to buy
When a person is ready to buy, then they may send readiness signals. They point
at the thing they want to buy or the contract that needs selling.

Continuing conversation
Readiness may also be to talk more. When you are talking and they show
readiness signals, maybe they just want to say something.

Ready to fight
When a person sees a real or verbal fight coming up, they put their body in a
position where they can move quickly, either to attack or to defend.


Power is often expressed in communication as a combination of strength and
humanity. This is very attractive and is a form of Hurt and Rescue.


As the other person approaches, move to left side, extend your arm horizontally,
palm down (be first to do this). Grab their palm firmly, pull them in and hold their
elbow with your left hand.
The horizontal arm is an unmissable signal. Palm on top is being dominant, putting
yourself on top. Holding the elbow further controls them.
The royal handshake is outstretched arm to keep the other at their distance. A limp
hand, palm down, stops them doing a power shake.

Touching is power symbol. Touching people can be threatening, and is used by
leaders to demonstrate power.
The handshake is, of course, a touch, and can lead to further touching, such as the
elbow grip and patting shoulders and back.
Guide people with a palm in the small of the back. Greet them with a hand on the
back. Touch them on the elbow or other 'safe' areas.


Talk with confidence and use the body beat in time with assertions. Beat with a
finger, a palm or even a fist (which is rather aggressive). Emphasize and
exaggerate your points.
Use silences too. Pause in the middle of speaking and look around at everyone. If
you are not interrupted they are probably respecting your power. Stand confidently
without speaking. Look around, gazing into people's eyes for slightly longer than

It is powerful to show that you have emotion, but in the right place only. It shows
you are human. At other times it emphasizes how you are in control. A neat trick is
to bite the lower lip, as it shows both emotion and control (Bill Clinton did it 15
times in 2 minutes during the Monica Lewinsky 'confession').


Walk with exaggerated swinging of arms, palm down and out. Kink elbows
outwards, making the body seem wider. Add a slight swagger.
When walking with others, be in front of them. When going through doors, if you
are going to an audience, go first. If you are going from an audience, go last
(guiding others through shows dominance).

Generally be higher. Sit on a higher chair. Stand over people. Wear heels. Drive a
higher car.

A relaxed body generally lacks tension. Muscles are relaxed and loose. Movement is
fluid and the person seems happy or unconcerned overall.

Relaxed body Language

The torso may sag slightly to one side (but not be held there by irregular tension).
It may also be well-balanced, with the shoulders balanced above the pelvis. It does
not curl up with fear, though it may curl up in a restful pose.
Shoulders are not tensed up and generally hang loosely down.

Breathing is steady and slower. This may make the voice a little lower than usual.
The color of the skin is generally normal, being neither reddened by anger or
embarrassment, nor pale with fear. There are no unusual patches, for example on
the neck or cheeks.

Relaxed limbs
Relaxed limbs hang loosely. They do not twitch and seldom cross one another,
unless as a position of comfort.

Tense arms are rigid and may be held close to the body. They may move in
suddenly, a staccato manner. Relaxed arms either hang loosely or move smoothly.
If arms cross one another, they hand loosely. Any crossing, of course can indicate
some tension. Folding arms may just be comfortable.

When we are anxious, we often use our hands to touch ourselves, hold ourselves
or otherwise show tension. Relaxed hands hang loose or are used to enhance what
we are saying. They are generally open and may shape ideas in the air. Gestures
are open and gentle, not sudden nor tense.

Legs when sitting may sit gently on the floor or may be casually flung out. They
may move in time to music, with tapping toes. They may be crossed, but are not
wound around one another.
Note that legs can be a particular sign of hidden tension when the person is
controlling the upper body and arms. When they are sitting at a table, what you
see may be relaxed, but the legs may be held tense and wrapped.

Relaxed head
There are major signs of a relaxed person in their face.

The person may smile gently or broadly without any signs of grimacing. Otherwise
the mouth is relatively still.
When talking, the mouth opens moderately, neither with small movements nor
large movement. The voice sounds relaxed without unusually high pitch and
without sudden changes in pitch or speed.

The eyes smile with the mouth, particularly in the little creases at the side of the
A relaxed gaze will look directly at another person without staring, and with little
blinking. The eyes are generally dry.
Eyebrows are stable or may move with speech. They do not frown.
Other areas
Other muscles in the face are generally relaxed The forehead is a major indicator
and lines only appear in gentle expression. The sides of the face are not drawn
When the head moves, it is smoothly and in time with relaxed talk or other

Deceptive body language

Techniques > Using body language > Deceptive body language
Language of deception | Reasons for deception | See also
When a person is seeking to trick or deceive you, they there are many different
body signal they may use.

Language of deception
A deceptive body is concerned about being found out -- and this concern may

A deceptive person is typically anxious that they might be found out (unless they
are psychopathic or good at acting), so they may send signals of tension. This may
include sweating, sudden movements, minor twitches of muscles (especially
around the mouth and eyes), changes in voice tone and speed.
Many of us have hidden anxiety signals. For example: Biting the inside of the
mouth (George W. Bush), patting head (Prince William), hands in pockets (Tony
These signals are almost impossible to stop as we start them very young.

In order to avoid being caught, there may be various signs of over-control. For
example, there may be signs of attempted friendly body language, such as forced
smiles (mouth smiles but eyes do not), jerky movements and clumsiness or
oscillation between open body language and defensive body language.
The person may also try to hold their body still, to avoid tell-tale signals. For
example they may hold their arms in or put their hands in their pockets.

A person who is trying to deceive needs to think more about what they are doing,
so they may drift off or pause as they think about what to say or hesitate during
They may also be distracted by the need to cover up. Thus their natural timing
may go astray and they may over- or under-react to events.
Anxiety may be displaced into actions such as fidgeting, moving around the place
or paying attention to unusual places.

Reasons for deception

There can be many good reasons for deception.

Deception may be an act that is intended to get another person to say or do

Avoiding detection
Deception also may be more self-oriented, where the sole goal is to get away with
something, perhaps by avoiding answering incriminating questions.

Aggressive body language

Techniques > Using body language > Aggressive body language
Body positions | Gestures | See also
A significant cluster of body movements is used to signal aggression.
This is actually quite useful as it is seldom a good idea to get into a fight, even for
powerful people. Fighting can hurt you, even though you are pretty certain you will
win. In addition, with adults, fighting is often socially unacceptable and aggression
through words and body language is all that may ever happen.


Facial signals
Much aggression can be shown in the face, from disapproving frowns and pursed
lips to sneers and full snarls. The eyes can be used to stare and hold the gaze for
long period. They may also squint, preventing the other person seeing where you
are looking.

Attack signals
When somebody is about to attack, they give visual signal such as clenching of
fists ready to strike and lowering and spreading of the body for stability. They are
also likely to give anger signs such as redness of the face.

Exposing oneself
Exposing oneself to attack is also a form of aggression. It is saying 'Go on - I dare
you. I will still win.' It can include not looking at the other person, crotch displays,
relaxing the body, turning away and so on.

Invading the space of the other person in some way is an act of aggression that is
equivalent to one country invading another.

False friendship
Invasion is often done under the cloak of of familiarity, where you act as if you are
being friendly and move into a space reserved for friends, but without being
invited. This gives the other person a dilemma of whether to repel a 'friendly'
advance or to accept dominance of the other.
When you go inside the comfort zone of others without permission, you are
effectively invading their territory. The close you get, the greater your ability to
have 'first strike', from which an opponent may not recover.

Touching the person is another form of invasion. Even touching social touch zones
such as arm and back can be aggressive.


Insulting gestures
There are many, many gestures that have the primary intent of insulting the other
person and hence inciting them to anger and a perhaps unwise battle. Single and
double fingers pointed up, arm thrusts, chin tilts and so on are used, although
many of these do vary across cultures (which can make for hazardous accidental
movements when you are overseas).
Many gestures are sexual in nature, indicating that the other person should go
away and fornicate, that you (or someone else) are having sex with their partner,
and so on.

Mock attacks
Gestures may include symbolic action that mimics actual attacks, including waving
fingers (the beating baton), shaking fists, head-butts, leg-swinging and so on. This
is saying 'Here is what I will do to you!'
Physical items may be used as substitutes, for example banging of tables and
doors or throwing . Again, this is saying 'This could be you!'

Sudden movements
All of these gestures may be done suddenly, signaling your level of aggression and
testing the other person's reactions.

Large gestures
The size of gestures may also be used to signal levels of aggression, from simple
finger movements to whole arm sweeps, sometimes even with exaggerated
movements of the entire body.

Attentive body language

Techniques > Using body language > Attentive body language
 Listening | Wanting more | See also
When you are in conversation or otherwise attending to what others are saying or
doing, you body sends signals to the other person as to how interested you really
are. Attentive body language sends a strong signal of real and deep interest that is
both flattering and likely to result in reciprocal attention.
It was said that if you met with the English 19th century politician William
Gladstone, you would come away thinking he was the most intelligent and witty
person in the country. If, however, you met his peer Benjamin Disraeli, then you
would come away thinking that you were the most intelligent and witty person.
Disraeli, it would seem, was somewhat more skilled at paying attention.  

A person who is attentive is first of all listening. This can be of varying intensity
though attentive listening is deep and interested.

Ignoring distractions
There are many competing stimuli that demand our attention. If a person ignores
distraction, from phone calls to other people interrupting, then they send strong 
and flattering 'I am interested in you' signals.

Body movement often betrays distracting thoughts and feelings. When the listener
is largely still, the implication is of forgetting everything else except the other
person, with not even internal dialogue being allowed to distract.

Leaning forward
When I am interested in you and what you have to say I will likely lean slightly
towards you, perhaps better to hear everything you have to say.

Tilted head
An attentive head may be tilted slightly forward. It also may show curiosity when
tilted to the side (although this may also indicate uncertainty).

An attentive person looks at the other person without taking their gaze away. They
will likely blink less, almost for fear of missing something.

Furrowed brow
Concentration may also be shown in the forehead as the eyebrows are brought
together as the listener seeks to hear and understand the other person.

Wanting more
An attentive person seeks not just to hear but to be ready to listen to everything
the other person has to say.

When you want to hear more from the other person you are patient, listening until
they have finished speaking and not butting in with your views. Even when you
have something to say or when they pause, you still patiently seek a full
understanding of them and give them space in which to complete what they have
to say.
Open body
Open body language shows that you are not feeling defensive and are mentally
open to what they have to say (and hence not closed to their thoughts).

Slow nodding
Nodding shows agreement and also encourages the other person to keep talking.
Fast nodding may show impatience, whilst a slower nod indicates understanding
and approval.

Interest noises
Little noises such as 'uh huh' and 'mmm' show that you are interested, understand
and want to hear more. They thus encourage the other person to keep talking.

When you reflect the other person back to them they feel affirmed and that you are
aligned with them. Reflecting activities range from matching body language to
paraphrasing what they say.

Bored body language

Techniques > Using body language > Bored body language
Language of boredom | Reasons for boredom | See also
When a person is bored, they whole body is telling you. So if you are trying to
persuade them, don't bother (unless you are trying to bore them into submission).

Language of boredom
A ready body is poised for action.

A bored person looks anywhere but at the person who is talking to them. They find
other things to do, from doodling to talking with others to staring around the room.
They may also keep looking at their watch or a wall clock.

Bored people often repeat actions such as tapping toes, swinging feet or drumming
fingers. The repetition may escalate as they try to signal their boredom.

A person who feels that they are unable to act to relieve their boredom may show
signs of tiredness. They may yawn and their whole body may sag as they slouch
down in their seat, lean against a wall or just sag where they are standing. Their
face may also show a distinct lack of interest and appear blank.

Reasons for boredom

Lack of interest
If the person is not interested in their surroundings or what is going on, then they
may become bored. The disinterest may also be feigned if they do not want you to
see that they are interested. Watch for leaking signs of readiness in these cases.

A bored person may actually be ready for the actions you want, such as closing a
sale. Sales people are known to keep on the sales patter long after the customer is
ready to sign on the dotted line.

Closed body language

Techniques > Using body language > Closed body language
Language of closure | Reasons for closing | See also
A significant cluster of body movements are all about closing. This is sometimes
misinterpreted solely as indicating defensiveness.

Language of closure
Closure literally closes the body up. It may range from a slight bringing together of
the limbs to curled up into a tight ball. Extreme cases may also include rhythmic
rocking of the body to and fro.

Arms across
In a closed positions one or both arms cross the central line of the body. They may
be folded or tightly clasped or holding one another. There may also be holding one
Lighter arm crossing may include resting an arm on a table or leg, or loosely
crossed with wrists crossing.
Varying levels of tension may be seen in the arms and shoulders, from a relaxed
droop to tight tension and holding on to the body or other arms.

Legs across
Legs, likewise can be crossed. There are several styles of leg crossing, including
the ankle cross, the knee cross, the figure-four (ankle on opposite knee) and the
tense wrap-around.
Legs may also wrap around convenient other objects, such as chair legs.
When legs are crossed but arms are not, it can show deliberate attempts to appear
relaxed. This is particularly true when legs are hidden under a table.

Looking down or away

The head may be inclined away from the person, and particularly may be tucked

Reasons for closing

There can be several reasons for closed body language. This is one reason why
reading body language can be hazardous and you should take into account other
factors. In particular look for the transition when the body closes and the triggers
that may have caused this change.
When we feel threatened, our body language becomes defensive. We use closure
to place the barriers of our arms and legs across in front of us to defend ourselves
from attack. When we close, we also make our body smaller, reducing the size of
the target. When we tuck our chin down, we are protecting the exposed throat.
We also may be signaling to the other person that we are not a threat to them.
Thus the held-in arms shows that we are not attacking and looking away from
them removes aggressive staring.
In a variant of this, particularly where the person is holding themselves, a closed
position may indicate self-nurturing. The person is effectively holding or hugging
themselves in an imitation of a parent or other caring person.

Closing also may serve the purpose of hiding something that we do not want the
other person to see. Holding the body still prevents it from betraying our thoughts.
Looking away prevents the other person from seeing our expression that may show
dislike or lying.

A more pragmatic form of closure is when we are cold. Huddling up reduces
exposed body area and reduces heat loss. Holding warmer parts of the body
against colder parts evens the temperature and prevents extremities from being
chilled too much.

And we also cross our arms and legs when we are relaxing. It can just be a
comfortable place to put those gangly limbs. We may look away because we are
thinking, nothing more.

When you are trying to persuade a person, then their standing or sitting in a closed
position is usually a signal that they are not ready to be persuaded. Moving them
to an open position can significantly increase your chances of persuading them.

Force hand use

A common method sales people use to break a crossed-arms closed position is to
give the person something to hold or otherwise ask them to use their hands, for
example asking them to hand over something, turn over a page, stand up and so

The other common method of opening a person is to first adopt a closed position
like them. Then some effort is put into building a bond with them, such that they
start to like you and are attaching their identity to yours. Finally, you then open
your position, unfolding arms and legs. If they are sufficiently bonded then they
will follow you.
This should be done naturally and steadily, for example unfolding your arms in
order to use your hands to illustrate what you are saying. If they do not follow you,
return to the closed position and work further at bonding before trying again.
Defensive body language
Techniques > Using body language > Defensive body language
Defending from attack | Pre-empting attack | See also
When a person is feeling threatened in some ways, they will take defensive body

Defending from attack

The basic defensive body language has a primitive basis and assumes that the
other person will physically attack, even when this is highly unlikely.

Covering vital organs and points of vulnerability

In physical defense, the defensive person will automatically tend to cover those
parts of the body that could damaged by an attack.
The chin is held down, covering the neck. The groin is protected with knees
together, crossed legs or covering with hands. The arms may be held across the
chest or face.

Fending off
Arms may be held out to fend off attacker, possibly straight out or curved to
deflect incoming attacks.

Using a barrier
Any physical object may be placed held in front of the person to act as a literal or
figurative barrier. This can be a small as a pen or as large as a table. Straddling a
reversed chair makes some people comfortable in conversation as they look
relaxed whilst feeling defensive.
Barriers can also protect the other person and if I am powerful, I may use a simple
barrier to make you feel less defensive. It also means I control the barrier.

Becoming small
One way of defending against attack is to reduce the size of the target. People may
thus huddle into a smaller position, keeping their arms and legs in.

Another primitive response is to tense up, making the muscles harder in order to
withstand a physical attack.
Rigidity also freezes the body, possibly avoiding movements being noticed or being
interpreted as preparing for attack.

Seeking escape
Flicking the eyes from side to side shows that the person is looking for a way out.

Pre-empting attack
Giving in
Pre-empting the attack, the defensive person may reduce the, generally using
submissive body language, avoiding looking at the other person, keeping the head
down and possibly crouching into a lower body position.

Attacking first
Aggressive body language may also appear, as the person uses 'attack as the best
form of defense'. The body may thus be erect, thrust forward and with attacking
Where attack and defense both appear together, there may be conflicting signs
appearing together. Thus the upper body may exhibit aggression whilst the legs
are twisted together

Dominant body language

Techniques > Using body language > Dominant body language
Size | Superiority | Greeting | Responding | See also
Dominant body language is related to aggressive body language, though with a
less emotional content.

Size signals
The body in dominant stances is generally open, and may also include additional

Making the body big

Hands on hips makes the elbows go wide and make the body seem larger. So also
does standing upright and erect, with the chin up and the chest thrust out. Legs
may be placed apart to increase size.

Making the body high

Height is also important as it gives an attack advantage. This can be achieved by
standing up straight or somehow getting the other person lower than you, for
example by putting them on a lower seat or by your standing on a step or plinth.

Occupying territory
By invading and occupying territory that others may own or use, control and
dominance is indicated. A dominant person may thus stand with feet akimbo and
hands on hips.

Superiority signals

Breaking social rules

Rulers do not need to follow rules: they make the rules. This power to decide one's
own path is often displayed in breaking of social rules, from invasion and
interruption to casual swearing in polite company.
Owning something that others covet provides a status symbol. This can be
territorial, such as a larger office, or displays of wealth or power, such as a Rolex
watch or having many subordinates.
Just owning things is an initial symbol, but in body language it is the flaunting of
these, often casually, that is the power display. Thus a senior manager will casually
take out their Mont Blanc pen whilst telling their secretary to fetch the Havana

A dominant act is to disrespect the ownership of others, invading their territory, for
example getting to close to them by moving into their body space. Other actions
include sitting on their chairs, leaning on their cars, putting feet up on their
furniture and being over-friendly with their romantic partners.
Invasion says 'What's yours is mine' and 'I can take anything of yours that I want
and you cannot stop me'.

Belittling others
Superiority signals are found both in saying 'I am important' and also 'You are not
important'. Thus a dominant person may ignore or interrupt another person who is
speaking or turn away from them. They may also criticize the inferior person,
including when the other person can hear them.

Facial signals
Much dominance can be shown in the face, from disapproving frowns and pursed
lips to sneers and snarls (sometimes disguised as smiles).
The eyes can be used to stare and hold the gaze for long period. They may also
squint, preventing the other person seeing where you are looking. They may also
look at anywhere but the other person, effectively saying that 'you are not even
worth looking at'.
Faces can also look bored, amused or express other expressions that belittle the
other person.
Dominant people often smile much less than submissive people.

Phallic displays
Dominant men will often expose their crotch, effectively saying to other men 'I am
safe from attack' or 'my penis is bigger than yours', whilst showing off. They may
also be offering 'come and get it!' to women. When women do this, it is to some
extent a tease or invitation to men but may also be an emulation of the male
display, thus saying 'I am as strong as a man'.
This appears in standing or sitting where the legs are apart. It may be emphasized
by scratching or adjusting of the crotch.

The dominant greeting

When people first meet and greet, their first interaction sets the pattern for the
future relationship. When a person is dominant here, then they will most likely
continue to be dominant.
The handshake
A classic dominant handshake is with the palm down, symbolically being on top.
Another form of dominant handshake is to use strength to squeeze the other
Holding the other person's hand for longer than normal also shows that you are in

Prolonged, unblinking eye contact acts like overplaying the handshake -- it says 'I
am powerful, I can break the rules.' The dominant person may alternatively
prevent eye contact, saying 'You are beneath me and I do not want even to look at

The person who speaks first often gets to control the conversation, either by
talking for longer or by managing the questions.

Responding to dominance
If others display dominant body language you have a range of options.
The simplest response is simply not to submit, which is what they probably want.
Continue to appear friendly and ignore their subtle signals.
Another response is to fight dominance with dominance, for example:

 Out-stare them (a trick here is to look at the bridge of their nose, not their
 Touch them, either before they touch you or immediately when they touch
 When they do a power handshake, grab their elbow and step to the side.
 When they butt in to your speech, speed up, talk more loudly and say 'let me

Another approach is to name the game. Ask them why they are using dominant
body language. A good way to do this is in a curious, unafraid way.

Emotional body language

Techniques > Using body language > Emotional body language
With careful observation, emotions may be detected from non-verbal signs.
Remember that these are indicators and not certain guarantees. Contextual clues
may also be used, in particular what is being said to the person or what else is
happening around then.

Anger occurs when achievement of goals are frustrated.

 Neck and/or face is red or flushed.

 Baring of teeth and snarling.
 Clenched fists.
 Leaning forward and invasion of body space.
 Other aggressive body language.
 Use of power body language.

Fear, anxiety and nervousness

Fear occurs when basic needs are threatened. There are many levels of fear, from
mild anxiety to blind terror. The many bodily changes caused by fear make it easy
to detect.

 A 'cold sweat'.
 Pale face.
 Dry mouth, which may be indicated by licking lips, drinking water, rubbing
 Not looking at the other person.
 Damp eyes.
 Trembling lip.
 Varying speech tone.
 Speech errors.
 Voice tremors.
 Visible high pulse (noticeable on the neck or movement of crossed leg.
 Sweating.
 Tension in muscles: clenched hands or arms, elbows drawn in to the side,
jerky movements, legs wrapped around things.
 Gasping and holding breath.
 Fidgeting.
 Defensive body language, including crossed arms and legs and generally
drawing in of limbs.
 Ready body language (for fight-or-flight)
 Other symptoms of stress

Sadness is the opposite of happiness and indicates a depressive state.

 Drooping of the body.

 Trembling lip.
 Flat speech tone.
 Tears.

Embarrassment may be caused by guilt or transgression of values.

 Neck and/ or face is red or flushed.

 Looking down or away from others. Not looking them in the eye.
 Grimacing, false smile, changing the topic or otherwise trying to cover up the

Surprise occurs when things occur that were not expected.
 Raised eyebrows.
 Widening of eyes.
 Open mouth.
 Sudden backward movement.

Happiness occurs when goals and needs are met.

 General relaxation of muscles.

 Smiling (including eyes).
 Open body language

Evaluating body language

Techniques > Using body language > Evaluating body language
Language of evaluation | Reasons for evaluation | See also
A notable cluster of body movements happens when a person is thinking, judging
or making some decision.

Language of evaluation

Hand movements
The classic signal of evaluation is the steepled hands which are clasped together,
either looking like they are praying, with both hands pressed together, or with
linked fingers and with index fingers only pointing upwards. The fingers pointing
upwards may touch the lips.
Another common evaluative movement is stroking, often of the chin but possibly
other parts of the face.

Other actions
Other evaluative signals include pursing lips, stroking the side of the nose and (if
worn) peering over the top of spectacles ('To look more carefully at you').

Relaxed intensity
The body may well be relaxed and open. The person seems to be unafraid or even
unaware of danger. However there is also a level of concentration, perhaps with
pursed lips and an intense gaze. The chin may be resting in one or both palms.

Reasons for evaluation

There can be several reasons for a ready body language.

A person who is evaluating may be making an important decision. If they are
buying from you, they may be close to the point of closure.
In their decision-making, they may be judging. Perhaps this is you, something you
are saying or something else. Watch how they change with what you say and try to
figure this one out.

Sometimes the evaluation is only on an internal point. When they are deep inside
their own world, they may be mentally trying out ideas to see if they will work. If
you have suggested something, they may be trying to fit your idea into their own
model of the world.

Greeting body language

Techniques > Using body language > Greeting body language
Handshake | Salute | Bowing | Waving | Hugging | Kissing | Facial signals | Words | Other | See also
There are many possible components of greeting as the styles vary significantly
across social groups and cultures.
Greeting is a ritual that helps break the ice and paves the way for appropriate
other interaction. Greetings can include signals that may even be secret, for
example saying 'we're in the same club'.
Formality is often an important factor, and when you move from a formal greeting
to an informal greeting is an important factor in development of a friendship. Too
early and it is an insult. Too late and it you may be considered arrogant or


Handshake variables include:

 Strength (weak - strong)

 Temperature (cold - hot)
 Moisture (damp - dry)
 Fullness of grip (full - partial)
 Duration (brief - long)
 Speed (slow - fast)
 Complexity (shake - dance)
 Texture (rough - smooth)
 Eye contact (prolonged - intermittent - none)

A firm grip shows confidence, whilst a limp grip may indicate timidity, particularly
in men (women may be expected to be more gentile).
Palm down indicates dominance and a feeling of superiority ('I am on top'). Palm
sideways indicate equality. Palm up indicates submission.
A long handshake can indicate pleasure and can signal dominance, particularly if
one person tries to pull away and the dominant person does not let them.
Dominance may also be shown by using the other hand to grip the person, such
as at the wrist, elbow, arm or shoulder. This may also be done by gripping the
shaken hand with both of your hands. This may also indicate affection or pleasure
(which allows for an ambiguous signal).
A variant of the dominant handshake which is used by politicians who are being
photographed and hence shake hands side-by-side is to stand on the left hand
side of the other person. This means your hand will be on the outside and it will
look like you are the dominant party to those viewing the photograph.
Responses to the dominant handshake can include counter-touching (use your
other hand to hold their hand, wrist, elbow, arm or shoulder), hugging (pull them
in), thrusting (push them away by pushing your hand towards them) and
stepping the side.
Hand-touching is also used, for example the 'high five', where open palms are
touched high in the air, or where closed fists are tapped. Where the other person
is not gripped, the origins may be in potentially aggressive situations where
holding of another could be construed as a threatening act.


Salute variables include:

 Shape of hand (straight - curved)

 Speed (fast - slower)
 Head-touch (forehead - none)
 Shape (up-down - curved)

The salute is a formal greeting where the open hand is brought up to the
forehead. It is often used in the military in a strictly prescribed manner and
There are several possible origins of this, including:

 Shading the eyes from the brilliance of a superior person.

 An abbreviation of raising one's hat or tugging the forelock (in the absence
of a hat).
 Raising helmet visor to show the face (to allow recognition and dispel fears
of enmity).
 Raising the hand to show it does not contain a weapon.


Bowing variables include:

 Lowering (slight - very low)

 Pivot (head - waist)
 Duration (short - long)
 Gender style (bow - curtsey)
Bowing is another formal greeting and can be as extreme as a full 90 degree
bend from the waist to even complete prostration on the floor. This averts the
eyes ('I dare not look at your majesty') and exposes the head ('You can kill me if
you wish').
Bowing amongst peers is commonly used in a severely contracted form as a slight
nod of the head. Even in the shortened form, the lower and longer the bow, the
greater the respect that is demonstrated.
If eye contact is maintained during a bow, it can signify either mistrust or liking.
Looking down as you bow indicates submission, although this also can just be a
formal action.
The female variant on the bow is the curtsey, which again can be a full sinking to
the floor or a slight bob. Similarly to bowing, this puts the person lower than the
other person and into a position of greater vulnerability.
Bowing is different in different cultures. In countries such as Japan it is clearly
defined and an important part of greetings. In other countries it is less important
or maybe seen as obsequious.


Variables for waving include:

 Open palm (flat - curved)

 Movement angle (big - small)
 Raised (above head - held low)
 Direction (sideways rotation - up-down)

Waving can be done from a distance. This allows for greeting when you first spot
another person. It also allows for
Waves gain attention and a big, overhead wave can attract a person from some
distance. This also makes others look at you and is not likely from a timid person.
A stationary palm, held up and facing out is far less obvious and may be flashed
for a short period, particularly if the other person is looking at you (all you need is
that they see the greeting).
Greeting children is often done with a small up-and-down movement of fingers,
holding the rest of the palm still. Between adults, this can be a timid or safe
signal from a child position ('I won't harm you - please don't harm me.').


Hugging variables include:

 Hand placement (shoulder, etc.)

 Arms touch (none - wrap)
 Body position (front - side - behind)
 Pressure (light - strong)
 Body touching (none - full)
 Gender (man/woman - man/woman)

Hugging is a closer and more affectionate form of greeting than shaking hands
and perhaps reflects a desire for bonding.
Hugging is generally more common between friends, although its usage does vary
across cultures and is common in some places. Gender rules may also apply, for
example hugging in America is far more common between women than between
men. Harassment laws may also limit touching of the other person in what may
be interpreted as an intimate way.
Full-body hugs create contact with breasts and between genitalia and hence may
be sexually suggestive or stimulating. This tends to limit their use to romantic
greetings, although they are still used in some cultures, including between men.
Light shoulder-only hugs are more common as social greetings, in which people
lean forward in order not to break rules about touching breasts or genitalia.
Side-on, one-handed hugs are safer and can be a friendly touch. Even so, this still
can be a deliberate romantic advance or act of domination (even if not, it may be
perceived as such).
Longer, fuller hugs often signal greater affection and may happen between people
who have not seen one another for some time.
Hugging someone from behind can be surprising and even threatening, and is
usually only done by friends who trust one another implicitly.


Contact during kissing can be:

 Lip/cheek to lip/cheek
 Duration (peck - smooch)
 Tongue (involved - not)
 Gender (man/woman to man/woman)
 Body involvement (none - full)

In some cultures, kissing is a part of social greeting. This may or may not include
man-man and man-woman (which can lead to significant cross-cultural
The type of kiss is governed strongly by the relationship. Social greetings are
relatively short, and may involve double or triple kissing, alternating either side of
the face.
General friendship kissing may be longer and with more body contact, though
mostly using arms to include a hug (and steady the body).
The most intense kiss is the romantic kiss which may well include full-length body
touching, caressing with hands and lip-to-lip kisses that may even include
interplay of tongues.
Facial signals
The face is used a great deal in sending greeting signals, and accompanies other
greeting activity for example saying:

 Smiling: I am pleased to see you.

 Frowning: I am angry with you.
 Raised eyebrows: I am surprised to see you.
 Eyebrows together: I do not know your name.
 Looking down: I am inferior to you.
 Expressionless: I do not care about you.

Eye contact is particularly important in greeting and is usually held for a socially
prescribed period. Prolonged eye contact can indicate both affection and
dominance. Little or no eye contact can indicate timidity ('I dare not look at you'),
dislike ('I do not want to see you') or dominance ('You are unimportant and below
my interest.'). As with the handshake, a dominant signal may be sent under
cover of the 'friendly' greeting.

The words used in greetings can change significantly with the culture and context.

Informal greetings often use non-words and short forms like 'Hi', 'Watcha', 'Yay'
and so on. Formal meetings use more formal language, such as 'Hello',
'Greetings', 'Good day' and so on. In some cultures, greeting is very formal and a
fixed set of words are required in specific situations, 'Greeting, O holy one, father
of us all and master of the world'.

Other greetings
There are many other ways in which people greet and further subtleties around
the actions above, including:

 Touching or raising a hat

 Pressing or rubbing noses
 Touching or pressing bodies together in certain places and ways
 Moving the body through a defined locus
 Giving of gifts
 Touching palms or fists

Greetings may also be extended to parting, for which there are many similar
rituals, including handshakes, bows and words of praise.

Open body language

Techniques > Using body language >
Open body language
Language of openness | Reasons for
opening | See also
A significant cluster of body movements
are all about being open. This is
sometimes misinterpreted solely as
indicating being relaxed and untense.
Remember that perhaps the most
significant part of being open or close is
the act of opening or closing. When you
open or close, you are signaling a
change in the way you are thinking or
feeling, which is likely to be in response
to what the other person has said or
Language of openness
The open stance has arms and legs not
crossed in any way. They may also be
moving in various ways.
Arms open
Arms are not crossed and may be
animated and moving in synchronization
with what is being said or held wide.
Palms are also relaxed and may be quite
expressive, for example appearing to
hold things and form more detailed
shapes. Open hands show that nothing is
being concealed.
Legs open
Open legs are not crossed. Often they
are parallel. They may even be stretched
The feet are of interest in open legs and
may point forward or to the side or at
something or someone of interest.
Looking around and at the other person
The head may be directed solely towards
the other person or may be looking
around. Eye contact is likely to be
relaxed and prolonged.
Relaxed clothing
Clothing is likely to hang loosely and
actions to loosen clothing may take
place, such as removing a jacket and
unbuttoning a collar.
Reasons for opening
There can be several reasons for open
body language. In particular look for the
transition when the body opens and the
triggers that may have caused this
When arms rounded and palms are
sideways, the person may be offering a
'mock hug', showing that they care for
the other person. Gestures may be
slower and symbolize gentleness.
Passive threat
An open posture may also be associated
with a passive threat. When the person
casually 'exposes themself', for example
by opening their body and looking away
they are opening themselves for attack.
When this is relaxed, it may be saying 'I
am so powerful and you are so weak,
you are unable to attack me even when I
am exposed.'
Males with knees apart are also doing a
crotch display, which, as well as casually
exposing vulnerabilities is effectively
says to other males 'Look: I have a large
penis than you!'
When there is tension in the open body,
especially if fists are clenched, then this
may be a sign of significant aggression.
The person is effectively holding their
body open in readiness for a fight.
Aggression is also seen when the body is
square on to the other person and is
relatively close to them. Movements may
be particularly sudden and designed to
test the other person's reactions.
When palms are held upwards, this may
form a pleading gesture and may be
combined with lowering of the body.
This is saying 'Please don't hurt me'.
Opening the body in supplication is also
saying 'Here, you can hurt me if you
wish' and is equivalent to a dog who
rolls over on its back and exposes itself
to indicate that it is not a threat.
And finally, the open body may simply be
the body at rest, relaxed and
Romantic body language
Techniques > Using body language > Romantic body language
From afar | Up close | See also
A significant cluster of body movements has to do with romance, signaling to a
person of the opposite sex that you are interested in partnering with them.

From afar
From afar, the first task of body language is to signal interest (and then to watch
for reciprocal body language).

The eyes do much signaling. Initially and from a distance, a person may look at
you for slightly longer than normal, then look away, then look back up at you,
again for a longer period.

There are many preening gestures. What you are basically saying with this is 'I am
making myself look good for you'. This includes tossing of the head, brushing hair
with hand, polishing spectacles and brushing clothes.

Remote romantic language may also include enactment of sexually stimulating
activities, for example caressing oneself, for example stroking arms, leg or face.
This may either say 'I would like to stroke you like this' or 'I would like you to
stroke me like this'.
Similarly, the person (women in particular) may lick and purse their lips into a kiss
shape and leave their mouth slightly open in imitation of sexual readiness.
Objects held may be also used in enactment displays, including cigarettes and wine
glasses, for example rolling and stroking them.

Attractive parts of the body may be exposed, thrust forward, wiggled or otherwise
highlighted. For women this includes breasts, neck, bottom and legs. For men it
includes a muscular torso, arms or legs, and particularly the crotch (note that
women seldom do this).
Faking often happens. Pressing together muscles gives the impression of higher
muscle tone. Pressing together and lifting breasts (sometimes helped with an
appropriate brassiere) makes them look firmer and larger. Holding out shoulders
and arms makes the body look bigger. Holding in the abdomen gives the
impression of a firm tummy.
This is often playing to primitive needs. Women show that they are healthy and
that they are able to bear and feed the man's child. The man shows he is virile,
strong and able to protect the woman and her child.

Leaning your body towards another person says 'I would like to be closer to you'. It
also tests to see whether they lean towards you or away from you. It can start with
the head with a simple tilt or may use the entire torso. This may be coupled with
listening intently to what they say, again showing particular interest in them.
A person who is interested in you may subtly point at you with a foot, knee, arm or
head. It is effectively a signal that says 'I would like to go in this direction'.

Other displays
Other forms of more distant display that are intended to attract include:

 Sensual or dramatic dancing (too dramatic, and it can have the opposite
 Crotch display, where (particularly male) legs are held apart to show off
 Faked interest in others, to invoke envy or hurry a closer engagement.
 Nodding gently, as if to say 'Yes, I do like you.'

Up close
When you are close to the other person, the body language progressively gets
more intimate until one person signals 'enough'.

Close in and personal

In moving closer to the other person, you move from social space into their
personal body space, showing how you would like to get even closer to them,
perhaps holding them and more...
Standing square-on to them also blocks anyone else from joining the conversation
and signals to others to stay away.

Imitating the person in some way shows 'I am like you'. This can range from a
similar body position to using the same gestures and language.

Lovers' gaze
When you are standing close to them, you will holding each other's gaze for longer
and longer periods before looking away. You many also use what are called 'doe
eyes' or 'bedroom eyes', which are often slightly moist and with the head inclined
slightly down.
Where the eyes go is important. Looking at lips means 'I want to kiss'. Looking at
other parts of the body may mean 'I want to touch'.
A very subtle signal that few realize is that the eyes will dilate such that the dark
pupils get much bigger (this is one reason why dark-eyed people can seem

Touching signals even closer intimacy. It may start with 'accidental' brushing,
followed by touching of 'safe' parts of the body such as arms or back.
Caressing is gentle stroking that may start in the safer regions and then stray
(especially when alone) to sexual regions.

Submissive body language

Techniques > Using body language > Submissive body language
Body positions | Gestures | See also
A significant cluster of body movements is used to signal fear and readiness to
This is common in animals, where fighting (that could terminally harm each
animal) is avoided by displays of aggression or submission.

Body positions
The body in fearful stances is generally closed, and may also include additional

Making the body small

Hunching inwards reduces the size of the body, limiting the potential of being hit
and protecting vital areas. In a natural setting, being small may also reduce the
chance of being seen. Arms are held in. A crouching position may be taken, even
slightly with knees slightly bent. This is approaching the curled-up regressive fetal

By staying still, the chance of being seen is, in a natural setting, reduced (which is
why many animals freeze when they are fearful). When exposed, it also reduces
the chance of accidentally sending signals which may be interpreted as being
aggressive. It also signals submission in that you are ready to be struck and will
not fight back.


Head down
Turning the chin and head down protects the vulnerable neck from attack. It also
avoids looking the other person in the face (staring is a sign of aggression).

Widening the eyes makes you look more like a baby and hence signals your
Looking attentively at the other person shows that you are hanging on their every

Submissive people smile more at dominant people, but they often smile with the
mouth but not with the eyes.


Submissive gestures
There are many gestures that have the primary intent of showing submission and
that there is no intent to harm the other person. Hands out and palms up shows
that no weapons are held and is a common pleading gesture.
Other gestures and actions that indicate tension may indicate the state of fear. This
includes hair tugging, face touching and jerky movement. There may also be signs
such as whiteness of the face and sweating.

Small gestures
When the submissive person must move, then small gestures are often made.
These may be slow to avoid alarming the other person, although tension may make
them jerky.

They say a picture paints a thousand words – and the same can certainly be said for
gestures. We all subconsciously give away hints as to our true feelings, through our
movements and gestures. This is a list of 25 examples of body language.

Gestures 1 – 5

Gesture: Brisk, erect walk

Meaning: Confidence

Gesture: Standing with hands on hips

Meaning: Readiness, aggression

Gesture: Sitting with legs crossed, foot kicking slightly

Meaning: Boredom

Gesture: Sitting, legs apart

Meaning: Open, relaxed
Gesture: Arms crossed on chest
Meaning: Defensiveness

Gestures 6 – 10

Gesture: Walking with hands in pockets, shoulders hunched

Meaning: Dejection

Gesture: Hand to cheek

Meaning: Evaluation, thinking

Gesture: Touching, slightly rubbing nose

Meaning: Rejection, doubt, lying

Gesture: Rubbing the eye

Meaning: Doubt, disbelief

Gesture: Hands clasped behind back

Meaning: Anger, frustration, apprehension

Gestures 11 – 15
Gesture: Locked ankles
Meaning: Apprehension

Gesture: Head resting in hand, eyes downcast

Meaning: Boredom

Gesture: Rubbing hands

Meaning: Anticipation

Gesture: Sitting with hands clasped behind head, legs crossed

Meaning: Confidence, superiority

Gesture: Open palm

Meaning: Sincerity, openness, innocence

Gestures 16 – 20
Gesture: Pinching bridge of nose, eyes closed
Meaning: Negative evaluation

Gesture: Tapping or drumming fingers

Meaning: Impatience

Gesture: Steepling fingers

Meaning: Authoritative

Gesture: Patting/fondling hair

Meaning: Lack of self-confidence; insecurity

Gesture: Quickly tilted head

Meaning: Interest

Gestures 21 – 25
Gesture: Stroking chin
Meaning: Trying to make a decision

Gesture: Looking down, face turned away

Meaning: Disbelief

Gesture: Biting nails

Meaning: Insecurity, nervousness

Gesture: Pulling or tugging at ear

Meaning: Indecision

Gesture: Prolonged tilted head

Meaning: Boredom

Nonverbal Communication
Nonverbal Communication-information that is communicated without using
93% of communication is nonverbal
55% through facial expression, posture, gesture
38% through tone of voice

Nonverbals can include:  Shaking hands, posture, facial expressions,

appearance, voice, tone, hairstyle, clothes, expression in your eyes, smile, how
close you stand to others, how you listen, confidence, your breathing, the way
you move, the way you stand, the way you touch people, color choice, silence.

Links to further learning about Nonverbal Communication   

Japanese Etiquette:  Body Language
Body Language Links
Body language: In love, in sales, in culture, in animals
Nonverbal Dictionary of Gestures, Signs, and Body Language Cues
Brazilian Body Language
Gestures Around the World
Nonverbal Links


1.  Paralanguage- The vocal cues that accompany spoken language: The way
we say words

Albert Mehrabian, n/v researcher, estimates that 39% of meaning is affected by

vocal cues-not the words but the way they are said.
Rate-speed-When a speaker uses a faster rate they may be seen as more

Pitch-Highness or lowness of voice-Speakers seen more competent if they use a

higher and more varied pitch of voice.
We associate low pitch voices with strength, sexiness and maturity
We associate high pitches voices with tenseness, helplessness, & nervousness.

 Volume-How loudly we speak

    Loud people are perceived as aggressive or overbearing
    Soft stolen voices are perceived as timid or polite.

Vocal Fillers-Words used to fill space-"uh"

Quality-Made up of tempo, resonance, rhythm, and articulation

Infants cannot understand words so they rely on nonverbals for information.

Children from ages 6-12 use words to  make sense of messages.  This is why
kids don't understand sarcasm.

2. Kinesics -Body Movements

 Ekman and Freisen divide Kinesics into 5 categories
Emblems-body movements that have direct translation to words:OK

Illustator-Accent, emphasize, or reinforce words:      Fish was this big!

Regulators- Control the back and forth flow of speaking and listening.
Display of feelings- Feelings are shown through face and body motions
Adaptor-Way of adjusting to communication situation:  Twist hair, tap pen

 Kinesics -Body Movements

O'Conner found that frequent gesturing is highly correlated with people who were
perceived by others to be leaders in small groups.

Those who were leaders tended to use more shoulder and arm gestures.
In a group setting, people may adapt similar poses to those in the group that they
agree with.

Counselors often help clients self-disclose by adopting similar postures to those

of their clients. This is believed to establish open communication.

Ekman and Friesan studies that feet and legs often reveal true feeling.  Liars
have learned to control facial expressions.

People of higher status take a more relaxed body posture

Mehrabian's Immediacy Principle states that open body and arm position, leaning
forward relaxed posture, and touching increases perceived liking.  

People who attempt to persuade others often use these immediacy contacts.

Nancy Henly, author of Body Politics says, "The bearing with which one presents
oneself proclaims one's position in life.

Henley suggests that "standing tall" in and of itself helps a person achieve

Albert Mehrabian-when people are coupled to assume inferior roles, they reflect
the move by lowering their head.  When people assume inferior roles, they raise
their heads.

3. Occulesics -Eye behavior               

When people sit in a circle, they are more likely to talk to those across the room
from them than those side to side

At a table, those who sit on the ends talk more and those who sit on the corners

At a table, those with the most opportunity for eye contact is likely to become

When we take interest in something, our blinking rate decreases and our eyes
begin to dilate, if we dislike something our pupil's contract.  
Anthropologist Hall says that Yasir Arafat wears dark glasses so that others won't
read his pupils when they dilate.

Women used to put belladonna in their eyes to dilate them.

In our culture it is OK to stare at animals; rude to stare at people

Who do we stare at in our society?  The answer is reavealing.

Argyle and Dean say that making eye contact with someone makes interaction
and obligation.

Bandler and Grinder suggest you look in one direction when you try to remember
vs when you try to invent an idea:

visually invented                         visually remembered

                    right handed person
auditorily invented                         auditorily remembered

4. Appearance/Artifacts.
Attractive women have more dates, receive higher grades in college,
persuade males with greater ease.

Men & women rated as attractive are perceived as being more kind,
sensitive, strong, social and interesting.

Attractive people find jobs easier and obtain higher starting salaries.

British and Japanese rated the same people attractive -could it be in the

Attractive women are more effective than unattractive women in changing


Attractive individuals are thought to be more credible

Attractive individuals are perceived as happier, more popular, more sociable, and
more successful.
All of the following are non-verbals regarding appearance
Occupational dress-
 Leisure clothes-
Max Luscher says when people look at red for long periods of time, their blood
pressure, respiration, their blood pressure, respiration, and heartbeat all speed

Dark Blue made people calmer:  Blood pressure, respiration, and heartbeat
recede and they  became calmer.

Pink made men who were lifting weights weaker.

Vance Packard says women sampled detergent on delicate clothing:

yellow box- detergent too strong
blue box-detergent too weak
blue box w/ yellow specks- just right

Maslow and Minz looked at how room decor affected judgment:   

They showed facial photographs to individuals while in an ugly room, average
room, or beautiful room
While in the beautiful room, the photos were seen as more attractive
In the ugly room, people said the task was unpleasant and monotonous and
attempted to leave sooner than in the beautiful room

5.  Proxemics

Proxemics-The nonverbal study of space and distance

Territory-the space we consider as belonging to us.

Women tend to sit closer to one another than men

Women tend to turn their bodies in toward one another

"Dogs pee to mark their territory; how do you mark yours?"

1.  Intimate distance-no more than 18 inches apart
     mom and baby
2. Personal Distance-18 inches to 4 feet
     Casual and personal conversations
3. Social distance-4-12 feet
     impersonal, business, social gatherings
4.  Public distance-More than 12 feet
     Public speaking

 Space/Distance as an indicator of intimacy-

The more we get to know each other the more we are permitted into each other's
personal space
Space/Distance as an indicator of status-
 Executives, presidents of colleges, government officials have large offices with
big space... secretaries have small space

Crane asked couples to walk towards each other while conversing and stop
when they reached a comfortable conversational distance. Then he gave each
couple a test to measure marital intimacy, desire for change, and potential for
 He discovered a relationship between distance and happiness.  
Distresses couples distance was 25% greater than happy couples
Happy couples stood 11.4 inches apart
Distressed couples stood 14.8 inches apart

6. Haptics-  The nonverbal communication study of touch

Necessary-preemies who were touched for 15 minutes 3x a day gained weight

47% faster and could leave the hospital 6 days earlier.

Sidney Jarad, Psychologist, counted the number of contacts per hour.

San Juan, Puerto Rico- 180
Paris France, 110
Gainsville, Florida 2     
London England- 0

Our society sells touchableness; stubble free legs, smooth face, hand lotions yet
we don't like to touch

7.  Olfactics-  The nonverbal communication study of smell.

We react to people based on their smell:  Body odor, too much perfume

8. Chronomics-  The nonverbal communication study of time

Often connected with status-the higher status the more control we have over our
time. You wait for the doctor
Various cultures use time differently

9.  Facial Expressions
     You have 80 muscles in your face that can create more than 7,000 facial

There six main types of facial expressions found in all cultures

 Happiness- round eyes, smiles, raised cheeks
Disgust-wrinkled nose, lowered eyelids and eyebrow, raised upper lip
 Fear- around eyes, open mouth
 Angry- lower eyebrow and stare intensely.

Surprise-raised eyebrow, wide open eyes, open mouth

 Sadness- Area around mouth and eyes

Communicating Implications
Persuasive communicators exhibit more animated facial expressions, more
gestures to emphasize their points, and nod their heads more.

Many in class examples taken from

Gestures Around the World
Check it out!

What is nonverbal communication?

Nonverbal communication is behavior, other than spoken or written

communication, that creates or represents meaning. In other words, it
includes facial expressions, body movements, and gestures.  Nonverbal
communication is talking without speaking a word. It is very effective, maybe
even more so than speech. Remember the saying, “Actions speak louder than

You may be surprised to know that not only humans

respond to this kind of communication. If you have a
pet, especially a dog, it may follow directions and
respond to hand and body movements more than your
words. Dogs will even get confused if you say “sit” but
give the hand motion that you usually use for “stay”.

Next, we will focus on different kinds of nonverbal communication and uses

of nonverbal communication. There is also one kind of nonverbal
communication that is called the “universal gesture.” See if you can guess
what it is by the time you finish this page!

There are two main types of nonverbal communication. Body language is the
first. Body language is body movements that depend on a person’s attitude or
feelings. Body language includes the way people walk, how they stand, and
their facial features. In other words, any kind of meaning that is shown by a
person's body attitude or movements. For example, when a boy is sad he may
droop his head and walk slowly. Or, if a girl is happy, she might run and jump
or stand up straight and put her hands in the air. People don't have to say
anything to show how they feel about things. The color of people's skin may
even show how they feel.  For example, if people with light colored skin get
embarrassed, their skin may turn red, or if they are worried, they might get
pale. Body language can be voluntary (on purpose) or involuntary (a person
can’t help it). An interesting fact is that blind children will smile when happy
even though they have never seen a smile.

The next main type of nonverbal communication is gestures. Gestures are

communications like facial expressions, hand signals, eye gazing, and body
postures. Examples include smiles, handshakes, waving, and raising certain
fingers to say something. For instance, if you saw a friend at a noisy carnival,
you might smile and wave at your friend.  You might also point at the Ferris
wheel if you wanted to meet your friend there. You could do all of these
things without saying a word. Another great example is in baseball when the
catcher signals to the pitcher the kind of pitch to use for the batter that is
There are three main uses of nonverbal communication. People often use all
of them everyday. The first use is for greetings. Greetings include waves,
handshakes, hugs and salutes. For example, when you see your friends in the
morning on the way to school, you may wave to them. A more formal greeting
would be shaking hands with your boss at work. The salute is used in the
armed forces when you see a person of a higher rank than you.

The next use is for specific communication. For example, workers may use
signals at their jobs. One important use is in construction when a worker
signals to a crane operator to keep everyone safe. These signals are very
specific and tell the operator to move left, right, or raise and lower the
hook. Another very important use is sign language.  This form of
communication is used for people who have hearing problems. They use hand
signals and lip reading to communicate very specific things.

The third use is involuntary nonverbal communication. These are movements

and attitudes that show how people feel.  Most times, people don't even
know they're communicating when they make these actions, because these
actions are automatic.  For example, a slumped posture may mean that the
person is sad. A stern look may show that the person is in a serious mood.
When people rub their eyes, it can show they are tired. All of these
examples show how people feel.

Expressions and gestures are not the same around the world. Some gestures,
like the “thumbs up,” which is a positive gesture in the United States, may
mean something very different in other cultures. In Nigeria, the thumbs up
gesture is a rude insult! In Australia it is an obscene insult. Another funny
example is spinning your finger around your ear. This is known as the “you’re
crazy” sign in America and in some other nations. But in Argentina, it means
“you have a phone call!”

Another gesture that can be taken completely differently depending upon

where you live is nodding the head. In most parts of the world, it is a
positive or “yes” gesture. In Bulgaria, and parts of Greece and the Middle
East, it means no.  It is important that government leaders know about these
things. It could be bad if a president offended the leader of another nation
because of a gesture that was misunderstood. At least an embarrassed smile
will be understood between people from other countries.
Other examples of involuntary communication are rubbing hands together to
show anticipation, tapping or drumming fingers when impatient, biting nails if
nervous, and putting a hand or finger to one's cheek if thinking deeply.

Body language and gesture meanings do not always stay the same. Sometimes
meanings change over time, or meanings change when cultures mix together.
One example might be the “hang loose” sign from Hawaii. This sign is the
pinkie pointed up, and the thumb pointed out. It loosely means “everything is
ok” originally, and is now becoming part of the rest of American culture.

Not all gestures and body language are for positive communication. One
example of this is gang symbols. These are nonverbal communications that
may tell something about whether or not someone is in a gang or lives in a
certain area where some gangs are. For example, the way a person wears
their shirt or how a cap is worn (like to the left or right side) may tell
others that the person is in a certain gang. The color of their clothes may
mean something as well. Another communication that is used by gangs is
special hand signs. These signs are used by one person to show another
person that they are in a certain gang. These signs can be a threat sign to
someone in a different or enemy gang.

Hopefully you can see how important nonverbal communication is. Some
sources say that it may be 78% of communication between people. In other
words, nonverbal communication may be the most important part of
communicating with other people. 

Have you figured out what the universal gesture is yet? Here is a list to
choose from if you have not:

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