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Álvarez Ramos Javier Ricardo

Centro de Comercio y Servicios SENA Caldas

Gestión logística 1966016

This article gives us different alternatives to grow in business and gives guidelines
on how we should transport a product. By the safest means of transport more
efficient and that allows us to reach the client in less time at a low cost to
Achieve your satisfaction. It shows us the different modes of transport as they are
iron, road, air and river or sea and its means to go one step ahead of the final
consumer. Suppliers are responsible for being aware of the merchandise. Until the
confirmation of the received agreement of the client is why it is important to know
the costs and risk of each mode and means of transport, a planning to meet the
customer according to the mode and means of transport chosen since these
means can be fast and safe but they can also be delayed according to the means
of transport has to do with the routes chosen and take in to account the level of
infrastructure quality especially in the road since it is the most used the most used
by ease of all companies since the only means to transport the products from the
place of origin to the place of destination at least nationally without using another
medium, and it is very useful for micro businesses that are starting your product
It is important to know and take into account what agreements are made with
companies transporters because to meet the customer depends on a higher
percentage of means of transport it is important that these companies have the
technology of tracking to monitor the course of the merchandise making sure that
the product goes in good condition and also to anticipate possible delays this
would give us time to reach an agreement with client in case of any kind of delay
even before the delivery date is met. Other points that should be in account are the
class of products, and the labeling according to its classification that we are
transporting to be able to choose the best mode of transport.
Ingles Español

1. Agreed acordado, decidido fijado.

2. Aware consciente,informado.
3. Between entre.
4. Budget presupuesto.
5. Cheap barato.
6. Choosing elegir.
7. Damage daño, perjuicio.
8. Disappointed decepcionado, desilucionado.
9. Guidelines directrices, pautas.
10. Hazardous peligroso, arriesgado.
11. Labelled etiqueta.
12. Likewise igualmente
13. Machinery maquinaria.
14. Making creacion,produccion fabricacion.
15. Method estilo.
16. Schedule plan, programa.
17. Shipping barcos, embarcaciones.
18. Striking notable, llamativo.
19. Unimpressed no impresionado.
20. Unlucky tener mala suerte.

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