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vpjtalbot6 points · 20h

@notabear87 That's the oposite in facts, they count as corona death only the certified case. You
can double the death numbers coming from france and germany

eljonsensei2 points · 20h
@cutiefanny Low death rate in Brazil ? It's about 4.3% in Brazil. Also the pandemic started relativly
late and is still on its beggining (It started a mounth later than in Europe for instance)

mcstonkface4 points · 20h
@notabear87 the opposite seems more likely to me; only counting those that they definitely know
have covid-19 from a test. This seems especially true for China which was clearly limited by test
capacity for some time, although they later added clinically diagnosed cases to their numbers.

monstachio5 points · 20h
@cutiefanny What the fuck have you been smoking? In less than a month they've gone from a
under a hundred, to over 10 000 cases, and their death rate is sitting at ~4% overall. They're
literally the country with the most cases in South America. Any reasonable person knows that when
there is a disease spreading wildly through a species, separating and keeping your distance is the
best way to slow down the spread. Quarantine and high death rate is a false evaluation of cause.
Maybe the disease had already spread too far by the time a country quarantine, so amount of cases
and people dead just happen to be high after quarantine is implemented. You know, like in the US
where Trump's administration kept saying it's all good up until March when shit started to hit the
fan and then they initiated a national emergency, when it was too late and thousands were already
infected. YOU clearly haven't read the evidence. That doesn't mean the virology scientists don't
have evidence for it.
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loodp43p354 points · 22h
Are they retarded? The success rate is high because the infected numbers are somewhat under
control, if more people get infected, they won't get beds, they won't get treated, and most of them
will die
The % is not shown in the news so retards like those don't start going out and making it worst

wecsfffcs12 points · 1d
@loodp43p most infected don't have symptoms and just recover without EVER getting tested. but

dreaver24 points · 1d
@loodp43p Yes, the percentage is this 'low' because we are taking action. We should see this
percentage and compare it to the calculated projection it would have taken if we didn't take action.

stoicnluv18 points · 1d
@wecsfffcs Most? Any evidence to backup that claim? I'm sure you don't have because as you said
they are not tested.

crustyjugglerzPRO6 points · 1d
@stoicnluv im a family of 7, im the eldest at 29 and my parents are 65 and 66, the youngest is 16.
We all had it when returning from a cruise in january, the most any of us got was a nasty cough,
like whooping cough. I know its anecdotal but i know a few more people who have had it and been
fine, it is the elderly and preexisting respiratory conditioned people that are affected most
@dreaver2 that is why we are 'curve flattening' atm

endariel2 points · 1d
@stoicnluv that's a rough estimate first proposed by Wuhan researchers and then backed up by
many worldwide institution. And that's part of the reason why in some countries, where just people
with symptoms are tested, the mortality appears to be significantly higher. By the way it would take
a long explanation to argument why it's not that important to test healthy people and the mortality
rate is somewhat arbitrary and a pretty useless statistic. The important thing is the saturation of
the resources for covid patients and non-covid patients, because many hospital wings had to be
converted and because of that regular patients are lacking appropriate care. So you cannot treat all
covid patients and, in addition to that, other patients are paying the toll for that.
To summarize: the only way to face this situation is reducing contagion

loodp43p1 point · 1d
@wecsfffcs then how would you know they were infected? They won't be in that statics then

katarinagorse12 points · 23h
@loodp43p It won't be "most" but it could rise to from 10 to 20 %.

leppefisk1 point · 23h
@loodp43p The number in the news is HIGHLY inflated, the fact of the matter, the ACTUAL fact is
that there are a high number of covid-19 cases that go unreported due to lack of severe symptoms
and thus the statistics are based upon CONFIRMED cases of covid-19.
the actual number is MUCH lower, like in norway where it is 0.2% fatality, and even that is
somewhat inflated because they only test the ones with breathing problems at this point.
0.2 fuckin percent.

cutebubblebutt PRO+1 point · 23h

@stoicnluv I mean... it doesn't take that many brain cells to assume multiple people think alike. for
the past few weeks i've had a cold, curious if it was corona, or just a cold but refused to get tested,
as I don't trust people, imagine getting infected, when attempting to get tested. So yeah, I'm pretty
certain a lot of people won't be bothering to get tested. You can easily just stay home and chill, and
then see if you get worse symptoms or not. I only felt that my head was burning around 9-10 pm,
forcing me to go to bed eairly, so I didn't really care.

arcadiez1 point · 23h
@loodp43p you seem to confuse mild conditions with severe conditions.
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squarebeans137 points · 22h
Averages are bullshit for this. 
From what is currently known, for young people it's 0.3%-1% deaths, for old people it's over 20%
deaths, and that's before your hospitals collapse from the sheer volume of patients, because then
the death rate starts going up very fast for everybody.
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pixies4218 points · 22h
Regardless of how high the survival rate really is: The survival rate is less high when the health
system breaks down. If the health systems breaks down not only corona patients (that probably
could survive) will die but also other sick people because they don't can get proper medical
treatment anymore.

varkaard103 points · 22h
So we're assuming a 100% infection ratio?
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andrewhuxley12 points · 19h
The actual mortality rate is probably closer to 1%. If you do not test everyone, you will miss a lot of
cases that are asymptomatic, so you should only look at countries that do test a lot.

Problem is, we really suck at risk assessment. Imagine if airplanes were only 99% safe: on an
average day, there would be 13 planes crashing with all passengers lost on London Heathrow
alone. Two boeings crashed in a span of months and we stopped flying on them, can you imagine if
thirteen planes crashed every day on a single airport and everyone was just like "well I still need to
get to my holiday in Mallorca innit?" 

But tell them there's a 1% mortality rate from a disease and they're all like "ah nah that's okay
won't be me, I can still go on holiday!".

mepof38 points · 19h
People always downplay it until somebody they know gets it because they can’t fathom the concept
of something major happening unless it happens to someone in their circle.
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