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Entropy change linked to the magnetic field induced Morin transition in

Hematite nanoparticles
J. M. Pastor, J. I. Pérez-Landazábal, C. Gómez-Polo, V. Recarte, S. Larumbe et al.

Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 063102 (2012); doi: 10.1063/1.3682084

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APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 100, 063102 (2012)

Entropy change linked to the magnetic field induced Morin transition

in Hematite nanoparticles
J. M. Pastor,1,a) J. I. Pérez-Landazábal,1 C. Gómez-Polo,1 V. Recarte,1 S. Larumbe,1
R. Santamarta,2 M. Fernandes Silva,3 E. A. Gómez Pineda,3 A. A. Winkler Hechenleitner,3
and M. K. Lima3
Departamento de Fı́sica, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Campus de Arrosadı́a, 31006 Pamplona, Spain
Departament de Fı́sica, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Ctra. de Valldemossa, km 7.5,
07122 Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Departamento de Quı́mica, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, 87020-900 Maringá-PR, Brazil

(Received 31 August 2011; accepted 16 January 2012; published online 6 February 2012)
The most stable form of iron oxide is Hematite (a-Fe2O3), which has interesting electronic,
catalytic, and magnetic properties showing size dependent characteristics. At room temperature,
Hematite is weakly ferromagnetic with a rhombohedral corundum structure. Upon cooling, the
structure undergoes a first order spin reorientation, in which the net magnetic moment is lost. This
transition is called the Morin transition. In this work, the first order Morin transition has been
analyzed as a function of the temperature and applied magnetic field in Hematite nanoparticles.
The magnetization was measured in the temperature range of the transformation at different
applied magnetic fields to evaluate the entropy change linked to the Morin transition. The magnetic
field promotes a shift of the transformation temperature. The change of entropy has been estimated
on the basis of Clausius-Clapeyron type equation. V C 2012 American Institute of Physics.


Hematite is the most stable form of iron oxide (a- of DStr. Thermal relaxation calorimetry13 (Physical Proper-
Fe2O3). Its electronic, catalytic, and magnetic properties are ties Measurement System, PPMS) posses high resolution
of increasing interest from the application point of view in compared with previous ones techniques. Nevertheless,
different fields.1 At room temperature, Hematite is weakly PPMS is not a suitable technique in the case of first order
ferromagnetic with a rhombohedral corundum structure transitions because their hysteretic nature. However the
(Space group R3c).2 The magnetic moments are approxi- latent heat of the Morin transition, L, has been obtained
mately perpendicular to the rhombohedral axis with a small directly using a modified DSC14 (L ¼ 18 J kg1 at 261 K;
canting of the magnetic sublattices, giving a small net mag- DStr ¼ 0.069 J kg1 K1). In this work, the field dependence
netic moment. Upon cooling, the material undergoes a first of the thermo-magnetization curves has been used to deter-
order spin reorientation transition, the Morin transition. The mine the entropy change linked to the first order Morin tran-
moments align antiferromagnetically along the rhombohe- sition in Hematite nanoparticles. The application of a
dral axis, and the net magnetic moment goes to zero. Morin magnetic field promotes a shift of the transformation temper-
transition temperature, Tm , is around to 260 K in bulk materi- ature.15,16 The indirect estimation of DStr can be accurately
als.3,4 However, Tm depends on the mean particle size, d. evaluated on the basis of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation.
When the size is smaller than 100 nm, Tm decreases The nanoparticles of Hematite were elaborated by modi-
abruptly.5,6 This effect is due to the increase of the surface- fied aqueous sol-gel method.17 Saturated aqueous metal ni-
volume ratio of the particles, which yields to a lack of sym- trate solution was prepared and maintained at room
metry at nanometric scale. Therefore, at low temperature, the temperature under stirring for two hours. After that, it is
spin disorder causes the misalignment of the antiferromag- heated under vigorous stirring until total water evaporation.
netic order. For nanoparticles smaller than 10 nm, the antifer- The temperature was maintained at 250  C until the total
romagnetic order does completely vanish.7 thermal degradation. The nanostructured material was
When a system undergoes a first order transformation,8,9 obtained after burning the precursor powder under air atmos-
the behaviour of the total entropy of the system as a function phere at 400  C.
of the temperature shows a discontinuity linked to the trans- X-ray measurements were carried out on a Siemens
formation entropy, DStr. Different calorimetric techniques D-5000 powder diffractometer with monochromated Cu
have been employed in order to obtain DStr experimentally. Ka1 radiation (k ¼ 1.54056 Å). Reflection x-ray powder dif-
Adiabatic Calorimetry10,11 and Differential Scanning Calo- fraction data were collected from 10 to 90 in 2h. The Riet-
rimetry12 (DSC) are widely employed with the purpose of veld Method and the Fullprof18 program have been used to
obtaining specific heat of both single crystal and nanopar- analyze the x-ray spectra. Finally, small drops of solutions
ticles of Hematite. Nevertheless, neither of these experimen- containing nanoparticles were deposited in 3 mm copper
tal techniques has been able to detect any anomaly grids coated with carbon and formvar films and observed in
associated to the Morin transition because of the slight value a Hitachi H600 transmission electron microscope (TEM)
operating at 100 kV. The temperature dependences of the
Electronic mail: magnetization M(T)H at different applied magnetic fields, H,

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FIG. 1. X-ray diffraction pattern measured at room temperature (black

Points) and the Rietveld refinement (full line) using the crystallographic
structure of the Hematite. The insets show an image and a selected area elec- FIG. 3. Magnetization of Hematite nanoparticles for different applied mag-
tron diffraction pattern of the sample obtained by TEM. netic fields: diamonds, 0 kOe; squares, 10 kOe; circles, 20 kOe; up triangle,
30 kOe; down triangle, 40 kOe; left triangle, 50 kOe; right triangle, 60 kOe.

were determined using a Quantum Design MPMS XL-7

SQUID magnetometer. measured between T ¼ 100 and 300 K (Fig. 2) during cooling
Figure 1 shows the x-ray diffraction pattern measured at and heating. As it is expected for a first order transition, hys-
room temperature (black Points) and the Rietveld refinement teretic effect appears in the transition. The transition temper-
(full line) using the crystallographic structure of the Hema- ature, determined from the temperature at maximum dM/dT,
tite. It has been determined that the sample is pure Hematite. is Tm ¼ 235 K and 245 K in cooling and heating regimes,
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy has been also used respectively. The smaller magnetization of the low tempera-
to check the absence of other phases. The mean diameter ture phase is due to the antiferromagnetic alignment of the
size is 57 nm determined by Scherrer formula. As can be magnetic moments along the rhombohedral axis.
appreciated in the micrograph obtained by TEM (see inset of Figure 3 shows the thermo-magnetization M(T)H curves
Fig. 1), nanoparticles have irregular shape. The size of the measured on heating for different applied fields from H ¼ 0
nanoparticles from the image is similar to the obtained by to 60 kOe in the temperature range where the Morin transi-
x-ray diffraction. Additionally, selected area electron diffrac- tion takes place. Regarding the magnetostructural transition,
tion patterns obtained from small agglomerations of nano- M(T)H shows a similar behavior in the whole range of
particles (inset of Fig. 1), ranging from hundreds of applied magnetic fields, that is, an increase in magnetization
nanometers to several microns, show always the crystallinity upon heating across the Morin transition. The magnetization
of these particles, thus confirming the results obtained by change during the transformation has been estimated
x-ray diffraction of the powders. as DM ¼ 0.3 emu/g for the maximum applied field
In order to characterize the Morin transition tempera- (H ¼ 60 kOe). The shift of the Morin transition to lower tem-
ture, Tm, the low field (H ¼ 50 Oe) magnetization, M, was peratures, as the applied magnetic field increases, indicates
that the magnetic field stabilizes the high temperature phase
with respect to the low temperature one. Thus, the Morin
transition can be induced by an external magnetic field in a
particular temperature range. For example at 224 K the sam-
ple is in the antiferromagnetic state at zero field but the
application of a 60 kOe leads to the weak ferromagnetic
phase (temperature marked in Fig. 3 with an arrow).
The isothermal entropy change DS induced by the ap-
plied magnetic field can be obtained by numerical integration
of the Maxwell relation from isothermal thermo-
magnetization curves M(T)H. According to classical thermo-
dynamics, the entropy change DSðT; HÞ can be indirectly
estimated by magnetic measurements using the following
DSðT; HÞ ¼ SðT; HÞ  SðT; 0Þ ¼ lo dH: (1)
0 @T H

Therefore, positive values of DSðT; HÞ are expected when

FIG. 2. Magnetization of Hematite nanoparticles under a 0.005 T magnetic the M increases with T for the full set of applied fields in the
field measured during cooling (full points) and heating (empty points). range of temperatures around Tm (see Fig. 3). In the case that

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063102-3 Pastor et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 063102 (2012)

FIG. 4. Entropy change DS for different maximum applied fields in the tem-
FIG. 5. Tm as a function of applied field. Points correspond to experimental
perature range of the Morin transition. The inset shows the entropy change
data and straight line to linear fit.
DS as a function of the applied fields at 224 K (maximum of DS).

the magnetic field strongly affects the transition temperature basis of Clausius-Clapeyron type equation. The equation is
but scarcely modifies the heat capacity of both phases,11 a expressed as
limiting value of the DS  DStr should be expected,9,20
where DStr is the structural transformation entropy. Besides ¼ lo ; (2)
this, to directly correlate the maximum entropy change deter- dH DStr
mined by magnetic measurements with DStr, it should be
where DM is the difference in the magnetization between the
taken into account the temperature range where the complete
low temperature antiferromagnetic phase and the high tem-
phase change is induced by an external magnetic field.
perature ferromagnetic phase. Using the values determined
The evolution of DS as a function of temperature for dif-
in the previous results for DM ¼ 0.3 emu/g ¼ 0.3 Am2 kg1
ferent applied magnetic fields is plotted in Fig. 4. A maxi-
and DS ¼ 0.030 J kg1 K1, we obtain dTm/dH ¼ 1.0 K/kOe
mum entropy change DS ¼ 0.030 6 0.002 J/kg K is achieved
that agrees fairly well with the measured field dependence of
for fields above 60 kOe at temperatures around 224 K. This
the transition temperature.
value is below the reported DStr value linked to the Morin
In summary, the first order Morin transition has been an-
transition in bulk Hematite (DStr ¼ 0.069 J kg1 K1).14 This
alyzed as a function of the temperature and applied magnetic
discrepancy could be related to the surface effects since it is
field in Hematite nanoparticles. The Morin transition
possible that an external core in the nanoparticles could not
depends on the applied field, and then it can be induced by
undergo the spin reorientation transformation due to the ab-
an external magnetic field. The entropy change linked to the
sence of structural order and so would not contribute to the
Morin transition has been determined through the Magnetic
estimated DS value. A different origin for this discrepancy is
field phase change induction. The magnetic field promotes a
based on the dependence on the temperature of the net en-
shift of the transformation temperature (Tm) evaluated on the
tropy change linked to a first order metamagnetic transfor-
basis of Clausius-Clapeyron equation.
mation21 as the Morin transition. Due to the opposite sign of
the vibrational and magnetic contributions to the transforma- 1
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