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Reporting verbs

Los reporting verbs son verbos utilizados en inglés para transmitir lo que otra persona ha dicho Por
- He  announced  that he would become in the best player ever (Él anunció que se convertiría en el
mejor jugador de la historia).
Anunció, dijo, prometió, aseguró, preguntó, etc.. son distintos verbos utilizados parar reportar un
mensaje dicho en el pasado.


-Say: Decir. -Ask: Preguntar. -Announce: Anunciar, comunicar.

-Claim: Reivindicar, reclamar. -Point out: Señalar, indicar. -Insist: Insistir.

-Predict: Predecir. -Deny Negar, desmentir. -Argue: Discutir, razonar.

-Warn: Advertir, avisar. -Assure: Asegurar. -Confess: Confesar.

-Refuse: Rechazar, denegar. -Promist: Prometer. - Tell: Contar.

Form & meaning

Reporting verbs are used to report what someone said more accurately than
using say & tell.
1. verb + infinitive
agree, decide, offer, promise, refuse, threaten
 They agreed to meet on Friday.
 He refused to take his coat off.
 My sister refused to help me tidy my room
 They agreed to come with me to my  cabin in the woods.

2. verb + object + infinitive
advise, encourage, invite, remind, warn
 Tom advised me to go home early.
 She reminded me to telephone my mother.
 Joseph advised me to boost  my LinkedIn account.
 David invited all his friends to like the new Yentelman page
in Facebook

3. verb + gerund
deny, recommend, suggest
 They recommended taking the bus.
 She suggested meeting a little earlier.
 He denied having a Robert Pattinson poster on his bedroom’s
 Terence suggested organising a  beer drinking and hot dog
eating contest.

4. verb + object + preposition

accuse, blame, congratulate
 He accused me of taking the money.
 They congratulated me on passing all my exams.
 I was congratulated for achieving such a good result.
 The teacher accused Aaron of plagiarism.

5. verb + preposition + gerund

apologise, insist
 They apologised for not coming.
 He insisted on having dinner.
 The referee never apologized for his mistake. 
 She insisted on purchasing it on the internet 

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