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Name: ​Kaycie Schulz

History 1700 - Hansen

Fall 2018 Lectures Final Examination: Reconstruction through WWII
1. Identify one significant problem in reconstructing the South after the Civil War.
The Land was in ruins. Farms and plantations were burned down and their crops were destroyed. Creating a new labor

2. What were the problems the emancipated slaves would face with their new found freedom?
They had no educations and could not read or write, job opportunities were limited, they had no money, clothing, etc.

3. What economic problems did the South face after the Civil War?
Banks were closed, Factories were dismantled, transportation systems torn apart, and there was runaway inflation.

4. What happened to the talented and skilled black slaves after the Civil War?
They wanted education, land ownership, migration to northern cities, and a voice in government and to vote.

5. What was the Freedmen’s Bureau?

The Freedmen’s Bureau was established in 1865 by congress, and was to help millions of former black slaves and
poor whites in the South in the aftermath of the Civil War. It provided food, housing, medical aid, and schools.

6. What was the purpose of the Black Codes?

The purpose was to regulate the affairs of emancipated blacks and to ensure a stable labor supply.

7. Where did the deciding votes come from that determined the 1868 Presidential Election for Ulysses S. Grant?
A. Southern Democrats. B. California miners. C. Black Voters in the South. D. Northern Democrats.
8. What impact did the Gold Market Scandal have on the United States’ economy?
The gold market scandal manipulated prices to an extent that commerce was frozen, the price of the gold coin fell, it
sparked a national financial panic, started a stock market depression, and caused the bankruptcy of major trading

9. What effect did the Bureau of Indian Affairs scandal have on Native Americans?
Thomas McKenney as the bureau's first head and instructed him to oversee treaty negotiations, manage
Indian schools, and administer Indian trade, as well as handle all expenditures and correspondence
concerning Indian affairs. The president viewed the tribes as obstacles to American Expansion. ​The Indian
Removal Act and other federal legislative initiatives sought to separate Indians from the path of
settlement, and by 1840, the bureau and the American military had relocated more than 30 tribes to
west of the Mississippi.

10. What industry was the Credit Mobilier Scandal associated with?
A. Mining. B. Cattle ranching. C. Railroads. D. Banking. E. Telegraph.
11. Why did the Democrats agree to let Rutherford B. Hayes be elected president in 1876?
Because he agreed to end Federal support of radical REpublican governments in the South.

12. What is the similarity of the Chinese Immigration Act of 1879 and the current issue over illegal immigration?
The Chinese Immigration Act of 1879 prohibited all immigration of chinese laborers. This is similar to today’s current
issue of immigration, needing more jobs for people who already live here rather than giving them away to immigrants.

13. Why was President James A. Garfield assassinated?

President James A. Garfield was assassinated due to being shot in the back at the Washington Railway station by
Charles J. Guiteau. Guiteau thinks that he was the reason for Garfield to be elected as he was the other candidate,
however he never delivered his speech to run. He plead insanity and stated that it was “God’s act, not mine.”

14. What challenges did President Grover Cleveland face in his second term?

His second term opened with the worst financial crisis in the country. The panic of 1893 began with railroad
bankruptcy, bank failures, nationwide credit crisis, and a stock market crash. He was criticized for being
unimaginative and having no overarching vision for American Society.

15. What was the editorial cartoon with Charles J. Guiteau telling the public?
He was telling the public that he believed himself to be largely responsible for Garfileds election to presidency, and
demanded an ambassadorship in return.

16. What law created the Civil Service Commission ?

The 1883 Pendleton Act aka the “Magna Carta of Civil Service”

17. What was the ​impact​ of the “Billion Dollar” congress on the U. S. Federal budget?
The impact of the billion dollar congress is that it provided benefits to Union veterans and their families.

18. Who did the Populist Party represent in the Election of 1892?
A. Socialists. B. Prohibitionists. C. Agriculture D. Industry.
19. What business strategy did Andrew Carnegie use to build his steel empire?
A. Horizontal Integration of Processes. B. Interlocking Directorates.
C. Vertical Integration of Processes. D. Departmental Separation.
20. What business model did John D. Rockefeller use to dominate the oil industry in the early 20​th​ century?
He created A Monopoly

21. Who did the Knights of Labor want to represent that other labor unions avoided?
A. Chinese. B. Japanese. C. Women and Blacks. D. Gamblers. E. Alcohol dealers.
22. What important point did Samuel Gompers emphasize regarding labor and businesses?
To make it profitable for the business while increasing the fair share for the workers using reason rather than violence
in moderation.

23. What is imperialism?

A policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force.

24. What effect did “yellow journalism” have on the American people in 1898?
A. Provided the facts. B. Created emotion forcing a war with Spain.
C. None at all. D. Made the people more aware of modern art.
The Progressive Roots Reform Movement focused on ​four major categories​ of social issues. What were they?

25. Industrialization 26. Urbanization

27. Immigration 28. Corruption in government

The Muckrakers directed their efforts against a number of ​individual​ social evils. List four of these social evils.

29. Monopolies 30. Corruption

31. Inefficiency 32. Social Injustice

The Political Progressives wanted to restore political power back to the people. List ​two​ significant political changes or
innovations they made that are still in effect today

33. Modern capitalism 34. Industrial Revolution

Teddy Roosevelt’s policies for the U. S. were called the Three C’s. What were the three C’s?

35. Control of corporations 36. Consumer protection 37. Conservation

38. What enabled Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, to be elected President of the United States in 1912?
A. Split in the Republican Party. B. Emergence of the Socialist Party.
C. Strong Democratic Party organization. D. Emergence of the Prohibitionist Party.
39. Wilson’s New Freedom policy attacked the “Triple Wall of Privilege”. What were the three areas he attacked?
The tariff, the banks, and the trusts.

40. What did the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 do for the United States?
It developed a Federal reserve board, 12 banking districts, set interest rates, and prime rates.

41. What was the result of the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria in 1914?
The Austria government saw the assassination as a direct attack on the country, and sparked World War I.

Identify three causes that led to the conflict known as World War I.

42. Submarine Warfare

43. Bolshevik Revolution

44. Zimmerman Note

45. What was the Bolshevik Revolution?

It was the rising of Russian people against the Tsar. Russia pulls out of the war due to internal revolution, and
communists overthrew the Tsar.

46. What was the ​Zimmerman Note​?

The Zimmerman Note was a secret diplomatic communication issued from the German Foreign Office in January
1917 that proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico.

47. What was the ultimate goal of President Wilson’s Fourteen Points?
The goal was for peace that was to be used for peace negotiations in order to end World War I. Wilson states: “The
world must be made safe for Democracy”

48. What was the intent of the Allies with the Treaty of Versailles?
Germany had to admit full responsibility for the war, they had to pay reparations to France and Belgium, payment
could be in kind or cash, and the League of Nations was established and GErmany was forced to accept it.

49. What was the Red Scare from 1915-1922?

The Red Scare was a widespread fear by society around a perceived threat about the potential rise of communism,
anarchism, or radical leftism.

50. How did organized crime make their money during the 1920s?
They made money through the illicit liquor trade during the Prohibition Era. After prohibition, the Mafia moved onto
drug trafficking and illegal gambling.

51. Why were professional athletes like Babe Ruth, Lou Gherig and Jack Dempsey, considered heroes in the 1920s?
They were considered heroes because of the way they played their respective games. This was considered “the golden
age” Babe ruth was “the sultan of swat,” Lou Gherig was “the Iron man of baseball,” and Jack Dempsey was the
“manassa mauler.”

52. What groups of people did the Ku Klux Klan violently oppose in the 1920s?
They opposed almost everything. They were anti foreign, catholic, black, jewish, pacifist, communist, internationalist,
evolutionist, adultery, and birth control.

53. What impact did the 18​th​ Amendment have on the American society?
It caused the increase in bootlegging. People would import whiskey from Scotland and Ireland through Canada, make

a bath tub gin, corn liquor, apple jack, and home made beer and wine.

54. What was the “New Love” affair during the 1920s?
A. Sexual freedom. B. Automobiles. C. Liberal morals. D. Jazz music.
55. How did the literature of the 1920s affect American society?
A. Just entertainment. B. Identified social issues. C. They were like comic books. D. Depressing.
56. Why was the ​Tennessee v. Scopes ​trial so important in the 1920s?
The Tennessee V Scopes trial was important because a bill had just been passed which made the public teaching of
evolution illegal. John Scopes was prosecuted for teaching evolution in a Tennessee public school, disobeying the law.

57. What was the biggest change in Hollywood films in the 1920s?
Larger studios and large urban theatres that seated about 2,000 guests were being built. These places often were
owned by the film studios and used to premier their first major films.

58. What was the focus of family home life and entertainment during the 1920s?
The mother was a house wife who stayed home to cook and clean, the father was not concerned to much about his
home life because he was out making all of the money. They usually spend a lot of money on alcohol. They
entertained themselves by gathering around the radio to listen to ball games and other broadcasts. Tv and video games
had not yet been created, so there were always movies to go and attend to.

59. Why was Albert B. Fall, Secretary of the Interior, removed from his position in Harding’s cabinet?
Albert B. Fall was removed from his position for illegalities. He accepted bribes totalling $400,000 and was found
guilty and sentenced to one year in jail.

60. What did Colonel Forbes do that affected the Veterans Administration?
He was the director of the Veterans Administration and embezzled $225,000,000 by substandard materials, kickbacks
and by selling medical supplies at a discount.

61. Who was involved in the Alien Property Scandal?

Thomas Miller was involved in the Alien Property Scandal and sold German patents for a minimal amount aka

62. What was the Industrial Workers of the World?

The Industrial Workers of the World aka “Wobbilies” were a radical labor group that used violence and intimidation
to get their way. They believed they were being prosecuted.

63. What did the Boston newspapers accuse Sacco and Vanzetti of that led to their criminal conviction? ​Be specific!
They were accused of crime of greed and murder. They allegedly attacked the Massachusetts paymaster and his guard,
which resulted in both being killed and the money was stolen.

What were the Three R’s of the New Deal?

64. Relief 65. Recovery 66. Reform

67. What was the purpose of the Civilian Conservation Corps?
The purpose was to employ young adults to perform unskilled work for the Federal government building
campgrounds, fence lines, and drained swamps.

68. What benefits did the Social Security Administration Act provide?
It provided financial assistance to elderly, handicapped, delinquent children, and provided unemployment benefits.

69. What program provided jobs for raking leaves, shoveling snow and odd civic tasks?
The civil Works administration which provided temporary jobs to millions of unemployed people.

70. What was Joseph Stalin’s ultimate goal for Communism?

To transform an agricultural nation into a world super power to dominate the world and end democracy.

71. Who held the actual governmental power in Japan leading into WWII?
Emperor Hirohito

72. Who was Benito Mussolini?

He was an italian political leader, former revolutionary socialist, founded the “Fascimo” movement, and was the
leader of the National Fascist party. He also ruled the country as prime minister from 1922-1943.

73. What type of government was the Weimar Republic in Germany after WWI?
Democratic Government

74. Why did the Soviet Communists support the Democratic Loyalists during the Spanish Civil War in 1936?
Because they believed that that the independence would mean the loss of economic benefits.

75. What was the greatest concern for President Franklin D. Roosevelt during his first two terms in office?
To build the American economics. He wanted to finish the depression and get rid of the unemployment among

76. What methods did Adolf Hitler use to gain power in pre-world war II Germany?
Adolf Hitler used many different methods to gain power. He worked with the education department, joined the
German workers party and became the propaganda officer, he then planned to use Munich as a base to launch an
attack on the rest of Germany hoping the middle class would rise up in support of him.

77. What mistake did English Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain make that led to war with Germany?
He failed appeasement. He allowed hitler to do whatever he wanted to do and the takeover of Czechoslovakia.

78. What was ironic about Adolf Hitler’s hatred and desire to destroy the Jews?
Because the war in spain was vital for the Soviet union and presented many positive opportunities to the Soviets. He
felt as if the Jewish people were responsible for losing world war 1.

79. Define the mentality of the Japanese fighting men?

Their mentality was to honor the family, country and emperor and that they must always be protected and respected.

80. How was the Japanese naval fleet affected at the Battle of Midway Island?
The United States destroyed Japan’s first-line carrier strength and most of its best trained naval pilots.

91. Who was the Japanese admiral that warned his government that to attack the U. S. was to attack a sleeping giant and if
it awakened it would destroy them?
A. Nagumo. B. Tojo. C. Tanaka. D. Yamamoto.
82. Why did President Truman decide to use the atomic bomb to bring the war to a close with Japan?
Because Truman made public statements that contradicted the politics of administration.

What other options did President Truman had instead of using the atomic bomb to end World War II with Japan?

83. Invade japan 84. Lay siege to japan

85. Bombard Japan with conventional weapons 86. Wait for the Soviets

87. What were the major problems associated with these options?
The major problems would be that it would take a long time, lots of money, manpower and supplies, would cost the
American nation at least 1,000,000 casualties, and the soviets would take their time and the casualties to Japan would
be enormous

88. Why was there no diplomatic option to ending the war with Japan?
Because the United States had already done so much damage, there was no going back or making Japan less angry.

What were two important facts revealed after Japan’s surrender that indicated that Japan may have had an advantage in
winning the war?

89. Japan was developing Atomic weapons 90. Three weeks from testing
91. What does the name “Rosie the Riveter” refer to?
A women’s cultural movement during World War II where women were encouraged to work in shipyards and factories. Many
women took jobs replacing the male workers who joined the military.

92. What was D-Day?

The D-Day invasion was on June 6, 1944 and allied troops landed on the beaches of Normandy and turned the tides of
world war II.

93. Which landing location was the most difficult at Normandy, France on June 6, 1944?
● A. Utah. B. Omaha. C. Gold. D. Juno. E. Sword.
94. What was the Battle of the Bulge?
The Battle of the Bulge was a major german offensive campaign throughout the densely forested Arelennes forest,
which resulted in a massacre at american soldiers.

95. How did the Japanese religion of Shinto influence the Japanese military?
The Shinto was a government run religion that had been converted into a military. It influenced the military to protect
Japan and their emperor.

96. What was Executive Order 9066?

The executive order 9066 was dated Feb 19, 1942 and gave the military broad power to ban any citizens from fifty to
sixty miles wide of coastal area.

97. Where was the Topaz Relocation Center located?

A. Poston, Arizona. B. Twin Falls, Idaho. C. west of Delta, Utah. D. Heart Mountain, Montana.
98. What was the Potsdam Conference of 1945?
It was a conference that was held at Cecilienhot in germany. Its ultimatum given to japan gave the option to surrender
or to be destroyed.

99. What is the code of the warrior called in Japan?

Bushido, aka “the way of the warrior”

100. Who intervened for the Japanese people to bring about the Japanese surrender and ending World War II in the Pacific?
A. Gen. Macarthur. B. Pres. Truman. C. Joseph Stalin. ​D. Emperor Hirohito. E. Churchill.

Extra Credit 6 POINTS

1. What tactics did Benito Mussolini use to take over power in Italy?
​ e organized a paramilitary unit known as the “black shirts” who terrorized political opponents and helped increase
Fascist influence. He was then given the authority of the prime minister in 1922.

2. Why did countries like Italy, Spain and Germany allow fascist governments to take over?
The purists asserted that the term “fascism” should only be used to mean the ideology of the national fascist party
under Benito Mussolini.

3. Why did Josef Stalin eliminate the two other members of the Triumvirate and Leon Trotsky?
Because they led a failed struggle against the policies and rise of Joseph Stalin.

4. What was the Japanese way of atoning for failure?

Ones life must be given/taken

5. How did the use of the atomic bomb change the world in 1945?
The Atomic bomb wiped away a city in Japan with about 350,000 people. The bomb caused immediate death of
70,000 people, and 200,000 exposed to radiation. The bomb destroyed every building in a radius of 2.5 km, broke windows 16
km away, and the blast could be felt as far as 60 kilometres.

6. What is the most important point you learned during this class?
That the 19th amendment provided the men and women with equal voting rights. No citizen should be denied by the
United States on account of sex.

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