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repetition of sounds in stressed syllables

§ alliteration to make memorable rhythm in oral stories

e. g. Peter picked a peek of pickled peppers

• combination of two words to forma poetic

kenning expression referring to
" "
something or someone
e. g. the ring giver King
- →

allegory has more than one level of meaning ,


codified than symbol

dream vision allegorical tale in the narrative framework

allegorical of a dream -

made more acceptable the fantastic

romance and bizarre world of personifications and symbols

alliterative the emergence in the Uthe of a body of poems .

as revival which look back to the native pre conquest -

I alliterative tradition

• unreal fantasy in a story form , love and
romance adventure as main motifs chivalric person

as main character

chansons narratives relating heroic deeds and victories
de geste of Christian knights , e. g. a crusader

coutry romantic relationship between two unmarried

love people in miedieval times
rothe .
dramatic elaborations inform of
tropes mutually dialogues in Latin by clergy
answered , ,

during important holidays like Christmas

£ liturgical ththc .
further elaboration on the liturgy ,

or drama with clergy and laity ,

added vernaculars

• dramatizations of significant Biblical events ,

mystery divorced from the liturgy , still religious in
plays subject-matter performed ,
in public spaces
5 by ordinary people

plays employing allegory to dramatize the

morality moral struggle has didactic role instructs

plays on the application of Christian doctrine to

everyday life
o sonnet 14 line poem written in iambic

pentameter ,

has specific rhyme scheme and a Volta
s or specific turn
I elaborate figurative device having metaphors ,

9 similes hyperbole , compares things which at


metaphysical first glance very dissimilar, intended to

conceit surprise by wit and ingenuity , play of mind
of an extended metaphor between a spiritual
is aspect of person and physical thing in
the world

comedy a play concerned with satirizing society 's
of manners hypocrisy greed gossip affairs

, , , ,

manners conflicts moral weakness of aristocracy


poem grand scale written in lofty tone

on , ,

involving heroic deeds and events of historical

epic importance battles supernatural elements
, , ,

poem universality of theme invocation to God , ,

metaphors grand style moral tone human

, , ,

interest , grew out of pagan tradition

. -
heroic legend or more abstract themes than
secondary primary epic ; composed as poet 's artistic
epic interpretation or recreation of legend or
ios theme , not based on reality but has a life
6 on its own to be transmitted to reader's mind

heroic narrative verse in dignified ,

dramatic and

poetry formal style to describe the deeds of

of aristocratic warriors and rulers ;
includes panegyric praising a hero 's lineage
and deeds , laments on hero's death ;
transmitted orally from bard to bard to the
acompaniment of a stringed instrument

run on

running of a sense from one couplet or line

lines to next , without major pause or syntactical
iambic pendameter rhyming in pairs popular
in the Restoration and the Enlightenment
I ,

heroic due to Neoclassical desire for perspicuity ,
E couplet clarity balance restraint , order and control ;
, ,


thoughts in two line

segments , based on

parallelism antithesis ;
lines usually end -

stopped often marked

with strong pauses

reason mainspring of learning knowledge

the ,

§ rationalism and inspiration stimulated fabricated and

, ,

8 stereotypical ; it is a reaction against Renaissance

£ style of poetry

& rationalism , scholarly allusions , didacticism ,

neoclassicism realism , adherence to classical Rules heroic ,

I couplet , no passionate lyricism objectivity , ,


E poetic diction

I in tooth due to new middle
or emerged c. class
that struggled with morality and social issues ;
novel realistic prose contemporary addressed to
, ,

new reader , reflecting to his world , interests ,

attitudes , didactic

E ruling personage of the Romantic period

⇐ byronic an individual combining characteristics :

of hero frustrated Moody cynical proud loving revolt

, , , ,

E and liberty capable of loving wildly


typically satires or parodies ,
a fool in
mock a role of hero or ex agerrate the heroic
heroic qualities to absurd point , effective in
epic criticising old habits and values exposing ,

moral corruption of society during

neoclassical period

F novel a work of fiction dealing with values customs , ,

I of morals of complex civilization codes and ,

I manners conventions of daily behaviors exploring ,

E personal relationships and influence of money

has its setting a period of history and
historical attempts to convey the spirit manners , ,

novel and social conditions of a past age with

realistic detail and fidelity to historical

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