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Praise to Allah, the Handbook of Dissertation Writing for Doctoral Program of Postgraduate
Directorate University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta finally could be completed. This handbook
is the revised edition of the previous handbook of Doctoral Program Dissertation Writing written in
2009. This book is revised in order to improve the quality of education, particularly the process and
the results of dissertations written by students of Doctoral Program at the University of
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. This book is used to guide students particularly those who will write
dissertation and other scientific papers.
In addition, this handbook is also useful for supervisors/promotors in supervising the
dissertation writing. This handbook is expected to increase the quality of process and result,
particularly in dissertation writing for the Doctoral Program at University of Muhammadiyah
The improvement of this handbook was possible with the participation of various parties.
Therefore, we would like to extend our gratitude to the related parties. Criticism and constructive
feedback are highly welcome for the improvement of this book in the future.

Yogyakarta, 1 January 2015


Dr. H. Achmad Nurmandi, M.Sc



Postgraduate ​Directorate​ of University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, after :

Considering : a. That in order to improve the quality of dissertations of Doctoral Program at

University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, it is necessary to make
dissertation guidelines.

b. What is stated in point a, it is necessary to make guidelines of dissertation

writing for the Doctoral Program of University of Muhammadiyah

Viewing : 1. Law Number 18 Year 2002 about National System of Research,

Development, and Implementation of Science and Technology (State
Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2002 No. 82, Additional State
Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 4219);

2. Law Number 20 Year 2003 about National Education System (State

Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2003 Number 78, Additional
State Gazette of the Republic Indonesia Number 4310);

3. Law Nomer 14 Year 2005 about Teachers and Lecturers (State Gazette
of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2005 Number 157, Additional State
Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4586);

4. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 Year 2012 about Higher

Education, (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2012 Number
158, Additional State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5336);

5. Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 32 Year

2013 about Amendment to Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005
about National Standard of Education (State Gazette of the Republic of
Indonesia Year 2013 Number 71, Additional State Gazette of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 5410);

6. Government Regulation Number 37 Year 2009 about Lecturers (State

Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2009 Number 76, Additional State
Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5007);

7. Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 Year 2014

about the Implementation and Management of Higher Education, State
Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2014 Number 16;

8. Regulation of the Ministry of National Education Number 28 Year 2005

about National Accreditation Agency;

9. Regulation of the Ministry of National Education Number 63 Year 2009

about Quality Assurance System;

10. Regulation of the Ministry of Education and Culture Number 49 Year

2014 about the National Standard of Higher Education;

11. Framework for Long-Term Development of Higher Education (KPPTJP)

IV Year 2003-2010.

12. Guidelines of Muhammadiyah Central Leadership Number :

02/PED/I.0/B/2012 about Muhammadiyah Universities;

13. Decree of Higher Education Council of Muhammadiyah Number:
060/KEP/I.3/D/2013 about the Status of Muhammadiyah University of
Yogyakarta Year 2013.

14. Decree of the Rector of University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta,

Number:049/SK-UMY/XII/2012 about Academic Guidelines of Postgraduate
Program University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Year 2012.

15. Decree of the Rector of University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta about

Postgraduate Program of UMY


To stipulate :

First : Guidelines for Dissertation Writing of Doctoral Program, University of

Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, as stated in the appendix of this Letter of

Second : The guidelines apply to the Doctoral Program of University of

Muhammadiyah in planning, research implementation, writing, and
dissertation supervision;

Third : Things that have not been regulated in this decree will be regulated further
based on decisions made when needed;

Fourth : This decree is valid from the date specified with provisions if in the future
mistakes are found this decree, improvement and adjustment will be made

Issued in : Yogyakarta
Date : 1 January 2015


Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, M.Sc

1. Rector of Muhamadiyah University of Yogyakarta
2. Chairman of Doctoral Studies Program at Graduate University of Muhammadiyah


TITLE PAGE …...………………………………………………………….......... i

PREFACE .. .……………………………………………………………................. ii
A. Preface ​……………………………………………………………………… 1
Functions and Purpose of the 1
A. Quantitative Research Proposal ………………………….……………………... 3
B. Qualitative Research Proposal 4
C. Proposal Submission and Provisions 6
A Content of 8
B Dissertation 16
C Promotors 17
D Progress Report of Dissertation 18
E Dissertation 18
F Dissertation 18
G Dissertation Examination 18
H Dissertation Ratification 19

A Material and Size………………………………………....................................... 20
B Cover Writing………………………………………........................................... 20
C Typing………………………………………..................................................... 21
D Spacing (between lines) 21
E Abstract Writing ……………………………………….................................... 22
F Numbering………………………………………................................................. 22
G Tables and Figures……………………………………........................................ 23
H Language and Terms …………………………………........................................ 23
I Name Writing ………………………………………........................................... 23
J Footnote ………………………………………................................................. 23
K Quotation 24
L Bibliography …………………………………............................................ 24
APPENDICES​………………………………………............................................. 25


A. Preface

A Scientific work made by doctoral students (S3) called dissertation is written

systematically based on the research results. Based on the education system of the doctoral
program of University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), dissertation is part of the
requirements to obtain a doctoral degree. A dissertation might be written after accomplishing
class assignments, passing comprehensive examination and applying research proposal.
A dissertation is a coherent scientific work consisting of introduction including
background of the problem, hypothesis, objective and benefits of the research; literature review;
methodology and research procedure; results and discussion; conclusion and suggestion; and
bibliography. A dissertation should (1) discover the ability of the doctoral candidates
(promovendus) in limiting problems, analyzing, interpreting, and synthesizing information; (2)
represent the knowledge of promovendus about the literature related to the research or

acknowledge the previous research as the foundation of the dissertation; (3) clarify the method
and procedure employed in the research; (4) present the research sequentially and logically; and
(5) exhibit the ability of promovendus to discuss meanings of the result that are obtained
consecutively and integrated.
Before writing a dissertation, students must make a dissertation proposal (research plan)
that describes research problems about background of the problem, problem formulation,
research objective and benefits, bibliography, theoretical framework, methodology, and the
systematic of discussion.

B. The functions and purpose of the handbook

Every student who takes a doctoral program (S3) at the Postgraduate ​Directorate of
University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta is obliged to write a dissertation as one of the
requirements to graduate and to obtain a doctoral degree. In order that students can write a good,
qualified and academically accountable dissertation, a handbook of dissertation writing should
be written. This handbook functions as guidelines that rule substantive and technical things. This
handbook only regulates essential provisions, while the detailed things are developed by the
lecturer and students, according to the research process and supervision.
The handbook of dissertation writing is made for the following purposes:
1. As a reference and guidelines for students in dissertation writing.
2. As guidelines for supervisors/promotors in directing dissertation writing.


Research proposal can be classified in two, quantitative and qualitative research.

A. Proposal for Quantitative Research

A dissertation proposal employing quantitative research is presented using the following
1. Title of the research
The research title contains a statement that specifically reflects the content of the research
(reflecting the concept or the relation of concepts that are studied).
2. Background of the research
In the background of a dissertation research, things that become the background of topic
selection are presented, including the significance of topic selection: research can be based on
empirical phenomena or practical/theoretical problems.
3. Problem Formulation
This section addresses formulation of the research problem and statement of the problem,
and the answer will be found out through research.
4. Objective and Benefits of the research
In this section, the objectives and benefits are specifically stated, whether theoretically or
practically. Theoretically (scientifically) the theoretical benefits for science development are
achieved from the problem being studied. From the practical aspects, it is stated what will be
achieved from the implementation of the research results.
5. Literature Review
This section presents the literature review relevant to the research problem. It also
discusses the concepts and theories used based on the literature, particularly articles published
in various scientific journals. Literature review builds concepts or theories that become the
foundation of the study/research.
6. Framework
Basically, framework is derived from several concepts/theories relevant to the problem
being studied. So, assumptions and/or propositions are presented in a flowchart, then
formulated into an operational hypothesis or a hypothesis that can be tested.
7. Hypothesis

Hypothesis is a tentative statement about the correlation of (association/causality) among
variables. In a quantitative research, hypothesis is normally stated in particular sub-sections.
8. Methodology
This section outlines paradigm/approach/method that will be used in the research. The
method consists of the following:
a. Research planning that will selected.
b. Procedure of sampling and analysis of units.
c. Sources and technique of data collection and research instruments.
d. Data processing and analysis including data validity according to the proposed planning of
8. Systematic of Discussion
This section contains a flowchart of dissertation writing using writer’s logic or
argumentation for one section and other section as one unified entity.
10. Discussion Framework (outline)
Tentative discussion framework (outline) of dissertation is presented. In the final
dissertation writing, the outline may be developed.
11. Bibliography
This section contains all literatures used in the dissertation. Technique of writing could
be found in technique of dissertation writing in this handbook.
12. Appendices
This section contains things relevant to the proposal, such as questionnaire, interview
guidelines, and location map.

B. Qualitative Research Proposal

Research proposal that is not constructive (qualitative research) could be presented with
the following format:
1. Title
Research title contains statements that specifically reflect the research content that will be
conducted (reflecting the concepts of phenomena being studied).
2. Background
This section contains a brief explanation about things/phenomena that become the
background of the research (things that attract the researcher to conduct the research), facts
that are relevant to the research problem as a starting point for the problem formulation,

reasons (empirical, technical) of why the problem is brought into the research proposal and is
important to study.

1. Problem Formulation
A research starts from a statement of the problem that emerges from a researcher due to
his “ignorance” about a certain phenomenon. This is one of the triggers of why a research is
conducted. For example: factors behind the increasing rate of crime and juvenile
delinquency. Researches may come from various sources: observation, texts from books or
other sources like scientific meetings.
Research problems are justifications/reasons of why a particular research is necessary
to conduct. Justifications depend on the importance of the problem, while the importance of
problems is viewed from several aspects. Questions or research problems that are specific
would be better because they lead to research activities that are specific as well.
2. Objectives and Benefits of the research
This section states the research objectives specifically that will be achieved so that the
objective formulation is stated clearly and briefly. A research may aim to explore, elaborate,
explain, and prove or apply certain phenomena, concepts or assumptions, or to make a certain
This section also presents the research benefits whether theoretically or practically for
related parties with efforts to solve the research problems. The theoretical benefits
(academically) are the benefits of the research toward science development, while the
practical benefits are the benefits of the research for a certain community.
3. Literature Review
Literature review discusses theories/concepts of prior research results relevant to the
study/research being conducted. Literature review is not merely used to view some literature,
but to show the correlation of the study proposed with the used literature.
In this section, it is stated that the problem that is discussed has not been studied before,
or it explains the position of the research in the previous researches.
4. Theoretical Framework
This section states the conceptual framework made by the writer about the problem
being studied.
5. Methodology
This section reveals the approach, data collection method, and data analysis used in the
6. Systematic and Discussion Framework (Outline)
This section contains the flow of dissertation writing using the writer’s logic and
argumentation of each section as an integrated unity. Dissertation systematic and content of
discussion are stated in the outline.
7. Bibliography
.Bibliography lists literature used/referred in the manuscript. Guidelines for
bibliography writing could be seen in chapter of dissertation writing technique of this

C. Proposal Submission and Provisions

1. Proposal submission requirements
a. Doctoral candidates may submit their dissertation research proposals if they are students of
doctoral program and have re-registered at the present semester.
b. Have taken and passed all courses.
c. Have passed the comprehensive examination.
d. Meet the requirements of financial administration.
2. Proposal Submission Procedure
Submission of dissertation research proposal for Doctoral Graduate Program University
of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta is regulated as follows:
a. Fill the form of dissertation research proposal which has been provided and enclose 4
copies of dissertation proposal according to the predetermined format.
b. Head of study program will scrutinize the validity of the submitted proposal from the
aspect of completeness of the proposal elements, the research conformity to the study
program, and technique of writing.
c. Proposals that do not meet the above provisions are returned to the respective students to
be revised and re-submitted to the study program.
d. Proposals that meet the provisions are approved by head of study program and a review
team is formed.
e. Head of study program assigns a review team of dissertation proposal which consists of 2
f. Review team studies dissertation proposals within 2 (two) weeks to consider the
g. Review team gives written and oral reports of the result of review in an open seminar of
dissertation proposal.

3. Dissertation Proposal Seminar
a. Dissertation proposals that meet the requirements are submitted to dissertation proposal
seminar to be assessed their eligibility.
b. Head of study program forms a team of seminar examiners to examine dissertation
proposals consisting of a chairman, a secretary, and two reviewers/examiners, and also
sets seminar schedule.
c. In dissertation proposal seminar, doctoral candidates present their dissertation using
power point in 15 minutes.
d. Each member of examiners team examines the eligibility of the dissertation proposals in
30 minutes.
e. Dissertation proposals that are eligible (without revision) are authorized by head of study
program and a prospective promotor/supervisor is therefore proposed.
f. Dissertation proposals that are eligible (with revision) are revised and refined by the
doctoral candidates within 1 (one) month, then approved by head of study program and
then a prospective promotor/supervisor is proposed.
g. Dissertation proposals that are eligible are returned to the doctoral candidates and they
are obliged to re-submit the new proposal according to the procedure above.
4. Promotor Provisions
a. Doctoral candidates whose proposals are approved may propose two promotors for
dissertation writing through application letter addressed to head of study program by
enclosing 3 (three) copies of dissertation proposal that has beeen authorized.
b. Head of study program determines prospective promotor of dissertation writing upon the
team consideration through provision session of prospective promotor.
c. Dissertation promotors are 2 (two) people consist of head of promotor and member of
d. Head of promotor should have at least an academic position as a professor, and member
of promotor should have at least an academic position as an associate professor;
e. Promotor team consists of lecturers from University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta and
f. Prospective promotors of dissertation writing should be willing to give written
counselling for dissertation writing.
g. Head of study program proposes 2 (two) prospective promotors to Director of the
Graduate Program for provision.
h. After getting provision from Director of the Graduate Program, the two promotors of
dissertation writing give counselling for proposal writing, and agree to sign an approval
letter of dissertation proposal. Example of ​format of ​proposal approval page ​is enclosed
in appendix 1, page 25.


A. Dissertation Content
The dissertation content is approximately between 200 - 300 pages. The dissertation is
written systematically which consists of three main sections, namely preceding section, main
section and final section. The writing sistem of dissertation can be classified into two, namely a
dissertation which is based on a quantitative research and accompanied with the result of a
qualitative research.
1. Quantitative Research
Dissertation for a research that develops statements/hyphotetical framework can be presented
with the following format:
a. Preceding Section
1) Title
2) The dissertation title consists of a stetement which specifically reflects the content of the
research being conducted (reflects concept and concepts relations from
sympthoms/phenomena being studied)
3) Front page cover
The Front Page Cover consists of dissertation title, UMY logo, the writer, a statement
that the dissertation is as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the doctoral degree
(doctor), institution, city, and year. The front page cover is a hard cover, brown (Sakura
34). For the example of ​front page cover,​ see appendix 2, p. 26
4) Title page
The title page contains the same as front page cover, but it is typed in white HVS paper.
The example of this section is the same with front page cover. For the example of ​inner
page cover,​ see appendix 3, ​p.27
5) Page Statement of Originality
6) This page contains a written statement of dissertation’s writer, stated that the whole
dissertation is his/her own research result and has never been submitted for academic
titles (undergraduate, graduate and/or doctor in universities or other higher institutions
anywhere else). The dissertation is the writer’s pure idea, framework and research without
the help of other parties, except the guidance from supervisor team or promotor team. In
the dissertation would not contain works or arguments that have been written or published
by others, except those that have been clearly written the sources referred to. This page is
signed by the writer on a stamp of 6.000 IDR. For the example of ​statement of work of
originality,​ see appendix 4, ​p. 28
7) Page of Promotors’ Approval
8) The Page of promotors’ approval contains the statement of the promotor that the
dissertation has been checked, corrected and agreed by the supervisors/promotors and it
fulfils one of examination requirement for doctoral degree in a study which is relevant to
each study program.
For the example of ​page of promotors’ approval,​ see o appendix 5, ​p. 29
9) Page of Examiners Team Approval
10) The Page of Examiners Team’s approval contains statement of examiners Team that
dissertation has been revised based on the advices given on the preeliminary examination,
and it is worthed to be continued for open examination
11) The example of ​examiners Team’s approval,​ see appendix 6, ​p.30
12) Page of ratification/validation
13) In the page of dissertation ratification contains UMY logo, validation, the dissertation’s
title, writer’s name, student number, program, an acceptance that the dissertation is a
requirement for doctoral degree, the city and date of validation, the names of examiners
team and director of ​graduate program​ with each of their signature.
14) For the example of ​page of dissertation validation​, see appendix 7 p.31
15) Abstract
16) Abstract is part of dissertation which reflects the whole content by revealing the core of
research problem, the approach used or conceptual framework, research method, research
findings and conclusion. The manuscript is written in Indonesian, Arabic and English in
which each of them should contain not more than 500 words, typed in single space (one).
17) Transliteracy
18) If the writing of dissertation is using transliteracy, then transliteration guidelines is
needed. The choice of transliteration guidelines is ​given to the dissertation writer as long
as it is consistent. Transliteration guidelines which is chosen among other is the
guidelines stated in Joint of Ministerial Decree of the Minister of Religion and Education
and Culture Minister of The Republic of Indonesia Number: 1581 1987 and Number:
19) Preface
20) This section reveals main problems being studied. Besides, it also reveals things such as;
boundaries, supports when conducting the research and writing the dissertation as well as
statements of gratitude to various parties during the implementation of the research and
dissertation writing,
21) Table of contents
22) Table of contents is aimed to give overall description of the dissertation contents and as
guidance for the readers who want to see directly a chapter or sub-chapter and page
23) List of tables (if any)
24) If there are some tables enclosed in the dissertation, then list of tables is needed.
25) List of figures (if any)
26) If there are some figures enclosed in the dissertation, then the list of figures is needed.

27) List of abbreviations (if any)

28) If in the dissertation contains certain abbreviations, then the list of abbreviations is
29) List of appendices
30) If the dissertation enclosed with various appendices, then the list of attachments is
b. Main Section
The main section of the dissertation contains elements as follows:
1) Introduction
31) The Introduction consists of research background, framework or problem identification,
objectives and research practicality or benefits
a) Background
It reveals things that become the background of choosing research topic, including
the significance of choosing the research topic; the research can be gained from an
empirical phenomenon or a practical problem and/or theoretical problem. It reveals
and puts a research conducted into scientific mapping which becomes the
researcher’s concern; shows previous researches which have been conducted by
other researches which are relevant with the research that will be conducted.
b) Problem Formulation or Problem Identification
It formulates research problem and reveals problem statement
c) Research Objective
State the objective of the research being conducted.

In the deductive-hypothetical research, the research goal generally is to
explain/measure correlations (association or causality) among variables which
become the focus of the study.
d) Research Practicality or Research Benefits
It expresses specifically the research practicality that can be achieved from: the
theoretical aspect (scientific) by mentioning what kinds of theoretical practicality
that can be achieved from the problem being studied.
Practical aspect (usefulness) by mentioning what kinds of practicality can be
achieved from knowledge implementation resulted from this study.

2) Literature Review, Theoretical Framework and Hypothesis

This chapter presents literature review, theoretical framework and hypothesis. In
literature review, review of literatures which are relevant to the research problem is
conducted. Next, the study/discussion related to concepts and theories used, which is
based on available literature is conducted, especially articles which are published from
various scientific journals. Literature review functioned to develop concepts or theories
which become the foundation of the study.

Theoretical framework in dissertation writing is derived from (some)

concepts/theories which are relevant with the problem being studied, so that it reveals
assumptions and/or propositions, which then presented in forms of flowchart of
thought. Next, it is formulated in operational hypothesis or hypothesis that can be
tested. Hypothesis is a tentative statement about the correlations among some variables.
In quantitative research, a hypothesis is generally written in a separate sub-chapter.
3) Methodology
This chapter elaborates paradigm/approaches/methods used in the research. It
includes the chosen research design, sampling procedure and unit analysis
determination, source and data gathering technique as well as research instrument, data
processing and analysis including (test) of data validity which is correspond with the
research design proposed, location and research time.
4) Result and Discussion
This chapter presents the research result and discussion. The result and discussion
can be presented in some chapters according to the needs. Regarding to it, the number
of chapters and title chapters is in accordance with the needs. The elaboration of result
and discussion can be presented in the chapter or separate sub-chapter or very chapter
or sub-chapter can also present the data dan discussion according to the topic/main
problem chapter/sub-chapter. In presenting the result and discussion, the elaboration is
preceded by decription about the location/setting/research objects which are relevant
with research problem. This analysis can be presented in a chapter or separate
If the result elaboration and discussion are presented in 1 (one) chapter, then
sub-chapter A elaborates the research result which is began with the discussion of
general description of research location, while the elaboration of the next discussion is
presented in sub-chapter B and so on.
If the elaboration of result and discussion are presented in more than 1 (one)
chapters, then chapter IV elaborated the research result which can be started with the
discussion of general description of research location, while the elaboration of the next
discussion is presented in chapter V and so on.

5) Conclusion
This chapter states the writer’s comprehension about the problem being studied in
forms of conclusions and suggestions. The conclusion states the research findings based
on the research result and discussion, while the suggestion states theoretical suggestion
related to what is needed to be studied further for the development of science from
scientific field being studied, and practical suggestion related to the statement of the
implementation of related science.
c. Final Section
The final section contains the followings:

1) Bibliography.
For the example of ​Bibliography, s​ ee appendix 8 p. 32
2) Curriculum Vitae
The curriculum vitae contain personal identity of doctoral candidate, education history,
employment history, awards, organization experiences and works. The example of
curriculum vitae c​ an be seen on appendix 9 p.33

2. Qualitative Research

The dissertation writing for qualitative can be presented using the following format:
a. Preceding Section
1) Title
32) Dissertation title consists of a statement which specifically reflects the content of
conducted research (reflects concept and concepts relations from sympthoms/phenomena
being studied)

2) Front page cover

Front Page Cover consists of the dissertation title, UMY logo, writer, statement that
dissertation is as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the doctoral degree
institution, city of studying, and year. Front page cover is hard cover, brown (Sakura
34). For the example of front page cover , see appendix 1, p. 25

3) Title page
Title page contains the same with front page cover, but it is typed in white HVS paper.
The example of this part is the same with front page cover. The example of this part is
the same as the cover page (see appendix 2, p. 26)

4) Statement of Originality Page

a) This page contains written statement of dissertation’s writer, stated that the whole
dissertation is his/her own research result and has never been proposed for
academic titles (undergraduate, graduate and/or doctor in university or other higher
institutions anywhere else).
b) Dissertation is the writer’s pure idea, framework and research without any help of
other party, except the guidance from supervisor team or promotor team.
c) In the dissertation would not contain work or arguments that have been written or
published by others, except those that have been clearly stated the sources referred
d) This page is signed by the writer on a stamp of 6.000 IDR. For the example of
statement of work of originality,​ see appendix 4, p.28
5) Promotors’ Approval Page
33) The page of promotors’ approval contains the statement of the promotors that the
dissertation has been checked, corrected and approved by the supervisors/promotors and

it fulfils one of examination requirement for doctoral degree of Islamic Education
(See appendix 4, p. 28)

6) Approval of Examiners Team Page

34) The page of examiners Team approval contains statement of examiners Team that
dissertation has been revised based on the advices given on the preliminary examination,
and it is elligible to be continued for open examination
35) (See appendix 5, p.29)

7) Ratification Page
36) In the ratification page of dissertation contains UMY logo, ratification, dissertation title,
writer’s name, student number, program, dissertation as one of requirements to obtain
doctoral degree, city and date of validation, the names of examiners team and director of
graduate program​ with each of their signature.
37) (See appendix 6, p.30)

8) Abstract
38) Abstract is part of dissertation which reflects the whole content by revealing the core of
research problem, the approach used or conceptual framework, research method, research
findings and conclusion. The manuscript is written in Indonesian, Arabic and English in
which each of it should contain no more than 500 words, typed with single space (one)
9) Transliteracy
39) If the writing of dissertation is using transliteracy, then transliteration guidelines is
needed. The choice of transliteration guidelines is given to the dissertation’s writer as
long as it is consistent. Transliteration guidelines which is chosen among other is the
guidelines stated in Joint Ministerial Decree of the Minister of Religion and Education
and Culture Minister of Republic Indonesia Number: 1581 1987 and Number:

10) Preface
40) This section reveals main problems being studied. Besides, it also reveals things such as;
boundaries, supports when conducting the research and writing the dissertation as well as
statements of gratitude to many parties during the implementation of research and
dissertation writing.

11) Table of contents

41) Table of contents is aimed to give overall description of dissertation content and as a
guidance for the readers who want to see directly a chapter or sub-chapter and its page

12) List of tables (if any)

42) If some tables are presented on the dissertation manuscript, then list of tables is needed.
13) List of figures (if any)
44) If some figures are presented on the dissertation manuscript, then the list of figures is
14) List of abbreviations (if any)
46) If the dissertation contains certain abbreviations, then the list of abbreviations is needed.

15) List of appendices

47) If the dissertation enclosed with various appendices, then the list of appendices is needed.

b. Main Section
The main section of dissertation contains elements: Introduction, Research Result and
Discussion, and Conclusion and Suggestion chapters

1) Introduction
48) Introduction consists of research background, framework or problem identification,
objective and research practicality or benefit
a) Background
It reveals things that become the background of choosing research topic, including
the significance of choosing the research topic; the research can be gained from an
empirical phenomenon or a practical problem and/or theoretical problem. It reveals
and lays a research which is conducted into scientific mapping which becomes the

researcher concern; shows previous researches which have been conducted by the
writer and other researches which are relevant with the research that will be

b) Problem Formulation or Problem Identification

It formulates research problem and reveals problem statement

c) Research Objective
It states the objective of the research being conducted.
In the deductive-hypothetical research, the research goal generally is to
explain/measure correlations (association or causality) among variables which
become the focus of the study.
d) Research Practicality or Research Benefits
It expresses specifically the research practicality that can be achieved from:
theoretical aspect (scientific) by mentioning what kinds of theoretical practicality
that can be achieved from the problem being studied.
Practical aspect (usefulness) by mentioning what kinds of practicality can be
achieved from knowledge implementation resulted from this study.

e) Literature Review and Theoretical Framework

This chapter presents literature review, theoretical framework and hypothesis. In
literature review, review of literatures which are relevant to the research problem is
conducted. Next, study/discussion related to concepts and theories which are used
based on available literature is conducted, especially articles which are published
from various scientific journals. The literature review functioned to develop
concepts or theories which become the foundation of the study.

f) Methodology
Methodology elaborates paradigm/approaches/methods used in the research. The
elaboration of research method includes procedure or data gathering technique, for
instance interview, observation, and document study, elaboration of data analysis,
and elaboration about how to keep the data validity/authenticity.

2) Result and Discussion
This chapter presents the research result and discussion. The result and discussion
can be presented in some chapters according to the needs. Regarding to it, the number
of chapters and title chapters is in accordance with the needs. The elaboration of result
and discussion can be presented in the chapter or separate sub-chapter or very chapter
or sub-chapter can also present the data and discussion according to the topic/main
problem chapter/sub-chapter. In presenting the result and discussion, the elaboration is
preceded by description about the location/setting/research objects which are relevant
with research problem. This analysis can be presented in a chapter or separate
If the result elaboration and discussion is presented in 1 (one) chapter, then
sub-chapter A elaborates the research result which is began with the discussion of
general description of research location, while the elaboration of the next discussion is
presented in sub-chapter B and so on.
If the elaboration of result and discussion is presented in more than 1 (one)
chapters, then chapter IV elaborated the research result which can be started with the
discussion of general description of research location, while the elaboration of the next
discussion is presented in chapter V and so on.

3) Conclusion
This chapter states the writer’s comprehension about the problem being studied in
forms of conclusions and suggestions. The conclusion states the research findings based
on the research result and discussion, while the suggestion states theoretical suggestion
related to what is needed to be studied further for the scientific development from field
of science being studied, and practical suggestion related to the statement of the
implementation of related science.

c. Final Section
The final section contains the followings:
1) Bibliography. The example of ​Bibliography ​can be seen on appendix 8 p.32
2) Appendices
3) Curriculum Vitae
The curriculum vitae contain personal identity of doctoral candidate, education history,
employment history, achievements, organization experiences, and works.
B. Dissertation writing
The system and technique of dissertation writing for the doctoral graduate program of
UMY is regulated as follows:
1. For quantitative research, the system of writing includes the following:

2. For qualitative research, the system of writing includes the following:

C. Promotors team/Supervisors
During dissertation writing, every doctoral candidate is guided and supervised by
promotors team/supervisors that consist of two people. Promotors are responsible academically
for the dissertation written by supervised doctoral candidate regarding the scientific validity and
format of writing. This academic responsibility is shown with promotors/supervisors’ signatures
on the dissertation approval page.
Therefore, doctoral candidates should obtain approval from all promotors/supervisors to
go through the whole process of research planning, dissertation and examination. During the
process of dissertation writing and examination, some extent of arguments may arise among the
promotors/supervisors and external examiners.
D. Progress Report of Dissertation Writing
To monitor dissertation writing, doctoral candidates are obliged to make progress report
of the dissertation writing when re-registering every semester recognized by the promotors.

E. Dissertation Examinations
1. There are two kinds of examination:
a. Preliminary examination (closed)
b. Doctoral examination (open examination)
2. Preliminary examination (closed) is conducted in examiners session of preliminary
examination (closed) led by head of study program as the chairman of the session, and
secretary of study program as the secretary.
3. Doctoral examination (open examination) is conducted by examiners team consisting of a
chairman, a secretary, two promotors as well as examiners, and four members of examiner.

Open examination is led by the Director of Graduate Program as the chairman, and secretary
of graduate program as the secretary.
4. In dissertation examination, all examiners have the right to test students’ capability in
defending their scientific work. However, it is inappropriate for the supervisors to question
the scientific validity of their students’ work during the examination, because the work is
the result of their supervision. External examiners are competent to test students’ capability
as well as to question the validity of students’ work.

E. Dissertation examiners
1. Dissertation examiners should have a doctoral degree and an academic position at least as
an associate professor.
2. Examiners of preliminary examination (closed) is determined by the Director of Graduate
Program upon the recommendation of the head of study program.
3. Dissertation examiners in doctoral examination (open examination) are promotors and
examiners of preliminary examination (closed), and one examiner determined by the
Director of Graduate Program upon the recommendatio of head of study program.

F. Dissertation Examination Requirements

1. The requirements to take preliminary examination (closed) are as follows:
a. Registered as a student of doctoral program.
b. Have passed all compulsory courses and have met the pre-determined requirements.
c. Have dissertation manuscript approved by all promotors.
d. Submit 8 copies of dissertation manuscript approved and signed by promotors in a
ratification page.
2. The requirements to take doctoral examination (open examination) are as follows:
a. Registered as a student of doctoral program.
b. Submit TOEFL certificate with the score of 525.
c. Have passed dissertation manuscript examination (closed examination).
d. Have revised the dissertation manuscript (closed examination) and obtained approval
from all examiners to be proposed for doctoral examination (open examination).
e. Submit a dissertation manuscript (not bound) approved by all promotors and members of
preliminary examiners (closed) to the secretary of Islamic Educational Psychology Study
Program to be corrected by a technical team.
f. Refined dissertation is submitted to the secretary of study program in order to request a

rector memo.
g. Dissertation manuscript is copied as many as 9 copies.

G. Dissertation Ratification
Dissertation is ratified by team of examiners after being examined during doctoral
examination (open examination). Ratification page is signed by the Director of Graduate
Program UMY.


A. Material and Size

1. Dissertation proposal and dissertation are written on HVS paper 80 gr (21,5 x 29,7 cm).
2. The cover of dissertation proposal is a white paper covered with transparent plastic. The
cover of dissertation is made based on the following regulations:
a. For preliminary examination (closed), the cover of dissertation is from brown cover
paper (sakura 34) and soft cover.
b. For open examination of doctoral promotion, the cover of dissertation is from brown
cover paper (sakura 34) and hard cover.
B. Cover Writing
1. The writings on the dissertation proposal cover contains the followings:

a Writing of “Dissertation proposal”

b Title of dissertation proposal
c UMY Logo
d Writing of “by”
e Student’s name (without academic title)
f. Student Number
g Writing of “Graduate Program”
h Writing of “UMY”
i. Writing of “Yogyakarta”
j. Year of dissertation proposal submission

The example of ​dissertation proposal title page​ can be seen on appendix 1, p. 27

2. The writings on the dissertation cover contains the followings:

a. Title of dissertation
b. UMY logo
c. Writing of “by”
d. Student’s name (without academic title)
e. Student number
f. Writing of “dissertation
g. Writing of “Submitted to ​Doctoral Program of Graduate Program
University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta to Fulfill One Of The
Examination Requirements for Doctoral Degree in the Scientific Field
According to Each Study Program”
h. Writing of “Yogyakarta”
i. Year of dissertation submission

1. The typing of proposal/ dissertation paper is using computer, which is regulated with the
following lay-out:
a. Top margin : 4 cm from the edge of the paper
b. Left margin : 4 cm from the edge of the paper
c. Bottom margin : 3 cm from the edge of the paper
d. Right margin : 3 cm from the edge of the paper
(The example of lay-out format of proposal/dissertation writing can be seen on appendix
10, p. 35)
2. The writing is only on one face of the paper, not to be typed back and forth
3. The font face used in proposal dissertation and dissertation is Times New Roman with the
following font size:
a. Font.16 size and bold for the title
b. Font.14 point in size and bold for the name of institution in the title
c. Font.12 point in size and bold for the writer’s name on the title
d. Font.12 point in size for the content
e. Font .10 point in size and bold for the other writings on the title
f. Font.10 point in size for foot note
4. Italics is used to write books’ title, journals ‘name and other foreign terms which are not
standard in English
5. Symbols or signs which cannot be written using typing machine are written by hands using
black ink
6. Numerical which are more than ten are written using number, except at the beginning of a
7. Denomination is stated using official acronym without a period placed behind it, for
example; m, gr, kg, km.
8. Chapter’s title is written in capital and put symmetrically in the center, 4 cm from top edge.
9. Sub-chapter’s title is written from left edge with capital letters on the beginning of each
word, except conjunctions and prepositions.
10. Sub-chapter’s title is written from left edge with capital letters at the beginning of the

D. Space (Line spacing)

1. The line spacing is two (2)
2. The line spacing between chapter index (e.g. CHAPTER I) with chapter’s title (e.g.
INTRODUCTION) is double-space.
3. The line spacing between title’s chapter and the first text of the content or between chapter’s
title and sub-chapter is four-space.
4. The line spacing between sub-chapter’s title (chapter’s title) and the first line of the content
is double-space. Each paragraph of the content is typed indented (to the right) as far as five
tabs from the left margin of the content, and the line spacing between paragraphs is two.
5. The line spacing between the last line of the content manuscript and the next sub title is
6. The line spacing between the text and table, figuress, grafik, or diagram is three-space.
7. Chapter index and title is always typed on the new page.

E. Abstract typing
1. The line spacing of abstract typing is single space.
2. The line spacing between the title of ​ABSTRACT​ and the first text of abstract is four-space.
3. The title ABSTRACT and the entire abstract text (in English) are written in italics, while
ABSTRAK​ and the entire abstract text (in Bahasa Indonesia) are typed with normal letter.

F. Numbering Conventions
1. Initial Section Page
a. The numbering of dissertation initial section, starting from inner title page (the page after
the cover) uses lower case Roman numerals.
b. The page number is written on the center of bottom edge (margin).

c. Title page and supervisor/promoter’s approval page are without page number (the page
number does not appear), but is considered as page i and page ii.
2. The numbering of Chapter, Sub-Chapter and Paragraph
a. The numbering of chapter uses upper case Roman numerals (capital) on the center page
b. The numbering of sub-chapter uses capital letters, and is written on the left edge (e.g. A,
B, C, and so on).
c. The numbering of sub-chapter and subtopic uses Arabic number.
d. The numbering of other items which are not sub-chapters, if they are details of
sub-chapters uses Arabic numbers, and the next details use small case letter, and so on.
3. Numbering of Main Section
a. The numbering starts from CHAPTER I (INTRODUCTION) until the last CHAPTER
(CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS) uses Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc) and it is put
on the right edge (margin), three-space from the top edge (margin) of the text’s first line on
that page and the last number of page number is in line with the right edge (margin) of the
b. On every title chapter page, the page numbering starts from CHAPTER I
(INTRODUCTION) until the last CHAPTER (Conclusion and Suggestions) is typed on the
bottom edge (margin) precisely centered three-space from the bottom edge (margin) of the

4. Final Section Page

a. The numbering of dissertation final section starts from BIBLIOGRAPHY page until
CURRICULUM VITAE uses Arabic numerals which is typed on the top right edge
(margin), three-space from the top edge (the text’s first line on that page) in line with right
edge (margin) of the text.
b. The numbering on every title page starts from BIBLIOGRAPHY until CURRICULUM
VITAE, is typed on the bottom edge (margin) of the paper, and centered between the
margins, three-space from the edge (margin) below the text.
c. The page number in this final section is continued from the main section of the

G. Tables and Figures

1. Diagrams, graphics, maps and photos are included in figures category.

2. Tables and figures are put symmetrically.
3. Tables and figures are numbered with Arabic numerals.
4. Table’s title with its number is put symmetrically above the tables and figures without a full
stop at the end.
5. The note about the table or figure is written on the same page as the table and figure.

H. Language and Terms

1. Dissertation is written in proper Standard English.
2. Except for direct quotation the pronouns of first and second persons (I, you, and we) should
be avoided.
3. New terms which are not standard are written in italics. On its first use, meaning or
synonym of it needs to be explained.
4. List of important terms in the dissertation could be made in a separate list of terms.

I. The writing of Names

1. People’s or writers’ names which are referred to in text are written without academic titles
or academic degree.
2. The writers’ names mentioned in the bibliography should be in complete names, including
if the writers of a book consist of two or three people. If the writers are more than three, the
first name is written and ​ f​ or the rest​.

J. Foot Note
1. The foot note is written in single space.
2. The foot note does not use the ​opere citato (op. cit.) a​ nd ​loco citato (loc. cit.) t​ erms. The
term ​ibidem (ibid) is still used. If the reference being referred to has been interspersed by
another reference then author’s name, title of the article or book and page are written.
3. If the work cited is a translation, then the name of the translator is written after the title’s
4. Article’s title in a journal or book anthology is written in between quotation marks, while
the journal’s name and the title of anthology books are written in italics.
5. The writing of page number is of the intended page using ​p​, ended with a full stop.
6. The writing of city, publisher, and year of publication are in parenthesis, with the details of
open parenthesis (( ) followed by city, colon (:), publisher, comma (,) , year of publication ,
and close parenthesis ( )). Comma (,) is put after the author’s name, article or book’s title,
and the publisher’s identity. The example of ​footnote format can be seen on appendix 12, p.

K. Quotations
1. Source data of the referenced works or citations are written completely in the forms of foot
note which includes the name of the author, the title, city, publisher, year of publication and
the page of quotation. If the work is a translation then the name of the translator is written
after the book’s title.
2. The quotation is written on its original language. The quotation which is more than three
lines are written single spaced, indented, like in the beginning of a paragraph.
3. The quotation of scriptures verse is written single spaced.

L. Bibliography
1. Bibliography is written in one space (single-spaced), double-space between entries.
2. Bibliography is written using the following sequence: the author’s name, the title of the
work, city, publisher, year of publication.
3. The writing of name is from the last name (if the name is more than one word) and arranged
4. The writing of al- and ​ibn ​(for Arabic name) as well as van for (Dutch name) is ignored in
alphabetical arrangement.
5. If the work cited is a translation then the name of the translator is written after the work,
preceded by the word “trans.”
6. The article’s title or anthology book is written straight and between quotation marks for the
name of the journal and the title of anthology book is written in italics.
7. A comma (,) is written after the author’s name, the title of the article or book, the
translator’s name, and publisher. A colon (:) is written after the publisher’s city or year
before the year of publication. While a period (.) is placed at the end of every entry.


Appendix 1 : ​The example of Page of Dissertation Proposal Approval​ ​Format


Dissertation Entitled:

Submitted by:

Has been approved by



Acknowledged by
Director of Study Program
Islamic Politics - Political Science

Prof. Dr. H. Tulus Warsito, M.Si.

It is typed single space, Times New Roman font face of 12 points in size

Appendix 2: ​The Example of Dissertation Cover Format

DISSERTATION TITLE (​Times New Roman, bold, 14 points in size)

(Student’s name)
Student’s Number ​(Times New Roman, bold, font .12 points in size)

DISSERTATION ​(Times New Roman, bold, font .12 points in size)

Submitted to Doctoral Program

Graduate Program of University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctoral Degree in Islamic Education Psychology
(Times New Roman, bold, font .10 points in size)

Year …
​(Times New Roman, bold, font .14 points in size)​

● Buffalo ​paper, Brown (Sakura 34), A4 (21 x 29,7cm)
● Front Cover / outside used gold ink

Appendix 3: ​The example of Dissertation Inner Cover Format

DISSERTATION TITLE ​(​Times New Roman, bold, font .14 points in size)

(Student’s name)
Student Number ​(Times New Roman, bold, font .12 points in size)

DISSERTATION (​Times New Roman, bold, font .12 points in size)

Submitted to Doctoral Program

Graduate Program of University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctoral Degree in Islamic Education Psychology ​(Times
New Roman, bold, font .10 points in size)


Year ….
(​Times New Roman, bold, font .14 points in size)

● white HVS cartoon size A4 (21 x 29,7 cm)
● Inner cover is written in black ink

Appendix 4: ​The example of statement of originality


I hereby signed that:

1. The dissertation is my own original work and has not been submitted for academic title
(undergraduate, graduate and/or doctor) either in University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta or
in other higher institutions.
2. The dissertation is purely my own ideas, framework and research, without the help of other
parties, except the direction from Promotor Team and feedback from Reviewer
Team/Examination Team.
3. The dissertation contains no works or opinions that previously written or published by another
person except where due references are made and the sources are included as reference in the
manuscript by mentioning the author’s name and included in the bibliography.

I made this statement truthfully and if in the future there is a digression and unrighteousness
in this statement, then I am willing to accept the sanction of revocation of academic degree which
has been obtained for this work, as well as other sanction in accordance with the norms applied in
this higher institution.


Stamp 6,000 IDR

Student number: ... ...............

Appendix 5: The example of promotor’s approval


Director of Graduate Program
University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

Herewith I respectfully addressed, after conducting guidance, referral and correction on dissertation
paper entitled:

written by:

Name :
Student number :
Study Program :

I contended that the dissertation could be submitted to Graduate Program of University of

Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta to be tested in Dissertation Paper Examination (Close Examination).
Wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb.

Promotor : (name of promotor) (signature) (date)

Promotor : (name of promotor) (signature) (date)

Appendix 6: Example of Approval of Dissertation Paper Examiners Team (Close



Director of Graduate Program
University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

Herewith I respectfully addressed, after conducting guidance, referral and correction on dissertation
paper entitled:
written by :
Name :
Student :
Program :
as it is suggested in Dissertation Paper Examination (Close Examination) on ​2 May 2014​, I hereby
contended that the dissertation is approved eligible to be submitted to Graduate Program of
University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta to be tested in Open Examination (Promotion)
Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb.

Examiners Team:

1. (name of Promotor/ Examiner Member) (signature) (date)

2. (name Promotor/ Examiner Member) (signature) (date)

3. (name of Examiners member) (signature) (date)

4. (name of Examiners member) ) (signature) (date)

5. (name of Examiners member) ) (signature) (date)

Lampiran 7: ​The example of Dissertation Ratification Page

(Title of Disertation)

Submitted by
(Writer’s name and Student Number)

This dissertation has been defended and legalized in front of Board of Dissertation Examiners
Doctoral Program Islamic Education Psychology Study Program University of Muhammadiyah
Date ……………

Board of Dissertation Examiners

Promotor’s name/ Examiner Member Promotor’s name/ Examiner Member

Signature Signature

Promotor’s name/ Examiner Member Promotor’s name/ Examiner Member

Signature Signature

Promotor’s name/ Examiner Member Promotor’s name/ Examiner Member

Signature Signature

Acknowledged by
Director of Graduate Program
University of Muhammadiyah
(Name, signature, stamp)

Appendix 8: Example of Bibliography writing


1. Single author:
Goldschmidt, W. 1992. ​The Human Career The Self in Symbolic World. ​Cambridge: Black

2. More than one authors:

​ ew York :
Corcoran, K. & Fischer,J. 1987. ​Measures for Clinical Practice : a Source Book. N
The Free Press.

3. Editorial Staff/ Editor:

Hayes, J.R. (ed.), 1983. ​The Genius of Arab Civilization​, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press,
​ uad Said (ed.), Kairo:Matba’ah al-Ma’had
Ibn Juljul, t.t. ​Tabaqāt al-Atibba' wa al-Hukamā , F
al-‘Ilm al-Faransi.
Koentjaraningrat (ed). 1983. ​Metode-metode Penelitian Masyarakat​. Jakarta : PT Gramedia.

4. Translation:
Scott,J.C. 2000. ​Senjatanya Orang-orang yang Kalah.​ Translation A. Rahman Zainuddin,
Sayogyo dan Mien Joehaar. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia.

5. Chapter in a book:
Fleishman, I.A. 1973. Twenty Years of Consideration and Structure. in Fleishman, I.A. &
Hunt,J.G. (ed​). “Current Development in the Study of Leadership” Selected Reading​,
hlm. 1-37. Carbondale : Southern Illinois University Press.
6. Journal:
Persoon, G.A. 2002. “Isolated Islanders of Indigenous People : the Political Discourse and its
Effects on Siberut (Mentawai Archipelago, West-Sumatra)”, ​Antropologi Indonesia 6​ 8
: 25-39.
7. Website or Webpage:

Boon, J. (n.d.). Anthropology of Religion. Retrieved from <
religion.htm> on [10/5/03]
Kawasaki, Jodee L., and Matt R. Raveb. 1995. “Computer-Administered Surveys in
Extension”. Journal of Extension 33 (June). E-Journal on-line. Retrieved from on [06/17/00]

Appendix 9: ​Example of Curriculum Vitae

A.Personal Identity
Name :
Place/ date of birth :
Level/category :
Incumbency :
Home Address :
Office Address :
Father’s name :
Mother’s name :
Wife’s name :
Children’s names :
B. Education History
1. Formal Education
a. Elementary School/MI, graduation year
b. Junior High School/MTs, graduation year
c. Senior High School,/MA, graduation year
d. Undergraduate, graduation year
e. Graduate, graduation year
2. Non-Formal Education (if any)
C. Employment History
D. Scientific Works
1. Books
2. Articles
3. Researches

E. Achievements/Awards
F. Experiences

Yogyakarta, ……………(date)

( )
Clear name and signature
Typed in single space

Appendix 10: ​Example of Page lay-out for dissertation manuscript

Material: white HVS paper size A4(21 x 29,7 cm)

Appendix 11: The example of Title’s writing at the back cover of dissertation

Appendix 12: Example of Foot note
One of the advancement indicators of Islam civilization in classical period (750-1250)​1 is the
development of science which is either categorized as ​al- `ulūm ​al-naqliyah or ​al-`ulūm
al-`aqliyyah2​ d​ iscovered by Muslims. Various findings in field of sciences, especially natural
science​3​, emerged along with the spirit to conduct studies or researches by Muslims.

J.J. Saunders, ​A History of Medieval Islam ​(New York: Barnes and Noble, 1965), p. 45.
lbnu Khaldun, ​The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History, ​trans. Franz Rosenthal
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989), pp. 343-398; Aryumardi ​Azra, Pendidikan Islam
Tradisi dan Modernisasi Menuju Milenium Baru (​ Jakarta: Logos, 1999), pp. xii xiii.

Osman Bakr; "Science" in S.H. Nasr and Oliver Leaman (eds.), ​History of Islamic Philosophy,
vol. ​2 (​ London & New York: Routledge, 1996), pp. 926-940.


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