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[BREAKDOWN] The exact 4-phase system​ 1,100 

of our clients have used​ ​to ​acquire customers​ at 

profit and scale with a ​6%​ ​conversion rate​ on 
COLD​ traffic. 
Are you having trouble scaling your customer acquisition? 
Are you trying to improve your profitability from six figures to seven figures… To 
sell more high-ticket services... all to no avail?  
Are you unsure how to consistently improve your sales funnel?  
I’ve been there, believe me.  
Look .. 
You’re only dealing with this because the tide has changed.  
Maybe you’ve been following some internet guru who had a flash of success 5 years 
ago, but has been preaching the same tactics since then.  
Maybe you’ve just been unlucky. 
Maybe not.  
Internet marketing is ​always ​changing, and right now there is a massive shift 
toward authenticity and transparency.  
This shift isn’t exclusive to internet marketing, either.  
Think about it ..  

What do the trends of locally-sourced food, corporations taking political stances, 
and educational reciprocity in marketing have in common? 
A consumer’s desire for businesses they can trust. 
Or better yet, a business they can build a ​relationship​ with. 
To build a sustainable business today you need to use respect. 

And if you don’t, you’re going to lose.  
Your competitors will outperform you. 
You’ll be stuck using the same outdated marketing tactics and wondering why your 
business is failing.  
That’s why I use what I like to call, ​Respect-Based Marketing. 

Relationships are more important than ever in marketing. 
Your brand and funnel ​need t​ o be developing trust — in both your product/service 
and in you ..  
Because of the anonymity and distance the internet provides, online marketers 
often forget about respect.  
Facebook & Google’s algorithms are changing. Gone are the days of keyword 
stuffing and shady ads. Google is rewarding only the best, most valuable content, 
and Facebook is doing the same.  
And to them, the “best” means the most aligned with the user’s search and/or 
I don’t mean to bring the mood down, this is actually a really awesome :) 
If you start running a Respect-Based business, you will be leagues ahead of so many 
others who haven’t caught on to this trend yet.  

This is why I created the ​Relationship Funnel –
​ a proven system for taking cold 
prospects and turning them into sales. 
And faster growth starts by automating relationships :)  
Relationship Funnels ​dramatically increases your customer LTV & average checkout 
Plus, it builds a foundation you can rely on for years to come.  
This is why 1,100 businesses (and counting) have already used it .. 
And want to know the best part? 
Everything is automated. Thus scalable. 
Respect-Based Marketing doesn’t mean you work longer.  
Quite the opposite, in fact :) 
We use smart funnel automation to actually save time and make everything super 
scalable .. 

(more on this later)  
What if I could save you almost all the time you waste qualifying leads? 
What if I told you that you can have a system that qualifies leads on its own? 
What if I told you that it’s possible to have a funnel that converts at 6% (compared 
to the usual 1-2%) on products between $100 & $1,000? With email click rates often 
coasting past 35% (compared to the industry standard 5-10%)? 
Imagine those numbers in your own business for a second.  
If your current funnels converts at 2% and you sell 20 $200 products a month, you 
could potentially increase your monthly revenue from ​$5k to $15k​.  
That’s the difference between a decent business and the one you’ve always 
dreamed of.  

Well, that system exists, and we’re going to take you through the steps you need to 
create it for your biz.  
It’s the exact 4-phase process that gets results like these .. 


Or take our client Mirna. 
This is an email from her :)  

She turned $1,300 in $9,000 with her very first Relationship Funnel.  
Yeah. Pretty impressive. 
She was a client of Relationship Funnel Accelerator for ​90 days​.  
RFA is our high-ticket program where we install a Relationship Funnel in your 
business in 90 days flat and help you solve the biggest challenge of all: ​Acquiring 
Customers at Profit and Scale​.  
We love helping successful, high-ticket businesses grow from six figures to seven 
figures through automated processes and scalable customer profit and acquisition.  
You can discover more about our ​growth accelerator​ here.  
My goal for this article is to break down the Relationship Funnel process, in detail.  
But what is a Relationship Funnel? 
A ​Relationship Funnel (RF)​ isn’t a normal marketing funnel. It uses respect and 
clever automation to get world-class results.  
You can think of it in terms of four main phases.  
I am going to show you all of them now .. 
This is it .. 

We’re opening the doors and inviting you in.  
We’re going to cover the four phases that make up a Relationship Funnel. In detail. 
It is responsible for wild moments like these:  

Or even crazier… 

You should be.  
And if not… 
Just wait :)  
Breakdown: The exact 4-phase process we use to get 
6% visit-to-purchase conversion rates 
The best way to get a birds-eye view of all the stages is to look at ​our actual 
done-with-you Relationship Funnel template .. 
This is the same template we walk all our consulting clients through.  
Clients with six-figure businesses and multiple case studies looking to scale 
to seven figures :)  

Take a moment to look at the individual tasks.  
Some will make sense to you. Some won’t. 
Don’t stress though, all will become clear.  
In short .. 

Each phase builds upon the last to create a foolproof, belief-installing funnel. Then 
we scale it 😉 
Phase 1: Funnel Strategy 
This is the big picture phase. It’s the easiest to skimp on but the most important to 
get right.  
Phase 2: Funnel Implementation 
This is the minimum-viable-product version of your funnel.  
Phase 3: Optimization 
Once you start directing some test traffic to the doors, it’s time to analyze how 
people react and adjust accordingly.  
Phase 4: Scaling  
After the bolts have all been double checked and tightened, it’s time to strike the 
traffic match (most people’s favorite part). 
Ready to see how we do this?  
Awesome. We’re going to go through the major steps of each phase and show you 
all the tools and strategies you can take to: 
1. Develop a long-term marketing & funnel strategy, 
2. Automate ​real ​relationships with people through smart and behaviour-based 
3. Create organic & PPC lead generation systems. 
4. Start getting the conversion rates of your dreams and measure that success 
with advanced ROI-tracking.  
5. Revolutionize your business :)  
Let’s go!  


Phase 1 - Funnel Strategy 

Phase 1 is all big picture stuff.  
Building a Relationship Funnel ​always​ starts with an airtight strategy.  
This prevents our funnels from “leaking” later on down the line.  
Without the right preparation, acquiring customers at profit and scale is not 
So, you have to take the time to create and review your strategy. First. 
Don’t skip this part.  
Here’s what Relationship Funnel’s Phase 1 covers:  
1) Business Model 
2) Offer Strategy 
3) Customer Avatar 
4) Positioning 
5) Value Ladder 
6) Segmentation & Bucketing 
7) Belief System 
8) Toolset 
You should walk out of Phase 1 with a perfect idea of who your customers are, what 
your offer is, and how you’re going to sell it. 
Note:​ We work with clients who already have product market fit and case studies to 
boot, but if you aren’t at that point already then your business model analysis is 
even more important.  
For the purposes of this piece, we’re going to focus on the Phase 1 elements that are 
most important to businesses who are in a position to prepare for rapid scaling.  

Finalizing your offer strategy 
There may be nothing more important than nailing down your offer strategy as a 
business owner.  
Without a working offer strategy, you don’t really have a business — without it 
there is no evidence of product-market-fit.  
We only work with people who have a proven offer and a client case study to back 
it up, and that’s because without those you don’t have proof of a working business 
Your offer strategy is the relationship between your base pitch, services, and value 
offered for revenue gained. This can often be tweaked for better results, but if you 
aren’t selling a product people need and pitching it in a way that conveys its value, 
then you won’t succeed.  
The offer is usually conducted through a sales page. What’s important is to remind 
people of the benefits they’ll receive — speak to their problem, not your product. 
Don’t worry about creating them yet. At this point just think about how you are 
going to reiterate the beliefs you’ve installed (more on that shortly), while 
conveying the ​benefits​ the customer receives by buying your product.  
We use what we like to call the ​Irresistible Offer Formula​. 
1. Highlight the pain​ they’re experiencing (not enough sales, etc.) 
2. Name a specific solution. 
3. Make a list of the benefits​ (not product features!) this solution provides. 
4. Showcase the value​ (guarantee, risk-reversal) 
5. Establish your position​ (trust, authority, experience, etc.) 
6. Utilize specificity ​ (avatar-specific copy). 
7. Include urgency and scarcity​ when appropriate.  
8. Address objections directly​. 
We are continually testing this strategy, but feel free to swipe as you please :) 
Here are a few of our sales pages for inspiration: 




See how our process incorporates elements of our formula?  
And now, to the actual construction of your funnel.  
Value Ladders: the secret behind successful 
high-ticket service businesses 
Before you can start building any sort of funnel, you need to understand what value 
ladders are.  
Value ladders basically a way of structuring your products/services for optimal 
customer value.  
Organizing your products in a value ladder also functions as a big picture funnel 
strategy. It makes inserting your offerings into a funnel so much easier. And clearer. 
So as people “ascend” your value ladder, they can dig into progressively more 
comprehensive, higher-priced offers.  
Here’s what a value ladder usually looks like: 


Lead Generation Funnel ​= To get people into the door. 
Front-End Funnel​ = To qualify buyers & decrease ROI time. 
Break-Even Funnel ​= To reduce acquisition costs and function as a downsell.  
Profit Funnel​ = To sell your main product/service. 
Backend Funnel​ = To upsell existing customers & increase CLV 
At first, you just want to nail down your key lead magnet and profit funnel. Then 
you fill out the rest as you improve your Relationship Funnel.  
We started out with just one big lead magnet and our Relationship Funnel course, 
and then we decided to expand it into this model:  
The Wild Audience Value Ladder 
(Click any of the product titles to see our landing pages) 
Lead Generation Funnel: ​You’re in it right now!  
Front-End 1: ​Funnel Strategy Mini Course​ ($12) 
Front-End 2: ​ActiveCampaign Partner Subscription​ (monthly recurring revenue) 

Profit Funnel:​ ​Relationship Funnel Accelerator​ (done-with-you) 
Downsell 1:​ Everyone who can not afford to join Relationship Funnel 
Accelerator, we down-sell RF Advisory. 
Break-Even Funnel: ​Relationship Funnel​ (course) 

Starter: ​$600 
Pro:​ $800 (Webinar + Pro Lessons Addon) 
RF Advisory:​ (RF Pro + 1 month consulting) 
Downsell 2: ​Everyone who can not afford Relationship Funnel 
Accelerator & RF Advisory, we down-sell Relationship Funnel 
Back-End 1:​ ​Funnel Fuel​ ($225) 
Back-End 2:​ ​Funnel Bots​ ($500) 
Back-End 3​: ​RF Mastermind​ ($20k) 

See how it starts off with free content and then goes to a $12 product? And how our 
core products each have downsells and upsells? 
Notice how each product is related to each other? How they build each off each 
That is what you want.  
When one customer finishes one product, they should be interested in the next. 
It should make sense to pitch the next product/service to them ..  
They’re ascending. 
How you structure your products will depend on your business, but start by putting 
your services and products into that same outline.  
As you start aligning your services into your value ladder, keep an eye out for 
spaces or holes in between services. Maybe you need to add a tripwire, or maybe 
you need to add a back-end service that is more hands-on.  
Or on the other end, you may find that you are overwhelming your customers with 
choices. Slimming down your product offering may be a better route (i.e. 
In short:  
Structure your offers in a way that encourages customers to “journey” or “ascend” 
through them. This will help you offer more value, increase your customer lifetime 
value, and organize your funnel strategy.  
Creating customer avatars 

Your next step is to create your customer avatars.  
Marketing is all about psychology, and psychology is the science of the mind and 
human behavior…  
So how can you be good at marketing without ​knowing y ​ our customer? 
You can’t.  
This doesn’t mean you have to go out and actually meet all of your customers 
face-to-face. Not only would this be impossible, but you would waste a lot of your 
Interviewing a few can be super helpful, though. The guys from Airbnb went out 
and met their first few hosts/guests to figure out what they liked and didn’t like 
about their service, which led to taking professional photos at host houses, 
resulting in a major breakthrough. 
So if we can’t meet all of our customers, how can we understand them? 
The secret is through ​customer avatars.​  
You may have heard this referred to as buyer personas or customer personas as 
Customer avatars are fictional characters that represent the stereotypical customer 
your business is trying to attract.  
You should strive to understand these characters ..  
To get inside their heads :)  
The best way to do this is to brainstorm 3-5 ​primary ​personas and a few ​secondary 
personas if necessary.  
The end goal is for your customer avatars to focus your marketing efforts, not 
scatter them. You need to pick ​the ​most critical personas for your business. If you 
don’t have product market fit yet, just start with one and go from there.  

You can draw from past sales and survey data, interviews with a few of your best 
customers, or just using your gut and intuition.  
Like anything in marketing, the key is to start with something and improve it as you 
go along.  
Wild Audience Customer Avatar Example 
Everyone does these a bit differently, but the rule of thumb is to fill out the profile 
until you feel like you have an innate understanding of the customer, and you feel 
like someone who read through the profile would feel the same.  
This often includes elements such as a name, age, goals, fears, typical buying 
routes, industry, etc.  
Here’s that example:  
Meet Ted, 42, CEO at Gorilla Marketing (Customer Avatar 1 - 
High-ticket service business) 

Ted worked around 10 years in the corporate world as a sales guy. He is great at 
selling but after all of this time he’s sick of the corporate world and seeks to run his 
online business. He started to buy a few online courses to learn more about business 
and marketing his services. He has always been passionate about parenting so he 
thought about starting a parenting company (helping parents to become better 

His first side hustle while still doing 9-5 didn’t work. But people started to seek his 
advice about selling without being salesy or annoying. He knew a lot about it as he 
worked 10 years in sales and constantly studies what’s new. 
He decided to pivot aywar from parenting & double down on selling his sales 
knowledge. He started a Facebook group and over the period of a year, he attracted a 
strong following (& community) around him. He started to make money. After making 
more than $100k in revenue, he decided to scale up and build out a proper sales funnel 
and different assets to scale up his revenue. 
His goal is $1mil in revenue over the next 12-18 months. 
He has been following Wild Audience & Bastian for quite some time. He thought hiring 
Wild Audience to scale up his sales funnel once he is ready. After 1 year in business 
generating more than $100k in revenue through different campaigns, locating the 
ideal product market fit, and acquiring a few really strong case studies, it’s time to 
systemize the sales process and build it out properly. 
He jumps on a call with the Wild Audience Sales Team purchases Relationship Funnel 
See how detailed that is? 
Do you feel like you know them a little now?  
Personas are even more powerful if you can tie them to actual people who have 
bought your services.  
Whenever you’re making a product or piece of content, you can think… what would 
Ted like to read? Or what problem is Ted dealing with?  
The closer you can get them to real people, the better. 

Understanding segmentation & bucketing 
Once you have your customer avatars identified and prioritized, it’s time to 
translate that into action.  
Segmentation & bucketing are just ways of fitting your prospects into customer 
avatar “buckets”. 
When you organize customers into buckets, you can send them more specific 
content and products.  
The more specific the content and service are to a customer’s needs, the better 
your conversion rates will be. 
So how does bucketing actually work?  
Bucketing is just a series of questions (with the last one being an email address 
request) that you ask a prospect before a download or offer. 
You can build these question prompts in a system like ​SurveySlam​. 
And by incorporating this “lead opt-in buckeintg”, you can automatically build a 
customer profile based on their answers. 
Below is what part of our bucketing system looks like.  
Users are prompted to self-select after they decide to download one of our lead 
magnets (more on that later). 
You may have completed our survey to get here, so I apologize if some of these look 
a bit familiar :)  
Here are all five of our lead magnet bucketing questions:  





See how each question helps us fit them into an avatar?  
How they help us figure out how we can help them? 
I love this step. 
It’s the first step the user take to share a bit of themselves with us :) 
And those answers play directly into what they ​believe a ​ bout Wild Audience.  
Discovering the power of belief 
“Beliefs form the basis of everything people say, think, and do. When 

people change their beliefs, they change their behavior, which changes 

their lives.”​ – ​Dave Gray 

Once you have identified who your prospects are, you need to install your ​belief 

This step will help you understand what you need to put into your RBS email 
sequence and content so that you can get your audience to buy.  
Belief systems can be distilled down to one question:  
What does your lead need to believe before he or she will purchase your product or 
In other words, What content do you need to direct them to? What do you need 
them to understand before they buy?  
Your goal is to convert someone from a visitor ​into ​a paying customer .. 
But… here’s the thing. 
You will ​never ​get a sale without beliefs.  
Without making sure each prospect gets the right beliefs installed, you’re running 
the risk of someone getting to your sales page or hopping on a sales call without 
the right beliefs. 
And when that happens, people don’t always buy. 
That means leaving money on the table. 
Beliefs are tied to identity — your customers’ identity ​and ​how they perceive your 
And the best way to promote beliefs is through ​storytelling.​  
We can use stories to promote and install beliefs in our prospects, which results in 
sales happening at the right time with the right people.  

So what are the types of beliefs?  
The 3 Types of Beliefs 

1) Beliefs about opportunity (value, authority, cost, etc.) 
2) Beliefs about themselves (own abilities to succeed)  
3) External beliefs (time, money, etc.) 
Our goal is to predict a prospect’s existing beliefs and replace those with a set of 
our own through smart storytelling.  
Here are some examples of ​opportunity ​beliefs: 
Belief Question:​ Does the person selling me this product know what they’re talking 
about? Why should I listen to them? 
Installed with: ​Social proof & demonstration of expertise.  
Belief Question:​ Is the product worth what they are charging? 
Installed with: ​Proof of potential ROI. Case studies. Demonstration of the product 
Belief Question:​ Does this company or person have my best interest at heart?  
Installed with: ​Transparency, integrity, and consistency.  
Product -> Solution Fit 
Belief Question:​ Is this product the best solution for my problem? 
Installed with: ​Illustration of process & delivery / social proof of similar problems 
being solved by your product or service.  
See how these are all related to the product?  

Now, let’s look at some beliefs people have about themselves in the context of 
Beliefs about themselves 
Internal belief: ​Vegans are extreme. I am not strong enough to refuse food 
Solution/alternative belief​: Explanation of food options/recipes for vegans. You 
need to make them believe that going vegan isn’t as difficult as it may seem.  
See how those are related to the person? 
And an example of an ​external ​belief would be, “I don’t have the time available to 
take advantage of this product.”  
Once you understand what beliefs are common, you can take those and tie them to 
a specific goal.  
This is where a belief system comes in. 
We take them from what they believe now .. to what they need to believe before 
they buy. 
Creating a belief system 
Here’s how you create a belief system.  
1) Start by defining your ​destination belief.  
2) Define your ​belief starting points​.  
3) Define the ​belief steps in between​. 
4) Create a narrative to tie it all together :)   
Your destination belief is the ​last ​and most important belief that needs to happen 
right​ before the sale.  
Once you figure that out, jump to the very beginning and figure out what the first 
belief you need to address is.  

Then you start connecting the dots :) 
Similar to how you create content with customer avatars in mind, you need to 
create strategic content that installs these beliefs ​in order​.  
And each piece of content you make should install beliefs in the prospect’s own 
language or style.  
This specificity is where the juju is :) 
Let’s continue with the example of someone deciding to become vegan.  
Check out how this spreadsheet matches beliefs to different pieces of content (lead 
magnets and emails) and begins with the belief of “I love animals” and ends with the 
destination belief of ​“I need to become vegan”.  
Note:​ Lead magnets (LMs) are just pieces of content behind email address 
segmentation fields (more on those later).  

By mapping your beliefs out this way, you know exactly what beliefs you need to 
install in what order. By the end the customer will believe in your process or 

It’s wielding human psychology to bring about change, and believe me — this stuff is 
Building Your Relationship Funnel Toolset  
At this point, it’s time to start thinking about how we’re going to transfer all this to 
actual content and automations.  
When first digging into building a Relationship Funnel, it can be overwhelming to 
figure out what software to use.  
There is no perfect answer to this. The marketing software space is diverse and 
highly competitive, and sometimes working with an existing but possibly less 
sophisticated piece of software is better — it all depends. 
What’s safe to say is that at Wild Audience, we have tried ​a lot​.  
We’ve finally landed on a tool stack that works for us, and everything we cover can 
be handled with these tools.  
Here’s our list, in its entirety — exactly how I advise our ​RF Accelerator clients​ to 
build their funnels.  
*Affiliate links below* 
Relationship Funnel Tools 
Email Automation - ​ActiveCampaign 
Lead Opt-in Forms - ​SurveySlam 
Landing Page Builder - ​Thrive Architect 
Live Webinars - ​Demio 
Survey Segmentation ​- ​SurveySlam 

Evergreen Webinars - ​EverWebinar 
Automate Tasks - ​Zapier 
Bot Funnels - ​ManyChat 
Sales Calls - ​Zoom 
Personalization - ​RightMessage 
Calendar Booking ​- ​Calendly 
Scarcity - ​Ultimatum 
This is what works for us, but even if you don’t use the same tools, all of the 
principles and strategies for Relationship Funnel still apply.  
For the rest of the tools I use to run my business, including what I use for team 
communication and analytics, ​go here​ :) 
Phase 2 - Funnel Implementation 

Phase two is all about getting the MVP version of your Relationship Funnel up and 
We want it to be functioning, we want it to convert, and we want it set up for easy 
Here are Phase 2’s steps: 
1. Make the ultimate lead magnet 
2. Build your automations 
3. Install your segmentation 
4. Write your RBS Email Sequence 
5. Connect your conversion sequence 
6. Set up your lead generation ads 
7. Throw a launch party!  
Make the ultimate lead magnet 

Lead magnets are how you collect email addresses and continue delivering value, 
establishing authority, and installing all of the other beliefs we talked about.  
Lead magnets can be anything, although they are most commonly a downloadable 
PDF, video, or file related to the content the prospect just engaged with.  
We like to create content and then turn our absolute best articles into PDFs and 
then create lead generation videos ​like this​ t​ o promote that PDF.  

What you’re reading right now is actually a lead magnet :)  
Pretty cool, right? 
We use PDFs most often, like so: 

Here’s a link to that article to see the lead magnet in action​.  
You need to think about what formats and types of content your prospects are 
most familiar with and use them to shape your lead magnet.  
As long as your lead magnet is tangible, valuable, and directly related to your 
customer’s solution, you’ll be fine.  
And the more tangible, valuable, and directly related your lead magnet, the better 
your conversion rates will be. I promise.  
Take another lead magnet of ours .. 
This is the landing page for it (which prompts them with the segmentation 
questions before it can be downloaded): 

And here’s the first CTA: 


A general guide to “customer acquisition” that describes the power of a 
Relationship Funnel? 
Seems pretty related to me :)  
Or if you were an online business selling high-ticket consulting packages to 
insurance companies and wrote a blog on digital inefficiencies of the insurance 
market, which lead magnet would be more effective? 
10 Digital Tactics for Online Growth 
7 Proven Digital Strategies Insurance Companies Need to Adopt Right Now To Make 
More Sales 
It’s clear that the second one is better. It is specific to the insurance industry and 
thus it’s ​far​ superior to a vague lead magnet.  
Create one awesome lead magnet at first.  
It should solve one of your prospects most burning problems. 
In the insurance example it is helping them solve the problem of sales. 
Yours should do the same thing for your market. 
It should be good enough for cold prospects to WANT to submit their email. 
Once you get a prospect to submit their email address, then the real fun begins :) 
Build your automations 

We are automation junkies.  
I’m serious.  
So much so that ActiveCampaign even ​featured us​ :) 
And ​Mixergy 
And ​Marketing School 

And ​Forbes​ :) 
Nothing i​ s more satisfying then turning on a super relevant automation that brings 
in sales automatically for your business.  
Autopilot profit for the win. 
And autopilot does not mean impersonal!  
Quite the contrary.  
With smart automation and a deep understanding of your service and what your 
prospects need, you’ll be able to create authentic, long-lasting customers.  
You’ll be able to create Relationships.  

And that’s the key to all of this — it’s why I named our flagship product and services 
Relationship Funnel​. It’s why I built my entire business around this idea. As soon as I 
saw how well smart, authentic automations worked, I knew I had stumbled across 
something important. 
At Wild Audience, we create ​all ​of our automations with ActiveCampaign. It’s our 
favorite software for customer tagging and email management. 

We tested over 200 automations to see which ones performed best in high-ticket 
situations. After all was said and done, we ended up with 27 automation sequences 
we loved.  
If you start using ActiveCampaign through Wild Audience, you’ll get instant access 
to those 27 :) 
Just ​go here​ to get started. 
Relationship Funnel automations are automated emailing systems that combine 
segmentation with personalization to build an experience unique to the prospect.  

Here’s what some of our system looks like (in ActiveCampaign) .. 

Youtube link 
There are way too many details to cover here (all of those templates and 
walkthroughs can be found in Relationship Funnel itself), but here are the main 
pieces you want to have automated: 
1. Lead Scoring 
Lead scoring is a way ​ActiveCampaign​ and other systems can add “points” to types 
of engagement and fire actions based off certain thresholds.  
It’s safe to say that someone who opens 5 emails in a row and has seen the sales 
page 3x is much more qualified than someone who ignored your last 3 emails.  
Your system should reflect that, and it can when you set up lead scoring.  

(example of opening an email scoring) 
2. RBS Series 
7-10 emails that install beliefs and establish a relationship. More on this shortly! 
3. Conversion sequence automations 
Emails and actions that initiate a sales process based on engagement / 
behaviour-based pitching (usually certain emails or CTAs).  
4. Lead magnet deliveries / evergreen automations 
Additional content that continues to engage and feed people into your conversion 
But automation is ineffective without personalization, and personalization is 
achieved through segmentation.  
Installing your segmentation 

Context and timing are the secrets of good automation sequences.  
And in order to do provide them, you need to install a segmentation system.  
You take bucketing questions similar to what we showed you above and just add 
them in front of your lead magnets. 
Our favorite way to do this is what we call the 5-question interview, and it’s the 
same system we talked about above!  
These guys :) 

If you have a sales team, ask them what the most critical ​qualifying ​information is 
for leads. What is most useful for them to know? 
Collect their answers and start building your bucketing questions from there, it’s 
often the best place to start. 
If you don’t have a sales team, then think about what would be most useful to you / 
what you need to send someone the right content. 
This usually includes: 
1. Biggest problems. 
2. Budget / revenue ranges. 
3. Their dreams, desires, and goals.  
Etc. etc.!  
And once people are bucketed, you can send them a specific 
Relationship-Building-Sequence (RBS) or other personalized content (by 
exchanging words, phrases, or sentences in emails) that speak ​directly t​ o their 
problem :) 

Write your RBS 

*This section is an excerpt from ​this​ ​blog if you want to continue reading there*  
Once your segmentation system is all set up, it’s time to write the actual emails.  
This is my favorite part. My absolute favorite part.. Bonding with new leads through 
email automation. 
And I’m telling you .. It’s extremely powerful. 
If you know how to do it right. 

And today .. I’ll share with you how to write emails that build trust and establish 
relationships with new leads. 
You do this by creating an email sequence. I call this the Relationship Builder 
Sequence or RBS. An RBS is a sequence of emails you send out automatically. 
Yup. On autopilot. 🙂 
You don’t send them manually. 
You use an ESP (Email Service Provider) like ConvertKit, InfusionSoft or 
ActiveCampaign. Take a look at my RBS .. 

A screenshot of my zoomed out RBS. 
That’s the email sequence I use to build trust and establish a relationship with new 
It’s a series of 7 lessons to teach new prospects the basics of sales funnels for online 

My goal is to teach, advise, help and guide my new tribe members to help solve 
their problems. I want to become their trusted advisor ..  
And sometimes I tease them 🙂 
- I activate people in the first email.  
- I ask them to click specific links in order to get the next email .. 
- I use engagement techniques like Open Loops, Nested Loops and Cliffhangers to 
make them wait for future emails. 
This has a powerful effect .. 


The aim of the emails is to educate and create engagement. 
Engagement is important because higher engagement = more sales .. 

What should you actually include in the emails? 
That’s easy .. 
The beliefs you created before. 
From those beliefs you will have made a belief map. 
Now .. 
Break those beliefs into 7 digestible chunks. 
Each email will represent one of those chunks. 
The goal of the series is to build a relationship first then draw people towards a ​key 
conversion event​ second.  

The first 3-4 emails are all about establishing trust through helpful content. 
Here’s an example of the first email of our sequence. Notice how it’s all about 
reciprocity — giving value upfront in return for something (an ask) later.  

It’s not until the later emails that we start pitching our conversion event. 

We use video sales letters to get people to fill out a quiz and schedule a call for 
profit funnels and evergreen webinars for our Break-Even funnels.  
Here’s how we get people to sign up to our webinar in Email 7 of our RBS.. 

It’s all about letting people qualify themselves.  
Pretty nifty, right? 
And this is an example of what your RBS series would look like in ActiveCampaign 
on the backend ..  

After your RBS series is set up, you need traffic.  
Set up your ads 
Now, all you need to do is set up your test ads and start generating traffic.  
This is the big moment!  
When you finally get to throw people into your Relationship Funnel and see how 
they react :)  

First, if you don’t have one already, you’ll need to create a Facebook ad account & 
install your Facebook pixel.  
You can learn more about doing that ​here.  
Then, you’ll need to translate your customer avatars into actual audiences.  
You can create your audiences when creating a campaign or directly within the 
audience tab of Facebook Ads.  
Refer back to your avatar stories and profiles and try to think about the ​key 
identifiers​ you can point Facebook toward.  
These won’t always be available, but let’s say you’re a marketing agency specializing 
in luxury travel locations for the U.S., Spain, and the U.K..  
You might build an audience like this: 

So M & F 26-50 
Spain, U.K. & U.S. 
Works in hospitality AND likes boutique hotels AND likes travel  

Remember to use your persona profiles here! 
The easiest way to screw up your test is not getting specific enough. 
Shoot for somewhere between 25,000 & 500,000 for your initial tests. By 
continuing to add AND statements into your interest targeting, you should be able 
to narrow it down.  
And don’t forget to restrict it by location if you only service certain locations.  
Creating your test ads 

Always refer to your customer avatars & evaluate competitors who are doing well in 
their space.  
They’re talking to your future customers, after all. 
What do your avatars like to see, and what are your best competitors doing?  
What do you like or not like? Is there an angle you can take to outshine the 
Once you have an idea, create 10-15 ads with varying copy and images and label 
them in a way that easily helps you analyze them.  
I’d do it all within one campaign so you can see all your results in one place.  

Then I’d spend between $500-$1000 on testing your ads, ensuring you complete 
the learning phase for your ad sets & give enough time to see real data.  
The goal with this first set of ads is to find the right hook for the right type of leads 
at an profitable price. Usually we use image ads because they are faster to create.  
Then, once we know the winning hook we create a video ad and hit the gas on ad 
spend (which happens in phase 4). 
We recently did another round of testing like this, and after a bunch of variations, 
this ended up being our best performing ad.  

Feel free to steal any part of this for your own business :)  
Connect your conversion sequence 

The next step is to link a conversion event to your RBS.  
By conversion event I mean the next step in your funnel. This could be a deeper 
form of engagement (webinar, event, etc.). Or it could be a sales page or strategy 
Part of what makes Relationship Funnel so powerful is the system automatically 
connects your RBS series to your conversion sequence ​at the right time​. 
Selling too early ruins a lot of online businesses, but so does selling late :)  
With Relationship Funnel, the idea is to never hide your next conversion event (e.g. 
webinar or products) and pitch them when engagement is high.  
For example, we send a separate email that looks once someone has opened and 
clicked on 5 emails (lead scoring!) :) 
Then, we send them to our sales page, and the retargeting ads we have set up 
(more on that later) pull them toward the next step at ​each s​ tage. These ads are 
relevant and specific to the product they were looking at.  
Here’s our Relationship Funnel Accelerator sales page process: 

First they’re sent to a landing page that has an overview video full of valuable 
information and social proof, and then they’re presented a CTA that leads them to a 
qualification quiz built with Typeform.  

And then depending on their answers, they’re either prompted to schedule a call or 
directed to an appropriate product.  

Remember we built all of these pages with the tools discussed above, and if you 
want to get all of these templates for yourself, go check out ​Relationship Funnel​. 
Last step: Throw a launch party!  
At this point all the battle stations are ready.  
All you do is have to hit activate and start pushing traffic toward your brand new 
Relationship Funnel :)  
And once you do, take some time to pat yourself on the back.  
Crack some champagne — you deserve it.  


Phase 3 - Funnel Optimization 

Once your Relationship Funnel MVP is finished, it’s time to monitor and improve it 
as you go along. This cannot be effectively accomplished without setting systems 
up for iterative experimentation — it must be prioritized within your company.  
Here’s what happens in Phase 3: 
1. Analyze test ad performance 
2. Develop a system of growth-based experimentation 
3. Invest in video ads & widen your ad creatives 
4. Create an automated retargeting funnel 

Analyze test ad performance 
Running successful ad campaigns is all about testing a bunch of copy, images, and 
offers. Seeing what works, and turning off what doesn’t.  
Now that your ads have been running for a bit, you should turn off all of the lowest 
performing ads.  
Facebook does a good job of serving up the best ones anyway, but go ahead and 
disable the ones you know aren’t performing so you’re not wasting money.  
Take a look at your CPA, CTR, ROAS, and CPC, etc. for each ad, ad set, and 

The results for these and how good they are vary by industry according to 
competition and product price, but refer back to your average Customer Lifetime 
Value to help calculate your ROI. 
For example, let’s say your main high-ticket service sells for $10k, but your average 
customer also signs up for your $50/month membership and stays for 3 months.  
This brings your total LTV to $10,150, and if you spend up to that amount in ads to 
acquire that customer, your advertising is still bringing profit.  
ROAS is the easiest way to calculate your ROI, so make sure you iron out your pixel 
on the front end!  
We test different titles of the lead magnets to see which titles get the best CTR and 
CPAs per lead type. We also test different types of targeting to see which audience 
profiles match best with our customer avatars — then we hook these up to our 
top-performing landing pages (also based on testing)  
It’s all about careful analysis and deliberate iteration :)  
Develop a system of iterative experimentation / 
growth-based evaluation 
Experimentation is the key to effective marketing. 
With Respect-Based Marketing, that principle remains steady. 

Marketing begins with guesses, is met with data, and ends with result-driven 
The earlier you can set the standard, and more importantly, ​the space ​to run 
experiments, the better.  
Give your marketing team the time and budget to run consistent experiments.  
Have them run them for a week and report on the results the next. Make this a 
fundamental part of your system, and your ROI will thank you for it. Plus, this is 
what marketing teams love! They’ll be excited to bring their ideas to the table and 
implement them in a controlled environment. 
In our Relationship Funnel, we run tests for all sorts of things. 
You can use this list to get you started ..  
1. Swap/upgrade different lead magnets and move them around to different 
2. Try to reduce your CPA for leads with better copy (e.g. we test different lead 
magnet titles without changing the content of the PDF). 
3. Monitor click rates and open rates of emails and improve emails by adjusting 
subject and cliffhanger lines.  
4. Track conversion rates at each step of your sales page & VSL (e.g. analyzing 
how many people read the sales page -> complete the quiz and then 
schedule call). 
5. Change blog layouts & store UI.  
6. Swap different images & copy on ads.  
7. Change your RBS call-to-actions. 
8. Change the time windows on your automated funnel.  
9. Replace your older content with newer blogs in your RBS series.  
We usually start with a master, deep analysis spreadsheet that lists all of these tests 
and do two complete iterative cycles before starting to scale.  
And remember, all of these tests are geared toward getting your funnel ready for 

Invest in video ads & widening your ad creatives 
IF you have a good product and nail your messaging, then you can start seeing a 
great return on your test ads / basic image ads.  
But .. 
Once you start seeing results and are prepping for more tests, then you need to 
add video ads.  
According to ​Wordstream​, 
51% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the 
best ROI. 
Marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users. 
The results are in, and the lesson is clear: video assets outperform almost any other 
ad type.  
If your team doesn’t have the time or skill to invest in video ads, hiring a 
videographer with experience in advertising is an investment worth your time, 
believe me.  
If your conversion rate even bumps by a couple percentage points via the new 
asset, it will be worth the upfront costs.  
And video ads aren’t the only more advanced creative to experiment with. You 
could also dip into lead form ads, paying for better images, etc.  
The point is to ​reinvest s​ ome of the ROI you’ve already seen into strengthening 
your ad machine.  
Now is not the time to sit back. 

At least not yet, but it does get a bit easier when you set up one of the last steps of 
Phase 3, your retargeting :)  
Create your automated retargeting funnel 

Ads usually fall into two camps:  
Awareness ads to cold audiences & retargeting ads to warmer audiences. 
If you do NOTHING else, then installing at least a few retargeting ads is what I 
would recommend. 
They are cheap, and the ROAS can be amazing!  
Retargeting (also sometimes referred to as remarketing), are ads that ​only ​target 
people who have either seen your website (visit) or interacted with certain content 
(e.g. watched 25% or more of a video ad).  
This dramatically lowers your CPC because you’re targeting a much smaller, more 
highly engaged (or warmer) audience.  

Setting up retargeting ads is easy and inexpensive. Depending on your traffic 
numbers, you should be able to spend <$15 a day and have a big impact on your 
bottom line.  
The key to effective remarketing is dividing up your audiences according to what 
step or ​level t​ hat person is on.  
Think about it this way: 
Level 1 - ​Cold audiences (no brand awareness yet)  
Level 2 - ​Seen your site / interacted with a piece of content 
Level 3 - ​Subscribed / given email address 
Level 4 - ​Visited sales page or added a particular product to their cart 
Level 5 - ​Went to the checkout page  
Level 6 - ​Back-End funnel ads to existing customers 
Then, in order to install retargeting, you just fill in the gaps with the goal of getting 
the person to get to the next level, and once they reach that level you set up 
excluding audiences to make sure they aren’t receiving older ads. 
So you would exclude site visitors from Level 1, and you would exclude add to cart 
people from the “viewed a particular product” audience. 
Let’s walk through each level briefly: 
Level 1 
So Level 1 is just the cold audiences we discussed above. Your goal is to get them to 
get to your site or interact with content, so your ads should be focused on that. 
This is where you deliver your best blogs and lead magnets to people who have 
viewed your blogs before.  
Level 2 
For Level 2 ads, you deliver product ads or case studies that are directly related to 
the lead magnet or content they’ve interacted with.  
Level 3 

For Level 3 ads, your goal is to establish a relationship and install beliefs through 
educational content & social proof. So this where you put your middle and bottom 
of funnel content. 
Level 4 
For Level 4, you remind people of what they left in the cart / point them back 
toward the sales page / give them more information about that particular product.  
Level 5 
For Level 5, you could offer time-based discounts or the chance to speak with a 
sales representative to help etc.  
Level 6  
This is where you continue educating your customers on your Back-End funnel 
products and help them use their existing products.  
Make sense?  
And what’s awesome, is that once you set these up, they will ​always b ​ e working for 
you in the background. 
This is where all that backend sales revenue comes from. Retargeting can really up 
your customer LTV when executed correctly.  
And if you want to make the ad management process even more automated, you 
can set up automated rules that adjust the budget depending on ROAS and 
For example, if your ad frequency is low (<2) but ROAS is super high (>5), you could 
set up a rule that bumps the ad budget by 10% every 2 days to make sure you’re 
reaching everyone it should.  
For more on rules, ​go here.  


Phase 4 - Funnel Scaling 

At this point, your Relationship Funnel is exactly where you want it to be :)  
Conversion rates are high and leads are consistent. This is super exciting!  
At this point you’re ready to scale, to really invest money into your funnel — aiming 
to bring in as many qualified leads as possible.  
The most important thing is to watch your KPIs like a hawk.  
For us, it’s our CPA of sales conversations and cost per sale.  
As long as that stays where we want it, we can continue to scale. If it starts to slip, 
we slow things down and improve our conversion rates before continuing.  
With that in mind, here’s what happens in Phase 4.  
- Taking advantage of evergreen content 
- Expanding your audience with the Bullseye Traffic Framework 
- Upping ad spend and sales efforts. 

Scaling with evergreen content 
What we want at this stage is more leads.  
We’ve already established trust in the funnel itself .. 
Now we just need to pour more traffic in the top while increasing conversion rates 
through smart content that directly answers customer objections etc.  
Organic traffic and thought leadership are fantastic outlets for inbound leads, and 
investing in more super strong pieces of content that you can spread around your 
business goes a long way. 

And content doesn’t just mean blogging. The most common awareness generators 
are: blogging, podcasting, public speaking, and social media.  
What you choose to focus on depends on your team and what your audience 
responds best to, but whatever you do — do it well and do it consistently. 
Treat every piece like something you could rely on for years.  
Chances are, you will. 
For blogging, remember that the time of putting out crappy blogs that are couple 
paragraphs long are over. 
You need to create something valuable.  
Not rehashing someone else’s blog or saying something everyone else has said. 
It needs to be substantial, and it needs to be useful. 
If the content you’re writing doesn’t fulfill those requirements, then it’s not worth 
Take Eric Siu’s Single Grain, for example.  
They aim for 1,500-2,000 words per blog, minimum. 
They only give guest post spots to people they trust (​like us​), and they work with 
them to make sure that content is the right quality.  
And when you make something good, it can be useful in multiple ways.  
Think about it in terms of your Relationship Funnel. 
You could use a great blog in: 
1. Your site to get organic traffic that installs beliefs and captures email 
addresses via lead magnets. 
2. Your advertising. 

3. Your RBS sequence.  
4. Your sales conversations.  
The list goes on.  
It’s also important to create “Middle of the Funnel” and “Bottom of the Funnel” 
content here, so pieces of content that address: 
What is the best solution for my product? (MOFU) 
- So strategy analysis/efficacy content, etc.  
And why should I choose your company to provide that solution? (BOFU) 
- Case studies.  
- Your service as an alternative to x, etc.  
Talking about general industry topics isn’t enough. You need to think deeply about 
your avatar and create the content that’s going to convince them that they need 
your service.  
Once you create that content, you should spread that around with ​content 
redistribution strategies​ and plug it into your overall marketing silo. 
Use the ​bullseye traffic formula​ to choose your 

Here’s the thing. 

Not all channels work for all businesses. 

The bullseye traffic formula was popularized by Gabriel Weinberg of DuckDuckGo 

fame and Justin Mares, founder of Kettle & Fire, and it makes sure you nail the 
distribution angle of your business.  

Identifying your best channel(s) will make or break your business — even if you 
have a great product, pitch, etc.  

Here are the steps:  

1. Brainstorm and research all available channels. 

2. Pick 2 or 3 that you think will work best.  
3. Run tests on all channels simultaneously.  
4. Choose the best and go all-in.  

This process allows you to hone in on the channels that will have the biggest impact 
on your business. For businesses that deal in creatives, that may be Instagram. For 
education-based consultancies, that could be Facebook groups.  

The idea is to test thoroughly, identify confidently, and then go for it.  

This is how we decided on blogging and Facebook originally. After that, we added in 
podcasts because we knew it would complement those original two.  

We have ​three main lead generation channels: 

Content Marketing 

So things like ​blogs​ and ​podcast interviews​. 


Facebook Ads, Google Ads, etc.  

Social Media​ - ​Wild Audience Facebook Group​ + relevant marketing groups.  

I conduct an interview and release it as a podcast, go even deeper on those topics 
in blogs, and then build share those pieces of content with social media (all of 
which is super duper related to Wild Audience’s products) to pull the ​right​ people 
into my sphere of influence. 

My content serves as a filter to attract only the best kind of people into my funnel. I 
try to get as specific as possible when producing content. You should always be 
thinking about your ​ideal user​.  

If someone interacts with my content, I know that this person is interested in what 
I have to offer (since the content is pretty much a light version of my paid 

Make sense? 

My podcasts are usually around 20-30 minutes and my blog posts are usually 
between ​3,000 – 7,000 words long​ and packed with awesomeness. It’s always about 
actionable advice and step-by-step instructions. And I always include screenshots, 
graphics and ​content upgrades​ when applicable. 

Upping ad spend / internal team expansion 

After ROI stays consistent across all content creation systems while spending at 
least >2k+ in ad spend, it’s time to experiment with the advertising end of scaling.  

This usually involves picking your top performing assets across all of your 
campaigns, optimizing them, and then running high budget experiments to 
different audiences.  

In order to scale from 5k to 20k per month, it's really important to create different 
ads for each avatar and use copy that speaks directly to that avatar. That way you 
attract good leads and discourage bad leads. This granularity requires time and 
expertise, so if you don’t have an internal member with the experience required, 
investing in a good advertiser can go a long way.  

Facebook advertisers typically charge a management fee + % of ad spend.  

So if you spent $5,000 per month and they charged $1,000/month + 15%, you 
would pay around $1,750/month in management fees.  

Good advertisers are expensive (that management fee is probably a bit on the low 
end), but if that person is making you 10k+ a month from the ads, then it’s well 
worth it.  

Be flexible on your contracts with advertisers. The best relationships are when the 
advertiser is motivated to run additional tests & keep you top of mind because 
they’re invested in the revenue potential as well.  

And keep in mind that it almost always takes an advertiser a month or so of testing 
to get ROI off the ground, and there are all sorts of variables that go into this. The 
more assets and help you can give them, the better your results will be. 

And believe me, finding that first ad -> audience fit is so damn exciting :) 

Keep people in mind for that incoming influx of new leads, too. You’ll need team 
members specifically devoted to these new leads, so either reorganize your existing 
sales team or make a hire.  

The end! What you need to do next… 
You should now have a much better understanding of Relationship Funnels :) 
On how to unlock the power of ​Respect-Based Marketing i​ n your high-ticket or 
online business. 

On automating the building of real relationships that generate real revenue by 
delivering value :) 
It’s a lot of work, but the results speak for themselves.  

If you’re ready to join the Respect-Based Marketing movement and create funnels 
that can exponentially grow your business, then you could start today.  
Here’s the deal: faster growth starts with automating relationships.  
There are four different ways you could kick things off:  
1. Get us to do it with you​:​ ​Sometimes a leader’s time is best spent ​on ​the 
business. We live and breathe marketing funnels, so if you want us to help 
you install your own Relationship Funnel — giving you the system to start 
acquiring and closing more customers than you ever have before, then go 
2. You can ​download the complete Relationship Funnel course​ that includes 
templates and swipe files for you to create the funnel yourself.  
3. You can ​just run with what’s in this super awesome lead magnet ​:)  
4. You can ​ignore RF​ and keep wondering why you aren’t acquiring profitable 
customers at scale. 
The choice is yours, but whatever you decide — good luck :)  



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