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NIM : 201801109



TAHUN 2020
1. What are the steps to deal with the patients, if they have one of these disease
a. Dehydration
How to handle it:
1. Get to know the group of people who are most at risk of dehydration.
Children who suffer from very young,ederly,people who suffer from choronic
disease have a high risk of developing dehydration. However,other groups are
also not free from high risk.
2. Rocognize signs of mild or moderate dehydration
You can usually treat mild to moderate dehydration at home, with treatment
suggested in this article. Common signs that a person has mild to moderate
dehydration include:
a. Urine is dark yellow or amber
b. Rarely urinating
c. Sweat decreases
d. Incrreased thirst
e. Mouth,nose and eyes
f. The skin feels dry and stiff, maybe wrinkles/wrinkles are not uncommon
g. Dizzy,feeling like fainting
3. Check the condition of urine.
If you are adequately hydrated,the urine should be pale yellow,transparent. If the
body gets too much or too little water,the color of the urine wiil change. If the
urine is very clear or almost colorless,you may experience overhydration (excess
fluid in the body)
4. Natural flavor drinks
If you don’t like drinking beveranges that taste by adding pieces of fruit such as
lemon, orange slies, or make it into juice.
5. Avoid certain types of fluids
When are you dehydrated,avoid ceffeine and alcohol. Both have dehydration
effects on the body.
6. With high foods waters content.
If you don’t feel neuseous, try eating some fruits and vegetables with high water
b. Diarrhoea
How handle it tell the patient to:
1. Drink plenty of fluids
Electrolyte fluid also helps increase brain nerve activity,muscle contraction,and
the creation of new tissue in the body.
2. Eat healthy foods low in fiber
Choose foods that are high in carbohydrates but low in fiber while you are still
having diarrhea to be easily digested and absorbed by the stomach
3. Consuming probiotic drinks,food or suplements
4. Avoid food that make diarrhea worse
5. Drink chamomile tea
6. Eat ini small portions
7. Take diarrhea medicine
c. cold
How to handle it:
1. if at all possible, move it to a dry,warm room slowly and carefully. Spontaneous
and violent movements can trigger dengerous irregular hearbeats
2. carefully,take off all wet clothes and dry the body well. Warm the body starting
from the chest and head first. Afterwards protect his body with a layer of blankets
and dry clothing while waiting for medical help to arrive. Use your own body heat
if no other heat source is avaible
3. if possible, offer warm drinks or high energy foods, such as chocolate, to warm
the body. Only do this if the person can swallow normally ask them to cough to
see if they can swallow.
d. Fatigue
How to handle it tell the patient to:
1. Dietary habit the food you consume can determine your vitality . to increase
2. Eating foods with balnced
3. Avoid fast food or junk food
4. Aviod foods that are high sugar
5. Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables
6. Eat smaller portions and more often
7. Limit alcohol and caffeine consumption,and avoid caffeine consumption in the
afternoon or evening.
2. What are the signs,if a patient has one of the diseases?(it is based on what you have
A sign that the patient is dehydrated:
1. Dry mount and swollen tongue
Dry mount and slightly swollen tongue are signals that the body is dehydrated
2. Dark yellow urine
If the body is dehydrated,the kidneys will try to conserve water or stop urine
3. Constipation(difficult bowel movements)
When the body has enough water, the food eaten will move freely
4. The skin becomes less elastic
Can use skin elasticity to test dehydration by pinching it
5. Heart palpitations
The heart needs a healthy and normal body to function properly
6. Muscle cramps or convulsions
7. Dizzy
Dehydration can also cause dizziness or fainting
8. Dry tears
9. The body always feels hot

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