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(c) Copyright 2002 - 2006 Hamish Saunders and Angela Thomas

All rights reserved


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Valid Planet Names

Earth, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
Moon's North Node, Moon's South Node
Ascendant, Midheaven, Vertex, East Point,
Co-Ascendant, Polar Ascendant
Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta
Vulcan, Cupido, Hades, Zeus, Kronos, Apollon, Admetos, Vulkanus, Poseidon,
Part of Fortune, Bary Centre, Galactic Centre
Black Moon, Priapus, Black Sun, Diamond, Vernal Point.

Valid Aspect Names

Conjunction, Opposition, Square, SemiSquare, Sesquiquadrate
Trine, Sextile, SemiSextile, Quincunx
Novile, BiNovile, QuadNovile
Septile, BiSeptile, TriSeptile
Quintile, BiQuintile
QuartoSquare, 3xQuartoSquare, 5xQuartoSquare, 7xQuartoSquare

Refer to Janus Help index (edit / interpretations)
for more information.


--- Sun.Sun

- conjunction

#Sun Conjunct Sun

Not applicable in natal work.

- soft aspects
#Sun Trine Sun
Not applicable in natal work.

#Sun Sextile Sun

^You carry yourself/He carries himself/She carries herself^ well throughout this
period. A dignified and self-confident air surrounds ^you/him/her^ and others
respect it. ^You/He/She^ can make a [favourable,favorable] impression on
influential people.

#Sun Opposition Sun

During this period the ambitions of others could conflict with ^your/his/her^ own
and cause tensions.

#Sun Square Sun

During this period the ambitions of others could conflict with ^your/his/her^ own
and cause tensions.

#Sun SemiSquare Sun

During this period the ambitions of others could conflict with ^your/his/her^ own
and cause tensions.

#Sun Sesquiquadrate Sun

Not applicable in natal work.

#Sun Quincunx Sun

Not applicable in natal work.

--- Sun.Moon

- conjunction

#Sun Conjunct Moon

^You feel/He feels/She feels^ [centred,centered] and integrated now. However, ^you
need/he needs/she needs^ to remember to consider the needs of others, especially
those ^you live/he lives/she lives^ with and family members. Another person
(probably male) may put pressure on ^you/him/her^ now, which can create feelings of
resistance in ^you/him/her^. This can be a marriage indicator.

- soft aspects

#Sun Trine Moon

A general feeling of well-being and inner harmony exists now. ^Your/His/Her^
relationship with the opposite sex and family is likely to be good at the moment.
This can be a marriage indicator.

#Sun Sextile Moon

A general feeling of well-being and inner harmony exists now. ^Your/His/Her^
relationship with the opposite sex and family is likely to be good at the moment.
This can be a marriage indicator.
- hard aspects

#Sun Opposition Moon

During this period ^you need/he needs/she needs^ to make an effort to respond to
the needs of others, even if ^you don't/he doesn't/she doesn't^ feel like it;
^you/he/she^ will win their respect and learn a few things. This can be a marriage

#Sun Square Moon

During this period ^you need/he needs/she needs^ to make an effort to respond to
the needs of others, even if ^you don't/he doesn't/she doesn't^ feel like it;
^you/he/she^ will win their respect and learn a few things. This can be a marriage

#Sun SemiSquare Moon

During this period ^you need/he needs/she needs^ to make an effort to respond to
the needs of others, even if ^you don't/he doesn't/she doesn't^ feel like it;
^you/he/she^ will win their respect and learn a few things. This can be a marriage

#Sun Sesquiquadrate Moon

During this period ^you need/he needs/she needs^ to make an effort to respond to
the needs of others, even if ^you don't/he doesn't/she doesn't^ feel like it;
^you/he/she^ will win their respect and learn a few things. This can be a marriage

#Sun Quincunx Moon

During this period ^you need/he needs/she needs^ to make an effort to respond to
the needs of others, even if ^you don't/he doesn't/she doesn't^ feel like it;
^you/he/she^ will win their respect and learn a few things. This can be a marriage

--- Sun.Mercury

- conjunction

#Sun Conjunct Mercury

An authoritative or confident person may have the power to dominate and sway
^your/his/her^ thinking during this period. Equally, ^you/he/she^ could be more
prone to subjective thinking.

- soft aspects

#Sun Trine Mercury

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ a knack for saying the right thing at
the right time. ^You are/He is/She is^ easily understood by others. This is an
excellent time for dealing with influential people.

#Sun Sextile Mercury

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ a knack for saying the right thing at
the right time. ^You are/He is/She is^ easily understood by others. This is an
excellent time for dealing with influential people.

- hard aspects

#Sun Opposition Mercury

Communications with others could be strained during this period. Misunderstandings
are possible and negotiations in business can be difficult. An authoritative or
confident person may have the power to dominate and sway ^your/his/her^ thinking
during this period. Equally, ^you/he/she^ could be more prone to subjective

#Sun Square Mercury

Communications with others could be strained during this period. Misunderstandings
are possible and negotiations in business can be difficult. An authoritative or
confident person may have the power to dominate and sway ^your/his/her^ thinking
during this period. Equally, ^you/he/she^ could be more prone to subjective

#Sun SemiSquare Mercury

Communications with others could be strained during this period. Misunderstandings
are possible and negotiations in business can be difficult. An authoritative or
confident person may have the power to dominate and sway ^your/his/her^ thinking
during this period. Equally, ^you/he/she^ could be more prone to subjective

#Sun Sesquiquadrate Mercury

Communications with others could be strained during this period. Misunderstandings
are possible and negotiations in business can be difficult. An authoritative or
confident person may have the power to dominate and sway ^your/his/her^ thinking
during this period. Equally, ^you/he/she^ could be more prone to subjective

#Sun Quincunx Mercury

Communications with others could be strained during this period. Misunderstandings
are possible and negotiations in business can be difficult. An authoritative or
confident person may have the power to dominate and sway ^your/his/her^ thinking
during this period. Equally, ^you/he/she^ could be more prone to subjective

--- Sun.Venus

- conjunction

#Sun Conjunct Venus

General feelings of love and affection can find expression now. There is the urge
to unite with others in pleasant surroundings. Love may be in the air, and
aesthetic senses are accentuated. This can be a marriage indicator. It can also be
an excellent period for artistic creativity.

- soft aspects
#Sun Trine Venus
Social, creative, artistic and possibly even romantic activities are well-aspected
now. ^You feel/He feels/She feels^ relaxed and others are at ease in ^your/his/her^
company. This can be a marriage indicator.

#Sun Sextile Venus

Social, creative, artistic and possibly even romantic activities are well-aspected
now. ^You feel/He feels/She feels^ relaxed and others are at ease in ^your/his/her^
company. This can be a marriage indicator.

- hard aspects

#Sun Opposition Venus

In order to maintain good relations with others over this period, ^you/he/she^ will
need to be prepared to extend ^yourself/himself/herself^ socially. General feelings
of love and affection can find expression now. This can be a marriage indicator.

#Sun Square Venus

In order to maintain good relations with others over this period, ^you/he/she^ will
need to be prepared to extend ^yourself/himself/herself^ socially. General feelings
of love and affection can find expression now. This can be a marriage indicator.

#Sun SemiSquare Venus

In order to maintain good relations with others over this period, ^you/he/she^ will
need to be prepared to extend ^yourself/himself/herself^ socially. General feelings
of love and affection can find expression now. This can be a marriage indicator.

#Sun Sesquiquadrate Venus

In order to maintain good relations with others over this period, ^you/he/she^ will
need to be prepared to extend ^yourself/himself/herself^ socially. General feelings
of love and affection can find expression now. This can be a marriage indicator.

#Sun Quincunx Venus

In order to maintain good relations with others over this period, ^you/he/she^ will
need to be prepared to extend ^yourself/himself/herself^ socially. General feelings
of love and affection can find expression now. This can be a marriage indicator.

--- Sun.Mars

- conjunction

#Sun Conjunct Mars

Actions speak louder than words during this period and ^you have/he has/she has^
all the energy ^you need/he needs/she needs^ to accomplish ^your/his/her^
objectives. ^You feel/He feels/She feels^ competitive, self-motivated and charged
for action. However, ^you/he/she^ may need to guard against aggression or
impatience. Relations with others may be strained. There can be a risk of accidents
or injury.

- soft aspects
#Sun Trine Mars
By being very definite in ^your/his/her^ intentions ^you/he/she^ can successfully
push through ^your/his/her^ desires during this period. ^You are/He is/She is^
well-equipped to make daring moves and decisions. Boldness pays off. This is a good
period for physical pursuits.

#Sun Sextile Mars

By being very definite in ^your/his/her^ intentions ^you/he/she^ can successfully
push through ^your/his/her^ desires during this period. ^You are/He is/She is^
well-equipped to make daring moves and decisions. Boldness pays off. This is a good
period for physical pursuits.

- hard aspects

#Sun Opposition Mars

By being very definite in ^your/his/her^ intentions ^you/he/she^ can successfully
push through ^your/his/her^ desires during this period. ^You are/He is/She is^
well-equipped to make daring moves and decisions. Boldness pays off. However, if
^you behave/he behaves/she behaves^ too forcefully or aggressively towards others
now they are bound to react in kind. ^You/He/She^ may need to tone down
^your/his/her^ zeal and guard against injury proneness.

#Sun Square Mars

By being very definite in ^your/his/her^ intentions ^you/he/she^ can successfully
push through ^your/his/her^ desires during this period. ^You are/He is/She is^
well-equipped to make daring moves and decisions. Boldness pays off. However, if
^you behave/he behaves/she behaves^ too forcefully or aggressively towards others
now they are bound to react in kind. ^You/He/She^ may need to tone down
^your/his/her^ zeal and guard against injury proneness.

#Sun SemiSquare Mars

By being very definite in ^your/his/her^ intentions ^you/he/she^ can successfully
push through ^your/his/her^ desires during this period. ^You are/He is/She is^
well-equipped to make daring moves and decisions. Boldness pays off. However, if
^you behave/he behaves/she behaves^ too forcefully or aggressively towards others
now they are bound to react in kind. ^You/He/She^ may need to tone down
^your/his/her^ zeal and guard against injury proneness.

#Sun Sesquiquadrate Mars

By being very definite in ^your/his/her^ intentions ^you/he/she^ can successfully
push through ^your/his/her^ desires during this period. ^You are/He is/She is^
well-equipped to make daring moves and decisions. Boldness pays off. However, if
^you behave/he behaves/she behaves^ too forcefully or aggressively towards others
now they are bound to react in kind. ^You/He/She^ may need to tone down
^your/his/her^ zeal and guard against injury proneness.

#Sun Quincunx Mars

By being very definite in ^your/his/her^ intentions ^you/he/she^ can successfully
push through ^your/his/her^ desires during this period. ^You are/He is/She is^
well-equipped to make daring moves and decisions. Boldness pays off. However, if
^you behave/he behaves/she behaves^ too forcefully or aggressively towards others
now they are bound to react in kind. ^You/He/She^ may need to tone down
^your/his/her^ zeal and guard against injury proneness.

--- Sun.Jupiter

- conjunction

#Sun Conjunct Jupiter

This could be a lucky time for ^you/him/her^. Financial and business affairs can
prosper now. Successes are likely and the more effort ^you put/he puts/she puts^
into things the greater the rewards. This can be a good period for travel.

- soft aspects

#Sun Trine Jupiter

Influential people in important positions can be accessible to ^you/him/her^ during
this period. It can also be a good time for business affairs. Travel, too, can be
successful and enjoyable.

#Sun Sextile Jupiter

Influential people in important positions can be accessible to ^you/him/her^ during
this period. It can also be a good time for business affairs. Travel, too, can be
successful and enjoyable.

- hard aspects

#Sun Opposition Jupiter

During this period ^you/he/she^ will have the urge to grow and extend
^yourself/himself/herself^ in some way now; perhaps ^you/he/she^ will be motivated
to travel, study or start a new job or business. However, ^you need/he needs/she
needs^ to guard against over-extending ^yourself/himself/herself^ or taking on more
than ^you/he/she^ can comfortably handle.

#Sun Square Jupiter

During this period ^you/he/she^ will have the urge to grow and extend
^yourself/himself/herself^ in some way now; perhaps ^you/he/she^ will be motivated
to travel, study or start a new job or business. However, ^you need/he needs/she
needs^ to guard against over-extending ^yourself/himself/herself^ or taking on more
than ^you/he/she^ can comfortably handle.

#Sun SemiSquare Jupiter

During this period ^you/he/she^ will have the urge to grow and extend
^yourself/himself/herself^ in some way now; perhaps ^you/he/she^ will be motivated
to travel, study or start a new job or business. However, ^you need/he needs/she
needs^ to guard against over-extending ^yourself/himself/herself^ or taking on more
than ^you/he/she^ can comfortably handle.

#Sun Sesquiquadrate Jupiter

During this period ^you/he/she^ will have the urge to grow and extend
^yourself/himself/herself^ in some way now; perhaps ^you/he/she^ will be motivated
to travel, study or start a new job or business. However, ^you need/he needs/she
needs^ to guard against over-extending ^yourself/himself/herself^ or taking on more
than ^you/he/she^ can comfortably handle.

#Sun Quincunx Jupiter

During this period ^you/he/she^ will have the urge to grow and extend
^yourself/himself/herself^ in some way now; perhaps ^you/he/she^ will be motivated
to travel, study or start a new job or business. However, ^you need/he needs/she
needs^ to guard against over-extending ^yourself/himself/herself^ or taking on more
than ^you/he/she^ can comfortably handle.

--- Sun.Saturn

- conjunction

#Sun Conjunct Saturn

Steady as she goes is the key to this planetary influence. It is one of those
periods in life when everything seems to take longer than ^you'd/he'd/she'd^ wish.
There are delays, frustrations and restrictions. Authority figures can appear
implacable, so ^you/he/she^ should avoid provoking them. Estrangements or
separations are possible.

- soft aspects

#Sun Trine Saturn

During this period ^you/he/she^ should try not to put off until tomorrow what can
be done today. If ^you shoulder your/he shoulders his/she shoulders her^
responsibilities ^you'll/he'll/she'll^ be appreciated for it and impress those who

#Sun Sextile Saturn

During this period ^you/he/she^ should try not to put off until tomorrow what can
be done today. If ^you shoulder your/he shoulders his/she shoulders her^
responsibilities ^you'll/he'll/she'll^ be appreciated for it and impress those who

- hard aspects

#Sun Opposition Saturn

Steady as she goes is the key to this planetary influence. It is one of those
periods in life when everything seems to take longer than ^you'd/he'd/she'd^ wish.
There are delays, frustrations and restrictions. Authority figures can appear
implacable, so ^you/he/she^ should avoid provoking them. Estrangements or
separations are possible.

#Sun Square Saturn

Steady as she goes is the key to this planetary influence. It is one of those
periods in life when everything seems to take longer than ^you'd/he'd/she'd^ wish.
There are delays, frustrations and restrictions. Authority figures can appear
implacable, so ^you/he/she^ should avoid provoking them. Estrangements or
separations are possible.

#Sun SemiSquare Saturn

Steady as she goes is the key to this planetary influence. It is one of those
periods in life when everything seems to take longer than ^you'd/he'd/she'd^ wish.
There are delays, frustrations and restrictions. Authority figures can appear
implacable, so ^you/he/she^ should avoid provoking them. Estrangements or
separations are possible.

#Sun Sesquiquadrate Saturn

Steady as she goes is the key to this planetary influence. It is one of those
periods in life when everything seems to take longer than ^you'd/he'd/she'd^ wish.
There are delays, frustrations and restrictions. Authority figures can appear
implacable, so ^you/he/she^ should avoid provoking them. Estrangements or
separations are possible.

#Sun Quincunx Saturn

Steady as she goes is the key to this planetary influence. It is one of those
periods in life when everything seems to take longer than ^you'd/he'd/she'd^ wish.
There are delays, frustrations and restrictions. Authority figures can appear
implacable, so ^you/he/she^ should avoid provoking them. Estrangements or
separations are possible.

--- Sun.Uranus

- conjunction

#Sun Conjunct Uranus

During this period be prepared for sudden surprises and possible disruptions in
^your/his/her^ life. ^You/He/She^ could find ^yourself/himself/herself^ drawn to
unusual people. Expect the unexpected and anticipate a few changes to
^your/his/her^ routines.

#Sun Trine Uranus

Plan for a period of changes and sudden experiences in ^your/his/her^ life now. It
would be good for ^you/him/her^ to take a break from ^your/his/her^ normal routines
and see what happens. It is an excellent time for ^you/him/her^ to express
^your/his/her^ originality and to be inventive.

#Sun Sextile Uranus

Plan for a period of changes and sudden experiences in ^your/his/her^ life now. It
would be good for ^you/him/her^ to take a break from ^your/his/her^ normal routines
and see what happens. It is an excellent time for ^you/him/her^ to express
^your/his/her^ originality and to be inventive.

- hard aspects

#Sun Opposition Uranus

Unpredictability rules this period. Sudden surprises and possible setbacks are to
be expected. ^You need/He needs/She needs^ to watch ^your/his/her^ stress levels,
as too much stress can be detrimental to ^your/his/her^ health. ^You/He/She^ could
find ^yourself/himself/herself^ drawn to unusual people.

#Sun Square Uranus

Unpredictability rules this period. Sudden surprises and possible setbacks are to
be expected. ^You need/He needs/She needs^ to watch ^your/his/her^ stress levels,
as too much stress can be detrimental to ^your/his/her^ health. ^You/He/She^ could
find ^yourself/himself/herself^ drawn to unusual people.

#Sun SemiSquare Uranus

Unpredictability rules this period. Sudden surprises and possible setbacks are to
be expected. ^You need/He needs/She needs^ to watch ^your/his/her^ stress levels,
as too much stress can be detrimental to ^your/his/her^ health. ^You/He/She^ could
find ^yourself/himself/herself^ drawn to unusual people.

#Sun Sesquiquadrate Uranus

Unpredictability rules this period. Sudden surprises and possible setbacks are to
be expected. ^You need/He needs/She needs^ to watch ^your/his/her^ stress levels,
as too much stress can be detrimental to ^your/his/her^ health. ^You/He/She^ could
find ^yourself/himself/herself^ drawn to unusual people.

#Sun Quincunx Uranus

Unpredictability rules this period. Sudden surprises and possible setbacks are to
be expected. ^You need/He needs/She needs^ to watch ^your/his/her^ stress levels,
as too much stress can be detrimental to ^your/his/her^ health. ^You/He/She^ could
find ^yourself/himself/herself^ drawn to unusual people.

--- Sun.Neptune

- conjunction

#Sun Conjunct Neptune

^You are/He is/She is^ noticeably sensitive and impressionable during this period.
Everyday reality seems, or is, harder for ^you/him/her^ to bear. Escapism or travel
is appealing now. There can be a danger of deception (possibly involving the male

- soft aspects

#Sun Trine Neptune

Travel, creative activity or music can all give ^you/him/her^ pleasure during this
period. ^Your/His/Her^ imagination is enhanced now and ^you are/he is/she is^ more
receptive to the subtle things in life. Meditation, solitude or time spent near
water can replenish ^your/his/her^ spirit.

#Sun Sextile Neptune

Travel, creative activity or music can all give ^you/him/her^ pleasure during this
period. ^Your/His/Her^ imagination is enhanced now and ^you are/he is/she is^ more
receptive to the subtle things in life. Meditation, solitude or time spent near
water can replenish ^your/his/her^ spirit.

- hard aspects

#Sun Opposition Neptune

^You are/He is/She is^ noticeably sensitive and impressionable at the moment and
may be inclined to try and escape from everyday reality. Indulgent tendencies can
surface now, as can self-deception. (There can also be the possibility of deception
involving the male sex). Travel, creative activity or music can all be positive
during this period.

#Sun Square Neptune

^You are/He is/She is^ noticeably sensitive and impressionable at the moment and
may be inclined to try and escape from everyday reality. Indulgent tendencies can
surface now, as can self-deception. (There can also be the possibility of deception
involving the male sex). Travel, creative activity or music can all be positive
during this period.

#Sun SemiSquare Neptune

^You are/He is/She is^ noticeably sensitive and impressionable at the moment and
may be inclined to try and escape from everyday reality. Indulgent tendencies can
surface now, as can self-deception. (There can also be the possibility of deception
involving the male sex). Travel, creative activity or music can all be positive
during this period.

#Sun Sesquiquadrate Neptune

^You are/He is/She is^ noticeably sensitive and impressionable at the moment and
may be inclined to try and escape from everyday reality. Indulgent tendencies can
surface now, as can self-deception. (There can also be the possibility of deception
involving the male sex). Travel, creative activity or music can all be positive
during this period.

#Sun Quincunx Neptune

^You are/He is/She is^ noticeably sensitive and impressionable at the moment and
may be inclined to try and escape from everyday reality. Indulgent tendencies can
surface now, as can self-deception. (There can also be the possibility of deception
involving the male sex). Travel, creative activity or music can all be positive
during this period.

--- Sun.Pluto

- conjunction

#Sun Conjunct Pluto

^You are/He is/She is^ able to achieve a lot at this time, particularly if ^you put
your/he puts his/she puts her^ mind to it. Power struggles are possible, especially
with dominant males. Radical changes can occur.

- soft aspects

#Sun Trine Pluto

Subtle shifts in power can work to ^your/his/her^ advantage now. ^You/He/She^ can
assert ^yourself/himself/herself^ as a leader and [organiser,organizer].

#Sun Sextile Pluto

Subtle shifts in power can work to ^your/his/her^ advantage now. ^You/He/She^ can
assert ^yourself/himself/herself^ as a leader and [organiser,organizer].

- hard aspects
#Sun Opposition Pluto
This can be a period of potential power struggles and underlying tensions. ^You
need/He needs/She needs^ to try to avoid pushy [behaviour,behavior], as things can
backfire. Manipulative tendencies can also cause problems. Radical changes can

#Sun Square Pluto

This can be a period of potential power struggles and underlying tensions. ^You
need/He needs/She needs^ to try to avoid pushy [behaviour,behavior], as things can
backfire. Manipulative tendencies can also cause problems. Radical changes can

#Sun SemiSquare Pluto

This can be a period of potential power struggles and underlying tensions. ^You
need/He needs/She needs^ to try to avoid pushy [behaviour,behavior], as things can
backfire. Manipulative tendencies can also cause problems. Radical changes can

#Sun Sesquiquadrate Pluto

This can be a period of potential power struggles and underlying tensions. ^You
need/He needs/She needs^ to try to avoid pushy [behaviour,behavior], as things can
backfire. Manipulative tendencies can also cause problems. Radical changes can

#Sun Quincunx Pluto

This can be a period of potential power struggles and underlying tensions. ^You
need/He needs/She needs^ to try to avoid pushy [behaviour,behavior], as things can
backfire. Manipulative tendencies can also cause problems. Radical changes can

--- Sun.Moon's North Node

- conjunction

#Sun Conjunct Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the urge to associate with others.
^You/He/She^ may join a group or [organisation,organization].

- soft aspects

#Sun Trine Moon's North Node

This is an excellent period for social integration. ^You/He/She^ may join a group
or [organisation,organization].

#Sun Sextile Moon's North Node

This is an excellent period for social integration. ^You/He/She^ may join a group
or [organisation,organization].

- hard aspects
#Sun Opposition Moon's North Node
During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the urge to associate with others;
however there may be difficulties integrating successfully. An association may come
to an end now.

#Sun Square Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the urge to associate with others;
however there may be difficulties integrating successfully. An association may come
to an end now.

#Sun SemiSquare Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the urge to associate with others;
however there may be difficulties integrating successfully. An association may come
to an end now.

#Sun Sesquiquadrate Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the urge to associate with others;
however there may be difficulties integrating successfully. An association may come
to an end now.

#Sun Quincunx Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the urge to associate with others;
however there may be difficulties integrating successfully. An association may come
to an end now.

--- Sun.Ascendant

- conjunction

#Sun Conjunct Ascendant

^You/He/She^ can make a strong impression on others during this period.
^Your/His/Her^ personality is strong and ^you exude/he exudes/she exudes^
confidence and authority.

- soft aspects

#Sun Trine Ascendant

This is a good time for social interaction and for connecting with influential

#Sun Sextile Ascendant

This is a good time for social interaction and for connecting with influential

- hard aspects

#Sun Opposition Ascendant

Confident, authoritative and strong-willed people come into ^your/his/her^ life now
and make their presence felt.
#Sun Square Ascendant
^You/He/She^ can make a strong impact on others during this period through the
power of ^your/his/her^ personality and a positive outlook. Equally, influential
people may come into or move out of ^your/his/her^ life now.

#Sun SemiSquare Ascendant

^You/He/She^ can make a strong impact on others during this period through the
power of ^your/his/her^ personality and a positive outlook. Equally, influential
people may come into or move out of ^your/his/her^ life now.

#Sun Sesquiquadrate Ascendant

^You/He/She^ can make a strong impact on others during this period through the
power of ^your/his/her^ personality and a positive outlook. Equally, influential
people may come into or move out of ^your/his/her^ life now.

#Sun Quincunx Ascendant

^You/He/She^ can make a strong impact on others during this period through the
power of ^your/his/her^ personality and a positive outlook. Equally, influential
people may come into or move out of ^your/his/her^ life now.

--- Sun.Midheaven

- conjunction

#Sun Conjunct Midheaven

This is an excellent time for making career moves, plans or decisions. ^You are/He
is/She is^ ambitious now and well-placed to get recognition for ^your/his/her^

- soft aspects

#Sun Trine Midheaven

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ a sense of purpose and
^seem/seems/seems^ to know where ^you're/he's/she's^ going and how to get there. An
influential person could be good for ^you/him/her^ professionally now.

#Sun Sextile Midheaven

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ a sense of purpose and
^seem/seems/seems^ to know where ^you're/he's/she's^ going and how to get there. An
influential person could be good for ^you/him/her^ professionally now.

- hard aspects

#Sun Opposition Midheaven

^You/He/She^ can achieve a lot at this time, especially in ^your/his/her^ career.
However, ^you need/he needs/she needs^ to watch that ^your/his/her^ professional
ambitions don't overshadow the needs of those in ^your/his/her^ private and family

#Sun Square Midheaven

^You/He/She^ can achieve a lot at this time, especially in ^your/his/her^ career.
However, ^you need/he needs/she needs^ to watch that ^your/his/her^ professional
ambitions don't overshadow the needs of those in ^your/his/her^ private and family

#Sun SemiSquare Midheaven

^You/He/She^ can achieve a lot at this time, especially in ^your/his/her^ career.
However, ^you need/he needs/she needs^ to watch that ^your/his/her^ professional
ambitions don't overshadow the needs of those in ^your/his/her^ private and family

#Sun Sesquiquadrate Midheaven

^You/He/She^ can achieve a lot at this time, especially in ^your/his/her^ career.
However, ^you need/he needs/she needs^ to watch that ^your/his/her^ professional
ambitions don't overshadow the needs of those in ^your/his/her^ private and family

#Sun Quincunx Midheaven

^You/He/She^ can achieve a lot at this time, especially in ^your/his/her^ career.
However, ^you need/he needs/she needs^ to watch that ^your/his/her^ professional
ambitions don't overshadow the needs of those in ^your/his/her^ private and family


--- Moon.Sun

- conjunction

#Moon Conjunct Sun

A period of feeling self-integrated and connected with others. Desiring to interact
with the opposite sex and to establish unions. The beginning of a new personal
growth cycle.

- soft aspects

#Moon Trine Sun

A period of feeling self-integrated and connected with others. Desiring to interact
with the opposite sex and to establish unions.

#Moon Sextile Sun

A period of feeling self-integrated and connected with others. Desiring to interact
with the opposite sex and to establish unions.

- hard aspects

#Moon Opposition Sun

A period of feeling self-integrated and connected with others. Desiring to interact
with the opposite sex and to establish unions.

#Moon Square Sun

A period of feeling self-integrated and connected with others. Desiring to interact
with the opposite sex and to establish unions.

#Moon SemiSquare Sun

A period of feeling self-integrated and connected with others. Desiring to interact
with the opposite sex and to establish unions.

#Moon Sesquiquadrate Sun

A period of feeling self-integrated and connected with others. Desiring to interact
with the opposite sex and to establish unions.

#Moon Quincunx Sun

A period of feeling self-integrated and connected with others. Desiring to interact
with the opposite sex and to establish unions.


- conjunction

#Moon Conjunct Moon

During this period expect ^your/his/her^ emotions to be intensified. ^Your/His/Her^
instincts are acute now.

- soft aspects

#Moon Trine Moon

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ emotionally at ease and content with

#Moon Sextile Moon

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ emotionally at ease and content with

- hard aspects

#Moon Opposition Moon

During this period expect ^your/his/her^ emotions to be intensified. ^Your/His/Her^
instincts are acute now and ^you/he/she^ may be more than a touch moody.

#Moon Square Moon

During this period expect ^your/his/her^ emotions to be intensified. ^Your/His/Her^
instincts are acute now and ^you/he/she^ may be more than a touch moody.

#Moon SemiSquare Moon

During this period expect ^your/his/her^ emotions to be intensified. ^Your/His/Her^
instincts are acute now and ^you/he/she^ may be more than a touch moody.

#Moon Sesquiquadrate Moon

During this period expect ^your/his/her^ emotions to be intensified. ^Your/His/Her^
instincts are acute now and ^you/he/she^ may be more than a touch moody.

#Moon Quincunx Moon

During this period expect ^your/his/her^ emotions to be intensified. ^Your/His/Her^
instincts are acute now and ^you/he/she^ may be more than a touch moody.


- conjunction

#Moon Conjunct Mercury

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect to be mentally stimulated and
intellectually active. ^Your/His/Her^ mind is influenced by ^your/his/her^ emotions
and vice versa now. Increased communications with the female-sex are likely.

- soft aspects

#Moon Trine Mercury

During this period ^you find/he finds/she finds^ it easy to express ^your/his/her^
feelings and to [empathise,empathize] with others.

#Moon Sextile Mercury

During this period ^you find/he finds/she finds^ it easy to express ^your/his/her^
feelings and to [empathise,empathize] with others.

- hard aspects

#Moon Opposition Mercury

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect to be mentally stimulated and
intellectually active. ^Your/His/Her^ mind is influenced by ^your/his/her^ emotions
and vice versa now. Increased communications with the female-sex are likely.

#Moon Square Mercury

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect to be mentally stimulated and
intellectually active. ^Your/His/Her^ mind is influenced by ^your/his/her^ emotions
and vice versa now. Increased communications with the female-sex are likely.

#Moon SemiSquare Mercury

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect to be mentally stimulated and
intellectually active. ^Your/His/Her^ mind is influenced by ^your/his/her^ emotions
and vice versa now. Increased communications with the female-sex are likely.

#Moon Sesquiquadrate Mercury

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect to be mentally stimulated and
intellectually active. ^Your/His/Her^ mind is influenced by ^your/his/her^ emotions
and vice versa now. Increased communications with the female-sex are likely.

#Moon Quincunx Mercury

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect to be mentally stimulated and
intellectually active. ^Your/His/Her^ mind is influenced by ^your/his/her^ emotions
and vice versa now. Increased communications with the female-sex are likely.


- conjunction

#Moon Conjunct Venus

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ emotionally sensitive and aware of
intimate feelings. Family matters may involve ^you/him/her^ now. Artistic
appreciation may be evident.

- soft aspects

#Moon Trine Venus

During this period ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ relaxed and at ease. Art may
interest ^you/him/her^.

#Moon Sextile Venus

During this period ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ relaxed and at ease. Art may
interest ^you/him/her^.

- hard aspects

#Moon Opposition Venus

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ emotionally sensitive and aware of
intimate feelings. Family matters may involve ^you/him/her^ now. Artistic
appreciation may be evident.

#Moon Square Venus

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ emotionally sensitive and aware of
intimate feelings. Family matters may involve ^you/him/her^ now. Artistic
appreciation may be evident.

#Moon SemiSquare Venus

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ emotionally sensitive and aware of
intimate feelings. Family matters may involve ^you/him/her^ now. Artistic
appreciation may be evident.

#Moon Sesquiquadrate Venus

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ emotionally sensitive and aware of
intimate feelings. Family matters may involve ^you/him/her^ now. Artistic
appreciation may be evident.
#Moon Quincunx Venus
During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ emotionally sensitive and aware of
intimate feelings. Family matters may involve ^you/him/her^ now. Artistic
appreciation may be evident.


- conjunction

#Moon Conjunct Mars

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ easily excitable; ^your/his/her^ emotions
are heightened and intensified. ^You/He/She^ may be prone to reactive or impulsive
[behaviour,behavior] now.

- soft aspects

#Moon Trine Mars

^Your/His/Her^ instincts and actions are in [synchronisation,synchronization] now.

#Moon Sextile Mars

^Your/His/Her^ instincts and actions are in [synchronisation,synchronization] now.

- hard aspects

#Moon Opposition Mars

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ easily excitable; ^your/his/her^ emotions
are heightened and intensified. ^You/He/She^ may be prone to reactive or impulsive
[behaviour,behavior] now.

#Moon Square Mars

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ easily excitable; ^your/his/her^ emotions
are heightened and intensified. ^You/He/She^ may be prone to reactive or impulsive
[behaviour,behavior] now.

#Moon SemiSquare Mars

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ easily excitable; ^your/his/her^ emotions
are heightened and intensified. ^You/He/She^ may be prone to reactive or impulsive
[behaviour,behavior] now.

#Moon Sesquiquadrate Mars

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ easily excitable; ^your/his/her^ emotions
are heightened and intensified. ^You/He/She^ may be prone to reactive or impulsive
[behaviour,behavior] now.

#Moon Quincunx Mars

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ easily excitable; ^your/his/her^ emotions
are heightened and intensified. ^You/He/She^ may be prone to reactive or impulsive
[behaviour,behavior] now.

- conjunction

#Moon Conjunct Jupiter

During this period ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ positive and enterprising.
^Your/His/Her^ optimism is infectious and should be [capitalised,capitalized] on.

- soft aspects

#Moon Trine Jupiter

During this period ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ positive and enterprising.
^Your/His/Her^ optimism is infectious and should be [capitalised,capitalized] on.

#Moon Sextile Jupiter

During this period ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ positive and enterprising.
^Your/His/Her^ optimism is infectious and should be [capitalised,capitalized] on.

- hard aspects

#Moon Opposition Jupiter

During this period ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ positive and enterprising.
^Your/His/Her^ optimism is infectious and should be [capitalised,capitalized] on.
About the only thing to watch out for now is over-enthusiasm or a tendency to
exaggeration or increased emotions. Family or domestic changes for the better.

#Moon Square Jupiter

During this period ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ positive and enterprising.
^Your/His/Her^ optimism is infectious and should be [capitalised,capitalized] on.
About the only thing to watch out for now is over-enthusiasm or a tendency to
exaggeration or increased emotions. Family or domestic changes for the better.

#Moon SemiSquare Jupiter

During this period ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ positive and enterprising.
^Your/His/Her^ optimism is infectious and should be [capitalised,capitalized] on.
About the only thing to watch out for now is over-enthusiasm or a tendency to
exaggeration or increased emotions. Family or domestic changes for the better.

#Moon Sesquiquadrate Jupiter

During this period ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ positive and enterprising.
^Your/His/Her^ optimism is infectious and should be [capitalised,capitalized] on.
About the only thing to watch out for now is over-enthusiasm or a tendency to
exaggeration or increased emotions. Family or domestic changes for the better.

#Moon Quincunx Jupiter

During this period ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ positive and enterprising.
^Your/His/Her^ optimism is infectious and should be [capitalised,capitalized] on.
About the only thing to watch out for now is over-enthusiasm or a tendency to
exaggeration or increased emotions. Family or domestic changes for the better.
Moon. Saturn

- conjunction

#Moon Conjunct Saturn

During this period ^your/his/her^ feelings are somewhat [sombre,somber] and
subdued. ^You are/He is/She is^ likely to be more withdrawn and reflective now.
Estrangements or separations are possible.

- soft aspects

#Moon Trine Saturn

During this period ^you/he/she^ will probably feel at a distance from others, but
it will feel OK. A good time for quiet reflection and solitude.

#Moon Sextile Saturn

During this period ^you/he/she^ will probably feel at a distance from others, but
it will feel OK. A good time for quiet reflection and solitude.

- hard aspects

#Moon Opposition Saturn

During this period ^your/his/her^ feelings are somewhat [sombre,somber] and
subdued. ^You are/He is/She is^ likely to be more withdrawn and reflective now.
Estrangements or separations are possible.

#Moon Square Saturn

During this period ^your/his/her^ feelings are somewhat [sombre,somber] and
subdued. ^You are/He is/She is^ likely to be more withdrawn and reflective now.
Estrangements or separations are possible.

#Moon SemiSquare Saturn

During this period ^your/his/her^ feelings are somewhat [sombre,somber] and
subdued. ^You are/He is/She is^ likely to be more withdrawn and reflective now.
Estrangements or separations are possible.

#Moon Sesquiquadrate Saturn

During this period ^your/his/her^ feelings are somewhat [sombre,somber] and
subdued. ^You are/He is/She is^ likely to be more withdrawn and reflective now.
Estrangements or separations are possible.

#Moon Quincunx Saturn

During this period ^your/his/her^ feelings are somewhat [sombre,somber] and
subdued. ^You are/He is/She is^ likely to be more withdrawn and reflective now.
Estrangements or separations are possible.

- conjunction

#Moon Conjunct Uranus

During this period ^you/he/she^ may be susceptible to sudden and uncharacteristic
[behaviour,behavior]. ^You are/He is/She is^ likely to feel restless and desirous
of change.

- soft aspects

#Moon Trine Uranus

This can be a good time to initiate reforms and changes. Family life is likely to
be lively and stimulating now. A change of residence is possible.

#Moon Sextile Uranus

This can be a good time to initiate reforms and changes. Family life is likely to
be lively and stimulating now. A change of residence is possible.

- hard aspects

#Moon Opposition Uranus

During this period ^you/he/she^ may be susceptible to sudden and uncharacteristic
[behaviour,behavior]. ^You are/He is/She is^ likely to feel restless and desirous
of change.

#Moon Square Uranus

During this period ^you/he/she^ may be susceptible to sudden and uncharacteristic
[behaviour,behavior]. ^You are/He is/She is^ likely to feel restless and desirous
of change.

#Moon SemiSquare Uranus

During this period ^you/he/she^ may be susceptible to sudden and uncharacteristic
[behaviour,behavior]. ^You are/He is/She is^ likely to feel restless and desirous
of change.

#Moon Sesquiquadrate Uranus

During this period ^you/he/she^ may be susceptible to sudden and uncharacteristic
[behaviour,behavior]. ^You are/He is/She is^ likely to feel restless and desirous
of change.

#Moon Quincunx Uranus

During this period ^you/he/she^ may be susceptible to sudden and uncharacteristic
[behaviour,behavior]. ^You are/He is/She is^ likely to feel restless and desirous
of change.


- conjunction
#Moon Conjunct Neptune
During this period ^your/his/her^ sensitivity is acute and ^your/his/her^
receptivity to inner life experiences is enhanced. However, ^you need/he needs/she
needs^ to guard against unrealistic expectations. Travel is possible. There can be
difficulties in the home or with females due to over-sensitivity or deception.

- soft aspects

#Moon Trine Neptune

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ receptive to inner and external
influences; ^your/his/her^ intuition is finely tuned now. Travel is possible.

#Moon Sextile Neptune

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ receptive to inner and external
influences; ^your/his/her^ intuition is finely tuned now. Travel is possible.

- hard aspects

#Moon Opposition Neptune

During this period ^your/his/her^ sensitivity is acute and ^your/his/her^
receptivity to inner life experiences is enhanced. However, ^you need/he needs/she
needs^ to guard against unrealistic expectations. Travel is possible. There can be
difficulties in the home or with females due to over-sensitivity or deception.

#Moon Square Neptune

During this period ^your/his/her^ sensitivity is acute and ^your/his/her^
receptivity to inner life experiences is enhanced. However, ^you need/he needs/she
needs^ to guard against unrealistic expectations. Travel is possible. There can be
difficulties in the home or with females due to over-sensitivity or deception.

#Moon SemiSquare Neptune

During this period ^your/his/her^ sensitivity is acute and ^your/his/her^
receptivity to inner life experiences is enhanced. However, ^you need/he needs/she
needs^ to guard against unrealistic expectations. Travel is possible. There can be
difficulties in the home or with females due to over-sensitivity or deception.

#Moon Sesquiquadrate Neptune

During this period ^your/his/her^ sensitivity is acute and ^your/his/her^
receptivity to inner life experiences is enhanced. However, ^you need/he needs/she
needs^ to guard against unrealistic expectations. Travel is possible. There can be
difficulties in the home or with females due to over-sensitivity or deception.

#Moon Quincunx Neptune

During this period ^your/his/her^ sensitivity is acute and ^your/his/her^
receptivity to inner life experiences is enhanced. However, ^you need/he needs/she
needs^ to guard against unrealistic expectations. Travel is possible. There can be
difficulties in the home or with females due to over-sensitivity or deception.

- conjunction

#Moon Conjunct Pluto

During this period ^your/his/her^ feelings are likely to be deeper and more
intense. Emotional undercurrents between people are obvious to ^you/him/her^ now.
Emotional upsets are possible. There can be power struggles with the female sex.

- soft aspects

#Moon Trine Pluto

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ heightened senses and penetrating
insights into the motivations of others.

#Moon Sextile Pluto

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ heightened senses and penetrating
insights into the motivations of others.

- hard aspects

#Moon Opposition Pluto

During this period ^your/his/her^ feelings are likely to be deeper and more
intense. Emotional undercurrents between people are obvious to ^you/him/her^ now.
Emotional upsets are possible. There can be power struggles with the female sex.

#Moon Square Pluto

During this period ^your/his/her^ feelings are likely to be deeper and more
intense. Emotional undercurrents between people are obvious to ^you/him/her^ now.
Emotional upsets are possible. There can be power struggles with the female sex.

#Moon SemiSquare Pluto

During this period ^your/his/her^ feelings are likely to be deeper and more
intense. Emotional undercurrents between people are obvious to ^you/him/her^ now.
Emotional upsets are possible. There can be power struggles with the female sex.

#Moon Sesquiquadrate Pluto

During this period ^your/his/her^ feelings are likely to be deeper and more
intense. Emotional undercurrents between people are obvious to ^you/him/her^ now.
Emotional upsets are possible. There can be power struggles with the female sex.

#Moon Quincunx Pluto

During this period ^your/his/her^ feelings are likely to be deeper and more
intense. Emotional undercurrents between people are obvious to ^you/him/her^ now.
Emotional upsets are possible. There can be power struggles with the female sex.


- conjunction

#Moon Conjunct Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the ability to get close to others
emotionally and to establish inner contacts. Family ties may dominate.

- soft aspects

#Moon Trine Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the ability to get close to others
emotionally and to establish inner contacts. Family ties may dominate.

#Moon Sextile Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the ability to get close to others
emotionally and to establish inner contacts. Family ties may dominate.

- hard aspects

#Moon Opposition Moon's North Node

During this period ^you strive/he strives/she strives^ to establish emotional
understandings with others. Family ties may dominate.

#Moon Square Moon's North Node

During this period ^you strive/he strives/she strives^ to establish emotional
understandings with others. Family ties may dominate.

#Moon SemiSquare Moon's North Node

During this period ^you strive/he strives/she strives^ to establish emotional
understandings with others. Family ties may dominate.

#Moon Sesquiquadrate Moon's North Node

During this period ^you strive/he strives/she strives^ to establish emotional
understandings with others. Family ties may dominate.

#Moon Quincunx Moon's North Node

During this period ^you strive/he strives/she strives^ to establish emotional
understandings with others. Family ties may dominate.


- conjunction

#Moon Conjunct Ascendant

During this period ^you strive/he strives/she strives^ to tune into others'
wavelengths and ^your/his/her^ environment. A new cycle of personal growth begins

- soft aspects

#Moon Trine Ascendant

During this period ^you strive/he strives/she strives^ to tune into others'
wavelengths and ^your/his/her^ environment. Relations with the female sex tend to
go well now.

#Moon Sextile Ascendant

During this period ^you strive/he strives/she strives^ to tune into others'
wavelengths and ^your/his/her^ environment. Relations with the female sex tend to
go well now.

- hard aspects

#Moon Opposition Ascendant

During this period ^you strive/he strives/she strives^ to tune into others'
wavelengths and ^your/his/her^ environment. Relations with the female sex tend to
develop now.

#Moon Square Ascendant

During this period ^you strive/he strives/she strives^ to tune into others'
wavelengths and ^your/his/her^ environment. Relations with the female sex tend to
develop now.

#Moon SemiSquare Ascendant

During this period ^you strive/he strives/she strives^ to tune into others'
wavelengths and ^your/his/her^ environment. Relations with the female sex tend to
develop now.

#Moon Sesquiquadrate Ascendant

During this period ^you strive/he strives/she strives^ to tune into others'
wavelengths and ^your/his/her^ environment. Relations with the female sex tend to
develop now.

#Moon Quincunx Ascendant

During this period ^you strive/he strives/she strives^ to tune into others'
wavelengths and ^your/his/her^ environment. Relations with the female sex tend to
develop now.

Moon. Midheaven

- conjunction

#Moon Conjunct Midheaven

During this period the focus is on ^your/his/her^ career, status or personal
ambitions. A new cycle of individual growth begins now.

- soft aspects

#Moon Trine Midheaven

During this phase ^you are/he is/she is^ well-aspected for advancing ^your/his/her^
professional aspirations or personal goals.

#Moon Sextile Midheaven

During this phase ^you are/he is/she is^ well-aspected for advancing ^your/his/her^
professional aspirations or personal goals.

- hard aspects

#Moon Opposition Midheaven

During this phase ^you are/he is/she is^ well-aspected for advancing ^your/his/her^
professional aspirations or personal goals. A change in direction is possible now.

#Moon Square Midheaven

During this phase ^you are/he is/she is^ well-aspected for advancing ^your/his/her^
professional aspirations or personal goals. A change in direction is possible now.

#Moon SemiSquare Midheaven

During this phase ^you are/he is/she is^ well-aspected for advancing ^your/his/her^
professional aspirations or personal goals. A change in direction is possible now.

#Moon Sesquiquadrate Midheaven

During this phase ^you are/he is/she is^ well-aspected for advancing ^your/his/her^
professional aspirations or personal goals. A change in direction is possible now.

#Moon Quincunx Midheaven

During this phase ^you are/he is/she is^ well-aspected for advancing ^your/his/her^
professional aspirations or personal goals. A change in direction is possible now.


--- Mercury.Sun

- conjunction

#Mercury Conjunct Sun

Intellectual work is well-aspected now. ^Your/His/Her^ mind is active and creative.

- soft aspects

#Mercury Trine Sun

Anticipate an intellectually stimulating interval, with all sorts of people wanting
to get in touch with ^you/him/her^. A good time for doing mental work.

#Mercury Sextile Sun

Anticipate an intellectually stimulating interval, with all sorts of people wanting
to get in touch with ^you/him/her^. A good time for doing mental work.
- hard aspects

#Mercury Opposition Sun

Communications with others may not necessarily be harmonious during this period.

#Mercury Square Sun

Communications with others may not necessarily be harmonious during this period.

#Mercury SemiSquare Sun

Communications with others may not necessarily be harmonious during this period.

#Mercury Sesquiquadrate Sun

Communications with others may not necessarily be harmonious during this period.

#Mercury Quincunx Sun

Communications with others may not necessarily be harmonious during this period.

--- Mercury.Moon

- conjunction

#Mercury Conjunct Moon

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ aware of the power of language. There is
a strong link between ^your/his/her^ thoughts and feelings now. Things said can
influence ^your/his/her^ moods or affect ^you/him/her^ emotionally.

- soft aspects

#Mercury Trine Moon

^You are/He is/She is^ more in touch with ^your/his/her^ and others' feelings now.

#Mercury Sextile Moon

^You are/He is/She is^ more in touch with ^your/his/her^ and others' feelings now.

- hard aspects

#Mercury Opposition Moon

Reason and emotion may be at odds with each other during this period and
communications with others, especially females, could be tense. Honesty and
truthfulness can help to avoid misunderstandings.

#Mercury Square Moon

Reason and emotion may be at odds with each other during this period and
communications with others, especially females, could be tense. Honesty and
truthfulness can help to avoid misunderstandings.
#Mercury SemiSquare Moon
Reason and emotion may be at odds with each other during this period and
communications with others, especially females, could be tense. Honesty and
truthfulness can help to avoid misunderstandings.

#Mercury Sesquiquadrate Moon

Reason and emotion may be at odds with each other during this period and
communications with others, especially females, could be tense. Honesty and
truthfulness can help to avoid misunderstandings.

#Mercury Quincunx Moon

Reason and emotion may be at odds with each other during this period and
communications with others, especially females, could be tense. Honesty and
truthfulness can help to avoid misunderstandings.

--- Mercury.Mercury

- conjunction

#Mercury Conjunct Mercury

This is a good time for making decisions and discussing matters of personal

- soft aspects

#Mercury Trine Mercury

This is a good time for making decisions and discussing matters of personal

#Mercury Sextile Mercury

This is a good time for making decisions and discussing matters of personal

- hard aspects

#Mercury Opposition Mercury

During this period others will challenge ^your/his/her^ views and opinions.
Preferably, ^you/he/she^ should avoid making important decisions now if possible.

#Mercury Square Mercury

During this period others will challenge ^your/his/her^ views and opinions.
Preferably, ^you/he/she^ should avoid making important decisions now if possible.

#Mercury SemiSquare Mercury

During this period others will challenge ^your/his/her^ views and opinions.
Preferably, ^you/he/she^ should avoid making important decisions now if possible.

#Mercury Sesquiquadrate Mercury

During this period others will challenge ^your/his/her^ views and opinions.
Preferably, ^you/he/she^ should avoid making important decisions now if possible.

#Mercury Quincunx Mercury

During this period others will challenge ^your/his/her^ views and opinions.
Preferably, ^you/he/she^ should avoid making important decisions now if possible.

--- Mercury.Venus

- conjunction

#Mercury Conjunct Venus

During this period ^your/his/her^ thinking is more likely than not on love and
romance. ^You have/He has/She has^ an eye for beauty and harmony, plus a sense for
artistic creativity now. Social interaction is easy under this influence.

- soft aspects

#Mercury Trine Venus

Communications with friends, loved ones and even strangers have a natural flow to
them over this period. A courteous and pleasant manner can win friends and
influence people. This can be a good time for [socialising,socializing], or for
discussing matters of the heart, or art.

#Mercury Sextile Venus

Communications with friends, loved ones and even strangers have a natural flow to
them over this period. A courteous and pleasant manner can win friends and
influence people. This can be a good time for [socialising,socializing], or for
discussing matters of the heart, or art.

- hard aspects

#Mercury Opposition Venus

During this period ^your/his/her^ thinking is more likely than not on love and
romance. However, a lack of drive or self-motivation is possible now. ^You/He/She^
may be frivolous and self-indulgent now.

#Mercury Square Venus

During this period ^your/his/her^ thinking is more likely than not on love and
romance. However, a lack of drive or self-motivation is possible now. ^You/He/She^
may be frivolous and self-indulgent now.

#Mercury SemiSquare Venus

During this period ^your/his/her^ thinking is more likely than not on love and
romance. However, a lack of drive or self-motivation is possible now. ^You/He/She^
may be frivolous and self-indulgent now.

#Mercury Sesquiquadrate Venus

During this period ^your/his/her^ thinking is more likely than not on love and
romance. However, a lack of drive or self-motivation is possible now. ^You/He/She^
may be frivolous and self-indulgent now.
#Mercury Quincunx Venus
During this period ^your/his/her^ thinking is more likely than not on love and
romance. However, a lack of drive or self-motivation is possible now. ^You/He/She^
may be frivolous and self-indulgent now.

--- Mercury.Mars

- conjunction

#Mercury Conjunct Mars

Under this influence ^you have/he has/she has^ the power to supply a ready answer
when challenged and to effectively convince others of ^your/his/her^ own ideas.
However, ^you/he/she^ may be inclined to jump to conclusions and voice
^your/his/her^ opinions before ^you've/he's/she's^ really thought them through.

- soft aspects

#Mercury Trine Mars

^You have/He has/She has^ the capability to determine what ^your/his/her^
priorities are for this period and to push them through with [vigour,vigor] and
decisive action. ^You are/He is/She is^ intellectually sharp and able to talk
^yourself/himself/herself^ into and out of just about anything now.

#Mercury Sextile Mars

^You have/He has/She has^ the capability to determine what ^your/his/her^
priorities are for this period and to push them through with [vigour,vigor] and
decisive action. ^You are/He is/She is^ intellectually sharp and able to talk
^yourself/himself/herself^ into and out of just about anything now.

- hard aspects

#Mercury Opposition Mars

This planetary pairing speeds up ^your/his/her^ life during this period, with much
activity happening in ^your/his/her^ environment. However, if ^you're/he's/she's^
in too much of a rush to get things done, ^you risk/he risks/she risks^ errors of
[judgement,judgment]. ^Your/His/Her^ mind is razor sharp and ^your/his/her^ powers
of comprehension second to none. Sudden arguments are likely to flare up.

#Mercury Square Mars

This planetary pairing speeds up ^your/his/her^ life during this period, with much
activity happening in ^your/his/her^ environment. However, if ^you're/he's/she's^
in too much of a rush to get things done, ^you risk/he risks/she risks^ errors of
[judgement,judgment]. ^Your/His/Her^ mind is razor sharp and ^your/his/her^ powers
of comprehension second to none. Sudden arguments are likely to flare up.

#Mercury SemiSquare Mars

This planetary pairing speeds up ^your/his/her^ life during this period, with much
activity happening in ^your/his/her^ environment. However, if ^you're/he's/she's^
in too much of a rush to get things done, ^you risk/he risks/she risks^ errors of
[judgement,judgment]. ^Your/His/Her^ mind is razor sharp and ^your/his/her^ powers
of comprehension second to none. Sudden arguments are likely to flare up.
#Mercury Sesquiquadrate Mars
This planetary pairing speeds up ^your/his/her^ life during this period, with much
activity happening in ^your/his/her^ environment. However, if ^you're/he's/she's^
in too much of a rush to get things done, ^you risk/he risks/she risks^ errors of
[judgement,judgment]. ^Your/His/Her^ mind is razor sharp and ^your/his/her^ powers
of comprehension second to none. Sudden arguments are likely to flare up.

#Mercury Quincunx Mars

This planetary pairing speeds up ^your/his/her^ life during this period, with much
activity happening in ^your/his/her^ environment. However, if ^you're/he's/she's^
in too much of a rush to get things done, ^you risk/he risks/she risks^ errors of
[judgement,judgment]. ^Your/His/Her^ mind is razor sharp and ^your/his/her^ powers
of comprehension second to none. Sudden arguments are likely to flare up.

--- Mercury.Jupiter

- conjunction

#Mercury Conjunct Jupiter

This is an excellent time for ^you/him/her^ to make important decisions.
Opportunities are there for the taking. Communications seem effortless and are
bound to go well.

- soft aspects

#Mercury Trine Jupiter

The power of positive thinking makes anything possible now. ^You are/He is/She is^
well-aspected for commercial activity, negotiation and settling contracts,
providing the necessary groundwork has been done properly.

#Mercury Sextile Jupiter

The power of positive thinking makes anything possible now. ^You are/He is/She is^
well-aspected for commercial activity, negotiation and settling contracts,
providing the necessary groundwork has been done properly.

- hard aspects

#Mercury Opposition Jupiter

This is an excellent time for ^you/him/her^ to make decisions or discuss important
issues; however it will be important for ^you/him/her^ to keep everything in
perspective. ^You need/He needs/She needs^ to avoid exaggerating or blowing things
out of proportion.

#Mercury Square Jupiter

This is an excellent time for ^you/him/her^ to make decisions or discuss important
issues; however it will be important for ^you/him/her^ to keep everything in
perspective. ^You need/He needs/She needs^ to avoid exaggerating or blowing things
out of proportion.

#Mercury SemiSquare Jupiter

This is an excellent time for ^you/him/her^ to make decisions or discuss important
issues; however it will be important for ^you/him/her^ to keep everything in
perspective. ^You need/He needs/She needs^ to avoid exaggerating or blowing things
out of proportion.

#Mercury Sesquiquadrate Jupiter

This is an excellent time for ^you/him/her^ to make decisions or discuss important
issues; however it will be important for ^you/him/her^ to keep everything in
perspective. ^You need/He needs/She needs^ to avoid exaggerating or blowing things
out of proportion.

#Mercury Quincunx Jupiter

This is an excellent time for ^you/him/her^ to make decisions or discuss important
issues; however it will be important for ^you/him/her^ to keep everything in
perspective. ^You need/He needs/She needs^ to avoid exaggerating or blowing things
out of proportion.

--- Mercury.Saturn

- conjunction

#Mercury Conjunct Saturn

^Your/His/Her^ thinking takes on a somewhat [sombre,somber] and serious tone during
this period. Hard or unpopular decisions may be required of ^you/him/her^ and
communications with others tend to be more difficult than usual.

- soft aspects

#Mercury Trine Saturn

This is an excellent time for setting up a time-in-motion study. ^You/He/She^ can
improve ^your/his/her^ efficiency by applying logic and reason to the way ^you
do/he does/she does^ things, especially at work. Tedious tasks won't seem so
tedious now.

#Mercury Sextile Saturn

This is an excellent time for setting up a time-in-motion study. ^You/He/She^ can
improve ^your/his/her^ efficiency by applying logic and reason to the way ^you
do/he does/she does^ things, especially at work. Tedious tasks won't seem so
tedious now.

- hard aspects

#Mercury Opposition Saturn

Serious and realistic thinking applies now, which at its best is practical, but at
its worst, narrow and pessimistic. There can be miscommunications during this
planetary influence, or transport problems and delays.

#Mercury Square Saturn

Serious and realistic thinking applies now, which at its best is practical, but at
its worst, narrow and pessimistic. There can be miscommunications during this
planetary influence, or transport problems and delays.
#Mercury SemiSquare Saturn
Serious and realistic thinking applies now, which at its best is practical, but at
its worst, narrow and pessimistic. There can be miscommunications during this
planetary influence, or transport problems and delays.

#Mercury Sesquiquadrate Saturn

Serious and realistic thinking applies now, which at its best is practical, but at
its worst, narrow and pessimistic. There can be miscommunications during this
planetary influence, or transport problems and delays.

#Mercury Quincunx Saturn

Serious and realistic thinking applies now, which at its best is practical, but at
its worst, narrow and pessimistic. There can be miscommunications during this
planetary influence, or transport problems and delays.

--- Mercury.Uranus

- conjunction

#Mercury Conjunct Uranus

During this period ^your/his/her^ thinking is original and innovative, even
revolutionary. New and stimulating people may come into ^your/his/her^ life now, or
^you/he/she^ could demonstrate a keen intellectual flexibility to others. Expect
sudden intuitions or even flashes of brilliance.

- soft aspects

#Mercury Trine Uranus

Trust ^your/his/her^ intuition at the moment, as it is especially acute. Original
ideas and flashes of inspiration can be expected. ^You/He/She^ may be given some
new and useful information.

#Mercury Sextile Uranus

Trust ^your/his/her^ intuition at the moment, as it is especially acute. Original
ideas and flashes of inspiration can be expected. ^You/He/She^ may be given some
new and useful information.

- hard aspects

#Mercury Opposition Uranus

Expressing either original or eccentric ideas will get ^you/him/her^ noticed.
^You/He/She^ could have difficulties appreciating another's point of view, due to
rigid or inflexible thinking. Breakdowns in communication or transport are

#Mercury Square Uranus

Expressing either original or eccentric ideas will get ^you/him/her^ noticed.
^You/He/She^ could have difficulties appreciating another's point of view, due to
rigid or inflexible thinking. Breakdowns in communication or transport are
#Mercury SemiSquare Uranus
Expressing either original or eccentric ideas will get ^you/him/her^ noticed.
^You/He/She^ could have difficulties appreciating another's point of view, due to
rigid or inflexible thinking. Breakdowns in communication or transport are

#Mercury Sesquiquadrate Uranus

Expressing either original or eccentric ideas will get ^you/him/her^ noticed.
^You/He/She^ could have difficulties appreciating another's point of view, due to
rigid or inflexible thinking. Breakdowns in communication or transport are

#Mercury Quincunx Uranus

Expressing either original or eccentric ideas will get ^you/him/her^ noticed.
^You/He/She^ could have difficulties appreciating another's point of view, due to
rigid or inflexible thinking. Breakdowns in communication or transport are

--- Mercury.Neptune

- conjunction

#Mercury Conjunct Neptune

There is no-one that can fool ^you/him/her^ like ^you/he/she^ can fool
^yourself/himself/herself^ now. ^You need/He needs/She needs^ to guard against
self-deception and misinterpreting the ideas and words of others. This is not
^your/his/her^ best time for making important decisions.

- soft aspects

#Mercury Trine Neptune

A somewhat dreamy and romantic mood influences ^your/his/her^ thinking for the
moment. ^You/He/She^ can tend to be mentally lax and careless now, but equally,
there is a lot of scope for inspired and imaginative thinking too. Music, poetry,
film and artistic creativity can flourish during this period.

#Mercury Sextile Neptune

A somewhat dreamy and romantic mood influences ^your/his/her^ thinking for the
moment. ^You/He/She^ can tend to be mentally lax and careless now, but equally,
there is a lot of scope for inspired and imaginative thinking too. Music, poetry,
film and artistic creativity can flourish during this period.

- hard aspects

#Mercury Opposition Neptune

^Your/His/Her^ powers of [judgement,judgment] may prove to be faulty under this
influence. ^You are/He is/She is^ prone to unrealistic thinking and will have to
guard against being exposed to lies or misunderstandings. ^You need/He needs/She
needs^ to be very sure that others comprehend exactly what ^you mean/he means/she
means^ in all communications.

#Mercury Square Neptune

^Your/His/Her^ powers of [judgement,judgment] may prove to be faulty under this
influence. ^You are/He is/She is^ prone to unrealistic thinking and will have to
guard against being exposed to lies or misunderstandings. ^You need/He needs/She
needs^ to be very sure that others comprehend exactly what ^you mean/he means/she
means^ in all communications.

#Mercury SemiSquare Neptune

^Your/His/Her^ powers of [judgement,judgment] may prove to be faulty under this
influence. ^You are/He is/She is^ prone to unrealistic thinking and will have to
guard against being exposed to lies or misunderstandings. ^You need/He needs/She
needs^ to be very sure that others comprehend exactly what ^you mean/he means/she
means^ in all communications.

#Mercury Sesquiquadrate Neptune

^Your/His/Her^ powers of [judgement,judgment] may prove to be faulty under this
influence. ^You are/He is/She is^ prone to unrealistic thinking and will have to
guard against being exposed to lies or misunderstandings. ^You need/He needs/She
needs^ to be very sure that others comprehend exactly what ^you mean/he means/she
means^ in all communications.

#Mercury Quincunx Neptune

^Your/His/Her^ powers of [judgement,judgment] may prove to be faulty under this
influence. ^You are/He is/She is^ prone to unrealistic thinking and will have to
guard against being exposed to lies or misunderstandings. ^You need/He needs/She
needs^ to be very sure that others comprehend exactly what ^you mean/he means/she
means^ in all communications.

--- Mercury.Pluto

- conjunction

#Mercury Conjunct Pluto

^Your/His/Her^ powers of persuasion are very strong at the present time.
^You/He/She^ should be able to convince just about anybody of anything now.

- soft aspects

#Mercury Trine Pluto

An excellent time for investigative work and for getting to the bottom of

#Mercury Sextile Pluto

An excellent time for investigative work and for getting to the bottom of

- hard aspects

#Mercury Opposition Pluto

^You are/He is/She is^ as sharp as a tack during this period and ^have/has/has^ the
capability to exercise an influence over others through persuasive speaking or
writing. However, expressing extremist or fanatical opinions will tend to turn
people off ^you/him/her^.

#Mercury Square Pluto

^You are/He is/She is^ as sharp as a tack during this period and ^have/has/has^ the
capability to exercise an influence over others through persuasive speaking or
writing. However, expressing extremist or fanatical opinions will tend to turn
people off ^you/him/her^.

#Mercury SemiSquare Pluto

^You are/He is/She is^ as sharp as a tack during this period and ^have/has/has^ the
capability to exercise an influence over others through persuasive speaking or
writing. However, expressing extremist or fanatical opinions will tend to turn
people off ^you/him/her^.

#Mercury Sesquiquadrate Pluto

^You are/He is/She is^ as sharp as a tack during this period and ^have/has/has^ the
capability to exercise an influence over others through persuasive speaking or
writing. However, expressing extremist or fanatical opinions will tend to turn
people off ^you/him/her^.

#Mercury Quincunx Pluto

^You are/He is/She is^ as sharp as a tack during this period and ^have/has/has^ the
capability to exercise an influence over others through persuasive speaking or
writing. However, expressing extremist or fanatical opinions will tend to turn
people off ^you/him/her^.

--- Mercury.Moon's North Node

- conjunction

#Mercury Conjunct Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish interesting
and mentally stimulating contacts.

- soft aspects

#Mercury Trine Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish interesting
and mentally stimulating contacts.

#Mercury Sextile Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish interesting
and mentally stimulating contacts.

- hard aspects

#Mercury Opposition Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish interesting
and mentally stimulating contacts.

#Mercury Square Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish interesting
and mentally stimulating contacts.

#Mercury SemiSquare Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish interesting
and mentally stimulating contacts.

#Mercury Sesquiquadrate Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish interesting
and mentally stimulating contacts.

#Mercury Quincunx Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish interesting
and mentally stimulating contacts.

--- Mercury.Ascendant

- conjunction

#Mercury Conjunct Ascendant

During this period ^your/his/her^ personal environment is likely to be very busy,
with many communications and conversations with others - in person, on the phone or
via email. Intellectually, ^you are/he is/she is^ quite sharp and alert.

- soft aspects

#Mercury Trine Ascendant

Communications with others should go well for ^you/he/she^ now. ^You/He/She^ can
engage in either important discussions or small talk with equal skill.

#Mercury Sextile Ascendant

Communications with others should go well for ^you/he/she^ now. ^You/He/She^ can
engage in either important discussions or small talk with equal skill.

- hard aspects

#Mercury Opposition Ascendant

^Your/His/Her^ relations with others can either be very good or strained now.
^You/He/She^ may need to smooth out problem areas involving other people and to
meet another more than half-way, if necessary.

#Mercury Square Ascendant

^Your/His/Her^ personal environment is likely to be very busy now, with many
communications and conversations with others. However, a word out of place or a
rash decision could cause heated arguments.

#Mercury SemiSquare Ascendant

^Your/His/Her^ personal environment is likely to be very busy now, with many
communications and conversations with others. However, a word out of place or a
rash decision could cause heated arguments.

#Mercury Sesquiquadrate Ascendant

^Your/His/Her^ personal environment is likely to be very busy now, with many
communications and conversations with others. However, a word out of place or a
rash decision could cause heated arguments.

#Mercury Quincunx Ascendant

^Your/His/Her^ personal environment is likely to be very busy now, with many
communications and conversations with others. However, a word out of place or a
rash decision could cause heated arguments.

--- Mercury.Midheaven

- conjunction

#Mercury Conjunct Midheaven

^Your/His/Her^ thoughts are more likely than not to be on ^your/his/her^ direction
in life now. ^You/He/She^ can make some very fortunate decisions regarding
^your/his/her^ future now. This can be a good time for making an announcement.

- soft aspects

#Mercury Trine Midheaven

^You are/He is/She is^ intellectually switched on and full of ideas at the moment,
especially as far as ^your/his/her^ direction in life is concerned.

#Mercury Sextile Midheaven

^You are/He is/She is^ intellectually switched on and full of ideas at the moment,
especially as far as ^your/his/her^ direction in life is concerned.

- hard aspects

#Mercury Opposition Midheaven

^Your/His/Her^ thoughts are [centred,centered] on ^your/his/her^ most private areas
of concern now, i.e. ^your/his/her^ home and family. This is a good time for
discussing matters relating to these, or for making decisions which will affect

#Mercury Square Midheaven

Now is an excellent time for ^you/him/her^ to discuss ideas with like-minded people
who share similar goals as ^yourself/himself/herself^. The input of others will be

#Mercury SemiSquare Midheaven

Now is an excellent time for ^you/him/her^ to discuss ideas with like-minded people
who share similar goals as ^yourself/himself/herself^. The input of others will be
#Mercury Sesquiquadrate Midheaven
Now is an excellent time for ^you/him/her^ to discuss ideas with like-minded people
who share similar goals as ^yourself/himself/herself^. The input of others will be

#Mercury Quincunx Midheaven

Now is an excellent time for ^you/him/her^ to discuss ideas with like-minded people
who share similar goals as ^yourself/himself/herself^. The input of others will be


--- Venus.Sun

- conjunction

#Venus Conjunct Sun

This is an excellent time for introducing some beauty and culture into
^your/his/her^ life. There is a certain ease and flow to this period. Love could be
in the air too.

- soft aspects

#Venus Trine Sun

This planetary pairing can make for a pleasant and easygoing interval. People
around ^you/him/her^ are obliging and courteous. ^You tend/He tends/She tends^ to
feel good about ^yourself/himself/herself^ and ^your/his/her^ appearance.

#Venus Sextile Sun

This planetary pairing can make for a pleasant and easygoing interval. People
around ^you/him/her^ are obliging and courteous. ^You tend/He tends/She tends^ to
feel good about ^yourself/himself/herself^ and ^your/his/her^ appearance.

- hard aspects

#Venus Opposition Sun

This is an excellent time for introducing some beauty and culture into
^your/his/her^ life. There is a certain ease and flow to this period. Love could be
in the air too.

#Venus Square Sun

This is an excellent time for introducing some beauty and culture into
^your/his/her^ life. There is a certain ease and flow to this period. Love could be
in the air too.

#Venus SemiSquare Sun

This is an excellent time for introducing some beauty and culture into
^your/his/her^ life. There is a certain ease and flow to this period. Love could be
in the air too.

#Venus Sesquiquadrate Sun

This is an excellent time for introducing some beauty and culture into
^your/his/her^ life. There is a certain ease and flow to this period. Love could be
in the air too.

#Venus Quincunx Sun

This is an excellent time for introducing some beauty and culture into
^your/his/her^ life. There is a certain ease and flow to this period. Love could be
in the air too.

--- Venus.Moon

- conjunction

#Venus Conjunct Moon

The company of women is beneficial at the moment. Happy feelings and a general
contentment are characteristic of this planetary pairing. Artistic talents should
be expressed if ^you have/he has/she has^ creative ability. Love relationships or
procreation can happen under this influence.

- soft aspects

#Venus Trine Moon

This planetary pairing can create an agreeable and gentle atmosphere. Others seem
more receptive to ^your/his/her^ emotional needs. Social activity within the home
or with the family is easy and relaxing. Love relationships or procreation can
happen under this influence.

#Venus Sextile Moon

This planetary pairing can create an agreeable and gentle atmosphere. Others seem
more receptive to ^your/his/her^ emotional needs. Social activity within the home
or with the family is easy and relaxing. Love relationships or procreation can
happen under this influence.

- hard aspects

#Venus Opposition Moon

The company of women is beneficial at the moment. Happy feelings and a general
contentment are characteristic of this planetary pairing. Artistic talents should
be expressed if ^you have/he has/she has^ creative ability. The only thing that is
likely to spoil this period is potential moodiness.

#Venus Square Moon

The company of women is beneficial at the moment. Happy feelings and a general
contentment are characteristic of this planetary pairing. Artistic talents should
be expressed if ^you have/he has/she has^ creative ability. The only thing that is
likely to spoil this period is potential moodiness.
#Venus SemiSquare Moon
The company of women is beneficial at the moment. Happy feelings and a general
contentment are characteristic of this planetary pairing. Artistic talents should
be expressed if ^you have/he has/she has^ creative ability. The only thing that is
likely to spoil this period is potential moodiness.

#Venus Sesquiquadrate Moon

The company of women is beneficial at the moment. Happy feelings and a general
contentment are characteristic of this planetary pairing. Artistic talents should
be expressed if ^you have/he has/she has^ creative ability. The only thing that is
likely to spoil this period is potential moodiness.

#Venus Quincunx Moon

The company of women is beneficial at the moment. Happy feelings and a general
contentment are characteristic of this planetary pairing. Artistic talents should
be expressed if ^you have/he has/she has^ creative ability. The only thing that is
likely to spoil this period is potential moodiness.

--- Venus.Mercury

- conjunction

#Venus Conjunct Mercury

A healthy sense of [humour,humor] should be apparent now. The world, in general,
looks bright and cheerful. Love thoughts are likely to occupy ^your/his/her^ mind
and, if ^you're/he is/she is^ in any way artistic, ^you/he/she^ can expect to feel
more creative.

- soft aspects

#Venus Trine Mercury

Social affairs are easily arranged and staged now. Other people are keen to lend a
hand and their [expertise,expertize]. ^You express/He expresses/She expresses^ a
pleasant and cordial manner, which people respond to [favourably,favorably].

#Venus Sextile Mercury

Social affairs are easily arranged and staged now. Other people are keen to lend a
hand and their [expertise,expertize]. ^You express/He expresses/She expresses^ a
pleasant and cordial manner, which people respond to [favourably,favorably].

- hard aspects

#Venus Opposition Mercury

Love thoughts are likely to occupy ^your/his/her^ mind now and, if ^you're/he
is/she is^ in any way artistic, ^you/he/she^ can expect to feel more creative. A
little tact can go a long way during this period.

#Venus Square Mercury

Love thoughts are likely to occupy ^your/his/her^ mind now and, if ^you're/he
is/she is^ in any way artistic, ^you/he/she^ can expect to feel more creative. A
little tact can go a long way during this period.

#Venus SemiSquare Mercury

Love thoughts are likely to occupy ^your/his/her^ mind now and, if ^you're/he
is/she is^ in any way artistic, ^you/he/she^ can expect to feel more creative. A
little tact can go a long way during this period.

#Venus Sesquiquadrate Mercury

Love thoughts are likely to occupy ^your/his/her^ mind now and, if ^you're/he
is/she is^ in any way artistic, ^you/he/she^ can expect to feel more creative. A
little tact can go a long way during this period.

#Venus Quincunx Mercury

Love thoughts are likely to occupy ^your/his/her^ mind now and, if ^you're/he
is/she is^ in any way artistic, ^you/he/she^ can expect to feel more creative. A
little tact can go a long way during this period.

--- Venus.Venus

- conjunction

#Venus Conjunct Venus

A Venus return is usually a very pleasant experience. ^You feel/He feels/She feels^
content and life seems to take on easy quality, which is both attractive and
enjoyable. Romance is possible.

- soft aspects

#Venus Trine Venus

There is a restful and relaxing quality to this period. ^You are/He is/She is^ more
receptive to others and people find ^you/him/her^ easygoing and approachable.
Social get-togethers suit ^your/his/her^ mood now. ^You/He/She^ may like to
surround ^yourself/himself/herself^ with beauty or mingle with artistic people.

#Venus Sextile Venus

There is a restful and relaxing quality to this period. ^You are/He is/She is^ more
receptive to others and people find ^you/him/her^ easygoing and approachable.
Social get-togethers suit ^your/his/her^ mood now. ^You/He/She^ may like to
surround ^yourself/himself/herself^ with beauty or mingle with artistic people.

- hard aspects

#Venus Opposition Venus

Little annoyances could spoil what can be an otherwise pleasant period, if
^you're/he's/she's^ not careful. ^You/He/She^ could feel out-of-sorts and reactive.

#Venus Square Venus

Little annoyances could spoil what can be an otherwise pleasant period, if
^you're/he's/she's^ not careful. ^You/He/She^ could feel out-of-sorts and reactive.
#Venus SemiSquare Venus
Little annoyances could spoil what can be an otherwise pleasant period, if
^you're/he's/she's^ not careful. ^You/He/She^ could feel out-of-sorts and reactive.

#Venus Sesquiquadrate Venus

Little annoyances could spoil what can be an otherwise pleasant period, if
^you're/he's/she's^ not careful. ^You/He/She^ could feel out-of-sorts and reactive.

#Venus Quincunx Venus

Little annoyances could spoil what can be an otherwise pleasant period, if
^you're/he's/she's^ not careful. ^You/He/She^ could feel out-of-sorts and reactive.

--- Venus.Mars

- conjunction

#Venus Conjunct Mars

Passions are strong now and the urge to enforce love is accentuated. ^You have/He
has/She has^ the urge to [realise,realize] romantic or (pro-)creative desires.

- soft aspects

#Venus Trine Mars

^You are/He is/She is^ in the mood for fun at the moment. Social spontaneity pays
off. A romantic attraction is possible.

#Venus Sextile Mars

^You are/He is/She is^ in the mood for fun at the moment. Social spontaneity pays
off. A romantic attraction is possible.

- hard aspects

#Venus Opposition Mars

^Your/His/Her^ emotions are likely to run hot and cold during this period, which
may leave people wondering what to expect from one moment to the next.
Romantically, ^you/he/she^ may be inclined to come on more strongly and

#Venus Square Mars

^Your/His/Her^ emotions are likely to run hot and cold during this period, which
may leave people wondering what to expect from one moment to the next.
Romantically, ^you/he/she^ may be inclined to come on more strongly and

#Venus SemiSquare Mars

^Your/His/Her^ emotions are likely to run hot and cold during this period, which
may leave people wondering what to expect from one moment to the next.
Romantically, ^you/he/she^ may be inclined to come on more strongly and
#Venus Sesquiquadrate Mars
^Your/His/Her^ emotions are likely to run hot and cold during this period, which
may leave people wondering what to expect from one moment to the next.
Romantically, ^you/he/she^ may be inclined to come on more strongly and

#Venus Quincunx Mars

^Your/His/Her^ emotions are likely to run hot and cold during this period, which
may leave people wondering what to expect from one moment to the next.
Romantically, ^you/he/she^ may be inclined to come on more strongly and

--- Venus.Jupiter

- conjunction

#Venus Conjunct Jupiter

General feelings of happiness and joy commonly accompany this planetary pairing.
^You/He/She^ may be the recipient of gifts. At the very least, ^you/he/she^ should
be able to expect that things go ^your/his/her^ way. Social events and romantic
matters are especially well-aspected now. Success in art is possible, if ^you
are/he is/she is^ at all creative.

- soft aspects

#Venus Trine Jupiter

This can be a very pleasant and enjoyable period. Enjoy the moment. A social
setting could bring ^you/him/her^ into contact with someone influential or

#Venus Sextile Jupiter

This can be a very pleasant and enjoyable period. Enjoy the moment. A social
setting could bring ^you/him/her^ into contact with someone influential or

- hard aspects

#Venus Opposition Jupiter

Party time! The desire to [socialise,socialize] and to indulge the senses is
accentuated now. However, if ^you overdo/he overdoes/she overdoes^ it
^your/his/her^ body won't thank ^you/him/her^ in the long term.

#Venus Square Jupiter

Party time! The desire to [socialise,socialize] and to indulge the senses is
accentuated now. However, if ^you overdo/he overdoes/she overdoes^ it
^your/his/her^ body won't thank ^you/him/her^ in the long term.

#Venus SemiSquare Jupiter

Party time! The desire to [socialise,socialize] and to indulge the senses is
accentuated now. However, if ^you overdo/he overdoes/she overdoes^ it
^your/his/her^ body won't thank ^you/him/her^ in the long term.
#Venus Sesquiquadrate Jupiter
Party time! The desire to [socialise,socialize] and to indulge the senses is
accentuated now. However, if ^you overdo/he overdoes/she overdoes^ it
^your/his/her^ body won't thank ^you/him/her^ in the long term.

#Venus Quincunx Jupiter

Party time! The desire to [socialise,socialize] and to indulge the senses is
accentuated now. However, if ^you overdo/he overdoes/she overdoes^ it
^your/his/her^ body won't thank ^you/him/her^ in the long term.

--- Venus.Saturn

- conjunction

#Venus Conjunct Saturn

Quite simply, the head tends to rule the heart now. Difficulties may be encountered
in ^your/his/her^ love-life or in a relationship with someone ^you care/he
cares/she cares^ about. A general feeling of frustration or discontent underscores
this period. An emotional separation is possible.

- soft aspects

#Venus Trine Saturn

This can be a good time to re-define responsibilities and boundary lines in
^your/his/her^ important personal relationships. ^You have/He has/She has^ a good
balance between the feeling and the reasoning sides of ^your/his/her^ nature, so
^you are/he is/she is^ able to address any issues between ^you/himself/herself^ and
others constructively and objectively.

#Venus Sextile Saturn

This can be a good time to re-define responsibilities and boundary lines in
^your/his/her^ important personal relationships. ^You have/He has/She has^ a good
balance between the feeling and the reasoning sides of ^your/his/her^ nature, so
^you are/he is/she is^ able to address any issues between ^you/himself/herself^ and
others constructively and objectively.

- hard aspects

#Venus Opposition Saturn

The inclinations of the heart take second place to responsibility and duty.
Spontaneous expressions of affection just don't happen now. Feelings are kept in
check. Any difficulties in love will tend to be revealed. An emotional separation
is possible.

#Venus Square Saturn

The inclinations of the heart take second place to responsibility and duty.
Spontaneous expressions of affection just don't happen now. Feelings are kept in
check. Any difficulties in love will tend to be revealed. An emotional separation
is possible.

#Venus SemiSquare Saturn

The inclinations of the heart take second place to responsibility and duty.
Spontaneous expressions of affection just don't happen now. Feelings are kept in
check. Any difficulties in love will tend to be revealed. An emotional separation
is possible.

#Venus Sesquiquadrate Saturn

The inclinations of the heart take second place to responsibility and duty.
Spontaneous expressions of affection just don't happen now. Feelings are kept in
check. Any difficulties in love will tend to be revealed. An emotional separation
is possible.

#Venus Quincunx Saturn

The inclinations of the heart take second place to responsibility and duty.
Spontaneous expressions of affection just don't happen now. Feelings are kept in
check. Any difficulties in love will tend to be revealed. An emotional separation
is possible.

--- Venus.Uranus

- conjunction

#Venus Conjunct Uranus

Expect the unexpected in love or friendship now. ^You/He/She^ may play the flirt,
or be flirted with. A sudden attraction is possible, causing a smile to come to
^your/his/her^ face.

- soft aspects

#Venus Trine Uranus

^You are/He is/She is^ attracted to the idea of doing something different and
exciting at the moment. It is a time for snapping out of old patterns and routines.
Perhaps a mild flirtation could give ^you/him/her^ a time to remember?

#Venus Sextile Uranus

^You are/He is/She is^ attracted to the idea of doing something different and
exciting at the moment. It is a time for snapping out of old patterns and routines.
Perhaps a mild flirtation could give ^you/him/her^ a time to remember?

- hard aspects

#Venus Opposition Uranus

Anticipate a period of instant attractions, coupled with the tendency to fall in
and out of love suddenly. Unstable relationships will be tested now and break ups
are possible. Expect the unexpected in love.

#Venus Square Uranus

Anticipate a period of instant attractions, coupled with the tendency to fall in
and out of love suddenly. Unstable relationships will be tested now and break ups
are possible. Expect the unexpected in love.

#Venus SemiSquare Uranus

Anticipate a period of instant attractions, coupled with the tendency to fall in
and out of love suddenly. Unstable relationships will be tested now and break ups
are possible. Expect the unexpected in love.

#Venus Sesquiquadrate Uranus

Anticipate a period of instant attractions, coupled with the tendency to fall in
and out of love suddenly. Unstable relationships will be tested now and break ups
are possible. Expect the unexpected in love.

#Venus Quincunx Uranus

Anticipate a period of instant attractions, coupled with the tendency to fall in
and out of love suddenly. Unstable relationships will be tested now and break ups
are possible. Expect the unexpected in love.

--- Venus.Neptune

- conjunction

#Venus Conjunct Neptune

This is a wonderful combination for romance or artistic creativity. Alternatively,
there can be the tendency to deception in love.

- soft aspects

#Venus Trine Neptune

This combination can increase ^your/his/her^ receptivity to beauty, art and music.
The finer things in life have an appeal now and, if ^you are/he is/she is^ creative
or artistic, ^your/his/her^ powers of imagination and inspiration are likely to be

#Venus Sextile Neptune

This combination can increase ^your/his/her^ receptivity to beauty, art and music.
The finer things in life have an appeal now and, if ^you are/he is/she is^ creative
or artistic, ^your/his/her^ powers of imagination and inspiration are likely to be

- hard aspects

#Venus Opposition Neptune

Unrealistic notions of love may cloud ^your/his/her^ thinking during this period.
There is a risk of being misunderstood, or of having ^your/his/her^ romantic hopes
dashed. Artistic creativity, however, is enhanced.

#Venus Square Neptune

Unrealistic notions of love may cloud ^your/his/her^ thinking during this period.
There is a risk of being misunderstood, or of having ^your/his/her^ romantic hopes
dashed. Artistic creativity, however, is enhanced.

#Venus SemiSquare Neptune

Unrealistic notions of love may cloud ^your/his/her^ thinking during this period.
There is a risk of being misunderstood, or of having ^your/his/her^ romantic hopes
dashed. Artistic creativity, however, is enhanced.

#Venus Sesquiquadrate Neptune

Unrealistic notions of love may cloud ^your/his/her^ thinking during this period.
There is a risk of being misunderstood, or of having ^your/his/her^ romantic hopes
dashed. Artistic creativity, however, is enhanced.

#Venus Quincunx Neptune

Unrealistic notions of love may cloud ^your/his/her^ thinking during this period.
There is a risk of being misunderstood, or of having ^your/his/her^ romantic hopes
dashed. Artistic creativity, however, is enhanced.

--- Venus.Pluto

- conjunction

#Venus Conjunct Pluto

Passions are intense over this period and any hidden feelings or problems in love
are likely to come out into the open now. Emotional intensity is obvious and
^you/he/she^ can become fixated on achieving personal desires.

- soft aspects

#Venus Trine Pluto

This planetary pairing can make ^you/him/her^ aware of subtle undercurrents or
possible attraction between ^you/him/her^ and another. ^You/He/She^ should
acknowledge any feelings ^you/he/she^ may have but avoid trying to manipulate

#Venus Sextile Pluto

This planetary pairing can make ^you/him/her^ aware of subtle undercurrents or
possible attraction between ^you/him/her^ and another. ^You/He/She^ should
acknowledge any feelings ^you/he/she^ may have but avoid trying to manipulate

- hard aspects

#Venus Opposition Pluto

At this time there is a strong chance of being drawn to another as if by some kind
of hidden force or compulsion, with a very real risk of sexual tension and

#Venus Square Pluto

At this time there is a strong chance of being drawn to another as if by some kind
of hidden force or compulsion, with a very real risk of sexual tension and

#Venus SemiSquare Pluto

At this time there is a strong chance of being drawn to another as if by some kind
of hidden force or compulsion, with a very real risk of sexual tension and

#Venus Sesquiquadrate Pluto

At this time there is a strong chance of being drawn to another as if by some kind
of hidden force or compulsion, with a very real risk of sexual tension and

#Venus Quincunx Pluto

At this time there is a strong chance of being drawn to another as if by some kind
of hidden force or compulsion, with a very real risk of sexual tension and

--- Venus.Moon's North Node

- conjunction

#Venus Conjunct Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish social,
artistic or romantic contacts.

- soft aspects

#Venus Trine Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish social,
artistic or romantic contacts.

#Venus Sextile Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish social,
artistic or romantic contacts.

- hard aspects

#Venus Opposition Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish social,
artistic or romantic contacts.

#Venus Square Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish social,
artistic or romantic contacts.

#Venus SemiSquare Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish social,
artistic or romantic contacts.

#Venus Sesquiquadrate Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish social,
artistic or romantic contacts.

#Venus Quincunx Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish social,
artistic or romantic contacts.

--- Venus.Ascendant

- conjunction

#Venus Conjunct Ascendant

^You look and feel/He looks and feels/She looks and feels^ good about
^yourself/himself/herself^ now. ^You have/He has/She has^ the power to draw others
to ^you/him/her^ and to make a good impression on people.

#Venus Trine Ascendant

This influence creates a light-hearted and easygoing atmosphere. ^You/He/She^
should enjoy good relations with others at the moment.

#Venus Sextile Ascendant

This influence creates a light-hearted and easygoing atmosphere. ^You/He/She^
should enjoy good relations with others at the moment.

- hard aspects

#Venus Opposition Ascendant

^You/He/She^ may be surprised at just how co-operative and helpful others are
towards ^you/him/her^ now. ^Your/His/Her^ relations with other people are better
than usual and ^your/his/her^ social calendar is likely to be quite full.

#Venus Square Ascendant

^You have/He has/She has^ the power to draw others to ^you/him/her^ and to make a
good impression on people. ^Your/His/Her^ relations with other people are better
than usual and ^your/his/her^ social calendar is likely to be quite full.

#Venus SemiSquare Ascendant

^You have/He has/She has^ the power to draw others to ^you/him/her^ and to make a
good impression on people. ^Your/His/Her^ relations with other people are better
than usual and ^your/his/her^ social calendar is likely to be quite full.

#Venus Sesquiquadrate Ascendant

^You have/He has/She has^ the power to draw others to ^you/him/her^ and to make a
good impression on people. ^Your/His/Her^ relations with other people are better
than usual and ^your/his/her^ social calendar is likely to be quite full.

#Venus Quincunx Ascendant

^You have/He has/She has^ the power to draw others to ^you/him/her^ and to make a
good impression on people. ^Your/His/Her^ relations with other people are better
than usual and ^your/his/her^ social calendar is likely to be quite full.

--- Venus.Midheaven

- conjunction
#Venus Conjunct Midheaven
If ^you are/he is/she is^ artistic or creative this is one of the best combinations
for receiving recognition and acknowledgement. A romance may start now.

- soft aspects

#Venus Trine Midheaven

^You are/He is/She is^ receptive to the finer things in life at the moment. If ^you
are/he is/she is^ artistic ^your/his/her^ creative power may be enhanced.
^Your/His/Her^ relationships are generally harmonious now.

#Venus Sextile Midheaven

^You are/He is/She is^ receptive to the finer things in life at the moment. If ^you
are/he is/she is^ artistic ^your/his/her^ creative power may be enhanced.
^Your/His/Her^ relationships are generally harmonious now.

- hard aspects

#Venus Opposition Midheaven

Now is a perfect time for home decorating or entertaining. Relations with family
members or those ^you live/he lives/she lives^ with should be good during this
period. If there are any areas of discord within the home the time to sort them out
has arrived.

#Venus Square Midheaven

Now is a perfect time for home decorating or entertaining. Relations with family
members or those ^you live/he lives/she lives^ with should be good during this
period. If there are any areas of discord within the home the time to sort them out
has arrived.

#Venus SemiSquare Midheaven

Now is a perfect time for home decorating or entertaining. Relations with family
members or those ^you live/he lives/she lives^ with should be good during this
period. If there are any areas of discord within the home the time to sort them out
has arrived.

#Venus Sesquiquadrate Midheaven

Now is a perfect time for home decorating or entertaining. Relations with family
members or those ^you live/he lives/she lives^ with should be good during this
period. If there are any areas of discord within the home the time to sort them out
has arrived.

#Venus Quincunx Midheaven

Now is a perfect time for home decorating or entertaining. Relations with family
members or those ^you live/he lives/she lives^ with should be good during this
period. If there are any areas of discord within the home the time to sort them out
has arrived.


--- Mars.Sun

- conjunction

#Mars Conjunct Sun

During this period ^you/he/she^ can succeed in achieving ^your/his/her^ objectives
through demonstrating initiative, self-motivation and [vigour,vigor]. However, ^you
need/he needs/she needs^ to guard against overexertion, as ^you/he/she^ could
exhaust ^yourself/himself/herself^ or risk injury-proneness.

- soft aspects

#Mars Trine Sun

This combination will fire ^you/him/her^ up with enthusiasm and courage.
^Your/His/Her^ energies are strong now, so ^you/he/she^ should set ^your/his/her^
sights on achieving a personal goal. ^You/He/She^ will succeed. ^You are/He is/She
is^ vital and self-motivated. Seize the moment!

#Mars Sextile Sun

This combination will fire ^you/him/her^ up with enthusiasm and courage.
^Your/His/Her^ energies are strong now, so ^you/he/she^ should set ^your/his/her^
sights on achieving a personal goal. ^You/He/She^ will succeed. ^You are/He is/She
is^ vital and self-motivated. Seize the moment!

- hard aspects

#Mars Opposition Sun

^You have/He has/She has^ a desire to achieve things now, coupled with the drive to
succeed. Expect an energy boost, but watch for overexertion, as this could lead to
stress and strain. Guard against injury-proneness or conflicts with others.

#Mars Square Sun

^You have/He has/She has^ a desire to achieve things now, coupled with the drive to
succeed. Expect an energy boost, but watch for overexertion, as this could lead to
stress and strain. Guard against injury-proneness or conflicts with others.

#Mars SemiSquare Sun

^You have/He has/She has^ a desire to achieve things now, coupled with the drive to
succeed. Expect an energy boost, but watch for overexertion, as this could lead to
stress and strain. Guard against injury-proneness or conflicts with others.

#Mars Sesquiquadrate Sun

^You have/He has/She has^ a desire to achieve things now, coupled with the drive to
succeed. Expect an energy boost, but watch for overexertion, as this could lead to
stress and strain. Guard against injury-proneness or conflicts with others.

#Mars Quincunx Sun

^You have/He has/She has^ a desire to achieve things now, coupled with the drive to
succeed. Expect an energy boost, but watch for overexertion, as this could lead to
stress and strain. Guard against injury-proneness or conflicts with others.

--- Mars.Moon

- conjunction

#Mars Conjunct Moon

Moodiness and irritability can accompany this pairing. Arguments or annoyances with
the female-sex are also possible. There could also be disruptions to ^your/his/her^
domestic affairs or disputes with family members. Watch out for accidents around
the home.

- soft aspects

#Mars Trine Moon

^Your/His/Her^ instincts tend to guide ^your/his/her^ actions during this period.
This is a good time for doing things around the home or as a family.

#Mars Sextile Moon

^Your/His/Her^ instincts tend to guide ^your/his/her^ actions during this period.
This is a good time for doing things around the home or as a family.

- hard aspects

#Mars Opposition Moon

^You/He/She^, or someone in ^your/his/her^ environment, may be more moody or
irritable than usual now. The smallest thing can set off an emotional reaction.
^You need/He needs/She needs^ to be aware of the feelings of those around
^you/him/her^, especially family members.

#Mars Square Moon

^You/He/She^, or someone in ^your/his/her^ environment, may be more moody or
irritable than usual now. The smallest thing can set off an emotional reaction.
^You need/He needs/She needs^ to be aware of the feelings of those around
^you/him/her^, especially family members.

#Mars SemiSquare Moon

^You/He/She^, or someone in ^your/his/her^ environment, may be more moody or
irritable than usual now. The smallest thing can set off an emotional reaction.
^You need/He needs/She needs^ to be aware of the feelings of those around
^you/him/her^, especially family members.

#Mars Sesquiquadrate Moon

^You/He/She^, or someone in ^your/his/her^ environment, may be more moody or
irritable than usual now. The smallest thing can set off an emotional reaction.
^You need/He needs/She needs^ to be aware of the feelings of those around
^you/him/her^, especially family members.

#Mars Quincunx Moon

^You/He/She^, or someone in ^your/his/her^ environment, may be more moody or
irritable than usual now. The smallest thing can set off an emotional reaction.
^You need/He needs/She needs^ to be aware of the feelings of those around
^you/him/her^, especially family members.

--- Mars.Mercury

- conjunction

#Mars Conjunct Mercury

Hasty words or [judgements,judgments] now could cause regret at a later date.
^You/He/She^ may want to think before ^you open your/he opens his/she opens her^
mouth and take a deep breath before ^you make/he makes/she makes^ any important
decisions. ^Your/His/Her^ reflexes are sharp at the moment.

- soft aspects

#Mars Trine Mercury

There is a positive power to ^your/his/her^ communications at the moment. This is
an excellent time for getting ^your/his/her^ opinions and thoughts across to
others. ^You/He/She^ can make your point without offending unduly. Intellectually,
^you are/he is/she is^ sharp and ^have/has/has^ the ability to comprehend things

#Mars Sextile Mercury

There is a positive power to ^your/his/her^ communications at the moment. This is
an excellent time for getting ^your/his/her^ opinions and thoughts across to
others. ^You/He/She^ can make your point without offending unduly. Intellectually,
^you are/he is/she is^ sharp and ^have/has/has^ the ability to comprehend things

- hard aspects

#Mars Opposition Mercury

There is power in ^your/his/her^ communications at the moment. Possibly,
^you/he/she^ will feel compelled to tell someone exactly what's on ^your/his/her^
mind; or others are inclined to challenge or provoke ^you/him/her^. Arguments are

#Mars Square Mercury

There is power in ^your/his/her^ communications at the moment. Possibly,
^you/he/she^ will feel compelled to tell someone exactly what's on ^your/his/her^
mind; or others are inclined to challenge or provoke ^you/him/her^. Arguments are

#Mars SemiSquare Mercury

There is power in ^your/his/her^ communications at the moment. Possibly,
^you/he/she^ will feel compelled to tell someone exactly what's on ^your/his/her^
mind; or others are inclined to challenge or provoke ^you/him/her^. Arguments are

#Mars Sesquiquadrate Mercury

There is power in ^your/his/her^ communications at the moment. Possibly,
^you/he/she^ will feel compelled to tell someone exactly what's on ^your/his/her^
mind; or others are inclined to challenge or provoke ^you/him/her^. Arguments are

#Mars Quincunx Mercury

There is power in ^your/his/her^ communications at the moment. Possibly,
^you/he/she^ will feel compelled to tell someone exactly what's on ^your/his/her^
mind; or others are inclined to challenge or provoke ^you/him/her^. Arguments are

--- Mars.Venus

- conjunction

#Mars Conjunct Venus

^Your/His/Her^ sexual or creative powers are accentuated at this time. However,
^your/his/her^ ability to control ^your/his/her^ passions may leave a lot to be
desired. Hasty actions relating to love and sex could give ^you/him/her^ pause for
thought later.

- soft aspects

#Mars Trine Venus

This influence can kindle a lust for life and, whatever ^your/his/her^ age, a
stirring of ^your/his/her^ romantic desires. A flirtation with an attractive
potential love interest can bring a smile to ^your/his/her^ face.

#Mars Sextile Venus

This influence can kindle a lust for life and, whatever ^your/his/her^ age, a
stirring of ^your/his/her^ romantic desires. A flirtation with an attractive
potential love interest can bring a smile to ^your/his/her^ face.

- hard aspects

#Mars Opposition Venus

This pairing can bring about an intensification of passion and romantic
[fervour,fervor] in ^you/him/her^, which may or may not be reciprocated by another.
Alternatively, the [ardour,ardor] of another could be directed at ^you/him/her^.

#Mars Square Venus

This pairing can bring about an intensification of passion and romantic
[fervour,fervor] in ^you/him/her^, which may or may not be reciprocated by another.
Alternatively, the [ardour,ardor] of another could be directed at ^you/him/her^.

#Mars SemiSquare Venus

This pairing can bring about an intensification of passion and romantic
[fervour,fervor] in ^you/him/her^, which may or may not be reciprocated by another.
Alternatively, the [ardour,ardor] of another could be directed at ^you/him/her^.

#Mars Sesquiquadrate Venus

This pairing can bring about an intensification of passion and romantic
[fervour,fervor] in ^you/him/her^, which may or may not be reciprocated by another.
Alternatively, the [ardour,ardor] of another could be directed at ^you/him/her^.

#Mars Quincunx Venus

This pairing can bring about an intensification of passion and romantic
[fervour,fervor] in ^you/him/her^, which may or may not be reciprocated by another.
Alternatively, the [ardour,ardor] of another could be directed at ^you/him/her^.

--- Mars.Mars

- conjunction

#Mars Conjunct Mars

The spirit of enterprise is with ^you/him/her^ now. ^You have/He has/She has^ more
drive than usual; however ^you/he/she^ will need to control any excess energy, as
there is a risk of injury and accident proneness.

- soft aspects

#Mars Trine Mars

Regardless of how fit ^you are/he is/she is^ physically, ^you/he/she^ can expect an
energy boost and an increase in self-motivation now. This is an excellent time for
getting chores done around the home or office, or for participating in sport or
physical exercise.

#Mars Sextile Mars

Regardless of how fit ^you are/he is/she is^ physically, ^you/he/she^ can expect an
energy boost and an increase in self-motivation now. This is an excellent time for
getting chores done around the home or office, or for participating in sport or
physical exercise.

- hard aspects

#Mars Opposition Mars

^You have/He has/She has^ an excess of energy to burn at the moment. There is a
tendency to act impulsively and rashly now, which can lead to accidents, injuries
or conflicts with other people. Circumspection is advised.

#Mars Square Mars

^You have/He has/She has^ an excess of energy to burn at the moment. There is a
tendency to act impulsively and rashly now, which can lead to accidents, injuries
or conflicts with other people. Circumspection is advised.

#Mars SemiSquare Mars

^You have/He has/She has^ an excess of energy to burn at the moment. There is a
tendency to act impulsively and rashly now, which can lead to accidents, injuries
or conflicts with other people. Circumspection is advised.

#Mars Sesquiquadrate Mars

^You have/He has/She has^ an excess of energy to burn at the moment. There is a
tendency to act impulsively and rashly now, which can lead to accidents, injuries
or conflicts with other people. Circumspection is advised.

#Mars Quincunx Mars

^You have/He has/She has^ an excess of energy to burn at the moment. There is a
tendency to act impulsively and rashly now, which can lead to accidents, injuries
or conflicts with other people. Circumspection is advised.

--- Mars.Jupiter

- conjunction

#Mars Conjunct Jupiter

This is one of the best planetary influences for business activity. Negotiating and
dealing with contractual matters succeed now. ^Your/His/Her^ ability to
[recognise,recognize] an opportunity and sense of timing are in sync at the moment.

- soft aspects

#Mars Trine Jupiter

Business related matters, including personal transactions, are well-aspected now.
Other people are happy to co-operate with ^you/him/her^ over this period, because
they can see ^your/his/her^ intentions are [honourable,honorable].

#Mars Sextile Jupiter

Business related matters, including personal transactions, are well-aspected now.
Other people are happy to co-operate with ^you/him/her^ over this period, because
they can see ^your/his/her^ intentions are [honourable,honorable].

- hard aspects

#Mars Opposition Jupiter

^You have/He has/She has^ the urge to live a full and busy life now, coupled with
the motivation to get successful results in ^your/his/her^ activities. ^You are/He
is/She is^ competitive and confident in ^your/his/her^ ability to succeed.

#Mars Square Jupiter

^You have/He has/She has^ the urge to live a full and busy life now, coupled with
the motivation to get successful results in ^your/his/her^ activities. ^You are/He
is/She is^ competitive and confident in ^your/his/her^ ability to succeed.

#Mars SemiSquare Jupiter

^You have/He has/She has^ the urge to live a full and busy life now, coupled with
the motivation to get successful results in ^your/his/her^ activities. ^You are/He
is/She is^ competitive and confident in ^your/his/her^ ability to succeed.

#Mars Sesquiquadrate Jupiter

^You have/He has/She has^ the urge to live a full and busy life now, coupled with
the motivation to get successful results in ^your/his/her^ activities. ^You are/He
is/She is^ competitive and confident in ^your/his/her^ ability to succeed.
#Mars Quincunx Jupiter
^You have/He has/She has^ the urge to live a full and busy life now, coupled with
the motivation to get successful results in ^your/his/her^ activities. ^You are/He
is/She is^ competitive and confident in ^your/his/her^ ability to succeed.

--- Mars.Saturn

- conjunction

#Mars Conjunct Saturn

^You/He/She^ can achieve a lot during this period, but it will take more effort
than usual. Equally, ^you/he/she^ could come up against authority figures that, for
whatever reason, seem inclined to make ^your/his/her^ life difficult. Accident and
injury proneness need to be watched out for too. Separations are possible.

- soft aspects

#Mars Trine Saturn

Hard work and long hours don't faze ^you/him/her^ now. In fact, ^you relish/he
relishes/she relishes^ the thought of carrying a task or project through to a
successful conclusion.

#Mars Sextile Saturn

Hard work and long hours don't faze ^you/him/her^ now. In fact, ^you relish/he
relishes/she relishes^ the thought of carrying a task or project through to a
successful conclusion.
- hard aspects

#Mars Opposition Saturn

During this period ^your/his/her^ life seems to move at the rate of one step
forward followed by a step backwards. By the time it's over ^you/he/she^ will
wonder if ^you've/he's/she's^ accomplished anything. Also, there is a risk of
accidents or injuries now, so take care. Separations are possible.

#Mars Square Saturn

During this period ^your/his/her^ life seems to move at the rate of one step
forward followed by a step backwards. By the time it's over ^you/he/she^ will
wonder if ^you've/he's/she's^ accomplished anything. Also, there is a risk of
accidents or injuries now, so take care. Separations are possible.

#Mars SemiSquare Saturn

During this period ^your/his/her^ life seems to move at the rate of one step
forward followed by a step backwards. By the time it's over ^you/he/she^ will
wonder if ^you've/he's/she's^ accomplished anything. Also, there is a risk of
accidents or injuries now, so take care. Separations are possible.

#Mars Sesquiquadrate Saturn

During this period ^your/his/her^ life seems to move at the rate of one step
forward followed by a step backwards. By the time it's over ^you/he/she^ will
wonder if ^you've/he's/she's^ accomplished anything. Also, there is a risk of
accidents or injuries now, so take care. Separations are possible.

#Mars Quincunx Saturn

During this period ^your/his/her^ life seems to move at the rate of one step
forward followed by a step backwards. By the time it's over ^you/he/she^ will
wonder if ^you've/he's/she's^ accomplished anything. Also, there is a risk of
accidents or injuries now, so take care. Separations are possible.

--- Mars.Uranus

- conjunction

#Mars Conjunct Uranus

During this period ^you/he/she^ won't take kindly to having ^your/his/her^
independence and freedom challenged. ^You are/He is/She is^ inclined to be more
[wilful,willful] than usual, and there is an increased risk of injury or accident
proneness. Take care [travelling,traveling] or when around machinery and volatile

- soft aspects

#Mars Trine Uranus

This planetary combination can inspire ^you/him/her^ to try something new or out
the ordinary. It increases ^your/his/her^ courage to experiment or to introduce
reforms. ^You/He/She^ can make changes now.

#Mars Sextile Uranus

This planetary combination can inspire ^you/him/her^ to try something new or out
the ordinary. It increases ^your/his/her^ courage to experiment or to introduce
reforms. ^You/He/She^ can make changes now.

- hard aspects

#Mars Opposition Uranus

Expect pressures and potential arguments caused by inner tensions or stress, in
^yourself/him/her^ or others during this period. A danger exists from impulsive
actions and accident proneness.

#Mars Square Uranus

Expect pressures and potential arguments caused by inner tensions or stress, in
^yourself/him/her^ or others during this period. A danger exists from impulsive
actions and accident proneness.

#Mars SemiSquare Uranus

Expect pressures and potential arguments caused by inner tensions or stress, in
^yourself/him/her^ or others during this period. A danger exists from impulsive
actions and accident proneness.

#Mars Sesquiquadrate Uranus

Expect pressures and potential arguments caused by inner tensions or stress, in
^yourself/him/her^ or others during this period. A danger exists from impulsive
actions and accident proneness.

#Mars Quincunx Uranus

Expect pressures and potential arguments caused by inner tensions or stress, in
^yourself/him/her^ or others during this period. A danger exists from impulsive
actions and accident proneness.

--- Mars.Neptune

- conjunction

#Mars Conjunct Neptune

^Your/His/Her^ drive and determination are weakened now. This is not the most
auspicious time to start new projects, as ^your/his/her^ ability to carry things
through to a successful conclusion lacks the necessary power. Also, ^you need/he
needs/she needs^ to guard against a susceptibility to infection.

- soft aspects

#Mars Trine Neptune

^Your/His/Her^ physical and competitive drives are more subdued and relaxed at the
moment. This is an excellent period to take some time out in quiet and tranquil
surroundings. It may be a good time to go to a spiritual retreat, fishing lodge or

#Mars Sextile Neptune

^Your/His/Her^ physical and competitive drives are more subdued and relaxed at the
moment. This is an excellent period to take some time out in quiet and tranquil
surroundings. It may be a good time to go to a spiritual retreat, fishing lodge or

- hard aspects

#Mars Opposition Neptune

Anticipate a period of fluctuating energy levels, with a tendency towards feeling
washed out or physically depleted. ^You are/He is/She is^ in danger of misdirecting
^your/his/her^ energies and misusing ^your/his/her^ power. Escapist tendencies are
quite strong now.

#Mars Square Neptune

Anticipate a period of fluctuating energy levels, with a tendency towards feeling
washed out or physically depleted. ^You are/He is/She is^ in danger of misdirecting
^your/his/her^ energies and misusing ^your/his/her^ power. Escapist tendencies are
quite strong now.

#Mars SemiSquare Neptune

Anticipate a period of fluctuating energy levels, with a tendency towards feeling
washed out or physically depleted. ^You are/He is/She is^ in danger of misdirecting
^your/his/her^ energies and misusing ^your/his/her^ power. Escapist tendencies are
quite strong now.
#Mars Sesquiquadrate Neptune
Anticipate a period of fluctuating energy levels, with a tendency towards feeling
washed out or physically depleted. ^You are/He is/She is^ in danger of misdirecting
^your/his/her^ energies and misusing ^your/his/her^ power. Escapist tendencies are
quite strong now.

#Mars Quincunx Neptune

Anticipate a period of fluctuating energy levels, with a tendency towards feeling
washed out or physically depleted. ^You are/He is/She is^ in danger of misdirecting
^your/his/her^ energies and misusing ^your/his/her^ power. Escapist tendencies are
quite strong now.

--- Mars.Pluto

- conjunction

#Mars Conjunct Pluto

^You/He/She^ will feel driven and compelled to achieve a lot now; however there is
a danger that ^you/he/she^ will over-estimate ^your/his/her^ physical drives and
run ^yourself/himself/herself^ ragged. ^You/He/She^ may act territorially and
aggressively towards others and experience intense power struggles. There is also a
risk of accidents or injuries.

- soft aspects

#Mars Trine Pluto

During this period ^you/he/she^ may dare to change something about
^yourself/himself/herself^; ^your/his/her^ appearance, personal surroundings or
^your/his/her^ relationship with another or group of people.

#Mars Sextile Pluto

During this period ^you/he/she^ may dare to change something about
^yourself/himself/herself^; ^your/his/her^ appearance, personal surroundings or
^your/his/her^ relationship with another or group of people.

- hard aspects

#Mars Opposition Pluto

^You have/He has/She has^ an overwhelming urge to achieve a lot now; however there
is a real danger that ^you/he/she^ will over-estimate ^your/his/her^ physical
drives and run ^yourself/himself/herself^ ragged. ^You/He/She^ may act
territorially and aggressively towards others and experience intense power
struggles. There is a danger of injury.

#Mars Square Pluto

^You have/He has/She has^ an overwhelming urge to achieve a lot now; however there
is a real danger that ^you/he/she^ will over-estimate ^your/his/her^ physical
drives and run ^yourself/himself/herself^ ragged. ^You/He/She^ may act
territorially and aggressively towards others and experience intense power
struggles. There is a danger of injury.

#Mars SemiSquare Pluto

^You have/He has/She has^ an overwhelming urge to achieve a lot now; however there
is a real danger that ^you/he/she^ will over-estimate ^your/his/her^ physical
drives and run ^yourself/himself/herself^ ragged. ^You/He/She^ may act
territorially and aggressively towards others and experience intense power
struggles. There is a danger of injury.

#Mars Sesquiquadrate Pluto

^You have/He has/She has^ an overwhelming urge to achieve a lot now; however there
is a real danger that ^you/he/she^ will over-estimate ^your/his/her^ physical
drives and run ^yourself/himself/herself^ ragged. ^You/He/She^ may act
territorially and aggressively towards others and experience intense power
struggles. There is a danger of injury.

#Mars Quincunx Pluto

^You have/He has/She has^ an overwhelming urge to achieve a lot now; however there
is a real danger that ^you/he/she^ will over-estimate ^your/his/her^ physical
drives and run ^yourself/himself/herself^ ragged. ^You/He/She^ may act
territorially and aggressively towards others and experience intense power
struggles. There is a danger of injury.

--- Mars.Moon's North Node

- conjunction

#Mars Conjunct Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish physical or
sporting contacts.

- soft aspects

#Mars Trine Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish physical or
sporting contacts.

#Mars Sextile Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish physical or
sporting contacts.

- hard aspects

#Mars Opposition Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish physical or
sporting contacts.

#Mars Square Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish physical or
sporting contacts.

#Mars SemiSquare Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish physical or
sporting contacts.

#Mars Sesquiquadrate Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish physical or
sporting contacts.

#Mars Quincunx Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish physical or
sporting contacts.

--- Mars.Ascendant

- conjunction

#Mars Conjunct Ascendant

^Your/His/Her^ will-power and determination are exceptionally strong at present,
and ^you have/he has/she has^ the ability to achieve whatever ^you set/he sets/she
sets^ out to do. ^Your/His/Her^ personal or work environments will seem more hectic
than usual and frictions with others are possible.

- soft aspects

#Mars Trine Ascendant

During this period ^you/he/she^ can assert ^yourself/himself/herself^ easily,
without offending or upsetting others in the process. At this time, ^you are/he
is/she is^ more direct and sure of ^yourself/himself/herself^, and people know what
to expect of ^you/him/her^. If ^you have/he has/she has^ leadership ability, it is
likely to be expressed in some way now.

#Mars Sextile Ascendant

During this period ^you/he/she^ can assert ^yourself/himself/herself^ easily,
without offending or upsetting others in the process. At this time, ^you are/he
is/she is^ more direct and sure of ^yourself/himself/herself^, and people know what
to expect of ^you/him/her^. If ^you have/he has/she has^ leadership ability, it is
likely to be expressed in some way now.

- hard aspects

#Mars Opposition Ascendant

Conflicts and disputes with other people can be a problem during this period.
Others can seem aggressive and confrontational right now. ^You need/He needs/She
needs^ to be ready to assert ^yourself/himself/herself^ and stand up for what ^you
believe/he believes/she believes^. There can be a risk of injury-proneness.

#Mars Square Ascendant

During this period ^you/he/she^ will tend to be very action orientated and self-
motivated. ^You/He/She^ can get a lot accomplished now; however ^you have/he
has/she has^ to be careful that ^you don't/he doesn't/she doesn't^ push others
around in the process, as they are likely to react [unfavourably,unfavorably].
There can be a risk of injury-proneness.
#Mars SemiSquare Ascendant
During this period ^you/he/she^ will tend to be very action orientated and self-
motivated. ^You/He/She^ can get a lot accomplished now; however ^you have/he
has/she has^ to be careful that ^you don't/he doesn't/she doesn't^ push others
around in the process, as they are likely to react [unfavourably,unfavorably].
There can be a risk of injury-proneness.

#Mars Sesquiquadrate Ascendant

During this period ^you/he/she^ will tend to be very action orientated and self-
motivated. ^You/He/She^ can get a lot accomplished now; however ^you have/he
has/she has^ to be careful that ^you don't/he doesn't/she doesn't^ push others
around in the process, as they are likely to react [unfavourably,unfavorably].
There can be a risk of injury-proneness.

#Mars Quincunx Ascendant

During this period ^you/he/she^ will tend to be very action orientated and self-
motivated. ^You/He/She^ can get a lot accomplished now; however ^you have/he
has/she has^ to be careful that ^you don't/he doesn't/she doesn't^ push others
around in the process, as they are likely to react [unfavourably,unfavorably].
There can be a risk of injury-proneness.

--- Mars.Midheaven

- conjunction

#Mars Conjunct Midheaven

This is one of the best periods for achieving goals and aspirations. ^You have/He
has/She has^ increased drive and determination now, coupled with a definite sense
of what ^you want/he wants/she wants^ to accomplish.

- soft aspects

#Mars Trine Midheaven

^You have/He has/She has^ increased self-motivation now, coupled with a definite
sense of what ^you want/he wants/she wants^ to accomplish, be it on the home-front
or in the professional arena. The support of others is likely, as they
[recognise,recognize] that ^you're/he is/she is^ clear about what ^you want/he
wants/she wants^ to achieve.

#Mars Sextile Midheaven

^You have/He has/She has^ increased self-motivation now, coupled with a definite
sense of what ^you want/he wants/she wants^ to accomplish, be it on the home-front
or in the professional arena. The support of others is likely, as they
[recognise,recognize] that ^you're/he is/she is^ clear about what ^you want/he
wants/she wants^ to achieve.

- hard aspects

#Mars Opposition Midheaven

^Your/His/Her^ focus needs to be on the domestic front at the moment, as there may
be a tendency to arguments and disputes in the home or with family members. One way
of counteracting potential discord in these areas is to direct ^your/his/her^
energies at jobs that need doing around the house.

#Mars Square Midheaven

^Your/His/Her^ focus needs to be on the domestic front at the moment, as there may
be a tendency to arguments and disputes in the home or with family members. One way
of counteracting potential discord in these areas is to direct ^your/his/her^
energies at jobs that need doing around the house.

#Mars SemiSquare Midheaven

^Your/His/Her^ focus needs to be on the domestic front at the moment, as there may
be a tendency to arguments and disputes in the home or with family members. One way
of counteracting potential discord in these areas is to direct ^your/his/her^
energies at jobs that need doing around the house.

#Mars Sesquiquadrate Midheaven

^Your/His/Her^ focus needs to be on the domestic front at the moment, as there may
be a tendency to arguments and disputes in the home or with family members. One way
of counteracting potential discord in these areas is to direct ^your/his/her^
energies at jobs that need doing around the house.

#Mars Quincunx Midheaven

^Your/His/Her^ focus needs to be on the domestic front at the moment, as there may
be a tendency to arguments and disputes in the home or with family members. One way
of counteracting potential discord in these areas is to direct ^your/his/her^
energies at jobs that need doing around the house.


--- Jupiter.Sun

- conjunction

#Jupiter Conjunct Sun

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect to feel optimistic and confident.
^You/He/She^ will want to broaden ^your/his/her^ horizons and improve
^your/his/her^ position in life. This is an excellent time for travel, either for
business or pleasure, or for embarking on some course of study that will benefit
^you/him/her^ personally or professionally.

- soft aspects

#Jupiter Trine Sun

This is an excellent time for travel, either for business or pleasure, or for
embarking on some course of study that will benefit ^you/him/her^ personally or

#Jupiter Sextile Sun

This is an excellent time for travel, either for business or pleasure, or for
embarking on some course of study that will benefit ^you/him/her^ personally or

- hard aspects

#Jupiter Opposition Sun

During this period ^your/his/her^ desire for gain, power and advantage is
accentuated. ^You have/He has/She has^ the urge to improve ^your/his/her^ position
in life. Above all, ^you want/he wants/she wants^ to better
^yourself/himself/herself^ and expand ^your/his/her^ horizons - which ^you/he/she^
may do through travel, higher education, financial activity or speculation.

#Jupiter Square Sun

During this period ^your/his/her^ desire for gain, power and advantage is
accentuated. ^You have/He has/She has^ the urge to improve ^your/his/her^ position
in life. Above all, ^you want/he wants/she wants^ to better
^yourself/himself/herself^ and expand ^your/his/her^ horizons - which ^you/he/she^
may do through travel, higher education, financial activity or speculation.

#Jupiter SemiSquare Sun

During this period ^your/his/her^ desire for gain, power and advantage is
accentuated. ^You have/He has/She has^ the urge to improve ^your/his/her^ position
in life. Above all, ^you want/he wants/she wants^ to better
^yourself/himself/herself^ and expand ^your/his/her^ horizons - which ^you/he/she^
may do through travel, higher education, financial activity or speculation.

#Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Sun

During this period ^your/his/her^ desire for gain, power and advantage is
accentuated. ^You have/He has/She has^ the urge to improve ^your/his/her^ position
in life. Above all, ^you want/he wants/she wants^ to better
^yourself/himself/herself^ and expand ^your/his/her^ horizons - which ^you/he/she^
may do through travel, higher education, financial activity or speculation.

#Jupiter Quincunx Sun

During this period ^your/his/her^ desire for gain, power and advantage is
accentuated. ^You have/He has/She has^ the urge to improve ^your/his/her^ position
in life. Above all, ^you want/he wants/she wants^ to better
^yourself/himself/herself^ and expand ^your/his/her^ horizons - which ^you/he/she^
may do through travel, higher education, financial activity or speculation.

--- Jupiter.Moon

- conjunction

#Jupiter Conjunct Moon

On the personal front, ^you/he/she^ can expect to relate well to people now;
^you/he/she^ will seem to have an instinct for others' needs. Women can be
beneficial in ^your/his/her^ life at the moment. This is one of the best times for
[travelling,traveling] overseas, or having visitors from far-off places come to

- soft aspects

#Jupiter Trine Moon

On the personal front, ^you/he/she^ can expect to relate well to people now;
^you/he/she^ will seem to have an instinct for others' needs. Women can be
beneficial in ^your/his/her^ life at the moment. This is one of the best times for
[travelling,traveling] overseas, or having visitors from far-off places come to

#Jupiter Sextile Moon

On the personal front, ^you/he/she^ can expect to relate well to people now;
^you/he/she^ will seem to have an instinct for others' needs. Women can be
beneficial in ^your/his/her^ life at the moment. This is one of the best times for
[travelling,traveling] overseas, or having visitors from far-off places come to

- hard aspects

#Jupiter Opposition Moon

Family and domestic matters seem to go well at this time and buying or selling
real-estate, or moving home is [favoured,favored]. Even if ^you don't/he
doesn't/she doesn't^ move house or invest in property, this is an excellent time
for making improvements to ^your/his/her^ home, such as alterations and
redecorating. On the personal front, ^you/he/she^ can expect to relate well to
people now; ^you/he/she^ will seem to have an instinct for others' needs. Women can
be beneficial in ^your/his/her^ life at the moment.

#Jupiter Square Moon

Family and domestic matters seem to go well at this time and buying or selling
real-estate, or moving home is [favoured,favored]. Even if ^you don't/he
doesn't/she doesn't^ move house or invest in property, this is an excellent time
for making improvements to ^your/his/her^ home, such as alterations and
redecorating. On the personal front, ^you/he/she^ can expect to relate well to
people now; ^you/he/she^ will seem to have an instinct for others' needs. Women can
be beneficial in ^your/his/her^ life at the moment.

#Jupiter SemiSquare Moon

Family and domestic matters seem to go well at this time and buying or selling
real-estate, or moving home is [favoured,favored]. Even if ^you don't/he
doesn't/she doesn't^ move house or invest in property, this is an excellent time
for making improvements to ^your/his/her^ home, such as alterations and
redecorating. On the personal front, ^you/he/she^ can expect to relate well to
people now; ^you/he/she^ will seem to have an instinct for others' needs. Women can
be beneficial in ^your/his/her^ life at the moment.

#Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Moon

Family and domestic matters seem to go well at this time and buying or selling
real-estate, or moving home is [favoured,favored]. Even if ^you don't/he
doesn't/she doesn't^ move house or invest in property, this is an excellent time
for making improvements to ^your/his/her^ home, such as alterations and
redecorating. On the personal front, ^you/he/she^ can expect to relate well to
people now; ^you/he/she^ will seem to have an instinct for others' needs. Women can
be beneficial in ^your/his/her^ life at the moment.

#Jupiter Quincunx Moon

Family and domestic matters seem to go well at this time and buying or selling
real-estate, or moving home is [favoured,favored]. Even if ^you don't/he
doesn't/she doesn't^ move house or invest in property, this is an excellent time
for making improvements to ^your/his/her^ home, such as alterations and
redecorating. On the personal front, ^you/he/she^ can expect to relate well to
people now; ^you/he/she^ will seem to have an instinct for others' needs. Women can
be beneficial in ^your/his/her^ life at the moment.

--- Jupiter.Mercury

- conjunction

#Jupiter Conjunct Mercury

^Your/His/Her^ belief in ^yourself and your/himself and his/herself and her^
abilities are accentuated now, and just about anything ^you set your/he sets
his/she sets her^ mind on - within reason - is [realisable,realizable].
^Your/His/Her^ thinking is positive and confident. This is an excellent time for
making important decisions about any matters affecting either ^your/his/her^
personal or professional life.

- soft aspects
#Jupiter Trine Mercury
^Your/His/Her^ thinking is positive and optimistic now. It is an excellent time for
making long-term plans and decisions. Business matters should go well, because
^your/his/her^ ability to negotiate with others is easier now than at other times.

#Jupiter Sextile Mercury

^Your/His/Her^ thinking is positive and optimistic now. It is an excellent time for
making long-term plans and decisions. Business matters should go well, because
^your/his/her^ ability to negotiate with others is easier now than at other times.

- hard aspects

#Jupiter Opposition Mercury

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ motivated by the urge to expand
^your/his/her^ outlooks on life and broaden ^your/his/her^ horizons. This could be
a good time to improve ^your/his/her^ career prospects, especially in areas related
to communication, language, commerce or law. There may be a need to guard against
fraud or dishonesty.

#Jupiter Square Mercury

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ motivated by the urge to expand
^your/his/her^ outlooks on life and broaden ^your/his/her^ horizons. This could be
a good time to improve ^your/his/her^ career prospects, especially in areas related
to communication, language, commerce or law. There may be a need to guard against
fraud or dishonesty.

#Jupiter SemiSquare Mercury

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ motivated by the urge to expand
^your/his/her^ outlooks on life and broaden ^your/his/her^ horizons. This could be
a good time to improve ^your/his/her^ career prospects, especially in areas related
to communication, language, commerce or law. There may be a need to guard against
fraud or dishonesty.

#Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Mercury

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ motivated by the urge to expand
^your/his/her^ outlooks on life and broaden ^your/his/her^ horizons. This could be
a good time to improve ^your/his/her^ career prospects, especially in areas related
to communication, language, commerce or law. There may be a need to guard against
fraud or dishonesty.

#Jupiter Quincunx Mercury

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ motivated by the urge to expand
^your/his/her^ outlooks on life and broaden ^your/his/her^ horizons. This could be
a good time to improve ^your/his/her^ career prospects, especially in areas related
to communication, language, commerce or law. There may be a need to guard against
fraud or dishonesty.

--- Jupiter.Venus

- conjunction

#Jupiter Conjunct Venus

^You/He/She^ can expect to feel happy and in harmony with
^yourself/himself/herself^ and others at this time. ^Your/His/Her^ social life may
become a whirl of activity, as ^you find yourself/he finds himself/she finds
herself^ in increasing demand. Romantic affairs are well-aspected. Any new romances
started now will fare very well and existing relationships will seem happier than
normal. ^Your/His/Her^ appreciation of the arts is boosted now.

- soft aspects
#Jupiter Trine Venus
Jupiter in harmonious aspect to Venus can make for a pleasant and relaxing
interval. Romantic affairs are well-aspected. Any new romances started now will
fare very well and existing relationships will seem happier than normal.
^Your/His/Her^ appreciation of the arts is boosted now.

#Jupiter Sextile Venus

Jupiter in harmonious aspect to Venus can make for a pleasant and relaxing
interval. Romantic affairs are well-aspected. Any new romances started now will
fare very well and existing relationships will seem happier than normal.
^Your/His/Her^ appreciation of the arts is boosted now.

- hard aspects

#Jupiter Opposition Venus

Matters of the heart feature more strongly now than usual. ^You/He/She^ may become
the object of someone's romantic inclinations, or ^you/he/she^ could be smitten
with another. If ^you are/he is/she is^ artistically inclined, this can be a
successful creative period for ^you/him/her^, with ^your/his/her^ work being
acknowledged and respected by others. Guard against romantic dishonesty or
conflicts in love.
#Jupiter Square Venus
Matters of the heart feature more strongly now than usual. ^You/He/She^ may become
the object of someone's romantic inclinations, or ^you/he/she^ could be smitten
with another. If ^you are/he is/she is^ artistically inclined, this can be a
successful creative period for ^you/him/her^, with ^your/his/her^ work being
acknowledged and respected by others. Guard against romantic dishonesty or
conflicts in love.

#Jupiter SemiSquare Venus

Matters of the heart feature more strongly now than usual. ^You/He/She^ may become
the object of someone's romantic inclinations, or ^you/he/she^ could be smitten
with another. If ^you are/he is/she is^ artistically inclined, this can be a
successful creative period for ^you/him/her^, with ^your/his/her^ work being
acknowledged and respected by others. Guard against romantic dishonesty or
conflicts in love.

#Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Venus

Matters of the heart feature more strongly now than usual. ^You/He/She^ may become
the object of someone's romantic inclinations, or ^you/he/she^ could be smitten
with another. If ^you are/he is/she is^ artistically inclined, this can be a
successful creative period for ^you/him/her^, with ^your/his/her^ work being
acknowledged and respected by others. Guard against romantic dishonesty or
conflicts in love.

#Jupiter Quincunx Venus

Matters of the heart feature more strongly now than usual. ^You/He/She^ may become
the object of someone's romantic inclinations, or ^you/he/she^ could be smitten
with another. If ^you are/he is/she is^ artistically inclined, this can be a
successful creative period for ^you/him/her^, with ^your/his/her^ work being
acknowledged and respected by others. Guard against romantic dishonesty or
conflicts in love.

--- Jupiter.Mars

- conjunction

#Jupiter Conjunct Mars

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the capability to break records, if
^you put your/he puts his/she puts her^ mind to it. ^You have/He has/She has^
increased energy, coupled with an accentuated desire to accomplish great things.

- soft aspects

#Jupiter Trine Mars

^Your/His/Her^ sense of timing is very good now and, as luck will seem to have it,
^you/he/she^ will probably conveniently find ^yourself/himself/herself^ in the
right place at the right time. Relations with others can improve now and any
disputes can be sorted out to the best of their ability.

#Jupiter Sextile Mars

^Your/His/Her^ sense of timing is very good now and, as luck will seem to have it,
^you/he/she^ will probably conveniently find ^yourself/himself/herself^ in the
right place at the right time. Relations with others can improve now and any
disputes can be sorted out to the best of their ability.

- hard aspects

#Jupiter Opposition Mars

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the capability to break records, if
^you put your/he puts his/she puts her^ mind to it. ^You have/He has/She has^
increased energy, coupled with an accentuated desire to accomplish great things.
There may be philosophical or legal conflicts.

#Jupiter Square Mars

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the capability to break records, if
^you put your/he puts his/she puts her^ mind to it. ^You have/He has/She has^
increased energy, coupled with an accentuated desire to accomplish great things.
There may be philosophical or legal conflicts.

#Jupiter SemiSquare Mars

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the capability to break records, if
^you put your/he puts his/she puts her^ mind to it. ^You have/He has/She has^
increased energy, coupled with an accentuated desire to accomplish great things.
There may be philosophical or legal conflicts.

#Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Mars

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the capability to break records, if
^you put your/he puts his/she puts her^ mind to it. ^You have/He has/She has^
increased energy, coupled with an accentuated desire to accomplish great things.
There may be philosophical or legal conflicts.

#Jupiter Quincunx Mars

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the capability to break records, if
^you put your/he puts his/she puts her^ mind to it. ^You have/He has/She has^
increased energy, coupled with an accentuated desire to accomplish great things.
There may be philosophical or legal conflicts.

--- Jupiter.Jupiter

- conjunction

#Jupiter Conjunct Jupiter

Expect ^your/his/her^ understanding of the world to broaden - this may be
experienced through such things as long-distance travel, higher education, or
simply by being more outreaching and embracing of life and others. Business and
financial investments usually can do well under this influence.

- soft aspects

#Jupiter Trine Jupiter

Travel, legal, business or financial matters are all well-aspected now. In general,
this should be an easy and pleasant period.
#Jupiter Sextile Jupiter
Travel, legal, business or financial matters are all well-aspected now. In general,
this should be an easy and pleasant period.

- hard aspects

#Jupiter Opposition Jupiter

During this period, ^you/he/she^ will tend to view life more positively and
optimistically than usual. Expect ^your/his/her^ understanding of the world to
broaden - this may be experienced through such things as long-distance travel,
higher education, or simply by being more outreaching and embracing of life and

#Jupiter Square Jupiter

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the capability to break records, if
^you put your/he puts his/she puts her^ mind to it. ^You have/He has/She has^
increased energy, coupled with an accentuated desire to accomplish great things.
There may be philosophical or legal conflicts. However, there is a need to caution
against extending ^your/his/her^ scope of activity beyond what ^you/he/she^ can
reasonably manage - or of losing ^your/his/her^ sense of perspective. Keep a sense
of [humour,humor] and others will respond in kind.

#Jupiter SemiSquare Jupiter

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the capability to break records, if
^you put your/he puts his/she puts her^ mind to it. ^You have/He has/She has^
increased energy, coupled with an accentuated desire to accomplish great things.
There may be philosophical or legal conflicts. However, there is a need to caution
against extending ^your/his/her^ scope of activity beyond what ^you/he/she^ can
reasonably manage - or of losing ^your/his/her^ sense of perspective. Keep a sense
of [humour,humor] and others will respond in kind.

#Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Jupiter

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the capability to break records, if
^you put your/he puts his/she puts her^ mind to it. ^You have/He has/She has^
increased energy, coupled with an accentuated desire to accomplish great things.
There may be philosophical or legal conflicts. However, there is a need to caution
against extending ^your/his/her^ scope of activity beyond what ^you/he/she^ can
reasonably manage - or of losing ^your/his/her^ sense of perspective. Keep a sense
of [humour,humor] and others will respond in kind.

#Jupiter Quincunx Jupiter

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the capability to break records, if
^you put your/he puts his/she puts her^ mind to it. ^You have/He has/She has^
increased energy, coupled with an accentuated desire to accomplish great things.
There may be philosophical or legal conflicts. However, there is a need to caution
against extending ^your/his/her^ scope of activity beyond what ^you/he/she^ can
reasonably manage - or of losing ^your/his/her^ sense of perspective. Keep a sense
of [humour,humor] and others will respond in kind.

--- Jupiter.Saturn

- conjunction
#Jupiter Conjunct Saturn
Advancement in life at this time seems slow or cumbersome and everything ^you
want/he wants/she wants^ to achieve appears to take a lot more effort than usual.
Any progress ^you make/he makes/she makes^ comes at a price and it will probably
feel that life is moving along at the rate of three steps forward and two steps
back. Also, there can be temporary setbacks and possible financial constraints or
worries. At an inner level, ^you are/he is/she is^ likely to feel dissatisfied and
less confident.

- soft aspects

#Jupiter Trine Saturn

Whatever ^you apply yourself/he applies himself/she applies herself^ to now - be it
^your/his/her^ work, buying and selling, or business activity - ^you/he/she^ will
demonstrate good common sense and a responsible and practical attitude.

#Jupiter Sextile Saturn

Whatever ^you apply yourself/he applies himself/she applies herself^ to now - be it
^your/his/her^ work, buying and selling, or business activity - ^you/he/she^ will
demonstrate good common sense and a responsible and practical attitude.

- hard aspects

#Jupiter Opposition Saturn

Advancement in life at this time seems slow or cumbersome and everything ^you
want/he wants/she wants^ to achieve appears to take a lot more effort than usual.
Any progress ^you make/he makes/she makes^ comes at a price and it will probably
feel that life is moving along at the rate of three steps forward and two steps
back. Also, there can be temporary setbacks and possible financial constraints or
worries. At an inner level, ^you are/he is/she is^ likely to feel dissatisfied and
less confident.

#Jupiter Square Saturn

Advancement in life at this time seems slow or cumbersome and everything ^you
want/he wants/she wants^ to achieve appears to take a lot more effort than usual.
Any progress ^you make/he makes/she makes^ comes at a price and it will probably
feel that life is moving along at the rate of three steps forward and two steps
back. Also, there can be temporary setbacks and possible financial constraints or
worries. At an inner level, ^you are/he is/she is^ likely to feel dissatisfied and
less confident.

#Jupiter SemiSquare Saturn

Advancement in life at this time seems slow or cumbersome and everything ^you
want/he wants/she wants^ to achieve appears to take a lot more effort than usual.
Any progress ^you make/he makes/she makes^ comes at a price and it will probably
feel that life is moving along at the rate of three steps forward and two steps
back. Also, there can be temporary setbacks and possible financial constraints or
worries. At an inner level, ^you are/he is/she is^ likely to feel dissatisfied and
less confident.

#Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Saturn

Advancement in life at this time seems slow or cumbersome and everything ^you
want/he wants/she wants^ to achieve appears to take a lot more effort than usual.
Any progress ^you make/he makes/she makes^ comes at a price and it will probably
feel that life is moving along at the rate of three steps forward and two steps
back. Also, there can be temporary setbacks and possible financial constraints or
worries. At an inner level, ^you are/he is/she is^ likely to feel dissatisfied and
less confident.

#Jupiter Quincunx Saturn

Advancement in life at this time seems slow or cumbersome and everything ^you
want/he wants/she wants^ to achieve appears to take a lot more effort than usual.
Any progress ^you make/he makes/she makes^ comes at a price and it will probably
feel that life is moving along at the rate of three steps forward and two steps
back. Also, there can be temporary setbacks and possible financial constraints or
worries. At an inner level, ^you are/he is/she is^ likely to feel dissatisfied and
less confident.

--- Jupiter.Uranus

- conjunction

#Jupiter Conjunct Uranus

Positively, this is a period in which sudden opportunities could present themselves
and offer ^you/him/her^ the chance to break out of old routines and experience new
things. For instance, ^you/he/she^ may have to suddenly contend with new living or
working conditions, or ^you/he/she^ may meet someone who influences ^you/him/her^

- soft aspects

#Jupiter Trine Uranus

During this period ^your/his/her^ mind is open to the idea of experimentation and
discovery; ^you/he/she^ could travel, start a new course of study or rally support
for a revolutionary cause. ^You/He/She^ could use this period for learning
something new, like a foreign language or a useful skill. ^Your/His/Her^ powers of
comprehension are accentuated at this time, enabling ^you/him/her^ to understand
things more quickly than usual.

#Jupiter Sextile Uranus

During this period ^your/his/her^ mind is open to the idea of experimentation and
discovery; ^you/he/she^ could travel, start a new course of study or rally support
for a revolutionary cause. ^You/He/She^ could use this period for learning
something new, like a foreign language or a useful skill. ^Your/His/Her^ powers of
comprehension are accentuated at this time, enabling ^you/him/her^ to understand
things more quickly than usual.

- hard aspects

#Jupiter Opposition Uranus

Positively, this is a period in which sudden opportunities could present themselves
and offer ^you/him/her^ the chance to break out of old routines and experience new
things. For instance, ^you/he/she^ may have to suddenly contend with new living or
working conditions, or ^you/he/she^ may meet someone who influences ^you/him/her^
profoundly. Negatively, there can be sudden reversals of fortune.
#Jupiter Square Uranus
Positively, this is a period in which sudden opportunities could present themselves
and offer ^you/him/her^ the chance to break out of old routines and experience new
things. For instance, ^you/he/she^ may have to suddenly contend with new living or
working conditions, or ^you/he/she^ may meet someone who influences ^you/him/her^
profoundly. Negatively, there can be sudden reversals of fortune.

#Jupiter SemiSquare Uranus

Positively, this is a period in which sudden opportunities could present themselves
and offer ^you/him/her^ the chance to break out of old routines and experience new
things. For instance, ^you/he/she^ may have to suddenly contend with new living or
working conditions, or ^you/he/she^ may meet someone who influences ^you/him/her^
profoundly. Negatively, there can be sudden reversals of fortune.

#Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Uranus

Positively, this is a period in which sudden opportunities could present themselves
and offer ^you/him/her^ the chance to break out of old routines and experience new
things. For instance, ^you/he/she^ may have to suddenly contend with new living or
working conditions, or ^you/he/she^ may meet someone who influences ^you/him/her^
profoundly. Negatively, there can be sudden reversals of fortune.

#Jupiter Quincunx Uranus

Positively, this is a period in which sudden opportunities could present themselves
and offer ^you/him/her^ the chance to break out of old routines and experience new
things. For instance, ^you/he/she^ may have to suddenly contend with new living or
working conditions, or ^you/he/she^ may meet someone who influences ^you/him/her^
profoundly. Negatively, there can be sudden reversals of fortune.

--- Jupiter.Neptune

- conjunction

#Jupiter Conjunct Neptune

At this time, ^you are/he is/she is^ especially susceptible to external influences
and prone to seduction. ^You are/He is/She is^ at risk from viewing life and others
through "rose-tinted glasses". ^You need/He needs/She needs^ to take particular
care with "sure bets" and "get-rich-quick schemes", because there is a very real
danger now that ^your/his/her^ ability to make financial [judgements,judgments] is
seriously impaired. ^Your/His/Her^ interest in metaphysical subjects is likely to
grow now and ^you/he/she^ may experience unusual insights. If ^you are/he is/she
is^ in any way musical, artistic or creative, ^you/he/she^ can expect your powers
of inspiration and imagination to increase. Travel under this influence is usually

- soft aspects

#Jupiter Trine Neptune

^Your/His/Her^ inner and spiritual life is enhanced now, more so than at just about
any other time. ^You have/He has/She has^ a great wealth of feeling and compassion,
coupled with a deep and sincere desire to look after or help those in need.
^Your/His/Her^ interest in metaphysical subjects is likely to grow now and
^you/he/she^ may experience unusual insights. If ^you are/he is/she is^ in any way
musical, artistic or creative, ^you/he/she^ can expect your powers of inspiration
and imagination to increase. Travel under this influence is usually beneficial.

#Jupiter Sextile Neptune

^Your/His/Her^ inner and spiritual life is enhanced now, more so than at just about
any other time. ^You have/He has/She has^ a great wealth of feeling and compassion,
coupled with a deep and sincere desire to look after or help those in need.
^Your/His/Her^ interest in metaphysical subjects is likely to grow now and
^you/he/she^ may experience unusual insights. If ^you are/he is/she is^ in any way
musical, artistic or creative, ^you/he/she^ can expect your powers of inspiration
and imagination to increase. Travel under this influence is usually beneficial.

- hard aspects

#Jupiter Opposition Neptune

At this time, ^you are/he is/she is^ especially susceptible to external influences
and prone to seduction. ^You are/He is/She is^ at risk from viewing life and others
through "rose-tinted glasses". ^You need/He needs/She needs^ to take particular
care with "sure bets" and "get-rich-quick schemes", because there is a very real
danger now that ^your/his/her^ ability to make financial [judgements,judgments] is
seriously impaired. ^Your/His/Her^ interest in metaphysical subjects is likely to
grow now and ^you/he/she^ may experience unusual insights. If ^you are/he is/she
is^ in any way musical, artistic or creative, ^you/he/she^ can expect your powers
of inspiration and imagination to increase.

#Jupiter Square Neptune

At this time, ^you are/he is/she is^ especially susceptible to external influences
and prone to seduction. ^You are/He is/She is^ at risk from viewing life and others
through "rose-tinted glasses". ^You need/He needs/She needs^ to take particular
care with "sure bets" and "get-rich-quick schemes", because there is a very real
danger now that ^your/his/her^ ability to make financial [judgements,judgments] is
seriously impaired. ^Your/His/Her^ interest in metaphysical subjects is likely to
grow now and ^you/he/she^ may experience unusual insights. If ^you are/he is/she
is^ in any way musical, artistic or creative, ^you/he/she^ can expect your powers
of inspiration and imagination to increase.

#Jupiter SemiSquare Neptune

At this time, ^you are/he is/she is^ especially susceptible to external influences
and prone to seduction. ^You are/He is/She is^ at risk from viewing life and others
through "rose-tinted glasses". ^You need/He needs/She needs^ to take particular
care with "sure bets" and "get-rich-quick schemes", because there is a very real
danger now that ^your/his/her^ ability to make financial [judgements,judgments] is
seriously impaired. ^Your/His/Her^ interest in metaphysical subjects is likely to
grow now and ^you/he/she^ may experience unusual insights. If ^you are/he is/she
is^ in any way musical, artistic or creative, ^you/he/she^ can expect your powers
of inspiration and imagination to increase.

#Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Neptune

At this time, ^you are/he is/she is^ especially susceptible to external influences
and prone to seduction. ^You are/He is/She is^ at risk from viewing life and others
through "rose-tinted glasses". ^You need/He needs/She needs^ to take particular
care with "sure bets" and "get-rich-quick schemes", because there is a very real
danger now that ^your/his/her^ ability to make financial [judgements,judgments] is
seriously impaired. ^Your/His/Her^ interest in metaphysical subjects is likely to
grow now and ^you/he/she^ may experience unusual insights. If ^you are/he is/she
is^ in any way musical, artistic or creative, ^you/he/she^ can expect your powers
of inspiration and imagination to increase.

#Jupiter Quincunx Neptune

At this time, ^you are/he is/she is^ especially susceptible to external influences
and prone to seduction. ^You are/He is/She is^ at risk from viewing life and others
through "rose-tinted glasses". ^You need/He needs/She needs^ to take particular
care with "sure bets" and "get-rich-quick schemes", because there is a very real
danger now that ^your/his/her^ ability to make financial [judgements,judgments] is
seriously impaired. ^Your/His/Her^ interest in metaphysical subjects is likely to
grow now and ^you/he/she^ may experience unusual insights. If ^you are/he is/she
is^ in any way musical, artistic or creative, ^you/he/she^ can expect your powers
of inspiration and imagination to increase.

--- Jupiter.Pluto

- conjunction

#Jupiter Conjunct Pluto

At this time, ^you have/he has/she has^ a powerful urge to make ^your/his/her^ mark
- by whatever means necessary. This is a potent configuration, which requires
careful handling because the potential for success is great, but so too is the risk
of disaster if ^you over-estimate yourself/he over-estimates himself/she over-
estimates herself^ and ^your/his/her^ abilities.

- soft aspects

#Jupiter Trine Pluto

During this period ^you/he/she^ may change ^your/his/her^ opinions and
philosophical outlooks for the better. This is an excellent time to instigate or
participate in reforms.

#Jupiter Sextile Pluto

During this period ^you/he/she^ may change ^your/his/her^ opinions and
philosophical outlooks for the better. This is an excellent time to instigate or
participate in reforms.

- hard aspects

#Jupiter Opposition Pluto

At this time, ^you have/he has/she has^ a powerful urge to make ^your/his/her^ mark
- by whatever means necessary. This is a potent configuration, which requires
careful handling because the potential for success is great, but so too is the risk
of disaster if ^you over-estimate yourself/he over-estimates himself/she over-
estimates herself^ and ^your/his/her^ abilities.

#Jupiter Square Pluto

At this time, ^you have/he has/she has^ a powerful urge to make ^your/his/her^ mark
- by whatever means necessary. This is a potent configuration, which requires
careful handling because the potential for success is great, but so too is the risk
of disaster if ^you over-estimate yourself/he over-estimates himself/she over-
estimates herself^ and ^your/his/her^ abilities.

#Jupiter SemiSquare Pluto

At this time, ^you have/he has/she has^ a powerful urge to make ^your/his/her^ mark
- by whatever means necessary. This is a potent configuration, which requires
careful handling because the potential for success is great, but so too is the risk
of disaster if ^you over-estimate yourself/he over-estimates himself/she over-
estimates herself^ and ^your/his/her^ abilities.

#Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Pluto

At this time, ^you have/he has/she has^ a powerful urge to make ^your/his/her^ mark
- by whatever means necessary. This is a potent configuration, which requires
careful handling because the potential for success is great, but so too is the risk
of disaster if ^you over-estimate yourself/he over-estimates himself/she over-
estimates herself^ and ^your/his/her^ abilities.

#Jupiter Quincunx Pluto

At this time, ^you have/he has/she has^ a powerful urge to make ^your/his/her^ mark
- by whatever means necessary. This is a potent configuration, which requires
careful handling because the potential for success is great, but so too is the risk
of disaster if ^you over-estimate yourself/he over-estimates himself/she over-
estimates herself^ and ^your/his/her^ abilities.

--- Jupiter.Moon's North Node

- conjunction

#Jupiter Conjunct Moon's North Node

This is one of the best periods for making contact with people, either for social
or professional purposes. Important relationships may be established now.

- soft aspects

#Jupiter Trine Moon's North Node

Relationships and group activities seem to be relatively free of conflict or
discord during this period. ^You find/He finds/She finds^ it easy to get along with
others now and any new contacts established at this time are likely to have
beneficial outcomes.

#Jupiter Sextile Moon's North Node

Relationships and group activities seem to be relatively free of conflict or
discord during this period. ^You find/He finds/She finds^ it easy to get along with
others now and any new contacts established at this time are likely to have
beneficial outcomes.

- hard aspects

#Jupiter Opposition Moon's North Node

This is one of the best periods for making contact with people, either for social
or professional purposes. Important relationships may be established now.
Alternatively, there can be difficulties in associations through tactlessness or
anti-social [behaviour,behavior].

#Jupiter Square Moon's North Node

This is one of the best periods for making contact with people, either for social
or professional purposes. Important relationships may be established now.
Alternatively, there can be difficulties in associations through tactlessness or
anti-social [behaviour,behavior].

#Jupiter SemiSquare Moon's North Node

This is one of the best periods for making contact with people, either for social
or professional purposes. Important relationships may be established now.
Alternatively, there can be difficulties in associations through tactlessness or
anti-social [behaviour,behavior].

#Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Moon's North Node

This is one of the best periods for making contact with people, either for social
or professional purposes. Important relationships may be established now.
Alternatively, there can be difficulties in associations through tactlessness or
anti-social [behaviour,behavior].

#Jupiter Quincunx Moon's North Node

This is one of the best periods for making contact with people, either for social
or professional purposes. Important relationships may be established now.
Alternatively, there can be difficulties in associations through tactlessness or
anti-social [behaviour,behavior].

--- Jupiter.Ascendant

- conjunction

#Jupiter Conjunct Ascendant

People of importance may come into ^your/his/her^ life now; certainly there will be
people around ^you/him/her^ that [favour,favor] ^you/him/her^. Also, it is an
excellent time for improving ^your/his/her^ environmental conditions; ^you/he/she^
could move house or make positive alterations to ^your/his/her^ existing home.
Business or professional relationships prosper under this influence. Travel is
usually a pleasant experience now.

- soft aspects

#Jupiter Trine Ascendant

This is likely to be a pleasant period in ^your/his/her^ life with respect to
social activity and meeting people. Contacts are made effortlessly and, in some
circumstances, new relationships or long-lasting friendships are formed now.

#Jupiter Sextile Ascendant

This is likely to be a pleasant period in ^your/his/her^ life with respect to
social activity and meeting people. Contacts are made effortlessly and, in some
circumstances, new relationships or long-lasting friendships are formed now.
- hard aspects

#Jupiter Opposition Ascendant

During this period ^your/his/her^ personal and professional relationships should
take a noticeable turn for the better. ^You are/He is/She is^ more open to the
influence of others now and people will seem [favourably,favorably] disposed
towards ^you/him/her^. There are opportunities for joint [endeavours,endeavors],
which will prove to be mutually beneficial in the long run. If other factors in
^your/his/her^ chart support it, ^you/he/she^ could establish an important personal
relationship under this influence.

#Jupiter Square Ascendant

During this period ^your/his/her^ personal and professional relationships should
take a noticeable turn for the better; however ^you/he/she^ will need to be
adaptable with others in order to get the best results. ^You are/He is/She is^ more
open to the influence of others now, and people will seem [favourably,favorably]
disposed towards ^you/him/her^. There are opportunities for joint
[endeavours,endeavors], which will prove to be mutually beneficial in the long run.

#Jupiter SemiSquare Ascendant

During this period ^your/his/her^ personal and professional relationships should
take a noticeable turn for the better; however ^you/he/she^ will need to be
adaptable with others in order to get the best results. ^You are/He is/She is^ more
open to the influence of others now, and people will seem [favourably,favorably]
disposed towards ^you/him/her^. There are opportunities for joint
[endeavours,endeavors], which will prove to be mutually beneficial in the long run.

#Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Ascendant

During this period ^your/his/her^ personal and professional relationships should
take a noticeable turn for the better; however ^you/he/she^ will need to be
adaptable with others in order to get the best results. ^You are/He is/She is^ more
open to the influence of others now, and people will seem [favourably,favorably]
disposed towards ^you/him/her^. There are opportunities for joint
[endeavours,endeavors], which will prove to be mutually beneficial in the long run.

#Jupiter Quincunx Ascendant

During this period ^your/his/her^ personal and professional relationships should
take a noticeable turn for the better; however ^you/he/she^ will need to be
adaptable with others in order to get the best results. ^You are/He is/She is^ more
open to the influence of others now, and people will seem [favourably,favorably]
disposed towards ^you/him/her^. There are opportunities for joint
[endeavours,endeavors], which will prove to be mutually beneficial in the long run.

--- Jupiter.Midheaven

- conjunction

#Jupiter Conjunct Midheaven

During this period ^you hit/he hits/she hits^ a high mark - most likely in a career
or some area of personal significance. Anticipate professional success of some
measure, perhaps even a promotion. An increase in ^your/his/her^ status is likely
now. On the personal front, ^you/he/she^ may form a connection with someone

- soft aspects

#Jupiter Trine Midheaven

This is likely to be a pleasant period in ^your/his/her^ life with respect to
social activity and meeting people of good reputation. ^You/He/She^ could come into
contact with influential people, who may be able to assist ^you in your/him in
his/her in her^ career or some area of personal significance.

#Jupiter Sextile Midheaven

This is likely to be a pleasant period in ^your/his/her^ life with respect to
social activity and meeting people of good reputation. ^You/He/She^ could come into
contact with influential people, who may be able to assist ^you in your/him in
his/her in her^ career or some area of personal significance.

- hard aspects

#Jupiter Opposition Midheaven

The two areas in ^your/his/her^ life requiring attention now are ^your/his/her^
career and home-life, with the emphasis being on the home-life. Domestic matters
are of primary importance, and if anything needs tidying up here, such as disputes
within the family, this is the time to do it.

#Jupiter Square Midheaven

At this time, ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to make progress in
^your/his/her^ career or in some other area of personal significance. By displaying
a confident and optimistic attitude ^you/he/she^ can attract the positive attention
of those who can help ^you/him/her^ to advance. ^You are/He is/She is^ likely to
feel more ambitious than usual now.

#Jupiter SemiSquare Midheaven

At this time, ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to make progress in
^your/his/her^ career or in some other area of personal significance. By displaying
a confident and optimistic attitude ^you/he/she^ can attract the positive attention
of those who can help ^you/him/her^ to advance. ^You are/He is/She is^ likely to
feel more ambitious than usual now.

#Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Midheaven

At this time, ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to make progress in
^your/his/her^ career or in some other area of personal significance. By displaying
a confident and optimistic attitude ^you/he/she^ can attract the positive attention
of those who can help ^you/him/her^ to advance. ^You are/He is/She is^ likely to
feel more ambitious than usual now.

#Jupiter Quincunx Midheaven

At this time, ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to make progress in
^your/his/her^ career or in some other area of personal significance. By displaying
a confident and optimistic attitude ^you/he/she^ can attract the positive attention
of those who can help ^you/him/her^ to advance. ^You are/He is/She is^ likely to
feel more ambitious than usual now.

--- Saturn.Sun

- conjunction

#Saturn Conjunct Sun

This can be a trying and discouraging time in ^your/his/her^ life. ^Your/His/Her^
get-up-and-go is low and just about everything ^you try/he tries/she tries^ to do
is met with delays and obstructions. ^You/He/She^ may need a health check,
especially if ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ physically drained. In certain
circumstances, estrangements or separations can occur.

- soft aspects

#Saturn Trine Sun

There is much ^you/he/she^ can achieve at this time if ^you put your/he puts
his/she puts her^ mind to it and ^apply yourself/applies himself/applies herself^.
^Your/His/Her^ self-control and self-discipline are in good shape. Successes are
possible through patience and perseverance, coupled with a realistic sense of
what's achievable.

#Saturn Sextile Sun

There is much ^you/he/she^ can achieve at this time if ^you put your/he puts
his/she puts her^ mind to it and ^apply yourself/applies himself/applies herself^.
^Your/His/Her^ self-control and self-discipline are in good shape. Successes are
possible through patience and perseverance, coupled with a realistic sense of
what's achievable.

- hard aspects

#Saturn Opposition Sun

This can be a trying and discouraging time in ^your/his/her^ life. ^Your/His/Her^
get-up-and-go is low and just about everything ^you try/he tries/she tries^ to do
is met with delays and obstructions. ^You/He/She^ may need a health check,
especially if ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ physically drained. In certain
circumstances, estrangements or separations can occur.

#Saturn Square Sun

This can be a trying and discouraging time in ^your/his/her^ life. ^Your/His/Her^
get-up-and-go is low and just about everything ^you try/he tries/she tries^ to do
is met with delays and obstructions. ^You/He/She^ may need a health check,
especially if ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ physically drained. In certain
circumstances, estrangements or separations can occur.

#Saturn SemiSquare Sun

This can be a trying and discouraging time in ^your/his/her^ life. ^Your/His/Her^
get-up-and-go is low and just about everything ^you try/he tries/she tries^ to do
is met with delays and obstructions. ^You/He/She^ may need a health check,
especially if ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ physically drained. In certain
circumstances, estrangements or separations can occur.
#Saturn Sesquiquadrate Sun
This can be a trying and discouraging time in ^your/his/her^ life. ^Your/His/Her^
get-up-and-go is low and just about everything ^you try/he tries/she tries^ to do
is met with delays and obstructions. ^You/He/She^ may need a health check,
especially if ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ physically drained. In certain
circumstances, estrangements or separations can occur.

#Saturn Quincunx Sun

This can be a trying and discouraging time in ^your/his/her^ life. ^Your/His/Her^
get-up-and-go is low and just about everything ^you try/he tries/she tries^ to do
is met with delays and obstructions. ^You/He/She^ may need a health check,
especially if ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ physically drained. In certain
circumstances, estrangements or separations can occur.

--- Saturn.Moon

- conjunction

#Saturn Conjunct Moon

This can be a trying time for ^you/him/her^ emotionally; ^your/his/her^ feelings
are being kept in check by the demands of routine responsibilities, which may seem
heavier than usual. Sometimes, emotional connections can be terminated at this
time. There may be difficulties with women or worries within the family.

- soft aspects

#Saturn Trine Moon

Steady as she goes is way to go for now, in regard to ^your/his/her^ emotional and
home life. ^You feel/He feels/She feels^ quite at ease with
^yourself/himself/herself^ and capable of handling most anything that comes
^your/his/her^ way. Occasional periods of solitude may be beneficial.

#Saturn Sextile Moon

Steady as she goes is way to go for now, in regard to ^your/his/her^ emotional and
home life. ^You feel/He feels/She feels^ quite at ease with
^yourself/himself/herself^ and capable of handling most anything that comes
^your/his/her^ way. Occasional periods of solitude may be beneficial.

- hard aspects

#Saturn Opposition Moon

This can be a trying time for ^you/him/her^ emotionally; ^your/his/her^ feelings
are being kept in check by the demands of routine responsibilities, which may seem
heavier than usual. Sometimes, emotional connections can be terminated at this
time. There may be difficulties with women or worries within the family.

#Saturn Square Moon

This can be a trying time for ^you/him/her^ emotionally; ^your/his/her^ feelings
are being kept in check by the demands of routine responsibilities, which may seem
heavier than usual. Sometimes, emotional connections can be terminated at this
time. There may be difficulties with women or worries within the family.

#Saturn SemiSquare Moon

This can be a trying time for ^you/him/her^ emotionally; ^your/his/her^ feelings
are being kept in check by the demands of routine responsibilities, which may seem
heavier than usual. Sometimes, emotional connections can be terminated at this
time. There may be difficulties with women or worries within the family.

#Saturn Sesquiquadrate Moon

This can be a trying time for ^you/him/her^ emotionally; ^your/his/her^ feelings
are being kept in check by the demands of routine responsibilities, which may seem
heavier than usual. Sometimes, emotional connections can be terminated at this
time. There may be difficulties with women or worries within the family.

#Saturn Quincunx Moon

This can be a trying time for ^you/him/her^ emotionally; ^your/his/her^ feelings
are being kept in check by the demands of routine responsibilities, which may seem
heavier than usual. Sometimes, emotional connections can be terminated at this
time. There may be difficulties with women or worries within the family.

--- Saturn.Mercury

- conjunction

#Saturn Conjunct Mercury

During this period ^your/his/her^ thinking is more serious or solemn than usual,
and ^your/his/her^ mind is occupied with weighty and important matters. Positively,
^you have/he has/she has^ good powers of concentration, coupled with the ability to
stay focused on any matter under consideration or discussion.

- soft aspects

#Saturn Trine Mercury

During this period, ^your/his/her^ mind is steady and unchangeable. ^You have/He
has/She has^ good powers of concentration, coupled with the ability to stay focused
on any matter under consideration or discussion. ^Your/His/Her^ thinking is
practical and realistic and ^you have/he has/she has^ good problem solving
capabilities at the moment.

#Saturn Sextile Mercury

During this period, ^your/his/her^ mind is steady and unchangeable. ^You have/He
has/She has^ good powers of concentration, coupled with the ability to stay focused
on any matter under consideration or discussion. ^Your/His/Her^ thinking is
practical and realistic and ^you have/he has/she has^ good problem solving
capabilities at the moment.


- hard aspects

#Saturn Opposition Mercury

During this period ^your/his/her^ thinking is more serious or solemn than usual,
and ^your/his/her^ mind is occupied with weighty and important matters. Other
people may seem unreasonable to ^you/him/her^ now and, possibly, they may challenge
and block ^your/his/her^ ideas and plans. Positively, ^you have/he has/she has^
good powers of concentration, coupled with the ability to stay focused on any
matter under consideration or discussion.

#Saturn Square Mercury

During this period ^your/his/her^ thinking is more serious or solemn than usual,
and ^your/his/her^ mind is occupied with weighty and important matters. Other
people may seem unreasonable to ^you/him/her^ now and, possibly, they may challenge
and block ^your/his/her^ ideas and plans. Positively, ^you have/he has/she has^
good powers of concentration, coupled with the ability to stay focused on any
matter under consideration or discussion.

#Saturn SemiSquare Mercury

During this period ^your/his/her^ thinking is more serious or solemn than usual,
and ^your/his/her^ mind is occupied with weighty and important matters. Other
people may seem unreasonable to ^you/him/her^ now and, possibly, they may challenge
and block ^your/his/her^ ideas and plans. Positively, ^you have/he has/she has^
good powers of concentration, coupled with the ability to stay focused on any
matter under consideration or discussion.

#Saturn Sesquiquadrate Mercury

During this period ^your/his/her^ thinking is more serious or solemn than usual,
and ^your/his/her^ mind is occupied with weighty and important matters. Other
people may seem unreasonable to ^you/him/her^ now and, possibly, they may challenge
and block ^your/his/her^ ideas and plans. Positively, ^you have/he has/she has^
good powers of concentration, coupled with the ability to stay focused on any
matter under consideration or discussion.

#Saturn Quincunx Mercury

During this period ^your/his/her^ thinking is more serious or solemn than usual,
and ^your/his/her^ mind is occupied with weighty and important matters. Other
people may seem unreasonable to ^you/him/her^ now and, possibly, they may challenge
and block ^your/his/her^ ideas and plans. Positively, ^you have/he has/she has^
good powers of concentration, coupled with the ability to stay focused on any
matter under consideration or discussion.

--- Saturn.Venus

- conjunction

#Saturn Conjunct Venus

Expect some difficulties in ^your/his/her^ love-life during this period. This can
be a time for commitment in love, or it can also be a time of separation or loss.

- soft aspects

#Saturn Trine Venus

In love and affection matters, there can be a consolidating of existing unions, or
the starting of new ones, which could become long lasting. Attractions of a wide
age difference often commence under this influence. If ^you are/he is/she is^
creative or artistic, ^you/he/she^ will have the discipline to persist with
challenging projects now.

#Saturn Sextile Venus

In love and affection matters, there can be a consolidating of existing unions, or
the starting of new ones, which could become long lasting. Attractions of a wide
age difference often commence under this influence. If ^you are/he is/she is^
creative or artistic, ^you/he/she^ will have the discipline to persist with
challenging projects now.

- hard aspects

#Saturn Opposition Venus

Expect some difficulties in ^your/his/her^ love-life during this period. This can
be a time for commitment in love, or it can also be a time of separation or loss.

#Saturn Square Venus

Expect some difficulties in ^your/his/her^ love-life during this period. This can
be a time for commitment in love, or it can also be a time of separation or loss.

#Saturn SemiSquare Venus

Expect some difficulties in ^your/his/her^ love-life during this period. This can
be a time for commitment in love, or it can also be a time of separation or loss.

#Saturn Sesquiquadrate Venus

Expect some difficulties in ^your/his/her^ love-life during this period. This can
be a time for commitment in love, or it can also be a time of separation or loss.

#Saturn Quincunx Venus

Expect some difficulties in ^your/his/her^ love-life during this period. This can
be a time for commitment in love, or it can also be a time of separation or loss.

--- Saturn.Mars

- conjunction

#Saturn Conjunct Mars

During this period ^you/he/she^ will often feel like ^you are/he is/she is^ driving
with the handbrake on. Advancement will seem slow and there will be obstacles to
overcome. Other people, circumstances outside of ^your/his/her^ control, or even
^your/his/her^ own inertia may hinder ^your/his/her^ progress. Still, ^you/he/she^
can accomplish a great deal through effort and determination. Separations or losses
are possible.

- soft aspects
#Saturn Trine Mars
During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the self-discipline and determination
to tackle tasks ^you've/he's/she's^ had simmering on the backburner for some time.
^Your/His/Her^ powers of perseverance and endurance are strong and ^you/he/she^
will be able to accomplish a lot.

#Saturn Sextile Mars

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the self-discipline and determination
to tackle tasks ^you've/he's/she's^ had simmering on the backburner for some time.
^Your/His/Her^ powers of perseverance and endurance are strong and ^you/he/she^
will be able to accomplish a lot.

- hard aspects

#Saturn Opposition Mars

During this period ^you/he/she^ will often feel like ^you are/he is/she is^ driving
with the handbrake on. Advancement will seem slow and there will be obstacles to
overcome. Other people, circumstances outside of ^your/his/her^ control, or even
^your/his/her^ own inertia may hinder ^your/his/her^ progress. Still, ^you/he/she^
can accomplish a great deal through effort and determination. Separations or losses
are possible.

#Saturn Square Mars

During this period ^you/he/she^ will often feel like ^you are/he is/she is^ driving
with the handbrake on. Advancement will seem slow and there will be obstacles to
overcome. Other people, circumstances outside of ^your/his/her^ control, or even
^your/his/her^ own inertia may hinder ^your/his/her^ progress. Still, ^you/he/she^
can accomplish a great deal through effort and determination. Separations or losses
are possible.

#Saturn SemiSquare Mars

During this period ^you/he/she^ will often feel like ^you are/he is/she is^ driving
with the handbrake on. Advancement will seem slow and there will be obstacles to
overcome. Other people, circumstances outside of ^your/his/her^ control, or even
^your/his/her^ own inertia may hinder ^your/his/her^ progress. Still, ^you/he/she^
can accomplish a great deal through effort and determination. Separations or losses
are possible.

#Saturn Sesquiquadrate Mars

During this period ^you/he/she^ will often feel like ^you are/he is/she is^ driving
with the handbrake on. Advancement will seem slow and there will be obstacles to
overcome. Other people, circumstances outside of ^your/his/her^ control, or even
^your/his/her^ own inertia may hinder ^your/his/her^ progress. Still, ^you/he/she^
can accomplish a great deal through effort and determination. Separations or losses
are possible.

#Saturn Quincunx Mars

During this period ^you/he/she^ will often feel like ^you are/he is/she is^ driving
with the handbrake on. Advancement will seem slow and there will be obstacles to
overcome. Other people, circumstances outside of ^your/his/her^ control, or even
^your/his/her^ own inertia may hinder ^your/his/her^ progress. Still, ^you/he/she^
can accomplish a great deal through effort and determination. Separations or losses
are possible.

--- Saturn.Jupiter

- conjunction
#Saturn Conjunct Jupiter
This is a time for taking stock of things and cutting back on expenses. Money may
be tighter, so care with investments and expenditures is necessary. However, this
can be a good time for business and real estate, because ^you/he/she^ will be more
careful now than usual and less likely to stretch ^your/his/her^ budget.

- soft aspects

#Saturn Trine Jupiter

This can be a good time for expanding a business, applying
^yourself/himself/herself^ to intellectual, spiritual or political work, or
investing in property or real estate. ^You have/He has/She has^ a good balance
between caution and optimism, so ^you are/he is/she is^ unlikely to over-extend
^yourself/himself/herself^ financially or physically.

#Saturn Sextile Jupiter

This can be a good time for expanding a business, applying
^yourself/himself/herself^ to intellectual, spiritual or political work, or
investing in property or real estate. ^You have/He has/She has^ a good balance
between caution and optimism, so ^you are/he is/she is^ unlikely to over-extend
^yourself/himself/herself^ financially or physically.

- hard aspects

#Saturn Opposition Jupiter

This is a time for taking stock of things and cutting back on expenses. Money may
be tighter, so care with investments and expenditures is necessary. However, this
can be a good time for business and real estate, because ^you/he/she^ will be more
careful now than usual and less likely to stretch ^your/his/her^ budget.

#Saturn Square Jupiter

This is a time for taking stock of things and cutting back on expenses. Money may
be tighter, so care with investments and expenditures is necessary. However, this
can be a good time for business and real estate, because ^you/he/she^ will be more
careful now than usual and less likely to stretch ^your/his/her^ budget.

#Saturn SemiSquare Jupiter

This is a time for taking stock of things and cutting back on expenses. Money may
be tighter, so care with investments and expenditures is necessary. However, this
can be a good time for business and real estate, because ^you/he/she^ will be more
careful now than usual and less likely to stretch ^your/his/her^ budget.

#Saturn Sesquiquadrate Jupiter

This is a time for taking stock of things and cutting back on expenses. Money may
be tighter, so care with investments and expenditures is necessary. However, this
can be a good time for business and real estate, because ^you/he/she^ will be more
careful now than usual and less likely to stretch ^your/his/her^ budget.

#Saturn Quincunx Jupiter

This is a time for taking stock of things and cutting back on expenses. Money may
be tighter, so care with investments and expenditures is necessary. However, this
can be a good time for business and real estate, because ^you/he/she^ will be more
careful now than usual and less likely to stretch ^your/his/her^ budget.

--- Saturn.Saturn

- conjunction

#Saturn Conjunct Saturn

This is a stocktaking period, in which life is viewed seriously and realistically;
priorities are clarified and important decisions made. Expect to lead a more modest
and simple lifestyle, with the need to consolidate and [economise,economize].

- soft aspects

#Saturn Trine Saturn

This can be an excellent period for sorting out priorities and making life as
stable and secure as possible. Long-term objectives, which mature over time, can be
started during this period and any projects that require patience and perseverance
can succeed now.

#Saturn Sextile Saturn

This can be an excellent period for sorting out priorities and making life as
stable and secure as possible. Long-term objectives, which mature over time, can be
started during this period and any projects that require patience and perseverance
can succeed now.

- hard aspects

#Saturn Opposition Saturn

This is a stocktaking period, in which life is viewed seriously and realistically;
priorities are clarified and important decisions made. Expect to lead a more modest
and simple lifestyle, with the need to consolidate and [economise,economize].

#Saturn Square Saturn

This is a stocktaking period, in which life is viewed seriously and realistically;
priorities are clarified and important decisions made. Expect to lead a more modest
and simple lifestyle, with the need to consolidate and [economise,economize].

#Saturn SemiSquare Saturn

This is a stocktaking period, in which life is viewed seriously and realistically;
priorities are clarified and important decisions made. Expect to lead a more modest
and simple lifestyle, with the need to consolidate and [economise,economize].

#Saturn Sesquiquadrate Saturn

This is a stocktaking period, in which life is viewed seriously and realistically;
priorities are clarified and important decisions made. Expect to lead a more modest
and simple lifestyle, with the need to consolidate and [economise,economize].

#Saturn Quincunx Saturn

This is a stocktaking period, in which life is viewed seriously and realistically;
priorities are clarified and important decisions made. Expect to lead a more modest
and simple lifestyle, with the need to consolidate and [economise,economize].

--- Saturn.Uranus

- conjunction

#Saturn Conjunct Uranus

This can be a trying period for ^you/him/her^, because ^your/his/her^ freedom is
being kept in check by external circumstances. It seems that others or conditions
are determined to prevent ^you/him/her^ from doing whatever ^you want/he wants/she
wants^ to do. Just about every assertion of ^your/his/her^ independence meets
resistance. Also, guard against accident proneness.

- soft aspects

#Saturn Trine Uranus

This is a good period for ^you/him/her^ to make changes in ^your/his/her^ life, to
introduce reforms or innovations, because ^you know/he knows/she knows^ what is
possible and achievable.

#Saturn Sextile Uranus

This is a good period for ^you/him/her^ to make changes in ^your/his/her^ life, to
introduce reforms or innovations, because ^you know/he knows/she knows^ what is
possible and achievable.

- hard aspects

#Saturn Opposition Uranus

This can be a trying period for ^you/him/her^, because ^your/his/her^ freedom is
being kept in check by external circumstances. It seems that others or conditions
are determined to prevent ^you/him/her^ from doing whatever ^you want/he wants/she
wants^ to do. Just about every assertion of ^your/his/her^ independence meets
resistance. Also, guard against accident proneness.

#Saturn Square Uranus

This can be a trying period for ^you/him/her^, because ^your/his/her^ freedom is
being kept in check by external circumstances. It seems that others or conditions
are determined to prevent ^you/him/her^ from doing whatever ^you want/he wants/she
wants^ to do. Just about every assertion of ^your/his/her^ independence meets
resistance. Also, guard against accident proneness.

#Saturn SemiSquare Uranus

This can be a trying period for ^you/him/her^, because ^your/his/her^ freedom is
being kept in check by external circumstances. It seems that others or conditions
are determined to prevent ^you/him/her^ from doing whatever ^you want/he wants/she
wants^ to do. Just about every assertion of ^your/his/her^ independence meets
resistance. Also, guard against accident proneness.

#Saturn Sesquiquadrate Uranus

This can be a trying period for ^you/him/her^, because ^your/his/her^ freedom is
being kept in check by external circumstances. It seems that others or conditions
are determined to prevent ^you/him/her^ from doing whatever ^you want/he wants/she
wants^ to do. Just about every assertion of ^your/his/her^ independence meets
resistance. Also, guard against accident proneness.

#Saturn Quincunx Uranus

This can be a trying period for ^you/him/her^, because ^your/his/her^ freedom is
being kept in check by external circumstances. It seems that others or conditions
are determined to prevent ^you/him/her^ from doing whatever ^you want/he wants/she
wants^ to do. Just about every assertion of ^your/his/her^ independence meets
resistance. Also, guard against accident proneness.

--- Saturn.Neptune

- conjunction

#Saturn Conjunct Neptune

During this period ^you/he/she^ may feel confused or insecure. ^Your/His/Her^ self-
confidence is likely to be down and ^you/he/she^ may be easily discouraged,
especially if ^your/his/her^ plans don't turn out as intended. Possibly, ^you
feel/he feels/she feels^ tired and worn out. ^You/He/She^ may have to take extra
care of ^your/his/her^ health.

- soft aspects

#Saturn Trine Neptune

During this period ^you/he/she^ can make ^your/his/her^ dreams come true as ^you
have/he has/she has^ the ability to combine imagination with commonsense.

#Saturn Sextile Neptune

During this period ^you/he/she^ can make ^your/his/her^ dreams come true as ^you
have/he has/she has^ the ability to combine imagination with commonsense.

- hard aspects

#Saturn Opposition Neptune

During this period ^you/he/she^ may feel confused or insecure. ^Your/His/Her^ self-
confidence is likely to be down and ^you/he/she^ may be easily discouraged,
especially if ^your/his/her^ plans don't turn out as intended. Possibly, ^you
feel/he feels/she feels^ tired and worn out. ^You/He/She^ may have to take extra
care of ^your/his/her^ health.

#Saturn Square Neptune

During this period ^you/he/she^ may feel confused or insecure. ^Your/His/Her^ self-
confidence is likely to be down and ^you/he/she^ may be easily discouraged,
especially if ^your/his/her^ plans don't turn out as intended. Possibly, ^you
feel/he feels/she feels^ tired and worn out. ^You/He/She^ may have to take extra
care of ^your/his/her^ health.

#Saturn SemiSquare Neptune

During this period ^you/he/she^ may feel confused or insecure. ^Your/His/Her^ self-
confidence is likely to be down and ^you/he/she^ may be easily discouraged,
especially if ^your/his/her^ plans don't turn out as intended. Possibly, ^you
feel/he feels/she feels^ tired and worn out. ^You/He/She^ may have to take extra
care of ^your/his/her^ health.

#Saturn Sesquiquadrate Neptune

During this period ^you/he/she^ may feel confused or insecure. ^Your/His/Her^ self-
confidence is likely to be down and ^you/he/she^ may be easily discouraged,
especially if ^your/his/her^ plans don't turn out as intended. Possibly, ^you
feel/he feels/she feels^ tired and worn out. ^You/He/She^ may have to take extra
care of ^your/his/her^ health.

#Saturn Quincunx Neptune

During this period ^you/he/she^ may feel confused or insecure. ^Your/His/Her^ self-
confidence is likely to be down and ^you/he/she^ may be easily discouraged,
especially if ^your/his/her^ plans don't turn out as intended. Possibly, ^you
feel/he feels/she feels^ tired and worn out. ^You/He/She^ may have to take extra
care of ^your/his/her^ health.

--- Saturn.Pluto

- conjunction

#Saturn Conjunct Pluto

This can be an excellent configuration for research and study, because ^you have/he
has/she has^ stronger powers of concentration and the tenacity to apply
^yourself/himself/herself^ to intellectually demanding work. Alternatively, there
can be the experience of feeling prevented from achieving ^your/his/her^ objectives
through forces outside of ^your/his/her^ control.

- soft aspects

#Saturn Trine Pluto

This can be an excellent configuration for research and study, because ^you have/he
has/she has^ stronger powers of concentration and the tenacity to apply
^yourself/himself/herself^ to intellectually demanding work. ^You are/He is/She is^
very clear about ^your/his/her^ targets and what ^you need/he needs/she needs^ to
do to reach them.

#Saturn Sextile Pluto

This can be an excellent configuration for research and study, because ^you have/he
has/she has^ stronger powers of concentration and the tenacity to apply
^yourself/himself/herself^ to intellectually demanding work. ^You are/He is/She is^
very clear about ^your/his/her^ targets and what ^you need/he needs/she needs^ to
do to reach them.

- hard aspects

#Saturn Opposition Pluto

This can be an excellent configuration for research and study, because ^you have/he
has/she has^ stronger powers of concentration and the tenacity to apply
^yourself/himself/herself^ to intellectually demanding work. Alternatively, there
can be the experience of feeling prevented from achieving ^your/his/her^ objectives
through forces outside of ^your/his/her^ control.
#Saturn Square Pluto
This can be an excellent configuration for research and study, because ^you have/he
has/she has^ stronger powers of concentration and the tenacity to apply
^yourself/himself/herself^ to intellectually demanding work. Alternatively, there
can be the experience of feeling prevented from achieving ^your/his/her^ objectives
through forces outside of ^your/his/her^ control.

#Saturn SemiSquare Pluto

This can be an excellent configuration for research and study, because ^you have/he
has/she has^ stronger powers of concentration and the tenacity to apply
^yourself/himself/herself^ to intellectually demanding work. Alternatively, there
can be the experience of feeling prevented from achieving ^your/his/her^ objectives
through forces outside of ^your/his/her^ control.

#Saturn Sesquiquadrate Pluto

This can be an excellent configuration for research and study, because ^you have/he
has/she has^ stronger powers of concentration and the tenacity to apply
^yourself/himself/herself^ to intellectually demanding work. Alternatively, there
can be the experience of feeling prevented from achieving ^your/his/her^ objectives
through forces outside of ^your/his/her^ control.


#Saturn Quincunx Pluto

This can be an excellent configuration for research and study, because ^you have/he
has/she has^ stronger powers of concentration and the tenacity to apply
^yourself/himself/herself^ to intellectually demanding work. Alternatively, there
can be the experience of feeling prevented from achieving ^your/his/her^ objectives
through forces outside of ^your/his/her^ control.

--- Saturn.Moon's North Node

- conjunction

#Saturn Conjunct Moon's North Node

This can be a time of distress and suffering with or through other people. Not all
relationships are guaranteed to survive this period; strong and secure ones will
but weak and negative ones may not. Estrangements and separations often occur under
this influence.

- soft aspects

#Saturn Trine Moon's North Node

This is a very good time for firming up relationships and making commitments to
others. ^You/He/She^ will be more patient with people now and prepared to make
allowances or sacrifices on their behalf.

#Saturn Sextile Moon's North Node

This is a very good time for firming up relationships and making commitments to
others. ^You/He/She^ will be more patient with people now and prepared to make
allowances or sacrifices on their behalf.
- hard aspects

#Saturn Opposition Moon's North Node

This can be a time of distress and suffering with or through other people. Not all
relationships are guaranteed to survive this period; strong and secure ones will
but weak and negative ones may not. Estrangements and separations often occur under
this influence.

#Saturn Square Moon's North Node

This can be a time of distress and suffering with or through other people. Not all
relationships are guaranteed to survive this period; strong and secure ones will
but weak and negative ones may not. Estrangements and separations often occur under
this influence.

#Saturn SemiSquare Moon's North Node

This can be a time of distress and suffering with or through other people. Not all
relationships are guaranteed to survive this period; strong and secure ones will
but weak and negative ones may not. Estrangements and separations often occur under
this influence.

#Saturn Sesquiquadrate Moon's North Node

This can be a time of distress and suffering with or through other people. Not all
relationships are guaranteed to survive this period; strong and secure ones will
but weak and negative ones may not. Estrangements and separations often occur under
this influence.

#Saturn Quincunx Moon's North Node

This can be a time of distress and suffering with or through other people. Not all
relationships are guaranteed to survive this period; strong and secure ones will
but weak and negative ones may not. Estrangements and separations often occur under
this influence.

--- Saturn.Ascendant

- conjunction

#Saturn Conjunct Ascendant

^You/He/She^ will not be concerned with light and trivial things at the moment.
Some contacts may be terminated at this time. A change of environment is possible.
Health checks may be required.

- soft aspects

#Saturn Trine Ascendant

During this period ^you/he/she^ may form an association with an older person or
take on the responsibility of another. Gaining life-experience.

#Saturn Sextile Ascendant

During this period ^you/he/she^ may form an association with an older person or
take on the responsibility of another. Gaining life-experience.

- hard aspects

#Saturn Opposition Ascendant

^You/He/She^ will not be concerned with light and trivial things at the moment.
Some contacts may be terminated at this time. A change of environment is possible.
Health checks may be required.

#Saturn Square Ascendant

^You/He/She^ will not be concerned with light and trivial things at the moment.
Some contacts may be terminated at this time. A change of environment is possible.
Health checks may be required.

#Saturn SemiSquare Ascendant

^You/He/She^ will not be concerned with light and trivial things at the moment.
Some contacts may be terminated at this time. A change of environment is possible.
Health checks may be required.

#Saturn Sesquiquadrate Ascendant

^You/He/She^ will not be concerned with light and trivial things at the moment.
Some contacts may be terminated at this time. A change of environment is possible.
Health checks may be required.

#Saturn Quincunx Ascendant

^You/He/She^ will not be concerned with light and trivial things at the moment.
Some contacts may be terminated at this time. A change of environment is possible.
Health checks may be required.

--- Saturn.Midheaven

- conjunction

#Saturn Conjunct Midheaven

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect challenges and possible difficulties in
^your/his/her^ career or reputation. However, hard work and tenacity pay off in the
long term with increased standing in the community and influence.

- soft aspects

#Saturn Trine Midheaven

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ ambitious for professional success and
should find that ^your/his/her^ career is quite satisfying. People in authority or
power will possibly be very helpful to ^you/him/her^ now; there may be someone
who'd like to see ^you/him/her^ get ahead. ^You/He/She^ may be given extra
responsibility at work and ^you/he/she^ should be able to handle it well.

#Saturn Sextile Midheaven

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ ambitious for professional success and
should find that ^your/his/her^ career is quite satisfying. People in authority or
power will possibly be very helpful to ^you/him/her^ now; there may be someone
who'd like to see ^you/him/her^ get ahead. ^You/He/She^ may be given extra
responsibility at work and ^you/he/she^ should be able to handle it well.

- hard aspects

#Saturn Opposition Midheaven

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect challenges and possible difficulties in
^your/his/her^ home environment. There may be a change of residence or increased
family responsibilities.

#Saturn Square Midheaven

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect challenges and possible difficulties in
^your/his/her^ career or home environment. However, hard work and tenacity pay off
in the long term with increased standing in the community and contentment in the

#Saturn SemiSquare Midheaven

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect challenges and possible difficulties in
^your/his/her^ career or home environment. However, hard work and tenacity pay off
in the long term with increased standing in the community and contentment in the

#Saturn Sesquiquadrate Midheaven

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect challenges and possible difficulties in
^your/his/her^ career or home environment. However, hard work and tenacity pay off
in the long term with increased standing in the community and contentment in the

#Saturn Quincunx Midheaven

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect challenges and possible difficulties in
^your/his/her^ career or home environment. However, hard work and tenacity pay off
in the long term with increased standing in the community and contentment in the


--- Uranus.Sun

- conjunction

#Uranus Conjunct Sun

This is an interesting period for ^you/him/her^, marked by many changes and sudden
events. New and interesting people enter ^your/his/her^ life now and introduce
^you/him/her^ to new experiences. ^You/He/She^ may also experience sudden upsets,
including unexpected separations. There can be a tendency to stress-related
illnesses or even accidents.
- soft aspects

#Uranus Trine Sun

This can be a stimulating and exciting time for ^you/him/her^, marked by many
changes and sudden events. New and interesting people enter ^your/his/her^ life now
and introduce ^you/him/her^ to new experiences. ^You/He/She^ may travel to exotic
places, take up unusual interests and learn new things.

#Uranus Sextile Sun

This can be a stimulating and exciting time for ^you/him/her^, marked by many
changes and sudden events. New and interesting people enter ^your/his/her^ life now
and introduce ^you/him/her^ to new experiences. ^You/He/She^ may travel to exotic
places, take up unusual interests and learn new things.

- hard aspects

#Uranus Opposition Sun

This is an interesting period for ^you/him/her^, marked by many changes and sudden
events. New and interesting people enter ^your/his/her^ life now and introduce
^you/him/her^ to new experiences. ^You/He/She^ may also experience sudden upsets,
including unexpected separations. There can be a tendency to stress-related
illnesses or even accidents.

#Uranus Square Sun

This is an interesting period for ^you/him/her^, marked by many changes and sudden
events. New and interesting people enter ^your/his/her^ life now and introduce
^you/him/her^ to new experiences. ^You/He/She^ may also experience sudden upsets,
including unexpected separations. There can be a tendency to stress-related
illnesses or even accidents.

#Uranus SemiSquare Sun

This is an interesting period for ^you/him/her^, marked by many changes and sudden
events. New and interesting people enter ^your/his/her^ life now and introduce
^you/him/her^ to new experiences. ^You/He/She^ may also experience sudden upsets,
including unexpected separations. There can be a tendency to stress-related
illnesses or even accidents.

#Uranus Sesquiquadrate Sun

This is an interesting period for ^you/him/her^, marked by many changes and sudden
events. New and interesting people enter ^your/his/her^ life now and introduce
^you/him/her^ to new experiences. ^You/He/She^ may also experience sudden upsets,
including unexpected separations. There can be a tendency to stress-related
illnesses or even accidents.

#Uranus Quincunx Sun

This is an interesting period for ^you/him/her^, marked by many changes and sudden
events. New and interesting people enter ^your/his/her^ life now and introduce
^you/him/her^ to new experiences. ^You/He/She^ may also experience sudden upsets,
including unexpected separations. There can be a tendency to stress-related
illnesses or even accidents.
--- Uranus.Moon

- conjunction

#Uranus Conjunct Moon

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect changes in ^your/his/her^ emotional,
family or domestic life. In ^your/his/her^ emotional life, ^you are/he is/she is^
likely to feel very restless and excitable and prone to sudden emotional outbursts.
Sudden events or changes in the family force a readjustment to new conditions. A
change of residence is possible. Interesting women may come into ^your/his/her^
life now.

- soft aspects

#Uranus Trine Moon

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect positive changes in ^your/his/her^
emotional, family or domestic life. This can be a good time for moving house or
carrying out home renovations. Interesting women may come into ^your/his/her^ life

#Uranus Sextile Moon

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect positive changes in ^your/his/her^
emotional, family or domestic life. This can be a good time for moving house or
carrying out home renovations. Interesting women may come into ^your/his/her^ life

- hard aspects

#Uranus Opposition Moon

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect changes in ^your/his/her^ emotional,
family or domestic life. In ^your/his/her^ emotional life, ^you are/he is/she is^
likely to feel very restless and excitable and prone to sudden emotional outbursts.
Sudden events or changes in the family force a readjustment to new conditions. A
change of residence is possible. Interesting women may come into ^your/his/her^
life now.

#Uranus Square Moon

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect changes in ^your/his/her^ emotional,
family or domestic life. In ^your/his/her^ emotional life, ^you are/he is/she is^
likely to feel very restless and excitable and prone to sudden emotional outbursts.
Sudden events or changes in the family force a readjustment to new conditions. A
change of residence is possible. Interesting women may come into ^your/his/her^
life now.

#Uranus SemiSquare Moon

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect changes in ^your/his/her^ emotional,
family or domestic life. In ^your/his/her^ emotional life, ^you are/he is/she is^
likely to feel very restless and excitable and prone to sudden emotional outbursts.
Sudden events or changes in the family force a readjustment to new conditions. A
change of residence is possible. Interesting women may come into ^your/his/her^
life now.

#Uranus Sesquiquadrate Moon

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect changes in ^your/his/her^ emotional,
family or domestic life. In ^your/his/her^ emotional life, ^you are/he is/she is^
likely to feel very restless and excitable and prone to sudden emotional outbursts.
Sudden events or changes in the family force a readjustment to new conditions. A
change of residence is possible. Interesting women may come into ^your/his/her^
life now.

#Uranus Quincunx Moon

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect changes in ^your/his/her^ emotional,
family or domestic life. In ^your/his/her^ emotional life, ^you are/he is/she is^
likely to feel very restless and excitable and prone to sudden emotional outbursts.
Sudden events or changes in the family force a readjustment to new conditions. A
change of residence is possible. Interesting women may come into ^your/his/her^
life now.

--- Uranus.Mercury

- conjunction

#Uranus Conjunct Mercury

This can be one of the most intellectually stimulating periods in ^your/his/her^
life. ^You are/He is/She is^ thirsty for new knowledge and open to the ideas of
other people. Also, ^you are/he is/she is^ to be able to grasp new concepts more
quickly now. This is an excellent time for learning new subjects.

- soft aspects

#Uranus Trine Mercury

This can be one of the most intellectually stimulating periods in ^your/his/her^
life. ^You are/He is/She is^ thirsty for new knowledge and open to the ideas of
other people. Also, ^you are/he is/she is^ to be able to grasp new concepts more
quickly now. This is an excellent time for learning new subjects.

#Uranus Sextile Mercury

This can be one of the most intellectually stimulating periods in ^your/his/her^
life. ^You are/He is/She is^ thirsty for new knowledge and open to the ideas of
other people. Also, ^you are/he is/she is^ to be able to grasp new concepts more
quickly now. This is an excellent time for learning new subjects.

- hard aspects

#Uranus Opposition Mercury

This can be one of the most intellectually stimulating periods in ^your/his/her^
life. ^You are/He is/She is^ thirsty for new knowledge and open to the ideas of
other people. Also, ^you are/he is/she is^ to be able to grasp new concepts more
quickly now. This is an excellent time for learning new subjects.

#Uranus Square Mercury

This can be one of the most intellectually stimulating periods in ^your/his/her^
life. ^You are/He is/She is^ thirsty for new knowledge and open to the ideas of
other people. Also, ^you are/he is/she is^ to be able to grasp new concepts more
quickly now. This is an excellent time for learning new subjects.

#Uranus SemiSquare Mercury

This can be one of the most intellectually stimulating periods in ^your/his/her^
life. ^You are/He is/She is^ thirsty for new knowledge and open to the ideas of
other people. Also, ^you are/he is/she is^ to be able to grasp new concepts more
quickly now. This is an excellent time for learning new subjects.

#Uranus Sesquiquadrate Mercury

This can be one of the most intellectually stimulating periods in ^your/his/her^
life. ^You are/He is/She is^ thirsty for new knowledge and open to the ideas of
other people. Also, ^you are/he is/she is^ to be able to grasp new concepts more
quickly now. This is an excellent time for learning new subjects.

#Uranus Quincunx Mercury

This can be one of the most intellectually stimulating periods in ^your/his/her^
life. ^You are/He is/She is^ thirsty for new knowledge and open to the ideas of
other people. Also, ^you are/he is/she is^ to be able to grasp new concepts more
quickly now. This is an excellent time for learning new subjects.

--- Uranus.Venus

- conjunction

#Uranus Conjunct Venus

Expect anything to happen in ^your/his/her^ relationship or romantic life now. This
is the classic "love at first sight" combination; however it is also indicative of
attractions that form suddenly and terminate just as quickly. Whatever the status
of ^your/his/her^ relationship life, anticipate changes to it now.

- soft aspects
#Uranus Trine Venus
This should be an enjoyable period for ^you/him/her^ socially and possibly even
romantically. ^You have/He has/She has^ a desire for change and variety in
^your/his/her^ love life now.

#Uranus Sextile Venus

This should be an enjoyable period for ^you/him/her^ socially and possibly even
romantically. ^You have/He has/She has^ a desire for change and variety in
^your/his/her^ love life now.

- hard aspects

#Uranus Opposition Venus

Expect anything to happen in ^your/his/her^ relationship or romantic life now. This
is the classic "love at first sight" combination; however it is also indicative of
attractions that form suddenly and terminate just as quickly. Whatever the status
of ^your/his/her^ relationship life, anticipate changes to it now.

#Uranus Square Venus

Expect anything to happen in ^your/his/her^ relationship or romantic life now. This
is the classic "love at first sight" combination; however it is also indicative of
attractions that form suddenly and terminate just as quickly. Whatever the status
of ^your/his/her^ relationship life, anticipate changes to it now.

#Uranus SemiSquare Venus

Expect anything to happen in ^your/his/her^ relationship or romantic life now. This
is the classic "love at first sight" combination; however it is also indicative of
attractions that form suddenly and terminate just as quickly. Whatever the status
of ^your/his/her^ relationship life, anticipate changes to it now.

#Uranus Sesquiquadrate Venus

Expect anything to happen in ^your/his/her^ relationship or romantic life now. This
is the classic "love at first sight" combination; however it is also indicative of
attractions that form suddenly and terminate just as quickly. Whatever the status
of ^your/his/her^ relationship life, anticipate changes to it now.

#Uranus Quincunx Venus

Expect anything to happen in ^your/his/her^ relationship or romantic life now. This
is the classic "love at first sight" combination; however it is also indicative of
attractions that form suddenly and terminate just as quickly. Whatever the status
of ^your/his/her^ relationship life, anticipate changes to it now.

--- Uranus.Mars

- conjunction

#Uranus Conjunct Mars

This is an unpredictable combination; it is inherently volatile, but it is
difficult to say just how disruptive it may be. Some people simply experience it as
fluctuating energy levels, while others find themselves taking risks that they
wouldn't normally consider. Still others experience a rash of sudden arguments and
conflicts, especially if they feel that they are being forced to do things against
their will.

- soft aspects
#Uranus Trine Mars
Freedom of action and independence is important to ^you/him/her^ now and ^you
seem/he seems/she seems^ to have more energy than usual. ^You/He/She^ may become
interested in reforms and may offer ^your/his/her^ time and energy to a cause.

#Uranus Sextile Mars

Freedom of action and independence is important to ^you/him/her^ now and ^you
seem/he seems/she seems^ to have more energy than usual. ^You/He/She^ may become
interested in reforms and may offer ^your/his/her^ time and energy to a cause.

- hard aspects

#Uranus Opposition Mars

This is an unpredictable combination; it is inherently volatile, but it is
difficult to say just how disruptive it may be. Some people simply experience it as
fluctuating energy levels, while others find themselves taking risks that they
wouldn't normally consider. Still others experience a rash of sudden arguments and
conflicts, especially if they feel that they are being forced to do things against
their will.

#Uranus Square Mars

This is an unpredictable combination; it is inherently volatile, but it is
difficult to say just how disruptive it may be. Some people simply experience it as
fluctuating energy levels, while others find themselves taking risks that they
wouldn't normally consider. Still others experience a rash of sudden arguments and
conflicts, especially if they feel that they are being forced to do things against
their will.

#Uranus SemiSquare Mars

This is an unpredictable combination; it is inherently volatile, but it is
difficult to say just how disruptive it may be. Some people simply experience it as
fluctuating energy levels, while others find themselves taking risks that they
wouldn't normally consider. Still others experience a rash of sudden arguments and
conflicts, especially if they feel that they are being forced to do things against
their will.

#Uranus Sesquiquadrate Mars

This is an unpredictable combination; it is inherently volatile, but it is
difficult to say just how disruptive it may be. Some people simply experience it as
fluctuating energy levels, while others find themselves taking risks that they
wouldn't normally consider. Still others experience a rash of sudden arguments and
conflicts, especially if they feel that they are being forced to do things against
their will.

#Uranus Quincunx Mars

This is an unpredictable combination; it is inherently volatile, but it is
difficult to say just how disruptive it may be. Some people simply experience it as
fluctuating energy levels, while others find themselves taking risks that they
wouldn't normally consider. Still others experience a rash of sudden arguments and
conflicts, especially if they feel that they are being forced to do things against
their will.

--- Uranus.Jupiter

- conjunction

#Uranus Conjunct Jupiter

Generally, this is a fortunate configuration; it can bring ^you/him/her^ into
contact with important people and make ^you/him/her^ aware of sudden opportunities.
^You/He/She^ could achieve sudden recognition during this period. ^You/He/She^ may
modify ^your/his/her^ beliefs at this time, but also ^you/he/she^ could experience
philosophical differences with others. In certain cases, there can be legal

- soft aspects

#Uranus Trine Jupiter

This configuration can signify a change in ^your/his/her^ life for the better. This
is an excellent time for broadening ^your/his/her^ horizons, because ^your/his/her^
mind is open to new ideas and experiences. Travel, higher education and spiritual
research are all well-aspected now.

#Uranus Sextile Jupiter

This configuration can signify a change in ^your/his/her^ life for the better. This
is an excellent time for broadening ^your/his/her^ horizons, because ^your/his/her^
mind is open to new ideas and experiences. Travel, higher education and spiritual
research are all well-aspected now.

- hard aspects

#Uranus Opposition Jupiter

Generally, this is a fortunate configuration; it can bring ^you/him/her^ into
contact with important people and make ^you/him/her^ aware of sudden opportunities.
^You/He/She^ could achieve sudden recognition during this period. ^You/He/She^ may
modify ^your/his/her^ beliefs at this time, but also ^you/he/she^ could experience
philosophical differences with others. In certain cases, there can be legal

#Uranus Square Jupiter

Generally, this is a fortunate configuration; it can bring ^you/him/her^ into
contact with important people and make ^you/him/her^ aware of sudden opportunities.
^You/He/She^ could achieve sudden recognition during this period. ^You/He/She^ may
modify ^your/his/her^ beliefs at this time, but also ^you/he/she^ could experience
philosophical differences with others. In certain cases, there can be legal

#Uranus SemiSquare Jupiter

Generally, this is a fortunate configuration; it can bring ^you/him/her^ into
contact with important people and make ^you/him/her^ aware of sudden opportunities.
^You/He/She^ could achieve sudden recognition during this period. ^You/He/She^ may
modify ^your/his/her^ beliefs at this time, but also ^you/he/she^ could experience
philosophical differences with others. In certain cases, there can be legal

#Uranus Sesquiquadrate Jupiter

Generally, this is a fortunate configuration; it can bring ^you/him/her^ into
contact with important people and make ^you/him/her^ aware of sudden opportunities.
^You/He/She^ could achieve sudden recognition during this period. ^You/He/She^ may
modify ^your/his/her^ beliefs at this time, but also ^you/he/she^ could experience
philosophical differences with others. In certain cases, there can be legal

#Uranus Quincunx Jupiter

Generally, this is a fortunate configuration; it can bring ^you/him/her^ into
contact with important people and make ^you/him/her^ aware of sudden opportunities.
^You/He/She^ could achieve sudden recognition during this period. ^You/He/She^ may
modify ^your/his/her^ beliefs at this time, but also ^you/he/she^ could experience
philosophical differences with others. In certain cases, there can be legal
--- Uranus.Saturn

- conjunction

#Uranus Conjunct Saturn

During this period ^you/he/she^ will experience strong inner and emotional
tensions. Anticipate sudden upsets and strong feelings of restlessness. There is a
possibility of sudden separations or restrictions. Under certain conditions, there
can be confinement or a limited personal freedom.

- soft aspects

#Uranus Trine Saturn

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ able to introduce personal and social
reforms in a careful and well-thought-out manner. This is an excellent time for
making changes in ^your/his/her^ life and for learning new skills.

#Uranus Sextile Saturn

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ able to introduce personal and social
reforms in a careful and well-thought-out manner. This is an excellent time for
making changes in ^your/his/her^ life and for learning new skills.

- hard aspects

#Uranus Opposition Saturn

During this period ^you/he/she^ will experience strong inner and emotional
tensions. Anticipate sudden upsets and strong feelings of restlessness. There is a
possibility of sudden separations or restrictions. Under certain conditions, there
can be confinement or a limited personal freedom.

#Uranus Square Saturn

During this period ^you/he/she^ will experience strong inner and emotional
tensions. Anticipate sudden upsets and strong feelings of restlessness. There is a
possibility of sudden separations or restrictions. Under certain conditions, there
can be confinement or a limited personal freedom.

#Uranus SemiSquare Saturn

During this period ^you/he/she^ will experience strong inner and emotional
tensions. Anticipate sudden upsets and strong feelings of restlessness. There is a
possibility of sudden separations or restrictions. Under certain conditions, there
can be confinement or a limited personal freedom.

#Uranus Sesquiquadrate Saturn

During this period ^you/he/she^ will experience strong inner and emotional
tensions. Anticipate sudden upsets and strong feelings of restlessness. There is a
possibility of sudden separations or restrictions. Under certain conditions, there
can be confinement or a limited personal freedom.

#Uranus Quincunx Saturn

During this period ^you/he/she^ will experience strong inner and emotional
tensions. Anticipate sudden upsets and strong feelings of restlessness. There is a
possibility of sudden separations or restrictions. Under certain conditions, there
can be confinement or a limited personal freedom.

--- Uranus.Uranus

- conjunction

#Uranus Conjunct Uranus

This can be a time of liberation and the making of important changes; the duration
of which will be long-lasting. The end of a phase in life and the beginning of

- soft aspects

#Uranus Trine Uranus

This can be a period when ^you/he/she^ will make changes that will improve
^your/his/her^ life or open the door to new and interesting experiences. Reforms
and innovations ^you instigate/he instigates/she instigates^ now will work to
^your/his/her^ advantage.

#Uranus Sextile Uranus

This can be a period when ^you/he/she^ will make changes that will improve
^your/his/her^ life or open the door to new and interesting experiences. Reforms
and innovations ^you instigate/he instigates/she instigates^ now will work to
^your/his/her^ advantage.

- hard aspects

#Uranus Opposition Uranus

This can be a period when ^you/he/she^ will make changes that will improve
^your/his/her^ life or open the door to new and interesting experiences. Reforms
and innovations ^you instigate/he instigates/she instigates^ now will work to
^your/his/her^ advantage.

#Uranus Square Uranus

This can be a period when ^you/he/she^ will make changes that will improve
^your/his/her^ life or open the door to new and interesting experiences. Reforms
and innovations ^you instigate/he instigates/she instigates^ now will work to
^your/his/her^ advantage.

#Uranus SemiSquare Uranus

This can be a period when ^you/he/she^ will make changes that will improve
^your/his/her^ life or open the door to new and interesting experiences. Reforms
and innovations ^you instigate/he instigates/she instigates^ now will work to
^your/his/her^ advantage.

#Uranus Sesquiquadrate Uranus

This can be a period when ^you/he/she^ will make changes that will improve
^your/his/her^ life or open the door to new and interesting experiences. Reforms
and innovations ^you instigate/he instigates/she instigates^ now will work to
^your/his/her^ advantage.

#Uranus Quincunx Uranus

This can be a period when ^you/he/she^ will make changes that will improve
^your/his/her^ life or open the door to new and interesting experiences. Reforms
and innovations ^you instigate/he instigates/she instigates^ now will work to
^your/his/her^ advantage.

--- Uranus.Neptune

- conjunction

#Uranus Conjunct Neptune

This can be an uncertain and [destabilising,destabilizing] period in ^your/his/her^
life and ^you/he/she^ may feel the urge to escape from day-to-day reality.
Certainly, ^you/he/she^ will be feeling more sensitive than usual and susceptible
to external influences. Guard against intoxicants and stimulants.

- soft aspects

#Uranus Trine Neptune

During this period ^you/he/she^ will tend to turn ^your/his/her^ attention inward
and investigate spiritual matters. ^You have/He has/She has^ a longing for inner
understanding and illumination.

#Uranus Sextile Neptune

During this period ^you/he/she^ will tend to turn ^your/his/her^ attention inward
and investigate spiritual matters. ^You have/He has/She has^ a longing for inner
understanding and illumination.

- hard aspects

#Uranus Opposition Neptune

During this period ^you/he/she^ will tend to turn ^your/his/her^ attention inward
and investigate spiritual matters. ^You have/He has/She has^ a longing for inner
understanding and illumination. However, this can also be an uncertain and
[destabilising,destabilizing] period in ^your/his/her^ life and ^you/he/she^ may
feel the urge to escape from day-to-day reality. Guard against intoxicants and

#Uranus Square Neptune

During this period ^you/he/she^ will tend to turn ^your/his/her^ attention inward
and investigate spiritual matters. ^You have/He has/She has^ a longing for inner
understanding and illumination. However, this can also be an uncertain and
[destabilising,destabilizing] period in ^your/his/her^ life and ^you/he/she^ may
feel the urge to escape from day-to-day reality. Guard against intoxicants and

#Uranus SemiSquare Neptune

During this period ^you/he/she^ will tend to turn ^your/his/her^ attention inward
and investigate spiritual matters. ^You have/He has/She has^ a longing for inner
understanding and illumination. However, this can also be an uncertain and
[destabilising,destabilizing] period in ^your/his/her^ life and ^you/he/she^ may
feel the urge to escape from day-to-day reality. Guard against intoxicants and

#Uranus Sesquiquadrate Neptune

During this period ^you/he/she^ will tend to turn ^your/his/her^ attention inward
and investigate spiritual matters. ^You have/He has/She has^ a longing for inner
understanding and illumination. However, this can also be an uncertain and
[destabilising,destabilizing] period in ^your/his/her^ life and ^you/he/she^ may
feel the urge to escape from day-to-day reality. Guard against intoxicants and

#Uranus Quincunx Neptune

During this period ^you/he/she^ will tend to turn ^your/his/her^ attention inward
and investigate spiritual matters. ^You have/He has/She has^ a longing for inner
understanding and illumination. However, this can also be an uncertain and
[destabilising,destabilizing] period in ^your/his/her^ life and ^you/he/she^ may
feel the urge to escape from day-to-day reality. Guard against intoxicants and

--- Uranus.Pluto

- conjunction

#Uranus Conjunct Pluto

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect sudden events or changing circumstances
to occur that will change the direction of ^your/his/her^ life. This is a time of
renewal and regeneration involving the collapse of the old order of things and the
construction of the new.

- soft aspects

#Uranus Trine Pluto

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ inclined to change the direction of
^your/his/her^ life and to know ^yourself/himself/herself^ better. This is a time
of renewal and regeneration involving the collapse of the old order of things and
the construction of the new.

#Uranus Sextile Pluto

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ inclined to change the direction of
^your/his/her^ life and to know ^yourself/himself/herself^ better. This is a time
of renewal and regeneration involving the collapse of the old order of things and
the construction of the new.

- hard aspects

#Uranus Opposition Pluto

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect sudden events or changing circumstances
to occur that will change the direction of ^your/his/her^ life. This is a time of
renewal and regeneration involving the collapse of the old order of things and the
construction of the new.
#Uranus Square Pluto
During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect sudden events or changing circumstances
to occur that will change the direction of ^your/his/her^ life. This is a time of
renewal and regeneration involving the collapse of the old order of things and the
construction of the new.

#Uranus SemiSquare Pluto

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect sudden events or changing circumstances
to occur that will change the direction of ^your/his/her^ life. This is a time of
renewal and regeneration involving the collapse of the old order of things and the
construction of the new.

#Uranus Sesquiquadrate Pluto

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect sudden events or changing circumstances
to occur that will change the direction of ^your/his/her^ life. This is a time of
renewal and regeneration involving the collapse of the old order of things and the
construction of the new.

#Uranus Quincunx Pluto

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect sudden events or changing circumstances
to occur that will change the direction of ^your/his/her^ life. This is a time of
renewal and regeneration involving the collapse of the old order of things and the
construction of the new.

--- Uranus.Moon's North Node

- conjunction

#Uranus Conjunct Moon's North Node

^You/He/She^ can expect to make and break contacts suddenly during this period. Old
associations that have run their course are likely to be discarded now and replaced
with new contacts that are more relevant to ^your/his/her^ current lifestyle needs.
^You/He/She^ may be attracted to independent, freethinking and original
personalities at this time. Possibly, ^you/he/she^ may share sudden and upsetting
experiences with others now.

- soft aspects

#Uranus Trine Moon's North Node

This is an excellent time for seeking new contacts and establishing relationships
with progressive and stimulating people. ^You/He/She^ will find it easy to
integrate with new people now.

#Uranus Sextile Moon's North Node

This is an excellent time for seeking new contacts and establishing relationships
with progressive and stimulating people. ^You/He/She^ will find it easy to
integrate with new people now.

- hard aspects

#Uranus Opposition Moon's North Node

^You/He/She^ can expect to make and break contacts suddenly during this period. Old
associations that have run their course are likely to be discarded now and replaced
with new contacts that are more relevant to ^your/his/her^ current lifestyle needs.
^You/He/She^ may be attracted to independent, freethinking and original
personalities at this time. Possibly, ^you/he/she^ may share sudden and upsetting
experiences with others now.

#Uranus Square Moon's North Node

^You/He/She^ can expect to make and break contacts suddenly during this period. Old
associations that have run their course are likely to be discarded now and replaced
with new contacts that are more relevant to ^your/his/her^ current lifestyle needs.
^You/He/She^ may be attracted to independent, freethinking and original
personalities at this time. Possibly, ^you/he/she^ may share sudden and upsetting
experiences with others now.

#Uranus SemiSquare Moon's North Node

^You/He/She^ can expect to make and break contacts suddenly during this period. Old
associations that have run their course are likely to be discarded now and replaced
with new contacts that are more relevant to ^your/his/her^ current lifestyle needs.
^You/He/She^ may be attracted to independent, freethinking and original
personalities at this time. Possibly, ^you/he/she^ may share sudden and upsetting
experiences with others now.

#Uranus Sesquiquadrate Moon's North Node

^You/He/She^ can expect to make and break contacts suddenly during this period. Old
associations that have run their course are likely to be discarded now and replaced
with new contacts that are more relevant to ^your/his/her^ current lifestyle needs.
^You/He/She^ may be attracted to independent, freethinking and original
personalities at this time. Possibly, ^you/he/she^ may share sudden and upsetting
experiences with others now.

#Uranus Quincunx Moon's North Node

^You/He/She^ can expect to make and break contacts suddenly during this period. Old
associations that have run their course are likely to be discarded now and replaced
with new contacts that are more relevant to ^your/his/her^ current lifestyle needs.
^You/He/She^ may be attracted to independent, freethinking and original
personalities at this time. Possibly, ^you/he/she^ may share sudden and upsetting
experiences with others now.

--- Uranus.Ascendant

- conjunction

#Uranus Conjunct Ascendant

This can be both an exciting and stimulating time, as well as a time of intense
restlessness and excitability. ^Your/His/Her^ familiar circumstances and
surroundings are changing now. How well ^you adjust/he adjusts/she adjusts^ to
change is totally dependent upon how adaptable and flexible ^you are/he is/she is^
by nature.

- soft aspects

#Uranus Trine Ascendant

This is an excellent period for making new contacts and establishing relationships
with people who are quite different from those ^you/he/she^ normally
^associate/associates/associates^ with. This is a good time to inject some
spontaneity and excitement into ^your/his/her^ life to keep feeling vital.

#Uranus Sextile Ascendant

This is an excellent period for making new contacts and establishing relationships
with people who are quite different from those ^you/he/she^ normally
^associate/associates/associates^ with. This is a good time to inject some
spontaneity and excitement into ^your/his/her^ life to keep feeling vital.

- hard aspects

#Uranus Opposition Ascendant

This can be both an exciting and stimulating time, as well as a time of intense
restlessness and excitability. ^Your/His/Her^ familiar circumstances and
surroundings are changing now. How well ^you adjust/he adjusts/she adjusts^ to
change is totally dependent upon how adaptable and flexible ^you are/he is/she is^
by nature. Anticipate changes in ^your/his/her^ relationships, including the making
or breaking of partnerships.

#Uranus Square Ascendant

This can be both an exciting and stimulating time, as well as a time of intense
restlessness and excitability. ^Your/His/Her^ familiar circumstances and
surroundings are changing now. How well ^you adjust/he adjusts/she adjusts^ to
change is totally dependent upon how adaptable and flexible ^you are/he is/she is^
by nature. Anticipate changes in ^your/his/her^ relationships, including the making
or breaking of partnerships.

#Uranus SemiSquare Ascendant

This can be both an exciting and stimulating time, as well as a time of intense
restlessness and excitability. ^Your/His/Her^ familiar circumstances and
surroundings are changing now. How well ^you adjust/he adjusts/she adjusts^ to
change is totally dependent upon how adaptable and flexible ^you are/he is/she is^
by nature. Anticipate changes in ^your/his/her^ relationships, including the making
or breaking of partnerships.

#Uranus Sesquiquadrate Ascendant

This can be both an exciting and stimulating time, as well as a time of intense
restlessness and excitability. ^Your/His/Her^ familiar circumstances and
surroundings are changing now. How well ^you adjust/he adjusts/she adjusts^ to
change is totally dependent upon how adaptable and flexible ^you are/he is/she is^
by nature. Anticipate changes in ^your/his/her^ relationships, including the making
or breaking of partnerships.

#Uranus Quincunx Ascendant

This can be both an exciting and stimulating time, as well as a time of intense
restlessness and excitability. ^Your/His/Her^ familiar circumstances and
surroundings are changing now. How well ^you adjust/he adjusts/she adjusts^ to
change is totally dependent upon how adaptable and flexible ^you are/he is/she is^
by nature. Anticipate changes in ^your/his/her^ relationships, including the making
or breaking of partnerships.

--- Uranus.Midheaven

- conjunction

#Uranus Conjunct Midheaven

During this period, ^you/he/she^ may decide to change ^your/his/her^ career and
take off in a new direction. Even if ^you don't/he doesn't/she doesn't^ actually
change ^your/his/her^ profession, ^you/he/she^ may have to adapt to changes
occurring within it. This can be an excellent time for up-skilling in
^your/his/her^ work and for keeping abreast of technological advancements.

- soft aspects

#Uranus Trine Midheaven

This is an excellent period for making changes in ^your/his/her^ work and domestic
life. This could be a good time to change jobs or move house.

#Uranus Sextile Midheaven

This is an excellent period for making changes in ^your/his/her^ work and domestic
life. This could be a good time to change jobs or move house.

- hard aspects

#Uranus Opposition Midheaven

During this period, ^you/he/she^ may decide to change ^your/his/her^ career and
take off in a new direction. Even if ^you don't/he doesn't/she doesn't^ actually
change ^your/his/her^ profession, ^you/he/she^ may have to adapt to changes
occurring within it. Anticipate changes or disruptions within the family or home

#Uranus Square Midheaven

During this period, ^you/he/she^ may decide to change ^your/his/her^ career and
take off in a new direction. Even if ^you don't/he doesn't/she doesn't^ actually
change ^your/his/her^ profession, ^you/he/she^ may have to adapt to changes
occurring within it. Anticipate changes or disruptions within the family or home

#Uranus SemiSquare Midheaven

During this period, ^you/he/she^ may decide to change ^your/his/her^ career and
take off in a new direction. Even if ^you don't/he doesn't/she doesn't^ actually
change ^your/his/her^ profession, ^you/he/she^ may have to adapt to changes
occurring within it. Anticipate changes or disruptions within the family or home

#Uranus Sesquiquadrate Midheaven

During this period, ^you/he/she^ may decide to change ^your/his/her^ career and
take off in a new direction. Even if ^you don't/he doesn't/she doesn't^ actually
change ^your/his/her^ profession, ^you/he/she^ may have to adapt to changes
occurring within it. Anticipate changes or disruptions within the family or home

#Uranus Quincunx Midheaven

During this period, ^you/he/she^ may decide to change ^your/his/her^ career and
take off in a new direction. Even if ^you don't/he doesn't/she doesn't^ actually
change ^your/his/her^ profession, ^you/he/she^ may have to adapt to changes
occurring within it. Anticipate changes or disruptions within the family or home


--- Neptune.Sun

- conjunction

#Neptune Conjunct Sun

Under this influence ^you/he/she^ will tend to want to know more about spiritual
matters. Also, if ^you are/he is/she is^ artistically inclined, ^your/his/her^
powers of imagination and inspiration are accentuated now. ^You/He/She^ may also
travel a lot during this period. Physically, ^you tend/he tends/she tends^ to be
more sensitive. Some care may be necessary with intoxicants and stimulants. Also,
there can be a risk of deception seduction.

- soft aspects

#Neptune Trine Sun

Under this influence ^you/he/she^ will tend to want to know more about spiritual
matters. Also, if ^you are/he is/she is^ artistically inclined, ^your/his/her^
powers of imagination and inspiration are accentuated now. ^You/He/She^ may also
travel a lot now.

#Neptune Sextile Sun

Under this influence ^you/he/she^ will tend to want to know more about spiritual
matters. Also, if ^you are/he is/she is^ artistically inclined, ^your/his/her^
powers of imagination and inspiration are accentuated now. ^You/He/She^ may also
travel a lot now.

- hard aspects

#Neptune Opposition Sun

Under this influence ^you/he/she^ will tend to want to know more about spiritual
matters. Also, if ^you are/he is/she is^ artistically inclined, ^your/his/her^
powers of imagination and inspiration are accentuated now. ^You/He/She^ may also
travel a lot during this period. Physically, ^you tend/he tends/she tends^ to be
more sensitive. Some care may be necessary with intoxicants and stimulants. Also,
there can be a risk of deception seduction.

#Neptune Square Sun

Under this influence ^you/he/she^ will tend to want to know more about spiritual
matters. Also, if ^you are/he is/she is^ artistically inclined, ^your/his/her^
powers of imagination and inspiration are accentuated now. ^You/He/She^ may also
travel a lot during this period. Physically, ^you tend/he tends/she tends^ to be
more sensitive. Some care may be necessary with intoxicants and stimulants. Also,
there can be a risk of deception seduction.

#Neptune SemiSquare Sun

Under this influence ^you/he/she^ will tend to want to know more about spiritual
matters. Also, if ^you are/he is/she is^ artistically inclined, ^your/his/her^
powers of imagination and inspiration are accentuated now. ^You/He/She^ may also
travel a lot during this period. Physically, ^you tend/he tends/she tends^ to be
more sensitive. Some care may be necessary with intoxicants and stimulants. Also,
there can be a risk of deception seduction.

#Neptune Sesquiquadrate Sun

Under this influence ^you/he/she^ will tend to want to know more about spiritual
matters. Also, if ^you are/he is/she is^ artistically inclined, ^your/his/her^
powers of imagination and inspiration are accentuated now. ^You/He/She^ may also
travel a lot during this period. Physically, ^you tend/he tends/she tends^ to be
more sensitive. Some care may be necessary with intoxicants and stimulants. Also,
there can be a risk of deception seduction.

#Neptune Quincunx Sun

Under this influence ^you/he/she^ will tend to want to know more about spiritual
matters. Also, if ^you are/he is/she is^ artistically inclined, ^your/his/her^
powers of imagination and inspiration are accentuated now. ^You/He/She^ may also
travel a lot during this period. Physically, ^you tend/he tends/she tends^ to be
more sensitive. Some care may be necessary with intoxicants and stimulants. Also,
there can be a risk of deception seduction.

--- Neptune.Moon

- conjunction

#Neptune Conjunct Moon

This may be a highly emotional period for ^you/him/her^. ^Your/His/Her^ sensitivity
is acute and ^you have/he has/she has^ the ability to pick-up on virtually every
little nuance and mood in others and the environment. ^You/He/She^ may develop an
interest in spiritual and psychic subjects, but also there could be an attraction
to stimulants and intoxicants. Travel is likely too.

- soft aspects

#Neptune Trine Moon

^Your/His/Her^ sensitivity is acute and ^you have/he has/she has^ the ability to
pick-up on virtually every little nuance and mood in others and the environment.
^You/He/She^ may develop an interest in spiritual and psychic subjects. Travel is

#Neptune Sextile Moon

^Your/His/Her^ sensitivity is acute and ^you have/he has/she has^ the ability to
pick-up on virtually every little nuance and mood in others and the environment.
^You/He/She^ may develop an interest in spiritual and psychic subjects. Travel is

- hard aspects

#Neptune Opposition Moon

This may be a highly emotional period for ^you/him/her^. ^Your/His/Her^ sensitivity
is acute and ^you have/he has/she has^ the ability to pick-up on virtually every
little nuance and mood in others and the environment. ^You/He/She^ may develop an
interest in spiritual and psychic subjects, but also there could be an attraction
to stimulants and intoxicants. Travel is likely too.

#Neptune Square Moon

This may be a highly emotional period for ^you/him/her^. ^Your/His/Her^ sensitivity
is acute and ^you have/he has/she has^ the ability to pick-up on virtually every
little nuance and mood in others and the environment. ^You/He/She^ may develop an
interest in spiritual and psychic subjects, but also there could be an attraction
to stimulants and intoxicants. Travel is likely too.

#Neptune SemiSquare Moon

This may be a highly emotional period for ^you/him/her^. ^Your/His/Her^ sensitivity
is acute and ^you have/he has/she has^ the ability to pick-up on virtually every
little nuance and mood in others and the environment. ^You/He/She^ may develop an
interest in spiritual and psychic subjects, but also there could be an attraction
to stimulants and intoxicants. Travel is likely too.

#Neptune Sesquiquadrate Moon

This may be a highly emotional period for ^you/him/her^. ^Your/His/Her^ sensitivity
is acute and ^you have/he has/she has^ the ability to pick-up on virtually every
little nuance and mood in others and the environment. ^You/He/She^ may develop an
interest in spiritual and psychic subjects, but also there could be an attraction
to stimulants and intoxicants. Travel is likely too.

#Neptune Quincunx Moon

This may be a highly emotional period for ^you/him/her^. ^Your/His/Her^ sensitivity
is acute and ^you have/he has/she has^ the ability to pick-up on virtually every
little nuance and mood in others and the environment. ^You/He/She^ may develop an
interest in spiritual and psychic subjects, but also there could be an attraction
to stimulants and intoxicants. Travel is likely too.

--- Neptune.Mercury

- conjunction

#Neptune Conjunct Mercury

During this period ^your/his/her^ imagination will be more lively than usual.
^You/He/She^ will be prone to daydreaming or [fantasising,fantasizing]. This is not
the best time to make really important decisions. There is a risk of
misunderstandings, miscommunications, confused ideas and deception. Positively,
^your/his/her^ powers of perception and inspiration are accentuated now; creative
writing, advertising, music and the visual arts can all flourish under this
influence. ^You are/He is/She is^ able to relate to others at a more feeling level
and may experience ESP.

- soft aspects
#Neptune Trine Mercury
During this period ^your/his/her^ imagination will be more lively than usual.
^Your/His/Her^ powers of perception and inspiration are accentuated now; creative
writing, advertising, music and the visual arts can all flourish under this
influence. ^You are/He is/She is^ able to relate to others at a more feeling level
and may experience ESP.

#Neptune Sextile Mercury

During this period ^your/his/her^ imagination will be more lively than usual.
^Your/His/Her^ powers of perception and inspiration are accentuated now; creative
writing, advertising, music and the visual arts can all flourish under this
influence. ^You are/He is/She is^ able to relate to others at a more feeling level
and may experience ESP.

- hard aspects

#Neptune Opposition Mercury

During this period ^your/his/her^ imagination will be more lively than usual.
^You/He/She^ will be prone to daydreaming or [fantasising,fantasizing]. This is not
the best time to make really important decisions. There is a risk of
misunderstandings, miscommunications, confused ideas and deception. Positively,
^your/his/her^ powers of perception and inspiration are accentuated now; creative
writing, advertising, music and the visual arts can all flourish under this
influence. ^You are/He is/She is^ able to relate to others at a more feeling level
and may experience ESP.

#Neptune Square Mercury

During this period ^your/his/her^ imagination will be more lively than usual.
^You/He/She^ will be prone to daydreaming or [fantasising,fantasizing]. This is not
the best time to make really important decisions. There is a risk of
misunderstandings, miscommunications, confused ideas and deception. Positively,
^your/his/her^ powers of perception and inspiration are accentuated now; creative
writing, advertising, music and the visual arts can all flourish under this
influence. ^You are/He is/She is^ able to relate to others at a more feeling level
and may experience ESP.

#Neptune SemiSquare Mercury

During this period ^your/his/her^ imagination will be more lively than usual.
^You/He/She^ will be prone to daydreaming or [fantasising,fantasizing]. This is not
the best time to make really important decisions. There is a risk of
misunderstandings, miscommunications, confused ideas and deception. Positively,
^your/his/her^ powers of perception and inspiration are accentuated now; creative
writing, advertising, music and the visual arts can all flourish under this
influence. ^You are/He is/She is^ able to relate to others at a more feeling level
and may experience ESP.

#Neptune Sesquiquadrate Mercury

During this period ^your/his/her^ imagination will be more lively than usual.
^You/He/She^ will be prone to daydreaming or [fantasising,fantasizing]. This is not
the best time to make really important decisions. There is a risk of
misunderstandings, miscommunications, confused ideas and deception. Positively,
^your/his/her^ powers of perception and inspiration are accentuated now; creative
writing, advertising, music and the visual arts can all flourish under this
influence. ^You are/He is/She is^ able to relate to others at a more feeling level
and may experience ESP.

#Neptune Quincunx Mercury

During this period ^your/his/her^ imagination will be more lively than usual.
^You/He/She^ will be prone to daydreaming or [fantasising,fantasizing]. This is not
the best time to make really important decisions. There is a risk of
misunderstandings, miscommunications, confused ideas and deception. Positively,
^your/his/her^ powers of perception and inspiration are accentuated now; creative
writing, advertising, music and the visual arts can all flourish under this
influence. ^You are/He is/She is^ able to relate to others at a more feeling level
and may experience ESP.

--- Neptune.Venus

- conjunction

#Neptune Conjunct Venus

This can be a somewhat dreamy and romantic time for ^you/him/her^. ^You/He/She^ may
become infatuated with another or someone may have idealistic thoughts about
^you/him/her^. Romance aside, this configuration also advantages anyone who is
artistically gifted or inclined. Music, the visual arts, painting, dance,
[theatre,theater] and fashion can all flourish during this period.

- soft aspects
#Neptune Trine Venus
This can be a somewhat dreamy and romantic time for ^you/him/her^. ^You/He/She^ may
become infatuated with another or someone may have idealistic thoughts about
^you/him/her^. Romance aside, this configuration also advantages anyone who is
artistically gifted or inclined. Music, the visual arts, painting, dance,
[theatre,theater] and fashion can all flourish during this period.

#Neptune Sextile Venus

This can be a somewhat dreamy and romantic time for ^you/him/her^. ^You/He/She^ may
become infatuated with another or someone may have idealistic thoughts about
^you/him/her^. Romance aside, this configuration also advantages anyone who is
artistically gifted or inclined. Music, the visual arts, painting, dance,
[theatre,theater] and fashion can all flourish during this period.

- hard aspects

#Neptune Opposition Venus

This can be a somewhat dreamy and romantic time for ^you/him/her^. ^You/He/She^ may
become infatuated with another or someone may have idealistic thoughts about
^you/him/her^. Romance aside, this configuration also advantages anyone who is
artistically gifted or inclined. Music, the visual arts, painting, dance,
[theatre,theater] and fashion can all flourish during this period.

#Neptune Square Venus

This can be a somewhat dreamy and romantic time for ^you/him/her^. ^You/He/She^ may
become infatuated with another or someone may have idealistic thoughts about
^you/him/her^. Romance aside, this configuration also advantages anyone who is
artistically gifted or inclined. Music, the visual arts, painting, dance,
[theatre,theater] and fashion can all flourish during this period.

#Neptune SemiSquare Venus

This can be a somewhat dreamy and romantic time for ^you/him/her^. ^You/He/She^ may
become infatuated with another or someone may have idealistic thoughts about
^you/him/her^. Romance aside, this configuration also advantages anyone who is
artistically gifted or inclined. Music, the visual arts, painting, dance,
[theatre,theater] and fashion can all flourish during this period.

#Neptune Sesquiquadrate Venus

This can be a somewhat dreamy and romantic time for ^you/him/her^. ^You/He/She^ may
become infatuated with another or someone may have idealistic thoughts about
^you/him/her^. Romance aside, this configuration also advantages anyone who is
artistically gifted or inclined. Music, the visual arts, painting, dance,
[theatre,theater] and fashion can all flourish during this period.

#Neptune Quincunx Venus

This can be a somewhat dreamy and romantic time for ^you/him/her^. ^You/He/She^ may
become infatuated with another or someone may have idealistic thoughts about
^you/him/her^. Romance aside, this configuration also advantages anyone who is
artistically gifted or inclined. Music, the visual arts, painting, dance,
[theatre,theater] and fashion can all flourish during this period.

--- Neptune.Mars

- conjunction

#Neptune Conjunct Mars

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect to experience difficulties achieving
^your/his/her^ objectives, because ^your/his/her^ energies and self-motivation are
lower than usual. In fact, under this influence ^you/he/she^ will often feel quite
washed out and powerless. Physically, ^your/his/her^ body is unusually prone to
infection at this time, so increased consideration to ^your/his/her^ health is
advisable. Guard against being exploited.

- soft aspects
#Neptune Trine Mars
During this period ^you/he/she^ may become actively involved in an idealistic
cause. ^You/He/She^ may become involved in the study of metaphysics, or take an
interest in spiritual disciplines that tone ^your/his/her^ mind, body and soul,
such as tai chi or yoga.

#Neptune Sextile Mars

During this period ^you/he/she^ may become actively involved in an idealistic
cause. ^You/He/She^ may become involved in the study of metaphysics, or take an
interest in spiritual disciplines that tone ^your/his/her^ mind, body and soul,
such as tai chi or yoga.
- hard aspects

#Neptune Opposition Mars

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect to experience difficulties achieving
^your/his/her^ objectives, because ^your/his/her^ energies and self-motivation are
lower than usual. In fact, under this influence ^you/he/she^ will often feel quite
washed out and powerless. Physically, ^your/his/her^ body is unusually prone to
infection at this time, so increased consideration to ^your/his/her^ health is
advisable. Guard against being exploited.

#Neptune Square Mars

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect to experience difficulties achieving
^your/his/her^ objectives, because ^your/his/her^ energies and self-motivation are
lower than usual. In fact, under this influence ^you/he/she^ will often feel quite
washed out and powerless. Physically, ^your/his/her^ body is unusually prone to
infection at this time, so increased consideration to ^your/his/her^ health is
advisable. Guard against being exploited.

#Neptune SemiSquare Mars

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect to experience difficulties achieving
^your/his/her^ objectives, because ^your/his/her^ energies and self-motivation are
lower than usual. In fact, under this influence ^you/he/she^ will often feel quite
washed out and powerless. Physically, ^your/his/her^ body is unusually prone to
infection at this time, so increased consideration to ^your/his/her^ health is
advisable. Guard against being exploited.

#Neptune Sesquiquadrate Mars

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect to experience difficulties achieving
^your/his/her^ objectives, because ^your/his/her^ energies and self-motivation are
lower than usual. In fact, under this influence ^you/he/she^ will often feel quite
washed out and powerless. Physically, ^your/his/her^ body is unusually prone to
infection at this time, so increased consideration to ^your/his/her^ health is
advisable. Guard against being exploited.

#Neptune Quincunx Mars

During this period ^you/he/she^ can expect to experience difficulties achieving
^your/his/her^ objectives, because ^your/his/her^ energies and self-motivation are
lower than usual. In fact, under this influence ^you/he/she^ will often feel quite
washed out and powerless. Physically, ^your/his/her^ body is unusually prone to
infection at this time, so increased consideration to ^your/his/her^ health is
advisable. Guard against being exploited.

--- Neptune.Jupiter

- conjunction

#Neptune Conjunct Jupiter

During this period ^you/he/she^ can lift ^your/his/her^ spiritual awareness to
higher levels and increase ^your/his/her^ powers of compassion and empathy.
Artistic creativity, also, can flourish under this influence - especially music,
drama, dance and painting. There is a danger that ^you/he/she^ may act on faith
alone and conveniently overlook the reality of a situation and risk being deceived
or exploited. Travel during this period can be very worthwhile and uplifting.

- soft aspects

#Neptune Trine Jupiter

During this period ^you/he/she^ can lift ^your/his/her^ spiritual awareness to
higher levels and increase ^your/his/her^ powers of compassion and empathy.
Artistic creativity, also, can flourish under this influence - especially music,
drama, dance and painting. Travel, during this period, can be very enjoyable and
relatively free of complications.

#Neptune Sextile Jupiter

During this period ^you/he/she^ can lift ^your/his/her^ spiritual awareness to
higher levels and increase ^your/his/her^ powers of compassion and empathy.
Artistic creativity, also, can flourish under this influence - especially music,
drama, dance and painting. Travel, during this period, can be very enjoyable and
relatively free of complications.

- hard aspects

#Neptune Opposition Jupiter

During this period ^you/he/she^ can lift ^your/his/her^ spiritual awareness to
higher levels and increase ^your/his/her^ powers of compassion and empathy.
Artistic creativity, also, can flourish under this influence - especially music,
drama, dance and painting. There is a danger that ^you/he/she^ may act on faith
alone and conveniently overlook the reality of a situation and risk being deceived
or exploited. Travel, during this period, can be very worthwhile and uplifting.

#Neptune Square Jupiter

During this period ^you/he/she^ can lift ^your/his/her^ spiritual awareness to
higher levels and increase ^your/his/her^ powers of compassion and empathy.
Artistic creativity, also, can flourish under this influence - especially music,
drama, dance and painting. There is a danger that ^you/he/she^ may act on faith
alone and conveniently overlook the reality of a situation and risk being deceived
or exploited. Travel, during this period, can be very worthwhile and uplifting.

#Neptune SemiSquare Jupiter

During this period ^you/he/she^ can lift ^your/his/her^ spiritual awareness to
higher levels and increase ^your/his/her^ powers of compassion and empathy.
Artistic creativity, also, can flourish under this influence - especially music,
drama, dance and painting. There is a danger that ^you/he/she^ may act on faith
alone and conveniently overlook the reality of a situation and risk being deceived
or exploited. Travel, during this period, can be very worthwhile and uplifting.

#Neptune Sesquiquadrate Jupiter

During this period ^you/he/she^ can lift ^your/his/her^ spiritual awareness to
higher levels and increase ^your/his/her^ powers of compassion and empathy.
Artistic creativity, also, can flourish under this influence - especially music,
drama, dance and painting. There is a danger that ^you/he/she^ may act on faith
alone and conveniently overlook the reality of a situation and risk being deceived
or exploited. Travel, during this period, can be very worthwhile and uplifting.

#Neptune Quincunx Jupiter

During this period ^you/he/she^ can lift ^your/his/her^ spiritual awareness to
higher levels and increase ^your/his/her^ powers of compassion and empathy.
Artistic creativity, also, can flourish under this influence - especially music,
drama, dance and painting. There is a danger that ^you/he/she^ may act on faith
alone and conveniently overlook the reality of a situation and risk being deceived
or exploited. Travel, during this period, can be very worthwhile and uplifting.

--- Neptune.Saturn

- conjunction

#Neptune Conjunct Saturn

This can be a very trying period affecting ^your/his/her^ emotional and possibly
physical well-being. The best way to deal with this phase is to stay calm, be
patient and to avoid making radical life-changing decisions. As much as possible,
^you/he/she^ should try to surround ^yourself/himself/herself^ with positive and
uplifting people and avoid the company of draining or negative persons. It is
important to take care of ^your/his/her^ general health during this period.

- soft aspects

#Neptune Trine Saturn

This is a good time for quiet introspection and reflection. The spiritual and
material sides of ^your/his/her^ life are in harmony, in general. ^You/He/She^ can
achieve a lot now and make ^your/his/her^ dreams a reality through patience and

#Neptune Sextile Saturn

This is a good time for quiet introspection and reflection. The spiritual and
material sides of ^your/his/her^ life are in harmony, in general. ^You/He/She^ can
achieve a lot now and make ^your/his/her^ dreams a reality through patience and

- hard aspects

#Neptune Opposition Saturn

This can be a very trying period affecting ^your/his/her^ emotional and possibly
physical well-being. The best way to deal with this phase is to stay calm, be
patient and to avoid making radical life-changing decisions. As much as possible,
^you/he/she^ should try to surround ^yourself/himself/herself^ with positive and
uplifting people and avoid the company of draining or negative persons. It is
important to take care of ^your/his/her^ general health during this period.

#Neptune Square Saturn

This can be a very trying period affecting ^your/his/her^ emotional and possibly
physical well-being. The best way to deal with this phase is to stay calm, be
patient and to avoid making radical life-changing decisions. As much as possible,
^you/he/she^ should try to surround ^yourself/himself/herself^ with positive and
uplifting people and avoid the company of draining or negative persons. It is
important to take care of ^your/his/her^ general health during this period.

#Neptune SemiSquare Saturn

This can be a very trying period affecting ^your/his/her^ emotional and possibly
physical well-being. The best way to deal with this phase is to stay calm, be
patient and to avoid making radical life-changing decisions. As much as possible,
^you/he/she^ should try to surround ^yourself/himself/herself^ with positive and
uplifting people and avoid the company of draining or negative persons. It is
important to take care of ^your/his/her^ general health during this period.

#Neptune Sesquiquadrate Saturn

This can be a very trying period affecting ^your/his/her^ emotional and possibly
physical well-being. The best way to deal with this phase is to stay calm, be
patient and to avoid making radical life-changing decisions. As much as possible,
^you/he/she^ should try to surround ^yourself/himself/herself^ with positive and
uplifting people and avoid the company of draining or negative persons. It is
important to take care of ^your/his/her^ general health during this period.

#Neptune Quincunx Saturn

This can be a very trying period affecting ^your/his/her^ emotional and possibly
physical well-being. The best way to deal with this phase is to stay calm, be
patient and to avoid making radical life-changing decisions. As much as possible,
^you/he/she^ should try to surround ^yourself/himself/herself^ with positive and
uplifting people and avoid the company of draining or negative persons. It is
important to take care of ^your/his/her^ general health during this period.

--- Neptune.Uranus

- conjunction

#Neptune Conjunct Uranus

During this period ^your/his/her^ attention will tend to turn inward. ^You/He/She^
will become increasingly interested in trying to understand ^your/his/her^
spiritual purpose. ^You have/He has/She has^ a longing for inner understanding and
illumination. Escapism from the everyday world may be tempting and a longing for
faraway places (travel) is probable. Anticipate sudden insights.

- soft aspects

#Neptune Trine Uranus

During this period ^your/his/her^ attention will tend to turn inward. ^You/He/She^
will become increasingly interested in trying to understand ^your/his/her^
spiritual purpose. ^You have/He has/She has^ a longing for inner understanding and
illumination. Escapism from the everyday world may be tempting and a longing for
faraway places (travel) is probable. Anticipate sudden insights.

#Neptune Sextile Uranus

During this period ^your/his/her^ attention will tend to turn inward. ^You/He/She^
will become increasingly interested in trying to understand ^your/his/her^
spiritual purpose. ^You have/He has/She has^ a longing for inner understanding and
illumination. Escapism from the everyday world may be tempting and a longing for
faraway places (travel) is probable. Anticipate sudden insights.

- hard aspects

#Neptune Opposition Uranus

During this period ^your/his/her^ attention will tend to turn inward. ^You/He/She^
will become increasingly interested in trying to understand ^your/his/her^
spiritual purpose. ^You have/He has/She has^ a longing for inner understanding and
illumination. Escapism from the everyday world may be tempting and a longing for
faraway places (travel) is probable. Anticipate sudden insights.

#Neptune Square Uranus

During this period ^your/his/her^ attention will tend to turn inward. ^You/He/She^
will become increasingly interested in trying to understand ^your/his/her^
spiritual purpose. ^You have/He has/She has^ a longing for inner understanding and
illumination. Escapism from the everyday world may be tempting and a longing for
faraway places (travel) is probable. Anticipate sudden insights.

#Neptune SemiSquare Uranus

During this period ^your/his/her^ attention will tend to turn inward. ^You/He/She^
will become increasingly interested in trying to understand ^your/his/her^
spiritual purpose. ^You have/He has/She has^ a longing for inner understanding and
illumination. Escapism from the everyday world may be tempting and a longing for
faraway places (travel) is probable. Anticipate sudden insights.

#Neptune Sesquiquadrate Uranus

During this period ^your/his/her^ attention will tend to turn inward. ^You/He/She^
will become increasingly interested in trying to understand ^your/his/her^
spiritual purpose. ^You have/He has/She has^ a longing for inner understanding and
illumination. Escapism from the everyday world may be tempting and a longing for
faraway places (travel) is probable. Anticipate sudden insights.

#Neptune Quincunx Uranus

During this period ^your/his/her^ attention will tend to turn inward. ^You/He/She^
will become increasingly interested in trying to understand ^your/his/her^
spiritual purpose. ^You have/He has/She has^ a longing for inner understanding and
illumination. Escapism from the everyday world may be tempting and a longing for
faraway places (travel) is probable. Anticipate sudden insights.

--- Neptune.Neptune

- conjunction

#Neptune Conjunct Neptune

This can be a spiritually enriching period. ^You/He/She^ will have an interest in
spiritual, metaphysical and creative subjects.

- soft aspects

#Neptune Trine Neptune

This can be a spiritually enriching period. ^You/He/She^ will have an increased
interest in spiritual, metaphysical and creative subjects. ^Your/His/Her^ powers of
imagination and inspiration are enhanced at this time, and artistic expressions
such as painting, photography, music, dance, drama and poetry can all flourish now.

#Neptune Sextile Neptune

This can be a spiritually enriching period. ^You/He/She^ will have an increased
interest in spiritual, metaphysical and creative subjects. ^Your/His/Her^ powers of
imagination and inspiration are enhanced at this time, and artistic expressions
such as painting, photography, music, dance, drama and poetry can all flourish now.

- hard aspects

#Neptune Opposition Neptune

This can be a spiritually enriching period. ^You/He/She^ will have an increased
interest in spiritual, metaphysical and creative subjects. ^Your/His/Her^ powers of
imagination and inspiration are enhanced at this time, and artistic expressions
such as painting, photography, music, dance, drama and poetry can all flourish now.
It can also be a potentially confusing period, so guard against exacerbating any
confusion through immoderate drug or alcohol use.

#Neptune Square Neptune

This can be a spiritually enriching period. ^You/He/She^ will have an increased
interest in spiritual, metaphysical and creative subjects. ^Your/His/Her^ powers of
imagination and inspiration are enhanced at this time, and artistic expressions
such as painting, photography, music, dance, drama and poetry can all flourish now.
It can also be a potentially confusing period, so guard against exacerbating any
confusion through immoderate drug or alcohol use.

#Neptune SemiSquare Neptune

This can be a spiritually enriching period. ^You/He/She^ will have an increased
interest in spiritual, metaphysical and creative subjects. ^Your/His/Her^ powers of
imagination and inspiration are enhanced at this time, and artistic expressions
such as painting, photography, music, dance, drama and poetry can all flourish now.
It can also be a potentially confusing period, so guard against exacerbating any
confusion through immoderate drug or alcohol use.

#Neptune Sesquiquadrate Neptune

This can be a spiritually enriching period. ^You/He/She^ will have an increased
interest in spiritual, metaphysical and creative subjects. ^Your/His/Her^ powers of
imagination and inspiration are enhanced at this time, and artistic expressions
such as painting, photography, music, dance, drama and poetry can all flourish now.
It can also be a potentially confusing period, so guard against exacerbating any
confusion through immoderate drug or alcohol use.

#Neptune Quincunx Neptune

This can be a spiritually enriching period. ^You/He/She^ will have an increased
interest in spiritual, metaphysical and creative subjects. ^Your/His/Her^ powers of
imagination and inspiration are enhanced at this time, and artistic expressions
such as painting, photography, music, dance, drama and poetry can all flourish now.
It can also be a potentially confusing period, so guard against exacerbating any
confusion through immoderate drug or alcohol use.

--- Neptune.Pluto
- conjunction

#Neptune Conjunct Pluto

At this time ^you have/he has/she has^ the inclination to delve deeply into - and
to explore - the inner or spiritual dimensions of life. Anticipate a possibly
increasing enthusiasm for mysticism coupled with intense soul - or emotional -
experiences. Care is needed with the effects of alcohol and drugs.

- soft aspects

#Neptune Trine Pluto

At this time ^you have/he has/she has^ the inclination to delve deeply into - and
to explore - the inner or spiritual dimensions of life. Anticipate a possibly
increasing enthusiasm for mysticism coupled with intense soul - or emotional -

#Neptune Sextile Pluto

At this time ^you have/he has/she has^ the inclination to delve deeply into - and
to explore - the inner or spiritual dimensions of life. Anticipate a possibly
increasing enthusiasm for mysticism coupled with intense soul - or emotional -

- hard aspects

#Neptune Opposition Pluto

At this time ^you have/he has/she has^ the inclination to delve deeply into - and
to explore - the inner or spiritual dimensions of life. Anticipate a possibly
increasing enthusiasm for mysticism coupled with intense soul - or emotional -
experiences. Care is needed with the effects of alcohol and drugs.

#Neptune Square Pluto

At this time ^you have/he has/she has^ the inclination to delve deeply into - and
to explore - the inner or spiritual dimensions of life. Anticipate a possibly
increasing enthusiasm for mysticism coupled with intense soul - or emotional -
experiences. Care is needed with the effects of alcohol and drugs.

#Neptune SemiSquare Pluto

At this time ^you have/he has/she has^ the inclination to delve deeply into - and
to explore - the inner or spiritual dimensions of life. Anticipate a possibly
increasing enthusiasm for mysticism coupled with intense soul - or emotional -
experiences. Care is needed with the effects of alcohol and drugs.

#Neptune Sesquiquadrate Pluto

At this time ^you have/he has/she has^ the inclination to delve deeply into - and
to explore - the inner or spiritual dimensions of life. Anticipate a possibly
increasing enthusiasm for mysticism coupled with intense soul - or emotional -
experiences. Care is needed with the effects of alcohol and drugs.

#Neptune Quincunx Pluto

At this time ^you have/he has/she has^ the inclination to delve deeply into - and
to explore - the inner or spiritual dimensions of life. Anticipate a possibly
increasing enthusiasm for mysticism coupled with intense soul - or emotional -
experiences. Care is needed with the effects of alcohol and drugs.

--- Neptune.Moon's North Node

- conjunction

#Neptune Conjunct Moon's North Node

During this period ^you/he/she^ may be inclined to form associations with people
^you know/he knows/she knows^ very little about. There is a possibility of being
exposed to unreliability or deception within unions, groups or partnerships.
Positively, this can be a good time for forming unions with spiritually inclined or
artistic and creative people.

- soft aspects

#Neptune Trine Moon's North Node

This can be a good time for forming unions with spiritually inclined or artistic
and creative people. However, ^you need/he needs/she needs^ to be discriminating in
^your/his/her^ choice of company. There is a risk from associating with dreamy and
unreliable people.

#Neptune Sextile Moon's North Node

This can be a good time for forming unions with spiritually inclined or artistic
and creative people. However, ^you need/he needs/she needs^ to be discriminating in
^your/his/her^ choice of company. There is a risk from associating with dreamy and
unreliable people.

- hard aspects

#Neptune Opposition Moon's North Node

During this period ^you/he/she^ may be inclined to form associations with people
^you know/he knows/she knows^ very little about. There is a possibility of being
exposed to unreliability or deception within unions, groups or partnerships.
Positively, this can be a good time for forming unions with spiritually inclined or
artistic and creative people.

#Neptune Square Moon's North Node

During this period ^you/he/she^ may be inclined to form associations with people
^you know/he knows/she knows^ very little about. There is a possibility of being
exposed to unreliability or deception within unions, groups or partnerships.
Positively, this can be a good time for forming unions with spiritually inclined or
artistic and creative people.

#Neptune SemiSquare Moon's North Node

During this period ^you/he/she^ may be inclined to form associations with people
^you know/he knows/she knows^ very little about. There is a possibility of being
exposed to unreliability or deception within unions, groups or partnerships.
Positively, this can be a good time for forming unions with spiritually inclined or
artistic and creative people.

#Neptune Sesquiquadrate Moon's North Node

During this period ^you/he/she^ may be inclined to form associations with people
^you know/he knows/she knows^ very little about. There is a possibility of being
exposed to unreliability or deception within unions, groups or partnerships.
Positively, this can be a good time for forming unions with spiritually inclined or
artistic and creative people.

#Neptune Quincunx Moon's North Node

During this period ^you/he/she^ may be inclined to form associations with people
^you know/he knows/she knows^ very little about. There is a possibility of being
exposed to unreliability or deception within unions, groups or partnerships.
Positively, this can be a good time for forming unions with spiritually inclined or
artistic and creative people.

--- Neptune.Ascendant

- conjunction

#Neptune Conjunct Ascendant

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ likely to feel all at sea and uncertain
about where ^you're/he's/she's^ going in life. ^You/He/She^ may feel confused about
^yourself and your/himself and his/herself and her^ relationships, especially
^your/his/her^ intimate ones. There is a danger of being exposed to deception now
or the negative effects of intoxicants.

- soft aspects

#Neptune Trine Ascendant

During this period ^your/his/her^ imagination and sensitivity are enhanced, which
may inspire ^you/him/her^ to explore or develop any artistic or creative potential
^you have/he has/she has^. ^You/He/She^ will probably also take an increasing
interest in spiritual and mystical matters at this time. Periods in retreat or in
natural surroundings will be soothing and emotionally uplifting now. This can also
be a good time for travel.

#Neptune Sextile Ascendant

During this period ^your/his/her^ imagination and sensitivity are enhanced, which
may inspire ^you/him/her^ to explore or develop any artistic or creative potential
^you have/he has/she has^. ^You/He/She^ will probably also take an increasing
interest in spiritual and mystical matters at this time. Periods in retreat or in
natural surroundings will be soothing and emotionally uplifting now. This can also
be a good time for travel.

- hard aspects

#Neptune Opposition Ascendant

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ likely to feel all at sea and uncertain
about where ^you're/he's/she's^ going in life. ^You/He/She^ may feel confused about
^yourself and your/himself and his/herself and her^ relationships, especially
^your/his/her^ intimate ones. There is a danger of being exposed to deception now
or the negative effects of intoxicants.
#Neptune Square Ascendant
During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ likely to feel all at sea and uncertain
about where ^you're/he's/she's^ going in life. ^You/He/She^ may feel confused about
^yourself and your/himself and his/herself and her^ relationships, especially
^your/his/her^ intimate ones. There is a danger of being exposed to deception now
or the negative effects of intoxicants.

#Neptune SemiSquare Ascendant

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ likely to feel all at sea and uncertain
about where ^you're/he's/she's^ going in life. ^You/He/She^ may feel confused about
^yourself and your/himself and his/herself and her^ relationships, especially
^your/his/her^ intimate ones. There is a danger of being exposed to deception now
or the negative effects of intoxicants.

#Neptune Sesquiquadrate Ascendant

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ likely to feel all at sea and uncertain
about where ^you're/he's/she's^ going in life. ^You/He/She^ may feel confused about
^yourself and your/himself and his/herself and her^ relationships, especially
^your/his/her^ intimate ones. There is a danger of being exposed to deception now
or the negative effects of intoxicants.

#Neptune Quincunx Ascendant

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ likely to feel all at sea and uncertain
about where ^you're/he's/she's^ going in life. ^You/He/She^ may feel confused about
^yourself and your/himself and his/herself and her^ relationships, especially
^your/his/her^ intimate ones. There is a danger of being exposed to deception now
or the negative effects of intoxicants.

--- Neptune.Midheaven

- conjunction

#Neptune Conjunct Midheaven

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ well-aspected for investigating and
developing the inner and spiritual dimension of ^your/his/her^ life. ^You/He/She^
may become increasingly interested in metaphysical subjects and could experience
transcendental experiences. However, this is not the best time to make major
decisions regarding ^your/his/her^ direction in life or career, as ^your/his/her^
[judgement,judgment] may be faulty or idealistically motivated and unrealistic.

- soft aspects

#Neptune Trine Midheaven

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ well-aspected for investigating and
developing the inner and spiritual dimension of ^your/his/her^ life. ^You/He/She^
may become increasingly interested in metaphysical subjects and could experience
transcendental experiences. ^You are/He is/She is^ well-suited to the healing or
creative fields now.

#Neptune Sextile Midheaven

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ well-aspected for investigating and
developing the inner and spiritual dimension of ^your/his/her^ life. ^You/He/She^
may become increasingly interested in metaphysical subjects and could experience
transcendental experiences. ^You are/He is/She is^ well-suited to the healing or
creative fields now.

- hard aspects

#Neptune Opposition Midheaven

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ well-aspected for investigating and
developing the inner and spiritual dimension of ^your/his/her^ life. ^You/He/She^
may become increasingly interested in metaphysical subjects and could experience
transcendental experiences. However, this is not the best time to make major
decisions regarding ^your/his/her^ direction in life or career, as ^your/his/her^
[judgement,judgment] may be faulty or idealistically motivated and unrealistic.
There may be instability at home or in the family. A change of residence is

#Neptune Square Midheaven

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ well-aspected for investigating and
developing the inner and spiritual dimension of ^your/his/her^ life. ^You/He/She^
may become increasingly interested in metaphysical subjects and could experience
transcendental experiences. However, this is not the best time to make major
decisions regarding ^your/his/her^ direction in life or career, as ^your/his/her^
[judgement,judgment] may be faulty or idealistically motivated and unrealistic.
There may be instability at home or in the family. A change of residence is

#Neptune SemiSquare Midheaven

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ well-aspected for investigating and
developing the inner and spiritual dimension of ^your/his/her^ life. ^You/He/She^
may become increasingly interested in metaphysical subjects and could experience
transcendental experiences. However, this is not the best time to make major
decisions regarding ^your/his/her^ direction in life or career, as ^your/his/her^
[judgement,judgment] may be faulty or idealistically motivated and unrealistic.
There may be instability at home or in the family. A change of residence is

#Neptune Sesquiquadrate Midheaven

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ well-aspected for investigating and
developing the inner and spiritual dimension of ^your/his/her^ life. ^You/He/She^
may become increasingly interested in metaphysical subjects and could experience
transcendental experiences. However, this is not the best time to make major
decisions regarding ^your/his/her^ direction in life or career, as ^your/his/her^
[judgement,judgment] may be faulty or idealistically motivated and unrealistic.
There may be instability at home or in the family. A change of residence is

#Neptune Quincunx Midheaven

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ well-aspected for investigating and
developing the inner and spiritual dimension of ^your/his/her^ life. ^You/He/She^
may become increasingly interested in metaphysical subjects and could experience
transcendental experiences. However, this is not the best time to make major
decisions regarding ^your/his/her^ direction in life or career, as ^your/his/her^
[judgement,judgment] may be faulty or idealistically motivated and unrealistic.
There may be instability at home or in the family. A change of residence is


--- Pluto.Sun

- conjunction

#Pluto Conjunct Sun

This is an important period of transition in ^your/his/her^ life, in which the
process of personal change and transformation takes effect. ^You have/He has/She
has^ the power to assert ^your/his/her^ individuality and to make significant
changes in ^your/his/her^ life, such as re-locating, beginning a new line of work
or pursuing an activity of personal significance. Possibly, ^you/he/she^ may come
into contact with a powerful and influential male. Negatively, there can be power
struggles or separations caused by forces beyond ^your/his/her^ personal control.

- soft aspects

#Pluto Trine Sun

This is an important period of transition in ^your/his/her^ life, in which the
process of personal change and transformation takes effect. ^You have/He has/She
has^ the power to assert ^your/his/her^ individuality and to make significant
changes in ^your/his/her^ life, such as re-locating, beginning a new line of work
or pursuing an activity of personal significance.

#Pluto Sextile Sun

This is an important period of transition in ^your/his/her^ life, in which the
process of personal change and transformation takes effect. ^You have/He has/She
has^ the power to assert ^your/his/her^ individuality and to make significant
changes in ^your/his/her^ life, such as re-locating, beginning a new line of work
or pursuing an activity of personal significance.

- hard aspects

#Pluto Opposition Sun

This is an important period of transition in ^your/his/her^ life, in which the
process of personal change and transformation takes effect. ^You have/He has/She
has^ the power to assert ^your/his/her^ individuality and to make significant
changes in ^your/his/her^ life, such as re-locating, beginning a new line of work
or pursuing an activity of personal significance. Possibly, ^you/he/she^ may come
into contact with a powerful and influential male. Negatively, there can be power
struggles or separations caused by forces beyond ^your/his/her^ personal control.

#Pluto Square Sun

This is an important period of transition in ^your/his/her^ life, in which the
process of personal change and transformation takes effect. ^You have/He has/She
has^ the power to assert ^your/his/her^ individuality and to make significant
changes in ^your/his/her^ life, such as re-locating, beginning a new line of work
or pursuing an activity of personal significance. Possibly, ^you/he/she^ may come
into contact with a powerful and influential male. Negatively, there can be power
struggles or separations caused by forces beyond ^your/his/her^ personal control.

#Pluto SemiSquare Sun

This is an important period of transition in ^your/his/her^ life, in which the
process of personal change and transformation takes effect. ^You have/He has/She
has^ the power to assert ^your/his/her^ individuality and to make significant
changes in ^your/his/her^ life, such as re-locating, beginning a new line of work
or pursuing an activity of personal significance. Possibly, ^you/he/she^ may come
into contact with a powerful and influential male. Negatively, there can be power
struggles or separations caused by forces beyond ^your/his/her^ personal control.

#Pluto Sesquiquadrate Sun

This is an important period of transition in ^your/his/her^ life, in which the
process of personal change and transformation takes effect. ^You have/He has/She
has^ the power to assert ^your/his/her^ individuality and to make significant
changes in ^your/his/her^ life, such as re-locating, beginning a new line of work
or pursuing an activity of personal significance. Possibly, ^you/he/she^ may come
into contact with a powerful and influential male. Negatively, there can be power
struggles or separations caused by forces beyond ^your/his/her^ personal control.

#Pluto Quincunx Sun

This is an important period of transition in ^your/his/her^ life, in which the
process of personal change and transformation takes effect. ^You have/He has/She
has^ the power to assert ^your/his/her^ individuality and to make significant
changes in ^your/his/her^ life, such as re-locating, beginning a new line of work
or pursuing an activity of personal significance. Possibly, ^you/he/she^ may come
into contact with a powerful and influential male. Negatively, there can be power
struggles or separations caused by forces beyond ^your/his/her^ personal control.

--- Pluto.Moon

- conjunction

#Pluto Conjunct Moon

During this period anticipate a measure of emotional pressure, either through the
surfacing of deep-seated feelings associated with the past, or through the
influence of another. Possibly, ^your/his/her^ family or domestic circumstances
will undergo transformation and change. In certain cases, this may be a time for
re-locating or changing residence. An emotional shock is possible.

- soft aspects

#Pluto Trine Moon

During this period ^you/he/she^ may feel motivated to change ^your/his/her^
relationship with ^your/his/her^ family and, if necessary, heal any long-standing
hurts or difficulties. This can also be a good time for [revitalising,revitalizing]
or changing ^your/his/her^ domestic circumstances. Possibly, ^you/he/she^ may move
house or re-locate to another place at this time.

#Pluto Sextile Moon

During this period ^you/he/she^ may feel motivated to change ^your/his/her^
relationship with ^your/his/her^ family and, if necessary, heal any long-standing
hurts or difficulties. This can also be a good time for [revitalising,revitalizing]
or changing ^your/his/her^ domestic circumstances. Possibly, ^you/he/she^ may move
house or re-locate to another place at this time.

- hard aspects

#Pluto Opposition Moon

During this period anticipate a measure of emotional pressure, either through the
surfacing of deep-seated feelings associated with the past, or through the
influence of another. Possibly, ^your/his/her^ family or domestic circumstances
will undergo transformation and change. In certain cases, this may be a time for
re-locating or changing residence. An emotional shock is possible.

#Pluto Square Moon

During this period anticipate a measure of emotional pressure, either through the
surfacing of deep-seated feelings associated with the past, or through the
influence of another. Possibly, ^your/his/her^ family or domestic circumstances
will undergo transformation and change. In certain cases, this may be a time for
re-locating or changing residence. An emotional shock is possible.

#Pluto SemiSquare Moon

During this period anticipate a measure of emotional pressure, either through the
surfacing of deep-seated feelings associated with the past, or through the
influence of another. Possibly, ^your/his/her^ family or domestic circumstances
will undergo transformation and change. In certain cases, this may be a time for
re-locating or changing residence. An emotional shock is possible.

#Pluto Sesquiquadrate Moon

During this period anticipate a measure of emotional pressure, either through the
surfacing of deep-seated feelings associated with the past, or through the
influence of another. Possibly, ^your/his/her^ family or domestic circumstances
will undergo transformation and change. In certain cases, this may be a time for
re-locating or changing residence. An emotional shock is possible.

#Pluto Quincunx Moon

During this period anticipate a measure of emotional pressure, either through the
surfacing of deep-seated feelings associated with the past, or through the
influence of another. Possibly, ^your/his/her^ family or domestic circumstances
will undergo transformation and change. In certain cases, this may be a time for
re-locating or changing residence. An emotional shock is possible.

--- Pluto.Mercury

- conjunction

#Pluto Conjunct Mercury

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ inclined to see things in a new or
different way. ^Your/His/Her^ perceptions are changing now, either through the
process of intellectual regeneration, or because of external events that impact
upon ^your/his/her^ thinking. As a communicator, ^your/his/her^ powers of
persuasion are accentuated and success as a speaker or writer is possible now.
- soft aspects
#Pluto Trine Mercury
During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the capability to appreciate new ideas
and ways of looking at things. ^You are/He is/She is^ not interested in light and
trivial matters now; instead ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ the need to gain a
deeper understanding of life. As a communicator, ^your/his/her^ powers of
persuasion are accentuated and success as a speaker or writer is possible now.

#Pluto Sextile Mercury

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the capability to appreciate new ideas
and ways of looking at things. ^You are/He is/She is^ not interested in light and
trivial matters now; instead ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ the need to gain a
deeper understanding of life. As a communicator, ^your/his/her^ powers of
persuasion are accentuated and success as a speaker or writer is possible now.

- hard aspects

#Pluto Opposition Mercury

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ inclined to see things in a new or
different way. ^Your/His/Her^ perceptions are changing now, either through the
process of intellectual regeneration, or because of external events that impact
upon ^your/his/her^ thinking. As a communicator, ^your/his/her^ powers of
persuasion are accentuated and success as a speaker or writer is possible now.

#Pluto Square Mercury

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ inclined to see things in a new or
different way. ^Your/His/Her^ perceptions are changing now, either through the
process of intellectual regeneration, or because of external events that impact
upon ^your/his/her^ thinking. As a communicator, ^your/his/her^ powers of
persuasion are accentuated and success as a speaker or writer is possible now.

#Pluto SemiSquare Mercury

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ inclined to see things in a new or
different way. ^Your/His/Her^ perceptions are changing now, either through the
process of intellectual regeneration, or because of external events that impact
upon ^your/his/her^ thinking. As a communicator, ^your/his/her^ powers of
persuasion are accentuated and success as a speaker or writer is possible now.

#Pluto Sesquiquadrate Mercury

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ inclined to see things in a new or
different way. ^Your/His/Her^ perceptions are changing now, either through the
process of intellectual regeneration, or because of external events that impact
upon ^your/his/her^ thinking. As a communicator, ^your/his/her^ powers of
persuasion are accentuated and success as a speaker or writer is possible now.

#Pluto Quincunx Mercury

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ inclined to see things in a new or
different way. ^Your/His/Her^ perceptions are changing now, either through the
process of intellectual regeneration, or because of external events that impact
upon ^your/his/her^ thinking. As a communicator, ^your/his/her^ powers of
persuasion are accentuated and success as a speaker or writer is possible now.
--- Pluto.Venus

- conjunction

#Pluto Conjunct Venus

During this period there is potential for "fated" or "pre-destined" love-unions to
be established. There is a possibility of being drawn to another like a moth to a
flame. Alternatively, ^you/he/she^ may become the focus of another's attraction or
infatuation. Emotional separations are also possible under this influence. Sexual
matters may be intensified. If ^you are/he is/she is^ artistic or creative, this
configuration can intensify ^your/his/her^ creativity or inspire ^you/him/her^ to
try new forms of expression.

- soft aspects
#Pluto Trine Venus
During this period there is potential for "fated" or "pre-destined" love-unions to
be established. There is a possibility of being drawn to another like a moth to a
flame. If ^you are/he is/she is^ artistic or creative, this configuration can
intensify ^your/his/her^ creativity or inspire ^you/him/her^ to try new forms of

#Pluto Sextile Venus

During this period there is potential for "fated" or "pre-destined" love-unions to
be established. There is a possibility of being drawn to another like a moth to a
flame. If ^you are/he is/she is^ artistic or creative, this configuration can
intensify ^your/his/her^ creativity or inspire ^you/him/her^ to try new forms of

- hard aspects

#Pluto Opposition Venus

During this period there is potential for "fated" or "pre-destined" love-unions to
be established. There is a possibility of being drawn to another like a moth to a
flame. Alternatively, ^you/he/she^ may become the focus of another's attraction or
infatuation. Emotional separations are also possible under this influence. Sexual
matters may be intensified. If ^you are/he is/she is^ artistic or creative, this
configuration can intensify ^your/his/her^ creativity or inspire ^you/him/her^ to
try new forms of expression.

#Pluto Square Venus

During this period there is potential for "fated" or "pre-destined" love-unions to
be established. There is a possibility of being drawn to another like a moth to a
flame. Alternatively, ^you/he/she^ may become the focus of another's attraction or
infatuation. Emotional separations are also possible under this influence. Sexual
matters may be intensified. If ^you are/he is/she is^ artistic or creative, this
configuration can intensify ^your/his/her^ creativity or inspire ^you/him/her^ to
try new forms of expression.

#Pluto SemiSquare Venus

During this period there is potential for "fated" or "pre-destined" love-unions to
be established. There is a possibility of being drawn to another like a moth to a
flame. Alternatively, ^you/he/she^ may become the focus of another's attraction or
infatuation. Emotional separations are also possible under this influence. Sexual
matters may be intensified. If ^you are/he is/she is^ artistic or creative, this
configuration can intensify ^your/his/her^ creativity or inspire ^you/him/her^ to
try new forms of expression.

#Pluto Sesquiquadrate Venus

During this period there is potential for "fated" or "pre-destined" love-unions to
be established. There is a possibility of being drawn to another like a moth to a
flame. Alternatively, ^you/he/she^ may become the focus of another's attraction or
infatuation. Emotional separations are also possible under this influence. Sexual
matters may be intensified. If ^you are/he is/she is^ artistic or creative, this
configuration can intensify ^your/his/her^ creativity or inspire ^you/him/her^ to
try new forms of expression.

#Pluto Quincunx Venus

During this period there is potential for "fated" or "pre-destined" love-unions to
be established. There is a possibility of being drawn to another like a moth to a
flame. Alternatively, ^you/he/she^ may become the focus of another's attraction or
infatuation. Emotional separations are also possible under this influence. Sexual
matters may be intensified. If ^you are/he is/she is^ artistic or creative, this
configuration can intensify ^your/his/her^ creativity or inspire ^you/him/her^ to
try new forms of expression.

--- Pluto.Mars

- conjunction

#Pluto Conjunct Mars

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the capability to achieve a great deal
through single-minded effort and determination. Less positively, there can be power
struggles with others involving issues of dominance and subservience. Upheavals or
accidents are possible.

- soft aspects
#Pluto Trine Mars
At this time, ^you/he/she^ can accomplish a great deal through concentrated effort
and concentration upon specific objectives. Intense drive and determination are
consistent with this planetary combination.

#Pluto Sextile Mars

At this time, ^you/he/she^ can accomplish a great deal through concentrated effort
and concentration upon specific objectives. Intense drive and determination are
consistent with this planetary combination.

- hard aspects

#Pluto Opposition Mars

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the capability to achieve a great deal
through single-minded effort and determination. Less positively, there can be power
struggles with others involving issues of dominance and subservience. Upheavals or
accidents are possible.
#Pluto Square Mars
During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the capability to achieve a great deal
through single-minded effort and determination. Less positively, there can be power
struggles with others involving issues of dominance and subservience. Upheavals or
accidents are possible.

#Pluto SemiSquare Mars

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the capability to achieve a great deal
through single-minded effort and determination. Less positively, there can be power
struggles with others involving issues of dominance and subservience. Upheavals or
accidents are possible.

#Pluto Sesquiquadrate Mars

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the capability to achieve a great deal
through single-minded effort and determination. Less positively, there can be power
struggles with others involving issues of dominance and subservience. Upheavals or
accidents are possible.

#Pluto Quincunx Mars

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the capability to achieve a great deal
through single-minded effort and determination. Less positively, there can be power
struggles with others involving issues of dominance and subservience. Upheavals or
accidents are possible.

--- Pluto.Jupiter

- conjunction

#Pluto Conjunct Jupiter

During this period ^your/his/her^ outlooks on life and beliefs undergo change and
transformation. Intellectually, this is an excellent time to embark upon a course
of higher learning or study, because ^you are/he is/she is^ able to become
passionate about a subject. However, it is important to keep a sense of perspective
about things now and to resist any temptation to stretch ^yourself and your/himself
and his/herself and her^ resources to the limit.

- soft aspects

#Pluto Trine Jupiter

At this time, ^you find/he finds/she finds^ it easier than usual to accommodate and
adopt different philosophical ideas and beliefs. ^Your/His/Her^ mind is open to
different viewpoints and outlooks on life. Intellectually, this is an excellent
time to embark upon a course of higher learning or study, because ^you are/he
is/she is^ able to become passionate about a subject.

#Pluto Sextile Jupiter

At this time, ^you find/he finds/she finds^ it easier than usual to accommodate and
adopt different philosophical ideas and beliefs. ^Your/His/Her^ mind is open to
different viewpoints and outlooks on life. Intellectually, this is an excellent
time to embark upon a course of higher learning or study, because ^you are/he
is/she is^ able to become passionate about a subject.
- hard aspects

#Pluto Opposition Jupiter

During this period ^your/his/her^ outlooks on life and beliefs undergo change and
transformation. Intellectually, this is an excellent time to embark upon a course
of higher learning or study, because ^you are/he is/she is^ able to become
passionate about a subject. However, it is important to keep a sense of perspective
about things now and to resist any temptation to stretch ^yourself and your/himself
and his/herself and her^ resources to the limit.

#Pluto Square Jupiter

During this period ^your/his/her^ outlooks on life and beliefs undergo change and
transformation. Intellectually, this is an excellent time to embark upon a course
of higher learning or study, because ^you are/he is/she is^ able to become
passionate about a subject. However, it is important to keep a sense of perspective
about things now and to resist any temptation to stretch ^yourself and your/himself
and his/herself and her^ resources to the limit.

#Pluto SemiSquare Jupiter

During this period ^your/his/her^ outlooks on life and beliefs undergo change and
transformation. Intellectually, this is an excellent time to embark upon a course
of higher learning or study, because ^you are/he is/she is^ able to become
passionate about a subject. However, it is important to keep a sense of perspective
about things now and to resist any temptation to stretch ^yourself and your/himself
and his/herself and her^ resources to the limit.

#Pluto Sesquiquadrate Jupiter

During this period ^your/his/her^ outlooks on life and beliefs undergo change and
transformation. Intellectually, this is an excellent time to embark upon a course
of higher learning or study, because ^you are/he is/she is^ able to become
passionate about a subject. However, it is important to keep a sense of perspective
about things now and to resist any temptation to stretch ^yourself and your/himself
and his/herself and her^ resources to the limit.

#Pluto Quincunx Jupiter

During this period ^your/his/her^ outlooks on life and beliefs undergo change and
transformation. Intellectually, this is an excellent time to embark upon a course
of higher learning or study, because ^you are/he is/she is^ able to become
passionate about a subject. However, it is important to keep a sense of perspective
about things now and to resist any temptation to stretch ^yourself and your/himself
and his/herself and her^ resources to the limit.

--- Pluto.Saturn

- conjunction

#Pluto Conjunct Saturn

This can be a testing period in ^your/his/her^ life, particularly if ^you/he/she^
ordinarily ^resist/resists/resists^ change. This is a time when ^you break/he
breaks/she breaks^ free from self-imposed restrictions or inhibitions and
^assume/assumes/assumes^ a new persona or ^change/changes/changes^ the direction of
^your/his/her^ life. There may be financial difficulties or problems caused through

- soft aspects

#Pluto Trine Saturn

During this period ^you/he/she^ can achieve a great deal through patience and
perseverance, coupled with tenacity and good old-fashioned hard work. ^You have/He
has/She has^ the power to overcome obstacles and to carry through reforms that will
benefit ^you/him/her^ and others in the long run. This is an excellent time for
^you/him/her^ to test ^your/his/her^ powers of mental, spiritual or physical

#Pluto Sextile Saturn

During this period ^you/he/she^ can achieve a great deal through patience and
perseverance, coupled with tenacity and good old-fashioned hard work. ^You have/He
has/She has^ the power to overcome obstacles and to carry through reforms that will
benefit ^you/him/her^ and others in the long run. This is an excellent time for
^you/him/her^ to test ^your/his/her^ powers of mental, spiritual or physical

- hard aspects

#Pluto Opposition Saturn

This can be a testing period in ^your/his/her^ life, particularly if ^you/he/she^
ordinarily ^resist/resists/resists^ change. This is a time when ^you break/he
breaks/she breaks^ free from self-imposed restrictions or inhibitions and
^assume/assumes/assumes^ a new persona or ^change/changes/changes^ the direction of
^your/his/her^ life. There may be financial difficulties or problems caused through

#Pluto Square Saturn

This can be a testing period in ^your/his/her^ life, particularly if ^you/he/she^
ordinarily ^resist/resists/resists^ change. This is a time when ^you break/he
breaks/she breaks^ free from self-imposed restrictions or inhibitions and
^assume/assumes/assumes^ a new persona or ^change/changes/changes^ the direction of
^your/his/her^ life. There may be financial difficulties or problems caused through

#Pluto SemiSquare Saturn

This can be a testing period in ^your/his/her^ life, particularly if ^you/he/she^
ordinarily ^resist/resists/resists^ change. This is a time when ^you break/he
breaks/she breaks^ free from self-imposed restrictions or inhibitions and
^assume/assumes/assumes^ a new persona or ^change/changes/changes^ the direction of
^your/his/her^ life. There may be financial difficulties or problems caused through

#Pluto Sesquiquadrate Saturn

This can be a testing period in ^your/his/her^ life, particularly if ^you/he/she^
ordinarily ^resist/resists/resists^ change. This is a time when ^you break/he
breaks/she breaks^ free from self-imposed restrictions or inhibitions and
^assume/assumes/assumes^ a new persona or ^change/changes/changes^ the direction of
^your/his/her^ life. There may be financial difficulties or problems caused through

#Pluto Quincunx Saturn

This can be a testing period in ^your/his/her^ life, particularly if ^you/he/she^
ordinarily ^resist/resists/resists^ change. This is a time when ^you break/he
breaks/she breaks^ free from self-imposed restrictions or inhibitions and
^assume/assumes/assumes^ a new persona or ^change/changes/changes^ the direction of
^your/his/her^ life. There may be financial difficulties or problems caused through

--- Pluto.Uranus

- conjunction

#Pluto Conjunct Uranus

During this period ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ compelled to make significant
changes in ^your/his/her^ life. It is as if one chapter of ^your/his/her^ life has
come to an end and a new one is coming into being. The old order is no longer
relevant or sustainable. It is now time to break out of old patterns of
[behaviour,behavior] and to establish new means of expression, which will be more
appropriate to ^your/his/her^ present and future needs. It is possible that a
crisis occurs now that forces ^you/him/her^ to make changes.

- soft aspects

#Pluto Trine Uranus

During this period ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ compelled to make significant
changes in ^your/his/her^ life. ^You are/He is/She is^ more willing than usual now
to try different things and to explore the creative side of ^your/his/her^ nature.
^You/He/She^ may be quite surprised at how much change takes place in
^your/his/her^ life now. This is a good time to create new living conditions.

#Pluto Sextile Uranus

During this period ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ compelled to make significant
changes in ^your/his/her^ life. ^You are/He is/She is^ more willing than usual now
to try different things and to explore the creative side of ^your/his/her^ nature.
^You/He/She^ may be quite surprised at how much change takes place in
^your/his/her^ life now. This is a good time to create new living conditions.

- hard aspects

#Pluto Opposition Uranus

During this period ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ compelled to make significant
changes in ^your/his/her^ life. It is as if one chapter of ^your/his/her^ life has
come to an end and a new one is coming into being. The old order is no longer
relevant or sustainable. It is now time to break out of old patterns of
[behaviour,behavior] and to establish new means of expression, which will be more
appropriate to ^your/his/her^ present and future needs. It is possible that a
crisis occurs now that forces ^you/him/her^ to make changes.

#Pluto Square Uranus

During this period ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ compelled to make significant
changes in ^your/his/her^ life. It is as if one chapter of ^your/his/her^ life has
come to an end and a new one is coming into being. The old order is no longer
relevant or sustainable. It is now time to break out of old patterns of
[behaviour,behavior] and to establish new means of expression, which will be more
appropriate to ^your/his/her^ present and future needs. It is possible that a
crisis occurs now that forces ^you/him/her^ to make changes.

#Pluto SemiSquare Uranus

During this period ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ compelled to make significant
changes in ^your/his/her^ life. It is as if one chapter of ^your/his/her^ life has
come to an end and a new one is coming into being. The old order is no longer
relevant or sustainable. It is now time to break out of old patterns of
[behaviour,behavior] and to establish new means of expression, which will be more
appropriate to ^your/his/her^ present and future needs. It is possible that a
crisis occurs now that forces ^you/him/her^ to make changes.

#Pluto Sesquiquadrate Uranus

During this period ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ compelled to make significant
changes in ^your/his/her^ life. It is as if one chapter of ^your/his/her^ life has
come to an end and a new one is coming into being. The old order is no longer
relevant or sustainable. It is now time to break out of old patterns of
[behaviour,behavior] and to establish new means of expression, which will be more
appropriate to ^your/his/her^ present and future needs. It is possible that a
crisis occurs now that forces ^you/him/her^ to make changes.

#Pluto Quincunx Uranus

During this period ^you feel/he feels/she feels^ compelled to make significant
changes in ^your/his/her^ life. It is as if one chapter of ^your/his/her^ life has
come to an end and a new one is coming into being. The old order is no longer
relevant or sustainable. It is now time to break out of old patterns of
[behaviour,behavior] and to establish new means of expression, which will be more
appropriate to ^your/his/her^ present and future needs. It is possible that a
crisis occurs now that forces ^you/him/her^ to make changes.

--- Pluto.Neptune

- conjunction

#Pluto Conjunct Neptune

During this period ^your/his/her^ focus will be on spiritual and inner-life
experiences. ^You/He/She^ may experience a spiritual regeneration now or a re-
affirming of ^your/his/her^ philosophical and religious beliefs. Possibly,
^you/he/she^ will experience mystical insights or clairvoyance. Equally, however,
there is a risk of becoming lost in illusions or escapist tendencies. Therefore,
moderation in stimulants and intoxicants may be necessary now.

- soft aspects

#Pluto Trine Neptune

During this period ^your/his/her^ focus will be on spiritual and inner-life
experiences. ^You/He/She^ may experience a spiritual regeneration now or a re-
affirming of ^your/his/her^ philosophical and religious beliefs. Possibly,
^you/he/she^ will experience mystical insights or clairvoyance.

#Pluto Sextile Neptune

During this period ^your/his/her^ focus will be on spiritual and inner-life
experiences. ^You/He/She^ may experience a spiritual regeneration now or a re-
affirming of ^your/his/her^ philosophical and religious beliefs. Possibly,
^you/he/she^ will experience mystical insights or clairvoyance.

- hard aspects

#Pluto Opposition Neptune

During this period ^your/his/her^ focus will be on spiritual and inner-life
experiences. ^You/He/She^ may experience a spiritual regeneration now or a re-
affirming of ^your/his/her^ philosophical and religious beliefs. Possibly,
^you/he/she^ will experience mystical insights or clairvoyance. Equally, however,
there is a risk of becoming lost in illusions or escapist tendencies. Therefore,
moderation in stimulants and intoxicants may be necessary now.

#Pluto Square Neptune

During this period ^your/his/her^ focus will be on spiritual and inner-life
experiences. ^You/He/She^ may experience a spiritual regeneration now or a re-
affirming of ^your/his/her^ philosophical and religious beliefs. Possibly,
^you/he/she^ will experience mystical insights or clairvoyance. Equally, however,
there is a risk of becoming lost in illusions or escapist tendencies. Therefore,
moderation in stimulants and intoxicants may be necessary now.

#Pluto SemiSquare Neptune

During this period ^your/his/her^ focus will be on spiritual and inner-life
experiences. ^You/He/She^ may experience a spiritual regeneration now or a re-
affirming of ^your/his/her^ philosophical and religious beliefs. Possibly,
^you/he/she^ will experience mystical insights or clairvoyance. Equally, however,
there is a risk of becoming lost in illusions or escapist tendencies. Therefore,
moderation in stimulants and intoxicants may be necessary now.

#Pluto Sesquiquadrate Neptune

During this period ^your/his/her^ focus will be on spiritual and inner-life
experiences. ^You/He/She^ may experience a spiritual regeneration now or a re-
affirming of ^your/his/her^ philosophical and religious beliefs. Possibly,
^you/he/she^ will experience mystical insights or clairvoyance. Equally, however,
there is a risk of becoming lost in illusions or escapist tendencies. Therefore,
moderation in stimulants and intoxicants may be necessary now.

#Pluto Quincunx Neptune

During this period ^your/his/her^ focus will be on spiritual and inner-life
experiences. ^You/He/She^ may experience a spiritual regeneration now or a re-
affirming of ^your/his/her^ philosophical and religious beliefs. Possibly,
^you/he/she^ will experience mystical insights or clairvoyance. Equally, however,
there is a risk of becoming lost in illusions or escapist tendencies. Therefore,
moderation in stimulants and intoxicants may be necessary now.

--- Pluto.Pluto

- conjunction
#Pluto Conjunct Pluto
One phase of ^your/his/her^ life is coming to an end now and a new one is
beginning. ^You have/He has/She has^ the opportunity to introduce reforms and to
start new ventures that will be part of ^your/his/her^ life for many years. This
can be a creative and meaningful period for ^you/him/her^.

- soft aspects

#Pluto Trine Pluto

One phase of ^your/his/her^ life is coming to an end now and a new one is
beginning. ^You have/He has/She has^ the opportunity to introduce reforms and to
start new ventures that will be part of ^your/his/her^ life for many years. This
can be a creative and meaningful period for ^you/him/her^. Possibly, ^you/he/she^
will work together with others on projects that may influence and benefit many

#Pluto Sextile Pluto

One phase of ^your/his/her^ life is coming to an end now and a new one is
beginning. ^You have/He has/She has^ the opportunity to introduce reforms and to
start new ventures that will be part of ^your/his/her^ life for many years. This
can be a creative and meaningful period for ^you/him/her^. Possibly, ^you/he/she^
will work together with others on projects that may influence and benefit many

- hard aspects

#Pluto Square Pluto

One phase of ^your/his/her^ life is coming to an end now and a new one is
beginning. ^You have/He has/She has^ the opportunity to introduce reforms and to
start new ventures that will be part of ^your/his/her^ life for many years. This
can be a creative and meaningful period for ^you/him/her^.


#Pluto SemiSquare Pluto

One phase of ^your/his/her^ life is coming to an end now and a new one is
beginning. ^You have/He has/She has^ the opportunity to introduce reforms and to
start new ventures that will be part of ^your/his/her^ life for many years. This
can be a creative and meaningful period for ^you/him/her^.

#Pluto Sesquiquadrate Pluto

One phase of ^your/his/her^ life is coming to an end now and a new one is
beginning. ^You have/He has/She has^ the opportunity to introduce reforms and to
start new ventures that will be part of ^your/his/her^ life for many years. This
can be a creative and meaningful period for ^you/him/her^.

#Pluto Quincunx Pluto

One phase of ^your/his/her^ life is coming to an end now and a new one is
beginning. ^You have/He has/She has^ the opportunity to introduce reforms and to
start new ventures that will be part of ^your/his/her^ life for many years. This
can be a creative and meaningful period for ^you/him/her^.
--- Pluto.Moon's North Node

- conjunction

#Pluto Conjunct Moon's North Node

During this period ^you make/he makes/she makes^ contact with people who can have
an important role in ^your/his/her^ life. Such connections seem fated or karmic.
This is an excellent time for associating with others who are reformatory and
socially minded.

- soft aspects

#Pluto Trine Moon's North Node

During this period ^you make/he makes/she makes^ contact with people who can have
an important role in ^your/his/her^ life. Such connections seem fated or karmic.
This is an excellent time for associating with others who are reformatory and
socially minded.

#Pluto Sextile Moon's North Node

During this period ^you make/he makes/she makes^ contact with people who can have
an important role in ^your/his/her^ life. Such connections seem fated or karmic.
This is an excellent time for associating with others who are reformatory and
socially minded.

- hard aspects

#Pluto Opposition Moon's North Node

During this period ^you make/he makes/she makes^ contact with people who can have
an important role in ^your/his/her^ life. Such connections seem fated or karmic.
This is an excellent time for associating with others who are reformatory and
socially minded.

#Pluto Square Moon's North Node

During this period ^you make/he makes/she makes^ contact with people who can have
an important role in ^your/his/her^ life. Such connections seem fated or karmic.
This is an excellent time for associating with others who are reformatory and
socially minded.

#Pluto SemiSquare Moon's North Node

During this period ^you make/he makes/she makes^ contact with people who can have
an important role in ^your/his/her^ life. Such connections seem fated or karmic.
This is an excellent time for associating with others who are reformatory and
socially minded.

#Pluto Sesquiquadrate Moon's North Node

During this period ^you make/he makes/she makes^ contact with people who can have
an important role in ^your/his/her^ life. Such connections seem fated or karmic.
This is an excellent time for associating with others who are reformatory and
socially minded.
#Pluto Quincunx Moon's North Node
During this period ^you make/he makes/she makes^ contact with people who can have
an important role in ^your/his/her^ life. Such connections seem fated or karmic.
This is an excellent time for associating with others who are reformatory and
socially minded.

--- Pluto.Ascendant

- conjunction

#Pluto Conjunct Ascendant

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ aware of power dynamics between
^yourself/himself/herself^ and others. Possibly, ^you/he/she^ may attempt to
control other people, or others may try to dominate ^you/him/her^. ^You/He/She^ may
feel compelled to completely transform ^your/his/her^ environment - it is entirely
possible that ^you/he/she^ may move house, town or country.

- soft aspects

#Pluto Trine Ascendant

This is a good time for moving home, changing town or country, or simply doing up
the house. New people that come into ^your/his/her^ life at this time could have a
profound effect on ^you and your/him and his/her and her^ direction in life.
^You/He/She^ may let go of old friends and acquaintances now and make new ones
without too much trouble.

#Pluto Sextile Ascendant

This is a good time for moving home, changing town or country, or simply doing up
the house. New people that come into ^your/his/her^ life at this time could have a
profound effect on ^you and your/him and his/her and her^ direction in life.
^You/He/She^ may let go of old friends and acquaintances now and make new ones
without too much trouble.

- hard aspects

#Pluto Opposition Ascendant

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ aware of power dynamics between
^yourself/himself/herself^ and others. Possibly, ^you/he/she^ may attempt to
control other people, or others may try to dominate ^you/him/her^. ^You/He/She^ may
feel compelled to completely transform ^your/his/her^ environment - it is entirely
possible that ^you/he/she^ may move house, town or country.

#Pluto Square Ascendant

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ aware of power dynamics between
^yourself/himself/herself^ and others. Possibly, ^you/he/she^ may attempt to
control other people, or others may try to dominate ^you/him/her^. ^You/He/She^ may
feel compelled to completely transform ^your/his/her^ environment - it is entirely
possible that ^you/he/she^ may move house, town or country.

#Pluto SemiSquare Ascendant

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ aware of power dynamics between
^yourself/himself/herself^ and others. Possibly, ^you/he/she^ may attempt to
control other people, or others may try to dominate ^you/him/her^. ^You/He/She^ may
feel compelled to completely transform ^your/his/her^ environment - it is entirely
possible that ^you/he/she^ may move house, town or country.

#Pluto Sesquiquadrate Ascendant

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ aware of power dynamics between
^yourself/himself/herself^ and others. Possibly, ^you/he/she^ may attempt to
control other people, or others may try to dominate ^you/him/her^. ^You/He/She^ may
feel compelled to completely transform ^your/his/her^ environment - it is entirely
possible that ^you/he/she^ may move house, town or country.

#Pluto Quincunx Ascendant

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ aware of power dynamics between
^yourself/himself/herself^ and others. Possibly, ^you/he/she^ may attempt to
control other people, or others may try to dominate ^you/him/her^. ^You/He/She^ may
feel compelled to completely transform ^your/his/her^ environment - it is entirely
possible that ^you/he/she^ may move house, town or country.

--- Pluto.Midheaven

- conjunction

#Pluto Conjunct Midheaven

A personally significant turning point. During this period ^you become/he
becomes/she becomes^ aware of ^your/his/her^ purpose and vocation in life. A change
in direction or career is probable now.

- soft aspects

#Pluto Trine Midheaven

A personally significant turning point. During this period ^you become/he
becomes/she becomes^ aware of ^your/his/her^ purpose and vocation in life. A change
in career and domestic circumstances is probable now.

#Pluto Sextile Midheaven

A personally significant turning point. During this period ^you become/he
becomes/she becomes^ aware of ^your/his/her^ purpose and vocation in life. A change
in career and domestic circumstances is probable now.

- hard aspects

#Pluto Opposition Midheaven

A personally significant turning point. During this period ^you become/he
becomes/she becomes^ aware of ^your/his/her^ purpose and vocation in life. A change
in career and domestic circumstances is probable now.

#Pluto Square Midheaven

A personally significant turning point. During this period ^you become/he
becomes/she becomes^ aware of ^your/his/her^ purpose and vocation in life. A change
in career and domestic circumstances is probable now.

#Pluto SemiSquare Midheaven

A personally significant turning point. During this period ^you become/he
becomes/she becomes^ aware of ^your/his/her^ purpose and vocation in life. A change
in career and domestic circumstances is probable now.

#Pluto Sesquiquadrate Midheaven

A personally significant turning point. During this period ^you become/he
becomes/she becomes^ aware of ^your/his/her^ purpose and vocation in life. A change
in career and domestic circumstances is probable now.

#Pluto Quincunx Midheaven

A personally significant turning point. During this period ^you become/he
becomes/she becomes^ aware of ^your/his/her^ purpose and vocation in life. A change
in career and domestic circumstances is probable now.


--- Moon's North Node.Sun

- conjunction

#Moon's North Node Conjunct Sun

At this time, important and significant people could come into ^your/his/her^ life.
Males, in particular, can be influential during this period. Alternatively, there
can be strains in ^your/his/her^ relationships caused by ego conflicts and displays
of arrogance leading to estrangements or separations.

- soft aspects

#Moon's North Node Trine Sun

At this time, important and significant people could come into ^your/his/her^ life.
Males, in particular, can be influential during this period.

#Moon's North Node Sextile Sun

At this time, important and significant people could come into ^your/his/her^ life.
Males, in particular, can be influential during this period.

- hard aspects

#Moon's North Node Opposition Sun

At this time, important and significant people could come into ^your/his/her^ life.
Males, in particular, can be influential during this period. Alternatively, there
can be strains in ^your/his/her^ relationships caused by ego conflicts and displays
of arrogance leading to estrangements or separations.

#Moon's North Node Square Sun

At this time, important and significant people could come into ^your/his/her^ life.
Males, in particular, can be influential during this period. Alternatively, there
can be strains in ^your/his/her^ relationships caused by ego conflicts and displays
of arrogance leading to estrangements or separations.

#Moon's North Node SemiSquare Sun

At this time, important and significant people could come into ^your/his/her^ life.
Males, in particular, can be influential during this period. Alternatively, there
can be strains in ^your/his/her^ relationships caused by ego conflicts and displays
of arrogance leading to estrangements or separations.

#Moon's North Node Sesquiquadrate Sun

At this time, important and significant people could come into ^your/his/her^ life.
Males, in particular, can be influential during this period. Alternatively, there
can be strains in ^your/his/her^ relationships caused by ego conflicts and displays
of arrogance leading to estrangements or separations.

#Moon's North Node Quincunx Sun

At this time, important and significant people could come into ^your/his/her^ life.
Males, in particular, can be influential during this period. Alternatively, there
can be strains in ^your/his/her^ relationships caused by ego conflicts and displays
of arrogance leading to estrangements or separations.

--- Moon's North Node.Moon

- conjunction

#Moon's North Node Conjunct Moon

During this period ^you/he/she^ will strive to establish emotional contact with
others. Women, in particular, can be influential in ^your/his/her^ life at this
time. Family ties may dominate ^your/his/her^ thinking now - there could be a
coming together of family members or a drifting apart. Spiritual unions can be made
or broken now.

- soft aspects

#Moon's North Node Trine Moon

At this time, important and significant people could come into ^your/his/her^ life.
Females, in particular, can be influential during this period.

#Moon's North Node Sextile Moon

At this time, important and significant people could come into ^your/his/her^ life.
Females, in particular, can be influential during this period.

- hard aspects

#Moon's North Node Opposition Moon

During this period ^you/he/she^ will strive to establish emotional contact with
others. Women, in particular, can be influential in ^your/his/her^ life at this
time. Family ties may dominate ^your/his/her^ thinking now - there could be a
coming together of family members or a drifting apart. Spiritual unions can be made
or broken now.

#Moon's North Node Square Moon

During this period ^you/he/she^ will strive to establish emotional contact with
others. Women, in particular, can be influential in ^your/his/her^ life at this
time. Family ties may dominate ^your/his/her^ thinking now - there could be a
coming together of family members or a drifting apart. Spiritual unions can be made
or broken now.

#Moon's North Node SemiSquare Moon

During this period ^you/he/she^ will strive to establish emotional contact with
others. Women, in particular, can be influential in ^your/his/her^ life at this
time. Family ties may dominate ^your/his/her^ thinking now - there could be a
coming together of family members or a drifting apart. Spiritual unions can be made
or broken now.

#Moon's North Node Sesquiquadrate Moon

During this period ^you/he/she^ will strive to establish emotional contact with
others. Women, in particular, can be influential in ^your/his/her^ life at this
time. Family ties may dominate ^your/his/her^ thinking now - there could be a
coming together of family members or a drifting apart. Spiritual unions can be made
or broken now.

#Moon's North Node Quincunx Moon

During this period ^you/he/she^ will strive to establish emotional contact with
others. Women, in particular, can be influential in ^your/his/her^ life at this
time. Family ties may dominate ^your/his/her^ thinking now - there could be a
coming together of family members or a drifting apart. Spiritual unions can be made
or broken now.

--- Moon's North Node.Mercury

- conjunction

#Moon's North Node Conjunct Mercury

At this time, ^you have/he has/she has^ a strong need to link up with
intellectually stimulating and interesting people. This can also be a good time for
making business contacts and for negotiating and exchanging ideas with others.

- soft aspects

#Moon's North Node Trine Mercury

At this time, important and significant people could come into ^your/his/her^ life.
Intellectually stimulating people can be influential during this period.

#Moon's North Node Sextile Mercury

At this time, important and significant people could come into ^your/his/her^ life.
Intellectually stimulating people can be influential during this period.

- hard aspects

#Moon's North Node Opposition Mercury

At this time, ^you have/he has/she has^ a strong need to link up with
intellectually stimulating and interesting people. This can also be a good time for
making business contacts and for negotiating and exchanging ideas with others.
Alternatively, there could be the inclination to break-off communication with
another or others.

#Moon's North Node Square Mercury

At this time, ^you have/he has/she has^ a strong need to link up with
intellectually stimulating and interesting people. This can also be a good time for
making business contacts and for negotiating and exchanging ideas with others.
Alternatively, there could be the inclination to break-off communication with
another or others.

#Moon's North Node SemiSquare Mercury

At this time, ^you have/he has/she has^ a strong need to link up with
intellectually stimulating and interesting people. This can also be a good time for
making business contacts and for negotiating and exchanging ideas with others.
Alternatively, there could be the inclination to break-off communication with
another or others.

#Moon's North Node Sesquiquadrate Mercury

At this time, ^you have/he has/she has^ a strong need to link up with
intellectually stimulating and interesting people. This can also be a good time for
making business contacts and for negotiating and exchanging ideas with others.
Alternatively, there could be the inclination to break-off communication with
another or others.

#Moon's North Node Quincunx Mercury

At this time, ^you have/he has/she has^ a strong need to link up with
intellectually stimulating and interesting people. This can also be a good time for
making business contacts and for negotiating and exchanging ideas with others.
Alternatively, there could be the inclination to break-off communication with
another or others.

--- Moon's North Node.Venus

- conjunction

#Moon's North Node Conjunct Venus

This configuration can bring pleasing or affectionate contacts into ^your/his/her^
life now. Associations with artists, creative and refined persons or those active
in the arts and entertainment sectors are possible. Love affairs are also possible.

- soft aspects

#Moon's North Node Trine Venus

Associations with artists, creative and refined persons or those active in the arts
and entertainment sectors are possible. Love affairs are also possible.

#Moon's North Node Sextile Venus

Associations with artists, creative and refined persons or those active in the arts
and entertainment sectors are possible. Love affairs are also possible.
- hard aspects

#Moon's North Node Opposition Venus

Associations with artists, creative and refined persons or those active in the arts
and entertainment sectors are possible. Love affairs are also possible. There may
also be disagreeable people to deal with.

#Moon's North Node Square Venus

Associations with artists, creative and refined persons or those active in the arts
and entertainment sectors are possible. Love affairs are also possible. There may
also be disagreeable people to deal with.

#Moon's North Node SemiSquare Venus

Associations with artists, creative and refined persons or those active in the arts
and entertainment sectors are possible. Love affairs are also possible. There may
also be disagreeable people to deal with.

#Moon's North Node Sesquiquadrate Venus

Associations with artists, creative and refined persons or those active in the arts
and entertainment sectors are possible. Love affairs are also possible. There may
also be disagreeable people to deal with.

#Moon's North Node Quincunx Venus

Associations with artists, creative and refined persons or those active in the arts
and entertainment sectors are possible. Love affairs are also possible. There may
also be disagreeable people to deal with.

--- Moon's North Node.Mars

- conjunction

#Moon's North Node Conjunct Mars

^You are/He is/She is^ inclined to combine forces with others for the purpose of
achieving common objectives. A physical union is possible.

- soft aspects

#Moon's North Node Trine Mars

^You are/He is/She is^ inclined to combine forces with others for the purpose of
achieving common objectives. A physical union is possible.

#Moon's North Node Sextile Mars

^You are/He is/She is^ inclined to combine forces with others for the purpose of
achieving common objectives. A physical union is possible.

- hard aspects

#Moon's North Node Opposition Mars

^You are/He is/She is^ inclined to combine forces with others for the purpose of
achieving common objectives. A physical union is possible.

#Moon's North Node Square Mars

^You are/He is/She is^ inclined to combine forces with others for the purpose of
achieving common objectives. A physical union is possible.

#Moon's North Node SemiSquare Mars

^You are/He is/She is^ inclined to combine forces with others for the purpose of
achieving common objectives. A physical union is possible.

#Moon's North Node Sesquiquadrate Mars

^You are/He is/She is^ inclined to combine forces with others for the purpose of
achieving common objectives. A physical union is possible.

#Moon's North Node Quincunx Mars

^You are/He is/She is^ inclined to combine forces with others for the purpose of
achieving common objectives. A physical union is possible.

--- Moon's North Node.Jupiter

- conjunction

#Moon's North Node Conjunct Jupiter

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the ability establish harmonious
relationships. Alternatively, there can be disharmonious relations with others due
to a lack of adaptability or conflicts over matters of outlook.

- soft aspects

#Moon's North Node Trine Jupiter

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the ability establish harmonious

#Moon's North Node Sextile Jupiter

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the ability establish harmonious

- hard aspects

#Moon's North Node Opposition Jupiter

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the ability establish harmonious
relationships. Alternatively, there can be disharmonious relations with others due
to a lack of adaptability or conflicts over matters of outlook.

#Moon's North Node Square Jupiter

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the ability establish harmonious
relationships. Alternatively, there can be disharmonious relations with others due
to a lack of adaptability or conflicts over matters of outlook.

#Moon's North Node SemiSquare Jupiter

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the ability establish harmonious
relationships. Alternatively, there can be disharmonious relations with others due
to a lack of adaptability or conflicts over matters of outlook.

#Moon's North Node Sesquiquadrate Jupiter

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the ability establish harmonious
relationships. Alternatively, there can be disharmonious relations with others due
to a lack of adaptability or conflicts over matters of outlook.

#Moon's North Node Quincunx Jupiter

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the ability establish harmonious
relationships. Alternatively, there can be disharmonious relations with others due
to a lack of adaptability or conflicts over matters of outlook.

--- Moon's North Node.Saturn

- conjunction

#Moon's North Node Conjunct Saturn

Difficulties are possible in relationships or through the influence of others,
including family members. A proneness to estrangements and separations.

- soft aspects

#Moon's North Node Trine Saturn

Difficulties are possible in relationships or through the influence of others,
including family members. A proneness to estrangements and separations.

#Moon's North Node Sextile Saturn

Difficulties are possible in relationships or through the influence of others,
including family members. A proneness to estrangements and separations.

- hard aspects

#Moon's North Node Opposition Saturn

Difficulties are possible in relationships or through the influence of others,
including family members. A proneness to estrangements and separations.

#Moon's North Node Square Saturn

Difficulties are possible in relationships or through the influence of others,
including family members. A proneness to estrangements and separations.

#Moon's North Node SemiSquare Saturn

Difficulties are possible in relationships or through the influence of others,
including family members. A proneness to estrangements and separations.

#Moon's North Node Sesquiquadrate Saturn

Difficulties are possible in relationships or through the influence of others,
including family members. A proneness to estrangements and separations.
#Moon's North Node Quincunx Saturn
Difficulties are possible in relationships or through the influence of others,
including family members. A proneness to estrangements and separations.

--- Moon's North Node.Uranus

- conjunction

#Moon's North Node Conjunct Uranus

^You have/He has/She has^ the inclination to make and break contacts suddenly and
unexpectedly now. The company ^you keep/he keeps/she keeps^ at this time may
unsettle others.

- soft aspects

#Moon's North Node Trine Uranus

^You have/He has/She has^ the inclination to make and break contacts suddenly and
unexpectedly now. The company ^you keep/he keeps/she keeps^ at this time may
unsettle others.

#Moon's North Node Sextile Uranus

^You have/He has/She has^ the inclination to make and break contacts suddenly and
unexpectedly now. The company ^you keep/he keeps/she keeps^ at this time may
unsettle others.

- hard aspects

#Moon's North Node Opposition Uranus

^You have/He has/She has^ the inclination to make and break contacts suddenly and
unexpectedly now. The company ^you keep/he keeps/she keeps^ at this time may
unsettle others.

#Moon's North Node Square Uranus

^You have/He has/She has^ the inclination to make and break contacts suddenly and
unexpectedly now. The company ^you keep/he keeps/she keeps^ at this time may
unsettle others.

#Moon's North Node SemiSquare Uranus

^You have/He has/She has^ the inclination to make and break contacts suddenly and
unexpectedly now. The company ^you keep/he keeps/she keeps^ at this time may
unsettle others.

#Moon's North Node Sesquiquadrate Uranus

^You have/He has/She has^ the inclination to make and break contacts suddenly and
unexpectedly now. The company ^you keep/he keeps/she keeps^ at this time may
unsettle others.

#Moon's North Node Quincunx Uranus

^You have/He has/She has^ the inclination to make and break contacts suddenly and
unexpectedly now. The company ^you keep/he keeps/she keeps^ at this time may
unsettle others.

--- Moon's North Node.Neptune

- conjunction

#Moon's North Node Conjunct Neptune

During this period ^you/he/she^ could come into contact with refined, creative,
inspired or imaginative people. Alternatively, there is a risk of linking up with
deceptive and dishonest individuals and of being compromised by their actions.

- soft aspects

#Moon's North Node Trine Neptune

During this period ^you/he/she^ could come into contact with refined, creative,
inspired or imaginative people. Alternatively, there is a risk of linking up with
deceptive and dishonest individuals and of being compromised by their actions.

#Moon's North Node Sextile Neptune

During this period ^you/he/she^ could come into contact with refined, creative,
inspired or imaginative people. Alternatively, there is a risk of linking up with
deceptive and dishonest individuals and of being compromised by their actions.

- hard aspects

#Moon's North Node Opposition Neptune

During this period ^you/he/she^ could come into contact with refined, creative,
inspired or imaginative people. Alternatively, there is a risk of linking up with
deceptive and dishonest individuals and of being compromised by their actions.

#Moon's North Node Square Neptune

During this period ^you/he/she^ could come into contact with refined, creative,
inspired or imaginative people. Alternatively, there is a risk of linking up with
deceptive and dishonest individuals and of being compromised by their actions.

#Moon's North Node SemiSquare Neptune

During this period ^you/he/she^ could come into contact with refined, creative,
inspired or imaginative people. Alternatively, there is a risk of linking up with
deceptive and dishonest individuals and of being compromised by their actions.

#Moon's North Node Sesquiquadrate Neptune

During this period ^you/he/she^ could come into contact with refined, creative,
inspired or imaginative people. Alternatively, there is a risk of linking up with
deceptive and dishonest individuals and of being compromised by their actions.

#Moon's North Node Quincunx Neptune

During this period you could come into contact with refined, creative, inspired or
imaginative people. Equally, however, there is a risk of being disappointed by
unreliable associates.

--- Moon's North Node.Pluto

- conjunction

#Moon's North Node Conjunct Pluto

Significant or fated connections can be made or broken now, which can influence the
course of ^your/his/her^ life.

- soft aspects

#Moon's North Node Trine Pluto

Significant or fated connections can be made or broken now, which can influence the
course of ^your/his/her^ life.

#Moon's North Node Sextile Pluto

Significant or fated connections can be made or broken now, which can influence the
course of ^your/his/her^ life.

- hard aspects

#Moon's North Node Opposition Pluto

Significant or fated connections can be made or broken now, which can influence the
course of ^your/his/her^ life.

#Moon's North Node Square Pluto

Significant or fated connections can be made or broken now, which can influence the
course of ^your/his/her^ life.

#Moon's North Node SemiSquare Pluto

Significant or fated connections can be made or broken now, which can influence the
course of ^your/his/her^ life.

#Moon's North Node Sesquiquadrate Pluto

Significant or fated connections can be made or broken now, which can influence the
course of ^your/his/her^ life.

#Moon's North Node Quincunx Pluto

Significant or fated connections can be made or broken now, which can influence the
course of ^your/his/her^ life.

--- Moon's North Node.Moon's North Node

- conjunction

#Moon's North Node Conjunct Moon's North Node

There is the tendency to make or break significant (karmic) contacts now.

- soft aspects

#Moon's North Node Trine Moon's North Node

There is the tendency to make or break significant (karmic) contacts now.

#Moon's North Node Sextile Moon's North Node

There is the tendency to make or break significant (karmic) contacts now.

- hard aspects

#Moon's North Node Opposition Moon's North Node

There is the tendency to make or break significant (karmic) contacts now.

#Moon's North Node Square Moon's North Node

There is the tendency to make or break significant (karmic) contacts now.

#Moon's North Node SemiSquare Moon's North Node

There is the tendency to make or break significant (karmic) contacts now.

#Moon's North Node Sesquiquadrate Moon's North Node

There is the tendency to make or break significant (karmic) contacts now.

#Moon's North Node Quincunx Moon's North Node

There is the tendency to make or break significant (karmic) contacts now.

--- Moon's North Node.Ascendant

- conjunction

#Moon's North Node Conjunct Ascendant

The formation of an important personal or social connection.

- soft aspects

#Moon's North Node Trine Ascendant

The formation of an important personal or social connection.

#Moon's North Node Sextile Ascendant

The formation of an important personal or social connection.

- hard aspects

#Moon's North Node Opposition Ascendant

The formation of an important personal or social connection.
#Moon's North Node Square Ascendant
The formation of an important personal or social connection.

#Moon's North Node SemiSquare Ascendant

The formation of an important personal or social connection.

#Moon's North Node Sesquiquadrate Ascendant

The formation of an important personal or social connection.

#Moon's North Node Quincunx Ascendant

The formation of an important personal or social connection.

--- Moon's North Node.Midheaven

- conjunction

#Moon's North Node Conjunct Midheaven

There may be the opportunity to make an inner connection with another.

- soft aspects

#Moon's North Node Trine Midheaven

There may be the opportunity to make an inner connection with another.

#Moon's North Node Sextile Midheaven

There may be the opportunity to make an inner connection with another.

- hard aspects

#Moon's North Node Opposition Midheaven

There may be the opportunity to make an inner connection with another.

#Moon's North Node Square Midheaven

There may be the opportunity to make an inner connection with another.

#Moon's North Node SemiSquare Midheaven

There may be the opportunity to make an inner connection with another.

#Moon's North Node Sesquiquadrate Midheaven

There may be the opportunity to make an inner connection with another.

#Moon's North Node Quincunx Midheaven

There may be the opportunity to make an inner connection with another.


- conjunction

#Ascendant Conjunct Sun

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ motivated to make ^your/his/her^ mark and
to obtain a measure of acknowledgement or recognition from ^your/his/her^ peers or
associates. Defining ^your/his/her^ identity and exercising ^your/his/her^ power is
important now.

- soft aspects

#Ascendant Trine Sun

Defining ^your/his/her^ identity and exercising ^your/his/her^ power is important

#Ascendant Sextile Sun

Defining ^your/his/her^ identity and exercising ^your/his/her^ power is important

- hard aspects

#Ascendant Opposition Sun

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ motivated to make ^your/his/her^ mark and
to obtain a measure of acknowledgement or recognition from ^your/his/her^ peers or
associates. Defining ^your/his/her^ identity and exercising ^your/his/her^ power is
important now.

#Ascendant Square Sun

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ motivated to make ^your/his/her^ mark and
to obtain a measure of acknowledgement or recognition from ^your/his/her^ peers or
associates. Defining ^your/his/her^ identity and exercising ^your/his/her^ power is
important now.

#Ascendant SemiSquare Sun

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ motivated to make ^your/his/her^ mark and
to obtain a measure of acknowledgement or recognition from ^your/his/her^ peers or
associates. Defining ^your/his/her^ identity and exercising ^your/his/her^ power is
important now.

#Ascendant Sesquiquadrate Sun

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ motivated to make ^your/his/her^ mark and
to obtain a measure of acknowledgement or recognition from ^your/his/her^ peers or
associates. Defining ^your/his/her^ identity and exercising ^your/his/her^ power is
important now.

#Ascendant Quincunx Sun

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ motivated to make ^your/his/her^ mark and
to obtain a measure of acknowledgement or recognition from ^your/his/her^ peers or
associates. Defining ^your/his/her^ identity and exercising ^your/his/her^ power is
important now.


- conjunction

#Ascendant Conjunct Moon

During this period women are likely to play an increasingly important role in
^your/his/her^ life. A change of environment or domestic arrangements is possible.

- soft aspects

#Ascendant Trine Moon

This is an excellent time for [harmonising,harmonizing] emotional connections or
attending to family and domestic affairs.

#Ascendant Sextile Moon

This is an excellent time for [harmonising,harmonizing] emotional connections or
attending to family and domestic affairs.

- hard aspects

#Ascendant Opposition Moon

During this period women are likely to play an increasingly important role in
^your/his/her^ life. A change of environment or domestic arrangements is possible.

#Ascendant Square Moon

During this period women are likely to play an increasingly important role in
^your/his/her^ life. A change of environment or domestic arrangements is possible.

#Ascendant SemiSquare Moon

During this period women are likely to play an increasingly important role in
^your/his/her^ life. A change of environment or domestic arrangements is possible.

#Ascendant Sesquiquadrate Moon

During this period women are likely to play an increasingly important role in
^your/his/her^ life. A change of environment or domestic arrangements is possible.

#Ascendant Quincunx Moon

During this period women are likely to play an increasingly important role in
^your/his/her^ life. A change of environment or domestic arrangements is possible.


- conjunction
#Ascendant Conjunct Mercury
This is an excellent period for exercising the intellect and applying the mind to
study or research.

- soft aspects

#Ascendant Trine Mercury

This is an excellent period for exercising the intellect and applying the mind to
study or research.

#Ascendant Sextile Mercury

This is an excellent period for exercising the intellect and applying the mind to
study or research.

- hard aspects

#Ascendant Opposition Mercury

This is an excellent period for exercising the intellect and applying the mind to
study or research. ^Your/His/Her^ ideas may be challenged by others at this time.

#Ascendant Square Mercury

This is an excellent period for exercising the intellect and applying the mind to
study or research. ^Your/His/Her^ ideas may be challenged by others at this time.

#Ascendant SemiSquare Mercury

This is an excellent period for exercising the intellect and applying the mind to
study or research. ^Your/His/Her^ ideas may be challenged by others at this time.

#Ascendant Sesquiquadrate Mercury

This is an excellent period for exercising the intellect and applying the mind to
study or research. ^Your/His/Her^ ideas may be challenged by others at this time.

#Ascendant Quincunx Mercury

This is an excellent period for exercising the intellect and applying the mind to
study or research. ^Your/His/Her^ ideas may be challenged by others at this time.


- conjunction

#Ascendant Conjunct Venus

Romantic or artistic matters feature in ^your/his/her^ life during this period.
Beautifying or [harmonising,harmonizing] the environment gives ^you/him/her^

- soft aspects
#Ascendant Trine Venus
This is an excellent period for beautifying or [harmonising,harmonizing]
^your/his/her^ environment. Romance is [favoured,favored].

#Ascendant Sextile Venus

This is an excellent period for beautifying or [harmonising,harmonizing]
^your/his/her^ environment. Romance is [favoured,favored].

- hard aspects

#Ascendant Opposition Venus

Romantic or artistic matters feature in ^your/his/her^ life during this period.
Beautifying or [harmonising,harmonizing] the environment gives ^you/him/her^

#Ascendant Square Venus

Romantic or artistic matters feature in ^your/his/her^ life during this period.
Beautifying or [harmonising,harmonizing] the environment gives ^you/him/her^

#Ascendant SemiSquare Venus

Romantic or artistic matters feature in ^your/his/her^ life during this period.
Beautifying or [harmonising,harmonizing] the environment gives ^you/him/her^

#Ascendant Sesquiquadrate Venus

Romantic or artistic matters feature in ^your/his/her^ life during this period.
Beautifying or [harmonising,harmonizing] the environment gives ^you/him/her^

#Ascendant Quincunx Venus

Romantic or artistic matters feature in ^your/his/her^ life during this period.
Beautifying or [harmonising,harmonizing] the environment gives ^you/him/her^


- conjunction

#Ascendant Conjunct Mars

This is an excellent period for initiating personal objectives and setting new
challenges. However, guard against selfishness and accident proneness.

- soft aspects

#Ascendant Trine Mars

This is an excellent period for initiating personal objectives and setting new
#Ascendant Sextile Mars
This is an excellent period for initiating personal objectives and setting new

- hard aspects

#Ascendant Opposition Mars

This is an excellent period for initiating personal objectives and setting new
challenges. However, guard against selfishness and accident proneness. Conflicts
are possible in relationships.

#Ascendant Square Mars

This is an excellent period for initiating personal objectives and setting new
challenges. However, guard against selfishness and accident proneness. Conflicts
are possible in relationships.

#Ascendant SemiSquare Mars

This is an excellent period for initiating personal objectives and setting new
challenges. However, guard against selfishness and accident proneness. Conflicts
are possible in relationships.

#Ascendant Sesquiquadrate Mars

This is an excellent period for initiating personal objectives and setting new
challenges. However, guard against selfishness and accident proneness. Conflicts
are possible in relationships.

#Ascendant Quincunx Mars

This is an excellent period for initiating personal objectives and setting new
challenges. However, guard against selfishness and accident proneness. Conflicts
are possible in relationships.


- conjunction

#Ascendant Conjunct Jupiter

Significant personal connections with important people can be established now.
Sharing benefits with others. Displaying good adaptability. ^You have/He has/She
has^ the urge to improve ^your/his/her^ circumstances in life.

- soft aspects

#Ascendant Trine Jupiter

This is an excellent period for initiating personal connections and extending
^your/his/her^ personal horizons.

#Ascendant Sextile Jupiter

This is an excellent period for initiating personal connections and extending
^your/his/her^ personal horizons.

- hard aspects

#Ascendant Opposition Jupiter

Significant personal connections with important people can be established now.
Sharing benefits with others. Displaying good adaptability. ^You have/He has/She
has^ the urge to improve ^your/his/her^ circumstances in life.

#Ascendant Square Jupiter

Significant personal connections with important people can be established now.
Sharing benefits with others. Displaying good adaptability. ^You have/He has/She
has^ the urge to improve ^your/his/her^ circumstances in life.

#Ascendant SemiSquare Jupiter

Significant personal connections with important people can be established now.
Sharing benefits with others. Displaying good adaptability. ^You have/He has/She
has^ the urge to improve ^your/his/her^ circumstances in life.

#Ascendant Sesquiquadrate Jupiter

Significant personal connections with important people can be established now.
Sharing benefits with others. Displaying good adaptability. ^You have/He has/She
has^ the urge to improve ^your/his/her^ circumstances in life.

#Ascendant Quincunx Jupiter

Significant personal connections with important people can be established now.
Sharing benefits with others. Displaying good adaptability. ^You have/He has/She
has^ the urge to improve ^your/his/her^ circumstances in life.


- conjunction

#Ascendant Conjunct Saturn

A sobering period, with the need to accept certain realities. Other people may seem
obstructive or more difficult to deal with than usual. Estrangements or separations
are possible. The environment may not be to ^your/his/her^ liking.

- soft aspects

#Ascendant Trine Saturn

This is an excellent period for concentrating on personal objectives that may take
a long time to bring to fruition. ^You have/He has/She has^ strong powers of
endurance and patience now.

#Ascendant Sextile Saturn

This is an excellent period for concentrating on personal objectives that may take
a long time to bring to fruition. ^You have/He has/She has^ strong powers of
endurance and patience now.
- hard aspects

#Ascendant Opposition Saturn

A sobering period, with the need to accept certain realities. Other people may seem
obstructive or more difficult to deal with than usual. Estrangements or separations
are possible. The environment may not be to ^your/his/her^ liking.

#Ascendant Square Saturn

A sobering period, with the need to accept certain realities. Other people may seem
obstructive or more difficult to deal with than usual. Estrangements or separations
are possible. The environment may not be to ^your/his/her^ liking.

#Ascendant SemiSquare Saturn

A sobering period, with the need to accept certain realities. Other people may seem
obstructive or more difficult to deal with than usual. Estrangements or separations
are possible. The environment may not be to ^your/his/her^ liking.

#Ascendant Sesquiquadrate Saturn

A sobering period, with the need to accept certain realities. Other people may seem
obstructive or more difficult to deal with than usual. Estrangements or separations
are possible. The environment may not be to ^your/his/her^ liking.

#Ascendant Quincunx Saturn

A sobering period, with the need to accept certain realities. Other people may seem
obstructive or more difficult to deal with than usual. Estrangements or separations
are possible. The environment may not be to ^your/his/her^ liking.


- conjunction

#Ascendant Conjunct Uranus

Anticipate a restless and changeable period in ^your/his/her^ life now, with the
pressure to instigate changes and reforms. A change of environment is possible.

- soft aspects

#Ascendant Trine Uranus

This is an excellent period for introducing reforms and making changes. A change of
environment is possible.

#Ascendant Sextile Uranus

This is an excellent period for introducing reforms and making changes. A change of
environment is possible.

- hard aspects

#Ascendant Opposition Uranus

Anticipate a restless and changeable period in ^your/his/her^ life now, with the
pressure to instigate changes and reforms. A change of environment is possible.

#Ascendant Square Uranus

Anticipate a restless and changeable period in ^your/his/her^ life now, with the
pressure to instigate changes and reforms. A change of environment is possible.

#Ascendant SemiSquare Uranus

Anticipate a restless and changeable period in ^your/his/her^ life now, with the
pressure to instigate changes and reforms. A change of environment is possible.

#Ascendant Sesquiquadrate Uranus

Anticipate a restless and changeable period in ^your/his/her^ life now, with the
pressure to instigate changes and reforms. A change of environment is possible.

#Ascendant Quincunx Uranus

Anticipate a restless and changeable period in ^your/his/her^ life now, with the
pressure to instigate changes and reforms. A change of environment is possible.


- conjunction

#Ascendant Conjunct Neptune

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ very sensitive to environmental
influences and the words and actions of others. There is the risk of being exposed
to dishonesty or deception. Travel may be beneficial now.

- soft aspects

#Ascendant Trine Neptune

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ very sensitive to environmental
influences and the words and actions of others. There is the risk of being exposed
to dishonesty or deception. Travel may be beneficial now.

#Ascendant Sextile Neptune

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ very sensitive to environmental
influences and the words and actions of others. There is the risk of being exposed
to dishonesty or deception. Travel may be beneficial now.

- hard aspects

#Ascendant Opposition Neptune

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ very sensitive to environmental
influences and the words and actions of others. There is the risk of being exposed
to dishonesty or deception. Travel may be beneficial now.

#Ascendant Square Neptune

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ very sensitive to environmental
influences and the words and actions of others. There is the risk of being exposed
to dishonesty or deception. Travel may be beneficial now.

#Ascendant SemiSquare Neptune

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ very sensitive to environmental
influences and the words and actions of others. There is the risk of being exposed
to dishonesty or deception. Travel may be beneficial now.

#Ascendant Sesquiquadrate Neptune

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ very sensitive to environmental
influences and the words and actions of others. There is the risk of being exposed
to dishonesty or deception. Travel may be beneficial now.

#Ascendant Quincunx Neptune

During this period ^you are/he is/she is^ very sensitive to environmental
influences and the words and actions of others. There is the risk of being exposed
to dishonesty or deception. Travel may be beneficial now.


- conjunction

#Ascendant Conjunct Pluto

Dramatic lifestyle changes can occur now. Potential power struggles in the
environment. Transforming personal experiences. A possible locality change.

- soft aspects

#Ascendant Trine Pluto

Transforming personal experiences. A possible locality change.

#Ascendant Sextile Pluto

Transforming personal experiences. A possible locality change.

- hard aspects

#Ascendant Opposition Pluto

Dramatic lifestyle changes can occur now. Potential power struggles in the
environment. Transforming personal experiences. A possible locality change.

#Ascendant Square Pluto

Dramatic lifestyle changes can occur now. Potential power struggles in the
environment. Transforming personal experiences. A possible locality change.

#Ascendant SemiSquare Pluto

Dramatic lifestyle changes can occur now. Potential power struggles in the
environment. Transforming personal experiences. A possible locality change.

#Ascendant Sesquiquadrate Pluto

Dramatic lifestyle changes can occur now. Potential power struggles in the
environment. Transforming personal experiences. A possible locality change.

#Ascendant Quincunx Pluto

Dramatic lifestyle changes can occur now. Potential power struggles in the
environment. Transforming personal experiences. A possible locality change.

Ascendant. Moon's North Node

- conjunction

#Ascendant Conjunct Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish important
personal connections.

- soft aspects

#Ascendant Trine Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish important
personal connections.

#Ascendant Sextile Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish important
personal connections.

- hard aspects

#Ascendant Opposition Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish important
personal connections.

#Ascendant Square Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish important
personal connections.

#Ascendant SemiSquare Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish important
personal connections.

#Ascendant Sesquiquadrate Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish important
personal connections.

#Ascendant Quincunx Moon's North Node

During this period ^you have/he has/she has^ the potential to establish important
personal connections.

Ascendant. Ascendant

#Ascendant Conjunct Ascendant

Getting in touch with ^yourself/himself/herself^. Making self-discoveries.

- soft aspects

#Ascendant Trine Ascendant

Getting in touch with ^yourself/himself/herself^. Making self-discoveries.

#Ascendant Sextile Ascendant

Getting in touch with ^yourself/himself/herself^. Making self-discoveries.

- hard aspects

#Ascendant Opposition Ascendant

Getting in touch with ^yourself/himself/herself^. Making self-discoveries.

#Ascendant Square Ascendant

Getting in touch with ^yourself/himself/herself^. Making self-discoveries.

#Ascendant SemiSquare Ascendant

Getting in touch with ^yourself/himself/herself^. Making self-discoveries.

#Ascendant Sesquiquadrate Ascendant

Getting in touch with ^yourself/himself/herself^. Making self-discoveries.

#Ascendant Quincunx Ascendant

Getting in touch with ^yourself/himself/herself^. Making self-discoveries.

Ascendant. Midheaven

- conjunction

#Ascendant Conjunct Midheaven

Acquiring personal insights. Confirming or reaffirming a chosen life path.

- soft aspects

#Ascendant Trine Midheaven

Acquiring personal insights. Confirming or reaffirming a chosen life path.

#Ascendant Sextile Midheaven

Acquiring personal insights. Confirming or reaffirming a chosen life path.

- hard aspects

#Ascendant Opposition Midheaven

Acquiring personal insights. Confirming or reaffirming a chosen life path.

#Ascendant Square Midheaven

Acquiring personal insights. Confirming or reaffirming a chosen life path.

#Ascendant SemiSquare Midheaven

Acquiring personal insights. Confirming or reaffirming a chosen life path.

#Ascendant Sesquiquadrate Midheaven

Acquiring personal insights. Confirming or reaffirming a chosen life path.

#Ascendant Quincunx Midheaven

Acquiring personal insights. Confirming or reaffirming a chosen life path.

Midheaven Progressions

Midheaven. Sun

- conjunction

#Midheaven Conjunct Sun

Striving for and achieving a personal goal or life ambition. Making significant
progress in life.

- soft aspects

#Midheaven Trine Sun

An excellent time for setting goals and pursuing them. The possibility of
discovering a personal calling.

#Midheaven Sextile Sun

An excellent time for setting goals and pursuing them. The possibility of
discovering a personal calling.

- hard aspects

#Midheaven Opposition Sun

An excellent time for setting goals and pursuing them. The possibility of
discovering a personal calling. Possible difficulties with significant males.

#Midheaven Square Sun

An excellent time for setting goals and pursuing them. The possibility of
discovering a personal calling. Possible difficulties with significant males.

#Midheaven SemiSquare Sun

An excellent time for setting goals and pursuing them. The possibility of
discovering a personal calling. Possible difficulties with significant males.

#Midheaven Sesquiquadrate Sun

An excellent time for setting goals and pursuing them. The possibility of
discovering a personal calling. Possible difficulties with significant males.

#Midheaven Quincunx Sun

An excellent time for setting goals and pursuing them. The possibility of
discovering a personal calling. Possible difficulties with significant males.

Midheaven. Moon

- conjunction

#Midheaven Conjunct Moon

Instinctually sensing that a change in life direction is imminent. Forming an
emotional contact with another who shares similar ideals.

- soft aspects

#Midheaven Trine Moon

Instinctually sensing that a change in life direction is imminent. Forming an
emotional contact with another who shares similar ideals.

#Midheaven Sextile Moon

Instinctually sensing that a change in life direction is imminent. Forming an
emotional contact with another who shares similar ideals.

- hard aspects

#Midheaven Opposition Moon

Instinctually sensing that a change in life direction is imminent. Forming an
emotional contact with another who shares similar ideals.

#Midheaven Square Moon

Instinctually sensing that a change in life direction is imminent. Forming an
emotional contact with another who shares similar ideals.
#Midheaven SemiSquare Moon
Instinctually sensing that a change in life direction is imminent. Forming an
emotional contact with another who shares similar ideals.

#Midheaven Sesquiquadrate Moon

Instinctually sensing that a change in life direction is imminent. Forming an
emotional contact with another who shares similar ideals.

#Midheaven Quincunx Moon

Instinctually sensing that a change in life direction is imminent. Forming an
emotional contact with another who shares similar ideals.

Midheaven. Mercury

- conjunction

#Midheaven Conjunct Mercury

Thinking a lot about personal direction. Making a decision to either stick to an
existing path or to change course now.

- soft aspects

#Midheaven Trine Mercury

Thinking a lot about personal direction. Making a decision to either stick to an
existing path or to change course now.

#Midheaven Sextile Mercury

Thinking a lot about personal direction. Making a decision to either stick to an
existing path or to change course now.

- hard aspects

#Midheaven Opposition Mercury

Thinking a lot about personal direction. Making a decision to either stick to an
existing path or to change course now.

#Midheaven Square Mercury

Thinking a lot about personal direction. Making a decision to either stick to an
existing path or to change course now.

#Midheaven SemiSquare Mercury

Thinking a lot about personal direction. Making a decision to either stick to an
existing path or to change course now.

#Midheaven Sesquiquadrate Mercury

Thinking a lot about personal direction. Making a decision to either stick to an
existing path or to change course now.
#Midheaven Quincunx Mercury
Thinking a lot about personal direction. Making a decision to either stick to an
existing path or to change course now.

Midheaven. Venus

- conjunction

#Midheaven Conjunct Venus

Becoming aware of a personal love, or forming a love relationship.

- soft aspects

#Midheaven Trine Venus

Becoming aware of a personal love, or forming a love relationship.

#Midheaven Sextile Venus

Becoming aware of a personal love, or forming a love relationship.

- hard aspects

#Midheaven Opposition Venus

Becoming aware of a personal love, or forming a love relationship. There may be
difficulties in partnerships caused by family or professional pressures.

#Midheaven Square Venus

Becoming aware of a personal love, or forming a love relationship. There may be
difficulties in partnerships caused by family or professional pressures.

#Midheaven SemiSquare Venus

Becoming aware of a personal love, or forming a love relationship. There may be
difficulties in partnerships caused by family or professional pressures.

#Midheaven Sesquiquadrate Venus

Becoming aware of a personal love, or forming a love relationship. There may be
difficulties in partnerships caused by family or professional pressures.

#Midheaven Quincunx Venus

Becoming aware of a personal love, or forming a love relationship. There may be
difficulties in partnerships caused by family or professional pressures.

Midheaven. Mars

- conjunction

#Midheaven Conjunct Mars

An excellent period for boldly pursuing a personal goal or desire. However, maximum
effort will be required of ^you/him/her^ to succeed. The more energy ^you exert/he
exerts/she exerts^ the greater the success.

- soft aspects

#Midheaven Trine Mars

An excellent period for boldly pursuing a personal goal or desire. However, maximum
effort will be required of ^you/him/her^ to succeed. The more energy ^you exert/he
exerts/she exerts^ the greater the success.

#Midheaven Sextile Mars

An excellent period for boldly pursuing a personal goal or desire. However, maximum
effort will be required of ^you/him/her^ to succeed. The more energy ^you exert/he
exerts/she exerts^ the greater the success.

- hard aspects

#Midheaven Opposition Mars

An excellent period for boldly pursuing a personal goal or desire. However, maximum
effort will be required of ^you/him/her^ to succeed. The more energy ^you exert/he
exerts/she exerts^ the greater the success. Conflicts in the home or family are

#Midheaven Square Mars

An excellent period for boldly pursuing a personal goal or desire. However, maximum
effort will be required of ^you/him/her^ to succeed. The more energy ^you exert/he
exerts/she exerts^ the greater the success. Conflicts in the home or family are

#Midheaven SemiSquare Mars

An excellent period for boldly pursuing a personal goal or desire. However, maximum
effort will be required of ^you/him/her^ to succeed. The more energy ^you exert/he
exerts/she exerts^ the greater the success. Conflicts in the home or family are

#Midheaven Sesquiquadrate Mars

An excellent period for boldly pursuing a personal goal or desire. However, maximum
effort will be required of ^you/him/her^ to succeed. The more energy ^you exert/he
exerts/she exerts^ the greater the success. Conflicts in the home or family are

#Midheaven Quincunx Mars

An excellent period for boldly pursuing a personal goal or desire. However, maximum
effort will be required of ^you/him/her^ to succeed. The more energy ^you exert/he
exerts/she exerts^ the greater the success. Conflicts in the home or family are

Midheaven. Jupiter

- conjunction
#Midheaven Conjunct Jupiter
An excellent period for pursuing a personal goal or desire. And, the more positive
^you are/he is/she is^ the greater the successes.

- soft aspects

#Midheaven Trine Jupiter

An excellent period for pursuing a personal or professional goal or desire. And,
the more positive ^you are/he is/she is^ the greater the successes.

#Midheaven Sextile Jupiter

An excellent period for pursuing a personal or professional goal or desire. And,
the more positive ^you are/he is/she is^ the greater the successes.

- hard aspects

#Midheaven Opposition Jupiter

An excellent period for pursuing a personal or professional goal or desire. And,
the more positive ^you are/he is/she is^ the greater the successes. Personal effort
is required.

#Midheaven Square Jupiter

An excellent period for pursuing a personal or professional goal or desire. And,
the more positive ^you are/he is/she is^ the greater the successes. Personal effort
is required.

#Midheaven SemiSquare Jupiter

An excellent period for pursuing a personal or professional goal or desire. And,
the more positive ^you are/he is/she is^ the greater the successes. Personal effort
is required.

#Midheaven Sesquiquadrate Jupiter

An excellent period for pursuing a personal or professional goal or desire. And,
the more positive ^you are/he is/she is^ the greater the successes. Personal effort
is required.

#Midheaven Quincunx Jupiter

An excellent period for pursuing a personal or professional goal or desire. And,
the more positive ^you are/he is/she is^ the greater the successes. Personal effort
is required.

Midheaven. Saturn

- conjunction

#Midheaven Conjunct Saturn

A check in development, in which ^you review your/he reviews his/she reviews her^
direction in life and ^initiate/initiates/initiates^ important changes.
Professional difficulties are possible during this period.

- soft aspects

#Midheaven Trine Saturn

An excellent period for embarking upon a long term personal goal or desire. And,
the more disciplined ^you are/he is/she is^ the greater the success.

#Midheaven Sextile Saturn

An excellent period for embarking upon a long term personal goal or desire. And,
the more disciplined ^you are/he is/she is^ the greater the success.

- hard aspects

#Midheaven Opposition Saturn

A check in development, in which ^you review your/he reviews his/she reviews her^
direction in life and ^initiate/initiates/initiates^ important changes.
Professional and domestic difficulties are possible during this period.

#Midheaven Square Saturn

A check in development, in which ^you review your/he reviews his/she reviews her^
direction in life and ^initiate/initiates/initiates^ important changes.
Professional and domestic difficulties are possible during this period.

#Midheaven SemiSquare Saturn

A check in development, in which ^you review your/he reviews his/she reviews her^
direction in life and ^initiate/initiates/initiates^ important changes.
Professional and domestic difficulties are possible during this period.

#Midheaven Sesquiquadrate Saturn

A check in development, in which ^you review your/he reviews his/she reviews her^
direction in life and ^initiate/initiates/initiates^ important changes.
Professional and domestic difficulties are possible during this period.

#Midheaven Quincunx Saturn

A check in development, in which ^you review your/he reviews his/she reviews her^
direction in life and ^initiate/initiates/initiates^ important changes.
Professional and domestic difficulties are possible during this period.

Midheaven. Uranus

- conjunction

#Midheaven Conjunct Uranus

Changing the course ^you are/he is/she is^ on or changing ^your/his/her^ career.

- soft aspects
#Midheaven Trine Uranus
A [favourable,favorable] period for changing direction in life and changing

#Midheaven Sextile Uranus

A [favourable,favorable] period for changing direction in life and changing

- hard aspects

#Midheaven Opposition Uranus

Changing the course ^you are/he is/she is^ on or changing ^your/his/her^ career.
A change in domestic circumstances is also likely.

#Midheaven Square Uranus

Changing the course ^you are/he is/she is^ on or changing ^your/his/her^ career.
A change in domestic circumstances is also likely.

#Midheaven SemiSquare Uranus

Changing the course ^you are/he is/she is^ on or changing ^your/his/her^ career.
A change in domestic circumstances is also likely.

#Midheaven Sesquiquadrate Uranus

Changing the course ^you are/he is/she is^ on or changing ^your/his/her^ career.
A change in domestic circumstances is also likely.

#Midheaven Quincunx Uranus

Changing the course ^you are/he is/she is^ on or changing ^your/his/her^ career.
A change in domestic circumstances is also likely.


- conjunction

#Midheaven Conjunct Neptune

During this period ^you tend/he tends/she tends^ to drift off course. Insecurity
and confusion in career is possible now.

- soft aspects

#Midheaven Trine Neptune

During this period ^you tend/he tends/she tends^ to drift off course. Insecurity
and confusion in career is possible now.

#Midheaven Sextile Neptune

During this period ^you tend/he tends/she tends^ to drift off course. Insecurity
and confusion in career is possible now.
- hard aspects

#Midheaven Opposition Neptune

During this period ^you tend/he tends/she tends^ to drift off course. Insecurity
and confusion in career and family life is possible now.

#Midheaven Square Neptune

During this period ^you tend/he tends/she tends^ to drift off course. Insecurity
and confusion in career and family life is possible now.

#Midheaven SemiSquare Neptune

During this period ^you tend/he tends/she tends^ to drift off course. Insecurity
and confusion in career and family life is possible now.

#Midheaven Sesquiquadrate Neptune

During this period ^you tend/he tends/she tends^ to drift off course. Insecurity
and confusion in career and family life is possible now.

#Midheaven Quincunx Neptune

During this period ^you tend/he tends/she tends^ to drift off course. Insecurity
and confusion in career and family life is possible now.


- conjunction

#Midheaven Conjunct Pluto

Pursuing a new direction in life. Throwing off the old order and making a fresh
start. Dramatic career changes.

- soft aspects

#Midheaven Trine Pluto

A good period for making personal or professional changes.

#Midheaven Sextile Pluto

A good period for making personal or professional changes.

- hard aspects

#Midheaven Opposition Pluto

Pursuing a new direction in life. Throwing off the old order and making a fresh
start. Important career and domestic changes.

#Midheaven Square Pluto

Pursuing a new direction in life. Throwing off the old order and making a fresh
start. Important career and domestic changes.

#Midheaven SemiSquare Pluto

Pursuing a new direction in life. Throwing off the old order and making a fresh
start. Important career and domestic changes.

#Midheaven Sesquiquadrate Pluto

Pursuing a new direction in life. Throwing off the old order and making a fresh
start. Important career and domestic changes.

#Midheaven Quincunx Pluto

Pursuing a new direction in life. Throwing off the old order and making a fresh
start. Important career and domestic changes.

Midheaven. Moon's North Node

- conjunction

#Midheaven Conjunct Moon's North Node

Connecting with like minds.

- soft aspects

#Midheaven Trine Moon's North Node

Connecting with like minds.

#Midheaven Sextile Moon's North Node

Connecting with like minds.

- hard aspects

#Midheaven Opposition Moon's North Node

Connecting with like minds.


#Midheaven Square Moon's North Node

Connecting with like minds.

#Midheaven SemiSquare Moon's North Node

Connecting with like minds.

#Midheaven Sesquiquadrate Moon's North Node

Connecting with like minds.

#Midheaven Quincunx Moon's North Node

Connecting with like minds.
Midheaven. Ascendant

- conjunction

#Midheaven Conjunct Ascendant

Acquiring personal insights.

- soft aspects

#Midheaven Trine Ascendant

Acquiring personal insights.

#Midheaven Sextile Ascendant

Acquiring personal insights.

- hard aspects

#Midheaven Opposition Ascendant

Acquiring personal insights.

#Midheaven Square Ascendant

Acquiring personal insights.

#Midheaven SemiSquare Ascendant

Acquiring personal insights.

#Midheaven Sesquiquadrate Ascendant

Acquiring personal insights.

#Midheaven Quincunx Ascendant

Acquiring personal insights.

Midheaven. Midheaven

- conjunction

#Midheaven Conjunct Midheaven

Confirming or reaffirming a chosen life path.

- soft aspects

#Midheaven Trine Midheaven

Confirming or reaffirming a chosen life path.

#Midheaven Sextile Midheaven

Confirming or reaffirming a chosen life path.

- hard aspects

#Midheaven Opposition Midheaven

Confirming or reaffirming a chosen life path.

#Midheaven Square Midheaven

Confirming or reaffirming a chosen life path.

#Midheaven SemiSquare Midheaven

Confirming or reaffirming a chosen life path.

#Midheaven Sesquiquadrate Midheaven

Confirming or reaffirming a chosen life path.

#Midheaven Quincunx Midheaven

Confirming or reaffirming a chosen life path.

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