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,5 A L T P E T R E
Neunanon Nitre. ( O )



The l{ature and dl f f erenc e

of Salt petr€r

trTedJ.rnlde connon perfectly pure

@ i.nto 5 Classes; though whenO t"

and well depurated frou external, inpure or forelgn bodles, lt is then

oae and the sane, whether it coBes fron Gernany, Poland, Russia, France

or the East fndies.

Tbe dlfference coaslsts alone !n a greater or less degree of purity,


1. The unpurlfied quit e c ru d e O .

2, Th.eonce purlfled O .
th e p e rfe ctl y p u re
5. O .
l. C ru d e (D t" crysta l llsed but i- s stl1l nlxed with a quantlty of

19 f., connon @ aad fatf Iy particles; Thls @ foo*s yellorlsh

or $ty, coaeists of snall 1 1 1 s h a p e d Cry s t a ls ; a n d f u ln ln a t e s slowley

and badlJr.

2. Tbe one putifled @ foorc whlte, bas got large clumsey Crystals,

fulntnates stroager, and whea dlssolved ln \/ and precipltated with

& 1 or wlth a pure potash Lye, tbls @ does not preclpltate so

nuch (p as the qu:Lte crude O d,oes.

3. A perfectly pure t" nearly transpareat llke \/ r hae beautiful

well sbaped Crystals 5 sides and Ionglsh, fulninates very stroagly

in the A , contains tto (|) V nor ConnonO o

Its Crystals look like th:is , soEte snaller, some }arg€fr

whleh d,epends on the quantJ-ty of the evaporated Solution and oa the Vessel

according to tbe place and roon the Crystals have to shoot in; which

Crystalllsation is done suddenly ln a monent, all though not i-n every

p la ce at once, but gradually in d if f e re n t p la c e s o f t h e Dis h e s .

lm. NEUMANsays: Nature generates the EALI-NITRUI"Ior APIIRO-NITRUM


(D , before the saltpetre-nakers boil and crystallise

lt the first ti-ne, and i-s called NATM-MTRE) tbe nost pri-nclpal and

fr on a II other S alts *j.stingu ls h e d E s s e n c e , s p e c lf y in g t h e Ch a ra c t e r o f

N i tr e .

Nature doee not bring this to a perfect

APIIRO-NfTRU}{ dry hard and

cr ystallla e S tate, or into s u c h a S a lt , a s t h e g e n u ln e @ a p p e a rs a f t e r

boiling and

Ar t ad.ds to this lnperfec t n it rio u s E s s e n c e g e n e ra t e d b y Na t u r e , a

flxe d a lcallae S aIt, aad there rj-t h , b y V a rlo u s , y e t e imp le o p e ra t ioa s ,

b r in g s it to/a dry, hard, cr y s t a llin e , p e rf e c t and useful Nit re .

Eos Nature generat e I NTTRI, i"[R. NEUI4ENf orm-

erly a celebrated Ch y n is t a n d P u p il o f P ro -

fessor STAEL at Berlin, gives us the follow-

lng Infornation, w e ll wo rt h y o f llo t ic e to a

Chenclca1 Phi Io sopher.

'ivhenever Nature intends to generate in the Earth three ragred-
ie n ts ar e required,

l. T he princlple ls a pu t rid S u b s t a n c e o r a ro t t o a Co n c re t e ei t h e r
frons the aalnal or vegetable Departnent.
Thi s required putrid substance aust be an oily urinous sart.
2.The second rngredien.t is aa
Y , wbich nrust be flt to receive
such ao & Iy [l otr" uatll the generation 1s accomplished.
To thls, either clay or negre Loam, or Line-stone, old lTalls or
o ld pla stered Wa1ls are the n o s t p ro p o r E a rt h s .

3. fhe th:ird and princrpal ragredlent is the V , (Excerlent) partly

as a unlversal agent, although not the \'&oIe V , but its inward, vlv-
ifylng princlple lnclosed in a ulIrvERsAL AcrD, NrrREous, l,losT suBTrL
SALT. (ny system of Nature exactly) partly as an assi_stant and, Ins_
trunentr as l{ature wants the whole volune or mass of to perforn tb-Ls
woaderful geaeration, not only for causlng the rrRsT l{EcEssARypuTRE-

FACTIOI'{'but also as a Vehicle for iotroducing THi.TUNIVERSAL

AcrD, NrrREous 1r order to effect the new nixture or
g e n e r a t l o a o / th e N a ti ve -
/Y @ eous- Esseace.
The rhole Process of llature consists therefore in the followlng
Op e r a tLo ns.

1. To dispose Arrimal or Vegetable substances toward,s putrefactloa.

2, whea those substances putrlfy, to introduce the nost subtl1 & ,,

Qraer El ous particles lnto ore or nore of the above nentloned, I(lnd.s

3. To intro Cuce that Vl te1 , p rin c lp le in c lo s e d ln that u n lv e rs a l ,


@ eous S alt, a6 nuch a s j-s n e c e s s a ry , a n d

4. By neans of Tlarnish aerial Hun:idity, as a Veiricle and assistant

to acconplish the natural !4lxture.

The Natlve Saltpetre origlnates and !.s got wlthout nuch bunaa ass-
lstance, as God aad. l{ature procures it. rt is elther obtalaed ;
l. Fron Nitrious r which is the Case 'rith us ia gernany and nore
so irr tbe Eaet Indles.

2. Fronn Loany lyalls or grounds.

3. Fron old decayed Ruias, which have been bu1lt of tfune-Stones.

l{benever Nature generates , unasslsted by tbe art of nran, it
happene coruroaly ln such places, where dl.fferent Substances bave putre-
fiedr aad such putrefactlon has insinuated l-tself i.nto a Clayish or
loany ground. in its whole nlxture, or the putrlfied. nost subtlr 8oa,
Qio" [lous Essence has evaporated and lnsj-nuated. ltself lnto the
LinXr particles of o1d decayed lTa11s, stan*ing trear such putrefactlons.
Both nay happen Varlous ways, vizz

1/ when ('l) i. generated, in the Earth, the place is either such a


o'rl€-where large beard.s of Cattle have stood,, or wbere nuch Cattle have
passedr or where Battles have been fougbt and a nunber of nea aud horses

have been killed and burled; or such a place where Leaves of Trees or
other Juicy Vegetables have putrlfied ln large quantlties, or 1n Church,-
yarde and' burying grounds, aad lastly on or near pl.aces where dead Cattle
or dead horses are burled.

(Flanel nakes use of a saylng: renenber that you have learned tpis
Secret anongst tb.e bones of the dead,!)

2. Wben O i" geaerated on loarny or 1j-rae-Stone lYa11s, buildings,

Cellarsr or such llke; lt 1e thea elther Bear Stables or places where

sheep, pigsr cows, Goata or liorses are kept night and day, or near pid-

Seon-or-Fow1-Eouses; or near prlvl-es aud Connon-Sewers, near Dung-Hl1ls

and places where urlne ls thrown, and where no Sun-Shlne can dry it up;
rlkerise near old 'vvalls la Churcbyards or burylng grounds, near old
decayed Ruias built of Llne or free Stone standlng ln shady places, and
under o1d decayed thatched sbeds; fiaally 1n such places shere varlous
putrefactlou.s and strong Exhalatlons of putrefied Substances happea or
have happened, such as Burgrlng grounds.

(Its origin nay well be called VfLE. )

The Loan aad f,whereln tb,e putrifled Essence lnslnuates ltself nore
readlly for Nltrlfication, 1s conmonly ratber poor than fat, or has beea

Blaetered or bullt rlth Llne; for tb,at reasoa we deen Llne excellent
V "o

O ls generated, t",y STOIIES, aad nost coruoonly ln such aa are

of an absorbing k1nd, such are those about parls,

fn FRANCEnear SAUMIIRon the Rlver IOIRE 1s a quarry, rvhich yields

a nj-uera, full of (D , and therefore is dlgged, out there 1n great guan-

titl esr out of thls stone mu c h O is b o ile d .


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