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1. Artículos o revistas científicas. –
neuroscience –
inferiority feelings. –
depressive symptons -


2. Publicación de prensa, portal universitario, página web o blog. - blog - pagina
web - blog quimico - portal
universitario (universidad de Alcalá, Madrid). - publicacion en prensa.

3. Charlas TED – Happiness – love

cuerpo/ – About Crystals – How to speed up chemical reactions.


Título del articulo:

Referencia bibliográfica según APA:

Palabras claves (5): Síntomas, sentimientos inferiores, reacciones, cerebro, comportamientos.

Información del autor:


Tres citas directas:

Resumen del artículo (200 palabras):

2. Varios sentimientos

Titulo publicacion: QUÍMICA Y EMOCIONES

Referencia bibliográfica APA: GAVIRA, J. (2014). Química y emociones. Recuperado de

Palabras clase (5): Neurotransmisores, emociones, cerebro, reacciones.

Información del autor: Jose María Gavira Vallejo, profesor de la Universidad Nacional de Educación
a Distancia, de España.

Tema: La química detrás de los sentimientos

Una cita directa: “hay una gran cantidad de reacciones y procesos químicos que también se
producen en el interior del cuerpo humano”.

Resumen (200): Habla de la gran cantidad de reacciones y/o procesos químicos que tenemos al
interior de nuestro cuerpo desde reacciones cognitivas hasta la obtención de energía. Pero esta se
centra especialmente en las reacciones químicas y las relaciones que se presentan detrás de
algunos sentimientos tales como la alegría, el amor, el odio, la tristeza y el miedo.
3. FELICIDAD – the chemistry of happiness by Mary Frances

Titulo de la charla: The Chemistry of Happiness

Referencia bibliográfica según estilo APA: TED. (09 de mayo de 2017). Mary-Frances
Hanover. The chemistry of happiness TEDxCushingAcademy [Video]. YouTube.
Palabras claves (5): Cuerpo, reacciones, felicidad, química, cerebro.

Informacion sobre el expositor: Mary Francis Hanover, profesora en Cushing Academy.

Tema de la charla: Chemistry and happiness.

Dos citas directas:

 “We are still exploring that link between the physical and the emotional”.
 “Neurotransmitters are incredibly complex. Their functions are dependent upon where
they’re coming from, where they’re going to, what neurons release them, what neurons
receive them and a myriad of other factors, but keep in mind that you have control over
daily activities and behaviors that can maintain the balance of dopamine, oxytocin,
serotonin and endorphins in our body. Your body has an inner pharmacy that is open 24
hour a day and 7 days a week. You need to make it work for you”.

Resumen de la charla, máximo 200 palabras:

Nos habla de las transformaciones del ser humano en la evolución y que dichas transformaciones
debería de alguna u otra forma hacernos sentir bien. Hay una gran conexión entre lo que sentimos
externa e internamente y que todo se debe gracias a 4 neurotransmisores especiales que son la
dopamina, oxitocina, serotonina y endorfinas. Estas deben permanecer en equilibrio y se puede
conseguir si dormimos lo suficiente para que nuestro cuerpo pueda descansar, ejercitarnos
diariamente, comer saludable y si consumimos chocolate negro. Pero si hacemos dichas
actividades en exceso podríamos sufrir ataques de angustia. Tenemos total control sobre nuestro
cuerpo y nuestras emociones dependen de lo que hagamos.

Transcripción: No todas las personas ponen la química y felicidad en una frase, especialmente los
estudiantes de química de la secundaria pero no importa como la mires, la química y la felicidad
son inexorable y orgánicamente.

La vida tardía en el cuerpo humano está diseñada para ser una experiencia agradable.

Nuestra biología evolutiva asegura que todo lo necesario para nuestra supervivencia debería
hacernos sentir bien. Esto tiene sentido que nuestro cerebro tenga acceso a químicos llamados
neuroquímicos que convierten las pruebas y luchas en algo que nos hace feliz cuando los
Nuestros ancestros griegos quienes fueron los primeros que exploraron el concepto de enlace
entre nuestro cuerpo físico y nuestras respuestas emocionales. Ellos crearon el concepto de los 4
estados de ánimo.

Black bile, yellow bile, blood and phlegm.

Now this concept has long since been dismissed but fast forward a few thousand years later.

We are still exploring that link between the physical and the emotional. ---------

It was Francis crick who was best known for his work on identifying the structure of the DNA
molecules who once said that you, your joys and sorrows, your memories and abilities, your
personal sense of identity and free will, are in fact nothing more than the behavior of a vast
network of nerve cells and their associated neurons.

Neuroscience proposes that happiness indeed any one of our emotions is simply a result of
biochemical reactions in the brain brought on by various stimuli.

The human brain weighs a little over two pounds and has an estimated 86 billion neurons. Now
that number is almost impossible to conceptualize but imagine hopping on a plane and travelling
around the world three million times. You will have traveled 86 billion miles.

Signals travel along each nerve cell and each neuron makes hundreds of connections with others
around it.

Everything we do and everything we are relies on the ability of our nerve cells to communicate
with one another electrical impulse and chemical signals travel across the brain and from the brain
to the other parts of the nervous system.

When a neuron is activated there is a slight change in electrical charge.

This unbalanced charge is called an action potential and is caused by a change in concentration of
ions across the cell membrane.

This action potential travels along a neuron very quickly.

Think of a series of dominoes falling when it reaches the end a chemical is released it travels
across the synapse and binds to receptors on the receiving neuron this starts the process all over

At each of the 300 trillion synapses in the human body these chemicals called neurotransmitters
allow one nerve cell to communicate with the next.

It’s this vast network that provides the complexity needed for us to feel emotion whether it’s
devastating grief or soaring elation

The brain produced hundreds of neurotransmitters only a fraction of which have been explored by
science. However there are four that are associated with our happiness. ---------------

1. Dopamine
2. Oxytocin
3. Serotonin
4. Endorphins

The right balance of these chemicals in our bodies makes us happy too much of the DOSE or too
little of the DOSE can cause great distress.

1. Dopamine the first of our neurotransmitters and sometimes been called the happiness drug but
that’s really a misconception.

Dopamine is more associated with reward and motivation more associated with anticipation than
actual happiness.

Dopamine motivates to move towards goals needs and desires and will reward us with this surge
of satisfaction when we achieve them. Some studies have shown that rats with low levels of
dopamine are only willing to work hard enough to get a minimal amount of food.

However rats with higher levels of dopamine are willing to exert the effort to get twice the
amount of food they need and we all know that a fat rat is a happy rat.

So how do we as humans maintain dopamine levels in our body well make sure you set goals and
more importantly break those goals into little pieces? That way our brain instead of reaching one
finish line, reaches a series of finish lines. Make sure you recognize and celebrate each one of your
achievements. Did you get and A on that lit test, get the part in the play maybe you made it to the
gym three times this week. By recognizing and celebrating each one of these will help maintain
dopamine in your body. Set new goals before the old ones are reached and lastly and this is very
important, make sure you get enough sleep, you eat healthy foods and you exercise regularly.
Regular exercise releases dopamine but when you rec to exercise with a target will release even
more dopamine so the next time when you go to gym have targets involved.

2. Oxytocin is the chemical foundation for trusting others. It has been around a very long time a
precursor can be traced back to over 400 million years ago and natural selection has found a way
to utilize it in both our brains and our bodies.

Some studies have shown that animals will reject their offspring if the release of oxytocin is
blocked. In humans oxytocin is activated by closeness with another person. Now I don’t mean for
you to start snuggling with your neighbor what you can do instead is have a positive social
interaction what that means is the next time when you’re talking with someone look up from your
phone, make eye contact, be attentive, face to face time instead of Facebook time.

Oxytocin cements exiting bonds and relationships and it promotes intimacy and trust all of which
are essential for a positive and productive community. If somebody hug, if you’re not a hugging
kind of person or someone’s not a receiving hugs kind of person, share a meal. Pay them a sincere
compliment. Pet a dog maybe even use the word. These positive social interactions keep the levels
of oxytocin in our body.

Oxytocin helps us care for other people and it helps motivate us towards working together
towards a common purpose and of course get enough sleep, regular exercise and eat healthy
3. Serotonin has many jobs in human body but it is best known for its role in maintaining mood
balance. Serotonin has been produced in your brain and your intestines as a matter of fact most of
your serotonin is housed in your gastrointestinal tract.

Low levels of serotonin are associated with loneliness and depression which is one reason why
people might join groups. The culture of a group provides experiences that facilitate serotonin
release. Another way to release serotonin is to take a moment and to reflect back on a past
achievement or success allowing your brain to relive that experience. Our brains have a difficult
time telling the difference between what is real and what is imagined, so serotonin will be
released in both instances. It’s also important to get outside every day for a few minutes in the
sun, our skin absorbs UV radiation which helps our body producing vitamin D as well as serotonin.

Eat healthy foods and in this case carbohydrates that contain tryptophan which our body changes
into serotonin. Get regular exercise for serotonin you want low impact exercise in our aerobic
zones and of course get enough sleep.

4. Endorphins are the last of our quartet of chemicals that make us feel good. When it comes to
designing happiness, endorphins help us power through. Endorphins a mask pain and discomfort
and they’re known as the body’s natural pain killers. Which is why they’re associated with the
whole fight or flight mechanism. Historically endorphins are what helped our ancestors, ancestors
keep running through the pain when being chased by predators. Today however endorphins are
released through intense regular exercise and when I say intense is you’re in our anaerobic zones
when oxygen stores and our muscles are depleted and the pain starts to build endorphins help us
push through. Another way to release endorphins is through certain aroma therapies like vanilla or
lavender and lastly this is fantastic news for us all, dark chocolate. Dark chocolate helps release
endorphins but perhaps the simplest and most effective way for us to activate endorphins in our
bodies is through laughter even the anticipation or the expectation of laughter releases
endorphins so make sure that you take your sense of humor with you wherever you go.

Neurotransmitters are incredibly complex. Their functions are dependent upon where they’re
coming from, where they’re going to, what neurons release them, what neurons receive them and
a myriad of other factors, but keep in mind that you have control over daily activities and
behaviors that can maintain the balance of dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins in our
body. Your body has an inner pharmacy that is open 24 hour a day and 7 days a week. You need to
make it work for you.

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