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Syariah Marketing

Dasar Syariah Marketing

Kemudian Kami Jadikan kamu berada didalam suatu

syariat (peraturan) dari urusan (agama) itu, maka ikutilah
syariat itu dan janganlah kalu mengikuti hawa nafsu
orang-orang yang tidak mengetahui (QS Al-Jatsiyah: 18)
kehendak Tuhan yang diwahyukan sebagai wujud
kekuasaan-Nya atas segala perbuatan manusia (The 7th
habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, Stephen Covey)
Syariah Marketing Characteristics

Teistis (rabbaniyyah)
Etis (akhlaqiyyah)
Realistis (al-waqiyyah)
Humanistis (insaniyyah)
Economy Mechanisms
Laiseiz faire et laissez Supply and demand
le monde va de lui- Equilibrium
même (let do and let
pass, the world goes Wage
on by itself!) Price
Invisible hand Full employment
Inefficiency Self regulating
Free competition
Syariah Marketing Principles

1. Sustainable Marketing Enterprise (SME)

2. Lanskap Bisnis Syariah Marketing
a. Information Technology Allows Us to be Transparent
b. Be Respectful to Your Competitors (Competitor)
c. The Emergence of Customers Global Paradox (Customer)
Syariah Marketing Value

Use a Spiritual Brand (Brand)

Service Should Have The Ability to Transform (Service)
Practice a Reliable Business Process (Process)
Syariah Marketing Scorecard

Create A Balanced Value to Your Stakeholders

Create A Noble Cause (inspiration)
Develop An Ethical Corporate Culture (Culture)
Measurement Must Be Clear And Transparent
Syariah Marketing Implementation

Berbisnis Cara Nabi Muhammad Saw

Muhammad sebagai Syariah Marketer
Muhammad Sebagai Pedagang Profesional
Muhammad Sebagai Pebisnis Yang Jujur
Muhammad Menghindari Bisnis Haram
Sembilan Etika (Akhlak) Pemasar
Syariah vs Conventional Marketing

Basic philosophy
Business Ethics
Consumers Approach
Treating Competitors
Business Culture
Syariah Marketing Strategy

View Market Universally (Segmentation)

Target Customer’s Heart and Soul (Targeting)
Build A Belief System (Positioning)
Differ Yourself With A Good Package of Content and
Context (Differentiation)
Be Honest With Your 4 Ps (Marketing Mix) and Islamic
marketing mix
Practice A Relationship- based Selling (Selling)
Business Ethics in Islamic Trade
 Spiritual personalisation (taqwa)
 Goodness and sympathetic (shiddiq)
 Fair and justice (adl)
 Good service and low profile (khidmad)
 Fulfilment of promise and not cheating
 Honest and trustworthy (al-amanah)
 Positive thinking (khusnudzon)
 Avoid bullying (ghibah)
 Avoid bribery (risywah)
Marketing Mix Factors (Abdullah, 2014)


Customer Characterist
centric ic

Conscience Conformity

Instilling assurance in business dealings via trustworthy

marketing activities.
Clear marketing goals
Clear informative offering
Truthful communication
Fulfilment of promises
Highly ethical personnel

Distinctive character of Islamic value marketing.

Product design

compliance in terms of process involved in

creating and delivering the product and
services involved in marketing Islamic product
Raw materials

Ethical dimensions of Islamic marketing.

True sense of promoting
Clarity in pricing a product in parallel with Islamic
Customer Centric

An approach towards the customers, this

combination mainly deals with basic marketing
Products’ knowledge
Place and display
Thank you, good
luck and have a
nice day…

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