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Name : Priska Amelia

Class :A
NIM : 1900584
Lectures : Dr. H. Sufyani Prabawanto, M.Ed
Dr. Hj. Aan Hasanah, M.Pd

Final Test English For Mathematics

I. Topik 1 about algebra “Application of Linear Equations One Variable”
Please answers this exercise with honest, right and ..
1. Please translate the following into algebraic equations
a. Five more than thrice some number is 20
Solution :
Let x represent the unknown indicated by “some number.”
3x + 5 = 20
b. When 7 is subtracted from 2 times the sum of a number and 10, the result is 19
Solution :
Let y represent the unknown number
2 (y + 10) – 7 = 19
c. Ten less than some number is five times the sum of that number and 4
Solution :
Let a represent the unknown number
a – 10 = 5 (a + 4)

2. A larger integer is 5 less than 6 times a smaller integer. The larger integer subtract a
smaller integer is 20. Find the integers!
Solution :
a) There are 2 integers, they are a smaller integer and a larger integer.
b) Identify variables : Begin by assigning a variable to the smaller integer Let x
represent the smaller integer.
c) Use the first sentence to identify the larger integer in terms of the variable x : “A
larger integer is 5 less than 6 times a smaller integer. Let 6x – 5 represent the
larger integer.
d) Set up an equation : Subtract the expressions that represent the two integers and
set the resulting expression equal to 20 as indicated in the second sentence : “The
subtraction of the two integers is 20.”
e) Solve the equation to obtain the smaller integer
(6x – 5) – x = 20
5x – 5 + 5 = 20 + 5 (every segment add 5)
5x = 25
5x 25
= (every segment divided by 5)
5 5
x =5
f) Use the expression 6x – 5 to find the larger integer or called substitution x
6x – 5 = 6 (5) – 5 = 30 – 5 = 25
g) So, the answer of this question : The two integers are 5 and 25
h) Check : 25 – 5 = 20. The answer makes sense.

3. The sum of two consecutive even integers is 30. Find the integers!
Solution : The key phrase to focus on is “consecutive even integers”
a) Let y represent the first even integer. Let (y + 2) represent the next even integer.
b) Add the even integers and set them equal to 30
y + (y+2) = 30
c) Solve them
y + (y+2) = 30
2y + 4 = 30
2y + 4 – 4 = 30 – 4 (every segment subtract 4)
2y = 26
2y 26
= (every segment divided by 2)
2 2
y = 13
d) Use y + 2 to find the next even integer
y + 2 = 13 + 2 = 15
So, the consecutive even integers are 13 and 15

4. Two cars leave the mall at the same time traveling in opposite directions. One car at
40 miles per hour and the other at 60 miles per hour. How long does it take for the
distance between them reach 200 miles?
Solution :
a) First, identity the unknown quantity and organize the data.
Rate (r) car 1 : 40 mph
Rate (r) car 2 : 60 mph
b) To avoid introducing two more variables, use the formula D = r.t to fill in the
unknown distances traveled by each car.
Distance traveled by car 1 : D = 40 t
Distance traveled by car 2 : D = 60 t
c) The problem asks for the time it takes for the total distance to reach 200 mile.
40t + 60t = 200
d) Solve for t
40t + 60t = 200
100t = 200
100t 200
100 100
t =2
So, it takes 2 hours for the distance between the cars to reach 200 miles.

5. Mention the usefulness of linear equations in everyday life!

Answer : *Optional
a. To Find The Costs
b. Linear equations can be a useful tool for comparing rates of pay.
c. Budgeting
d. Making Predictions about what will happen in the future

II. Topik II : Develop a one-periode lesson plan for junior high school mathematics
class that features a discovery approach
My plan for junior high school mathematics class:
1. 15 minutes before study, the student must read Qu’ran (for muslim) or
holybook (for non muslim);
2. Then, 5 minutes introduction or ask to student, how are they. The bottom
line : approach with student to make propinquity;
3. Then, ask and give some information about what happening in Indonesia
and world. If the news have relation with the topic which will be lessoned, it
can be insight for the student about the function the topic. If there is not
relation, at least student know about the world. The purpose is to make the
student considerate with their environment, example market losses that
have relation with the topic about arithmetic:
4. Announce about topic that want to be learned; example about the first
lesson on the arithmetic;
5. Ask to student about what they know about the topic and in this section
there will discussion about the topic;
6. Discussion bout history the topic, introduce scientist who find this topic,
and taking lessons from their story;
Example : The history of arithmetic includes the period from the emergence
of counting before the formal definition of numbers and arithmetic
operations over them by means of a system of axioms. The big contribution
to development of arithmetic was made by the ancient greek
mathematicians, in particular Pythagoreans.
7. Teach them about the topic with example exercise and proof if there theorem;
8. 30 minutes, student are divided into several groups, and then there is a game that can
develop skill of team work, study from their friends, to active in the class and instruct
public speaking.
9. And then, every student will be given some exercise , next that exercise be gathered
to know would’ve understood.
10. In the next meet, will be discussion the exercise and review the previous topic.
11. Every topic minimal 2 x encounter
12. In the second meeting also be told the application from the problem in the life.
13. There is not a homework, and for the test, that will not be told to student, jusr like do
exercise as usually. to coach a honestly every student.
It just my plan that I want. I want the student not just smart on the knowledge but
good on their the attitude, religious, remind theier that we learn, we study at school just
for find Ridho Allaah swt. For mark of mathematic subject doesn’t matter to me. Because
the skill every student are different. I will mark the process how they study hard and from
their attitude.

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