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Literature review:

A descriptive study was conducted on living with an alcoholic patners. Problems faced by
woman by alcoholic husband seeking treatment in De-addiction and Treatment Centre
OPD,PGIMER, a tertiary care hospital in North India. The result of this study shows that 70%
wives who often felt anxious, .More than 60% of wives felt mentally disturbed , 50% of wives
felt frustrate, Despite such emotional problems, almost half of them never displaced their
frustrated,7% ignored their own physical health while 10% reported sleep disturbances, 13%
had reduction on their social visit . Only three participants had financial problems. And only 3%
had reported uses weapon against them and physically harm their childrens.[CITATION sha16 \l
1033 ].

A descriptive research design was conducted by using cluster sampling

technique…………..alcoholic. The violence experienced by the respondent shows that 88% had
moderate level of physical violence, 92% had emotional violence, 86% had intellectual violence
and 72% had economic burden. (Govindappa & Pankajakshi, 2014)

In descriptive sociological on’ wives status of alcoholic Alcoholics and research challenges’
conducted in Hassan District of Karnataka State, in India. It was found that among 50 wives of
alcohol consuming husband, 60% are facing problem in marriage of their childrens,70% are
facing mental and physical illness, anxiety and also having bad marks on the body which was
made while conflicts .80% had shame and guilt to go to neighbors functions such as marriages,
celebrate the festivals and problem in rearing and educating the children and 94% had financial
problem in the family.(Dayananda & Narayan, 2015)

A quantitative, non experimental descriptive survey was conducted in jubilee mission medical
college and research institute, Thrissur Kerala a selected hospital of Kerala State. Findings of the
study revealed that majority of wives of alcoholics had severe psychological problems (33.3%)
while 26.6 % had mild, 20% had moderate, and 20% had very severe problems. Social problems
were found be severe in 46.4% of wives while 33.4% had moderate, 16.6% had mild, 3.4% had
severe problems. Duration of alcoholism more than 16 years was found to be significantly
associated with psychological problems (t=17.2) and a monthly income of less 1500 was also
significantly associated with social problems.(Ramya &Paul,2013)
Cross-sectional study was done incommunity name Handapaldeniya and Handadbowa of Sri
Lanka. Husbands' drinking pattern data obtained from the women. Eleven women in Handabowa
(15.5%) and 14 women in Handapaldeniya (16.5%) was taken and they reported a past history of
depression. prevalence of depression among the women who were not subjected to domestic
violence was 18.5%, but was 40.5% among those who were subjected to domestic violence. The
prevalence of ‘alcoholism’ among Sri Lankan men over 25 years of age is 2.9%. A more recent
study conducted in Sri Lanka shows the prevalence of alcohol consumption (at least one drink
during the preceding month) is 32.9% in an urban sample and 20.8% in a rural sample (De Silva
et al., 2009). In this study 5.16% of the urban sample and 1.46% of the rural sample reported that
they consumed alcohol daily. According to the 2006 Global Status report on alcohol, 2.4% of the
whole adult population and 4.9% of the males in Sri Lanka were ‘heavy episodic drinkers’.
Ninety-four per cent of alcohol is consumed in the form of spirits.About 10–20% of people who
drink alcohol excessively develop cirrhosis, and there are correlations in a population between
rates of liver cirrhosis and mean alcohol consumption. Therefore deaths from cirrhosis can be
considered as a reliable indicator of problem drinking in a country.Census and Statistics
department in Sri Lanka, reported that cirrhosis mortality rate is 33.4 per 100,000 males
according to (Department of Census and Statistics, 2010)—one of the highest in the world—
which compares with 14.1 in the UK and 28.1 in France.(Ariyasinghe, Abeysinghe,
Siriwardhana, & Dassnayake, 2015).

The descriptive study on Psychosocial problem of wives of Alcoholics was done in

Tiruchirappalli District at Tamilnadu such as Khajapatti, Khaja Nagar, Bells Ground Ananagar,
MGR Nagar and sathiyamoorthy Nagar. For this study 22 respondents were selected from each
slum areas (n=110) through snow ball sampling method.The study revealed that majority 51.8%
of the respondents had high level of self esteem, 43.6 % of the respondents have had low level of
quality of life and a sizeable 81.8 % of the respondents had high level of self adjustment, family
adjustment, adjustment with husband and children. ( Parthasarathy, 2013).

A descriptive study withNon-probabilityconvenience sampling technique was adopted to assess

the level of stress and coping of wives of alcoholics admitted in selected de-addiction centers of
Mysore District. The mean wives of alcoholics stress score was 27.38 whereas the scores ranged
from 21-33 and the median score was 28 with a standard deviation of ± 2.96147, the mean score
of ways of coping was 101.88 whereas the scores ranged from 68-136 and the median score was
102.5 with a standard deviation of ± 15.18876. The study findings showed that 100% of the
wives of alcoholics were having moderate level of stress (20-39). Where as in ways of coping,
98.33% of them were able to cope to some extent and 1.66% able to cope effectively (A, 2015)

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