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Public Notices News

any part thereof; Town and one two-year term of advice. proceeding involving custody or V. Petitioner is filing this peti- ONAMIA
PURSUANT to the power of Clerk-Treasurer of Town will parenting time of a minor child, tion in good faith and for the rea- DECEDENT.

County board looks to avoid ‘slippery slope’

sale contained in said mortgage, expire and be filled by general 1. The Petitioner has filed a the parties must begin participa- sons stated.
the above described property election, to be held within the lawsuit against you asking for a tion in a parent education pro- VI. No other proceeding for Notice is given that an appli-
will be sold by the Sheriff of said Town on March 8, 2011. Any dissolution of your marriage. A gram that meets minimum stan- dissolution of marriage, legal cation for informal probate of the AFFIDAVIT OF
county as follows: qualified resident of the Town copy of the Petition for Dissolu- dards promulgated by the Min- separation, or custody has been Decedent’s will has been filed CANDIDACY
DATE AND TIME OF SALE: who desires to seek either such tion of Marriage is attached to nesota Supreme Court within 30 started by either party. There is with the Mille Lacs Band District
January 27 , 2011 at 10:00 AM office must file an Affidavit of this Summons. There should days after the first filing with this no other legal proceeding in Court. The application has been Any qualified voter of Onamia
PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff's Candidacy, and remit its atten- also be a copy of Petitioner’s court. In some Districts, parent- Minnesota or elsewhere affect- granted. A hearing is scheduled Township wishing to be a candi- The county’s land use ordi- case basis while remaining the board for a vote on Dec.
Office, Front Door, 640 3rd
Street South East, Milaca, MN
dant two dollar ($2.00) filing fee,
with the Clerk of Town, on or
Financial Affidavit attached.
2. You must serve upon Peti-
ing education may be required in
all custody or parenting pro-
ing this dissolution action.
VII. To the best of Petitioner’s
in this matter for March 3, 2011
at 9:00 a.m.
date in the March Township
election may file an affidavit of Mille Lacs County nance allows a maximum of
one “animal unit” per acre, but
and fair.
The board also authorized
56353 after December 28, 2010, but tioner and file with Court a writ- ceedings. You may contact the knowledge, there is no Order for Notice is also given that the candidacy with the Township
before 5:00 PM, January 11, ten Answer to the Petitioner for District Court Administrator for Protection in effect, under Min- Court has informally appointed Clerk at 11769 330th St, exceptions can be made if a “ Yo u ’ r e McPherson to ask Barb Welty,
to pay the debt then secured 2011. Dissolution of Marriage and your additional information regarding nesota Statute §518B.01 or a Laureen Nickaboine, whose Onamia. Offices up for election by Brett Larson conditional use permit is grant- concerned Charlie Anderson, Holly
by said Mortgage, and taxes, if Financial Affidavit. You must pay this requirement and the avail- similar law in another state, that address is 16002 Migizi Drive, are Treasurer for a 2 year term Messenger Staff Writer
any, on said premises, and the William C. Young the required filing fee. Answer ability of parent education pro- governs the parties or a party Onamia, MN 56359, as personal and Supervisor for a 3 year ed. The planning commission about the Meleen and Steve Johnson to
costs and disbursements, Clerk of Isle Harbor forms and the Financial Affidavit grams. and a minor child of the parties. representative of the Estate of term. Filing begins on Decem- The Mille Lacs County wanted to allow exceptions to slippery serve on a committee explor-
including attorneys' fees allowed Township form are available from the VII. There has been an irre- the Decedent. Any heir, devisee ber 28, 2010 and ends on Janu-
by law subject to redemption Court Administrator’s Office. Dated: 11-17-10 trievable breakdown of the mar- or other interested person may ary 11, 2011. Filing fee is $2.00. Board decided Dec. 7 not to those who were granted an slope?” ing standards for exterior stor-
within six (6) months from the Messenger, December 8, 15, You must serve your Answer riage relationship and a dissolu- be entitled to appointment as The election will be held on adopt the planning commis- interim use permit, rather than C o u r t e a u Peterson age in the shoreland district.
date of said sale by the mort- 2010 and Financial Affidavit upon Band Member Legal Aid tion of marriage should be grant- personal representative or may March 8, 2011.
gagor(s), their personal repre- _________________________ Petitioner within thirty (30) days By: /s/ Mary D. Mullen ed pursuant to Minnesota Stat- object to the appointment of the sion’s recommendation to a conditional use permit. asked. Before she left, Courteau
sentatives or assigns unless of the date you were served with Mary D. Mullen (ID# 0386914) ues §518.06, Subd. 1. personal representative. Unless Velma Jones allow more than one animal A conditional use permit is Commis- told McPherson he liked her
reduced to Five (5) weeks under KATHIO TOWNSHIP this Summons, not counting the Attorney for Ernest Eugene VIII. Petitioner is not in the objections are filed with the Clerk transferable with the property. sioner Phil Peterson interrupt- Santa hat and asked if the bells
MN Stat. §580.07. PUBLIC NOTICE day of service. If you do not Sam Sr. military service of the United Court (pursuant to Minn. Stat.
unit per acre by special interim
TIME AND DATE TO VACATE serve and file your Answer and 43408 Oodena Drive States. Respondent is not in the 524.3-607) and the Court other- Messenger, December 15, use permit. An interim use permit expires ed. “It’s not the job of a worked. She demonstrated that
PROPERTY: If the real estate is NOTICE OF Financial Affidavit, the Court Onamia, MN 56359 military service of the United wise orders, the personal repre- 2010 The board took it a step fur- when property changes hands. bureaucrat to worry about slip- they did.
an owner-occupied, single-fami- CANDIDATE FILING may give your spouse every- (320) 532-7798 States. sentative has full power to _________________________
ly dwelling, unless otherwise FOR TOWNSHIP OFFICE thing he or she is asking for in IX. The parties have no chil- administer the Estate, including, ther, asking land services An animal unit is roughly pery slopes,” he said. Commissioner Roger
CITY OF ONAMIA equivalent to 1,000 pounds — McPherson argued that Tellinghuisen also had a ques-
provided by law, the date on or the Petition for Dissolution of Messenger, December 15, 22, dren. after 30 days from the date of director Michele McPherson to
before which the mortgagor(s) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; Marriage. 29, 2010 X. Respondent, Patricia Sam issuance of letters, the power to one horse or cow, two to three allowing exceptions to the tion for her: “You don’t have
must vacate the property if the any qualified voter of Kathio 3. This proceeding does _________________________ is not pregnant. sell, encumber, lease or distrib- REVISED ORDINANCE #52 strike a portion of the ordi-
mortgage is not reinstated under Township wishing to file for involve real property and the XI. The parties own real ute real estate. PARKING, SNOW AND nance allowing for exceptions pigs, or 10 sheep. ordinance might lead to law- your reindeer parked on too
section 580.30 or the property is township offices for the March 8, legal description will follow. PETITION FOR estate at 43822 Mosey Drive, Any objections to the probate OTHER EMERGENCIES
McPherson suits. “It’s my job as a bureau- small an acreage, do you?”

DISSOLUTION OF to the maximum number of

not redeemed under section 2011 election may file an affi- 4. NOTICE OF TEMPORARY Onamia, MN 56359. of the Will or appointment of the
THE CITY OF ONAMIA brought the crat to try to keep this body out She didn’t answer, but the Land services director Michele McPherson, right, pic-
580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on July 27, davit of candidacy with the RESTRAINING PROVISIONS MARRIAGE XII. Petitioner does not have Personal Representative must animals allowed on a property. tured with county surveyor Warren Delles, was in a
2011. Clerk. Under Minnesota law, service of a pension, 401(k) plan or other be filed with this Court and will
SECTION I. Definitions.
planning of court,” she said. state ordinance does not festive mood at the Dec. 7 Mille Lacs County Board
Office open will be: ONE this summons makes the follow- retirement account. Petitioner be heard by the Court after the
Subd. 1. Unless the context commission’s Peterson said he wanted to include reindeer in its defini- meeting.
M O R T G A G O R ( S )
ing requirements apply to both
parties to the action, unless they
STATE OF MINNESOTA does not know if Respondent
has any rights to a pension,
filing of an appropriate petition
and proper notice of hearing. clearly indicates otherwise, the Animal unit? recommenda- allow people to use their land tion of animal units.
OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: are modified by the court or the COUNTY OF MILLE LACS 401(k) or other retirement Notice is also given that (sub- words, combinations of words, According to Minnesota
Filing begins at 9:00 a.m. on
proceeding is dismissed: account. ject to Minn.Stat. 524.3-801) all terms and phrases, as used in Statute 116.06, Subd. 4a, an
tion to the as they see fit. “Why is govern-
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
and closes at 5:00 p.m.on Tues- 1) Neither party may dispose DISTRICT COURT XIII. The parties own the fol- creditors having claims against Section I et seq. shall have the
meanings set forth in the subdi-
animal unit “means a unit of board, and ment always in the business of In other business and other offices. County a cost of $3,407.85.
"THE TIME ALLOWED BY day, January 11. 2011. Filing fee of any assets except SEVENTH JUDICIAL lowing vehicles: the Estate are required to pres- measure used to compare dif- Board Chair saying ‘No you can’t’?” he • The board approved the administrator Roxy Traxler • The board approved pur-
LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY is $2.00. Please call the Clerk at (a) for the necessities of life DISTRICT Make/Model: Chevy Tahoe ent the claims to the personal visions of this section which fol-
ferences in the production of
THE MORTGAGOR, THE 320-692-4800 to make an or for the necessary generation FAMILY COURT DIVISION Year: 1999 representative or to the Court low. F r a n k asked. planning commission’s recom- said many of the chairs being chase of ARMER radios for
Subd. 2. The term “motor animal manure that employs as used now are broken and worn the sheriff’s office with grant
MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL appointment. of income or preservation of Possession: Petitioner Administrator with four months
vehicle” shall include all vehicles a standard the amount of
Courteau “That’s very simplistic, mendation to approve a condi-
REPRESENTATIVES OR assets, Encumbrance: $0.00 after the date of this Notice or out. funds and 20 percent match.
ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED Barbara G. Welty (b) by an agreement of the
In Re the Marriage of:
XIV. The parties have already the claims will be barred. powered by other than muscular manure produced on a regular turned the question back to her, Phil,” Courteau countered. tional use permit for Audrey
TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDI- parties in writing, or divided all their household power. basis by a slaughter steer or asking what she thought about “No it’s not,” Peterson Ott to build an accessory struc- • Dr. Quinn Strobl was reap- • County surveyor Warren
Kathio Township Clerk Ernest Eugene Sam Sr., Subd. 3. The term “owner”
CIAL ORDER IS ENTERED (c) for retaining counsel to goods, furniture and other per- Dated: November 1, 2010
shall include any person, firm,
heifer for an animal feedlot or allowing for exceptions to the replied. ture on a property without a pointed as medical examiner. Delles presented his annual
UNDER MINNESOTA Messenger, December 8, 15 carry on or to contest this pro- Petitioner, sonal property. manure storage area. ...”
STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, 2010 ceeding. XV. Petitioner is not Richard Osburn association or corporation own- ordinance. The board’s consensus was dwelling. • The board approved an report, including an update on
and ing or renting a motor vehicle. In other words, an animal
DETERMINING, AMONG _________________________ 2) Neither party may harass employed outside the home. He District Court Judge
Subd. 4. The term “snow unit is the equivalent of 1,000 McPherson said she was to have McPherson remove the • The board approved pur- upgrade to the email server for marking and maintaining of
OTHER THINGS, THAT THE the other party. currently receives $933.00 a
Patricia Lynn Sam,
month from the Mille Lacs Band Mary D. Mullen (ID# 0386914) emergency” shall be a period of pounds of animal. concerned about reviewing section allowing excess animal chase of 85 chairs for the $10,583 and firewall equip- section corners.
time when snow accumulation ment for the sheriff’s office at
IMPROVED WITH A RESIDEN- REAL ESTATE insurance coverage must be Respondent. tribal per capita. Attorney for Laureen Nickaboine
exceeds two (2) inches on the
each application on a case-by- densities and bring it back to Courthouse Square building
TIAL DWELLING OF LESS maintained and continued with- XVI. Petitioner has no infor- 43408 Oodena Drive
THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT out change in coverage or bene- mation regarding Respondent’s Onamia, MN 56359 streets in this municipality. The
STATE OF MINNESOTA Petitioner, Ernest Sam Sr. “snow emergency” period shall
PROPERTY USED IN AGRI- ficiary designation. states under oath: current employment or income. (320) 532-7798
be deemed terminated only after
4) Parties to a marriage dis-
solution proceeding are encour-
aged to attempt alternative dis-
I. Petitioner is Ernest Sam debts.
XVII. The parties have no

XVIII. Each party should be

Messenger, December 15, 22,
the streets of this municipality
have had the snow plowed.
Sewer bills to Truck weight load
limits increased
Sr., born on December 25, SECTION II. Ordinance #52.
Dated: November 19, 2010.

CitiMortgage, Inc.
pute resolution pursuant to Min-
nesota law. Alternative dispute
resolution includes mediation,
1962, whose address is 43822
Mosey Drive, Onamia, MN
responsible for their own costs
and attorney fees for this pro-
No motor vehicle may park on
the streets of this municipality
go up in 2011 Allowable winter load lim-
its on highways in the region
56359, Mille Lacs County. Peti- during a “snow emergency”.
Mortgagee/Assignee of Mort- FAMILY COURT DIVISION arbitration and other processes tioner’s social security number TOWNSHIP SECTION III. Vehicle Towed
increased up to 10 percent
In Re the Marriage of:
as set forth in the district court
rules. You may contact the court
is: see confidential information
form. Petitioner’s attorney is
asks this Court to:
by Police. Any motor vehicle
parked in violation of this ordi-
City of Garrison last week, according to the
Minnesota Department of
USSET, WEINGARDEN AND administrator about resources in Mary D. Mullen with Band Mem- 1. Dissolve the marriage rela- FILING NOTICE Transportation.
LIEBO, P.L.L.P. your area. If you cannot pay for tionship between Petitioner and nance shall be removed without
Ernest Eugene Sam Sr., ber Legal Aid, 43408 Oodena notice to the owner or operator Vehicles will be allowed to
Attorneys for Mortgagee/ mediation or alternative dispute Respondent. Any eligible person of South
Assignee of Mortgagee Petitioner, resolution, in some counties,
Drive, Onamia, MN 56359.
2. Deny spousal mainte- Harbor Township wishing to file
thereof. The motor vehicle which by Rob Passons carry up to 10 percent more
II. Respondent is Patricia is parked in violation may be weight than the standard
4500 Park Glen Road #300 and assistance may be available to Lynn Sam, born on April 9, nance to each party. for township office for the March removed by any person, firm, or
Messenger Staff Writer
Minneapolis, MN 55416 you through a nonprofit provider 3. Award the Chevy Tahoe to 8, 2011 election may file an affi- legal maximum loads on
1966, whose address is current- corporation employed or desig-
(952) 925-6888 Patricia Lynn Sam, or a court program. If you are a ly unknown. Respondent has Petitioner free and clear of any davit of candidacy with the nated by the Council. Said motor Sewer bills will rise for res- unrestricted highways during
10-5001 victim of domestic abuse or claim by Respondent. Petitioner Clerk. Offices open will be one the winter load increase
threats as defined in Minnesota
been formerly known as Patricia
shall make all payments on the three-year term for the office of
vehicle shall be removed to and idents in and around Garrison
Respondent. Lynn DaBois. Respondent’s stored in any parking lot or period. However, trucks must
THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Statutes, Chapter 518B, you are social security number is: see encumbrance, including interest, Supervisor and one two-year garage designated by the police
in 2011, but not by much comply with current registra-
FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE STATE OF MINNESOTA not required to try mediation and confidential information form. and shall hold Respondent term for the office of Treasurer. according to Louis Walker,
you will not be penalized by the harmless and indemnify her department. The motor vehicle tion weight laws and not
TO THE ABOVE-NAMED III. Petitioner has been a res- Filing begins at 9:00 am on so removed cannot be
Messenger, December 8, 15, RESPONDENT: court in later proceedings. ident or domiciliary of the State against any liability. Tuesday, December 28, 2010 district clerk for the Garrison exceed registered gross
22, 29, 2010; January 5, 12, 4. Award each party all of the redeemed by the owner or oper- weight limits.
of Minnesota for not less than and closes at 5:00pm on Tues- ator until all costs or removing, Kathio West Mille Lacs Lake
2011 WARNING: Your spouse IF YOU VIOLATE ANY OF 180 days immediately preceding personal property in his or her day, January 11, 2011. Load increases are permit-
_________________________ has filed a lawsuit against you THESE PROVISIONS, YOU possession. There is a required $2.00 fil-
towing, and storage of same Sanitary Sewer District. ted because pavements
the commencement of this pro- shall first be paid to any party
ISLE HARBOR for dissolution of your mar- WILL BE SUBJECT TO SANC- ceeding. 5. Order each party to be ing fee. having the claim for services “The rates were $53.50, and achieve increased strength
riage. A copy of that paper- TIONS BY THE COURT. responsible for his or her own
TOWNSHIP work regarding the lawsuit is
IV. The parties were married
costs and attorney fees for this Lorice(Lori) Stalker
rendered in the removing, tow- they’re going up to $56,” to carry heavier loads when
on February 28, 1997, in the ing, and storing of said motor their sub-grades freeze.
served on you with this sum- NOTICE OF PARENT City of Milaca, County of Mille proceeding.Grant any additional 38949 70th Ave vehicle. This municipality shall
Walker said. “The system has
NOTICE OF EXPIRATION EDUCATION PROGRAM relief that is fair and equitable. Wahkon MN 56386 For the most current infor-
mons. This summons is an
Lacs, State of Minnesota, and not be responsible for any dam- been in for five years now and mation, call Mn/DOT’s auto-
OF TERMS OF OFFICE official document from the ever since that time have been Clerk age to such vehicle removed in
court that affects your rights. and are husband and wife. The Grant any additional relief that is (320) 495-3607 the rates help pay for the mated 24-hour message
Under Minnesota Statutes, fair and equitable. accordance with the provisions
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Read this summons carefully. parties have been separated of this ordinance. maintenance work on the center at 800-723-6543 for
that the terms of office of one If you do not understand it, Section 518.157, in a contested since June 2010. Messenger, December 15, 22, the U. S. and Canada or
three-year term of Supervisor of contact an attorney for legal Dated: 11-17-10 2010
SECTION IV. Effective Date. sewer lines.”
This ordinance shall be in full 651-366-5400 in the Twin
_________________________ force and effective from and Rumors of drastic rate Cities metro area. For more
Band Member Legal Aid
By: /s/ Mary D. Mullen LAKESIDE after its passage and publication increases to pay for the new information on Mn/DOT’s
Mary D. Mullen (ID# 0386914) TOWNSHIP sanitary district building in seasonal load limits, visit
Attorney for Ernest Eugene Garrison, which is nearing
2.3 Sam Sr.
43408 Oodena Drive
Onamia, MN 56359
that any qualified voter of Lake-
Winter completion, were blown out of
proportion according to Walk-
is here...
side Township wishing to file for
(320) 532-7798 SUBMITTED PHOTO

Million Messenger, December 15, 22,

29, 2010
township offices for the March 8,
2011 election may file an affi-
davit of candidacy with the
People are
er. “As far as I know a federal
grant is covering most of Jenny Sahlstrom, Rebekah Thompson, Laura Berhow, Michelle Johnson, Kelli Diederich, Ruby Olson-Tenhoff,
Arica Gross, Marianne Lease and Janell Holmquist are the leaders in Mille Lacs Health System’s food drive com-
Check tire condition
for winter driving
Clerk. Offices open will be: one that,” he said. Twenty-eight million vehi-
Readers petition.
_________________________ three year term for the office of
NOTICE OF Supervisor; and one two year ready for winter Bruce Pierson, district man- cles – nearly 11 percent of
term for the office of Treasurer. ager for the sewer board, said the cars and trucks in the
INFORMAL Filing begins on December Projects ... U.S. – have at least one bald
that a federal American
28, 2010 and closes at 5:00 pm
on January 11, 2011
Filing fee is $2.00. If you wish
If you have a Recovery and Reinvestment The Spirit of Giving tire, according to the results
of a survey sponsored by the
OF PERSONAL to file an affidavit of candidacy, winter service grant covered 75 percent Rubber Manufacturers Asso-
ciation (RMA). In other

MLHS employees sponsor food drive

($600,000) of the building
All Within Your Reach REPRESENTATIVE
please contact the clerk at
(320)684-2810. list it here. cost. “Customers from the
words, of the 39.7 million
motorists (according to AAA
by placing just ONE ad with your local newspaper CREDITORS Lakeside Township Ads are sanitary district will cover the estimates) who will drive to
Chris Springer - Clerk other $200,000,” he said. their destinations this holi-
• It’s Easy • It’s Effective • It’s Affordable NON-REMOVABLE MILLE PO Box 1012 affordable. Pierson said the new build- day season, nearly 4 million
LACS BAND OF OJIBWE Isle, MN 56342 In the Spirit of Giving, the Milaca. There will be a weekly tally of anne Lease and its members will be at risk from at least
INDIANS Call our sales ing will house the equipment employees of Mille Lacs Department teams were the weight of food donated and are employees in Long Term one bald tire, the RMA said.
Expand your market and increase your profits by Messenger, December 15, to maintain the sewer, as well Health System are giving back assigned, a captain selected cash donations received. The Care, Activities and Home According to consumerre-
advertising in newspapers all over the state through DISTRICT OF NAY-AH-SHING 2010 staff today. as the necessary staff to keep it, tires can lose their
IN THE COURT OF CENTRAL _________________________ to the communities they serve and a name was chosen for contest began Dec. 1 and will Care.
footing long before they're
the Minnesota 2x2 Display Ad Network. JURISDICTION 320-676-3123 going. “We were renting from by conducting an in-house each team. A contest was set continue through Dec. 19. The first delivery of over worn out. Tests show that
the city of Garrison before,” food drive. Cash and food will up between each team to see Team #4 – “The Grocery 250 pounds was given to the
Try It Court File No.: 2010-PR-0004
Grand Slam® Sharon he said.
tread can give up a signifi-
be donated to food shelves in which one can bring in the Getters” – are in the lead. The Garrison Food Shelf the week cant amount of grip when
Ask your local newspaper it works!
In Re: Estate of classifieds sell! or Jamie it's still at the halfway point.
Garrison, Onamia, Isle and most food and cash donations. team is lead by Captain Mari- of Dec. 6.
representative how it works! Sherrilyn Marie Mitchell


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