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Corporate/ CORPORATE/ corporate contracts
in the name of
and all derivatives thereof established using the taxpayer identifieaiton number (98-6088838)
fra udulently referred to as social security number [362-80-6607], (366-87-9120] and any derivatives
along with my descendants, heirs:

devan peteet el
calvin pride bey
chauncey peteet el III
j asmine gradford el
denzel gradfo rd el
quran peteet el
Jason peteet el
tyshan peteet el
shanon London el

(Jan uary 5,2020]

i am chauncey peteet el,in capitas nolo, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, and in proprio heredes. i am
an aboriginal indigenous sovereign moorish american national at all times. i am a descendant of the great pharaohs
of kemet and of the moabites and canaanites. i am the liYing heiress to all land, all natural resources. and all
commercial contracts, nunc pro tune.

i hereby terminate and abolish forever a!J contracts, charters and trusts that exist in the name of ( Chauncey
derivatives thereof to include all heirs listed above also to include all issued by the united states corporation
company, the united states service corporation, the united states and all corporations, corporations, and
corporations to include the attached misrepresented instruments, nunc pro tune:

certificates of live birth under numbers [ S 17EP076524/112-l 968 6030655 ] issued fraudulently
PETEET EL) [MICIDGAN] department of public health.
identification and privilege cards issued fraudu lently by the united states uniformed services
corporation, using social security number [362-80-6607/366-87-9120] and all agents and
principals of the said name, numbers and corporation.
all cred it reports fraudulently issued using the employee identication numbers [362-80-6607/366-
87-9120] known as social security num bers listed above by transunion, experian, and equifax. this
is notice of intent lo lien each of the said corporations in the favor of each and a!J moors. all
sovereign moorish american nationals are the creditors to the nations of the earth.
all irs tax forms, filings, and transactions fraudulently issued by the united states corpora tion
company and any and all deriva tives, agents, principals, and assigns.
student id entification cards fra udulently issued by and all colleges and universities using the
employee identication numbers [362-80-6607/366-87-9120] known as social security numbers
Listed above.

I macn-a018_ universal affidavit orterm ina tion ofall corporale/corporatc/corporatc contracl.s

aboriginal w,d indigenous peoples" documents: northwest amcxcm / nonhwcsl africa / north amcrica / ' lhe north gale· - the moroccrut empire .
continental united SIIICS; 'temple: oflht mom me! sun· 1 ·1111t1c islmd': non · domestic. non - rcsidcnl. non - subject;
- I muurs - hcine the riehtfiil hei~ anti nrimnecniturc hinhrie h1 - inherirnrs of1hc land


marriage license.
voter registration card. . .
student loan bills fraudulently issued by the followmg corporations:
u.s. department of education.
aes (american education senices.l
navient department of education loan senicing corporation .
ascendium education solutions.

all health senice corporations fraudulently issued. all healthcare services have already been
prepaid for all moorish american nationals. UNITED HEALTII CARE acct: 911-95467-00 & 911-
driven licenses and aU transportation contracts fraudulentl y issued by all corporations to
include the state of [ MICHIGAN ) department of motor vehicles corporation [P330115189445],
the state of [MICHIGAN]
checking and savings accounts and aU atm and credit cards fraudulently issued by all bank
corporations to include wells fargo bank, td bank,credit union one, comerica bank, pffcu bank and
any and all others using the employee identication numbers [362-80-6607/366-87-9120] known as
social security numbers listed.
all insurance contracts issued fraudulently to include all auto insurance contracts, all health
insurance contracts, property insurance contracts and all life insurance contracts to include
fraudulently issued using the employee identication numbers [362-80-6607/366-87-9120] known
as social security numbers listed.
all bonds, citations, tickets, corporate cases established fraudulently using the employee
identication numbers 362-80-6607/366-87-9120] know11 as social security numbers listed.
all allodial conveyances with fraudulently issued vin numbers [362-80-6607/366-87-9120) the
said conveyance is in the national trust of the people who are the moorish national republic federal
government at all times and is sovereign property along in the sovereign trust of chauncey peteet
el, amor village trust. the declaration of trust is under record number macn-rxxxxx.1466.
all loan senicing companies fraudulently issued using the employee identication numbers [362-
80-6607/366-87-9120] known as social security numbers listed.
all mortgage senices fraudulently issued using the employee identication numbers [362-80-
6607/366-87-9120] known as social security numbers listed.
all third-party collection agencies accounts fraudulently issued using the employee identication
numbers [362-80-6607/366-87-9120] known as social security numbers listed.
all cable corporations [all accounts] fraudulently issued using the employee identication
numbers [362-80-6607/366-87-9120] known as social security numbers listed.
credit collection services accounts fraudulently issued using the employee identication
numbers [362-80-6607/366-87-9120] known as social security numbers listed above.
AAA auto acct 429 047 908881613 4
MiHealth acct 1032785788
Department of licensing and regulatory affairs Michigan marijuana program
AARP acct 335 945 7425
DISCOVER CARD 6011 0016 7416 4282
SAMS CLUB 69010160300466278
CREDIT KARMA acct 362-80-6607/366-87-9120
CREDIT WISE acct 362-80-6607/366-87-9120
PLANET FITNESS acct 362-80-6607/366-87-9120
VISA CHIME CARD 4232 2301 6673 1955
CREDIT UNION ONE acct 3010606620
all other Corporate, CORPORATE and corporate contracts that exist in the name of
PETEET EL] and any and all of the aforementioned derivatives whether public private
known or unknown are hereby terminated. ' '
all corporate, corporate, and corporate contracts with any social security numbers to include
(362-80-6607/366-87-91201 and any derintives thereof are herebv terminated d II
ti bl" . J an a
co~~ora on! esta isbed wtth these employee identifcation numbers listed under I m ei
utility website: g

_ . 2 macn~a0l8_ universal affidavit or lenoinafion or all corpor:ate/rorporale/corpor:ale contracts

abongmal and mdogcoous peoples ' documents: oonhwcst amexcm / nonhwcsl africa / nonh amcrica / 'the nonh 81 · lhc
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rn1p1n:: •
all of the fraudulent contracts issued by the said corporations, corporations and corporations in the name <,f
!C ha uncey Edward Peteet I ' and any and all derivatives thereof have been Lcrmina!ed. i, chauncey pclect d, am
not a united states corpordlion ci tizen, nor a united states citizen nor a citizen of the united states of amcrica n,,r
a citizen at all. i am the aboriginal indigenous natural di vi ne sovereign authority on this land of amcrica llnd 1
possess lawful national, international and universal titles, charters, trusts and identification document., that ar..,
aboriginal, indigeno us, sovereign, de jure moorish national republic federal government titles, charters, trusL<; and
identification documents of which i am part and parcel. all other foreign. corporate. corporate, and corporal<:
contracts, trusts and documents arc not withstanding. all corporations, Corporations, and CORPORATJ ONS ,ire
the trustees of their own debt at all times and at all points in time. proper notification was given repeatedly of
your unlawful acts against the de jure american nationals on our land. writs of discovery have been sent and swnd
as law on the record unrebutted. affidavits of avermcnts ofjurisdiction stand as law on the record unreb uttcd. thi s
is a uni versal defaultjudgemenL

i hereby claim, proclaim, fully access and declare my full, rightful, lawful estate of all land, all natural resources,
all hereditaments and physical property, and all commercial contracts, nunc pro tune. no united states corporation
company citizen, corporation, corporation, corporation nor united states citizen has personam jurisdiction on:r
my body, nor my property all of which is in the national trust of the people who are the moorish national republic
fede ral government. all citizens, citizens and citizens are subject to me and are commanded to honor my
sovereignty and to obey immediately each and all of my soYcreign commands a! all times. i am in propria persona.
in proprio solo and in proprio heredes al this time and at all points in time.

ch ro nos: _ _ __Jj.,,a,.,_nu::::ary'=.J._,3"-','--'2,.,0,.,2,.,0'------- - - nunc pro tune.

upon my inherited status, i chaunccy peteet el in capitas nolo, being a descendant of the ancient moabites
in other respect known as american - al moroccan - moor, standing squarely affirmed upon my oath to
the ' five points oflight' - t-. Ntd, ~ - f-1- , and jMtiee; being competent (in my own proper person)
to attest to this affidavit upon which i place my signature; whereas, i state, proclaim, and declare the
following to be true, correct, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented,
' colored' or improper use or purpose.

i a~
chauncey peteet e
moorish american national, northwest amexem
autograph - omnia iu ra rcscrvantis
c/o po box 48034 14200 west eight mile road
near. oak park terri torymichigan republic] zip exempt
northwest amcxcm - northwest africa - north america - the north gate

3 macn-30 18_ universa l affiduit ofterminalion of all corponlc/rorpora te/corponle con tracts
aboriginal and indigenous peoples' docwncnts: north"'~ anc:xcm I nonh\\csl africa / north amcrica / 'the nonh gale· - the moroccan empire .
rontinaul unilcd m!CS; ·tanplc oflhc moon and sun' I 'i.tlc ish.-,d·. nan - domc:stic. non . resident. non - subject;
- n ~ I muur,c; - ht:irH? the rieh1ful hei ~ and nrin-.leeniture hinhf'11!h1 - inhcri1nr; or1hc land

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