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Examination Control Division
2074 Ashwin

to give rheir answers in their own

i ,i#if,&T:;:,?:;:d words as rar as practicabre.

{ Assume suitable daru {f necusrory"l

- ---' 1'v'

1' why there are challenges in u*h1-"Ii?.q^some.

requirements of a distributed
Explain the challenges aisociated with system?
aiir*rrrrir-q,ilements of distributed sysrem.
2' Define distributed object and IDL.
Compare RpC and RMI architecture.

3' nre svstem? Explain the DNs working

4' the characteristics of distributed operating [3+s]
,Y*il#:. system? Exptain oRB and its

5' why clock synchronization is necessary? Explain [4+4]

the clock synchronization algorithm
using vector clock along with an example.
6' based centralized and Ricart Agrawara
}Hff;,ilfr:oken atgorithm with exampre and

7' active and passive replication. Exprain

3.1ffJ}Xfif"L1:"t' workins mechanism of
8' aborts occurs and solve<J? Explain
three phase commit prorocor with
fi:ffff"'ding state

9. what is K-faurt tolerant system? Exprain

faurt recovery techniques.
10. Write short notes on: (Any two) {2+61

a) Distributed deadlock [2xa]

and recovery
c) Process Resilience
-aR.IBHUVAN IJNI\f lrii !i]'Y i:-:."am. ;,.:r;?.i$$ffi:'... pssiilaif.iiri,,
I]\JS.I'] I.ij TE OF ENGI\ L,E]RING i.evel BE Full Marks 80
Examimation Control Division Frogramme BCT PassMarks 32
2074 Chaitra Year / Part iv/r Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Distributed System (CT703)

/ Candidates are required to give their ansrvers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt All questions.
'/ The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks
,/ Assume suitable data if necessaty.

i. What is True Distributed System (TDSX How distributed system can be organized as
middleware? Explain. [2+6]
2. Define Remote Procedure Call (RPC)? Describe various RPC communications semantics
of client server communication in distributed system. {2+61
3. Mention the role of stub and skeleton in distributed system. Explain the architectural
details of the Network File System (NFS). L2+61
4. What do you mean by Context Switching in distributed system? How distributed OS is
different from network OS. [2+4]
5. Explain CORBA Invocation methods with its services. 16,l

6- Define clock synchronization. What is the need of clock s5mchronization? Explain

Cristian's algorithm for physical clock synchronization along with necessary diagram. [1+2+5]
7. Why Consenstts is needed in DS? Explain Bully algorithm with suitable example . 12+61
8. S&at do you mean by object replication? Explain process resilience approach. 12+6]
9. What are the benefits and drawbacks of using lock in Transaction Processing? Explain the
lost-update problems with suitable example. 14+41
i0. What are independent checkpointing and co-ordinated checkpointing? Explain snapshot
algorithm used for backward recovery in distributed system. $+al
11. Write short notes on: (any two) L2+2J
i) JINI Distributed Event Specification
ii) rDL
iii) Distributed cut
35 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Exam. Ncrr llacli (2066 & l.atcr ll:rtch)
Examination Control Division Programme BCT Pass Marks 32
2073 Shrawan Year / Part Iv1I Time 3 hrs.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt All questions.
Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
Assume suitable data if necessary.

L What are the principle applications of Distributed System (DS)? Discuss the advantages
and disadvantages of DS. [3+5]
) What are the requirements of Distributed File System? Describe file service architecture
for Distibuted File System. [4+4]
3. a) Why naming is necessary in distributed system? Explain Domain Naming Service
(DNS) with its features. [1+4]
b) What are the advantages of micro-kemel over monolithic-kernel? In your view, which
kernel is preferable for distributed Operating system and why? [2+3]
4. a) What are the components of CORBA environment? t4l
b) What do you mean by logical clock? Explain Lamport's Logical clock. [2+6]
5. What are the principle applications of state recording and distributed debugging?
Determine the types of distributed CUT in the following figure. [4+6]




Ci C2 b, i-
6. Define distibuted coordination iu DS? Explain how token ring algorithm works for
mutual exclusion in DS. L2+61
7. De{ine replication and fault tolerance in DS and explain why are they necessary? Explain
how replication enhanced scalability for DS. [6+2]
8. What is LOCK and DEADLOCK in DS? Discuss the methods of distributed deadlock
avoidance. [4+6]
9. Write short notes on: [2x3]
0 Process Resilience
ii) Mach

;,..'1r,ai!,iiu.i rl3gulilil, r-r:r,:i,.r.ii.,,,'r'r


Marks ?')
Examination Control Division Programme ECT Pass

2073 Chaitra Year / Part rV/I Tirne 3 hrs.

Sabject: - Distributed S

Candidates are requirecl to give their ansu'ers in their orvn worets as far as practicable'
Atternpt 4!questions.
The figures in the rnargin indicnte FqLl W.qr&*
A,ssume suitable data if necessary.

1. Explain the major challenges in designing the distributed system. How lnteraction model
handles the issues in DS? [4+4]
2. \&ihat are the needs of, event and notificatian system iluring the cornrnunicati*n anxong
distributed otrjects? Explain the distributed event notification process in detail. [2+4]
3" ffiat are the major features of $LINJ,iFS? Explain the operation of SLIN NFS rvitla ils
architecture' [2-F6]

4. \&'hat are the RPC Cornmunication Semantics? Explain the caiitpcner:i *f CCIRBA
environment. [2+6]
5. Why vector clock is important? Explain the types *f Distrihuted cut x'ith exarnples. Lltlrv
do you perforrn state recording? 124'4+4j

6. 'frIhy election algorithm is important? Explain BULI,Y algoritlxn rvith proper exasnple" i8l
7. How can you claim that replication is one of the scaling techniques in distributeC system'l
How do you ensrue the high availabtre services in DS? Explain wittr a suitabie approach. [2'i-Sl
L Write the l",ock compatibility rules for two-phase locking. Describe the rnethods f,or
conc-ffirency control in distributed syste:l. [2r6j
9. Explain the types of faults and failures" How do you deter;t arbitrary faults? lixplain with
respect to Bizantine failure. [4+4]
10. Write short notes on: (Any two) [?x.4]

a) Monolithic kernel
b) rDL
c) Cheok pointing approach for recovery in AS
d) JrNI
,1 J


Swbj*ct: - Distributed Systern {CT70J)

'/ Canrlidates are required tc give their arrsrvers in iheir onlu t'ords as {ar" as practicabie"
{' Attempt 4!l questians.
t' The .figures in tha mar"g,in irudicate I: u$ &€gr&s.
d ,A,ssztnte suituble data if'neu:ss{.try.

1. What is Distributed System? Discttss the challenges of Disribution System *.ith example, [2+6]
2. Mention the role of IDL and rniddleware in Disuibuted System. Explain [tMl approach in
the distributed object based system. [4+6j
3. Define DFS. How does DFS encourage sharing a storage device? Explain with the help of
suitabie architecture. t8l
4. How threads diftbr from process? How dces checkpoint heip in recovery? What does
distributed commit refer to? L4+2+27
5. Define flat and nested transaction. Discuss the approach of optimistic eoncurrency controi
in distributed transactions. [4+6]
6. \Mhy it is difficult to synchronize physical clock? Explain how ciock synchronizati*n can
be solved using logical clock. [2+6]
7 " What are the reasons for replicating the service provide? Discuss about f'ault tolerant
services. [4+4J
8. How cascading aborts occurs and can be solved? Explain the needs and roles of atomic
sommit protocol in disiributed systern. tS]
L Write short ootes on: [ax3]
aj Christian's Algorithm
b) Reeovery approach in Distributed System
c) CORBA services
d) Monolithic and Microkemel
INSTiTUTE OF ENGINE.ERING ! Level i eg i Futl Marks i 80
Examination Control llivision i Programme I eCT i Pass Marks i 32
207I Shawan
t' _-:'--- --
' ,.
. -rine I a r


Swhiect; - Distributed Systern (:7-7c-3)

,/ Candidates are required to give their ans'*ers in their ot^,'u words as far as practicable.
'/ Attempt 4ll questions.
{ The
"figures in rhc margin indicate {ryU-ll{arkS
,/ Assume suiighle tlatu ij'nec€ssary.

[1] Discuss the properties of.'Distritruted System (DS)" F]ow interactiot model addrssses the
relevant issues in DS? [6+2]

t?l What is the importance of LDL in R-\,Ii? Write the operation cf static f{\{1, l3+5]

i3l What are tlie characieristic.s cf SUN-NFS? Disc*ss rvith its arehitecture. [3+5]

i4l What are tire comrnon problems of physical ch:ck synchronization algoritlims? W:ite Chandy-
Larnport's algorithnr flcr: recording global states ili Dishihuted Systern. [3+5]

l5j Measure the perfbrraance issue cf ncn-token based ,t\igi:rithni. Write alternate
algorithm to address tliose pe,*l-c.nnance issues. [2-+ 5l

lfil i'lorv to corne to consensus in DS? Iliscuss with an apprr"racir, how do you rnake the distribute*
system service higirly available? [3+5]

i7] lVhat are the relaticxrships betrveen parerrt and child transacticns in ilS? Write tire problmlrs of
lrrcl<iilg w'ith tlre solutions to avoid it. [4+ 8]

i8j Horv do you avoid faults in DS? Cornpare independ*rrt chekpointiug rvitlr cr"rardinated
checkpoirrting approach. [1r-aj

t9l Write short notes on iAlL:fhr*rl) [4-l-,1+4]

[a] ivfonalitlric a:id ]rlicro*Kenrel

ll,l Services provided by CSRBA with the functlons of Object Adapter

lcj Trvo Phsss Distributed Cr:lnsrit

l"dl DistributedDebugging.

le] RPC comlnunication s*nrlniics


Examination Control Division Programme BCT Marks 32

2071 Chaitra Year / Part IVII Time 3 hrs.

S^wbjecf: - Distributed System (CT703)

,/ Candidates are required to give their ansrry.ers in their ou,n words as lar as practicable.
'/ Attempt All questions.
"/ The figures in the murgin irudicate Fwll Mgrks-.
,/ Assume suitahle data if nece,ssGn).

l. "Distributed system acts as a single coherent system to its end user." Justify the statement
with its features and challenges. What is fundamental model? 16+21

2. Define DFS. How RMI perform communication between distributed otriects? Explain. 12+61
3. Verify with proper explanations that l)NS is a distributed hierarchical database system. I l0]
4. Write the importance of election algorithn:. Explain BUI-LY algorithm with suitable
example. Compare it with Ring based algorithm. i8l
5. List the goals of JINL Wirat are CORBA services? ilor,v does operating system support for
distributed system? 14+2+2)
6. Explain with algorithmic steps, how token ring algorithm works for mutual exclusion in
distributed system. l1 0l

7. Explain Byzantine general problem to handle faulty process with example. Describe any one
failure recovery technique. t8t
8. Define lock in concurrenc-v control. How can concurrency be controlled in distributed
transactions? What situation does lead to distributed deadlock? [1+4+3]
9. Write short notes on: [3x4]
a) Heterogeneity in distributed system
b) Rendezvous concept and implementation
c) Flat versus nested locks
d) Frocess Resilience


INS'l'l'fUTE OF ENGiNITtrRNG ,BE Full Malks

Examination Control Division Programnre BCT

Pass Marks
2070 Ashad Year / Part IViI I Ime

Subject: - Distributed System (CT703)

,/ Candidates are required to give their anslr''crs in their ou,n rvords as far as practicabJe.
'/ AttentpiVlt questions.
'/ The figttres in the margin indicate Full Marks.
,/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. How do you define Distributed System? Explain with the model, how hardware, data and
controls are distributed in the distributed system environment. [2+6)
2. Explain the ways how distributed objects communicate with each other. Differentiate i
between RPC and RMI. [4+4'1
3. Define distributed file system. Draw and,explain distributed file service architecture in
detail. 12+6)
4. Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous distributed applications with
example. ," 14)
5. Compare physical clocks and logical clocks with its implementation semantics. Describe
Lamport's timestamp algorithm with its benefits and drawbacks. [2+61
Explain any one election technique in Distributed System. Discuss with steps how
consensus can be achieved in Distributed System. [5+3]
7. How do you say that replication is one of the scaling techniques in Distributed System?
How to handie concurrent invocations vu'ith object replication in distributed object based
systern? 12+41

8. What ar,e.the. roles of atomic commitment protocol (ACP) in distributed transactions?

Explain the different methods of concurrency control in distributed transactions. 12+61(
9. What are the dependability requirements of fault tolerant system? What do you mean by
K-fault tolerant? How to come agreement in faulty system? Explain with the approach of
byzantine generals problem. l2+2+41
10. Write different services provided by CORBA. What are dynamic and static invocation
approaches of CORBA . 12+41

1 1. Write short notes on: 14+41

a) Process and threads in OS
b) Distributed commit
Exarmination Control Divlsion Frograrnme i BCT
20?0 Chaitra

Subject: - Distributed Systern (CT703)

Candidates are required to givc thcir answe rs in tlre ir orvn rvords as far as practica.bie.
Attempt,4ll que s tions.
Thefigures in the margiri inclic'ttlc ITull Murkt
,4.gsume suitahle data if necessary).

1. Define Distributed Systern, Wlrat are advanlage s and disadvantages of distributed

systern? 12+6)
2 Draw and erplain distribulcd Illc sorvicc architccture. i-lorv does that architecture
encourage the sharing of storagc resourccs in distributed system? Explain. {6+21
J. Differentiate between RPC ancl 11MI. Ilorv clocs nrorlcrn I{l'Cl nraintain the transparency
in distributed system? 12+61
4. Ccmpare process and threads. Why tlrrcacls alc important in distributed System. l2+21
5. Give an example of hetcrogcneous rnoclcl of distrihuted apirlical.ion. ilow is distributed
operating system realized in practicitl distributed systems'/ Ilxplain. 12+41
6. What do you lnean physical and logical clocks? Explain Network Time Protocol and
Berkeley Algorithm for physical clook synchronization. [2+4+21
7. How does mutual exclusion help in co-ordination in distributed system? Explain the way
how Lamport algorithm ensures lnutual cxclusion? 12+61
8. What are the major objectives for replication in distributed system? Explain primary
backup model for fault tolerance. [3+5]
9. Differentiate between nested transaction and distributed transaction with examples. How
is commihnent ensured in distoibuted transactions? [2+6]
10. What do you mean by fault tolerant system? What do you mean by Byzantine Failure?
Explain Byzantine Generals problem to illustrate how agreement can be reached in faulty
system. t1+2+51
I 1. Write short notes on: [3+3]
a) Comparison of CORBA and Mach
tr) Timestamp ordering in concurrency control


34 I'II.IB II UVAN I.]N IV E,RS I]'Y Exam. Resular

: -------l
llxa mination Control Division Programme BCT r. P-.." Marks ,. 32
Pass nn,.-t,. :'l l
2069 Chaitra Year / Part IV/I Time 3 hrs.

$uljec!; Netwogk (C T 7 0 2
('ltrilitlates itrc rcclr-rirecl to givc thcir answers intheir ow.n words as far as practicable.
.,1 t I t nt 1tl AI I t1 csl i ons'.

/igurcs in the ntargin intliculc l'ull Marks
ls',rume ,s'uilable data if necessory.

l. Explain the need of Networking Software in the form of Hierarchy? Mention in which
Ievel layer of OSI reference model following tasks are done. 16+21
i) Timing and voltage of received signal
ii) Encryption and decryption of data
iii) Data framing
iv) Point-to-point connection of socket.
2. Define switching and multiplexing. Differentiate between circuit switching and packet
switching. 14+4)
3. Expldin.different types of Data link layer framing mechanisms. t8l
4. What is the contribution of sub-netting in IP address management? Show the importance
in this case. Banijya bank need to allocate 15 IPs in HR department, 30 in finance
department, 24 in customer care unit and 25 in ATM machines. If you have one network
of class C range public IP address. Describe how you will manage it. t8l
5. Why is routing protocol necessary? Explain the working process of Routing Information
protocol (RIP) with example. [3+5]
6. Why do you think that there exist two protocols in transport layer where as there exists
only one protocol in Internet layer in TCP/IP reference model. Explain token bucket
algorithm for congestion control. Is+3]
7. What is HTTP protocol? With an example explain how a request initiated by a HTTP
client is served by a HTTP server. 12+61

8. Explain the IPv6 datagram format and the function of each f,reld with necessary figure. t8l
9. Compare symmetric key encryption method with asymmetric key encryption. Describe
the operation of RSA algorithm. l4+4)
10. What is network security? How can firewalls enhance network security? Explain how
firewalls can protect a system. o$+4f

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