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Anxiety is a complex condition and
usually many factors combine to
cause it. If you’re feeling
depressed and anxious it can
definitely effect you’re eating
habits and daily routine. Some
people go off their food when they
feel depressed and anxious, whilst
others will comfort eat. Anti-
anxiety drugs/medication can also
affect your appetite and weight.
As a basic rule of thumb a good diet will include starchy foods such as pasta and
rice, with lots of vegetables and fruit, some rich protein foods such as fish, lentils and
meat, with some dairy products such as cheese and milk. This gives you all the
nutrients you need. But you also need to reduce salt, fat and sugar intake.
Anxiety can’t be solely blamed on environment or what we eat. However in my
opinion when I started to improve my diet I saw one of the biggest improvements in
my condition. Diet is also one of the easiest things to change to see the greatest
I think millions of people are contributing to their own anxiety everyday by eating
foods that trigger anxiety and panic attacks. Our diets have changed dramatically
over the last 30 -40 years and not for the better. In some ways we have been brain
washed into eating foods we do not need and they are actually causing us ill health.
Remember it’s in the interest of the manufactures to promote, market and sell food
with a fun, heathy spin on the product even though they are blatantly unhealthy.
The bottom line is your health does matter. You are what you eat. What you eat
affects how you feel, and can make you calm or make you anxious. I’m not saying
diet is the complete answer to anxiety but you will see a dramatic improvement in
your condition if you follow my anxiety diet program.
Research has shown us that some foods promote wellbeing whilst other foods will
act like a stimulant and agitate anxiety. If you suffer from panic attacks or anxiety
then this can activate anxiety symptoms and make them worse.
A poor diet in the short term will only lead to temporary symptoms, but if you
continue to have a poor diet over many years it can lead to long term health issues.
Sometimes some relatively simple changes in your diet can help to alleviate the
physical and mental sensations caused by anxiety.

We often turn to alcohol or fast food to make us feel better which it often does in the
short term. But after the effects ware off we often feel worse. Changing your diet is
a way of life and you will need stamina and will power to stick with this regime.
I found changing my diet helped my battle with anxiety in so many ways. It’s
something I have stuck too to this day. Occasionally I’m not perfect and sometimes
go for a curry with my mates and have a few beers, but I know I'm not going to slip
back into my old bad eating habits. My health is too precious for that, and anyway
living with anxiety was hell.
Changing your diet will bring great relief to how you feel but remember it’s not the
complete answer.
Just on a side note exercise will also have dramatic positive effects on your body so
consider doing this as well, changing your attitude, building your confidence and
learning to relax.

What is the Anti-anxiety Diet?

Well there are millions of diets on the market and some are frankly completely
unhealthy. The diet I am proposing is basically common sense. I believe balance is
everything, so my diet is really going to keep your body system stable.
‘Healthy eating’ is a phrase that is used a lot but I want you to really be honest with
yourself and write down exactly what you eat every day. How healthy is your diet?
My anti-anxiety diet is really simple and easy to apply but it will require dedication
and will power.
Let’s go into more detail on where most anxiety sufferers go wrong with their
diet -
When our bodies need something it usually sends out a message. For example if
you eat a lot of salty foods you become thirsty. So you drink water and the salt is
diluted and you feel better.

People with anxiety and panic attacks tend to crave sweets and cake which must
mean they need sugar. This is logical as having anxiety and panic attacks
everyday left me feeling I’d gone 10 rounds with Muhammad Ali. I was exhausted
and in the process I burned a lot of energy. The problem with eating simple sugars
(i.e. sweets) or a big meal is you’re digesting a lot of sugar all at once. This causes
the body to release lots of insulin and adrenalin to counteract the sugar in your

Hypoglycaemia is an abnormal level or abnormal decrease of sugar in the
blood. It’s important you understand hypoglycaemia as it’s closely linked to
panic attacks and anxiety. I will discuss it in more detail below.

What are simple carbohydrates? Foods such as sweets, white flour products,
processed foods, alcohol, caffeine, cakes, etc. are quickly broken down and enter
the bloodstream. The flood of sugar in the body causes the pancreas to produce
insulin to remove the sugar. So far so good, but this causes a dramatic drop,
resulting in your brain being starved of fuel. The brain is the only organ that cannot
produce glucose so it perceives a threat and activates the flight or fight response.
Adrenaline and other chemicals are released into the body producing nasty

You eat a trigger food like sweets

The sweets are broken down into glucose

quickly and enter the blood stream

Pancreas over reacts and sends out too

much insulin and removes too much sugar
from the bloodstream

Blood sugar level quickly drops.

Body triggers the flight or fight reaction

(symptoms) by releasing adrenaline and
other chemicals.

My diet was fairly bad in the past. I drank way to much alcohol. Like most young
adults I binged to excess at weekends. I drank too much tea and coffee and not
enough water. When I started to earn money I would buy snacks and sweets. (My
parents rarely had many snacks or sweets in the house). My student days involved
totally skipping breakfast and not eating properly. I was a panic attack waiting to

Most people fall into a trap (like I did) of using a stimulus like tea or coffee as a ‘pick
me up’ in the morning. Throughout the day whenever they feel shaky, tired,
depressed or under stress they grab for cake, sweets or a fizzy drink. Magically they
feel better straight away as their sugar levels go through the roof as it enters their
bloodstream. Logically they conclude that what they are eating is helping them.

Although the sugar is helping us in the short term, in the long term it makes the
problem worse. The highs soon turn into massive lows when insulin is released.

There is solution to help to stabilize our blood sugar level and to keep it regulated.
You need to stop the over enthusiastic approach of your body producing too much
insulin and adrenaline. This can be done by

 Reducing stress in your life.

 Eating a nutritious diet.
 Eating small but frequent meals.

My diet was a big factor in those ‘out of the blue panic attacks’. Diet is so important
and one of the easier aspects to correct to see benefits quite quickly. It’s worth
pointing out now that complex sugars take about four times as long to be absorbed
by the body as simple sugars (i.e. sweets). Hence the rise and fall of your blood
sugar is much more stable. Most people think there diet is quite good. IS YOUR

Tips from the trenches

You will see other people start the day with coffee
that would blow your head off, and then they will
snack on crisps and cake throughout the morning.
So why can they do this and you can’t. LUCK!

They have a different body metabolism. We are all

unique and some people will get symptoms whilst
others will not. That’s not to say they will remain
lucky. They may suffer from diabetes in the future or
maybe something worse like heart disease. I
guarantee if you follow my diet programme you will
feel better, have more energy and live a healthier life.

A large number of anxiety and low blood sugar (Hypoglycaemia) symptoms overlap.
That’s because low blood sugar stimulates the fight or fight response. Below are
some questions that you can ask yourself. If the answer is yes to most of them you
probably have Hypoglycaemia. Should you have a medical test for Hypoglycaemia?
I would say no. If you’re serious about getting well you should follow the same diet
as a hypoglycaemic would have to. Diet is one of the most crucial steps to over
coming anxiety. Ignore it at your peril. You are what you eat. If you eat rubbish,
you will feel like rubbish.

Do you.......
1. Find that your heart races when you skip or delay a meal?
2. Eat when you feel anxious or nervous?
3. Get brown spots on your skin?

4. Nibble between meals?
5. Feel short of breath or breathe rapidly for no apparent reason?
6. Get hungry or feel lightheaded unless you eat frequently?
7. Have crying spells, a short temper, or other strong emotional outbursts?
8. Get headaches when you go several hours without eating?
9. Feel faint if you skip or delay a meal?
10. Wake up after a few hours and have trouble getting back to sleep or need to eat
before going back to sleep?
11. Feel anxious or nervous?
12. Need a pick-me-up like coffee or soda to get going in the morning?
13. Feel fatigued?
14. Have a strong craving for sweets, starches, or caffeine?
15. Feel "spacey" or have difficulty concentrating?
16. Feel unable to decide things quickly?
17. Feel sad or depressed?
18. Find that your mood changes if you skip or delay a meal?
19. Feel shaky or tremble?
20. Feel dizzy or weak if a meal is delayed?
21. Experience blurred vision?
22. Get cramps if you don't eat frequently?
23. Drink more than two cups of caffeinated or sugary beverages per day?
24. Crave sweets, coffee, or other snacks, especially in the afternoons?
25. Feel overwhelmed or "stressed out?"
26. Find that your mood and symptoms improve after eating?
27. Get highly emotional or irritable before meals?
28. Feel fatigued when you wake up in the morning?
29. Feel sleepy, tired, or a lack of energy during the day?
30. Feel very hungry if you go several hours without eating.

Diet is an important factor in eliminating anxiety and panic attacks. It’s important that
you recognize your existing eating habits. I’m guessing that you probably do not eat
that nutritiously, but you may not recognize it yet. Make a note of what you eat every
day for the next seven days. Compare this to what I’m going to propose you eat
from now on. Remember I’m advocating a life change, so be open minded, I’m sure
I can win you over. The diet I’m proposing is nothing particularly radical just plain old
common sense.

I knew even before I had panic attacks that strong coffee would give me strange
sensations like hyperventilation. At the time I didn’t know that’s what it was. I have
been blessed or cursed (whether you wanted to look at it positively or negatively) in
having a sensitive body that dislikes me feeding it rubbish. You are probably the
same. I ask you to commit yourself to this new plan. For most people you will not
see a change for a few weeks as it’s not a magic pill, but a gradual plan for your
body to return to a balanced state.

Personalize your program to what works best for you. We all lead different lifestyles,
are different weights and have different symptoms. I made an effort to cut out alcohol
from my diet as it was one of the triggers that gave me panic attacks. The morning
after drinking was just awful. Multiple panic attacks. After you feel more stable there
is no reason (if you wish) why you cannot have a glass of beer or wine with a meal
with complex carbohydrates. For example a roast chicken with potatoes and
vegetables could be offset with a glass wine. Combining foods sensibly can go a
long way to improving how you feel.

Don’t worry if you are confused by complex carbohydrates I will explain everything

The 3 Hour Rule

I thoroughly recommend you follow the 3 hour rule. Eat a snack or small meal
every 3 hours or so. You will eat smaller meals but six times a day. This way you
stomach will be satisfied and your regular intake of food will maintain the blood sugar
balance. Staying in bed for long periods is no longer an option.

Often people drink excessive amounts of alcohol in the evening and then crawl into
bed at midnight with their blood sugar about to fall rapidly in the early hours. When
they crawl out of bed 11 hours later they feel terrible and hung over. This is
damaging their body.

Seven to eight hours of quality sleep is all the human body needs. After that get out
of bed and eat a healthy breakfast and enjoy the day. Balance is everything.

It’s amazing to think of how many people suffer the Monday morning blues. Apart
from there not looking forward to work, they have probably ate poorly over the
weekend, gone to bed late and stayed in bed all morning. Now come Monday it’s no
wonder they feel ill and tired.

Trigger foods
Trigger foods that can make us feel bad. These include

 Caffeine (it's in tea as well)

 Alcohol
 Nitrates
 Aspartame
 Saccharine
 Trans fatty Acids
 MSG (Monosodium Glutamate
 And others

The Glycemic Index (GI)

The glycemic index ranks food by how much they affect our blood glucose (sugar)
levels. It measures this via the carbohydrates content and by how much your blood
glucose rises between 2/3 hours of eating it. The GI is measured from 0-100 with
100 having the most effect on your sugar levels. The test assumes you are eating
one chosen food rather than a combination. Food containing little or no
carbohydrates such as protein and fats would not cause your blood sugar to rise and
would therefore rank low on the GI scale.

Why is the Glycemic Index (GI) so important?

Well you can use the GI to minimize the effects of disrupting your sugar levels within
your body. Don’t worry I will not ask you to check every different type of food on the
index before you eat it! The idea is to eat a healthy, nutritious diet by combining
different foods to promote balanced sugar levels.

Ideally you should eat a combination of

 Protein
 Whole grain (complex Carbohydrates with fibre)
 Low Glycemic vegetable/fruit

I will try to keep this as simple possible for you to follow and act upon. Some diet
plans are ridiculously impossible to follow and the user is just not going to follow the
program. We also live in a busy world where it’s not possible to eat perfectly all of
the time.

The idea of eating a protein is to counteract the rise in blood sugar due to eating a
carbohydrate. Many carbohydrates are high on the GI scale but you will need to eat
them for the fibre, nutrients and energy you get from the grain. By also eating a low
GI fruit or vegetable you can have further nutrients but not affect your blood sugar
too much.

Why are carbohydrates so important?

Carbohydrates do an important job by providing energy for the body. They come in
two different types – Simple Carbohydrates and Complex Carbohydrates. In short,
Complex Carbohydrates are the ones you want to eat

Let me explain.......

Simple Carbohydrates are not good for you

Simple carbohydrates are called simple because the body adsorbs them quickly into
the bloodstream. They are usually all the naughty things we like to eat like sweets,
cakes, desserts, fizzy drinks, biscuits, ice-cream etc. They contain white sugar
which would be an obvious simple carbohydrate. Did you know that white flour also

falls into this category, therefore white bread, buns, some pasta, donuts, some
crackers, rice, noodles, some cereals, etc.; will affect our sugar levels. Many fruits
are simple carbohydrates but they have good nutritional value as well so we don’t
cross these off our list.

As stated before these simple carbohydrates make you feel better in the short term
by causing your blood sugar to rise rapidly, but then the crash will come. If you eat
more sweets the rollercoaster effect will happen and you will feel worse, have little
energy and still feel hungry. WORST OF ALL THE FLIGHT OR FIGHT RESPONSE

Tip from the trenches

Artificial sweeteners are even worse than white sugar so do not think you can add
these to your foods.

Why eat Complex Carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates take longer to be digested resulting in a lower blood sugar
rise. They are also much healthier because they are less chemically altered, the
whole grain and its nutrients remains intact. Examples of complex carbohydrates
are beans, seeds, nuts, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, etc.

How Fibre tackles the Fight or Flight Response

Fibre is also an important element of complex carbohydrates. The fibre helps to
decrease the blood sugar in complex carbohydrates which can still sometimes
have a high GI index. Vegetables are especially a good way of getting fibre. They
have amazing disease fighting properties against illnesses such as cancer, heart
disease, diabetes, gallstones/kidney stones, etc. Fibre also helps to promote a
constant weight and relieve constipation and haemorrhoids. Remember Animal
products do not contain Fibre.

Recommended daily intake for fruit and vegetables

A few small changes can help you get the recommended five portions of fruit and
vegetables a day.

5 A DAY highlights the health benefits of getting five 80g portions of fruit and
vegetables every day. That’s five portions of fruit and vegetables altogether, not five
portions of each.

Five reasons to get five portions

 Fruit and vegetables taste delicious and there's so much variety to choose

 They're a good source of vitamins and minerals, including folate, vitamin C
and potassium.
 They're an excellent source of dietary fibre, which helps maintain a healthy
gut and prevent constipation and other digestion problems. A diet high in fibre
can also reduce your risk of bowel cancer.
 They can help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and some cancers.
 Fruit and vegetables contribute to a healthy and balanced diet.

Fruit and vegetables are also usually low in fat and calories (provided you don’t fry
them or roast them in lots of oil). That’s why eating them can help you maintain a
healthy weight and keep your heart healthy.

5 A DAY is based on advice from the World Health Organization, which recommends
eating a minimum of 400g of fruit and vegetables a day to lower the risk of serious
health problems, such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and obesity.

To get the most benefit out of your 5 A DAY, your five portions should include a
variety of fruit and vegetables. This is because different fruits and vegetables contain
different combinations of fibre, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

Almost all fruit and vegetables count towards your 5 A DAY. Potatoes and cassava
don’t count because they mainly contribute starch to the diet.

For more information

Eat Complex Carbohydrates with proteins and other Low

Glycemic Foods
At each meal (remember I am advocating 5 or 6 mini meals a day) combine complex
carbohydrates rich in fibre with proteins (which don’t affect sugar levels) and low
glycemic fruit or vegetables.

Why we need Proteins?

Protein helps to replace, repair and maintain body tissue. The body needs protein
molecules made by using protein to help keep the body in tip top shape. Your body
uses protein to make muscle, haemoglobin, bones, body, organs etc. The great
thing about protein is they contain little or no carbohydrates so they do not cause
blood sugar to rise and trigger any nasty symptoms. Examples of protein are beef,
eggs, nuts, lentils, peas, dairy products, fish, poultry, etc.

One food that deserves a special mention is that of the bean family. Soy beans,
green beans, lentils, peas, kidney beans, lima beans, black beans, broad beans, etc.
are especially good for you. These plant products are an excellent source of protein.

Tip from the trenches

Try making pea soup (protein) with a slice of whole meal bread (complex
carbohydrates with fibre). Many cultures have discovered this healthy combination
of foods, rice and beans in Latin America, soya beans and rice in Asia, chickpeas
and pita bread in the Middle East, etc.

Why are Fruit and Vegetables so important?

Vegetables and Fruit provide vitamins, minerals, fibre and other nutrients that are
key to leading a healthy lifestyle. Eating enough fruit and vegetables can lower your
risk of developing certain cancers, stokes, etc.

Fruits especially contain natural simple sugars so they can rank quite highly on the
GI scale. Please browse along the list of foods detailed in the GI index below. If
your favourite foods have a high GI rating you will have to rethink your eating habits.

Below are a list of foods and their GI level showing you which foods to stock up on
and some that you may want to avoid from now on.


Foods in this category usually have a low GI value less than 55. From the list below
I have highlighted some of the best foods with the lowest GI ratings.

Brown Rice 55

Baked Beans 48

Banana 53

Broccoli 6

Carrots (cooked) 39

Cauliflower 6

Cherries (fresh) 22

Milk Chocolate 49

Grapefruit 25

Grapes 43

Kidney Beans 52

Lentils 28

Lettuce 7

Low Fat Yoghurt (sweetened) 33

Milk (Whole) 27

Milk (Skimmed) 32

Milk (soya) 30

Oatmeal 49

Orange Juice (fresh) 52

Peach 28

Peanuts 14

Peas 48

Popcorn 55

Potato Crisps 54

Spaghetti 41

Special K cereal 54

Spinach 12

Sweet Potato 55

Sweet Corn 54

Tomato 15

Chickpeas (Canned) 42

Pears 38

Apples 38

Wholemeal Spaghetti 37

Red Lentils 26

Blueberry Muffin 59

Bran Muffin 60

Cheese Pizza 60

Cous 65

Ice Cream 61

Mini Shredded Wheat 58

Orange Juice (not fresh) 56

Pineapple 66

Pita Bread 57

Raisins 64

Rye Bread 68

White Rice 56

Wholemeal Bread 69

Muesli (not toasted) 56

Boiled Potatoes 56

Ryvita 69

The difference between high and low GI foods is the energy they provide. Low GI
foods provide you with a steady output of energy, whereas High GI foods make your
blood sugar levels shoot up then crash back down soon after, so below I have put
together some examples of foods you would want to avoid on a low GI diet.

Bagel 72

Baked Potato 85

Cheerios 74

Doughnut 76

Chips 76

Honey 73

Jelly Beans 80

Mashed Potatoes 73

Rice Cakes 82

Rice Crispies 82

Watermelon 72

White Bread 70

Jacket Potato 85

Baguette 95

Parsnips 97


Diet is one of the simplest things you can do straight away to improve your condition.
It’s easy to do but difficult to apply because we all give into temptation occasionally.
My advice to you is to think how serious you are about getting well? Diet is
one of the key factors in recovery over anxiety. I would not be free from panic
attacks now if I had not changed my eating and drinking habits. Remember,
everyone’s body chemistry is different and you will need to take into account your
lifestyle, symptoms and weight.


1. Eat 6 small meals per day consisting of each of the following (minimum
every 3 hours)

Complex Carbohydrate with fibre i.e. beans, seeds, nuts, whole grains,
vegetables, fruits, etc.
Protein i.e. beef, eggs, nuts, lentils, beans/peas, dairy products, fish, poultry,
Vegetable or Fruit with a low Glycemic Index.
2. Eliminate the simple sugars i.e. cakes, sweets, chocolate desserts, sugary
biscuits, fizzy drinks.
3. Try to eliminate tobacco/nicotine. This is a programme in itself but do your
4. Drink plenty of water. If you prefer some flavour I thoroughly recommend
trying chamomile or peppermint tea – my favourites. There are literally
hundreds of herbal teas now on the market, or have some squash.
5. You are not going to avoid all high glycemic foods and neither should
you. Combine non glycemic foods to counteract the blood sugar rise.
For example eat a baked potato (high glycemic) with a slice of whole grain
bread (complex carbohydrate) and some beans (protein). Washed down with
black current squash.
6. Eat Breakfast it’s the most important meal of the day! Breakfast is so
important because you have gone all night without eating. You need about
7/8 hours of quality sleep. So don’t stay in bed longer or live off 5 hours a
night. Balance is everything. Also try to eat something small before you go to
sleep. Perhaps a whole grain cracker with creamy cheese. When you get up
eat something straight away to get your blood sugar on an even keel. In
addition to whole grain foods and fruit or vegetable which you need for
energy, fibre and nutrients, don’t forget to eat some protein to balance your
bodies sugar levels. Try a whole grain cereal with milk (complex
carbohydrates & protein), perhaps some wholemeal toast and a low GI fruit.
Make yourself a hot herbal tea. A bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich (BLT)
would have everything you need!
7. Fruit Juices contain a high concentration of sugars. Drinking fruit juices
is like drinking pure sugar. They have no fibre to counteract the roller coaster
effect. Either dilute them or drink a small quantity.
8. You will be probably feel sugar cravings at first – this is natural. Your
body and mind is adjusting to not having huge amounts of sugar in its system
which it doesn’t need. You can eat low –glycemic fruit and vegetables as
much as you like to, to fill the gap of cakes and sweets.
9. Processed chemicals in food. In processed food you will find all sorts of
nasty things that are unhelpful for a healthy body. MSG (monosodium
glutamate) which is usually found in crisps and artificial sweeteners can
upset your body’s chemical balance. Processed Meats - luncheon meats,
sausages, bacon, etc.; can contain nitrates, artificial nitrates and flavourings.
Everyone of us is unique. These chemicals can affect each of us differently,
but try to avoid them if you can.

10. Avoid Fried foods - margarine, foods with hydrogenated or partially
hydrogenated ingredients are found in many packaged foods because of the
transfatty acids.

The recommended foods on the GI scale generally have glycemic Index (GI) of 50 or
less. The foods with a greater GI of 50 should be eaten with caution. Remember
the higher the glycemic Index (GI) the more effect the food will have on your sugar

Great for panic attack sufferers. Protein contain no carbohydrates so they don’t
cause your blood sugar to rise, and therefore they have don’t have a GI value.
Protein foods are listed below .........


American Bison Anchovy Chicken

Antelope Basa Cornish Hen

Barbary Sheep Bass Dove

Bighorn sheep Catfish Duck

Bushpig Carp Emu

Camel Cod Goose

Capybara Crappie Grouse

Caraba Eel Guinea fowl

Caribou (reindeer) Flounder New World quail

Cattle Grouper Ostrich

Dall Sheep Haddock Partridge

Deer Halibut Pheasant

Domestic Goat Herring Pigeon

Domestic pig Kingfish Quail

Domestic Sheep Mackerel Turkey

Eared seal Mahi

Earless seal Marlin

Groundhog Orange Roughy Eggs

Guinea pig Perch

Chicken Eggs
Hare Pike

Ibex Pollock Duck Eggs

Kangaroo Salmon Goose Eggs

Lamb Sardine Hen Eggs

Llama Snapper Quail Eggs

Moose Sole

Mountain Goat Swordfish NUTS & SEEDS

Opossum Tilapia
Peccary (Javelina) Trout
Pika Tuna
Hazelnuts (Filberts)
Rabbit Walleye
Mixed Nuts
Red River Hog Shellfish: Peanuts
Veal (calves)
Abalone Peanut Butter
Clam Pecans
Conch Pistachios
Wild boar
Crab Pumpkin Seeds
Wild goat
Crayfish Sesame Seeds
Cuttlefish Sunflower Seeds

PEAS & BEANS Lobster Walnuts

Adzuki, Dry Loc

Black Beans Mussel

Black-Eyed Peas Octopus

Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans) Prawn

Falafel Oyster

Kidney Beans Scallop

Lentils Shrimp

Lima Beans (Mature) Snail (escargots)

Navy Beans

Pinto Beans Canned Fish Such As:

Soy Beans Anchovies

Split Peas Clams


Processed Soy Products: Sardines


White Beans

Bean Burgers

Veggie Burgers


Texturized Vegetable Protein


Complex carbohydrates are great for your body as they provide the energy that you
need. Some complex carbohydrates have a high GI but it doesn’t really matter you
can still eat them. You just need to combine them with proteins and
vegetables/fruits. Even though complex carbohydrates have a high GI they
typically don’t affect your blood sugar level as much as simple sugars.


Whole grains with a GI of 50 or less – stone ground whole wheat bread, whole grain
pasta and noodles, barley, bulgar, millet.

Whole grains with a GI of 50 of more than 50 – many whole grain crackers, whole
grain breakfast cereals, oat bran, oats, rye bread, cornmeal, buck wheat, corn flour,
brown rice, couscous.

Although it’s a good idea to focus on eating foods with a GI of 50 or less, in this case
feel free to eat higher glycemic whole grains. Why, because they form part of a
healthy diet. Choose higher glycemic whole grains in moderation and ones with
high fibre content. It’s also best to eat them in combination with a protein to help
balance blood sugar levels.

A special mention for beans as they contain protein and carbohydrates. Eat plenty
of these – black beans, runner beans, kidney bean, chickpeas, etc.

Basic common sense – stay away from sugary foods and white flour. Crisps,
sweets, cakes, biscuits, fizzy drinks, etc. Please check breakfast cereals as many
claim they are healthy but they are full of sugar. Also packaged sandwiches can be
full of salt and preservatives. How long does it take to make a few wholemeal
cheese salad sandwiches, with an apple, strawberries and a muesli bar for lunch -
10-15 mins?

I am not going to make
this any more complicated
than it needs to be. You
can basically eat as much
as you want of these.
They have great nutritional
value and they are packed
with mineral, vitamins and
anti oxidants. It’s worth
getting to know which
vegetables and especially
which fruits are over 50 on
the Glycemic Index, as
you may snack on things like bananas and raisins. They have a surprisingly high GI
index but unless you’re eating ridiculous high amounts of these there is no need to
worry. Just listen to your body, it will tell you if it’s unhappy. Remember it’s very
easy to internalize and blame something you ate if you’re not feeling so well at a
certain part of the day. Eating the correct food takes time to see the benefits and
you should not make any judgement until after several weeks. If at certain times in
the day you are feeling anxious then make sure this diet is being adhered to. It may
be that something else is affecting you and other improvements to your lifestyle need
to be made.

Low GI Fruits

Many fruits have a low GI value, which makes them good choices for keeping your
blood sugar levels under control and maintaining optimal health. For example,
cherries, apples, pears, peaches, grapefruit, plums, grapes, kiwifruits, oranges,
strawberries and prunes all have a GI below 55, which makes them good options for
a low glycemic index diet.

Medium GI Fruits

Mangoes, bananas, raisins, papaya, figs and pineapple have a medium GI value,
which ranges between 56 and 69. Although these fruits do not produce a sharp rise
in your blood sugar levels like a high GI food would, their influence over your blood
sugar levels is significantly higher compared to low GI fruits.

High GI Fruits

Watermelon has a GI of 80 and dates have a GI of 103, making them high GI fruits.
Eating these fruits, especially in large quantities, can cause your blood sugar levels
to rise quickly. High GI foods should be consumed in moderation only.

Low GI Vegetables

Most vegetables have a low GI, with only a few exceptions. If you are aiming to lower
your dietary GI, you can include an abundance of vegetables such as carrots,
eggplants, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, green beans,
bell peppers, summer squash and cabbage. These vegetables will help you keep
your blood sugar levels more stable.

Medium GI Vegetables

Beetroot is one of the only vegetables with a medium GI value of 64. It can be part of
a healthy and balanced low glycemic index diet if eaten in moderation.

High GI Vegetables

Pumpkins and parsnips have a high GI, which is above 70. All potatoes, whether
they are baked, mashed or fried, also have a high GI value. Eating high GI
vegetables can result in a sharp increase in your blood sugar levels.

I am not going to tell you exactly what you should be eating or give you receipts. In
my resources page at I have listed some books on diet and
hypoglycaemia which have recipes and sample snacks and meals. It’s amazing how
excited you can get if you really get into this programme and start thinking of
ingenious ways you can incorporate all the wholesome foods into recipes and
snacks. It’s also not the end of the world to have a biscuit or a small amount of
chocolate, but it’s really best to combine it with a low –glycemic carbohydrate and /or
a protein. It’s your health and wellbeing we are discussing here, so make a positive
change and get with the programme!

Roadblocks to recovery using diet

 Eating sugary snacks and nibbling on crisps is not going help. There are loads
of healthy snacks – get inventive.
 Don’t sleep to long – 8-10 hours is a long time to go without food. Eat a small
snack before bed. Don’t skip the important meal of the day – breakfast.
 Plan ahead - take healthy snacks to eat if you’re working or on the road.
Don’t wait for symptoms to start.
 Realize stress affects how your body reacts to food. You may be able to drink
5 cups of coffee at weekends and not feel any reaction to this, but at work it’s
a different story.
 Forgive yourself if you give into temptation, but get back on the programme.
This is a programme for life. It’s a life style change so it’s not something you
can give up on, or go back to your poor eating habits once you feel better.

 Have protein for breakfast; remember it does not affect your blood sugar
levels. For example some natural yoghurt and muesli (nuts & seeds). Meats
such as bacon contain protein, just check the label for what’s in it!
 Always check the ingredients label
 Don’t overeat – 5 or 6 mini meals are perfect. If you feel bloated you are
eating more than your body needs.
 Combine you eating programme with exercise
 In my opinion when you’re recovering alcohol and caffeine is off the menu.
Once you feel better you can combine small amounts with the recommend


There has been a huge shift over recent years to
alternative medicine as people get disillusioned with
conventional medicine. Natural and herbal
supplements are becoming popular as people re-
engage with nature. The list of potential side effects
from drugs and the rebound effects from
withdrawing often make the thought of taking
medication unpleasant. Often the promise of how
effective the medication can be is exaggerated or it
simply does not have the effect it should because
everyone is unique.

Most people want some sort of instantaneous solution to their anxiety, so medication
become there first thought, often as a ‘quick fix’. However once they realize the
complications with medication, any help they can receive from natural remedies
becomes more attractive.

The Only Cure for Anxiety

Whether you take natural or prescription medication, there is no quick fix solution. I
suffered for years from anxiety and panic attacks and I can assure you the long term
cure is combining it with a program of recovery you can integrate within your lifestyle.
Ultimately you don’t want to be taking any medication, vitamins or supplements for
extended periods of time unless you have too.

Medication also implies you have an illness or disease. This is wrong because you
have neither. If you had an infection you can take some antibiotics as this is a

physical illness that needs a physical substance like Penicillin. Anxiety is different;
it’s not something you can physically treat like an infection. Anxiety needs a much
more general course of action. It requires you treat different areas within your life
with a holistic approach.

Holistic approach -
looks at the whole picture. The totality of something is much greater than the sum of its
component parts and they cannot be understood by the isolated examination of their parts

Remember, if you have a nutritional and healthy diet you simply don’t need extra
supplements unless your know your deficient with a certain vitamin or substance.

The Quick solution of Anxiety Supplements

It’s important you realize that in looking for supplements you are probably after a
quick fix solution that’s similar to medication. In my experience although they can
help they are a not a long term solution. If you’re not going to view this course of
action as a long term solution, it’s not going work. Medication does not work long
term because as soon as you stop taking it the symptoms will return and it comes
with side effects. Vitamins and supplements are similar in that they are an aid in
helping you get better, but are not a cure in themselves.

The dangers of herbs, supplements and vitamins for

It’s worth mentioning that just because the list below is produced from naturally
occurring substances that they are safe. Unfortunately this is not the case. Some
herbs are quite powerful and consuming them in large quantities can have side
effects as well.

For example in the list below I recommend St John’s Wort which can help mild
depression and anxiety. However this plant can effect prescription medication
including birth control pills and can cause unexpected pregnancies!

Kava can reduce anxiety and for some it seems to be as effective as prescription
drugs but it may take up to 8 weeks to work. However some national health
institutions have linked KAVA to liver damage, nerve damage and skin problems.
Kava should also not be taken by breast feeding women. Also Alprazolam (Xanax)
and sedatives don’t seem to react well when Kava is in the persons system. So
please bear this in mind.

On the whole herbal remedies tend to be safer, but there may be some dietary or
interaction risk. The best advice I can give you is make sure you consult with your

doctor before taking any supplement, as your doctor will be aware what other
medication your taking.

Why I recommend Vitamins, supplements and herbs.

It’s quite simple, they have extra advantages over prescription drugs. Generally they
do not have the strength of change within the human body like medication but they
make slow subtle changes. The main advantages are –

 Not addictive.
 Most supplement or herbal remedies do not heavy any side effects or with
draw symptoms. This is a massive advantage compared to modern
medications like benzodiazepines, which have severe withdrawal risk.
 More suitable for moderate anxiety.

Rather than jump straight into strong medication it’s much better to try natural
products first. They can be easier to obtain and you can easily moderate them
yourself. Lots of people suffer from stress and it’s much better to try this first. Quite
often they can make you feel better physiologically even though there may have
minimal effect on you physically. This is often called the placebo effect.

No Personality changes or up and down feelings

The current herbal supplements on the market do not cause personality changes like
some of the anti-anxiety medication. You won’t feel drowsy or feel like your life has
been sucked out of you! Also because they don’t have the strength of conventional
drugs if you need to feel anxiety, say if car pulls out in front of you, you will respond
as you should (i.e. get out of the way.)

On the whole supplements and herbal remedies appear quite safe, and they are not
addictive. Just make sure you consult with your doctor first.

Below is a list of certain minerals and vitamins that can help give your body an
added boost. It’s worth considering taking vitamin supplements as your body may
be run down and it will need the extra help it can get from supplements. I went
through a period of taking supplement during my recovery. I personally don’t think (if
I’m being honest) it would have made any difference to the speed of my recovery. If
you eat a balance diet as set out above then you should be getting enough vitamins
and minerals. However it’s still worth considering and certainly can’t do any harm.

Tip from the trenches

Don’t eat whatever you like and think you can take vitamin supplements and that will
be OK. I can assure you your symptoms will not go away. Likewise don’t skip meals
and take food supplements instead. There is no substitute for healthy proper food.

The reason you may want to take vitamin supplements is your body is under a great
deal of stress at the moment and probably has been for some time. Anything you
can do to help it easily is a bonus.

Homeopathic Supplements for Anxiety

I not going to go into any detail on

“homeopathic” remedies as there are literally
thousands of mixtures of these liquids so it’s
difficult to actually prove if any of them work.
There much more likely to have a placebo
effect more than anything else. However the
most popular one by far is the Bach remedies.
The Bach remedy for stress and anxiety
contains a combination of five of the
Bach(TM) Original Flower Remedies made
from natural flower essences.

It’s called RESCUE Remedy and is suitable for all the family. It’s available in a
dropper or spray. It’s not something I have personally tried however there are
reviews on Amazon if you wish to read people’s experiences using Bach remedies.
The promotional information can be found below -

“Rescue Remedy is world-famous for quickly restoring inner calm and enabling our body to
release its own potential to manage daily stress without side effects. It’s a natural
alternative to other stress relief methods and allopathic medicines with the benefit of being
in a liquid format. Rescue is completely natural and contains five of the 38 Bach(TM)
Original Flower Remedies; Rock Rose for terror and panic, Impatiens for irritation and
impatience, Star of Bethlehem for shock, Clematis for inattentiveness and Cherry Plum for
irrational thoughts. Safe for the whole family, to help with everyday stresses. No side-effects
or contraindications. Non addictive. Works in harmony with our own body, helping us
to release our potential to stay calm and in control when faced with demanding situations.
It is portable, discreet and convenient to take. Can be taken anytime, anywhere you feel
stressed and anxious.”

B Vitamins for Panic Attacks
It’s long been known that B Vitamins are
essential to nerve function.
Research has shown that our mood can be
effected by B vitamins which include B1, B3,
B5, & B12 and thiamine. It’s likely a
deficiency in B vitamins and Folic acids can
aggravate the symptoms of depression and

B-1, B-3 & B-6 are especially important as they are a way of removing the lactic acid
which can contribute to panic attacks. The B vitamins are sadly lacking in a lot of
peoples diets as the process of making white bread means some of the B vitamins
are milled out of the flour. B vitamins play an important role in proper functioning of
amino acids and in regulating mood. Since B vitamins are not stored in the body its
essential to have an intake of this as your body is probably under a lot of stress.
Lack of Vitamin B can lead to sugar cravings, insomnia and mood changes.
B vitamins work best when they are taken with other members of the B-complex and
in-turn with other vitamins as a whole.

Vitamin B1 is good for controlling blood sugar levels which effect panic attack
Vitamin B3 plays a major part in the enzymatic processes which helps to produce
serotonin which promotes calmness and sleep.

Vitamin B5 helps the adrenal function of the body which is especially important in
panic attack sufferers.

Vitamin B12 has been linked to improving depression. Given the link between
depression and anxiety it’s something that could be beneficial. It also helps to
support a healthy heart which tends to get exerted more in stressful people.

Vitamins B supplements can be purchased alone or in combination with other

vitamins in capsule form. Click here for more information.

Foods that contain Vitamin B

Of course the best thing is to make sure you are getting enough
vitamin B from your diet.
Good food sources of the B vitamins include liver, meat, turkey,
whole grains, potatoes, bananas, chillies, legumes, nutritional yeast,
molasses, nuts, eggs, oranges, leafy vegetables and rice.

Vitamin B can be purchased here

Does Magnesium help with Anxiety?
Magnesium is a mineral that's crucial to the body's
function. Magnesium helps keep blood pressure normal,
bones strong, and the heart rhythm steady.

Magnesium is necessary to reduce the effects of

constant anxiety and stress. This is especially
important if you suffer constant panic attacks (panic
disorder). It is also thought it can help in producing
new brain patterns of behaviour which are not
influenced by fear and compulsive thinking.

Magnesium helps stress because the body uses it for muscle relaxation. It’s
possible that if you take extra supplements of this it may help to reduce muscle
tension and relieve anxiety symptoms. Research has shown it can be beneficial to
reduce anxiety, nervousness, fear, restlessness and irritability.

Magnesium is one of the most common elements on the planet. Unfortunately the
way in which we produce food today means that magnesium can be wiped out from
our diet. Millions of people are not getting enough magnesium in their foods they
consume. Although real magnesium deficiency is not very common, it’s possible that
not getting enough magnesium through a poor diet can increase the risk of anxiety
and panic attacks. Also it would appear that some conditions related to anxiety can
deplete the amount of magnesium in the body –

-Stress could reduce the amount of magnesium

-Hyperventilation appears to decrease magnesium in the body

-Some foods and drinks may lower magnesium levels

Magnesium is involved in more than 300 essential metabolic reactions and is

essential for nerve health. There is still much to be learnt about the human body but
it may contribute to anxiety and panic attacks if you’re not getting enough

Taking magnesium isn’t going to cure anxiety but it could make you feel better.
Make sure you are consuming enough, as your body needs all the help it can get it in
obtaining vitamins and minerals.

Magnesium has also been shown to protect the arteries and heart which can only be
a good thing. A study has shown if B6 and magnesium were taken together it can
help to relieve breast tenderness, anxiety-related premenstrual symptoms, and
menstrual weight gain and pain.

A great way of getting more magnesium into your body and it being
pleasurable is dissolving Epsom salts into a bath. The magnesium in the salt
will be absorbed through the skin. You could also combine this with lavender
oil. The smell of lavender often makes people feel more calm and relaxed.

Magnesium can be obtained through foods such as dark green leafy salads i.e.
spinach, cabbages, etc. These are also good for B vitamins. Other food
sources of magnesium include legumes, chicken, beef, fish (especially halibut, cod
and salmon), seeds, buts, bananas, watermelon, potatoes, figs and green beans.

Magnesium can be bought and consumed as tables, liquid, flakes or even sprays.

GABA and Inositol

Anxiety and panic attacks have long been known to change your body chemicals.
Research has shown that anxious people have insufficient or low neurotransmitter
levels. Medication has been designed to improve these neurotransmitters, however
there are natural supplements which can also do same. Inositol and GABA can help
with this.

GABA, Inositol and other natural supplements claim to treat anxiety and will be the
answer to your problems. There have been many studies into Inositol and GABA but
none that conclusively reveal they cure. But you should not rule it out as long as you
combine this with other treatments.

Inositol is a carbohydrate, and is found in rice, beans, fruits and grains. These foods
have very low doses of Inositol. Research has indicated that Inositol can play a
major role if taken in high doses in controlling mental health conditions such as
depression, agoraphobia, obsessive compulsive disorder, and panic disorder.

GABA related supplements are available here

Serotonin has long been known to play a part in mood.
Inositol which is a carbohydrate can help serotonin be
produced. If Inositol is beneficial in the serotonin
process then could reduce stress, anxiety and panic
attacks. Not producing serotonin has been linked to
anxiety and has borne medications such as seroxat.
Drugs like benzodiazepine (which include Xanax,
Valium, and Ativan) also try and reproduce this
serotonin reaction but if you can do naturally you’re not
going to have the addiction risks. These drugs suppress
the nervous system and cause drowsiness, sleep

problems, impairments, etc. Elderly people especially are more sensitive to these
types of drugs and they have been associated with falls in older people.

Inositol is available in powder and capsule form.

Serotonin can also be purchased in capsule and powder form to enhance mood.

Gamma Amino Butyric Acid

GABA – is an amino acid that can help panic attack sufferers.

GABA stands for Gamma – amino butyric acid. GABA protects
nerve cells from being ‘burned out’ due to excessive amount of
accumulated stress. This is important for panic attack sufferers as
they suffer from repeated flight or fight responses which can cause
this burning out effect. Research has shown that people who are
afraid of their panicky feelings, have empty or deficient GABA
Receptors in their brain.

GABA receptors or neurotransmitters have long been linked to

anxiety. It can slow down and reverse the over stimulation of our
brains. If you have low levels of GABA it will be more difficult for your mind and body
to relax after excitatory neurotransmitters have been released. GABA is one of the
brains most important neurotransmitters as it calms down the brain. GABA can help
calm you down when you’re stressed or irritable. Valium works in a similar way to
GABA, by imitating it to relax our brains. Similarly alcohol and marijuana produce
similar reactions in the body which can lead to sufferers self-medicating to overcome
anxiety. Research has indicted a whole section of mental issues can be attributed to
low GABA receptors. That’s not to say it’s some magic pill because it’s not. Nor
does using alcohol, tranquilizers and marijuana because they are all addictive and
produce diminishing returns over time, so you have to take more to feel the same

You can get GABA naturally from glutamate. See food list below.

Free* Glutamate Content of Foods (mg/100g)

Cow's Milk 2
Human Milk 22
Eggs 23
Beef 33
Fish (Mackerel) 36
Chicken 44
Potatoes 102
Corn 130
Oysters 137
Tomatoes 140
Broccoli 176

Mushrooms 180
Peas 200
Grape juice 258
Fresh tomato juice 260
Walnuts 658
Soy Sauce 1090
Parmesan cheese 1200
Roquefort cheese 1280

GABA does not cross the blood brain barrier and must be formed with in the brain.
Although more research is needed it would appear if you can increase your GABA in
the brain it does seem to help and improve anxiety.

By taking Inositol and GABA through supplements people hope to control their
anxiety. The logic here is if you can increase your serotonin and GABA levels you
can potentially receive two natural substances not known to have any side effects.
One study showed that within just 60 minutes of taking GABA, alpha brain waves (a
sign of relaxation) were increased on EEGs. Taking GABA also boosted the immune
system, which functions best when you are relaxed.

GABA can be purchase as capsules or just stirred into water. Click here for more

Glutamine, Glycine and Taurine

Glutamine, Glycine and Taurine is similar to GABA. These amino acids can
promote relaxation in the body.

Teas - Stay away from coffee and tea as it contains caffeine but there
are lots of alternative out there. Peppermint and chamomile are my
personal favourites. There is evidence to suggest chamomile can help
relax you. Green tea is also a good alternative as its contains an
amino acid which can raise your GABA levels

5 hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is an amino acid supplement, which
can help boost levels of serotonin which can promote sleep and lift
mood levels. It can be purchased in capsule form.

Omega 3s 6s & 9s (fatty acids)

Omega Oils are essential fatty acids (EFAs). These ‘good fats’ are
vital in maintaining physical and mental health. There are two
families of EFA’s Omega 3 and Omega 6. They are essentially
‘fatty acids’. Research has shown that having a balanced diet of
Omega 3 & 6 is essential for your good health, and taking
supplements may lessen the strength of the body’s flight or fight
response. They are predominately sold in capsule form.

Which Foods contain Fatty Acids

Evidence is slowly growing that eating omega 3 fatty acids which
are found in fish foods such as sardines, anchovies, herring, tuna,
trout, salmon, mackerel, etc.; are especially good for you.
Researching is growing they can improve your mood and make
you happier. A recent study indicated that patients who were
suffering from anxiety and depression who took omega fatty acids
along with their medication improved much more, compared to
those who just took medication alone.
For the last decade the American heart association has issued
guidelines that people should eat omega fatty acids twice a week.
The medical profession has long thought that unsaturated fats in fish (omega 3 fatty
acids) contained components that will reduce heart disease.
Salmon is especially good and it can keep the stress chemical cortisol and
adrenaline at a steady level when you are anxious.
Research also indicates that -

 omega-3s from fish oil (EPA and DPH) are useful in treating depression.

 substance abusers who ate little fish found that increasing their diet of fish
made them less angry and less anxious.

Tuna, salmon and sardines are common foods you can easily incorporate into your
diet to get more Vitamin D and Omega fish oils. I personally would not take omega
supplements unless you feel you need these extra supplements.

They can be easily purchased in capsule form from most supermarkets and health
food shops.


Kava (Piper methysticum), is a herb used for thousands of years in the
South Pacific islands and is renowned for its ability to cause profound
relaxation and an overall sense of well-being.

The roots of the kava plant have long been used to make a drink that
has sedative and aesthetic effects. It is consumed throughout the
Pacific Ocean cultures of Polynesia, including Hawaii, Vanuatu, Melanesia and some
parts of Micronesia.

In a recent study it was shown to be a potential natural alternative for the treatment
of chronic clinical anxiety. The study showed compared with some other options it
has less risk of dependency and less potential for side effects.

The eight-week study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology

involved 75 patients who had been clinically diagnosed with generalized anxiety
disorder. The participants were given either kava or placebo, and anxiety levels
were regularly assessed.

Those in the kava group were given tablets twice per day consisting of water-soluble
extracted kava (peeled rootstock) for a total dose of 120mg of kavalactones for the
first three-week controlled phase. In cases of non-response, this was increased to a
double-dose twice per day for the second three-week controlled phase.

Participants in the placebo group took matching dummy tablets in the same manner.

At the end of the study, the kava group showed a significant reduction in anxiety
compared to the placebo group. For those diagnosed with moderate to severe GAD,
kava had an even greater effect in reducing anxiety.

In the end, 26 percent of the kava group were in remission from their symptoms
compared to six percent of the placebo group.

Kava was also well-tolerated. The findings showed no significant difference among
the two groups for liver function, which had previously been a concern for kava’s
medicinal use.

Furthermore, there were no significant adverse reactions that could be attributed to
kava and no difference in withdrawal or addiction between the groups.

Kava is one of the most common natural supplements for anxiety and is the only one
to have extensive research done on it. Basically Kava root contains a high dose of
kava lactones. This compound in studies has shown to have psychoactive
properties. Interestingly there is more than one type of kavactone in kava, but all of
them seem to promote calmness.

Kavalactones would appear to improve GABA and dopamine production and to

prevent norepinephrine reptake. This makes them invaluable for controlling anxiety.

Kava on the face of it seems to provide everything one needs from an anxiety, with
no addiction risk and it can be favourably compared with benzodiazepines and
buspirone. The benefits include –

Mild Sedation

Relaxes the muscles

Pain Reduction

Anxiolytic (anti –anxiety properties)

Kava originally could be purchased in teas and is still sold in tea form today.
However the required dose to have any effect on your body would probably be too
low in a cup of tea. The kavactone levels are too small. Kava can also be
purchased in pill form from certain countries.

Over recent years Kava has been removed from markets across Europe because
research has linked Kava with liver damage and toxicity. However further studies
tended to dismiss the link between the herb and liver damage. There are probably
several reasons for this –

1. Kava seems to have a bad reaction with drugs and alcohol.

2. It depends which part of the Kava plant you use. The root seems to be the more

3. Some supplements use more synthetic kava compounds which make any testing

The majority of studies seem to advocate the use of kava along as you’re not
drinking alcohol and it’s under your doctor’s supervision.

Kava can be purchased in capsule, tea or powder form.

Valerian Root
Valerian is another anxiety-reducing herb.

Valerian root is known for its relaxing effect and it helps to

promote sleep. It’s commonly used with insomnia sufferers who
need help in falling to sleep. So from an anxiety point of view it’s
not an herb that’s mentioned that often.

With its calming effects it often can help anxiety sufferers as well
and is often seen as an answer to stress and tension. Its herbal
properties somehow seem to relax the mind and body, and give
the sufferer a much needed rest if they combine it with breathing
exercises or meditation. It can be bought in tea form or as pills.

Research has been mixed about how well it actually works. However it’s proved
very popular supplement indicating that for some people it seems to have beneficial
effects. You are probably wondering how it works. Well research has been
inconclusive, but it would seem valerian root seems to assist the GABA receptors,
although it’s not clear how.

It has no known major side effects but as with most herbal remedies it’s best not
taken with alcohol in the system or with other herbal remedies or drugs.

Valerian root can come in tablets or tea form.

Passion Flower
Taking passion flower for anxiety is another common herbal
supplement and is similar to a kava but weaker. There has been
some research into passion flower and the majority of studies seem
to indicate some light relief from moderate anxiety.

If you’re experiencing full blow panic attacks and anxiety it’s

probably not going to help much. If anxiety is just a small
inconvenience in your daily life then this will probably give you that
little help when you need it.

The variety seems to be key in which passion flowers as some are

more effective than others. Some varieties of passion flower contain beta-carboline
harmala alkaloids. This compound has anti-depressant qualities especially in the
leaves. The Maypop flower has compared well to the anti-anxiety drug oxazepam in

Passion flower comes in tablets, liquid or tea form.

St John’s Wort
St John’s Wort is a herb that’s been used for
hundreds of years in mental health treatment and
healing wounds. Some people find this to be
beneficial especially if they suffer from depression.
Depression and anxiety are linked so it’s possible
this can help anxious people. Some people claim it
also helps them to sleep as well.

The plants Latin name is Hypericum Perforatum

although it sometimes displayed as Hypericum
which comes from the Greek name meaning
‘greatest health.’ The active ingredient is called ‘hypericin’ which should be
displayed on the package telling you the dosage in the tablet or capsule. It also
contains hyperforin which has antibiotic properties.

Studies show you may get a fast response in feeling better if you take St John’s Wort
compared to other herbs. You may even feel your mood improving within the first
week, but don’t think you can come off it as fast. St John’s Wort is not harmless —
it’s a reasonably powerful medicine. Taken responsibly, you may see some good

St John’s Wort comes in tablet & liquid form.

Catnip is quite an unusual herb and its part of the mint family.
Catnip may help to treat symptoms associated with anxiety.
The benefits attributed to catnip are to alleviate irritations,
stomach cramps and spasms which occur when anxiety
happens. If you suffer from headaches it may also help the
tension which tends to trigger this. Some people have
suggested it helps insomnia and improves appetite.

Catnip can be taken as a tea, capsule or extract (liquid) form.

Fennel is a plant species in the genus Foeniculum. It is a member of the
family Apiaceae. It is a hardy, perennial, umbelliferous herb, with yellow
flowers and feathery leaves.

It’s not that commonly associated with anxiety but it’s used to treat
similar symptoms such as coughs, indigestion and asthma which may
make the anxiety worse. Helping stomach issues is its main advantage
by helping reduce flatulence, and abdominal tension. For best results it
can be consumed as a tea before or after meals. It has no known side
effects. It’s a popular tea in Oriental countries such as India.

Fennel can be commonly bought as teas, capsules, seeds, drinks/drops and even

Chamomile is a natural sedative and will only really have an
effect on mild anxiety. It’s one herb I would recommend as a
substitute to tea or coffee as it can be drank as tea. It’s quite
popular and it can often be purchased in main stream coffee
shops like Starbucks.

It has calming properties and if you’re feeling nervous or

agitated it can help. It can also help to settle the stomach
and improve digestion and help with every day stresses.

The studies that have been carried out on chamomile have linked it to reducing
headaches, and improving liver and lung health. Chamomile is not addictive and can
be used as a replacement for caffeine. Chamomile is also popular for anxiety in

Chamomile can be purchased in many forms including capsules, creams, oils, tea,
dried flowers, etc.

Motherwort or Leonurus cardiaca is best associated with
treating menstrual discomfort. Pregnant women also see
Motherwort as a way to manage the stress, tension and
anxiety of pregnancy. Read the label if taken when pregnant
as it appears it’s not recommend in the early stages of

The Greeks gave Motherwort to pregnant women suffering from anxiety; hence the
name “mothers herb” or “mother wort”. It can also help -

1. For night sweats and hot flushes

2. Can be effective against heart palpitations
3. Ease cramps
4. Increases circulation
5. Improves slow, sluggish digestion

It’s commonly sold in tea form and as drops.

Skullcap also known as Scutellaria lateriflora, Scutellaria, Scullcap,
Scute, Blue Skullcap, Mad-Dog Skullcap, and Madweed. It’s a
perennial mint and produces flowers in various different colours. It
became known in the 1700’s as Mad dogs weed as settlers thought it
could treat rabies.

Skullcap is a comforting herb, traditionally used to alleviate nervous

tension and exhaustion. It is used to promote relaxation and emotional
wellbeing during times of stress in one’s life.

It comes in tea, capsule and drop form.

More recently Skullcap has been used to ease restless leg syndrome, twitchy
muscles and it has anti-inflammatory properties. It can help to relax the body
because of its sedative effects on the body. Skullcap’s relaxing properties makes it
ideal to fight restlessness, insomnia, and rapid heartbeat. Its not be used by
pregnant women.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a vitamin found in fatty fish such as mackerel
and salmon. It’s also found in eggs. The body can make
its own Vitamin D from sunlight. If you feel anxiety and
depression in the winter months then improving your
vitamin D can give you a boost. A study has identified that
Vitamin D was linked to anxiety and depression in
fibromyalgia patients. This vitamin plays a major part in
bone health, immunity and a healthy heart. It also helps to
protect against cancer.

Research on vitamin D has shown that many people are deficient in Vitamin D and
they are unaware of it.

Vitamin D can be purchased in capsule, soft gel or even spray form.

Lactium and L-Theanine

Lactium is a supplement which comes from casein protein in milk. The casein
protein has been proven to reduce stress-related symptoms, including anxiety by
lowering the stress hormone cortisol. This can also result in lower blood pressure.

Lactium can be purchased in capsule or chewable tablet form.

L-theanine is an amino acid found in tea. It can have a relaxing effect on the
individual and can reduce physiological responses to stress. It can improve levels of
the calming neurotransmitter GABA. It’s also thought to protect against neurotoxins
from the environment. L-theanine can be purchased in tablet form.

Tryptophan (& Serotonin) Rich foods such as Turkey

Tryptophan has long been established as a feel good protein
because it helps the body produce amino acid which is a feel good
chemical. Manual Villacorta a respected San Francisco nutritionist
and spokesman for the American Die-tic Association stated
"Tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin, and a neurotransmitter, it
helps you feel calm"
Tryptophan is found in a number of foods these include, oats, milk,
chicken, turkey, nuts, cheese, seeds, peanut butter, soy, kale,
banana’s, shrimp.
Now you know why you feel a little sleepy after your Christmas
Oatmeal is another great food to help produce the relaxing hormone serotonin. Old
fashioned thick oatmeal is high in fibre and will take your body along time to digest,
so its effect will last longer.
However it’s quite possible that Tryptophan cannot cross the blood brain barrier so
the effect it is likely to have, may not be that profound.
Tryptophan can be purchased in capsule or powder form here
Serotonin supplements can be purchased here

Nuts for anxiety
All natural nuts are good for us but almonds are especially
good. They contain zinc which we need to maintain a
balanced mood. If you break down what’s is almonds they
contain healthy fatty acids, zinc, copper, manganese,
magnesium, vitamin E, protein, riboflavin, potassium, iron,
Phytosterols, vitamin B2, fibre, and antioxidants. Lack of
iron in our diets has been linked to low energy and brain
Nuts are great for boosting the immune system in times of stress. There are plenty
of cereals which have nuts in them so why not have them for breakfast.
Almonds can be purchased here

Dark Chocolate can improve mood

I do not advocate eating chocolate in my program of recovery from
anxiety and panic attacks but a small helping of dark chocolate is not
going to hurt us. In fact it’s probably good for us. Pure dark chocolate
without the sugars, milks, preservatives, e numbers; is likely to reduce
cortisol. Cortisol is the stress hormone that can trigger anxiety
symptoms. Research has also indicated that inside dark chocolate
there are compounds that can lift our mood.
Organic Dark Chocolate can be purchased here

Anxiety busting protein foods

Proteins are great because you can eat as much of them as you like and they do not
affect blood sugar levels. They also help in the production of the brain chemical
dopamine and norepinephrine. These are similar to serotonin and are basically
neurotransmitters which carry signals between nerve cells. If you can improve levels
of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine that you stand a chance of improving
your concentration, alertness and mood. Protein can be digested via lentils, milk,
cheese, yogurt, meats, fish, nuts, etc. The best way of eating protein is to combine
it with a meal of complex carbohydrates and to eat small meals consistently
throughout the day as discussed earlier.

Fresh Fruit is best for sugar
Fruit is great for obtaining natural sugar. This sugar is the
kind we need. If you think back to caveman time’s man
would have obtained his sugar from this source. He would
not have popped into Tesco’s and got a mars bar! Refined
sugar from sweets is the kind of sugar we need to avoid.
Fruit contains not only sugar but fibre, antioxidants amongst
other things that have great nutritional value.
You can but fruit baskets here

Anxiety Avocado
As stated earlier we need Vitamin B for nerves and
brain cells. Evidence suggests a deficiency in vitamin
B can make anxiety worse. Avocadoes are especially
rich in anxiety busting B vitamins. They also contain
stress relieving potassium and monounsaturated fat
which will helps reduce blood pressure. If you don’t
fancy eating an avocado raw then why not blend
avocado with nut milk, vanilla extract, banana and non-
nutritive sweetener. Once blended freeze and enjoy
some ice cream avocado at your leisure.
You can buy great Avocado Recipes here
You can also purchase Avocado Supplements here

Blueberries are the best

Leading on from fresh fruit, blueberries are often considered a
superfood. They have a high vitamin and phytonutrients (plant
nutrients) content. The Vitamin C content is extremely high in
even a handful of these small berries. Vitamin C is great for
repairing and protecting cells. They also have a variety of anti-
oxidants which can cleanse the system and help to relieve stress.
Peaches appear also to have extra beneficial properties as well
because they appear to have calming (sedation) effect.
You can buy blueberries in various packaged ways here, or they do come in a
supplement capsules.

Acai Berries
Another berry worth mentioning is the acai berry. They have
become the newest superfood and have been indorsed by
celebrities – Victoria Beckham. They have created quite a lot
of press recently but the weight loss aspect has not proven to
be successful as others would suggest. However as a berry
rich in phytonutrients it’s extremely good and like the blueberry
and its anti-oxidants levels are unbelievable.
They can be purchased here dried, in capsules, etc.

Oranges are great for vitamin C which is another vitamin known to
lower the stress hormone cortisol as well as blood pressure. Eat an
orange today and get a natural lift.
Just a word of warning don’t drink glasses of concentrated juices
especially with sweetener. If you do your blood sugar is going to jump
up. Modern concentrated juices have extremely high natural sugars
which is sometimes compounded with added sugars. Eat a whole
orange from the peel as this will have fibre which will counteract any
natural sugars.
Other sources of vitamin C include red peppers, peaches, broccoli, Brussels sprouts,
eggs, spinach, and kiwis.
Vitamin C can be purchased in a supplement form here

Vegetables- the corner stone of

It goes without saying that vegetables are
especially required for anxiety sufferers.
They have so many health benefits and
anyone who is rundown with anxiety will
need the fibre and vitamins contained
There are vitamins tables that aim to provide
you with the same nutrients a plate full of vegetables would give. You can find them
here. However these would be no substitute for having a proper roast meal with

Depression fighting Asparagus
Low levels of folic acid have been linked to depression
but there is a vegetable that will do more than most to
boost this nutrient that can enhance your mood. If you
were to eat a single cup full it would provide two thirds of
your daily value. It’s also quite easy to insert into most
meals. For example it could be cut up and mixed with
an omelette, perhaps you could steam the stems and
then dip them into some dressing or add as a side dish
(cooked or steamed) with meat or fish.
You can buy folic acid as a supplement
Asparagus can be purchased as extracts in capsule, in packets, etc.

Spinach – Popeye’s secret ingredient

There is a reason Popeye had bulging muscles – spinach.
Spinach may not rock your boat if you’re after foods to comfort
you, but spinach is full of magnesium and minerals.
Taking Spinach with regulate your Cortisol levels and they will help
you feel more balanced. A cup of spinach is enough for 40% of
your daily amount of magnesium. Next time you make a sandwich
swap lettuce for a couple of leaves of spinach or steam some for
your next meal.
Spinach can be purchased here in canned, packet and powder form.

Seaweed for anxiety

Seaweed has many great benefits for anxiety
suffers. It’s similar to whole grains as it’s very
rich in nutrients. It’s also very good food for
obtaining high levels of magnesium. Kelp and
other seaweeds have a very high tryptophan
content. If you are gluten sensitive then
seaweed would be an ideal alternative to
whole grains.
Seaweed comes in powder, dried and snack

Milk warm or cold will make you sleep
Having a glass of warm milk before you rest your weary head
is a time tested technique for promoting sleep and stopping
restless fidgets. There are so many good things in milk such
as protein, calcium antioxidants and vitamins B2 & B12. It’s
no wonder babies thrive on this wonder stuff. I personally
prefer a glass of cold milk before sleep but it really doesn’t
matter how you take it. Milk contains potassium that can
help relieve muscle tension and the protein Latium has a
relaxing effect by reducing blood pressure.

Maca root for anxiety

You won’t find Maca root in many supermarkets but you will find
it in health stores. It usually comes in a powder format and can
be added to drinks or food. The root is believed to contain more
phytonutrients than nearly every other type of vegetable or fruit.
Its two key components which will help anxiety sufferers are iron
and magnesium. They will help combat anxiety symptoms.
Maca root will help people maintain stamina and energy.
It can be purchased here in powder or capsule form

Stress Relief Inhaler

Not strictly a food but when you need some relief quite quickly
you may wish to try a stress relief inhaler. These aromatherapy
inhalers are quite cheap and they combine different scents
(lavender, bergamot, eucalyptus, jojoba, etc.) that go straight to
the amygdala – the fear and anxiety centre of the brain –
helping to create a sense of calm and distraction against
anxious feelings.
You can buy stress inhalers here

I thought it was worth mentioning Kalms. They are probably
the most popular main stream herbal remedy on the market.
They can be purchased in most supermarkets. Kalms are
sold in tablet form. They are marketed to help sleep,
stresses and strains and to reduce worry. The contents of
the tablets include traditional herbal remedies - Hops
Powder 45mg, extract of Valerian from 135mg and extract of
Gentian from 90mg.

Valerian has been discussed above. Hops are best known in the fermentation
process for beer but they also have good anti-anxiety properties. They promote
stomach secretions which can help the digestive system. Hops also contain
estrogens which can help women with menopausal complaints and reduce insomnia
and hot flashes. As regards anxiety is can reduce stomach cramps and nervous
complaints such as indigestion. Gentian is a perennial plant that can live as long as
fifty years. It has been traditionally used to clean wounds and treat gastrointestinal
problems. It is thought to help depression and nervous tension.

Kalms are not expensive and are best used for mild anxiety. They are non-addictive.
They can be purchased online here.

We need to drink about 1.2 litres of water a day. Our bodies are
made up of mostly water so we need to replenish this. In
today’s busy life we sometimes forget to drink enough water.
This can cause dehydration resulting in light headiness and lack
of energy. My personal favourite is drinking camomile and
peppermint tea instead of coffee and normal tea to hydrate
myself without the caffeine content.
You can buy packed water online here if you struggle to carry it
from the supermarket

Multi-Vitamins and Supplements
There are some very popular multi supplements on the market – See
the POSITIVE PANIC ATTACK Resource page. They combine all
sorts of vitamins and supplements into one tablet that you can take
daily. You can compare prices for them here.

I have mixed feelings about taking supplements. I think it’s helpful in

the first 12 months of recovery but I would be against long term use
of supplements, once you recover. You should get all the nutrients
you require from a balanced diet. I would also state a word of
caution that it’s counterproductive and even harmful to take more
than the recommended daily doses of supplements. If you are in any doubt please
consult your doctor or a qualified nutritionist.

Where or not you wish to take supplements you must combine this with the Golden
Rules set out in my treatment program. Natural supplements will not work on their

If you wish to go down the medication route then all you’re really doing is managing
on a day to day basis and having to deal with the side effects that go with it.

If you feel run down then combine vitamins, herbs and supplements within a
recovery program and give your body every chance to heal.

Foods to avoid
I have listed below a few foods that can increase your stress and panicky levels and
even contribute to a depressed state.

Caffeine is a killer
We have all drank tea, coffee, cola as a pick me
up to boost our energy levels. Caffeine is a
stimulant which will give you an adrenaline rush at
the beginning, but in the long run it makes anxiety
worse. Symptoms include the jitters, headaches,
and heart palpitations.
Caffeine has been shown to reduce levels of the
feel good chemical serotonin in the brain. Once
this happens it can make you depressed and
moody. Also caffeine is a diuretic, it makes you
want to go the toilet more often. If you’re after a good night sleep caffeine is not your
best option. Remember anxiety sufferers want to promote sleep and positive moods.

Sweets and chocolate give you short pleasure for long term
As touched upon before refined sugar such as sweets,
chocolate and cake you get from the supermarkets are
quickly absorbed into our bloodstream. Nearly everyone
has a sweet tooth for something and in the short term it
can give you a lift and make you feel better.
But as the body slowly removes the sugar from our system
(because we simply don’t need it) we can become irritable,
tired and feel low.

Alcohol is not good

Alcohol like sweets can also make you feel
better in the short term. People often self-
medicate and drink alcohol to ease their stress
and anxiety. Unfortunately the effect is only
temporary. Alcohol is a depressant and also
dehydrates you which can make you feel awful.
Drinking water and staying hydrated is important
for anxiety sufferers as again it will keep you in a
better place. If you have a good solid meal with
protein and carbohydrates there is no problem
with having one glass of wine accompanied with a glass of water. But if you’re
drinking a bottle wine before bed you are asking for trouble.
The recommended daily limits for men is 3-4 units a day, for women its 2-3 units a
day. You can use the alcohol unit calculator to find out how many units you are
drinking. Often anti-anxiety medication is not compatible with drinking alcohol

General processed foods have no nutrients
Processed foods you see in the supermarkets such as pies,
ready meals, sausages, etc. are not giving your body what
it needs. Anxiety suffers tend to need more nutrients then
most as their bodies are under enormous pressure. It’s
very easy now to get a meal in a shop and warm it up in a
microwave. That instant hunger has been taken away but
it’s not really giving your body the vitamins it craves.

The best meals are where some thought has been put into
it. Research in London found eating fatty and process foods and general poor diets
increase the risk of depression.
The study concluded that if people ate fried foods, sugary desserts, processed meat
and high fat dairy products they had a 58% increased risk of depression than people
who ate healthy whole grain foods, vegetables and fish. So it may take an extra
15mins to prepare a salad or steam some vegetables, but the mental and physical
benefits will be worth it.

Final Conclusions
Foods on their own will not cure anxiety but they will go a long way to improving the
condition. I can guarantee if you eat the correct foods they will make your body
more stable. This will enable you to concentrate on other methods which will push
you towards total freedom form anxiety.

What you eat does affect your ability to cope with anxiety. I wish somebody had told
me this when I started to suffer from anxiety. I thought my body would function even
though I was putting diesel into a petrol engine.
If you take one piece of advice away from this article is no recovery will be complete
unless you get to grips with your diet. Anxiety is directly linked to food and you will
need a structured diet plan to get your mind and body stable.

By eating the correct Anti-anxiety diet you will become more confident in your body’s
ability to cope as you will feel less symptoms. You will also be happier within
yourself and irrational thoughts will start to calm down as the fight or flight response
will not be activated.
It’s also worth keeping a diary of what foods you eat every day. Keep tabs on when
you’re feeling particularly unwell and what your symptoms you are experiencing. If
certain foods (i.e. dairy products) seem to be causing more symptoms then try
cutting these things out of your diet. Go and see your doctor or nutritionist too see if

you have an allergy or intolerance to these types of food. If you’re seeing patterns of
symptoms you need to do something about it.
Our stomachs are often referred to as our ‘second brain’. How we treat our digestive
system can dramatically change our moods and emotions in a positive and negative
I hope the above article has helped you realize what foods are beneficial to have in
your diet. They will provide the necessary vitamins and minerals required that are
known to calm the mind and give you the necessary nutrients to replenish a rundown
body. If you can learn to cut out harmful foods your energy will increase and your
mood will stabilize and anxiety levels will drop.
Make it your mission to prepare fresh unprocessed meals. Try to find new spices
and flavours such as garlic, honey, apple cider vinegar to encourage you to make
exciting new meals. In the process you will find a lot of these natural foods have
wonderful healing properties for so many conditions. Did you know?
 Aspirin was first discovered from the bark of the willow tree in 1763 by Edward
 Lemon has high thiamine which can help the central nervous system
 And magnesium can help restless leg syndrome.

A trait in anxiety and panic sufferers is they like to please other people. Sometimes
in pleasing a partner, child, friend, boss we forget to look after ourselves.
If you’re looking for two great natural remedies which can help anxiety related
stomach problems then try this –
 Iberogast can be found in most health stores. In iberogast is a mixture of
herbs and plants including peppermint, chamomile, St Mary’s thistle, liquorice
and caraway. You just need to add a few drops to your water and it will help
your digestive system.
There has been more than a dozen studies that have shown Iberogast will
promote the normal digestion. If you suffer stomach cramps, bloating,
diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome, functional dyspepsia or heartburn it may
be worth giving this a try.
 Lemon balm has been used since around the time of the Middle Ages as a
herb with calming properties. Lemon balm can help alleviate your stomach
reacting to worries and stress. It comes in a capsule form.



You have been reading a chapter or Golden Rule from my Anxiety, Phobia
and Panic Attack Treatment Program. You can find out more about the
program here


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