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The coffee enjoyed every day takes a long joumey from farm to cup. Between the time they're $44 planted, picked and processed, coffee beans go through a long chain of production before they I I. end up on store shelves. Coffee Ty Steve Reka] beans come in two varieties, with arabica beans sought out in particular for their quality and smooth taste. In Arabica, you take on the role of a coffee grower, managing your farm and trying to make the most profit you can from your coffee beans. While Arabica is meant to be played solo, it can also be played with others (see Multiplayer Rules) OVERVIEW Arabica plays over 20 rounds, with each round consisting of rolling dice and spending the result ‘across your production chain. You won't be able to do everything in every round, so knowing when and how to spend is crucial. You will be keeping track of your farm by drawing and crossing out symbols on your player board. Your player board represents your coffee farm and everything needed to keep it running smoothly. The top part of the player board walks through the phases ‘A,B, and C of the game, as well as the 7 action steps that make up the second phase. Below that is the Trade Track, which tracks the progress of the game. The Trade Track is broken into 4 sections for scoring in each of the Sell phases. ‘The Warehouse and Farm areas are the main game- play areas, The Farm is where you will mark the trees that you plant and harvest, as well as where your equipment will be installed. The Warehouse is where you'll track your harvested and roasted beans. The Workers and Growers sections are additional gameplay areas that can be unlocked during the game (see B.6 Hire), while the Delivery Trucks and Tasters are unlockable parts of the game. These 4 areas are collectively known as Staff The Equipment section shows all of the different pieces of equipment that can be bought and drawn into your Farm to boost your production and sales. GAMEPLAY There are 2 main phases in each round, with a third phase that happens every 5 rounds. A. Trade: Networking with retailers and lining up buyers is necessary if you want to make the most out of your sale. You'll start each round by spending one dice towards haggling with buyers, with every five results combined to influence your selling price later in the game. After rolling all 6 dice, choose 1 dice write the number in the leftmost available space in the Trade Track. Set the chosen dice aside. B, Production: Running a successful coffee farm and growing coffee requires a lot of effort, and the Produc- tion phase is where the bulk of this work goes. The Production phase is made up of 7 actions, which must be resolved in order. At each action, choose to spend dice towards that action or pass. Any dice spent can't be spent again later in the round B.1 Harvest. Every coffee bean’s journey begins the harvest. Coffee beans actually come from coffee cher- ries, which are grown on trees. This action lets you pick ‘some of these cherries to process and roast later on. ‘Spend any number of dice to harvest one tree for every pip. A circle must be drawn around an available coffee tree icon for each harvested tree. B.2 Process: Before a coffee bean can be roasted, it ‘must be processed to remove the cherry pulp. To carry ut this action, spend dice to process 1 bean per pip. A circle is drawn in the Warehouse and a circled coffee tree in the Farm is crossed out for each processed bean. B.3 Roast: The key to good coffee is a quality roast, so ‘now is when you can fire up the roasters and get to work. ‘You start with a Roaster on your farm, which allows you to roast up to 4 beans. Additional roasters can be built to increase this limit. You can roast 1 bean for every pip, up to4 beans per Roaster. Mark the number of the current Roast Quality is in an empty circle in the Warehouse. You start the game with a Roast Quality of 1, but roasting equipment can be purchased to increase this value. B.4 Load: Having your finely roasted beans laying around the Warehouse won't ea you anything, so this action allows you to spend dice to load your coffee beans ‘onto your Delivery Trucks and prepare them to be sold, You can load one roasted bean per pip. Cross out a roasted bean from your farm and wnite its number in an available Delivery Truck space. Each Delivery Truck can hold up to 4 roasted beans. You begin the game with 1 Delivery Truck, but additional ones can be unlocked later. B.5 Build: Sure, you can get by on your farm doing everything by hand, by how efficient is that? Building allows you to add equipment to your farm to streamline your process. Any number of dice can be spent to buy equipment, with each piece of equipment having its own specific cost and effect (see Equipment Guide). After paying the cost, draw the equipment into your farm in any available spaces. If you don't have room for some- thing, you can't buy it. You can build as many pieces of equipment on your turn as you can afford, and any piece of equipment can be built more than once. B.6 Hire: As your coffee farm grows, you're going to need to bring on additional help to get the most out of it You can spend any number of dice to hire additional staff, including Delivery Trucks to load and sell more beans, Growers to unlock more land for planting coffee trees, Workers to help store more beans and equip- ment, and Tasters to help you get the most out of your sales. Staff can all be hired in limited quantities, with each one having its own specific cost. Staff can be purchased in any order, even if they have increasing Costs, as is the case with the Delivery Trucks. After paying the cost, filin the diamond space to signify that you've unlocked it 8.7 Plant: You won't get far without planting new coffee trees, and this is the time to do so. Spend any number Of dice to plant one tree for every pip. A coffee tree icon (upside down V) must be drawn around an available space on your farm, adjacent to an existing coffee tree. C. Sales: Now that you've put in the work to grow your coffee beans, it's time to sell them and get some retum on your investment. The Sales phase only happens after rounds 5, 10, 15, and 20. You'll easily be able to track this based on what's been filled in on the Trade Track. In order to sell, you must have at least 1 Delivery Truck with at least 1 coffee bean loaded in order to sell. Selling happens over 5 steps. 1. Add up the § numbers listed in the Trade Track from the previous 5 rounds and write that number in the Target Value space. 2. Roll 5 dice and compare the total fo the Target Value. If it’s higher, mark the suocess box to the right of the Target Value box. If you've hired any Tasters, you can choose to use them to re-roll any number of these dice to try for a better total. After using a Taster, cross it out ‘on your player board. 3. Determine your Sell Price. If you succeeded in the previous step, your Sell Price is the average of the five values you listed in the Trade Track, rounded down. If you didn't, your Sell Price is half of that average, Founded down, Write the Sell Price in the box, 4. Multiply your Sell Price by the Roast Value of each bean you are selling and add the total together. Beans in a Delivery Truck cannot be split between multiple sales and must either be entirely sold or passed until the next Sales phase. 5, There are bonuses for selling earlier in the game rather than later. Additionally, your total sales amount ‘ean be increased by 1 for each Tasting House you have (on your farm. Write the total sales amount, including any bonus amounts, in the box provided. Any Delivery Trucks fulfilled are then crossed out. After the fourth Sell phase after 20th round, the game ends. Your final score is the sum of the four earnings from the Sell phases. EQUIPMENT GUIDE Hulling Machine: The Huling Machine is used to extract the bean from the coffee cherry. Installing it helps you harvest more efficiently. Circle one additional tree when harvesting. Cost: 10, requiring at least a pair of every dice value used. For example, you could spend two 5's or two 4's and two 1's, Polisher: The Polisher is a machine that buffs the bean to remove a silvery skin from the coffee bean before roasting, Installing it helps with processing the beans. Cross out 1 less tree when processing. Cost: Any two unique pairs. Tumbler: Tumblers are used to process large batches of coffee beans quickly and without damaging them. Installing it can get you additional beans when processing, Add 1 additional bean to your Warehouse when processing. Cost: Any set of three-of-a-kind combined with a pair. Roaster: Roasters heat the coffee beans to over 500 degrees Fahrenheit and produce the flavor and aroma of the final coffee product. While you start the game with a Roaster, additional Roasters lel you roast more and more beans, Roast four additional beans each turn, Cost: 10, with no repeating dice values, For example, you could spend a 2, 4, 3, and 1. Grading Machine: Grading Machines help by removing inferior beans before and during roasting. Only 1 Grading Machine can be installed, but it wll give you access to a better Roast Quality. Unlocks Roast Quality 2 beans when roasting. Cost: 12, with no repeating dice values. For example, you could spend a 4, 5, and 3 or a 6, 5, and 1. Batch Roaster (Requires Grading Machine): Batch Roast- ers let you roast much larger quantities of beans more evenly. Only 1 Batch Roaster can be installed after a Grading Machine. Unlocks Roast Quality 3 beans when roasting. Cost: 14, with no repeating dice values. For example, you could spend a 6, 5, and 3 or a §, 4, 3, and 2. Roasting Lab: The Roasting Lab is where you and your coffee experts take a close look at the chemistry behind, your beans, even examining the caffeol, a fragrant oil locked inside the bean, to improve its taste and quality. Add 1 to Roast Value when roasting. Cost: 15, with no repeating dice values. For example, you could spend a 6, 5, 3, and 1 ora 5, 6, and 4. Tasting House: Fine tuning your coffee is key, and the Tasting House is where the best tasting coffees are brought to the forefront, By tasting each batch, you're able to sell a quality product at a premium price. Increase the Sell Price by 1 during a sale. Cost: 18. Delivery Trucks: With your buyers lined up, all that's left is to deliver all of the coffee beans you've roasted. Delivery Trucks are required to be able to make money during the Sell phase. You begin the game with a Delivery Truck, with five additional Delivery Trucks that can be unlocked later. Delivery Trucks can be bought in any order. Cost: 10-14. Workers: As your coffee farm grows, having additional help with storage and equipment is good. After being unlocked, the spaces can be used as normal, but only for equipment and processed beans. Cost: 20. Growers: Space on your farm is limited, so you may need to hire Growers to open up more land for trees. After being unlocked, the spaces can be used as normal, but only for planting trees. These trees can be harvested and processed as normal. Cost: 22. Tasters: The coffee business can be harsh, and not all sales go smoothly. If you find yourself struggling to reach the Sell Price you want, you can send in your professional coffee experts to help your sale by re-roll- ing any number of dice during the Sell phase, Tasters ‘can be bought with a pair of dice, but only 1 Taster can be hired for each specific value. Cost: A pair, in a specific value. MULTIPLAYER RULES If playing with more than one player, the game plays the same with one exception. At the start of each round, all 6 dice are rolled. Players make a tick mark for each dice in the corresponding row of the multi- player section of their player board. The gameplay then proceeds as normal, with players crossing out the tick marks for the dice they use. All players must complete a phase or action, either by ‘spending dice or passing, before moving on to the next one. ‘After 20 rounds, players add up their final score from the four Sell phases. The player with the highest score is the winner. In case of a tie, the player with the fewest unused spaces in their Farm is the winner. EXAMPLE TURN You roll all 6 dice. Ha_AReA You start with the A. TRADE phase and select one of the 6's to write in the Trade Track. eng By You move to the B. PRODUCTION phase, starting with B.1 HARVEST. You spend your 2 to harvest two trees. BB Ae **-+eo Up next is B.2 PROCESS. You spend your other 2 to process two beans. You cross out the two trees you just harvested and write two beans in you Warehouse. “gg CO OB WaRKHOUsE FARM Now B.3 ROAST is and while you could spend some, of your dice, you decide to pass. EOE With no roasted beans to load, you also pass during B.4 Loap. Oe Now that it's B.S BUILD, you decide to spend your remaining dice on the Grading Machine. Ba Bi With no more dice left to spend, you must pass during the B.6 Hire and B.7 PLANT actions. R|> [om[R The B. PRODUCTION phase is now over. Since it's not the end of rounds 5,10,15,0r 20, you don’t need to do the C. SALES phase. This ends the first round. You can now re-roll all 6 dice and begin with the A. TRADE phase. Contact For questions or comments about Arabica, feel free to contact the designer Steve Retka at steveretka@g- or follow him on Twitter at @steveretka A. TRADE B. PRODUCTION C. SELL 3 coos dee to Spandremainng dice on Occurs in rounds 01820 ARABICA ado Trade Track 7 production ations {Ad up Target Value 2 Rolfor success $$$ B.H4B.248.34 3. Dotermine Sell Price B8G89 eX B.IHARVEST B.2 Process B3ROAST BALOAD BSBuLD B.OHIRE BJ PLANT A 4® BO OrO0 oge ra OD +N FARM FARM WAREHOUSE WAREHOUSE Fanw FARM Targets Sel Tag e Ys Hulling Machine 3 5 sb ty ds |e lo ni els nel HM IB. H® TRADE TRACI o G Polisher PIB.2 Xtfewer® 8 E/A A 3 Fe & 3 Tumbler 5 E : ay B20 ; ge = gE Roaster & & x |B3 OS4 fae) ) Z 4 _[]Grading Machine D&D [oule3 vieaed Batch Roaster © | 2 error B.3 Unlocks @ a 6 o Roasting Lab 4 g f HLLSe 2 5 e = 8 < Shipping Center Ss * z $ o ees Tasting House 18 I C. Sell Price +84

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