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Cramming is Bad

How do you study when the test is coming? Do you start preparing for the test
weeks or months before the test or leave things to the last hour? If you start
studying weeks or months before the test, it is great. However, if you study all the
material in the last hour or minute, it is not good for you and it is called cramming.

Cramming is the situation when students stay up until morning to study before their
test. This habit can lead to negative impacts for some reason. The first reason is
that disruptions in the regular sleep cycle can cause temporary intellectual lapses.
For most students, less sleep can make them could not focus in the class.
Additionally, cramming can leave us with “something that I have seen before” in our
memory. However, being able to recognize something is not the same as being able
to recall it. Besides that, each person has their different sleeping time, so some of
them often use a stimulant for cramming. Furthermore, that stimulant gives bad
effect to its consumers.

The example stimulant is coffee. It causes many problems such as Caffeine

Intoxication Syndrome, anxiety, panic, headaches, and so on. To sum up, cramming
is bad because it disturbs our regular sleep cycle which cause temporary intellectual
lapses and using stimulant for cramming gives bad effect to our health.
The use of formalin and other dangerous preservatives in food has been serious problem for three
reasons. Firstly, formalin is not for human beings, but it is for biological specimens and experiments.
Formalin in Biology is a 10% solution of formaldehyde in water which is usually used as a disinfectant
or to preserve biological specimens. Thus, it is not for food preservatives. Of course when it is used
for food preservative, it will be very dangerous to human’s body.

The second reason is that there is no tight control from the government. This condition makes the
people’s health is really in a threat. When the control is weak and the use formalin was spread wide
all over the Indonesian regions, and these days it has really happened, the citizen's bodies will be
badly contaminated with the poisons. Fish or food traders still sell their products which contain
formalin and dangerous preservatives. Can you imagine that our digestive system absorbs the
substance that should be for the human and animal corpses?

Considering the reasons, we can make a conclusion that the use of formalin and other preservatives
is really a serious problem if it is not resolved immediately.

What is the generic structure of the text?

The communication has changed throughout history. The biggest variation of text messages today is
group chats. With technology like this, it advances communication for users.

First, group chats make planning easier. When you plan to fo a certain activity with your friends or
families in a group chat, you can discuss it in the group chat. You will get the decision soon than you
text everyone to make an appointment.

Next, you can stay connected to people in the group chat. You can connect to your families and
friends, even your old friends. You can still keep in touch with them although you live in a separate
location. It’s great for friends and families that are spread throughout the world to stay connected.
This group chat can increase the familiarity among the member.

Last,you can gain more knowledge. You will get more information about issues or up-to-date news
from the members of the group chats because the members usually send the information to the
groups. The information can be transferred fast and easily. Moreover, the group chats can be a best
place to discuss certain topics, such as homework or difficult lessons.

Joining group chats is pelasure. The most important is that you should respect each others.

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