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Article · October 2015


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Komal Ansari Hakim Ali Mahesar

University of Sindh University of Sindh


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Komal Ansari & Hakim Ali Mahesar
The purpose of this article is to examine how a probe into the creative
aspect of mind could offer wounded players living with a spinal cord
injury (SCI) an affective opportunity to improve their quality of life,
and use the same as a therapy or treatment leading to a possible cure.
The data presented herein seeks to explore the reasons for receiving
damage to the cord, how sports has been deemed as a major factor
that causes the spinal cord injury, biological and scientific rationale
for recovery of normal physical functioning following conventional
SCI treatment, and a non-conventional rehabilitative means where
the injured personnel immerse themselves in their artistic practice on
their road to recovery. The article discusses the above in light of
findings that have resulted from clinical trials and cutting-edge
rehabilitation research conducted on SCI population samples
throughout the USA.
Key words: Spinal Cord Injury, Sport Injury, SCI Treatment, Therapeutic Recreation,
Recreational / Art Therapies.
Introduction: Overview of SCI and (C7), i.e. the seventh cervical
According to a fact sheet pro- vertebrae, and shields the spinal
duced by the World Health Orga- cord from harm (See figure 1).
nization Media Center (2013),
globally, each year, ‗between
250,000 and 500,000 people suffer
a spinal cord injury (SCI).‘ This is
when, due to a physical trauma
or a degenerative tissue disease,
an individual‘s spinal cord or
vertebral column end up getting
damaged either in part or wholly
(Medtronic, 2013). Particularly at
risk, in this respect, is the cervical
spine (Landro, 2013). As Landro
elaborates further, this is an area Fig. 1: Cervical Nerves (C1 – C8) presented
between (C1), i.e. the first vertebrae, by the Shepherd Centre (2015)
The Shield (ISSN-1991-8410) Vol. 10, 2015

The injury can occur to the of various parts of the human

spinal cord anywhere between body (Zeigler, 2015). Therefore
C1 and C7 (Zeigler, 2015). This any damage to the cord could
cord, further explains Zeigler, disrupt the exchange of motor in-
comprises of nerves that spread formation, i.e. the ability to move
out from the base of the brain muscles, and sensory informa-
and move down towards the 1st tion, i.e. the ability to feel, bet-
or 2nd lumbar vertebrae of the ween the brain and the rest of the
lower back (figure 2). body (ibid). The impact of the
injury could, however, either be
minor or major depending on the
level of damage to the cord. In
case of the former, for instance,
the injury leads to a partial dis-
ruption of nerve transmission
that in turn causes reduced func-
tion or a temporary set-back in
‗mobility, sensation and reflex
activity below the level of the in-
jury‘ (Medtronic, 2013). As a res-
ult, the injured individual may
experience a limited and / or
short-term ‗loss of sensory func-
tion or motor control of arms,
legs and/or body‘ (WHO Media
Centre, 2013). However, if the
injury is severe, it may result in a
complete and/or permanent loss
Fig. 2: Lumbar Nerves (L1 – L5) presen- of the same (ibid).
ted by the Shepherd Centre (2015)
Common to the SCI sufferers
Running from the neck to the are wounds such as ‗contusions
lower back, the spinal cord is a (bruising), compressions, lacera-
major component of the central tions and central cord syndrome
nervous system and ensures the (specific damage to the nerve
brain‘s connection to and control tracts of the cervical region of the

Conventional Treatment and the Recreational Art Therapy

cord)‘ (Medtronic, 2013). Althou- of SCIs are caused by ‗unorgani-

gh severe impairment has been zed sport activities,‘ instances
reported to occur in ten to when players either bash into
fourteen percent of SCI related each other using the top of their
accidents, majority of such inci- heads while playing ball games,
dents lead to ‗broken backs, collide with each other or into
necks or vertebral fractures‘ wh- sporting equipment, take a viol-
ich cause minimal and/or tem- ent plunge into water while swi-
porary damage to individuals, mming, etc. (Zeigler, 2015).
and are of a treatable nature
(ibid). According to recent records
researched between 2002 and
Spinal Cord Injuries in Sports 2013 by Smith (2013), sports per-
sonnel with SCI can end up
While there are many respon- experiencing severe physical dis-
sible factors, sport has been dee- abilities to enormous psycholo-
med as the one physical activity gical stress (p.3). Players who
frequently prone to leading to a become quadriplegic, i.e. who get
spinal cord injury (Landro, 2013; paralyzed as a result, either ex-
Smith, 2013, p.3). This is particu- perience incomplete or complete
larly the case in highly risky inability to feel sensations and/or
games such as ‗horseback riding, face loss of movement in all four
motorized sports (especially sno- limbs (Zeigler, 2015). While some
wmobiling), parachuting, hang players are reported to have
gliding, paragliding, climbing, ice suffered ‗permanent or tempora-
hockey, bicycling, snowboarding, ry neurological damage and
downhill skiing, ski jumping, paralysis,‘ with others having
football,‘ etc. (Bahr, R. & Maeh- died after sustaining cervical
lum, S, 2004; also cited in Zeigler, injuries, most athletes end up re-
2015). The mentioned researchers ceiving concussions, broken neck
believe that in these sporting or fractures that are recoverable
activities athletes utilize violent (Landro, 2013). However, even
and hazardous means and end when the physical damage is of a
up receiving neck, back and head minimal nature and normal body
injuries and get their spinal cord functioning recoverable, the wou-
damaged as a result. The majority nded personnel may experience

The Shield (ISSN-1991-8410) Vol. 10, 2015

certain secondary symptoms that measures can not only help

can be more devastating, make maintain their health, but can
daily activities more challenging also lead to possible regeneration
or life threatening than the phy- of regular body functions (WHO
sical injuries themselves (Smith, Factsheet, 2013). Various medical
2013, p.3). The WHO factsheet facilities have been active, in this
(2013) lists those conditions as, regard, to develop treatment app-
for instance, ‗deep vein thrombo- roaches that could treat nume-
sis, urinary tract infections, mus- rous primary as well as secon-
cle spasms, osteoporosis, pres- dary conditions following the SCI
sure ulcers, chronic pain, respira- in sportsmen (Medtronic, 2013).
tory complications,‘ and especia- While there are cutting edge scie-
lly ―depression.‖ See also, for ins- ntific technologies and numerous
tance, Anson & Shepherd (1996) medicinal means utilized to treat
in this regard. players with spinal cord injury(s),
the usage of creative practice
Of all medical conditions foll- (fiction writing, poetic, dramatic
owing SCI among athletes, dep- representations, etc.) can bring
resssion has been reported to such individuals out of their co-
cause ‗a severe negative impact coons and speed up their
on improvements in functioning rehabilitation (Smith, 2013, p.6).
and overall health‘ (WHO Fact-
sheet, 2013). The suffering indivi- Conventional Treatment Opt-
duals often fall prey to these ions for Sportsmen Suffering
secondary disorders, and face from SCI
enormous difficulty to manage Usually, when sportsmen sus-
them, often to the point of exper- tain a spinal cord injury, they are
iencing a worsening of mobility usually provided with emerge-
issues and active participation in ncy care to ensure that they don‘t
society (ibid). However, there is get further hurt or develop severe
no reason to assume why such breathing problems (Wilberger &
athletes cannot engage in certain Dupre, 2015). As the mentioned
other activities to ‗experience researchers report, the first prio-
(positive) post-traumatic growth rity of emergency personnel is to
and new ways of being‘ (Smith, keep the injured sportsman‘s
2013, p.3). Rehabilitative care neck immobile while moving

Conventional Treatment and the Recreational Art Therapy

them. To inhibit movement, the ‗neurosurgery, injection therapy,

individual gets ‗strapped to a orthopaedic surgery, or the ITB
firm board,‘ and has to wear a therapy‘ etc. (Medtronic, 2013).
collar around their neck. This is The last therapy has been most
done to guarantee that the spinal recent; in it an ‗implanted drug
cord receives no further pressure, pump delivers medication direc-
or the spine shifts, which could tly to where it is needed inside
lead to permanent paralysis the spinal cord‘ (ibid). Some-
(ibid). Later, they are sent off to times, following the injury, the
medical care units to undergo build-up of blood and fragments
rehabilitation and curative treat- of the broken bone could exert
ment for months. This care comp- severe pressure on the spinal
rises of ―occupational therapy‖ cord. Wilberger & Dupre (2015)
and ―physical therapy‖ so the suggest this situation demands
athletes could be enabled to surgery be performed on the
regain their normal manner of athelete, and the possible implan-
living (Zeigler, 2015). The former tation of steelrods around the
therapy is intended to help unstable spine, so as to keep it
athletes maintain their focus on ‗immobilized until the bone and
the usual everyday activities; the other tissues have had time to
latter enables them retain or heal.‘ Injured athletes may also
improve their motor activities immediately be injected with me-
(2015). Some individuals also thylprednisolone or other cortic-
develop breathing difficulties in osteroids, and ideally during the
wake of sport injuries. For them, first eight hours after receiving
Dr. Colin Tidy (2014) suggests the SCI, ‗to help prevent swelling
the ―respiratory muscle training,‖ around the injury‘ (Wilberger &
which is ‗effective for increase- Dupre, 2015). The individuals
ing respiratory muscle strength could also be put on ―analgesics‖
and perhaps also lung volumes or pain killers such as ―opioids‖
for people with cervical spinal initially, and later on milder pain
cord injury.‘ relievers such as ‗acetaminophen
Concussions and physical in- or ibuprofen,‘ and ―muscle rela-
juries are also treated using spee- xants,‖ such as ‗baclofen or tizan-
ch therapy, oral medicines and idine,‘ to take away the spastic
curative technologies such as muscular pain (ibid).

The Shield (ISSN-1991-8410) Vol. 10, 2015

It is always a possibility for impact accordingly (Zeigler,

injured players to return to sports 2014).
after undergoing intensive the-
The Non-Conventional Crea-
rapy for a while. Prior to getting
tive Art Therapy
back to their usual gaming activi-
ties, Zeigler (2014) suggests they Surgery and physiotherapy
must ensure that they are ―asy- are not the only means that have
mptomatic (symp-tom free)‖ or been reported to help ‗repair bro-
are fit to play. This can only be ken bones in the neck and back‘
achieved after following a five- (Spinal Injury Network, 2015).
stage rehabilitation procedure. In Other than bed rest, there could
the first stage, the injured athlete be some less ―invasive‖ approa-
is prescribed aerobics or muscle ches that can accelerate the
relaxing training exercises. In the natural healing process to a great
next stage, they are encouraged extent (ibid). Of fundamental
to adopt specific sport related importance in this regard is the
activities and exercises, so as to utilization of artistic practice as a
enable a beginning of their re- means to ensure rehabilitation in
turn to sports. Having progress- wake of experiencing a traumatic
sed from the first to the second SCI whilst playing sport. Indivi-
stage, they are made to adopt sli- duals after suffering sporting
ghtly more complex drills. How- spinal injuries can be exposed to
ever, it is not until their reception creative crafts, and use them to
of medical clearance that they heal their impaired body and
enter the fourth stage, within take care of their new physical
which they begin to ‗participate needs (Reeve & Reeve, 2015). The
in normal practice activities‘ healing process would be more
(Zeigler, 2014). In the last stage, psychological than of a physical
they are cleared to return to nature, but it can help them
sports competitions (ibid). A pro- reintegrate back into their normal
gression of each step occurs if no routine and sporting or non-
concussion symptom returns sporting social community (ibid).
during the particular stage. If it As Smith (2013) observes in this
does, sports personnel are respect, other than the trained
motivated to resume the previous ‗policy and health professionals
level of activity and observe the (e.g., physiotherapists and clini-

Conventional Treatment and the Recreational Art Therapy

cal psychologists),‘ it is the inju- their leisure time in ways that

red sportsmen themselves who enhance health, functional abili-
can teach their bodies how to ties, independence and quality of
retain their original fervour (p.4). life‘ (Florida Spinal Cord Injury
Resource Center, 2011).
The mission statement foste-
red by the Christopher and Diana According to the FSCIRC
Reeve Foundation (2015) implies (2011), active engagement in crea-
that creative arts can positively tive outlets can enable injured in-
enhance the entire life style of dividuals attain their normal life-
SCI sufferers to a great extent. style and active participation in
For one thing, one does not have their sporting or non-sporting ac-
to be in perfect ―physical,‖ ―soci- tivities swiftly. Through creative
al,‖ ―attitudenal,‖ or ―psychologi- recreational means, such people
cal‖ frame of mind to be able to can attain health benefits physic-
express themselves creatively via cally and emotionally (Florida
‗visual arts, (creative arts), music, Spinal Cord Injury Resource Cen-
theatre and dance.‘ This gives the ter, 2011). On a physical level,
injured personnel the freedom to participation in creative activities
break barriers and make their can bring about ‗better respira-
own selves physically and men- tory fitness, improved muscle
tally strong (Reeve & Reeve, strength and mobility, better
2015). This process has been muscle to fat ratio, injury prev-
termed as ―Therapeutic Recrea- ention, healthier blood lipids, and
tion‖ by the Florida Department better skin integrity‘ (ibid). The
of Health. Under their banner, Florida Spinal Cord Injury Resou-
the Florida Disabled Outdoors rce Center (2011) also stipulates
Association (FDOA) and the this kind of participation can
Brain and Spinal Cord Injury result in ‗increase in self-esteem
Program (BSCIP) have collabora- and self-confidence, decrease in
ted to use creative expression depression, reduction of anxiety,
through various art forms such as increased support systems,‘
‗ceramics, painting, sculpture, which will lead to better emo-
gardening, dance, music, drama, tional and mental wellbeing. On
etc.‘ to help people with spinal the whole, this can bring about
cord injuries ‗to develop and use improved ability to heal and ‗pre-

The Shield (ISSN-1991-8410) Vol. 10, 2015

vent secondary health conditions‘ integral part of the rehabilitation

that arise as a result of the spinal process for people with spinal
cord injury (ibid). cord injuries‘ (1994, pp. 23, 25).
For one thing, by engaging in
artistic activities, such indivi-
This article aimed to examine duals can utilize their additional
how sports are frequently res- free time effectively, and avoid
ponsible for a large share of turning to ‗substance abuse and a
spinal cord injuries these days. sedentary lifestyle‘ instead (1994,
While any sport that causes p.23). This in turn can help them
athletes to slip over or get hit by out-encounter many ‗secondary
another participant can put them medical complications‘ associated
at risk for getting their spinal with the SCI (ibid). Medical
cord damaged, there is a higher professionals at the Ohio State
rate of players ending with a SCI University‘s Wexner Medical Ce-
in certain sports such as ball nter in America (2015) offer arts
games, swimming, bull fighting, therapy to help individuals with
gymnastics, skiing, car/bike rac- ―sports or recreation injuries‖ to
ing, etc. Typically, once an inci- regain their daily skills. Spinal
dent occurs over the course of cord injuries of complete as well
any sport, the sportsman may as of partial nature are treated
find a portion of their spinal cord using the ‗creative process to help
damaged, and him/herself par- patients improve physical skills,
tially or completely paralyzed. thinking skills and emotional
well-being‘ (ibid). The same has
While there are a number of been supported by Kelly Edens
medical treatments or curative (2015), who is the ―manager of
procedures involved, this article Shepherd Center's Recreation Th-
also explored information pertai- erapy Program‖ in America. Lik-
ning to recreational creative arts ewise, we have the New York
therapy, which has been known University School of Medicine,
to work wonders with injured wherein injuries to the spinal
individuals. Early on Askins cord are treated using ‗Thera-
(1994) had discovered how leis- peutic Recreation, i.e., recreation
ure activities involving ―arts and therapy, art therapy and music
crafts,‖ for instance, could ‗be an therapy‘ (Rusk Rehabilitation,

Conventional Treatment and the Recreational Art Therapy

NYU School of Medicine, 2015).

The National Spinal Cord Injury services/peds-neurorehab-ser vices
Association of America similarly Edens, K. (2015). Importance of Recrea-
promotes that creative art practi- tion Therapy in Recovery from Spinal
Cord or Brain Injury. Retrieved
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of SCI personnel and enhance herd/item/24653-impo rtance-of-
their life greatly (NSCIA, 2011). recreation-therapy-in-recovery-
Even in case of youngsters and from-spinal-cord-or-brain-injury
children suffering from this inju- Florida Spinal Cord Injury Resource
ry, the utilization of ―recreational Center. (2011). Community-Based
Recreation and Active Leisure for
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People with Spinal Cord Injuries.
has been found to improve their Retrieved from http://www.fdoa.
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