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The Importance of Being


By Melkijan B. Lim
Shit gets harder everyday so
having limited fucks to give
is essential
The importance of being Unbothered

Ways to stay calm and unbothered

The Importance of being Unbothered

 Keeps you focused on the necessities

 You tend to be more productive

 Makes your day 1 tier above bearable

Keeps you focused on the
• The things you plan on doing the day before
gets done

• You can spend your free time with the people

who matter and the things that matter
• The time you spend being bothered is now
spent on things that matter
Makes your day 1 tier above
• At the end of the day you’ll notice its nice
doing things that matter instead of
wasting it on “what ifs” and irrelevant
Ways to stay calm and
• Breathe
• Acknowledge
• Think it through
• Listen to music
• “Breathing is the number one and most effective technique for
reducing anger and anxiety quickly,” says Scott Dehorty, LCSW-C, of
Delphi Behavioral Health.

• When you’re anxious or angry, you tend to take quick, shallow breaths.
Dehorty says this sends a message to your brain, causing a positive
feedback loop reinforcing your fight-or-flight response. That’s why
taking long, deep calming breaths disrupts that loop and helps you
calm down.
• Give yourself a minute to recuperate. Some people are blessed with the
art of not caring, while some have to work through it. It takes time to
stop caring what you can and cant do, the mere fact is because we as
humans overthink everything. Take a minute and recognize that you do
not need to bother with stuff you cant change.
• Acknowledge your pissed about something and it may decrease the
shit your feeling
• Part of fixing a problem is knowing what the problem is
• Ignore. Fix what you can and leave what you cant. Simple as that..
Unimportant things don’t need your attention.
Think it through
• Don’t cater irrational thoughts, may trigger a “what if” cycle which can
mess stuff up even further
• “When we’re anxious or angry, we become hyper-focused on the cause,
and rational thoughts leave our mind. These mantras give us an
opportunity to allow rational thought to come back and lead to a better
outcome,” Dehorty explains. Ask rational questions (i.e “What’s the worst
that can happen? Can I handle that?”) and reframe your thinking
Listen to music
• This doesn’t need explanation. Stuffs therapeutic
Let your actions do the talking
for you. Actions speak louder
than words. That is all you need
to remember. Being
unbothered, while getting your
goals completed is the greatest

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