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Izzatun Nuha
Capture Fisheries Department Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science
Diponegoro University
Jl. Prof.H.Soedarto S.H, Kec. Tembalang, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah
The practicum determines the coefficient of viscosity in a fluid aims to roughly calculate the
viscosity value in the fluid, so how much viscosity is contained in a fluid. The tools used in this
practicum are measuring cup, ruler, stopwatch, buffer wire, large ball, medium ball, calipers, and
glycerin. In calculating the viscosity of a fluid using the Stokes Law equation, which is converted
to the Archimedes gravity and force. The method used is the falling ball method, which is a
method by dropping the ball into liquid. In this practicum it can be concluded that the results of
the coefficient of viscosity each fluid are different.

Keywords: fluid, viscosity, viscosimeter, and influencing factors the coefficient of viscosity

Physics is the science of nature, which studies the basic elements that
make up the universe, the forces acting on it, and its effects; covers a wide range:
from the subatomic particles that make up all matter to the behavior of the
universe as a unified cosmos. Modern times like today, physics is very supportive
of human life. Physics is useful to support the development of
technology,industry, communication, and medicine. Application of physics in
human life is The discovery of X-rays to detect fractures, The discovery of laser
beams to break up kidney stones in the body, The discovery of superior seeds
from the genetic engineering process, etc. the simplest activities in life related to
physics one of which is fluid. Fluid is a substance that can undergo changes in
shape continuously / continuously when exposed to pressure / shear force even
though it is relatively small or can also be said to be a substance that flows, said
fluid includes liquid, gas, water, and air because the substances this substance can
flow. a liquid fluid has a thickness coefficient which can be called viscosity.
Underlying Theory
Fluid is a substance that can undergo changes in shape continuously when
exposed to pressure / shear force even though it is relatively small or can also be
said to be a substance that flows, said fluid includes liquid, gas, water, and air
because the substances this substance can flow. Viscosity is an important physical
property of fluid. Fluid viscosity has an important role in flow fluid in pipes or
porous media. In addition, viscosity fluid is also important in engine lubrication,
the optimum state metal lubrication can be achieved if the metal surface is come
into contact perfectly coated by lubricating oil. The ability of the engine lubricant
to lubricate the entire surface the metal is closely related to the viscosity of the
lubricant. Viscosity measurements are mostly carried out on substances liquid
compared to gaseous substances (Aryanto et al., 2012).

Viscosity is a measure that states the size of the friction in the fluid.
Viscosity is the nature of a liquid that is closely related to obstacles to flow. Some
fluids can flow fast, while others flow slowly. Fast-flowing liquids have a small
thickness, where as slow-flowing liquids have a large viscosity Barriers to
movement of objects in the fluid are caused by the frictional force between the
fluid portion attached to the surface of the object and the fluid portion next to it
where the frictional force is proportional to the fluid coefficient of η fluid.
According to Stokes, the frictional force is given by what is called the Stokes
formula : F = 6 π r η v, with (F) Friction force, (r) the radius of the ball, η
coefficient of viscosity and (v) speed of falling the ball. Basically the
determination of η by using the Stokes formula is very simple. By using the ball
falling method, then when the ball is dropped into a vessel filled with liquid or
fluid to determine the coefficient of thickness, by the force of gravity, the ball will
fall faster. But according to the Stokes formula, the faster the movement, the
greater the friction force so that finally the gravity is precisely balanced with the
friction force and the fall of the ball with a fixed speed (v) of so the equation
applies m . g = 6 π r η. Where m.g is the gravity of the ball. Taking into account
the upward force of Archimedes who also worked on the ball, the equation will be
The formula above only applies, provided that the magnitude of the speed does
not cause turbulence. When this happens, the holding force or fluid friction is
much greater than what is calculated according to Stokes' law ( Arsis et al.,2017 ).

Research Methods

This practicum is carried out in the fishing gear laboratory in the capture
fisheries department. The tools used in this practice are measuring cups, rulers,
stopwatches, buffer wires, large balls, medium balls, calipers, and glycerin. In
calculating the value of the fluid viscosity coefficient, it can use the basic formula
of the Stokes law which is converted to gravity and archimedes force. The method
used is the falling ball method, which is by dropping the ball into the fluid. The
first step that must be done is to measure the diameter of each ball with calipers,
then from each ball dropped into the fluid with a certain distance of fall. The fluid
used is glycerin. The ball will fall on the buffer wire at a distance of 10 cm, 15 cm
and 20 cm. when the ball is dropped from the surface of the glycerin to the
supporting wire, count the time the ball drops with a stopwatch, then record the
results of the time. The experiment was repeated up to 18 times.

Results and Discussion

Fluid is a substance that can flow and can take the form of the place it fills.
Substances including fluids are liquid, air, and gas. A measure of the thickness of
a fluid that shows the size of the internal friction of the fluid is called viscosity.
Fluid viscosity is related to the frictional force between fluid layers, if one layer
moves through another layer. Viscosity in liquid is caused by intermolecular
cohesion forces. Each fluid has a different viscosity value, can be expressed with
η. Phenomenon of viscosity can be observed when dropping a ball into a
measuring cup filled with fluid. The viscosity of the liquid can be determined
using a viscosimeter. Viscosimeter is an equipment used to measure the viscosity
of an object. According to Firmansyah and Imam (2019), viscosimeter is a device
used as a measure of fluid viscosity.

Observation result
r medium ball = o,oo3 m
ρ medium ball = 1360 kg/m^3
r big ball = 0,004 m
ρ big ball = 1560 kg/m^3

ρo fluid = 1260 kg/m^3

Table I ball speed data with r = 0,3 cm

Repetition Distance ( m ) Time ( s ) Speed ( m/s )

I 0,1 0,85 0,12
II 0,1 0,91 0,11
III 0,1 0,86 0,17
IV 0,15 0,70 0,21
V 0,15 0,84 0,18
VI 0,15 0,70 0,21
VII 0,2 1,58 0,13
VIII 0,2 1,45 0,14
IX 0,2 1,52 0,13

Table II ball speed data with r = 0,4 cm

Repetition Distance ( m ) Time ( s ) Speed ( m/s )

I 0,1 0,92 0,11
II 0,1 0,80 0,12
III 0,1 0,70 0,14
IV 0,15 1,10 0,14
V 0,15 1,00 0,15
VI 0,15 0,94 0,16
VII 0,2 1,70 0,12
VIII 0,2 1,63 0,12
IX 0,2 1,56 0,13
Observation results of viscosimeter stokes practicum, namely the value of
the thickness coefficient of glycerin is different. In calculating the value of the
viscosity coefficient of glycerin using the law of stokes, which reads "if an object
works (moves) in a fluid that is still idle then the ball will work the frictional force
in the form of frictional force in the opposite direction of the motion. If a spherical
object is dropped freely into a thick fluid, then its speed will increase due to the
influence of the earth's gravitational force until it reaches a fixed greatest speed.
the equation of Stokes's Law is F = 6 π r η v. The results of the viscosity
coefficient of liquid is obtained from the gravity equation W = 4/3.π.r^3.ρ.g ,
Archimedes force FA = 4/3.π^3. ρo.g , and the law of stokes substituted into the
equation W = R+FA, because the change in velocity of the ball is proportional to
the change in drag force so that the velocity is obtained, where the gravity is equal
to the floating force plus the gravity. the equation obtained after entering gravity,
buoyancy, and the law of stokes, is η = 2.r^2.g.(ρ-ρo)/g.v . The results of the
viscosity calculation using the equation are obtained on a medium sphere of 10
cm which is 150.7 x 10 ^ -4 poise, while that of a large ball is obtained 871.1 x 10
^ -4 poise. The results of the viscosity calculation using the equation are obtained
on a medium sphere of 15 cm which is 98 x 10 ^ -4 poise, while that of a large
ball is obtained 696.9 x 10 ^ -4 poise. The results of the viscosity calculation
using the equation are obtained on a medium sphere of 20 cm which is 150.7 x 10
^ -4 poise, while that of a large ball is obtained 871.1 x 10 ^ -4 poise. The level of
viscosity of a fluid certainly there are factors that influence. These factors are
pressure, temperature, cohesion force, and size and molecular weight. the
viscosity level of a liquid will rise when there is pressure. The pressure will later
affect the bonding of liquid molecules. the higher the pressure the higher the
cohesion force that occurs in the molecules making up the liquid. In liquid
substances, high temperatures will cause viscosity to decrease. This is because
heating can make the cohesion force between molecules weaken. the greater the
molecular mass of an object, the higher its viscosity. For example oil has a heavier
molecular mass compared to water, so the viscosity value is even greater.
viscosity is also influenced by cohesion forces. Cohesion force between similar
molecules in objects. the stronger the cohesive force, the higher the viscosity. In
practicum that has been done, from the four factors above the most prominent
factors are temperature and size and molecular weight. That does not mean that
the pressure factor and cohesion style do not influence, they still influence but are
not so prominent. According to Damayanti et al.(2018), there are several factors
that affect the viscosity of fluids, one of which is temperature. Viscosity is
inversely proportional to temperature. If the temperature rises the viscosity will
decrease and vice versa temperature is closely related to viscosity where the
higher the temperature the smaller the viscosity value.


It can be concluded that in determining the viscosity value of a fluid using

the falling ball method. The ball falling method is by dropping the ball into the
fluid at a certain depth. Which later results obtained various. It caused by several
factors, namely temperature, pressure, cohesion force, and size and molecular


Arsis, A.N., D. Dahlan., Harmadi dan M.Suari.2017.Rancang Bangun Alat Ukur

Kekentalan Oli Sae 10.30 menggunakan Metode Falling Ball

Viscometer (FBV) Small Tube. Jurnal Ilmu Fisika.,9(2):76-86.

Aryanto, D., E.Saptaningrum dan Wijayanto.2012. Rancang Bangun Viskosimeter

Fluida Metode Bola Jatuh Bebas Berbasis Mitrokontroler

ATMEGA 16. Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya.,8(2):1-5.

Damayanti, Y.,A.D.Lesmono dan T.Prihandono.2018.Kajian Pengaruh Suhu

Terhadap Viskositas Minyak Goreng sebagai Rancangan Bahan

Ajar Petunjuk Praktikum Fisika. Jurnal Pembelajaran Fisika.,7(3)


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