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H E AT T R A N S F E R /


How Low
Can You Go?
Plants must evaluate a number of design factors when
operating heat exchangers at ultra-low temperatures

By Jim Lines
harmaceutical, biotech- discussed, as is the performance of heat markedly different when solid
nology and specialty exchangers as heat transfer fluids begin deposits are present. A data
chemical companies are to freeze within them. acquisition system collected
challenging the heat Common low-temperature applica- temperature measurements
transfer community to tions in a pharmaceutical plant are reac- while the exchanger was in
provide solutions that enable tor jacket cooling and vacuum freeze operation. These measure-
critical processes to operate at drying (lyophilization). A heat transfer ments allowed monitoring
extremely cold temperatures. In the system that can provide consistent heat when heat transfer surfaces
past, it was adequate to operate at transfer fluid temperature is essential for developed solid deposits.
temperatures as low as -80˚F (-62.2˚C). product quality and repeatable results The exchangers handled
Now industry continues to push for colder from batch to batch. progressively colder heat
temperatures. Low-temperature heat If a heat transfer fluid begins to freeze transfer fluid; liquid nitro-
transfer fluid manufacturers and heat when exposed to cold operating temper- gen was used as the coolant
transfer companies are being asked to pro- atures, then heat transfer is less efficient. in each heat exchanger. This
vide systems that can run reliably at -148˚F This result leads to temperature increases arrangement simulated
to -184˚F (-100˚C to -120˚C). in the freeze dryer or reactor, compro- reactor jacket cooling serv-
Why such low temperatures? For cer- mising product quality. ice, which typically uses liq-
tain chemical reactions the rule of thumb A heat exchanger performance test- uid nitrogen as the coolant.
is that the reaction time is increased by a ing package was constructed to evaluate Variables affecting per-
factor of two for each 18˚F (10˚C) reduc- the operational characteristics of differ- formance were systemati-
tion in operating temperature. If the tem- ent types of heat exchangers and low- cally varied to determine
perature is too high, the reaction time is temperature heat transfer fluids. The test the practical operating
very quick, adversely impacting quality setup was fully computerized to capture ranges for each heat trans-
and repeatability of results. key operating variables while an fer fluid.
A number of design considerations exchanger was operating. Each type of Methanol, Syltherm
must be taken into account when operat- exchanger was operated with four differ- XLT (Dow), Dynalene
ing at these extreme conditions. This ent low-temperature heat transfer fluids MV (Dynalene) and HFE
article reviews the outcome of recent with identical mass flow rates and tem- 7000 (3M) were the fluids
research of heat exchanger design and peratures to allow for comparison under analyzed. Most of the
heat transfer fluid performance for low- identical operating conditions. analysis was done with
temperature operation. It defines practi- During the research, several helically heliflow heat exchangers,
cal low-temperature operation of the coiled heat exchangers were constructed although brazed plate heat
various heat transfer fluids for a given with thermocouples attached at different exchangers were com-
type of heat exchanger. The performance locations on the heat transfer surface. The pared as well. The testing
characteristics of the different fluids are heat transfer surface temperature is involved varying heat January 2003 | 35

H E AT T R A N S F E R /

transfer fluid flow rates and inlet tem- Reynolds and Prandtl numbers can be in under identical operating conditions.
peratures, as well as liquid nitrogen the case of 15,000 pounds per hour Thermocouples attached to the heat
flow rates and operating pressures. (lb/hr.) (6,800 kilograms per hour transfer surface indicated whether or not
[kg/hr.]) of heat transfer fluid at -130˚F the fluid was freezing onto the heat
Heat transfer (-90˚C) in a heliflow heat exchanger. The transfer surface. Note how dramatically
fluid properties exchanger has 12.3 square feet (sq. ft.) different the thermocouple-measured
A good heat transfer fluid for low- (1.14 square meters [sq. m.]) of heat temperature was when freezing occured.
temperature service must have a low transfer surface. Once solid deposits are present, they act
freeze-point temperature, low viscos- Testing showed that an evaluation of as an insulator and drive the surface tem-
ity and low thermal diffusivity. the freeze point of a heat transfer fluid is perature to much colder levels. The dif-
Depending on the operating range of insufficient to determine the suitability ference is more than 100˚F (56˚C)
the temperature control system, it of a fluid for a given application. The between unfrozen and frozen heat trans-
might need to be capable of operating freeze point, along with the fluid proper- fer surfaces for the conditions tested.
safely at hot temperatures. Table 1 com- ties, the heat exchanger design and fluid Even if the outlet temperature from
pares the fluid properties of the four velocity, plays a part in inhibiting the the heat exchanger is well above freez-
heat transfer fluids tested at -130˚F onset of freezing. Just because the tem- ing, deposit buildup can occur inside a
(-90˚C). perature of the fluid leaving a heat heat exchanger. This effect can be insidi-
A generalized heat transfer correla- exchanger is well above the freeze point ous, as runaway freeze up can sneak up
tion for the heat transfer fluid that of that fluid does not necessarily mean on the control system if it is not prop-
defines how fluid properties impact the fluid will not freeze inside the heat erly configured.
heat transfer is expressed by: exchanger. This consideration is key. The performance graph for Syltherm
XLT shows that one of the thermo-
thermal conductivity couples indicates the presence of
Heat transfer coefficient = C x Rea Prb x frozen deposits even when the out-
a b let fluid temperature is -90˚F
Heat transfer coefficient = C x
viscosity )(
density x velocity x Dh
thermal conductivity Dh )
specific heat x viscosity thermal conductivity
(-68˚C). Syltherm XLT freezes well
below -90˚F, at -168˚F.
As the Syltherm XLT is pro-
Where: How each fluid performed gressively cooled to approximately
Re = Reynolds number Freeze-point temperature alone is not -100˚F inlet and -110˚F outlet, another
Pr = Prandtl number an indicator of whether or not a fluid region in the heat exchanger experiences
Dh = hydraulic diameter will freeze in a heat exchanger. Fluid a condition of freezing and defrosting.
C = constant properties, velocity and heat exchanger When the fluid is cooled further to
a = positive exponent that is less than 1.0 design play important roles as well. Fig. -110˚F inlet, that region freezes entirely.
b = positive exponent that is less than 1.0 1 and Fig. 2 compare the four test fluids The freezing and defrosting condition

Key observations from the general- Table 1. Heat Transfer Fluid Properties
ized correlation include:
• A high density, specific heat and thermal Methanol Syltherm XLT Dynalene MV HFE 7000
conductivity are good for heat transfer. Conventional units
• A low viscosity is good for heat transfer. Reported freeze point -143.5˚F -168˚F <-200˚F <-188.5˚F
It is important to keep the boundary Specific gravity 0.867 0.97 0.93 1.732
layer thin, with efficient heat transfer
Specific heat, Btu/pounds ˚F 0.515 0.368 0.338 0.224
through the boundary layer. The first
bracketed expression is the Reynolds Thermal conductivity, 0.147 0.0795 0.094 0.0576
Btu/hour feet ˚F
number, which is an indication of the
thickness of the fluid boundary layer Viscosity, cP 6.1 33.7 20 4.9
near the heat transfer surface. A high SI units
Reynolds number is important. Reported freeze point -97.5˚C -111˚C <-129˚C <-122.5˚C
The second bracketed expression is Density, kg/cu. m. 867 968.3 930 1732
the Prandtl number, which affects the
Specific heat, kilojoules 2.15 1.541 1.41 0.946
temperature gradient through the per kilogram ˚Kelvin
boundary layer. It is an indication of the
Thermal conductivity, 0.2544 0.1324 0.159 0.0974
rate by which heat is given up by the W/meter ˚Kelvin
heat transfer fluid to the coolant.
Viscosity, milliPascals seconds 6.1 33.7 20 4.9
Table 2 shows just how different the

36 | January 2003

H E AT T R A N S F E R /

is imperceptible by a control system mon- Figure 1. 15,000-pph Syltherm XLT/300 pph LN2 (59 psia)
itoring heat transfer fluid outlet tempera- 96C6C-16S Heliflow - Heat rejection 36,000 to 40,000 Btu/hr.
ture. The freezing/defrosting condition
occurs because as the ice begins to form, 0

local velocity increases, increasing the

local heat transfer coefficient and chang- -50
ing the temperature distribution near the
ice surface. A warmer condition is created
at the deposit surface, melting the deposit. -100

Not until the fluid temperature is lowered Thermocouple 1 (F)

Thermocouple 2 (F)
is the temperature differential sufficient to
Temperature, ˚F
-150 Thermocouple 3 (F)
Thermocouple 4 (F)
overcome the defrosting condition. Thermocouple 5 (F)
Take note of how different the Syltherm XLT inlet (F)
Syltherm XLT outlet (F)
thermocouple-measured temperature is LN2 temp in (F)
N2 temp out (F)
between an unfrozen and frozen condi-
tion. The thermocouple measures a tem- -250
perature at the heat transfer surface of
approximately -150˚F when deposits are
not present.
When a deposit is formed, it repre-
sents a step change in temperature. The -350
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
temperature drops very quickly to Runtime, minutes
approximately -275˚F. The solid is an
insulator. Warm heat transfer fluid can- Figure 2. 15,000-pph HFE7000/500 pph LN2 (59 psia)
not readily conduct heat through the
deposit. Therefore, the surface tempera-
96C6C-16S Heliflow - Heat rejection 60,000 to 70,000 Btu/hr.
ture under the deposit approaches the
liquid nitrogen coolant temperature.
Dynalene MV, a fluid that has a
reported freeze point of less than -200˚F, -50

actually froze at a temperature compara-

ble to Syltherm XLT’s freeze point of -100
-168˚F. It is not clear why this occurred; Thermocouple 1 (F)
therefore, further testing/analysis is Thermocouple 2 (F)
Temperature, ˚F

-150 Thermocouple 3 (F)

needed. Nevertheless, Dynalene MV is Thermocouple 4 (F)
Thermocouple 5 (F)
comparable to Syltherm XLT in terms of HFE 7000 in (F)
a practical operating temperature with- -200 HFE 7000 out (F)
23-LN2 temp in (F)
out freezing, even though it is reported 24-N2 temp out (F)
to have a lower freeze point.
HFE 7000 was the best fluid tested for
the purposes of the test. It could reach the
coldest temperature without loss of per- -300

formance as a result of freezing. Further-

more, HFE 7000 has a very low viscosity, -350
even at cold temperatures, which keeps 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

pressure drop across the heat exchanger Runtime, minutes

low. For the conditions of the test repre- 7000 are mixtures. They are composed of exchanger even if the heat transfer
sented in the graph, HFE 7000 could run a number of different fluids, with each fluid temperature out of the exchanger
at an inlet of approximately -140˚F. The having varied freeze points. Methanol indicates the temperature is well above
fluid underwent freezing and defrosting; cannot reach the cold temperatures that freezing. A control system that meas-
however, the unit performed well. HFE 7000 can; however, it does perform ures heat transfer fluid outlet tempera-
Methanol worked well for tempera- well at temperatures above -130˚F. ture is unreliable. It is not a good way
tures above -130˚F. Because it is a single to avoid freezing. Runaway freezeup is
component, it had the most stable Monitoring heat likely to occur when this type of con-
thermocouple-measured temperatures. exchanger performance trol is used.
Dynalene MV, Syltherm XLT and HFE Freezing can occur inside a heat The ideal way to monitor heat January 2003 | 37

H E AT T R A N S F E R /

exchanger performance is via ther- Figure 3. Methanol Practical Operating Range –

mocouples attached to the heat trans- Heliflow Heat Exchanger Nitrogen Pressure at 60 psia
fer surface; however, not all heat
exchangers lend themselves to such a
setup. When a thermocouple senses a -90
dramatic drop in temperature, say
100˚F or more, freezing already is

Methanol temperatures, ˚F
occurring at that location. Liquid
nitrogen flow rate can be lowered
momentarily until the deposit is driven -110 500 pph nitrogen
400 pph nitrogen
off by the change in temperature gradi- 300 pph nitrogen
ent that will result. -120 200 pph nitrogen
Lower liquid nitrogen flow rate
reduces the heat transfer coefficient on 7,500 lb/hr.
the coolant side, warming the heat = 4 ft./sec.
transfer surface. This type of proactive
control is excellent and far better than 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000
other reactive methods. It does not
impact heat rejection by the exchanger. Methanol flow rates, lb/hr.
Normally, one or two minutes of reduced
nitrogen flow are all that is needed. pressure drop could be the result of coefficient — which normally is what is
Another option is to measure increased viscosity, not freezing. desired — however, here it causes pre-
gaseous nitrogen outlet temperature mature freezing. Also, the narrow pas-
from the heat exchanger. Normally, liq- Practical operating ranges sages in a plate heat exchanger make it
uid nitrogen enters the exchanger and is Each fluid has a particular practical extremely susceptible to runaway
vaporized and superheated to within operating limit in coiled tube heat freezeup. Under this condition, per-
25˚F to 40˚F of the heat transfer fluid exchangers. A coiled tube exchanger formance is lost very quickly, and the
temperature. As deposits form, the offers the lowest practical operating unit freezes solid. No heat transfer
exchanger becomes less efficient. Not as temperature. Shell-and-tube exchangers occurs, and a reaction or freeze-drying
much heat is given up to the liquid have warmer practical limits as a result batch must be discarded.
nitrogen. The nitrogen outlet tempera- of maldistribution of flow on the shell-
ture becomes colder as the amount of side and localized areas of low velocity. What influences performance
superheating is reduced. Freeze occurring in these regions will Once a fluid is selected, steps can be
In the HFE 7000 temperature vs. compromise exchanger performance. taken to maximize performance and
time graph, note how the gaseous Brazed plate heat exchangers also improve cold temperature operation.
nitrogen temperature diverges from will have warmer limits because the For example, heat transfer fluid velocity
the heat transfer fluid temperature. As thermal efficiency of a plate heat is extremely important. A higher veloc-
the unit develops progressively more exchanger maximizes the heat transfer ity is better than a lower one. Fig. 3
frozen deposits, the nitrogen outlet fluid and liquid nitrogen heat transfer shows when liquid nitrogen flow is 300
temperature becomes colder and
colder. This type of control will work; Table 2. Heat Transfer Fluid Comparison
however, it is a reactive rather than a
proactive control. Methanol Syltherm XLT Dynalene MV HFE 7000
A third control option is to measure Fluid velocity ft./sec. (m./sec.) 8.4 (2.6) 7.5 (2.3) 7.8 (2.4) 4.2 (1.3)
heat transfer fluid pressure drop. As the Reynolds number 3,160 571 960 3,900
heat transfer fluid solidifies onto the Prandtl number 52 377 174 46
heat transfer surfaces, flow passages
become restricted and pressure drop
across the exchanger increases. This Table 3. Practical Operating Limits in Coiled Heat Exchangers
approach is harder to control because
Fluid Practical temperature limit,˚F (˚C)
pressure drop does increase as operating
temperature becomes colder. As a fluid is Methanol -110 to -130˚F (-79 to -90˚C)
progressively cooled, its viscosity Syltherm XLT -115 to -125˚F (-82 to -87˚C)
increases. Certain fluids have steep vis- Dynalene MV -115 to -130˚F (-82 to -90˚C)
cosity vs. temperature curves in the HFE 7000 -145 to -165˚F (-98 to - 109˚C)
colder operating range. The increase in

38 | January 2003

H E AT T R A N S F E R /

pounds per hour (pph) for a heliflow Figure 4. 15,000-pph Dynelene MV/300 LN2 (59 psia)
heat exchanger, at 4 feet per second 96C6C-16S Heliflow - Heat rejection 36,000 to 40,000 Btu/hr.
(ft./sec.) (7,500 pph) methanol could be
cooled to -115˚F without freezing occur- 0
ring. At 6 ft./sec. (11,000 pph). methanol
at -121˚F was acceptable. For 8 ft./sec.
(15,000 pph) and 12 ft./sec. (21,000
pph), methanol temperatures of -126˚F
and -130˚F, respectively, are achievable. -100

Another possibility is to increase the Thermocouple 1 (F)

Thermocouple 2 (F)
nitrogen supply pressure. The vaporiza-
Temperature, ˚F
-150 Thermocouple 3 (F)
Thermocouple 4 (F)
tion temperature of nitrogen varies Thermocouple 5 (F)
greatly with pressure. Dynalene MV in (F)
Dynalene MV out (F)
As operating pressure increases, the 23-LN2 temp in (F)
24-N2 temp out (F)
boiling temperature increases. A higher
boiling temperature will help to keep -250
the heat transfer surface warmer and,
consequently, reduce the possibility of
freezing the heat transfer fluid. Nitrogen
pressure of 150 psia vs. 50 psia can lower
the practical operating temperature of a -350
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
heat transfer fluid by 10˚F to 15˚F. Runtime, minutes
A third possibility is try to mini-
mize liquid nitrogen usage by maxi-
mizing the amount of superheat. Once Figure 5. 15,000-pph MeOH/300 LN2 (59 psia)
liquid nitrogen is vaporized, the gas is 96C6C-16S Heliflow - Heat rejection 38,000 Btu/hr.
heated (superheated) in the exchanger.
The closer the nitrogen gas outlet tem-
perature is to the heat transfer fluid
temperature, typically, the colder the -50
heat exchanger is able to operate. A
lower nitrogen flow will reduce the
nitrogen heat transfer coefficient and Thermocouple 1 (F)
cause the heat transfer surface to be Thermocouple 2 (F)
Thermocouple 3 (F)
warmer. This approach helps to avoid -150 Thermocouple 4 (F)
Temperature, ˚F

Thermocouple 5 (F)
freezing. MeOH in (F)
From the Methanol Practical Oper- -200
MeOH out (F)
LN2 temp in (F)
ating Range graph, at 15,000 pph of N2 temp out (F)
methanol (8 ft./sec.), 200 pph of nitro-
gen allowed the temperature of the heat -250

transfer fluid to reach -130˚F without

freezing. For 300 pph nitrogen, it is -300
-125°F. At 400 pph and 500 pph nitro-
gen flow, -120°F and -115°F, respec-
tively, were the coldest temperatures -350
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
without incurring freezing. Runtime, minutes

Conclusion operation is possible; however, special marketing activities. He can be reached at

Low-temperature applications in which care with heat transfer fluid selection, the (585) 343-2216; fax: (585) 343-1097; e-
heat transfer fluid temperatures are below control system to monitor freezing and mail:
-100˚F (-73˚C), are challenging. Plants heat exchange design are important. CP
must consider more than the heat transfer Reader interest review
fluid freeze point. The physical properties Lines is vice president of marketing for Gra- Please circle the appropriate number
of the fluid, the type of heat exchanger ham Corp., where he is responsible for appli- on the reader service card to indicate
the level of interest in this article.
and nitrogen supply conditions play key cation engineering, computer engineering,
roles in satisfactory performance. Cold estimating, research and development and High 534 Medium 535 Low 536 January 2003 | 39

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