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Dye Preparation
After Lawsonia sp. has been dried to
remove H2O at 110°C, grind the
Lawsonia Inermis leaves with
ethanol to extract chlorophyll.

Determine the type of chlorophyll

UV-Vis Spectrophotometer are used
to determine the type of chlorophyll
either the sample was α-chlorophyll
or β-chlorophyll.

Fabrication of sample by using

drop casting method
Add 5mL acetone into a beaker that
contain 0.03g PMMA at 150°C.
Next, 2g of TiO2 and 2mL
chlorophyll added into the solution
until it become a paste. Finally,
applied the paste on the conductive
side of ITO glass and made it like

Analysis of DSSCs

Absorption Light, λmax FTIR spectroscopy of I-V properties

The adsorption of the dye The I-V of DSSC was
on the surface of TiO2 Transmittance used for tested under sunlight, and
were characterized using qualitative analysis to identify different LED color of
UV-Vis types of bond based on peaks light source.
spectrophotometer to that corresponds to the present
indicate the maximum of functional groups in the
wavelength. chlorophyll.

Lawsone dyes extracted from Henna (Lawsonia Inermis L.) are used to investigate their possibility as
photosensitizers on a TiO₂ photoelectrode. Nowadays, study of dyes extracted from natural resources is
the main concern for researchers So, this study is to investigate the effectiveness of (DSSCs) using natural
dye Lawsonia sp., to fabricate DSSCs using drop casting method, to characterized dye compound using
UV-Vis and FTIR and characterized the voltage and current properties of DSSCs. The maximum
absorption light attribute in the chlorophyll is 418.24 nm which showed the presence of chlorophyll α.
Phenols, alkanes, alkenes and carbonyl presence in FTIR test. The I-V test under sunlight is
0.135V,0.005A while under blue light it produces the higher I-V with 0.014V,0.003A.
the objectives are to investigate the effectiveness of DSSCs using natural dye Lawsonia sp., to fabricate
DSSCs using drop casting method, to characterized dye compound using UV-Vis and FTIR and
characterized the voltage and current properties of DSSCs. The problem of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell is
the efficiency that is still low compared to silicon solar cells. Semiconductors materials is highly toxics
and not safe for human and to overcome the silicon-base cost production the thin film solar cell is applied
but need to find the proper solvent of toxicity materials which also increase the efficiency of the solar
cell. This study will be significant endeavor in a capable third-generation photovoltaic technology due to
it very easier in production, and it also gets recognized due to ability in converting solar energy into
electricity by using organic and inorganic materials.
The FTIR spectra of chlorophyll extracted from Lawsonia inermis leaves showed the characteristic of the
peaks for hydroxyl (phenol), alkenes, alkanes, and carbonyl. The UV-visible absorption was determined
the λmax of the chlorophyll, observed at 418.24nm that confirmed as α-chlorophyll. The voltage under
blue light for 2.0 mL chlorophyll is 0.114 V and the current is 0.003A while violet light it produced 0.088
V and 0.001A. Under the sunlight source, the I-V was determined as 0.135V and 0.005A. Current
produced are low because the resistance of the DSSCs is high proven the formula V=IR. To increase the
conductivity, the ionic materials should be use in DSSCs such as piperidinium iodide (PipI). This will be
causing the impedance to be low at the same time increasing the current flow.


418.24 nm


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