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Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that come in many shapes including ball,
rod and spiral-shaped. Most bacteria are not harmful, and some are actually
beneficial. Less than 1% of bacteria is infectious—which can multiply in the body
leading to disease. They produce toxins which can make you very ill. For example,
most strains of Escherichia coli (E. coli) are required as part of the normal gut flora, as it has
beneficial functions such as helping with the production of vitamin K2. Bacteria in the large
intestine help with the final stages of digestion. Bacteria tend to be vulnerable to an
antibiotic, which is why people who have a bacterial infection are often prescribed

Bacteria are spread by:

 Coughing and sneezing

 Surface and skin contact
 Bodily fluids such as blood and saliva
 Sexual intercourse

. Most bacteria, apart from the sphere-shaped variety (cocci), move around with the
aid of a tail or flagella. Under correct conditions they reproduce by dividing in
two and can multiply into a large population quite rapidly. The term used for this
process is binary fission.

 If the environmental conditions don’t suit the bacteria, they can become dormant
and are referred to as spores. They develop a thick outer coating and await the
appropriate change of conditions.

Examples of infections caused by bacteria include:

 Tuberculosis
 Chlamydia
 Bacterial meningitis
 Strep throat
 Some urinary tract infections

Viruses cannot multiply on their own, so they have to invade a ‘host’ cell and take over its
machinery in order to be able to make more virus particles. They do this by latching on to
human cells and getting inside them. Viruses are tiny infectious agents that have a
simple structure—consisting of DNA or RNA within a protein capsule. They can only
replicate in the living cells of other organisms. Viruses are not affected by antibiotics,
which is why antibiotics are not prescribed for viral infections. There are, however, antiviral
drugs available to treat some infections.

Viruses are responsible for causing a variety of diseases, including:

 Influenza
 Common cold
 Chicken pox and shingles
 Measles
 Dengue fever

Viruses are spread in very much the same way as bacteria. They can enter the body
through a vector such as a mosquito, a cut on the skin, ingesting food or contact with
infected surfaces, bodily fluids or faeces.

Most fungi are harmless, and we eat quite a few of them.

Included in the kingdom fungi are mushrooms, moulds in blue or green vein cheese
and yeasts(single-celled) in bread. A fungus is a simple plant-like organism. Unlike
plants, fungi do not make their own food. Some species of fungi get their nutrition by
breaking down the remains of dead plants or animals.

Other types of fungi can lead to illness. Examples include:

Athletes foot—causing itching, scaling and cracking of the skin on the feet. Infection
is usually triggered by moist environments such as sweaty feet in shoes.

Candida—can cause thrush, infection of the mouth, throat, stomach and urinary
tract. Infection commonly occurs in people who take antibiotics or have an impaired
immune system.

Ringworm—reddish, itchy, scaly rash that usually occurs on the skin and scalp.

Fungal infections often affect the lungs, skin or nails. Some infections may also
penetrate the body to affect organs and cause whole-body infections.
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Some parasites are very complex; many are pathogenic and cause infection and can be spread
from person to person. Parasites usually enter the body through the mouth or the skin.
Parasites are organisms that live on or inside another organism and benefit by
getting nutrients at the expense of their host. They often spend part of their life cycle
outside of the host, living in food, soil, water or insects. They can invade your body
by eating contaminated food or drink. Eggs can then become stuck to fingertips or under
the fingernails and can be transferred to other people, food, children’s toys, kitchen utensils
or even toothbrushes. Other people then come into contact with the eggs, and if they touch
their mouths and swallow the eggs they become infected with the threadworm.

Malaria is transmitted to humans via a vector such as a mosquito.

Many parasites call your intestinal tract home and are harmless.

Examples of diseases that parasites cause include:

 Giardia
 Toxoplasmosis
 Cryptosporidiosis

There are several types of parasites that infect humans:

Rounds worms—also called nematodes, these are worms with a long round body.
They can get into humans and animals by ingestion, directly penetrating the skin or
through insect bites. Examples include whipworm, hookworms and Wuchereria
bancrofti which are transmitted via mosquitos.

Tapeworms—these are flat, segmented worms that live in the intestines of some
animals and humans. They are usually transmitted to humans by eating
undercooked meat from infected animals. Their larvae can migrate to other parts of
the body. Examples include pork, beef or fish tapeworm.

Flukes—also called blood flukes, this type of parasitic flatworm is usually obtained
from swimming in contaminated water. Blood fluke larvae are released from infected
snails into freshwater.  Liver flukes can be found in raw or undercooked fish or water
plants and can live in the body of the host for decades.

Protozoa—are delivered by biting insects or are ingested via contaminated water or

food. Protozoa are single celled parasites that can divide only within a host
organism. Examples include Giardia, Plasmodium falciparum and Trichomonas.

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