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Consequences! The teacher needs Better parents.

control of the class.

A WHISTLE! She needs classroom

A more engaging

a vacation! a better lesson plan

More structure and
Today’s Objectives
Immediate Objective:
1. Given sample case studies, the learner will identify and sort the root
causes of misbehavior.

2. Given the Teacher Behavior Continuum and a set of behavior

scenarios, students will choose the appropriate teacher response ten
out of twelve times.

Ongoing Objective:
3. The learner will write and then be able to defend his or her own
behavior management philosophy.
Rudolph Dreikurs
• Discipline = self-control based on social interest.
• Self-controlled students:
-show initiative
-make reasonable decisions
-assume responsibility
• Social interest: a comfortable and productive
classroom will benefit both themselves and others
and better meet each student’s personal needs
Dreikurs: Principle Teachings
Dreikurs: Principle Teachings

Dreikurs: Principle Teachings
When seeking attention, students talk out, show off, interrupt
others, and demand teacher attention
When seeking power, they drag their heels, make comments
under their breath, and sometimes try to show that the teacher
can’t make them do anything
When seeking revenge, they try to get back at the teacher and
other students by lying, subverting class activities, and
maliciously disrupting the class
When seeking to display inadequacy, they withdraw from class
activities and make no effort to learn
Group Work
10:40-10:50 EtherPad Discussion Groups
-incorporate new ideas from Dreikurs
-add new notes and examples, use job aid
10:50-11:05 Poster Creation & Planning
-list 5-10 implications for classroom teachers
-prepare a 3 minute explanation
11:05-11:35 Presentations
-share posters
-complete peer feedback forms
Preventing Misbehavior
1. Daily routine
2. Standard procedures
3. Established method for solving disagreements
4. Engaging lessons
5. Give students an element of choice
6. WAIT until you have everyone’s attention giving directions
7. Use your voice
8. Make your instructions VERY clear
9. Have a student rephrase and repeat instructions
10. Be flexible
11. Have high expectations
Procedures & Routines
The Teacher Behavior Continuum
• Teach students the behavior continuum
• Show them the silent cues
• Make it fun, but show them that you mean business. They
need to hear what your serious voice sounds like.
• If you get good at this, you can stop misbehavior before it gets
the chance to start- without interrupting the class!
• Explain that you expect the students to have self-control.
They should be able to fix their own behavior after a few
silent prompts from you!
• You are on their team. You HOPE that they will never have to
get their parents or principal involved!
The Golden Rule
Do NOT stop the lesson!
The Teacher Behavior Continuum
How to deal with behavior incidents
1. Ignore or wait it out…
2. “The Look” or Proximity
3. Non-Directive Statement or Proximity Praise
4. Name and Quiet Question
5. Praise for redirection
6. Directive warning and “The File”
7. Time out, File, and “The Red Book” (Responsibility Form)
8. Loss of recess, file, red book ,and conference
(Responsibility Plan filled out by you, signed by student)
9. See above + parent signature for Responsibility Form
10.Same as above + principal involvement
Logical vs. Illogical Consequences
Weekly Progress Report
Weekly Progress Report

Name: ___________________________________________________
Date: _______________ Teacher: Miss Ebel

Rating Scale:
4= Excellent 3= Almost There 2= Not Consistent 1=Needs Improvement

____ Respects the Feelings and Property of Others

____ Practices Self-control and Safety
____ Follows Directions the First Time
____ Listens When Others Are Speaking
____ Stays On Task and Uses Time Wisely
____ Completes Work On Time and Stays Organized
____ Positive Attitude, Effort, and Participation


Parent Signature
Please sign and return by Monday.
Small Group Work
12:00-12:20 Role Play
-break into teams of 2-3
-use the Job Aids
-take turns role playing the characters
12:20-12:30 Closure: Any Questions?
-for next week
-EXIT Ticket responses
1. The student shouts out the answer. It is the BEST answer you have heard all day, but he
did not raise his hand. What do you do?
2. The student is tearing up erasers and pencils in her desk. Then she begins to tap her
pencil on the desk repeatedly. Now what?
3. The student falls out of his chair.
4. The student is not following the directions for the art assignment and has started gluing
before laying out the pieces of her collage.
5. The student falls out of his chair for the second time that day.
6. You catch the student reading under her desk while you are teaching a lesson.
7. The student is whispering to another student during another child’s presentation.
8. All of the students at one table have taken out their workbooks like you asked except
for one.
9. You have given the student all of the silent cues and told her that you would have to
put this in her “file” but she chooses to disrupt the class again.
10. You have quietly reminded the student that she should be at her seat writing in her
journal. She does not get out of her seat again and completes the work.
11. The entire class has your attention, but one child is still talking.
12. The student’s behavior is harmful or hurtful to others or has exceeded the number of
acceptable incidents for the day. Student is unable to describe or redirect his own
For NEXT Week
1. Online Mastery Quiz #2

2. Online Pre-class Quiz #3

3. Portfolio Post #3: Metaphor for classroom management philosophy

4. Portfolio Posts #4-6: Take 3 ideas from Checklist 1 and fully develop

5. Readings: Add ideas for Checklists 2, 3, &4

6. Discussion Board Post #3

7. Pre-session Video Lectures #3: EtherPad Discussion Groups

(sign up for the video of your choice on the LMS after class)
EXIT Ticket

1. What is the most important thing you learned in class today?

2. What did you enjoy the most?

3. Do you have any further questions?

4. What would you like to learn more about?

EXIT Ticket

1. What is the most important thing you learned in class today?

2. What did you enjoy the most?

3. Do you have any further questions?

4. What would you like to learn more about?

“Teaching seems to require
the sort of skills one would
need to pilot a bus full of
live chickens backwards, with
no brakes, down a rocky
road through the Andes
while providing colorful and
informative commentary on
the scenery.”
~Franklin Habit

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