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The educational values of khanduri Apam in Aceh

Sarah fazilah1, suqya rahmah2, syarifah mabrur walmaghfirah3, yuslinda anizah4

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Ar-Raniry State Islamic University, Banda Aceh,


Goal/brief introduction :

Methodology :

Findings :

The research found that......

Key words


a. Bakground

local wisdom is the culture which is produced from human thought process to adjust its
presence in nature that can be embodied in concreate works in the use of invironment. Aceh as
one of special area of indonesia, has many local wisdom which differ it to the other one of the
famous local wisdom in Aceh is kenduri Apam. Kenduri apam is a tradition that deeply rooted
and has a very deep philosopical value both in terms of religious and social-cultural perspective.
[ CITATION Hab17 \l 1057 ]

Looking to the history and stories of parents, kenduru Apam has been going since the
sultanate of Aceh Darussalam period. This feast also has it own history when originated from a
sufi named Abdullah Rajab.

Kanduri Apamis unique. The uniqueness of Kenduri Apam is that is cooked alternatefly
from one house to another. This kind of activity may have social value in helping each other.

a. Definition of local wisdom

 Mungmachon (2012), local wisdom is the basic knowledge gained from living in balance
with nature.
 Nasir (2013), local wisdom is a form to find the format of values that grow in society.

Types of local wisdom

b. Kenduri Apam

 Habib Razali (2017), Apam is one of Aceh traditional food which is usually cooked in
rajabor nearly into isra miraj.
 Helmi Abu Bakar (2017), “Tet Apam” is a local wisdom of Aceh which has philosophy
value not only in religion context but social and it culture as well.

c. The Origin of Kenduri Apam

 Hurgronje (1985: 250), it is said that there was a person in Acehness society who used to
know the fate of people in the tomb, he pretended to be dead and buried alive.
Immediately he was examined by angels about his religion and charity, because of many
short comings, the person was beaten with iron clubs. But the blow could not hit him,
because there was something he could not see clearly in the dark and had the shape of
the moon as if to protect it from a blow. He tried to get out of grave. When this
experience was told, it was leraned that the one who help him when he was hit in
around grave like the moon was a fire cake that was being made by his family.


a. Aspek ontologis

local wisdom is cultural and social in village. Acehness people in cross history mentioned
between adat and religion are an inseparable part, because it has become a characteristic of
islamic low in Aceh. One of the cultures that has long been inhersted in aceh Teout Apam, this
traditional is usually displayed in the Rajab month. This traditional has long been developed and
has very deep philosopical value both in religion and social culture. Even though this tradition
has been very long since ancertral times, thistradition is still was known and there are still many
acehness people celebrating Toeut apam event in their respective regions.

b. Aspek Epistimology
According to the story there was once an Acehnese who wanted to know the fate of
people in the tomb, especially about the question raised by the grave angels of Nakir munkar
and their sentences, he pretended to be dead and buried alive. Immediately he was examined
by angels about his religion and charity, because of many shortcoming, the person was beaten
with an iron club. But the blow could not hit him, because there was something he could not
see clearly in the dark and had the shape of the moon as if protect it from a blow. He managed
to get out of his narrow place (grave) and immediateled met his family and was suprised to see
him again. When this experience was told, it was learned that the one who helped him when he
was hit in around grave like the moon was fire cake that was being made by his family.

Apam is not cooked on a stove or kindling, but with on ‘ue tho (dried coconut leaves). In
fact, people believe that Apam should not be cooked except with this on eu tho. Apam cuisine
is considered good, if the surface while the back is not black and flat (not pockmarked).

3. Aspek Aksionoly

The purpose of this culture is to make ties of friendship and welfare, moral values in
islam. In the historical trajectory mentioned beetwen adat and religion is an inseperable part.
Costumary and cultural practices reflect the characteristics of islamic law. One culture that has
long been passed down in our society is Aceh.


Uniquely, although there are each particular characteristic area of the apam shape. But
“Apam pide



Razali, H. (2017, April 24). Kenduri Apam, jamuan sebelum Isra Miraj di Aceh.

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