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Road Safety and Mass Consciousness: A Bangladesh Perspective

The recent student protest all over Bangladesh terming the pathetic death of two
students in a road accident in order to send a message to the anarchic transport
sector is optimistic and expected and Bangladesh has to go far long to bring about
a positive change in the transport sector as well as other sectors.

Lack of accountability, transparency, reliability and full of corruption,

mismanagement, anarchy and irregularity have turned the different sectors of
Bangladesh into seemingly incorrigible, uncontrollable, and impossible phenomena
where it is alarming that the authorities concerned aren’t efficient, effective,
responsible and competent enough to control and curb the limitless, unbearable and
unmanageable public sufferings and distress in order to pacify the complications,
complexities and disorderliness in various sectors of Bangladesh.

That’s why, it’s essential for the conscious, aware and responsible citizens and
groups to raise public awareness at a large scale and to lead and re-direct the public
opinions, emotion, passion and consciousness to materialize a radical,
comprehensive and timely change in different problematic and haphazard sectors
and areas of our country.

Bangladesh is yet to ensure regularity, timeliness, ethics, justice, transparency,

accountability and reliability in its national life so that the individual citizens and
various communities gradually will be able to adapt themselves with disciplined
and regular lifestyles in personal, professional and national levels for long.

Unfortunately, the good features of Bangladesh have been undermined by various

man-made complications and natural calamities since its independence and it’s
difficult to determine how and when the true development initiatives of
Bangladesh will be successful and effective considering the irregular and
indeterminable state of development progress in the history of Bangladesh.

The public-inspired mass student protest in Bangladesh clearly indicates that the
very young generation of Bangladesh can also protest against tyranny, anarchy,
oppression and irregularity with proper courage, determination, unity and

The country-wide protest of school and college–going students obviously indicates

that the people of Bangladesh are conscious, aware, vigilant and alert in case of
bringing about a positive change for the welfare, betterment and well-being of their
country where the unified and unanimous protest arrangement of the tender-aged
young generation disseminates their messages to the people of all walks of life and
the authorities concerned of Bangladesh.

It’s very much difficult for Bangladesh to keep pace with the competitive world in
terms of socio-economic development in order to suffice and serve her upbringing
population where it’s to consciously remember that the fortune of our hard-
working people will not be changed if the whims, habits and lifestyles of our
people aren’t reformed, corrected and moderated.

Unfortunately, as long as the mass student protest was postponed considering the
welfare of the people’s easy-going life and the hope and aspirations of a corrected
phenomenon amid reckless and inconsiderate transportation system on the
mismanaged, shattered and hazardous road management framework ; the
transportation life of Bangladeshi people restarted with previous and never-
changing mismanagement, hazard and irregularity, which is totally and absolutely
tragic, pathetic, rude, ruthless, absurd, unpredictable and undeterminable.

The unfortunate, inconsiderate, unconscious, unwise, arrogant, mysterious and

improvident nature, habit and behaviour of our people of vested interests have
undermined and degraded the fortune of our common masses who also aren’t
completely conscious, alert, and vigilant in preserving their rights, fortune and

Whether protest, movement or peaceful agitation can certainly initiate an expected

change in the national life of Bangladesh is a matter of debates and discussions
where the authorities concerned are surprised enough how and when the long-
awaited changes will occur to ensure a sound, good, standard, and honoured life
the Bangladeshi people will deserve.

Bangladesh has to go far to reduce the sufferings of the common masses, to

emancipate its suffering humanity, and to turn the wheels of its fortune where the
motherland, Bangladesh expects sensibility, consciousness, moderation,
modernization and standardization from her offspring of the soil to initiate real
development and improvement of its socio-economic, geo-political and global

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