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Kelompok 21

Nama :

1. Nur Afni Oktavia

2. Nihayatul Illah

3. Endro Prabowo

Question 5-8

(Narrator) Listen to a talk in a lecture series.

(Man) This is the fourth lecture in a series of Personal Health Care

lectures presented by student health services. I’m Dr.Hall, a
dermatologist, and tonight I will be speaking about the effects of
stress on the skin.

The relationship between skin problems and stress in rather

complicated skin problem often accompany stress, but it is not the
stress itself that directly cause’s the skin problems. Instead, it is the
side effects of stress, such as the use of alcohol, tobacco and
caffeine, that are often to hlame.

Alcohol consumed in large quantities can cause problems with the

skin by increasing the flow of blood to the skin, this makes the skin
feel warmer and can really worsen the itching that accomparies
conditions such as hives or cosacea. Nicotine and caffeine, on the
order hand, cause problem by reducing the supply of blood to the
skin, this in turn keeps the skin from being property nourished.

Thank you veru much for you atention and I hope that you will
return next week for the next lecture in the series.
5. Who is the speak ?

6. What is the topic of the talk ?

7. Which of the following can worsen itching ?


Growth is an increase in the number and size while the development focuses on changes
that occur gradually and the lowest level and complex through the process of mauration
and learning (Whalex and Wone, 2000) Growth and development is a process, in which a
child not only grows up but develops to become more skilled which includes two events
that are different but interrelated and difficult to separate.

1. Growth is related to the problem of changes in large julmla, size / dimensions, level of
organ cells and individuals that can be measured by weight, length, bone age and
electrolyte balance.

2. Development (development) is an increase in the ability in the structure and function

of the body that is more complex, in a regular pattern and can be predicted as a result of
the maturation process including the development of emotions, intellectuals and
behavior as a result of the environment. For optimal growth and development depends
on biological, psychological and behavioral potential which is a unique process and the
end result is different that gives its own characteristics to each child.


1. Hereditary factors Is the basic capital in achieving the final outcome of the process of
falling the child through genetic instructions can be determined the quality and quantity
of growth, growth disorders caused by chromosomal abnormalities (eg: Down
syndrome, Turner Syndrome) are also caused by inadequate environmental factors.

a. Sex: adequacy and development in boys is different from girls

b. Race: race / ethnicity can affect the fall of children, some ethnic groups have
2. Environmental factors a. Internal environment

1. Intelligence In general, high intelligence, development is better than if intelligence is


2. Hormones There are 3 hormones that affect children, namely somatotropic for height
growth especially in childhood, thyroid hormone stimulates the growth of testicular
interstitial cells, produces testosterone and ovaries, produces estrogen which affects the
development of reproductive organs

3. Emotions A warm relationship with parents, siblings, peers and teachers influences
the emotional, social, intellectual development of children, the way children interact
with family will affect children's interactions outside the home.

b. External environment

1. Culture Family / community culture influences how children perceive and understand
health and healthy behavior.

2. Socio-economic status Children who are different and raised in low socioeconomic
family environments and many have limitations to meet their primary needs. 3.
Nutrition For the uprooted child optimally requires adequate nutrition obtained from
nutritious food.

4. Climate / weather Certain climates can affect the health status of children.

5. Sports / physical exercise Exercise has an impact on the child's psychosocial growth
and development.

6. Position of the child in the family The position of the child as an only child, firstborn,
middle child, youngest child will affect the pattern of children after being cared for and
educated in the family.

DEVELOPMENT PERIOD According to Donna, L Wong (2000) child development in

general consists of:

1. Prenatal period There is rapid growth and is very important because of the formation
of organs and organ systems of children, besides the relationship between conditions
that have an impact on growth.
2. Baby period This period consists of neonates (0-28 days) and infants (28-12 days). In
this period, rapid growth and development especially in cognitive, motor and social

3. Early childhood period Consists of children 1-3 years old called toddler and preschool
(3-6 years). Toddlers show further motor development at preschool age. Physical
development is slower and more sedentary.

4. Mid childhood period This period starts at the age of 6-11 years and the growth of
boys is slightly more than that of girls and motor development is more perfect.

5. Late childhood period Is a transition phase in which children begin to enter their teens
at the age of 11-18 years. A striking development in this period is the maturity of sexual
identity with the development of the reproductive organs.

CHILDREN DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN An important period in overthrowing a child is

the toddler age. The development of language skills, creativity, social emotional state
and intelligence runs very fast and is the foundation of subsequent developments. Moral
development and the foundations of personality were also formed at this time. So that
any sexual deviations / deviations of any kind, if not detected and not treated properly,
will reduce the quality of development. Krasenburg, et al (1981) through DDST (Denver
Development Screening Test) suggested 4 development parameters used in assessing
the development of children under five, namely:

1. Personal social (personality / social behavior) Aspects related to the ability to be

independent, socialize and interact with the environment.

2. Fine Motor Adaptive (fine motor movements) Aspects related to the child's ability to
make movements that involve parts of the body and performed small muscles require
careful coordination, for example: drawing skills.

3. Language The ability to respond to sounds, follow commands to speak spontaneously.

4. Gross Motor Aspects related to movement and posture. Some basic "milestones" that
must be known in following the initial level of development. Milestone is the level of
development that must be achieved by certain age children, for example:

a. 4-6 weeks: smile spontaneously, can make a sound 1-2 weeks later

b. 10-16 weeks: raise head, face down, turn toward the voice

c. 20 weeks: reach for an object brought near to him

d. 26 weeks: can move objects from one hand to another

e. 9-10 months: point with the index finger, hold objects with the index finger and

f. 13 months: walk unaided, say single words


1. Risk of injury b / d growth and environmental conditions

2. Lack of knowledge of parents b / d lack of information about the stage of child


3. Impaired sense of security (anxiety) b / d lack of knowledge of mothers about falling


4. Potential increase in regular behavior of babies

PLANNING 1. Dx 1 Intervention a. Supervise children when eating, bathing, playing,

eliminating b. Protect the child's feet with shoes / shoes c. Feed safe for the age of the
child d. Check the temperature of the bath water before bathing

2. Dx 2 Intervention a. Explain to parents about the fallen process that occurs. b. Help
the mother / parent to understand and know about the fallen stages that the child goes
through with a period of growth and development. c. Encourage mothers to read
various child care tips 3. Dx 3 a. Help the mother know the stages that should occur in
the child according to age. b. Help reduce anxiety levels with information provided c.
Give support to mothers to maintain the health of their children and keep monitoring
the growth and development of children.

4. Dx 4

a. Jelaskan keputuhan perkembangan bayi seperti stimulasi (visual, pendengaran,

vestibular, taktil, olfaktorius, gustatorius), periode keterjagaan, kebutuhan tidur.

b. Jelaskan pengaruh stress lingkungan yang berlebihan pada bayi

- Beri daftar tanda tentang stress dari bayi mereka

- Ajarkan untuk menghentikan sitmulasi jika bayi memperlihatkan tanda stress

- Saat memberi intervensi perkembangan: lakukan hanya bila bayi sedang terjaga,
jika memungkinkan perlihatkan pada orang tua contoh ketika bayi mereka terjaga dan
tidak terjaga, mulai dengan satu stimuli setiap kali (sentuhan, suara), lakukan intervensi
dalam waktu singkat, tingkatkan intervensi berdasarkan isyarat bayi, lakukan intervensi
yang sering,

c. Lakukan penyuluhan kesehatan dan rujukan bila diperlukan

- Jelaskan bahwa intervensi perkembangan akan berubah dengan sejalan dengan

berkembangnya anak. Rujuk ke keterlambatan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan untuk
kebutuhan perkembangan yang spesifik sesuai golongan usia.

- Beri orang tua data sumber untuk mendapatkan bantuan di rumah.

EVALUATION 1. Dx 1 Infants free from injuries and identified potentially dangerous

fractures and the home environment, the family will emphasize and demonstrate safe
activities at home. 2. Dx 2 Parents are able to understand and can monitor the child's
developmental expectations. 3. Dx 3 The mother is not anxious and is able to describe
the process of falling to her child and the information provided. 4. Dx 4 The baby will
continue to experience development and growth in accordance with the age group.

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