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your secret strength weapon

32 Warm-Ups & Workouts to Strength Train Smarter

Stop thinking of accessory work as an afterthought. The reality is incorporating these
movements into your training will help you build lean muscle and lose fat faster than doing
metcons alone.

While we love group training, we recognize that many group classes leave gaps in their
programming. If you’re serious about gaining strength or performing at your absolute best,
then you’re going to want to do more than just your typical fitness classes.

In this packet we’ve included accessory movements that you can incorporate into your training
to start seeing major results.

this packet includes:

8 Warm-Ups
8 Upper Body Workouts
8 Lower Body Workouts
8 Arm Workouts

Why don’t group training classes alone cut it?

1. Classes are usually a max of 60 minutes. This only allows for a short period of time to
work on strength before the conditioning portion of class. And if the class happens to
be starting a little late (which is typical), then the warm-ups are rushed in order to get
the class on schedule.
2. Competition has a huge influence on the way the classes are programmed. The
exercises most commonly used in competition are prioritized over everything else. This,
combined with a lack of time during class, pushes most coaches to prioritize double
arm and double leg barbell movements. Things like Olympic lifts, squats, deadlifts, OH
press and vertical pulling (high volume pull-ups) take priority over everything else.
Single leg / single arm movements are many times an afterthought. Over time this can
lead to structural imbalance and injuries. When thinking about “function,” nothing is
more functional than single leg/arm movements, as they challenge your core strength
and joint stability in ways that double leg/arm movements don’t.

One of the biggest problems with treating these movements as an afterthought is that people
rush through them and don’t go heavy enough. If you have a 500 lb. back squat, a 95 lb.
barbell lunge should not be considered a working set. We have athletes that squat 500 lbs.
who regularly do sets of reverse lunges for sets of 6-10 each leg at 225-300 lbs.
Our programming utilizes accessory movements as an opportunity to get stronger. This is
one of the reasons so many people hit huge PRs in the first 12 weeks of doing our Brute Body
Program. In the beginning of the program many clients complain at the lack of volume in the
Olympic lifts, but by the end of week 6 the same clients are hitting 20 lb. clean PRs.

When to include these workouts

These programs are setup to be completed two days a week for 4 weeks. Week 1 workouts
start with an easier variation of the movement and have a higher volume of work due to
higher repetitions or a controlled tempo during the lift. If you are new to the movement, it’s
completely fine to stay at the Week 1 workouts for a few weeks to dial in your form and master
the movement before you use heavy weights.

Coaches Adding These Workouts

The best place to add these workouts to your weekly programming if you are a coach is:

Option 1: Right after your “core” strength work for the day on a day with a short metcon (10
min. or less)

- Warm up
- Strength
1 - Back Squat - 3 x 5
Rest 2 min between sets
2a. 3x6 each SL BB RDL - natural tempo
2b. 3x6 each Weighted Pistol off Box - natural tempo
Rest 90 sec
2c. 3x6 GHR - AHAP
Rest 90-120 sec
- Metcon

Option 2: Make this the primary Strength work for the day

- Warm up
- Strength
1a. 3x6 each SL BB RDL - natural tempo
1b. 3x6 each Weighted Pistol off Box - natural tempo
Rest 90 sec
1c. 3x6 GHR - AHAP
Rest 90-120 sec
- Metcon

When to include these workouts

For athletes adding these workouts, you will most likely have to add them after the your
conditioning for the day. Make sure you are completely recovered before starting these
workouts so you can focus on pushing enough weight to create adaptation in muscle. Also,
your gym owner probably has a very structured approach to the way they program for the
gym. Make sure to ask them if they think these workouts would be a beneficial addition to the
programming and what days they think would be best to add them.

Warm Ups

We use these warm ups to:

1. Increase body temperature (warm up)
2. Dynamically work through optimal ranges of motion
3. Perform Pre-hab exercises for commonly injured areas of the body - hips, shoulder, ankles
4. Prime the Central Nervous System for exercise

Warm Up ideas
upper #1 sets x reps

Side Lying Rotations 2 x 10 each

External Rotators off the knee 2 x 15 each

Single arm push-up with slider 2 x 5 each

Ring rows 2 x 10

Box plyo push-ups 2x5

upper #2 sets x reps

Lying side raise 4 count lower 2 x 6 each

Cuban Press 2 x 10

ALT med ball push-ups 2 x 8 each

Supine pull-ups 2 x 10

Lying med ball toss 2x5

upper #3 sets x reps

Face pulls 2 x 15

Behind the neck press 2 x 10

Ring push-ups 2 x 10

Bent over rows 2 x 15

Clapping push-ups 2x5

upper #4 sets x reps

Y - Hand cuffs 2 x 10

Upright Row 2 x 15

Spider man crawl 2 x 15 yd

Ring rows 2 x 10

OH med ball toss 2x5

lower #1 sets x reps

1 min plank 2x

Bulldogs 2 x 5 each

Groin Plate Slides 2 x 10

Squats w/ band abuduction - 3 count lower - 1 count pause below parallel 2 x 10

Broomstick jumps 2x5

Lower #2 sets x reps

L - sit 2 x 30 sec

Cossack squats 2 x 10 each

Groin band abductions 2 x 15

SL hip-ups 2 x 10

Cycle jumps 2 x 5 each

Lower #3 sets x reps

Side plank to elbow touch 2 x 10 each

DB SL RDL 2 x 10 each

Prisoner squats 2 x 15

X band lateral walks 2 x 10 each

Depth jump to broad jump 2x3

lower #4 sets x reps

Leg lifts 2 x 20

Band pull throughs 2 x 15

Glute bridges 2 x 20

Pistol with band abduction 2 x 5 each

Band resisted lateral jumps 2 x 5 each

total #1 sets x reps

Jumping jacks - regular, clapping, cross 2 x 10 each

TGU 2 x 5 each

Cuban press 2 x 10

Cossack squats 2 x 10 each

Cycle jumps 2 x 5 each

total #2 sets x reps

Weighted plank 2 x 1 min

Spider man crawl 2 x 15 yd

Ext. rotators off knee 2 x 10 each

Bulldogs 2 x 5 each

Broomstick jumps 2x5

total #3 sets x reps

Strict toes to bar 2 x 10

Reverse lunge and reach 2 x 5 each

Behind the neck press 2 x 10

Groin plate slides 2 x 10 each

Burpee broad jump 2x5

total #4 sets x reps

Side plank to elbow touch 2 x 10 each

DB SL RDL 2 x 10 each

X band lateral walks 2 x 10 each

Band front raise to behind neck pull apart 2 x 10

ALT med ball push-ups 2 x 8 each

Depth jump to broad jump 2x3

Lower body workouts

The goal of these workouts is to introduce some of the movements that are commonly an
afterthought for many competitive exercisers. The exercises chosen in this program will
challenge your ankle, knee and hip stability. Many times the limiting factor for weight used
in these movements is the ability to balance during the movement. If you have a hard time
balancing when performing these movements, that is definitely an issue that needs to be
addressed, and you might want to think about prioritizing single leg training above everything
else to bring up your weaknesses. You’ll be amazed at how strong you become and how fast
you start busting through plateaus once you have these mastered.

4 week lower body program

week 1 day 1 sets x reps

1a SL DB RDL - 4 count eccentric 3 x 6 each

1b Goblet side lunge - 4 count eccentric 3 x 6 each

Hip-up to hamstring curl - slider or swiss ball - 4 count eccentric
1c Rest 90-120 seconds 3 x 6 each

week 1 day 2 sets x reps

2a DB step-up 3 x 10 each

2b Glute bridge 3 x 20

2c TKE - Rest 90-120 seconds 3 x 15 each

week 2 day 1 sets x reps

1a SL DB RDL - natural tempo 3 x 6 each

1b Goblet side lunge - natural tempo 3 x 6 each

Single leg hip lift to hamstring curl - slider or swiss ball

1c Rest 90-120 seconds

week 2 day 2 sets x reps

2a DB Bulgarian split squat 3 x 8 each

2b SL glute bridge 3 x 15 each

2c TKE - Rest 90-120 seconds 3 x 15 each

week 3 day 1 sets x reps

1a SL BB RDL - 4 count eccentric 3 x 6 each

Weighted pistol off box - 4 count eccentric

1b Rest 90 seconds
3 x 6 each

Weighted eccentric only hamstring curls - 4 count eccentric - AHAP

1c Rest 90-120 seconds

week 3 day 2 sets x reps

2a BB Reverse lunge 3 x 6 each

2b BB Hip ups 3 x 15

2c TKE - Rest 90-120 seconds 3 x 12 each

week 4 day 1 sets x reps

1a SL BB RDL - natural tempo 3 x 6 each

3x6 each weighted pistol off box - natural tempo

1b Rest 90 seconds
3 x 6 each

1c GHR - AHAP 3x6

week 4 day 2 sets x reps

2a BB reverse lunge on slider 3 x 6 each

2b SL BB Hip ups 3 x 10 each

2c TKE - Rest 90-120 seconds 3 x 10 each

(1a. - 1b.) - This means you will need to superset the exercise. In a superset, you will complete both exercises in the
numbered pairing back to back. Once both exercises are completed, rest for the prescribed amount of time before
restarting the superset. Once all sets of (1a.-1b.) are complete, you will advance to the next superset (2a.-2b.). (1a.-
1b. - 1c.) will be completed the same way. 9
Upper body workouts

The goal of this program is to attack some of the commonly underdeveloped areas of the
upper body. We focus on attacking the external rotators of the shoulder girdle, the upper back
and scapular retractors, and challenging the joint stability of the shoulder through single arm
DB movements. Remember, there is no reason to treat these movements like a warm up. If you
a have a problem stabilizing the DB during a NG Single Arm DB Bench Press, that is an issue
that needs to be addressed. There is a good chance that you’ll hit a pressing PR on a barbell
movement once you have this mastered and start pushing heavy weights.

4 week upper body program

week 1 day 1 sets x reps

1-1a SA NG DB Bench - AHAP - 4 count eccentric 3 x 8 each

1-1b DB Row - AHAP - 4 count eccentric 3 x 8 each

Rot off knee - 4 count eccentric
1-1c Rest 90-120 seconds 3 x 6 each

week 1 day 2 sets x reps

1-2a NG SA DB OH press 3 x 15

1-2b Batwing row - 6 count squeeze 3x8

1-2c YTW - Rest 90-120 seconds 3 x 5 each

week 2 day 1 sets x reps

2-1a SA NG DB bench - 2 count eccentric 3 x 8 each

2-1b DB row - 2 count eccentric 3 x 8 each

Rot off knee - 4 count eccentric
2-1c Rest 90-120 seconds 3 x 6 each

week 2 day 2 sets x reps

2-2a NG SA DB OH press 3 x 12

2-2b Batwing row - 3 count squeeze 3x8

2-2c YTW - Rest 90-120 seconds 3 x 5 each

week 3 day 1 sets x reps

1-1a ALT NG DB bench 3 x 10 each

1-1b SA BB row 3 x 10 each

1-1c Cuban press - Rest 90-120 seconds 3 x 10

week 3 day 2 sets x reps

1-2a ALT NG DB OH press 3 x 10 each

1-2b Single arm ring row 3 x 10 each

1-2c SA upright row - Rest 90-120 seconds 3 x 10 each

week 4 day 1 sets x reps

2-1a ALT NG DB bench 3 x 8 each

2-1b SA BB row 3 x 8 each

2-1c Cuban press - Rest 90-120 seconds 3x8

week 4 day 2 sets x reps

2-2a ALT NG DB OH bench 3 x 8 each

2-2b Single arm ring row 3 x 8 each

2-2c SA upright row - Rest 90-120 seconds 3 x 8 each

(1a. - 1b.) - This means you will need to superset the exercise. In a superset, you will complete both exercises in the
numbered pairing back to back. Once both exercises are completed, rest for the prescribed amount of time before
restarting the superset. Once all sets of (1a.-1b.) are complete, you will advance to the next superset (2a.-2b.). (1a.-
1b. - 1c.) will be completed the same way.

Arm program workouts

We included these arm workouts because arm training is the first to be thrown off the list of
a functional training program with limited time. A lot of coaches throw it off the list even if
they do have plenty of time. Why? Why do you want to walk around with pea shooters when
you could be packing around enough heavy artillery to invade a small country? We don’t get
it. Also, single joint exercises for the biceps and triceps do a great job cleaning up elbow pain
and forearm tendonitis.

4 week arm program

week 1 day 1 sets x reps

1-1a BB curl - 4 count eccentric 3x8

1-1b BB skull crusher - 4 count eccentric - Rest 90-120 seconds 3x8

1-2a ALT DB hammer curl 3 x 10 each

1-2b SA DB OH triceps extension - Rest 90-120 seconds 3 x 10 each

week 1 day 2 sets x reps

2-1a Incline DB curls 1¼ 4 count eccentric 3x8

2-1b Incline DB skull crushers - Rest 90-120 seconds 3 x 12

2-2a DB French press 3 x 15

2-2b Reverse BB curls - Rest 90-120 seconds 3 x 15

week 2 day 1 sets x reps

1-1a BB curl - 3 count eccentric 3x8

1-1b BB skull crusher - 3 count eccentric - Rest 90-120 seconds 3x8

1-2a ALT DB hammer curl 3x8

1-2b SA DB OH triceps extension - Rest 90-120 seconds 3x8

week 2 day 2 sets x reps

2-1a Incline DB curls 1¼ 2 count eccentric 3x8

2-1b Incline DB skull crushers - Rest 90-120 seconds 3 x 10

2-2a DB French press 3 x 15

2-2b Reverse BB curls - Rest 90-120 seconds 3 x 15

week 3 day 1 sets x reps

1-1a BB curl - 2 count eccentric 3 x 15

1-1b BB skull crusher - 2 count eccentric - Rest 90-120 seconds 3 x 15

1-2a ALT DB hammer curl 3x6

1-2b SA DB OH triceps extension - Rest 90-120 seconds 3x6

week 3 day 2 sets x reps

2-1a Incline DB curls 1¼ 3x8

2-1b 3x8 Incline DB skull crushers - Rest 90-120 seconds 3x8

2-2a DB French press 3 x 15/12/10

2-2b Reverse BB curls - Rest 90-120 seconds 3 x 15/12/10

week 4 day 1 sets x reps

1-1a BB curl 3x6

1-1b BB skull crusher - Rest 90-120 seconds 3x6

1-2a ALT DB hammer curl 3x6

1-2b SA DB OH triceps extension - Rest 90-120 seconds 3x6

week 4 day 2 sets x reps

2-1a Incline DB curls 1¼ 3x6

2-1b Incline DB skull crushers - Rest 90-120 seconds 3x6

2-2a DB French press 3 x 12/10/8

2-2b Reverse BB curls - Rest 90-120 seconds 3 x 12/10/8

(1a. - 1b.) - This means you will need to superset the exercise. In a superset, you will complete both exercises in the
numbered pairing back to back. Once both exercises are completed, rest for the prescribed amount of time before 13
restarting the superset. Once all sets of (1a.-1b.) are complete, you will advance to the next superset (2a.-2b.). (1a.-
1b. - 1c.) will be completed the same way.
Spending hours in the gym without seeing the results you’re after is frustrating (to say the
least). And, yet, we see it all the time.

At Brute Strength, we’ve created training programs that help people make the most of their
gym time — as in, actually reaching their goals.

No more plateaus. No more guessing. Just results.

Stop wasting time and start training the right way with the Brute Body Program.

join now


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