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English Applied to Call Center

Call Simulation.

Irma Amaya

Víctor Antonio Vargas Gómez

Bachelor’s Degree in English



Creating a Gmail Account.

1. Open the browser you prefer and go to

2. Click on the blue button that says “create account”.

3. After that, it will appear the sign-up form. Follow the directions by entering the
required information and when you finish click on the blue button that says “Next”.

4. Then, you have to continue entering your information.

5. In order to verify if the number you provided is yours, Google will send you a text
message with a 6-digit verification code that you will have to enter later.

6. Once you’ve received and entered the code, please on the blue square button that
says “verify”.
7. After that, Google will ask you for permission about how the can use your telephone
number. Before you click on the button “Yes, I’m in” click of the blue letters and the
end of the text that says “More options”.

8. Now, read carefully each one of the options and choose the one that you consider
that is right for you.
9. Then you will have to read the section “Privacy and terms” in order to know how you
data is going to be used.
In the end, you will find the button that says “I agree”; however, I suggest you click on
the blue letters that say “more options” in order to be aware of what you’re agreeing.

a. If you click on “More options” you will find some options that detail how your data will
be used by Google. Some of the options are about the web and app activity your
account generates.
Choose what you consider best for you.
b. You can also personalize the ads you will see.
You can choose “show me personalized ads” in case you want to see ads related to
your interests or the option “show me ads that aren’t personalized” in case you don’t
really care about the kind of ads you want to see.

c. In the following option that says “YouTube History,” you can choose whether you
allow Google to save you activity such as Search or the videos you watch in order to
offer you better recommendations or not.
Choose the one that seems convenient for you.
d. The last option is about the location history. In this option, you will allow Google to
use your location data. You can choose whether you want to save your location
history in your Google account or not.

10. Then you click on the button that says “I gree”.

11. Once you agree with all the terms you would have created your Gmail account and
you just have to follow a few more steps to start using it. Please, click on the blue
button “Next”
12. The platform will ask you to choose a design for your account. Choose whichever
you prefer (you can also customize it later).

13. Finally, the home page of your Gmail account is going to appear and now you can
start using it.
How to upload an Instagram story and add it to your highlight.

1. First, open your Instagram app.

2. Look for the camera icon that is in the left upper corner of the screen.
3. You can upload photos or videos that are saved on your cellphone or you can take
and record videos right from your Instagram app and then post them from there.

- If you want to take a photo right from the Instagram app you just need to tap on the
white rounded button that is in the lower part of the screen, but if you want to record
a video you just need to tap and hold the same button as long as you need to record.
- If you want to upload photos or videos from your cellphone you just need to look for a
small box in the left lower corner in which you can see a small view of your gallery.
Tap on that box and choose the picture or video you want to upload (it can be one or
4. Once you have chosen the picture you want to upload you can add a filter by sliding
your fingers to the right or left of your screen.
You can also add some text, music, or even mention another Instagram user.

5. When your photo is ready to be shared with your followers you have to tap on the
button that says “send to” and there you can choose who will see your story. You can
share your story with all your followers or just with the people you have chosen as
“Close friends”.
Then, tap on the blue button that says “share” that is next to the option that is best for
6. Then you tap on the button “done”.

7. Then, go to the story area and see your story. Once you are there tap on the option
that is at the bottom of the screen that says “highlight”; then you can select where
you want your story will be shown.
8. You can create a new section of “highlights” if you don’t have one, you just have to
tap on option that says “New”.

9. Then you write a name for this section and tap on the button “add”.
10. And finally, your photo has been added to Highlights. You can tap on “view on
Profile” if you want to see it right now or you can tap on the option “done” if you want
to continue using your app.

-Remember that whichever option you choose, don’t affect your photo because it’s already

-If you choose the option “View on profile” you will see your profile and the new highlight
How to change the font size of your cell phone

1. Look for the settings icon and tap on it.

2. Then look for the “Display” area and tap on it.

3. Select the option “text and display size”.

4. Then you can select the text size by moving the slider button.

5. After that, you just go to the home screen and see that the font size of you cellphone have
been modified.

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