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My teaching philosophy drives the concept of teaching in many different styles of

learning to ensure the success of each student. It is important students are assessed through all
three domains of learning. The curriculum will be parallel to SHAPE of America Standards and
Grade Level Outcomes for Physical Education K-12. Students should be taught skills and
concepts age appropriate. In the psychomotor domain, students will be assessed on their physical
skills of each given activity as well as apply strategic and tactical analysis to game play. The
affective domain will focus mainly on active participation, team work, communication, and
responsibility. In order to be a successful student, all three domains must be present to convey
the overall understanding of each given task. The goals and expectations for each lesson will be
clearly stated at the beginning of each class and will be practiced throughout the class time.
Having students develop and appreciate physical activity for life is one of my main goals as an
educator. Physical activity has many benefits such as decreasing stress levels, maintaining a
healthy body, improving mood and mental health, and many more. The value of physical activity
will be expressed through events such as field days, afterschool sports programs, and Olympic
In teaching, personality and attitude is what makes someone an excellent teacher. I
believe expressing my outgoing and fun personality while still being firm with my students is
key. In my classroom, students should expect me to be energetic, positive, and helpful. Every
student will be on a different level; as a teacher, it is my duty to provide students with the proper
tools to be successful. I will provide students with demonstrations, visual aids, videos, and will
check for understanding throughout each lesson. Since not all students learn the same, I believe it
is my job to assess the best ways each class learns and adapt accordingly. While one class may
learn better kinesthetically, another class could possibly learn better visually with demonstrations
and visual cue boards; as an educator, it is important to recognize each student's unique
differences. Changing the layout of lessons will keep the students engaged and challenge the
students to adapt. During a given lesson, there will be times where the entire lesson may not be
completed due to the students’ learning. It is important to adapt and modify lessons based on the
individual, such as changing the environment and/or the task. For example, if students are having
difficulty completing long passes in a game play, I could make the dimensions of the field
smaller or stop the game to practice long passes in a drill. In my classroom, students will
experience the majority of the class period on task, all types of feedback including, positive,
corrective, and negative feedback. Even if a student is doing very well, each student should be
given specific feedback on their actions. I also feel as though it is important that I have open
communication with my students and truly listen to the needs and learning styles of my students.
Students will be assessed on their level of learning through many assessment tools that
will be aligned with my class goals and teaching methods. Assessments reinforce the priorities
and physical education both in content and type and give students an idea of their progress of
learning in the class. When students are able to recall and recognize major concepts learned in
the class, I will be able to accurately measure the growth of each student. In each unit, there will
be a pre-and post-test to measure the knowledge and skills developed. Students will be assessed
through all three domains of learning as well as analyzed by peers, self, and by me. Having goal
oriented lessons will provide students with clear expectations for each class and key concepts to
focus on. Formative and summative assessment will be given to students as another tool to report
students' advancement in the class. 
One of my main focuses is to create a learning environment that is welcoming of diverse
communities and to establish a place where working hard and developing relationships is
encouraged. Students will be placed in their least restrictive environment and will all have
different challenges to overcome throughout the school year. Students with disabilities will be
placed in the least restrictive environment where opportunities for inclusion, awareness, and
social interaction are encouraged. Peer interaction with individuals of all different levels of
abilities is a key in everyday life. Students will be given opportunities to learn and appreciate the
differences each individual has with open minds and appreciation. Individuals with
individualized education plans will be monitored and adjusted according to the students'
progress. All students’ ideas will be of importance where no one person will have privilege over
another. Teaching individuals with many different learning styles and abilities will be treated
with the utmost care through adaptations, accommodations, and modifications. To integrate
diverse perspectives on learning, students will be given the opportunity to work with all of their
peers in the class by assigning groups when drills are being performed. If a student is feeling
neglected or upset it is my job to recognize the students’ character change and build relationships
with each student so that they feel comfortable to talk to me about their concerns. I will be an
outlet for the students for any issues or help they may need in the classroom or outside. Tasks
and environments will be changed based off of the needs of each student. Similarly, tasks will
incorporate friendly competition and cooperation shown throughout each unit. In order to ensure
safety, students will be reminded of key safety procedures for each drill and will be expected to
behave in a safe and non-disruptive environment. Physical activity should be seen as beneficial
and not as a punishment; my main goal is to provide students with opportunities to engage in
many different activities to take part in over their lifetime. With my exciting personality, students
in my class will feel a sense of accomplishment through pushing through their own barriers
about themselves and their skills. I want students to push themselves to accomplish things they
never thought possible, and apply that determination and resilience to life outside of class.

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