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Web Development



<form> Tag

<form novalidate //for non validation>

<form target=””03064811860>

<lable> Upload any file </label>


<input type”text” required ?for must to fill >


<input type”” autofocus ?for highlight >

<input type”text” pattern=” [A-Z]+ >

<input type”text” pattern=” [A-za-z]+ >

<input type”text” pattern=” [A-za-z]{range} or {interval}>


<input type””>


Time, File,text, Name,Submit,week,

<select multiple>




<fieldset> <legend> </legend> </fieldset>



Video tag: (height and width is must to type in tag)

<video src=”video path/name” height width controls autoplay=”1” ></video>

Controls: show controls

Autoplay: play video automatically on load page. “1” mean play one time.

Best approach: (for video or audio)

<video height width controls >

<source src=”video path/name”>


Audio tag: <audio src: “audio path.extension/name”></audio>

Embeded from any website video .e.g. youtube:

Iframe tag: <iframe height=”” width=”” src=”url” ></iframe>

For autoplay: <iframe height=”” width=”” src=”url?autoplay=1” ></iframe>


<div> tag is section use for division in webpages.




Know how:

Element and tag.


*Selector is used for all tags on webpage.


Inline css: used in html tag using style tag in it.

Internal css: used in webpage at top. Insert in head tag and use style tag for styling.

External csss: use separate file to style webpage.


Selector{ float: left/right; // used for multiple div in a row

margin-top/right/left/bottom: toppx,rightpx,leftpx,bottompx; }


In html:

<p class=” one or more classname”>



In html: <p id=”idname”>

Attribute of child div for not affecting parent div



JAVA SCRIPT : it is event(button,click,hover,load,unload etc.) based and used in client side.

We can change the functionality of webpage using javascript.

Uses: Animation, Zoom,charts,pop-up, Validation on page etc.

JavaScript framework of JS are as follow:

Jquerry,aungular JS, vue JS, Node JS etc


<script> tag

      document.write(‘this is our class’);
// object.method(‘string’)terminator;
//Another way to write
document['write'](‘This is our first JS class’);
document.write(‘Hello <h1 style=”color: white”> Hello World </h1>’);
/* single quotation in inner and double in outer/ double quotation in inner and
single in outer */
// Object creation
Var obj1={
Cat: ‘meoq’,
Dog: ‘waoo’,
     //array declaration  and intialization
function myfun(){
  var x=5;
  var y=15;

// In camel case just first word letter is small other can be start with
uppercase letter .e.g getElementById

Function my(){
X= getElementById(“p”);
Or Alert(x.innerhtml);
Or Alert(x.tagName);”blue”;
or x.setattribute(“style”,”color:red”);
<p id=”p1”>
I am Paragraph
<button onclick=”myfun()”> Click me </button>

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