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Chapter 1


In our society there are many several churches we belong and we all know that many

people or almost a hundred percent of people practicing their different kind of religion and


According to Britannica church in Christian doctrine is a Christian religious community as a

whole, or a body or organization of Christian believers.

The greek word ekklesia, which came to mean church was originally applied in classical period

to an official assembly of citizens. In the Septuagint or greek translation the old testament, the

term ekklesia is used for the several assembly of the Jewish people especially when gathered for

religious purposes such as learning the law. In the New Testament it is used for the entire body

of believing Christian throughout the world.

However Christianity is the major religion stemming from the life of death of Jesus Nazareth. In

the first century it has become the largest of the world religion and geographically the most

widely difference of all faiths. It has a constituency of more than two billion believers.

According to the researcher point of view churches is many important because church we can

feel the comfortability for ourself attending the church or the religious practicing is a blessing to

us an d it is important because it is the best way how we can enjoy and church can teach us how

we become a better person that we can use to motivate our self in everyday life. And having a

good relationship to god is our greatest strength that we can use to fight the everyday struggle
And we all know that bible is very important to an individual because according by (JINGNIAN

May 7 2018) The Bible says, “Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of

life” (Proverbs 4:23). Because man’s heart is the temple of God, the most significant rule of

practice is to quiet our heart before God in establishing a proper relationship with Him.

Today we live in busy and crowded times. The fast paced life lets us be occupied by a variety

kind of people and things, so that we seldom have time to quiet our heart before God and draw

near to God and contemplate Him. Because our heart is always distant from God, in real life we

live in a hurried status, and we exhaust ourselves dealing with varying people and things each

day, weary both physically and mentally. However, we must have once experienced this: When

we quiet ourselves before God, with His guidance, we are able to see through many things, and

we will yield twice the result with half the effort in doing things. From this, we can see the key to

establishing a proper relation with God is to give our heart to Him. To achieve such effect, we

need to pray to Him actively and often contemplate His love and grace on us. Then we’ll be

touched by His Spirit unconsciously and we can live before God constantly. And the researcher

observed that almost the entire citizen of Malabon Santa Cruz Marinduque is enjoying attending

the religious meeting in church in Malabon Santa Cruz Marinduque and also almost all of the

people in Malabon Santa Cruz Marinduque in even in other barangay are always attending the

mass in ST Joseph the worker parish

In the light of this observation the researcher would like to determine the history of St joseph the

worker parish in Malabon Santa Cruz Marinduque. Specifically the researcher would like to

seek the answer of the following:

Statement of the problem

1. What is the historical background of ST joseph the Worker Parish in Malabon Santa Cruz


2. How people aware about the history of ST joseph the Worker Parish in Malabon santa Cruz


3. What is the strategic plan of st joseph the worker parish to maintain it in terms of :





The researcher assumed that people are not aware to the history of ST Joseph the worker

parish in Malabon Santa Cruz Marinduque.

Delimitation of the study

The data we gatherd from the people of malabon sta cruz marinduque are the

respondents of the research.

The researcher focused on the history of ST Joseph the worker parish in Malabon Sta

Cruz Marinduque.
This research is limited to the ff.

This research is limited only for the people of Malabon Sta Cruz Marinduque

The purpose of this study is to determine the history and awareness of people in Malabon

Sta Cruz Marinduque.

The Result of this study is limited only on the history and awareness of people in Sta Cruz


Significant of the Study

The importance of this study is to determind the history and awearness of the people ST.

Joseph the worker parish in Malabon Sta Cruz Marinduque. This study would be of gred


To the church

The result of this study would serve as guide how to develop and maintain the church of

ST. Joseph the worker parish./

To the Youth

The result of this study will help the youth of Malabon Sta Cruz Marinduque. Set as their

guide regarding the history of ST. Joseph the worker parish.

To the Respondents

This study serves as an oppurtunities to indulge ideas and opinions about st joseph the

worker parish.

To the future researcher

The proposed study is useful to the future researcher as their guide reference and be a

center of their interest.

Definition of key terms

Church -A building use for public Christian worship

History – study of past event particularly in human affairs

Saint- a person acknowledge as holy or virtuous and typically regarded as being in heaven after


Sacred – connected with god (or the gods) or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving

Conceptual framework

History of Saint Joseph The

Selected people in malabon
Worker Parish
santa cruz marinduque

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

A. Local studies
In this interesting study on Chinese churches in the Philippines,Dr jean uayan

comprehensively weaves the story of six protestant Chinese church in the Philippines in

to the local history of their individual settings in this import ants study. Uncovering new

insight and historical information from extensive primary and secondary sources, uayan

presents a rich and previously unacknowledged heritage and support from four American

mission organization during the US occupation from 1898-1946. The seeds sown

amongst Chinese communities across the Philippine resulted indigenous churches that

took different journeys to full independents and now are also bearing fruit in missionary

activity in south Fujian, china. This book is an important contribution toward a global

church history acknowledging the work of the holy spirit establishing and building up the

church of Jesus Christ among the nations.

Since its birth two thousand years ago, Christianity has been in large measure a

religion of diaspora communities. Just as the early disciples found a respective audience

among the god- fearers of the roman Mediterranean and the Jews of Persian

Mesopotamian , today the gospel message has borne an abundant harvest among the

chines scattered across southeast Asia- in the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia -and

elsewhere.thougt the field of diaspora studies has burgeoned in recent decades, the study

of diaspora religion, and especially of religious change among men and women uprooted

from their ancestral homelands, is still in its infancy. Jean uayan’s pioneering book on the

early days of Protestantism among chines Filipino show what diligent researcher and the

careful weighing of evidence can accomplish. Her work sheds light on the spread of

reformation Christianity among chines Buddhists in the catholic Philippines deepening

our understanding of the emergence of what Philip Jenkins has dubbed “the next

Christendom. “it has my highest recommendation.

Fides A. Del Castillo

De La Salle UniversityManila

This paper aims to contribute to discussion on how the catholic religion took

root spread survived, and progressed in the Philippines. It seek to address the

Christianization of the pre-Hispanic Filipino and the subsequent embedded ment of the

church in indigenous also discusses on H. Richard Niebuhr’ typology of the

gospel-culture relationship as discussed by de mesa(2007). From fundamental

congruencies between Filipino traditional religion and catholic Christianity, this paper

asserts that the lack of tension between the traditional religion of the native Filipino and

Catholicism allowed Christianity to take root. Develop, and dominate in the Philippines.

In addition the entrenchment of the church indigenous culture and its expression in

church architecture, religious art, and popular devotion specifically in the church of saint

James the great at paete, Laguna and san Pedro dealcantara church at pakil, Laguna are

discussed this is correlate the important contribution of baroque churches and religious

art in the contribution of baroque churches and religious art in the contribution of baroque

churches and religious art in the contribution of baroque churches and religious art in the

Christianization of the people in the Philippines.

Foreign studies

Published online by Cambridge University Press:03 June 2019

From the middle of the nineteenth century, educational opportunities at the

older English universities were gradually extended beyond the limits of church of

England, first with the abolition of the university test and then with the opening of higher

degrees to nonconformist. Wesleyan Methodists were keen to take advantage of this new

situation, and also to safeguard their young people from non-Methodist influence. A

student organization was established in oxford in 1883 closely link to the city center

chapel and its minister, and this Wesley guild(later the Wesley society, and then the john

Wesley society) formed the heart of Methodist involvement with the university’s

undergraduates for the next century. The article explorer the background to the guild and

its development in the years up to the First World War. Using it as a case study for the

engagement of Methodism with higher education in this period.

Published online by Cambridge University Press: 03 June 2019

This article explore the role parish priest were expected to play in educating the

populace of the Hapsburg empire at the end of the eighteenth century, and especially how

this was manifested in the form and content of their sermons.Emperor Joseph II took a

keen interest in the education of future feast and expected them to be good sheperds

(pastores boni) and educators to their prisonneir. To this end, together with his mother ,

he carried out several reforms in their education (such as changing theology as a new
subject as establishing general seminaries) and even issued a special decree on 4

February 1783, providing detailed instruction for preachers. The article outlines how

future priests were taught to educate their parishonneirs through their sermons conreating

on how thwey followed these instruction in their homiletic practice, which changed the

form and content of sermon radically, It is based on archival material concerning the

education of future priests ( such as court decrees, governmental orders and university

curricula), pastoral theology textbooks used at the prague faculty of theology, and

selected printed sermons.

Local Literature

By: Antonio F.B. de Castro

Five years have passed since the nation held the first centennial celebration of the

declaration of Philippine indefendence from spain in 1898,but this has had the laudable

effect of spawning many books in Philippines history and related fields.The collaborative

work under review is one such book. Consiously aiming to follow the example set by

Studies in phillippnes church history (Gerald Anderson,Ithaca and London: cornel

University Prees,1969) some thirty two years ago, the work signals, first,just how far

Philippine Church history has progressed through the years and second just how far the

discipline still needs togo.It contain twenty two chapters distributed among five

chronollogicallly organized part:Spanish times in the Philippines American interlude war

time again “After World war II” and “Into the 21 st Century’. The chapters, really essays

independently written by twenty two scholar so that each one can stand own , its deal

with various topics touching on the history and life of the church in the Philippines.
Even more ecumenically minded than Studies in the Philippine Church

History.the books chapter deals with aspect of the history of the various churches in the

philippinr both individually and collectively.The work is prepondently a hi story of the

churches in the twentiet century.It is also mor heavenly a history of indibidual and

collective protestant churches. On the whole,the favors a narrative and descripted

approach and relies on already published material much remains to be done by way

research, analysis and interpretation.

Six essays touch on the roman catholic church but, interestingly enough, four of

them explicate themes relative to Spanish colonial times, i.e. Part One of the book: jose

Mario Francisco “creating tagalog Christian discource Body, soul and loob in olivers.

BY:Gerald H. Anderson

The primary purpose of this volume is to provide students of the Philippines

church history with a convienient collection of scholarly studies dealing with various

episodes, movement,events,docments,and personalities of importance during the period

of more than four hundred years of Christianity in the Philippines. It is hoped that these

essays will encourage and assist scholar to carry on further research and writing in this

field so that eventually a major account of the history of cristianity in the island can be

written. Hopefully, also this work may stimulate and contribute to a greater interest and

understanding among Christians in other part of the world concerning the progress and

problems of the chuech in the Philippines.

St. Petersburg:a city of cultural and religious diversity

There are few cities in the world containing so many church buildings af so many

denomination and at such short distance from one another as st peters burg. Just walking

along the first kilometer of the wide boulevard the nevsky prospect we see the dutch

finish sweddish German Armenian orthodox Russian orthodox and roman catholic

churches “the street of religious tolerance “ Not all the churches building are still in use a

churches but their present bears testimony to the cultural religious diversity that was

characteristics of the of St. Petersburg, from the mo ment that it was founded in 1703. By

tsar peter the great at the estuary of the neva river. We owe this diversity to the thousand

of foreigner from different countries of western Europe, brought to Russia in the

beginning of the eighteen century by tsar peter the great to build the new capital of

St.peters burgAnd as was customary in these those days they would only come if they

were allowed religious freedom. In some cases Jewish religious with them but after peter

the great glorious victory on the battle field of Poltava there were also hundred of

sweddish and finnish prisoner of the, Who where responsible for the growth nof the

specially Lutheran element. When in 1710, the contours of st. Petersburg became visible

foreign merchants of diplomants also took up residence in the new city. The presence of

all foreigners with their diverse religious beliefs gave it an international appeal. Push skin

called st.petersburg ,awindow to the west ‘ No other city in Russia has harboured so

many foreign from western Europe as St,Petersburg. No other city in Russia has counted

so many churc communities as the new capital.

The issue that is the subject of this contribution is an extremely broad one. More

elaborate research would require years of work Russian archives. This article intends to

give a short over view of the material in Estonia, and link this to the relevant documents

in Russian archives among the material on tha Lutheran church there are many sources

that touch a upon the history of the orthodox church in Estonia. In fact, this forms a part

of the whole of Estonia’s church history, and not the smallest part. It is sufficient to note

that during the 1840s about thirteen percent of the Lutherans in south Estonia went over

to the Orthodox Church, whereupon one part of them returned to the Lutheran church a

few decades later. However, this issue will not be the subject of this article, and the

emigration of Estonians and Estonian congregation to Russian territory will also be

passed over.
Chapter 3


This chapter represent the discussion of method of research used the research design research

locale respondents of the study, research instrument and time frame

A. Research design

The researcher use qualitative method this will provide the question that exist verbal data .

B. Respondents of the study

Selected people in Malabon Santa Cruz Marinduque are the respondents of this study.

C. Research locale

The researcher locate in lapu lapu Santa Cruz Marinduque and the location of the people where

the researcher conducted his /her study where at Malabon Santa Cruz Marinduque.
D. Research Instrument



By the use of well-organized questionnaire of the researcher it will serve as the guideline or the

researcher interview and to have the good answer of all the question and obtained the needed

information among the respondent

E . Time Frame

Activities Date

Preparation for chapter 1 December -January

Preparation for chapter 2 December -January

Preparation for chapter 3 December -January

Preparation for questionnaire

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