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Deift PAPER OTO 2534
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Wave nteractiofl with a Submerged Open-Bottom


Chicago Bridge & Iron Co.
Subrata K. Chakrabarti and Robert A. Naftzger,


©Copyright 1976
and Petroleum
Offshore Technology Conference on behalf of.the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical,
Metallurgical Society and Society of Petroleum Engineers).
Engineers, Inc. (Society of Mining Engineers, The Chemical Engineers, American Society
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, American lnstitute Institute
of Electrical and Electronics En-
of Civil Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Geophysicists, and Society of Naval Architects
gineers, Marine Technology Society, Society of Exploration
and Marine Engineers. Offshore Technology Conference, Houston,
This paper was prepared for presentation at the Eighth Annual of not more than 300 words. Illustrations
Tax., May 3-6, 1976. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract
contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by
may not be copied. Such use of an abstract should
whom the paper is presented.

Increased offshore activities in
The interaction of sinusoidal waves recent years have led to the placement
with a large open bottom structure near of a variety of structures on or near
the ocean floor is investigated. The. the ocean bottom. These structures are
wave diffraction problem is formulated subject to surface wave forces in both
within the framework of linearized the horizontal and vertical directions
potential. theory and solved numerically
and in many instances must be held by
on a digital computer. The analysis is piling in addition to their own weight.
confirmed by the results of wave tank Frequently, a piled structure is
tests on a hemispherical shell and scoured out at the bottom, leaving its
underwater storage tank models. It is underside exposed to the wave action.
found that both the horizontal and ver- Indeed, for a shell-like structure the
tical forces acting on an open struc- entire 'inside' will be opened to the
ture are lower than those on the corres- wave action. The large Khazzafl oil
ponding sealed structure, the vertical storage tanks (each one half million bbl
force, in particular1 being an order of in capacity), situated 59 miles offshore
magnitude smaller over the practical Dubai, fall into this category, for
range of wave periods. The inside recent diver inspections have revealed
pressure on the structure when slightly sizable openings under these structures.
open correlates very well with the mean Within the framework of linear wave
bottom pressure on the structure when theory this paper examines the effect
sealed, so that the results for the of such openings upon the wave forces
slightly open case can be obtained from experienced by the Khazzan tanks and
the results for the sealed case. similar structures.
Different Green's function formuia
tidns of the potential problem describ
References and illustrations at end ing the wave interaction with a solid
of paper

body, defined by a closed surface, have x,y,z,t) = IrnC4(x,y,z) e -let

} (2)
been presented by John (5), Wehausen and
Laitone (10), and Black (1), and numer-
ical solutions for particular shapes
have been obtained by a number of in- (x,y, z) = ct'. (x,y, z) (x,y, z)
vestigators (2, 4, 6, 9). In this study,
however, we are primarily interested in
the wave forces on a shell, defined by
4,1(x,y,z) -
an open surface. The formulation of cosh(kd) cosh(ky) e
this problem is similar to that for a (4)
solid, except that the solution is con-
tained in a singular integral equation, where 4,j = the incident wave potential,
rather than a regular Fredhoim equation. = the reflected or scattered velocity
The numerical solution of such an equa- potential from the submerged object, a =
tion has been carried out earlier for a the circular wave frequency, k = the
hemispherical shell (8). Here, this so- wave number, d = the water depth, g =
lution is extended to several open bo.t- the gravitational acceleration, t = time
torn structures of practical design, and and x,y,z = the Cartesian coordinates of
the wave forces are compared to those a point in the fluid region. Refer to
for the corresponding sealed structures. Fig. 1 for the coordinate convention.
Wave tank tests conducted on models of Given the conditions satisfied by the
these structures show good agreement incident potential at the boundaries of
with the analysis. the fluid, the reflected potential, 4,r'
should then meet the following boundary
In general, the analysis indicates conditions:
that the pressure inside a slightly open
shell matches closely the mean pressure 1. The normal velocity at the bottom
at the bottom of the corresponding is zero.
sealed body, and this result is borne
out by experimental tests on a slightly
open hemisphere. Consequently, the
pressures and forces on a structure with
= 0 aty=0 (5)

gaps at the bottom can be estimated from

the results for the body when sealed.
The normal velocity of the fluid at
ANALYSIS the free surface is equal to the
velocity of the surface itself. In
Mathematical Formulation the linear theory this condition re-
duces to
The basic flow is assumed to be
oscillatory and to have a large Reynolds
number with respect to the submerged - r(X,Y,z) = 0 at y = d
object, so that in the greater portion (6)
of the flow the viscous effects will be
negligible compared to the inertial where v = k tanh(kd).
effects, and the flow can be regarded
as irrotational. The incident wave is
chosen as the linear wave for which the The normal velocity at the surface
flow is irrotational and incompressible, of the object, S, cancels that due
and the wave height, H, is small com- to the incident potential.
pared to the wave length, L. As a re-
sult, the fluid velocity can be repre-
sented as the gradient of a scalar po- j(x1yz) - (x,y,z) on 5 (7)
tential, , which satisfies Laplace's
Far from the object the reflected
V2(x,y,z,t) = 0 (1) potential satisfies the radiation
condition describing an outward
travelling wave.
within the fluid region and may be re-
solved as follows: urn - 'vrtYiz)) = 0 (8)

where R is the radial distance from the across the shell is given by
The interaction between the wave
and the submerged object is thus posed
as a problem in potential theory which
= pC) -
can be solved by the Green's function
method. The Green's function, G,is in which = -grad(), and p = mass
chosen as a singular potential which density of water.
satisfies the same boundary conditions
as the reflected potential at the free
surface (Eq. 6), the ocean bottom (Eq. 5) Method of Solution
and infinity (Eq. 8). The integral and
series expressions for G are given in The integral representing the
Ref. 10. In the case of a shell the scattered wave (Eq. 9) should be dis-
solution for the reflected potential, is continuous across the shell surface.
given uniquely in terms of a weighted Otherwise, would be identically
integral of the normal derivative of G zero, and would equal j. Since the
over the surface of the shell, S.
singular parts of }s differ in sign
as x, y, and z approach S from opposite
(9) sides, such a discontinuity obtains.

S. The flow field is a simply connect-

ed region and the flow itself is assumed
to be irrotational everywhere. Conse-
in which S denotes the side of S chosen quently, will be single valued and
as positive, n is the outward normal to unique to within an arbitrary constant,
S, and t is the difference in across and will be unique and vanish at the
S. Applying Eq. 7 to the total velocity edge of S.
potential, the following integral equa-
tion for is then obtained: The open-bottom structure, Fig. 1,
,:is considered to be symmetric with re-
spect to the vertical y-axis. The sur-
face of the structure is defined in terms
IS+ of the rectangular Cartesian coordinates
(x,y,z) shown in the figure, and its
edge is marked by the angle, a, measured
-4?r-(x,y,z) x,y,z on S (10)
with respect to the ocean bottom.
The incident progressive wave can
in which the prime denotes that n is a be resolved into two standing waves,
function of x, y, and z (rather than one of which is symmetric with respect
F, r, and ?), and P indicates that to the y-z plane (Fig. 1), while the
the Cauchy principal value of the in- other one is asymmetric. Due to the
tegral is to be taken. symmetry of S fore and aft, the solution
for E thereupon splits into symmetric
The dynamic pressure is given by and asymmetric parts. Because these two
Bernoulli's equation. For a large ob- parts of 1 behave differently near the
ject the velocity squared term is g.en- edge of S as a-'0, it is desirable to
erally small compared to the linear obtain them separately. Thus, t is
term. However, in the case of a shell constructed from separate solutions to
it will not be small near the edges and Eq. 10 corresponding to the symmetric
may contribute significantly to the re- and asymmetric parts of the incident
sultant forces when the wave length is potential, The solution is carried
large compared to the overall size of out numerically, as described in the
the shell. The difference in pressure next section.

Numerical Procedure Both open and closed hemispherical

models have been tested in a large wave
Thecomp1ex quantities L and G in tank. Several test runs were made with
Eq. 10 are written in terms of their different gaps at the bottom, and the
real and imaginary parts as differential pressures, as well as the
horizontal and vertical forces, were
measured. The details of these tests
= 1
+ (12) are described in the previously publish
paper (8). Two practical designs of
G =Q1+iG2 (13) underwater oil storage tanks have been
tested also. One of them was a hemis-
pherical shell attached to a closed cir-
Since the flow is assumed symmetric cular box of square section, while the
with respect to the x-y plane, L4 and other one was a structure similar to the
42 are symmetric about this plane and axi-syinmetric tanks placed offshore
the integrals over S can be written as Dubaj. Both models.were made of 3/32
integrals over one half of S. This inch thick aluminum plate, and their
portion of the surface is divided into geometry and dimensions are shown in
N subsections whose linear dimensions Fig. 3.
are nearly equal (Fig.2). Each subsection
is identified by the coordinates of its In order to measure the net verti-
center and the normal direction and cur- cal loads on the models, the structures
vature at its center. The integrals were supported on load cells. The load
over S are then replaced by summations
cells consisted of flat steel plates
of integrals over these subsections. equipped with strain gages, the bending
The Mean Value Theorem for weighted of the plates serving to measure the
means is applied to the unknown part in load. The calibration of the load cells
each integral, approximating the mean was performed in the dry and checked in
value of the unknown by its value at situ in the wave tank. The models were
the center of the subsection. The re- placed on three load cells equally
sulting weighted integrals for the sub- spaced at 1200. A typical supporting
sections are evaluated, yielding 2N real system for the models is shown in Fig.
algebraic equations for the N mean 4a. The model is attached to an angle
v'alues of jc and tc2 at the center of supported by a bolt resting on the
3ach subsection. These equations may strain-gaged plate. The plate is sup-
be rewritten in the complex matrix ported between two 1/8 inch rods and
Eorm as follows: thus subject to bending from concentrated
loads in the middle.
= -4irV. i,j = l,2,..N (14)
Test Procedure
Ln which Vj is the normal velocity due
:0 the incident wave. The solutions The tests were performed in the
or L and L\q2 are obtained by the Chicago Bridge and Iron Companyts wave
Lnversion of the complex matrix. tank, which is 250 ft. long, 33 ft. wide
and 18 ft. deep. Its adjustable concrete
= -4irRe{[A..] V.} (15) floors can be set to any depth up to 18
feet. The hemispherical storage tank
= -41TIm{IA1F' v} (16)
model was tested in a water depth of
53 1/8 inches. The water depth was
1he dynamic pressure is then given by changed to 57 1/2 inches for the tests
on the Khazzan-type storage tank model.
= Pa{_(1)sint)2).cos(at)} The models were set up on a steel test
slab near the middle of the wave tank.
+ velocity squared terms (17) The vertical gages were preloaded by
rom which the horizontal and vertical distributing 250 lbs. of dead weight in-
omponents of the force are obtained by side the model. Thus, it was ensured
uadrature. that the gages would operate in the
linear range and not slacken.
TAVE TANK TESTS Sinusoidal waves were generated by a
pneumatic type wave generator. The
escription of Models and Instrumenta- height of the free surface was recorded
by a capacitance wave probe placed about

16 feet ahead of the model where the sur- Garrison and Snider (3) demonstrated
face was essentially unaffected by the this result experimentally in measuring
presence of the model. A sonic wave the fOrces on a hemispherical shell sus-
probe was positioned alongside the pended by strain gages slightly above
model to provide information on the the wave tank floor. The pressure in-
phase relationship between the forces side the shell was measured by a single
and waves. The layout of the model in pressure transducer. The vertical force
the wave, tank is shown in Fig. 4b. The. on the sealed body was determined from
models were tied horizontally in several these measurements and good correlation
directions to prevent movement. between the theoretical and experimental.
results was found.
The hemispherical storage tank of
radius a was tested with a uniform gap In an earlier paper (8) it is shown
size of 3/4 inch which is equivalent to that the pressure inside a hemispherical
an angle ct of 1.53 degrees. The depth shell is approximated quite well by two
to radius ratio in this case was d/a = mean pressures at the bottom of the
1.66, and the periods of the sinusoidal corresponding sealed hemisphere. One
waves generated varied from 1.35 sec. to of these mean pressures is the arithmetic
3.00 sec. Thus, the range of the ka mean of the four stagnation point pres-
values was approximately 0.52 to 1.80. sures at the bottom, fore and aft and to
The Khazzan type storage tank model had the sides. The other mean pressure is
a gap of 1/2 inch, corresponding to a the first term of the Fourier series
value of ct = 0.78 degrees, and was as- expansion of the pressure profile at the
signed an equivalent value of d/a = 1.56. bottom:
The wave period ranged from 1.25 sec.. to
3.5 sec., giving a range of ka values
from 0.48 to 2.4. Usually more than one
wave height was run at each period. For = fPo) dO (18)
the purpose of presenting the test re-
sults, the forces at each period have
been normalized with respect to the wave where 0 is the measure of the angle
ight and averaged. around the object and p(0) is the pres-
sure acting at the bottom. Although
DISCUSSION OF RESULTS both mean pressures were found to repre-
sent accurately the inside pressure in
Analytical Results the case of a deeply submerged_hemisphere
The differential pressure at a it is believed that generally p repre-
point on the shell is obtained from Eq. sents the best approximation to this
17. On the assumption that the wave pressure for a slightly open body.
height is small àompared to the size of Halkyard (4) holds to the same opinion
the structure the velocity-squared terms in his discussion of the wave, forces on
in Eq. 17 can be neglected for moderate three dimensional open bOdies.
and large values of ka, a being the mean
radius of the shell. The irrotational To demonstrate the validity of
solution requires that at the edge of these notions the pressures and phase
the shell E = 0 in order that remain angles for a hemisphere are compared
continuous; and thus, to a first approx- in Table 1 for both deep and shallow sub-
imation the differential pressure at the mergence. In the former paper (8), the
edge vanishes. inside pressure was computed from the
differential pressure at the top of the
When the opening between. the edge shell and the (outside) pressure at the
of the shell and the bottom is small, top of the corresponding closed hemis-
the pressure inside the shell will be phere. In this case, the inside pres-
uniform. Consequently, for an axially sure is obtained from the difference in
symmetric shape the horizontal force the vertical forces on the two bodies
will be about the same as that on the divided by the base area and is believed
corresponding sealed body. On the. other to produce a more accurate result due to
hand, the vertical force on the shell the approximations involved in the nu-
will differ from that on the sealed merical analyses. It is seen in Table 1
object by an amount equal to the pressure that the correlation for both d/a>2 and
inside times the area of its base. d/a = l.25 is quite good in the range

.lkal. Above ka = 1, the correlation theoretical pressure in Fig. 7. The

is uncertain due to numerical diffi- theoretical pressures are found from
culties, as the differential pressure the difference in the computed verti-
on the shell and the (outside) pressure cal forces on the sealed and open hem-
on the sealed body approach each other. isphere divided by the base area. The
Thus, any error in the numerical solutior measured pressures are found to be
is magnified many times in their differ- generally higher than the theory, and
ence. Table 1 suggests that the verti- hence the measured vertical forces on
cal force on a slightly raised shell can the seated hemisphere also show some-
be obtained from the results of the what higher values. Nevertheless, the
corresponding sealed body, at least for overall correlation is reasonably good.
ka up to 1. This hypothesis will be
further verified by the experimental At CBI the vertical wave forces on
results in the following section. two models of underwater storage tanks
were measured. The results of these
Experimental Results tests are compared with the theory in
Figs. 8 and 9. A sketch of the model
Hemispheres of various sizes have is: included in each figure. The values
been tested in both open and sealed po- of thedepth-toradius ratio and the
sitions and the results have been re- opening, a are shown in the respective
ported already (8). Reasonably good figures. The solid lines are the theo-
correlation of the test data with the retical forces on the models and the
theory for the wave forces was obtained. open circles represent the measured
It is shown that a substantial reduction forces. The theoretical forces on the
in the vertical force occurs when the corresponding sealed bodies are also
structure is lifted even slightly off shown in the figures as dashed lines, so
the bottom, particularly at the lower ka that the reduction in the uplift due to
values (longer waves relative to the the opening at the bottom can be seen.
structure size). The mean radii chosen for calculating the
nondimensional quantities are the radii
In a test with a hemisphere raised at the bottom. For example, for the
about 1/2 degree off the bottom, local hemispherical model, the radius, a is
dynamic pressures also were measured at taken as 32 inches, while for the
a few points on the shell. The results Khazzan-type tank, a = 36.75 inches.
for d/a = 4.18 and ka = 0.48 are shown The forces represent the maximum values
in Fig. 5. The solid line represents and are normalized with respect to
the maximum theoretical pressure differ- pga2H/2, where p is the mass density. of
ence across the shell while the dashed water, g is the gravitational accelera-
line is the maximum outside pressure tion and H is the incident wave height.
on the corresponding sealed hemisphere. The measured force data .is seen to
The open circles are the maximum values compare well with the analytical re-
of the measured differential pressure. sults in both the cases.
The overall correlation of the test data
with the theory is seen to be good. Note
that the differential pressure is only
1/2 to 1/3 the outside pressure and CONCLUSIONS
vanishes at the bottom edge.
An analysis of the wave interaction
In the tests on a hemispherical with a bottom mounted shell-like struc-
model by Garrison and Snider (3) the ture has been presented. Generally, the
inside pressure and net forces on the results of the anlaysis are in good
model were measured. The data obtained agreement with the experimental data
on the forces for d/a = 3 and a = 10 are collected from wave tank tests on such
presented in Fig. 6. The net vertical structures. it is clearly demonstrated
force on the shell shown in the figure that at long wave periods a substantial
was measured directly. The vertical reduction in the vertical wave force is
force on a closed hemisphere was then achieved by having the structure open at
estimated by adding the inside pressure the bottom. The analysis further shows
t.imes the hemisphere base area to the that, when the opening at the bottom is
measured force. The maximum measured small, the pressure inside is uniform,
inside pressures are compared with the fluctuating only with time, and can be
'OTC-'2 53 4 ----CHAKRABARTI,-

approximated by the mean outside pres- 210, Coastal and Ocean Engineering
sure at the bottom of the corresponding 5iision (Report No. 1l7-COE),
sea1ed'structure, at least for ka values Texas A&M University, Jan., 1970.
up to 1. The vertical force on the open
structure will differ from that on the Halkyard, J.E., "Wave Force on a
sealed tructure by this pressure times Submerged Object," Ph.D. Thesis,
the base area, while the horizontal Department of Ocean Engineering,
forces (to a first approximation) will Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
be the same. Thus,. the forces on a nology, 1971.
slightly open body can be determined
dirctly from those 'on the corresponding John, F.., "On 'the 'Motion of Float-
sealed body. Application of this result ingBodis,.I," Comm. Pure and
to two practical underwater storage tank Applied Math., Vol. 3, 1950, pp.
concepts ha's been made, and the corre- 45-100.
lation with model test data indicates
that the theory can be validly extended Lebreton, J.C., and Cormault, P.,
to other submerged shapes. "Wave Action on Slightly Immersed
Structures, Some Theoretical and
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Experimental Conditions," Proceed-
ings, Symposium Research on Wave
The authors would like to thank the Action, Deift Hydraulics Laboratory,
CBI Papers Committee for tI-eir permission Delft, The Netherlands, July, 1969,
to present this paper (CBT 5338). The 34 pp.
assistance of the members of the CBI
Marine Research group in carrying out Milgram, J.H., and Halkyard, J.E.,
the wave tank tests is gratefully ac- "Wave Forces on Large. Objects in
knowledged. Thanks are also extended. the Sea," Journal of Ship Research,
to Robert Snider for providing a part June, '1971, pp. 115-124.
of the hemispherical test data.
Naftzger, R.A., and' Chakrabarti,
REFERENCES S.K., "Wave Forceson a Submerged
Hemispherical Shell," Proceedings,
Black, J.L., "Wave Forces on Verti- Conference on Civil Engineëiñ in
calAxisylilmetriC Bodies," Journal the Oceans/Ill, University of Dela-
of Fluid Mechanics. (1975), Vol. 67, ware, Newark, Delaware, June, 1975.
Part 2, pp. 369-376.
Sommet, and Vignat, P.H.! "Com-
Garrison, C.J., and Rao, S.V., plex Wave Action on Submerged Bod-
"Interaction of Waves with Sub- ies," Proceedings, Symposium Re-
merged Objects," Journal of the search On WaVe Action, Deift Hy-
Waterways, Harbor and Coastal draulics Laboratory, Deift, The
Engineering Division, ASCE, VOl. Netherlands, July, 1969, 31 pp.
97, No. WW2, Proc. Paper 8111, May,
1971, pp. 259-277. Wehausen, J.V., and Laitone, E.V.,
"Surface Waves," 'Encyclopedia of
Garrison, C.J., and Snider, R.H., Physics, S. Flugge, ed., FlüidDy
"Wa\e Forces on Large Submerged namics III, Vol. 9, Springer-Verlag
Tanks," Sea Grant Publication No. Berlin, West Germany, 1960, pp. 522-
d/a = 1.25 d/a > 2.0

Phase Anqle l'hase Angle

IpivI of p, deg. of p1, deg. IPivII
0.2 1.000 -0. 025 -0. 025 0.2 1.000
.0.4 1.001 -0.352 -0.356 0.4 0.999
0.6 1.003 -1.65 -1.68 0.6 0.996
0.8 1.005 -4.71 -4.86 0.8 0.991
1.0 1.003 -9.98 -10.58 1.0 0.980
1.2 0.981 -17.08 -19.47 1.2 0.952

Fig. 1 - Definition sketch.

- - .' . - - '- -'- "-- -

Fig. 2 - Segmentation of the sheH for the

numerical solution.


Fig. 3 - Test models.

- C?
- _.-___z -- -

3 '2

Fig. 3 - Test models.
- - _z,4c_ .,










igi c
1z'1 IOD
Fig. 4 - Wave tarlk test set-up.


RAISED (a: .51°) 0
SEALED(a :0)
: 0.48

0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 .0.4
P max.
Fig. - Correlation of the measured and theoretical
pressures at the center section of a hemispherical
she I I
RAISED (a:1) 0
SEALED (a:0)

2.0 2.0-

1.0 1.0-

0.5 0.5-

0.2 0.2-
a) a)
0.1 0.1 0

0.05 0.05-

0.02 0.02

0.01 0.01
01 02 0.5 10 2.0 0.1 02 05 1.0 2.0
.ka ka

Fig. Correlation of the measured and

6 -
theoretical pressures at the center section
of a hemispherical shell.
\._ I ./ THEORY EXp
RAISE0(a, - 0
a :I.


EXR/ 0

d1:3 2.


00 Q2

hemisphere when closed.


Fig. 7 - Correlation of the maximum

pressure inside an open hemisphere with the
theoretical mean pressure at the bottom of the
08 10





Q2 0.5 1.0
20 50 10.0

- Correlation of the vertical

wave force amplitudes on a hemis-
pherical storage tank model (d/a1.66)_
measured vs theoretical

RAISED (a:Q.7)- 0
d,,..156 SEALED(a:0)

a '-




x I 0.2




0.1 02 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0

Fig. 9 - Correlation of the vertical

wave force amplitudes on a Khazzan
type storage tank model(d/a1.56)-
measured vs theoretical.

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