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Alva Review-Courier

Epic Charter grads less likely to enroll in college

Mar by Jennifer Palmer
Oklahoma Watch
counseling to prepare for college. otherwise wouldn’t have graduated.
Epic, which is operated by “The vast majority of students
06 Like many teenagers, Maggie
Waldon caught a sort of senioritis
by the school’s founders, Epic
who come to Epic are at least one
grade level behind,” he said.
halfway Youth Services, reported more Percent Meeting College
through a than 28,000 students this year. Readiness Benchmarks
traditional high
2020 school. She
Students complete most of their
studies online with oversight from,
The percent of Epic students
who met all four of ACT’s college
was ready to be and periodic interaction with, an readiness benchmarks – in English,
done. 2NODKRPDWHDFKHU math, reading and science – also
Page With two
years left, she
2QH PHDVXUH RI VWXGHQWV¶ dropped in 2019. Students who
preparedness for college is their meet these benchmarks have a 50%
0008 enrolled in Epic
score on the ACT college readiness
chance of earning a B or higher in
the corresponding college course.
&LW\EDVHG RQOLQH SXEOLF VFKRRO Most regional universities want State data shows Epic’s
Clip that is now one of the largest virtual to see at least a 20 composite score student population in 2018 was
resized schools in the country. RXW RI D SRVVLEOH  2NODKRPD on par with the state’s in terms of
At Epic, Waldon said she easily State University admits students students in poverty (68% eligible
41% raised her grades from Cs and Fs to with minimum of 22 to 24, and IRU IUHH RU UHGXFHGSULFH OXQFK
As and Bs. She said she did so with the average score of University compared with 63% statewide) Maggie Waldon has been working at a child care facility in Norman
little interaction with her teacher, RI 2NODKRPD IUHVKPDQ LV  7KH and in special education (16.5% since graduating from Epic Charter Schools in June. Photo byWhitney
spending long days clicking state average is 18.9. compared with 16.1% statewide). It Bryen, Oklahoma Watch
through the curriculum. “There Epic’s graduating class of 2019 ZDVVLJQL¿FDQWO\PRUHZKLWH 
were days I asked my teacher for scored an average 16.5. That’s a white compared with 49% for all
KHOS %XW PRVWO\ , MXVW ¿JXUHG LW VLJQL¿FDQW GURS IURP D  WKH public school districts.) Epic’s ACT Scores
out,” Waldon said. previous year, when far fewer Across the state, about half
6KH ZDV DEOH WR IDVWWUDFN KHU students took the exam. of graduates from 2015 to 2017 The ACT is the state’s most widely used college readiness exam.
year what would have taken two in all four of the college readiness DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH VWDWH 2൶FH 2019.
a traditional school. She was one benchmarks established by the of Educational Quality and YearEpic Charter Schools Oklahoma
of 2,500 students in Epic’s class of ACT, compared to 15% statewide. Accountability. Just 23% of Epic 2015 55 30,844
2019. Epic says it’s working to students did. 2016 103 32,854
That’s when she discovered improve students’ ACT scores Studies show earning a degree 2017 152 42,405
she wasn’t prepared for college, and college readiness. “Last year, is still the surest path to a secure 2018 182 42,388
VKH VDLG 2Q WKH $&7 H[DP VKH we graduated more than 2,500 ¿QDQFLDO IXWXUH &ROOHJH JUDGXDWHV 2019 1,414 42,234
“failed, majorly.” She has put her kids. While we don’t follow all are more likely to earn at least 6RXUFH 7KH $&7 3UR¿OH 5HSRUW IRU (SLF 2QHRQ2QH &KDUWHU
dream of becoming a kindergarten of them after high school, we do D PLGGOHFODVV VDODU\ DUH OHVV School’s Class of 2019.
teacher on hold. know that many of them have likely to be unemployed and are With the jump, Epic students’ average composite score on the ACT
“I wish Epic actually helped gone on to college, entered the less likely to be living in poverty, GURSSHG VLJQL¿FDQWO\ EHORZ WKH VWDWH DYHUDJH 7KH PD[LPXP $&7
prepare you for a future, because workforce or are now serving in the VWXGLHVE\WKH3HZ5HVHDUFK&HQWHU score is 36.
we all grow up and become adults. military,” said Shelly Hickman, a and others show.
That’s something they didn’t do,” spokeswoman for the school. More than half of all “good
Waldon said. They’ve introduced several jobs” now require a bachelor’s her third child and has no plans for she said. “Epic students’ pace is
,Q D ¿YHPRQWK LQYHVWLJDWLRQ strategies, including providing all degree, according to Georgetown college. not dependent on their peers like
2NODKRPD:DWFKIRXQGWKDWIHZHU calculator, providing teachers a “good job” as one paying at least spokeswoman, said these students’ classroom.”
WKDQ RQH LQ ¿YH  JUDGXDWHV training on ACT prep and reducing $35,000 for younger workers and pacing “are not typical of the The faster pace possible at Epic
college or university last fall. Its can connect students with ACT Graduates who delay provide data on how many students of education and is much more
rate was lower than rates for all resources and study guides. Epic college lower the odds they will graduated early or accelerated, and unlikely in a traditional school,
of the state’s 10 largest school also plans to identify struggling successfully earn a degree. the state Education Department VDLG6WDWH5HS-RKQ:DOGURQZKR
GLVWULFWVDFFRUGLQJWRDQ2NODKRPD students earlier to shore up their Finishing Early does not track it. taught for 20 years at Booker T.
Watch analysis of education data. learning before high school. The pace of some students’ 2NODKRPD UHTXLUHV  FUHGLWV Washington High School in Tulsa.
The data was collected from every “Epic isn’t passive where ACT studies at Epic raises questions for graduation: four English, three “You know what young people
college and university in the state. scores are concerned and we have about how much they’re learning. math, three laboratory science, are like. You give them a shortcut
Epic reported far more high been implementing programs Waldon, the aspiring three history, two world language and they’re going to take it,” he
school graduates than the 10 and supports to help our students kindergarten teacher, left her RUFRPSXWHUVFLHQFHRQH¿QHDUWV said. “Human development is about
districts, but far fewer enrolled in a perform better,” Hickman said. traditional high school after one additional core course and six a lot more than getting answers
state college. She said the school’s average sophomore year. She was making electives. In traditional schools, right.”
Epic, through its public relations LV D൵HFWHG E\ VWXGHQWV ZKR DUH poor to average grades and racking most students take six or seven ,QDIRUSUR¿WVFKRROOLNH(SLF
¿UP 3ULFH /DQJ VDLG WKH VFKRRO¶V already below grade level when up absences. courses at a time. the strategy is to attract more
own data suggests graduates’ WKH\ FRPH WR (SLF 2I WKH  With Epic, she was able to speed Two Epic students described students, and one way of doing so
FROOHJHJRLQJ UDWH LV FORVHU WR WKH students in the 2019 ACT report, WR WKH ¿QLVK OLQH 6KH FRPSOHWHG completing entire high school is providing an easy way to sprint
state average. But it did not provide only 152 had been enrolled in Epic MXQLRU \HDU LQ ¿YH PRQWKV DQG English classes without reading a through high school, he said.
any data to establish that. three years or more, Hickman said. senior year in two months – two of VLQJOHQRYHO2QHRIWKHPDOVRVDLG Epic has stood out in recent years
,Q LQWHUYLHZV ZLWK 2NODKRPD “Their scores are more a WKRVHFODVVHVVKHVDLGVKH¿QLVKHG she did laboratory science courses for its rapid growth in enrollment,
:DWFK (SLF JUDGXDWHV LGHQWL¿HG UHÀHFWLRQRQWKHLUSUHYLRXVVFKRROV in a single day. by watching videos of experiments which is counted for purposes of
several issues that help explain rather than on Epic because … the “I was just going, going, going, and answering questions about VWDWHIXQGLQJLQ2FWREHU,WVWDUWHG
(SLF¶V ORZ FROOHJHJRLQJ UDWH ACT is a cumulative knowledge and didn’t really have time to sit them. in 2011 with 1,712 students and is
Some described an educational assessment,” Hickman said. there and actually look at what I Students were not having expected to reach 30,000 this year.
system that makes it easy to Epic Superintendent Bart was doing,” said Waldon. “When “genuine learning experiences,” Waldron said in his experience,
speed through classes with little %DQ¿HOGVDLGKH¶VSURXGRIWKHZRUN you do that, you’re not really said Trina Menzie, of Norman, who the students who wrapped up high
learning and little or no structured Epic does to graduate students who learning anything.” taught for Epic until 2017, when school early did so by only about
That became evident when she her contract wasn’t renewed. one semester, and then they often
took the ACT; she said she “failed, “You start noticing that they’re took college courses at the same
PDMRUO\´ 1RZ ZRUNLQJ IXOOWLPH completing a huge chunk in like 45 time.
DW D GD\FDUH FHQWHU WKH \HDU minutes of something that should Less Interaction
old plans to attend a community take them three hours to do,” In traditional high schools,
FROOHJH5RVH6WDWH&ROOHJHLQWKH Menzie said of her former students. counselors play a key role in
fall. ³$QG LW¶V EHFDXVH WKH\ MXVW ÀLS steering students into college, says
Several other graduates talked through all the screens of learning &KULVWL 6WXUJHRQ D KLJKVFKRRO
about using Epic as an opportunity material, get to the test, and then counselor who serves on the board
they went on to college or not. get them right at a high enough rate $VVRFLDWLRQ7KH\KHOSVWXGHQWV¿OO
2QH RI (SLF¶V  that they can move forward.” out college applications, identify
valedictorians, Bradon Adams, The issue is especially prevalent scholarships, connect them with
of Edmond, shortened his school DPRQJ KLJKVFKRRO VWXGHQWV VKH internships and encourage them to
career by two full years, taking the said. “I think the parents need to take challenging classes all the way
stage at commencement last June at know: These kids, they’re not ready through senior year.
16 years old. for college,” Menzie said. ³2XUJRDOLVWRZRUNRQHRQRQH
Fantasya Wood, a young mother Hickman, the Epic ZLWK VWXGHQWV WR KHOS WKHP ¿JXUH
in Heavener, says she completed spokeswoman, said the school’s out what their direction is, where
three years of high school in just model allows students to learn they’re headed and what they want,
one school year while caring for more content if they put in the time. so that we’re helping them meet
two toddlers and working at a “Curriculum can be paced for a their needs,” Sturgeon said.
chicken plant. student to be exposed to more than The state maximum is 450
“They were working at trying one year’s worth of learning, either
to get me out of there as soon as to graduate in less than four years
possible,” she said. She’s expecting or as a credit recovery strategy,” See Charter Page 12

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Alva Review-Courier

From Page 8
2020 G
students per counselor for and anxiety after her mother went
Page secondary schools, and the state’s to prison her sophomore year. She
s largest districts employ 40 to 100 planned to drop out and her school
e counselors each. counselor suggested she try Epic
85% v. Epic employed just three ¿UVW
e counselors last year for 21,000 Stacia Flynn attends the
0008 t enrolled students, according to state University of Central Oklahoma
e Education Department data. That and works at a restaurant in
; far exceeds the maximum ratio, but Midwest City. Flynn is a 2019
h charter schools are exempt from the graduate of Epic Charter Schools.
requirement. (Whitney Bryen/Oklahoma Watch)
s Epic instead relies on teachers to Flynn worked two jobs while
h provide college guidance. Epic says ¿QLVKLQJ KLJK VFKRRO 6KH ZRXOG
t its teachers work with students to often disappear from her teacher for
) ensure they have the classes needed months at a time, then cram all her
to graduate; the school also has schoolwork into a few weeks. Her
d a graduation support department teacher, she said, helped speed her
t and contracts with a third party for along by allowing her to complete
y psychological services. several credits in Study Island,
0 Not all students interviewed by a program that is supposed to be
9 Oklahoma Watch said the teachers supplemental.
t spoke to them about college. She graduated with a 3.4 grade
y Carmen Wright, who graduated point average but she, too, struggled
, in 2019 and works full-time at a on the ACT. Her score was 18,
5 bank, said her Epic teacher never UHÀHFWLQJPDMRUJDSVLQNQRZOHGJH
t talked to her about college. She needed for college.
wouldn’t have been interested Epic didn’t prepare her for the
l anyway; her experience working at ACT, she said. But she shoulders
w. DFR൵HHVKRSLQKLJKVFKRROKHOSHG some of that blame, too.
her get a full-time job in customer “I had ACT prep courses I was
service at a bank after graduation. supposed to work through, and I
“College, it wasn’t really didn’t, but that was because I was
e stressed,” she said. “Epic was just a really busy teenager, working
e a bit more laid back.” two or three jobs. It was hard to
t Personal Challenges do something that wasn’t actually
Many students are drawn to Epic required,” she said.
l because they are facing challenges She’s now a student at the
such as trauma, bullying, parenting University of Central Oklahoma,
n or health issues. Some transferred is in her second semester and is
. from districts such as Tulsa and taking all her classes online.
- Oklahoma City public schools, “Most people, when they start
where many students are low- Epic, are already going through
income and face similar issues. something,” she said. “I can see
r One Epic graduate says it’s these how most Epic graduates wouldn’t
s personal challenges preventing continue on afterwards to college.”
i many students from going to
college, not Epic itself.
n Stacia Flynn battled depression

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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